iVlume 10. II l. Ml It HILL, ip cii m c IR s. : k ~ to Mr. F. L. Cline for some •> /.lie May cherries. - yesterday were fine. The tja . - in excellent condition. J )ress shirts and new Fads •lits mckwear at the White' IV nr. * i JIM !.* ments at Newton, Con ti 1 Rutherford College next l':ti:'y flannel shirts at Royster & w\ White Front Clothing Em *■ J. I ■ -'J i i; \ (M. Murchison will conduct j ti f h i vice at the Baptist church on ]f xt Sal ibat h. Ticket to the races costs you noth-' j The One Price Cash Store. ■n -ad." We want to give you a better pa-' jn and to do so must have what YOU uwe us. The NO)tli Carolina Pharmaceuti- j cal Association meets in Durham on , the -Ist inst. At the last meeting of the Board of Aide!men Mr. Ed Bradford was j cL( -en Chief of Police. Strawberries Lave been abundant : tlii- week and eugar has gone ilo-.Mi-■■with the berries. I'M freshing showers Monday night ai.il Tuesday has surely hushed the (■n!y complaint we have heard from ' the farmers this spring A slight change has been made in • tin C. A. L. R. Ti. schedule. The ! Ivt ;1.1 arrives an hour earlier and I tie jn>-eiiger 30 minutes later. Tie senior editor returns thanks to two of Hickory's "sweet singers" j for the guitar and duet serenade, i ai.>l hopes they will come again. The streets in East Hickory are a shame and should be fixed up. j Tl.nse citizens pay tax and have a claim on the street working crew. | liev. I>. Robert Hall Morrison, father ot Mrs. Stonewall Jackson died ut his home in Lincoln county • eu Monday, the loth inst, aged 1)1 } tikis. j Mr. V. A. Clinard, travelling sales ii;a: for the Piedmont Wagon Co., . : t in an order last week from City for live wagons. | Now > t hat .' ('in thanks are tendered to Mr. ; e.>t> i. Hat tie for a very neat invita to the Chapel Hill Ball, compli i u :ar> to the class of 'BO. on TLurs i} e\ et.ing. June (>th. ' • the Vthemean Society of Ca ••• • • i Coiieyc. of Newton, we are ri;it» iul for a request of our pres-, it tlie commencement exercises Mii to '2',\ rd of May. 1 sire to call special attention 1 "" iford A. Cos new ad. They! '■'» v e a man in the large shoe maim -• -i.g center auvl get shoes at l -ttoui and will sell them that e who live in East Hickory '• • ' i . electric light on the hill u; r the mineral s-ja to show :l ' : (ho way in that part of the; It would benefit the general ' more at ihat place than any ■• ks to Bro. Haydn of the ito Charonicle, for an invita- Driving Club u'lutte, which holds its meet tae 20th of May. Besides es there will also be a band l - i.ameut. 1 Responde Si'l Vous Plait. I Every local paper ought to do its best for its town, but we think that the Topic, in its notice of the late, Recital at Oaremont College, should have said more, or said nothing at j all. j Iwo charming ladier of Lenoir, invited hither by the College, that | our people might see what could be done by pupils of Mrs. Sanborn ! who had been trained by her for a longer time than those now under! her instruction, added much to the! success of the affair, and were fitlv | complimented by il eir kinsman. | But why had he no kindly praise for our eheiished girls, or for those fair ! maidens from distant counties and J other States, whose talents and skill | gave such pleasure to the audience, \ and why was there no appreciation} of the matchless voice and method ' of one who was so easily the "prima 1 i 'hmnu of the occasion, and of ; which the Topic used to boast, not so long ago, as among the chief at- ! tractions of its village ? And, oh esteemed contemporary, : why is it now Mr. W. H. Sanborn? | j Your types gave him a title once: J : did the honored President and the ; gracious lady of our prosperous col- : lege leave behind them both art and j learning when they abandoned Le noir, and have those tones, of which | you were so proud, deserted their : mistress to haunt the corridors of! old Davenport, that you could not recognize them here? Doubtless those lost blessings of i yours, brightened as they took their 1 flights, for that they left darkness I behind them is pitifully plain. The Mineral Spring. i Hickory has the most pleasant and healthy atmosphere and the nicest and most comfortable 'Tun'' in the | whole country for summer visitors. ' It has also a most health-giving ! O O ; mineral spring which needs only a few dollars spent to make it as pleas- | ant and attractive as beneficial. 1 Wont the city authorities give it a better attention' It has been neglected long enough The spring needs cleaning out and the spiing house fixing and white- 1 washing. The grounds around the spring need cleaning oft' and some new benches put thereon. Then there needs to be some way of keeping the gentlemen and la dies of color from monopolizing it. Hickory l>ri\iny; Park. T lie meeting of the Hickory Driv ing Park opened up yesterday in tine style. Horses were entered from Augusta, Charlotte. Boston. Tennes- > see and Burke, making up a pro gram of four well tilled races. The ' ticket is in fine condition and large crowds are enjoying the sport. The program for to-day is well tilled and tine trotting and running is a surety. Everything connected with Hick ory is a success. The 4th Regiment Band is on the ground and are in « r ood condition. All come out to r» day. l'ourlli Ut'uimcut Festival. On next Monday night there will j be given a strawberry festival at the ' mineral spring for the benefit of the right gallant and worthy 4th Regi ment Band of Hickory. Everything' will be in good shape and we hope the citizens will turn out and eat straw berries and other delicacies very lively. "Bee Hive* shirts for »c>et in all sizes at Boyster A: Martin's. Ibtchorv, IHortb Carolina, CbiirsJ>av>, flDav> 16, ISSO. i REV. FATHER J. J. BOVI.I- AR RAK.NKD FOR RAPE. A Serious Cliartfe Ilroujfht Against n ie pastor of tlieCliurcti of tlie Sacred Heart oi Raleigh - A (Jreat Sensation Created. I ■■■■ Ou Suuday the details of the case , were ascertained more accurately. Boyle had been to Goldsboro on Saturday to officiate at the Catholic , church at that place. On the way down it is reported that he was ; drinking heavily on the train and al- Iso on the way back. He returned to this city Saturday on the after noon train from Goldsboro at 4:45 | o'clock. He drove to the parsonage in a j carriage, and on ariiving there he found Miss "\\ hitaker, who had been j practicing on the organ, in the yard picking some flowers with which to decorate the church. There are various reports current as to the excuse Boyle made to in i duce iMiss W hitaker to go to his room. It is rumored that he told j her that he had some llowers in his room, which she could use to deco rate the chancel. A more direct re i port is that he told her that he had a 1 I • i ; letter in his room for her. Esqu're \\ hitaker, the father of Miss Whita ker stated the occurrence about as follows Sunday night: Having got ten her in his room he at once locked the door and asked her if she would not run away and marry him. She ( told him no that she would not, whereupon he laid hold of her and threw her on the bed. She screamed ! out, but there being no one near to hear her, her cries were not heard. It is stated that he held a pistol to her head and told her if she did not keep quiet he would kill her. After he had succeeded in accom plishing his purpose he asked her again if she would marry him and run away aud she told him she would not. He then told her to go in the adjoining room and wash her face and hands and comb her hair ami told her that if s-he ever breathed a word of what had just : happened that he would kill her. She then went immediately home and told her father what had occurr ed. The affair happened about six o'clock in the evening and by seven a warrant for Boyle's arrest had been issued and was in the hands of the officers of the law.—News-Ob-j server. The most conservative and law abiding character of the Raleigh peo ple and the timely action of the May or in putting on an extra police force saved the wretch from lynch ing. Some of our citizens say he was here ! on a big drunk a few 'vears ago. and ' o » n it seems he has not jiiit that habit. His brethren say this is the third case of the kind in the history of their church. It may be only the third "goat in sheep's clothing' that has been caught, but the number of poor girls who have suffered as Miss Whitaker now suffers is unknown Han Away. Two school boys about 12 and 15 years of age. were told the Town Marshall wanted them for shooting birds with sling shots) contrary to law and they concluded to tramp. The\ reached Catawba with only 10 cents, which was spent for stamps and stationery to write home for money and wardrobe. Iu about two hours after their letters reached their parents the prodigals walked back into town, wiser and we hope better boys. It don't pay to walk away. ' Tothe lluslness Menof lllckor>. FI.INT, MICH. May. 2nd *S9. i Pn. PRESS ANI» CAROLINIAN, I DEAR SIR : I wrote you some time ago for a sample copy of your paper, which was received i prom ply. Judging from your local i columns one would think Hickory a very thriving city but'when I looked over yuur advertising columns I 'j failed to find the names of the prop er number of houses and manufacturing establishments to warrant w hat you say in your eol limns. Enclosed find stamp. Please let me know how many business houses you have. How many man ufacturing establishments, etc. I am thinking of coming South to lo cate. Yours Truly, J B. G. Now, business men of Hickory, what have you to sav ■ Are vou standing ~ • o to your town paper? Are you sup porting it and Hickory as you puff Hickory—which it has done without ceasing—and yet jou do not carry your end of the pole by supporting it in what it says by slfowing to the outside world that you are here and that Hickory has business and manufacturing iilter ° terests to be proud of. A paper can't stand alone and do it all. Will you stand square and do your part or will you not ? We have worked hard to give the citizens of Hickory such a paper as they deserve and 1 yet many of the principal business men of tlm town do not advertise a word. The consecjuence is we loose money on every issue. Take a card, if nothing more. You get a profit woith more than the expenditure besides helping to increase the pop ulation of Hickory and thereby lielp ing your business. A paper never has been supported here. Will you not support one properly so that you can have the benefit of illustrat ted trade issues— FßEE? You expect everything pufl'ed: so j advertise aud show that we have grounds for puffing and lend a sup port adequate to the maintenance of a live paper. We will you ? Fourth Regiment Hand. Upon application of the organiza tion and by order of Adjutant Gener al Glenn, the Ilickoy Military Opera Band las been attached to the Fou lth Regiment N. C. S. G., Col. J. T. Anthony commanding, and will hereafter be known as the Fourth Kegiment Band. The Adjutant- Geiu ral's order is a compliment alike to the Regiment and the Hickoryites who will hereafter be a part and parcel of the gallant Fourth.—Ashe viile Citizen. Htruek by Uj£lituiiiK On last Tuesday, about noon, a heavy thunder storm arose. This was the first of the season Theie was very little wiud but a hard rain. The lightning played on the electiic light wires without do ing any damage. During the storm the lightning struck the German Reformed church, tearing out one side of the feteeple; and knocking off some moulding on the inside. The "sling shot has done about enough mischief to demand the attention of the city law-makers As soon as a hou-e is vacated the window gbsr> becomes a target for th* pebble shooters. Mr. Godwin's house near the mineral spring shows the truth of this. i • I - Proin 1 neut People. Jefferson Davis has promised to : attend the centennial anniversary of the adoption by Noith Carolina of the Federal Constitution, in the city of FayetteviJle. Nov. *2lst. but desires that the task of orator cf the day be assign#d some one else iu view of his exceeding old age and many infirmities. Hon. John Nichols of Raleigh did not get the appointment of Public Printer foi which he worked so hard. Mr. Palmer of 111 . a practical prin ter and book binder is the lucky ma.i, Air. John I. Patrick has resigned the place of State Immigration Agent and Mr. Peter M. Wilson lias been elected by the Board of Agri culture to fill the place. Gov. Hugh S. 1 hompson of S. C. has been appointed a member of the Civil Service Commission by Pres ident Harrison. He wa » nominated |by President Cleveland, but the Senate adjourned before continuing thu appointment. Rev. Dr. Charles Phillips, long Professor of Mathematics at Chapel Hill died at the residence of his daughter. Mrs. Yennor. iu Columbia, i S. C., last week, ai>ed 07 years. Gov. Bob Taylor, of Tennessee, says he will retire from politics after his term of office expires. Bill Chandler is ahead in the Sen atorial race in New Hampshire. ; Bill s sore ear has helped him no i little. Sorry. Errata. In the absence of the proof-reader (ye local) last \\ ednesdav, several frightful mistakes got into Dr. Aber nethy's article. He writes: Please correct tlie errors in mv last article. The wor 1 "offering,'' as you have it, should have been ; "affirming." The word "extermina . tion," should have been ''estimation," I "instrictive." was intended to be ! "instinctive.'' Ice Cream Party. Tm little girls of the Methodist Church in this town who have organ ized themselves into a society called "The Little Workers" will give a strawberry and ice cream party for I the bent fit of the Methodist Parson age in Mr. John N. Bohannon s yard near the German Reformed Church, oil Friday evening 17th inst. The public cordially invited. Rev. Bonnei commenced a scries of meetings in the Methodist Church Monday night with a sermon on "Backbiting, which must have ben efited every seeker of true and unde j filed religion who heard it, and it is to be regretted that many more did not hear it. The Presiding Elder is here and the meeting will continue through this and pei haps the next week. A revival of true religion is : needed. Rev. Dr. Ingold has been deliver ing a -cries of lectures, or sermons, ou the histor} of Joseph, which have been very interesting and instruct ive. The last of the series will be delivered in the Reformed Church ne»t Sunday from the la>t chapter ■in Gene-sis. Read the text and go hear the explanation. Free seats and a hearty welcome to all. Thanks to Dr. Abernethv for an invitation to the Rutherford College O Commencement on the 2lst and 2-nd Dr. Aiken. President of Ashc ville Female College, v.ill preach the sermon on Tuesday and Hon. John S. Hender-on will deliver the ad dress on Wednesday, the 22nd. number 20.

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