IOCHTL IHEIUS. I lie (■ovt riior'H Tliauks U ix '•roclaniaiion. ILe Thanksgiving proclamation was ISSUE] yesterday by the GOUT rior and is as follow* : NORTH ( '.U:OI.IN \. F EXE TIVK J >J J-.VUT'fKNT. Ood 1, lecogm/.ed ill tiieCuiMitu -110,1 of ° li > Stair. aad >h ou ;,] «. V ei be honored a> the Su I;u:«-i - f tli. Ini\« i in the hearts ( f OKT people. To Him we are indebted for our country aii« 1 her iji-t it t • ti« ns. for ci\il and i eligious Id,, it v. foi o Ui \ it) ] y jigion and its adaptation to man's want and happim tog-tht r with tii numbei ios.-. n.f-rc!. s m 1 bit- >ing> which have crowned our daily live 1. therefore. Alfred M Scales, (bn ei nor of North (Carolina, in view of oili ii pendence and CJod s goodness. *1" hen by appoint Thursday. the -'.♦{ ii fiav ( f November. 18SN. as a day of thanksgiving aud praise, and I ear nestly request the people of the State devoutly to assemble themselves to gether to engage in His worship, to piai-e Jlis } « >, \ f.a.lll♦ and invoke for us t l.e prompt rity of ur institutions and the eontinuation of T fis bless ings; and while iti discharge of these sacrt d dntn s. ;i-t us also contribute of our sul .-tanee to the poor and net iy and the widow and orphan, and espieially would 1 inv-ke the generosity and the prayers of the people for the )rphan Asylum at Oxford, wbere so many orphans are training f>r life. Done at our city of lUleigli. this the 12th day of November, ISSB, and in tilt- one hundred and thirteenth year oi our American independ ence. AM i;i i> AI. Si u.t.s. By the (lovei nor: C. 11. Annfield. ! > rivate S cretary. : Wt" Want Mort* l.ikt* 11. The timber resources of North' Carolina are something wonderful. Northern capital is investing in the timber and timber land* of the State, and daily d»\tl ping what we in our innoctnce have regarded as no account. It will astonish the readers of this paper to know that in an adjoining county parties have investtd ten thousand dollars for a hedge boat built in the wood-, and are expending a hundrtd th usand k)llar* a year in digging a canal t allotd an outlet to deep water ft r the.i" lumber product. Tin -se pai tits have undcitaken to contract a canal t hii t y feet w ide, si\ ft f lee] and seven mil* s long, in oi lev to remler valuable their inv«-«tment in the wild wastes oi one of our Mvamps. Ht IV is pluck and tuergy. and we trust it will not bt altogeth er lost on our people W Imington "Messenger W. \\*. Siiortrnlge. a lawyer, and Kobert Naboi s. a ph% s ciat . .don tevaila. Ala. disputed about some moti« v matt« i and. wit a bow it kni\e>. went n to a. dark rot m t it out. In about tin mir itt friends heaid tht m and bp - pen the door. Short l lge was on the t! > r terribly sla-ln d an 1 «- it, eon' 1 not spt ak and du d in a lew nannt \abol - w-. al-o l ad"; c t cra/t d with pain rush. 1 down •he street and attacked a ntgro. w!o knocki d luin down witu Ms . -t, . ht ad b ing ft act ut td.> t w huh « i i f I lot 1 he v. cd t. at n. f .; i lit glO ought to 1 a\«* i el. ton - The o in crop of the countiy * k -, c«t ds that of any pit \ lOUS \i u MI . lsSt». the aggregate btii.g ca -• ;> ■JOO.tK'O.O' o bitslte!-. 1 '• ibtiiit \ two busht Is pti caj .ta 1! is . a :iVt 11.1 • go'-1 i unit nt thrive*. »vy little h\ t urn U■m '■ * - >n r ' ! '' '' wheat. l»ii> Vour I'i* *« "• SheritV Yount a-ks to i - will be in Hickory ot > at ■ the 24th. to receive tai*-.-. PRESS ANT) ( AUOEINTAN, NOVEMBER 22. rpi~\ Jb 'l'"'' hU ' Vj, a.«..««»''- r virjini. ii! win or,;\i\i\d\)■;\iia-:is •;:»: IHANKSMVINC EVE liA EE VXD E\\"»Ei:T. I. e aoove i> a cut a' t('il• k• • \ f»: * : e: i• •v'1•I 1 r . st* Thi* e'»* gant Hotel l.a> been buid ai 1 f mi * d ", .• |>v : . fEe'.or\ 11 » tel C'.unpany Has I .!h h :ai d >. 1 w •.! r :• .■. :eN.ctn * h*-\U and Mil modern con *♦• i■ i» iie >• I > > ■} ».• ] >i"; - 11 I*' a'c; ij • t throughout, and es»*r\ thing t-is»- .n i-;»-i-j"»ing with tl. -a:u« The cuisine of this hotel w i.. be v > c« /t it• >?. , .!. tt ' - ( th (i. W. MACAVOY. 1* ortnerly of the M>ntve! t Hotel. Mi ! »-t Proi rietor. American \ I orci^n. 1 here are tunnv in i the I nited States, but non so mai sing lis a square. " •:- ■ -t- a; 1 out 'leader in the Stiturday I{ev : » \v about American affairs. Fheie is great ia nie::t over the new President"char acter." We are told that It'eland was defeatetl for "twisting the tail f the British lion. And thtre is an inti mation that if we do not keep a civil tongue we may have trouble, (or i many is in apprehension because of the a M daci*y of Mr. Blaine. In the way of character American Presidents need not fear comparison with the princes. Spain has an in fant with his rattle; Austria a moody, morbid Emperor; Russia a trembling i ( ; (iermany a nervous, impatient young sovereign. American Presi dents have always been men- sane, honest, responsible—the best that could bo found after the general j sifting of the people. l ake the list from .Washington down, and compare them for valoi ami ability with th« same number of European sover eigns. There is more real ehaiaet» r in tins I'roim of ''cut em« n than ii• n t r ■tli tie I'le| > M 11 ■ 1 1 :i- K l)o\- 1 s]ll' •»• .111 \ i s. ;11 ■ I wl' ; i the 1 •l * :i; ( . I:: :11 - e vei'ei^;;. - f! 1 1 ' 'Mil \ ' I'sT' '' I' ?l '' I . I I i ' o, \;i i U' Li I "ti ." 1 Blaine a* the i ew Secre ary of State is inteiesting I r Brthtr Blaitit* were a hundr» 1 times *, lie "apta: 11 !>ol)M ll! he is :t 1 • 1 to bt;. he would 11«. I begin to c«»mj if wih P.isniarck 111 \ .olellCl . t e !;i • . t\. lllsolt !iee :t! 1 autlacity If flei nat y can stand Bismarck we can mmagc to endure Blaine. J or I'l lIH lplf, A distinguished l>eii»ocratn leatler who recently talked with the 1 ri si 'T|J I t regarding the • ect ion tpiotes Mr Clevelantl as sayfng: "I am told tiuit without the ;-s in the last campaign, w A shou.d iri\ " car ri . the c >untiy 1i at n..iy 1 * true but the time had c« :ne wl »-n th- i*- ;• l.t Ween the tWO it t 'e* ha 1 t' • li made and ti.e I •rmocrats m t l :t. I 1 t i egret it It n bettt rto be f. t'o d battling ft 1 an honest pr.h ciph than to win by * cowardly sub II i > •:ii* of v. \ frn • 1- • ty we jht ' have goi.t- beft»r« t•• c ;, \ 11 •• e] ill a Imimst l it i ■ I we IV. ven the peoj '.e. 1 : !i' ■: . \A'e 1.1 tiltd a t "eati'cut, w . It I;.t it issue Wtwt ie detent, i. '.t - tiu* but the principles >i tan" r, "i !n. \v .11 sui t'y witi .n the . i The Prt sident is also i *.• 1 i- -h;. . • 11 It V. ts Wt .! p.t ist-d wit • 'h. vote of N. vv >ik city, but was much d:s:q j. : tit *iwit 1. ti:e .lt in K : com ty 1 • »- T i 1 I j . * I ' » » i \ T 1 4 . I XI . . I * , w . be "-te ' tht i• ! \ ■ I cut' ' a ~vv ■. t e. I - "s "• ishi. ■ v. L.i'.i.■» N. w s llt li) Uic Orplians. i l.aiiksgiving I>a\ is near at Intel "l or a- • fi as you do it unto one of the 1 ,-t >i r t'. ye have done it unto Me. - significant, as touchin" our diitu sto orph.'Ui- the "Eit rl.' ones who, by virtue of their iont'liness and unprott ct d condition elaim .• ■ inpatliy at. 1 our assi>t :inc- The Oxfortl Orphan Asylum has nriw 2to inmates to be cart I ft»r. Dr. B. I'. I)i\on. the Superintendent, state s th it it will require liberal con tributions from the people of the St it' to cat ry t! e-* helpless children through the winter. It therefore behooves us. jn ur Annual Thanks giving, to remember ti.e.-e waifs, ami no generou.s or wo ua:i can. oi v :.i. refuse to r. spond to the appeal •of this she] herd of a f! ck « !' V'vet tots." It is the duty, and we hope nb will render such assista: ;i> be- Ciii.t- their re.-] ecti\e ability Tl E« noir T..pic says : Mr. Th M. \ of Caldwell, the elotju'ent K; d popular young it veland elect. • i;i this, the eighth ( ongre-sional ilistilet. will be a undidati for th j:-s > i i i.f 11' ;.d ' u;: ' 1 louse of 1!' ir» s 1.1 at; vt'S 111 th" i tit \ t (bet ral A --end y Tt>m. has a good \ .e«. won i ti.ake a j_'oon Ktading ( i.'-rk and d»- fct-rvt - cumjiensation tor the goo i wiij i. he has tloi.e t>r Democrat y !: v' !r. Kiik-d '•. ocK Our joy in the * .ection of th courtS J owle a.r 1 1 > • -i >ha i tiwed by reg: • t at t lie « It !'( at of ur . M orehead s tb e.aration 11 it he would v. t" f'-r Cav!:~le f.>r Sj t ak* r nuhr certain contingi nci s anu the suspic ion that he wa>t hi d .r of e\ Cotiglt ,s-tl.a!) lb-id Wile the . 1111 • • sll uit's which kihed "p> i c ck rob in. Et-.tls\li.l W"l' r. 1 .11 A;t >ia ('• lues f: :.. tn iel.» ■« o. its la.sfortu tie in a v. dp » and api »ml -e f f.! the: .n;j>r \ e;u ! t Its I -.s was >lsoo u. .usuiance ' s with nt wt\ p• will , ''•ht i Ie u col. iu. sts and the u' -t, p.,.si m : t .f \. tg 1« it t*i" g' 1, * e .o the \ i i. !• I 11 t /• e lit !. a t hope if , fit ii e J lit »n a fits. s >M t; .. p, el I* V i! t. ite 1 : cle }. , j • •.■ ',i\ st#-' >-s of M i-oj i\ . e ' i \ the l ilt' ' O i". tht -By Ba j. i s( ; (■ ! i s II i . Mot :»y Nov Jn 1 ;« It \ » .».s.chai mas- itc'ny and f-.n u - iimite 1 >t. ;' •! 1 > H Mt.n :»y \ -s. ,v v . 1 .tt i s ■ t i e.'oft s. j', CK s Bid BIV •{ S: • • 1 ~ H 1.1 i.-.-xt M : tay J :gt I A!Vn (» Thiirn.m. Sa l he l>een at iof u iK»n.' !'itic ticket. coul 1 have p Je i tL 'ii-mul* more vote«« than (i*ve■' md 1. The " i I! '!i: T, u t~ x :i 4 t the wron« T * C ' ! 1 ' tL»- tirk-t 1J« idsvi:V Week Iv. /. W \\ i.itel ad. of tl e 0.» t n-1 : ■ I'.:' :. at. .I. Minor* t hut i-«- - i.-i M S f - j ;ij «r. ! ' .:.t :•ii • » : ? f Crt .1 1.; 15 H its * : r,hi r • 1 1 • • \* ,11 i, ; a* . » • I i IK • I » I dll.- ■ •!. ii \ , v be COn>id ( •' • !•* M;i ;i of the I!jtei i* t ahov* a!! «>T! •is Mr- ! 1 ( li«■>11.i11. * ' M ii'liolia. it ft a cup of j>» >TM>: . in r« u«li f h» I - it: it- i »•»v Hi- I!; 11 k .? .' ] ]n I j: j. t t-iil ag«"»ny t\\ lavs ;ift* r\\ ard. The hit ♦ st news i> that tlie 1 >t>m > erat> have carried W est \ lrginia l»v I.'hhi maj>:i ity. insuring th»* election *f a I S. Sen itor Ihe North Carolina conference will convene at Newborn on tin ».">th 11i1. Bishop (iranb» ri \ will preside. F.x President I > avis was unable to attend the Richmond Kxpositisn on account of his feeble health. Kx-Knipre>> \ ictoria. of ieimany. on a \i.Mt to her mother,. ' Victoria of England. Fhere was heavy snow in West Virginia and the Northwest on the 10th. > n fox r caught a nine pound f >x last week. Send to Koy.-t r and Martin f«>r 1 '»y*s clothing. Hickory, N ('. We are readv with the largest line of clothing m \\ .N. C. (>ui j rices have no competition. Our tit> are unsurpassed. Call, or send to -1. L. Anderson A. Co. Morganton and be COIJ vinced. Roaster & Martin have ithe larg e-; stock of ('Vr)c it- ever « T» red in W stern North Carolina. Call and see them I f'»re you buv. •I. L. Anderson »v Co. Morganton N. C. are l mining a large line f goods (M >k lp then." ' i »c:i!-. 1I o 111 ill n. 1 i.• iar_ r -1 stock. th ■ latest stvies t •• ie we-t id* i-, t i ; e b -t f: t s i!.d t lie >w »•-. t prict - at. J. L. AMU ll~> n A Co. t 'iotiners a 1 ui n.-h« i s Morgantfii N. ( I ITS \ I - • ' l Z'.:z: : .... • ... , . • ,•. ; * _ . T ' • . I • I - >■ . . * IT K • ■ V • I 'il , !' « WANTED. -i;« >\ i» ;|jnu Til. WHITE HICKORY TIMBER. UI'TT ( ITS. w ■ • ■ fr.K k- :• .. • ' • i • * v i; ' Js . » . \ 1 11. - EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. t • - *" ' B * s I •- • - » • / • "• ( I > * • \\K • - T. ' . 4 . • • -It * I NOT I CM. Swiff I dV I POWDER Absolutely Pure. 1 •» ;>ow«l« * . .r \ - A ii t: \■ 1 i.f iMini> .s! r« iic ! i 1 « ! -it • i«... Mere '"oiH'iiiH'a. ' • ♦ ■ i«1 nr » ! i!> .«i»d -tii:i*»t t»«- : r mj" ' • •!»«• the mul t»u •! "\> !• - »» v». |»|,t i illll «»r | ! 'M«' it•• I >v. / , . , -• . , 1;«>T Al.l> \K I Nt» i»|- K(t» . W .1.: v t. NV, a-'i 4 SEMIS BROTHERS. M wi FAi ri J>i;!sl:ks i \ % 1> !»J \I.l i.*» IN SOOTS, SHOES * \ h SIIOK riMIIMiS. • mcKo;.y. \ ( w Iv THE BIG M"i >l H"K OF ( * 1 >lllill. Jc'iit's v 7 Furni s li i n g s , Hats, Trunks, & Valises, lor Fall and Winter, is complete in all depart in out s; Satisfaction and tlio lowest prices in Western N. Carolina i»naran teed. Max Marcus, Pro., ?2 1' * : • A - A YC. 5

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