JStai ■ L >rarv is! Ircss am Coiolmiinv :: •> ( * jiei". p I . ->v v r „ i: 10. C 11 IR C Hi IR 5 . \cl\ertisemeuts. ,]. LSTATF Halliburton A. Bal \ i i'»N \L —Claremont (oolege. V ,\ ton now has eight lawyers. ! >\-h-i & Martin's full stock I. lt-ady. i ! Field Bros, for best home it -hoes. 1 1 Rovster iV Martin's crushed i it nt. 7m- each. * - ecisil club rates to alliances w, tiiig this j>aj >ej\ ! M-rc were 309 alliance men in j•. it the Hickory Fair. I" A W. Collars and Cull's at Ho ;tei A Martin's. Wagner Killian's new brick i ii •• is nearly completed. i ti l l Bros, sell the best sewing in.iru'.ne made in the world. It ! > >ii"t fail to examine Rovster Sc .Martin's boy suits at Si o0 ('all on Wagner A: Iviilian for the 1. -i sewing machine on earth. ! ii *• riik Mf g Co. is running day and night, to keep up with orders. 1h ot her Ashe luis greatly im proved the Observer sts far as news We are glad the Concord people are Lavi n*r such tine weather for n tie ir fair. Staid to the white front clothing emporium, Hickory, N. C., for extra size suits. Where is there a town in the State that can boast a prettier building than our opera house ? Smoking jackets, fancy white vt si-, and full dress suits always on stock at Rovster A: Martin's \ 1 the go" in millinery goo Is aii 1 in ladies hats at Hall Bros. ( i; mi them for your winter hats. Fr\ the old reliable firm of Link, omb A; Co. when you have pro to sell or want to buy goods. I ■ » nicest line of felt hats in the fit) at Link. McComb Co. Be md look at them before buying W !;en passing along Msiin street t fail to look at that beautiful "f glassware and candy sit the ll h, t Store. W will publish sit least part of st of those people who won ms at the Fair next week. It s-»ible to do so tins. I" irnest Workers return their thanks to the '-Ten Times for their kii d and efficient ii.ee at the oyster supper. Hickory Ptg Co. received 11 foi sixtv dollars worth of ■ i k from Cary, N. C.. last week, work and reasonable prices (li\o them a trial oider. iirect special attention to the isement of Halliburton A i. of Durham. They are to *ae verv tine investments m estate on the -2nd inst. ■ - see the latest novelty at : ket Store. A nice case cou g two papers best sewing - * ■*. hat pins, shawl pins—all ' iently arranged and ready ' : -e for fifteen cents. ire greatly indebted to Mr, May, the Pigeon River nur •;m, for a box of the handsom f ~ a i 1 les we have ever seen. They 1 »wn in his nursery and were ■i-ibition at the Fair. Til i; \NM 11, I V ll* It A 1.1,. A Credit to the Projectors and all Concerned. •Ve sue not given, as a lule. to commenting upon the disposition al wa\ s manitest.ee] bv the \oung gen tlemen of this place to exert them selves for the entei tammeiit of visitors within our gates. The suc cess of their efforts hitherto and the reputation acquired among those who hsive enjoyed their suppers, drives, dances etc.. have been a fitting and perhaps a full reward. \et we may be allcwed to state publicly that no one feature of last week's unprecedented celebration was more attractive or delightful than the annual Pair .Ball given on Thursday evening by them and the proprietor of the Inn. It was not, as is usual, advertised; yet lovers of the dance knew it would not be omitted and came from distant cities and in great numbers. We have seen ]>o party where the ladies were more affable and fair or the gentle men more courteous and handsome. \\ e attempt no mention of the elegant costumes or the long list of participants, either of which would over run our already burdened col umns. The crowd was managed with per fect ease and the good order was most gratifying to those who had it o v n in charge. But few places cm boast the social dances of Hickory and few houses the accommodation of the "Inn." Tne gas may flicker but the flying feet never. I.iitcolti Court. Judge Connor is holding Liucoln court this week. His charge to the grand jury was comprehensive and forcible. The docket was small and the cases were for minor offenses, i The case against Massev for miil burning went ofl under ;i decision of the Supreme court (plashing-the in dictment and thus ended a long and vexatious prosecution. A case against a negro man and a woman for unlawfully living together devel oped ttie fact that they Itad gone to S. C. ami been married by a colored preacher to save the tax on marriage imposed by a stupid X C. Legisla ture. We hope the next Legisla ture. will repeal this abominable and anti marriage law. I " I>eutli ol Kev. S*. C. Hinckle. NEWTON. Sept. '27. Rev. I'. C Hinckle, D. P . died Thursday morn ing at Conover, of an illness of ontv a few days. He was a son of Rev. David Hinckle, who founded the branch of the Lutheran church known sis Ilinckleites. by forming the Tennessee synod, in iSls ami was one of its most pvominent .and useful ministers. He ua- about seveiit\-tive years of age. —Globe. At the present Urm of our Supe rior court, Mr. Charles Watson Rice, cf New ton. who acquired considera ble reputation ; n working up the ' Keever.sville cases"a vear or two ago, was licensed as an attorney. He was duly sworn in at Lineolnton on [Monday, aud will commence the practice of his profession in tiiis : count v. Good luck to him ! Claremont College is having the best of patrouage. Twelve new scholars entered last Monday and manv more are expected this week. We direct the attention of all our 1 readers having daughters to edu i cate to the new advertisement of this excellent college. You can find no better place to educate your | daughters. For the best wheat fertilizer farm | ers should go to Field Bros. It llMckcrv, llnorth Carolina, Cburstav, cctoixr3. 1850. TII IICMY FAIR. A SUCCESS. A CROWD. A DISPLAY THAT Kf AS SKVS-R KKKX l.yi A1.M.1) IN A\ I S I'I.RX C A KOI.IN A. The ordinary duties of a reporter's existence are more laborious thsm pleasant, for the reason that they grow iiksome. Asa general tiung they are of that stereotyped nature, of which one so soon tires, and it is very seldom that one of the.-e imps of the quill meets with an a flair that is so gorgeous, grand and gav, that PoO « ' to think of having to tell the people what il really is. at first seems a task that would require the strength of Fleicules, the learning and powers of description of Macau lay, aud the tongues of several people that we might mention. When the first shock is over and the imp ceases to be overawed, then it is si pleasure to bend every energy to si task requir ing more than ordinary exertion. t -i i So it is with us and the* HicUory Fair. Every bedy knows it was a suc cess and we do not care to conceal the fact. It was a sit jcess beyo id our most, sanguine expectations. We said we were going to have a big fair but who exnected such a P * : display, -ueh a crowd and so much fun. We want to convey an idea of what the Hickory Fair was to our j many readers but w» don't wield si pen that can write the words, i Dark and lowering hung tne clouds, as though they v.nailed tc> the ' horizon, all dav Monday, and when . on Tuesday morning a heavy fog en everything like a mantle, we felt gloomy. If it rained all week j the Fair must fail. However before six belis the mantle was torn asun der and bright and clear shone out the sun TTESDAY —FIRST D\Y. The first day, before noon, was taken up in the formal opening »f the Fair. An immense procession . marched from the public square headed by our deservedly popu lar Miiitury Opera Band. And just here let lis remark that we are prouder than ever of our band. The boys played better than ever and and we more strongly than ever claim the pennant The after noon was taken up with s. display of ,-tock. races and other amusements. WEPM SP Av. At 9 o'clock the 4th Reg, Band appeared on parade, alter which csiuie si general display oi stock and we don't think the display . of tine cattle could be excelled in the > whole State. Hon -John S Henderson's address was delayed a little, but when it came tne enthusiasm of the crowd 1 showed how much Catawba loves t her Congressman. The crowd after dinner much exceeded all expecta tioi;s and races and other amuse m« iits were given for their benefit. mriiSPAY. Thursday was the big day, blue ribbon day, alliance da-, the day of si grand display of a great crowd of Catawba's grand and great hearted ) people. At 10 o clock. Maj.Robbin> addressed the crowd. After a pa rade of the band Hon Llias Kerr addressed the ] e pie on the alliance Then came a display of farmers ; in line ami tae awarding of the pre mium of S-o to the alliance having the greatest number of members on i the giounds. Maple Grove alhance came first . a list of the members of which we publish elsewhere. Wo are sorry that we were not furnished with a r ' list of Wesley Chapel alliance, which took second premium. Suow Creek f alliance was also in line N\ith o" 1 i i members. * The remainder of the day was ' ' made enjoyable by an interspersed program of races, tugs-of-war. etc. Tilt CROWD - which by long odds was the largest L ever gathered together in Catawba county was estimated by unbi i ed judges at 16.000 1 his seems a lit tle extravagant but the gate receipts show that there were over 10,000 people in the grounds on Thursday. Burke aud Caldwell won the tug of war—one heat-—and the Catawba end the other. FRIDAY. The crowd was good anil enjoved an interesting program of races, foot races, bicycle races, walking matches, etc. A walking match between Mr. J. G. Hall and Mr. Newton Whitem r resulted in Hall's being badly out walked and Whitener's getting hi- S.j, a natural consequence of a town man trying to outwalk a n a live country farmer. FARMERS' H\nn. This department was specially de serving of commendation. We have never s?een a better display of farm products. It showed clearly how far Catawba "leads in this line. FLORAI. H\r.n. While the floral hall presented a good appearance the proper interest was not taken in it by the ladies of Hickory. This was their depart ment and we are sorry that the dis play did not represent them. Those who took an interest in it, however, deserve much praise, but the trouble was, *o many of our ladies took no interest in the matter. Withal we are glad to say that every one seemed pleased. The big man and fat babv were both here and the show of birds, etc. There was no quarrelling and ev erything passed off most pleasantly aud successfully. All praise be to a town and a county that can hold two such fairs as were held in Catawba this year. I'roiuiiieut People. Mr. J. B. Hussey, once a citizen of Hickory, who has occupied the position of chief of tlm pension di vision of the Third Auditor's office, has been displaced and the vacancy filled by the appointment of The ophims Gaines, of West Virginia. The Hon. Ditniel Dougherty has been nominated by Tammany Hall to !iii the vacancy in .Congress caused by the death of Sun-Set Cox Tiie name of Hon. Saml. F. Phillips i- considerably canvassed in connection with the vacancy on the Supreme Court of the United States. Prof. Mangum has sufficiently re covered in health to resume his col- I lege duties, though he is stdl feeble. Tim Lee has been appointed im 1 migrant inspector sit Wilmington at S5, a day. Tlie Fairs Art »;illtr>. (>ne of the nicest, prettiest smd most beautifully arranged depart ! ments of the Hickory Fair was the art gallery—a new addition. We failed to say any thing about it in the fair article because something ru somebody interrupted us. The gal lery building was built this year and was well filled with pictures of ali descriptions, principally from the brushes and crayons of those who have attended Claremont College. The exhibit attracted, as it de served, great attention, smd won a goodl} number of premiums (it-ii. I». 11. Hill Ilea:!. (i**n. D 11. Hi 1 died in Charlotte on the 2 4th of September, in hi~ OMh year. Another of the great Confederate leaders has crossed the river and rests on the other side. Wh -ther as soldier, e iitor, teacher or Christian citizen. Gen. Hill was a great and good man and his last end w as peace. Tlie Trial of Rev. l-'atlier Hoyle. The trial of the Catholic priest. Rev. Father Boyle, upon the charge of a criminal assault upon Miss Geneva Whitaker began in Wake Seperior Court yesterday. IP 23 H\ s C HI a 1 s. Mr. J. L. Ludwig left for C hicago last Monday. Mi>s Ann Saunders left the -city 'a>t Monday for Chape! Hill. Mr. K V. .lone-, of AshevifJe, spent M-verai days in titf city last week Miss Mary Walker, a ter visiting several days in the city, returned to Charlotte la>t Monday. Mr. Ed. Sufoid left la-1 Monday for the Northern markets to pur chase good■* for 11.e ()ue Price Ca>ll Store. Mrs. S. D Anna. after spending the summer in Hickory. relumed to 1 her home in Lexington, Ky.. last Wednesday. Miss. Emily Wheeler, of Lenoir, is now a resident of this city, having rented the property of Rev., 11. M. 1 >lair on Watauga street. Miss Ada Schenck, who has been visiting Mrs. (). M. Koyster for some time, left the eity last Monday ; to visit friends in Charlotte Tlit; Alliatice Tli;it \\ on. I Herewith we give an official ist of the members of the aiiiance that j took ttie pieminm at the Hickory Fair: Si gmon. N. E.: Si gmon, /. N : Sim mon, W. P.; Simmon, I'. S : Simmon, Simmon, .1 L.: Simmon. -1. lv: Sim mon, J. B.; Simmon. M. L.: Simmon, !M. H.: Simmon, Logan; Simmon, Porton; Simmon, GHO : Sigmon, N. C.; Sigmon, M. I).; Sigmon, W. M.; , Shook, Daniel; Shook, Jacob; Shook, ! Frank: Setzer, J. IX; Setzer, V. F. and Smith, B. lv Cline, M. L; Cline, P. L.; Cline, I>. S.: C ine, .Jason .1 ; ('line Will, and Christopher. A. Travis. Washington. Hefner, T. S.: Holler, J. F.; Hol ler. Eli: Holler, A. S ; Holler, Jonas, Holler. Mark; Holler, Calvin: Hed rick, David: Hedrick. Quint; Hed rick, Elmore; Huffman, Hose; Huff maii, Eno : Huffman, Burt; Huffman, Daniel; Huffman. R. J.; Huffman, W. E; Hunsucker. Nelson: Hunsuck er, T. L.: Herman, Mose: Herman, ,J t-ff: I sane, Levi: Isaac. Henry: Isen hower. D. E : Isenhower. W. M. and Isenhower. 1 >aniel. Abernethv .fas. \\.; Abernethy, Ed and Ab»*rnethy. M. A. Rocket, W. H.: Rocket, O. M.; Rocket. J. W : Rocket, R L : Rock et. A. V.; Roseman. D. I : Roseman, M. I : Roue, J I>.: Reitzel, R. R.; Reitzel. T. S : Reitzel, J. G\; Reitzel. H. J. Moore. John; Moose, D. W.; Moser, G H.; Mathis, .Jonas; Mathis. Will. Yount. G. D. L.: Vomit, Dallas; Yount. 1> I' and Yount. Alonzo. Drum. Peter; Drum, John; Dea', Perry; I>eal. R H. Little. Q L.: Little, Chark-; Lit tle. Levvi>; Lael, H«-niy. Fox, Quint. Pope, H. P : Pope, R. F.: Pope, Q. E.; Pope, W. P.; Pope. Frank; Pope. Jeff; Pope. Gus. Deiiinger W . J.; Deninger, M. D.; Deiiinger. Jonas. Stivault, Homer; St ine, J. M Mathis, Carm; Miller. 1 rank. Rector, Will. Beard. Julius; Brown, Lee; Hefner, J. W. Gilbert. Jacob. Carpenter, Will. W. Hoke, Frederick. Present K*3. A correct list of members of Ma ple Grove Alliance No. -4*»o. W. P. SIGMOX, Sec. You want job printing? Try tie Hickory Printing Co. THnmlvr 40.