Press and (£afolinian. iVlnmc 19. 11. .1. Ml lltllLL. IP OIIIR Z £ "K 5 . ■s . w \l vertiscmeiits. BAGBY —Dentistry. J C. FBY—Card. A P. HOYLE —Divorce Notice. ( rrv OI HlCKOßY —Election Notice. T e city is full of strangers. V O in Marler is fixing up bis dental ' \}\i Urn [ lie senior editor is improving -Jr,\v]y. Horseback by moonlight is the : now. Twelve inches of snow in Virginia on the 7th. We war en the WHISKY TRAFFIC and \ ON MEN. I'ut in water works. The safety ( •* our city demands it. E\ Governor Jarvis has opened a law oftioe in Greenville. Sniit hfield, N. C. was almost to la y destroyed bv lire this week. Yisiting cards. Engraved, Printed ( ! written. HICKORY P'T'G Co. Invest in Hickory real estate i.iiw. Don't wait till the price in creases. We understand there will be four ra?didates for Mayor. Bring in an other hoss. SOLA DRIVE. —The One Pi ice Cash Store will retail 10 Kegs of Prize Soda at cts per 11». * In twenty four hours this week >.i\ uinah had two fires which cost her nearly a million dollars. Norfolk and Richmond Virginia were very much damaged by cyclone a; I overflow on the Ttli inst. The senior editor says sure rem edy for corns is a three months case ( f sciatica. He speaks from experi ence. •I idge "Walter Clarke fined six in- --OS >"80 each for non-aitend • r this week on tie Shell y Court. : 1.,e Clarke is a fine judge. •fr Robt. P. Wakeman, of Bridge ] it. Conn, subscribed 100 shaies of niont Wagon Co. stock last i ; (Had are we to have 1 it 1 ein investments in the South. Ihe dt structive fire at Smitbfield ' ' ices anew the importance of u .juate protection from fire in all towns. Ihe matter is one "that e citizens of no town can afford to • OCT. t* rritic wind storm rage d In re about I s hours last Saturday, cyclone which struck Samoa the storm which raged over - lginia seemed to have met each ' iher here. Ihe Pinion Detective agency is ' ving to unravel the bank robbery ■I have now a large force in Char tte of their own men. both white d black, and you may hear of live ; times very shortly. lit member this is the lirst v ear of • new charter and some one is «ded at the helm who is acepiaint with the reins of government and >titutional government and also who can comprehend the chart- Choose carefully your candidate. IVof. S. D'Annn, after much solici ' ' ii. w ill teach a class in vocal and ■ *trumental music during the sum r months in Hickory. All desir - to avail themselves of this class • please apply to the local editor this paper. 15-2 m* Water Works. The fire 1 M -1 Sund iv morning sho lid ui iko our tovn ofli ria's thor oughly awake to the fact that Hick or\ is much in need of n oomph te system of watei works. The safety of He town and the tax payers de mand it and should have some safe guard against conflagration. In surance would be le.-s. it would be a great incentive to the increase of our manufacturing interests and people would willingly take more risk and put more money into build ing if we but had the protection from tie ravaging flames which a go d water supply would give. The money which has been spent for toy engines, ducking pools and hook and ladder gocaits. all of which avail nothing, would have helpeel considerably in ,>a\ing for a water f"rce which would be of some bene fit. Hickory Driving I*ark. .Hickory Driving Park Association has just been organized with fifteen members, its objects are theimprove nient of the horse, both in breeding and keeping. The fair grounds have been secured and a meeting will be held the third week in May. Liberal purses will be offered for trotting and running, aggregating , over five hundred dollars. A few approved persons will be received as members of this association. Eor further particulars inquire of Dank of Hickory. The Chicago Times savagely criti cises Amelie Rives' new story, "The J * Witness of the Sun." Perhaps the critic had a bad dinner the day he J read the story. Perhaps he was feeling angry at something then and had to slash at somebody. Perhaps the critic was a woman who was an noyed to think that a young girl had managed to get the ear of the earth in a short time, while the critic had written for years and had attracted no particular attention. There are a thousand peihapses and perhaps all of them are wrong. Anyhow, let the persou *ho wants to enjoy a verv dramatic and very interesting J O : story, read "The Witness c>f the Sun"' and judge for himself. The Governor has appointed J. F. Murrill, senior editor of the PRESS AND CAROLINIAN, a commissioner to attend the Centennial Anniversary of the inauguration of George Wash- o iofcton as President of the United States, to be held in New York City. April 30, 18S9. He believes the ap pointment will aid his recovery from bis long spell of sciatica, and returns thanks to the Governor. We call special attention to the professional card of Dr. G. K. Bagby. I surgeon dentist, formerly of Kin ston, N. C. Mr. Bagby is a dentist of many years of experience and of tine reputation in his profession. He is well known by the senior edit or and we welcome him us O and lecommend him to the citizens for a fair trial. "\\ e have heard of several families who would like to move to Lincoln ton. but there are no vacant houses. —Courier. Double them, brother, double them. We have been putting two or three families iu a house in Hick ory for some years. Royster & Martin have on exhibi tion the greatest variety of Straw- Hats in the market. Call and see them. • Tbtchorv), IHorth Carolina, sburs£>a\>. Spril li, ISSO. PIEDMONT WAGON COMPANY. FI 1.1.V ORGANIZED Willi a I'aid-up Capital of 3877,500. j On last Thursday nigbt tbe stock holders of Piedmont Wagon Co. in council assembled brought to a close tbe final arrangements of the re-or ganization of the coinprny. The following officers were elect ed: J. G. Hall—President. A. A. Shuford—Vice-President. H. C. Dixon—Secretary. H. D. Abernethy—Treasurer. G. H. Geitner—Superintendent. Wrn. Menzies D. W. Shuler H. 0. Latta Directors. J. N. Bohannon j E. B Springs The company has disposed of paid up stock to the amount of $77,500.00 and more spokeu for. It has the best of men to back it. Facilities for meeting the demand for the Piedmont Wagon will be in creased and every prospect is tine. Hickory is solid and so moves on the world. The new company and new I officers have betn inaugurated and I we suppose the places that wanted our wagon works feel as badly left | as we Democrats did when Harrison ; ''got there."' • More I.IJIHT IH Needed. It will be unwise to lose sight of the question of increasing the num ber of street lights in the approach ing election. If voters take no notice of this question before election, it will be too late after election, to grumble if the Aldermen do not increase the number of electric lights. Do you like to go home in the dark? If not vote for Aldermen in favor of more light. Appointment* in Nortli Carolina. w ASHINGTON, April B.—The follow ing postmasters were appointed to day in North Carolina: Jos. G. Harris, at Fort Barnwell: Wm. Koonce, at Blacksville: C. W. Hodge, at Rutherfordton; X. H. Beaman. at Snow Hill; W H. Will iams, at Tillany; W. D. Jones, at Wake Forest. \Y. C. Tompkins, at Ye bster. . Mrs. A. Jones, of Mountain Creek, i had the misfortune to lose her barn and stables by tire one night last week. A valuable horse and a cow were also burned. It is supposed to have been accidental from a passing torch earned by persons going fish j in £- Married. On last Saturday, in the public road near Highland Academy. Mr. Frank Wagner, of Catawba, to Miss Laura Flowers, of Alexander. Cer emony pei formed bv S. E. Killian, ; Esq. We have heard of many forms of ceremony but this is tbe most pecul ! iar. DeHtrurtive Fire in C a I(1 n ( 1 1 County. TAYLORLVILLE, April 9.—A very de structive tire has been raging in Cald well county, near the Alexander line, for two or three days. For Ma> or. We are authorized to announce i Mr. J. G. Halba candidate for re-elec tion to the Mayoralty of Hickory. 1 John Porton of Shelby, a brakes man on the li C's R. R., was knocked off the brake by a bridge and killed. March 31st. Drunk. i y-v • Quite a little excitement was caused in our city on last Sunday morning. The morning was perfect, save a stiff breeze. Between ten ; and- eleven o clock a beautiful house and home belonging to Mr. W. H. \\ ilfong was discovered to be on fire. The house was vacant, the family having started to worship, and no clue to the origin of the fire can be found unless it I>A attributed to a defective flue or a spark from a passing locomotive. Mr. Wilfong is a laboring man and the loss, !>• i ,g about *7lO with S3 75 insurance, is heavy to him. Some little furniture was saved, but no clothing at all. ; Some money, nbout S2O, which was in the house was also lost. Put in water works. Kiny; the lfells. On the morning of April 30, 1 H,so. at U o clock, it has been arranged that the church bells all over the country shall ring to celebrate the event of one bun el red years ago, when the church bells througout thirteen States rang* out to call the people to gether to pray for the success and ; prosperity of the country under Gen. Washington, that day inaugurated President of the I nited States. A call is made from the committee hav ing charge of these arrangements that in every church in the lard ser vice be held to implore a continuance of the favor which has been shown the nation since its birth. Another Victim of Cigarettes. MARTINSBURG, W. Ya.. April 5. Harry Cage, employed in The States man office, has for years been au inveterate cigarette smoker, using as many as fifteen a day. Thursday evening he left the composing room for a moment, and several minutes afterwards was found iu the hall in an unconscious condition. Dr. Bland was summoned, and, after three hours' work with him, restored him to consciousness again. He was unable to walk home. The , doctor attributes the direct cause of | his attack to cigarettes, and says they will kill him if he uses them J again. Tlie Hniitlillelcl Kire. The old town of Smithfield, of Rev olutionary recollections, lies in ruins, i A sweeping conflagration destroyed nearly every building in the town Sunday evening between the hours of two and five o'clock. A minimum estimate places thfc total loss to the town at £loo,oo>. al though it will probably exceed that amount. W. G. Burkhead of N. C. Prohibi tionist should not measure other people's corn in his half bushel. Because he is a failure as a newspa per man it does not follow that there are others who have not made a success of journalism. People gen erally succeed when they deserve it. —Fayetteville Observer. _ Harvey K. Glidden, wholesale liquor dealer of California and grand son of John C. Breckenridge is in trouble in New York foi stabbing a cabman who wanted pay for taking him to his room while too diunk to navigate. English Hats iu the latest spring shapes at Royster »v Martin's Cloth ing and Hat Emporium, * Hickory, N. C The latest shapes in fine silk hats 'at IV>vster A: Martin's. Ittumlrcr 13. pEKSOTHfIIS. Bro Cobb. of Morgantou droj ped 111 UpOH lis Tuesday. Miss Lillie Burgin leaves to-day for Ralftigh where she will spend some time. Mr. E B. Springs, of Charlotte was in the city lust Monday tnd Tuesday looking at our P 1 ace and its manufacturing interests. He ia a stock holder in Fiediuout Wagon ( ompanv. Before seeing the plant Mr. Springs subscribed £.">000 stock and when he Ijad "viewed the land scape o'er" ht> put in another S.~>ooo. He thinks 1 > iedmont or anv other good business in Hickory an excel lent investment. I'roiiiiiieiit l*eople. Miss Mary Anderson has suffi ciently recovered to sail for Europe. Nellie (Irant Sartoris has started back to her home in England n Hon. C. R Bret 'kenridge is sup plying the Governor of Arkansas with funds to prosecute the search of the murderer of Jonh M. Clayton. Henry George and Samuel Smitb. a (rladstonian member of Parlia ment, will engage in a public debate in London some time in May. The French Chamber of Deputies authorized the government to prose cute General Boulanger, and he has left the country. The President has appointed Robt J. Fisher, of Illinois, to succeed Gen K. B. Vance as Assistant Commis sioner of Patents. Ex President Cleveland has a new office. He has been appointed i'nrtr Commissioner in New York. Rev. Dr. Edward Beecher, a broth er of Henry Ward Beecher, fell as he was alighting from a train in New York Wednesday, and a wheel passed over his leg, inflicting a com pound fracture. He is 85 years old. and though he has a wonderfully fine physique, it is feared the accident will prove fatal. Ihe case of Cross and \\ hite u,i contmued in Wake court last week Thev will probably die out of court, ami out of the penitentiary. One issue of the News and Courier last week told of two tramps, drunk. Killed by a train, and another man found dead with a bottle of whiskey by his side. One of cur exchanges says: "We do not know of anybody that has as vet tried to ride into office through J o the Alliance.'' A happy set of Alliancers in that region, we say. The Times-Register. Vol. 1., No. I, comes to us from Marion, N. C. It says it will be sent to subscribers o? the Bugle, and that is the only refer ence to Marion's old paper, which seems to be arroug the things that were. BOSTON, April 4.—ln the rear of 224 Fourth street. South Boston. Catherine Donahoe. aged thirty, was found dead. Her husband Roger Donaboe, was held for further devel opments. He was drunk. We learn that on last Friday night, at Cox's barroom, near this place James Robert Smith drank seven or eight bottles of beer, and died at Robin Matthews* house next day before he reached home .--Leaks ville Gazette.