-> SEE c cAs*/ * OUR PREMIUM | T.~ J -> Cil'cw * V-.ib'nc 10. p 0 1! Itt Z £ IRS. ..-.RILL, - - EDITOR. x w VdvertiHeinentH. Mn.i.s—Shuford H'd'w' Co. /.R *NK OF PROPERTY—J. B. Eaves. i'Kv —H. A. Murril. I I.AM J; Southern Accident (' >. :I: \L OFFER—PRESS AND CARO .I . PRINTING —Hickory P t'g' Co. 1I;> i.ory is getting there. i j ule with our advertisers. i; >v>ter iV M irtin's full stock is i; ready. ( w goods by the car loud at tier Sc Killians. It. S eeial club rates to alliances i v.,iiitiug this paper. IA: \V. Collars and Cull's at j; iv-ter A: Martin's. Now is the time when the tire I committee should look around. Dr. Ingold will hold services in the I it-formed Church Sunday. Set; Royster iV Martin's crushed hut-I ;tt 7~>c each. * A xtitr north wind has brought about a great demand for coal this week. Don't fail to examine Royster & Martin's boy suits at Si oO * The Grand Division of the Sons of Temperance in N. C. met in Ashe vi!:e to-day. Send to the white front clothing urporium, Hickory, N. C., for extra size suite. * The brick blocks in Hickory are line as you will find anywhere in the State. See Wagner & Killian in their new quarters and look at their large stock of new goods. It. Smoking jackets, fancy white vests and full dress suits always on stock at Royster & Martin's Winter and dangerous weather for tires are coming. \\ by not increase the sufetv of property by having wa ter works. When passing along Main street il n't fail to look at that beautiful line of glassware ami candy at the O ** liacket Store. Mi-s Aston, of Asheville. will be in Hu-koiy on Friday and lecture on temperance at night in the Metho tlist Church. -Mr. W iguer requests all his old n U and customers to call on his tii i in their new quarters and see t. :• new goods. It 1 ie first -killing" fro*t of the sea --v'curretl on Monday night, when lloreas spread his mantle of lleecy u ' throughout this section. • e Knoxville Steam Laundrv i i>ranch office for the reception >'»tls to be laundried at this of r>rin>»' in your laundry Mcn i! timings. i'iis from far and near are com ' * Claremont every week. The ol the new building at the col is framed, and the rest ot the u - uoiii»r on briskly. re is certain class of people ii 'v who would undoubtedly a success of life if they tended r own business with as much nee as they do their neighbors. vt-ral young men of the city i ; -essing an uncontrolable desire >-e the circus left for Charlotte "lay. Some think there are live t 'ires in that city, not belonging the circus that are not withonl attraction. fhxss mil) Carolinian. Nt->v He^ldeuces. Th e new and handsome residence of Mrs. Thurston near the center of town is about completed. Quite an addition to the beauty , of the western part of the city is I the elegant trick residence being erected by Mr. Geitner. The residence being erected by Mr. Jim Martin in the northwest ern part of the city is neat, stylish and comfortable. It will soon be | completed. Mr. 11. E. McComb has greatly improved the appearance of College avenue by building a beautiful resi deuce thereon. It is almost ready for occupants. Mr. J. P>. Beard has completed and furnished his handsome and commodious residence in West liick ory. and the gossips are exercised to know what happy bird will be comfortably housed therein. Head .Hid I'rotit. One day last week Mr. P>. F. Sprinkle, of Yadkin, was in States ville, and on his way home found in the road, between Davis' mill and town, a pocket-book containing SOOO. The pocket-book also contained a Landmark subscription receipt bear ing the name of Mr. C. S. Holland, of Olin, who had passed that way a short time before. Arriving at the ° j mill Mr. Sprinkle took out oue of his horses and put out in pursuit of Mr. i Holland, caught up with Lim and turned the pocket-book and money 1 over. Mr. Holland may well con gratulate himself that his pocket , book fell into the hands of so honest i a man as Mr. Sprinkle, and he may further be thankful the Landmark receipt was in it, insuring its prompt return.-»-Statesville Landmark. This shows that every man should • carry a PAID UP receipt for his news i paper in his pocket. • A little case in the mayor's court Tuesday night has told some very careless parents where their "wander | iug boys were on a certain night r pulling cigarette smoke through a 3 window in the face of a lady. When people turn their young heathens loose on the public, is it not time t for the city authorities to preserve the peace of society by running the 1 ttle animals in when dark comes? J The small boy and his cigarette will . make his mark in this town some ot 1 these nights, if some precautionary 1 steps are not. taken very soon. The Farmers' Exchange is a new 1 candidate for newspaper patronage , in Favetteville. It is published in the interest of the Farnn rs' Alliance, but does not propose to engender bitterness or strife between the far mers and other classes of people, foi it realizes that every class is inter dependent, one upon another, and the interests of society and true prosperity require that all should 1 work together as a harmonious \\ hole. We extend out l-*+. and best wish es for success. The elections in the four new v States seem to have gone Republi can, except in Montana w here Toole, L * Democrat is elected Governor and the Legislature is in doubt. Both u the Dakotas voted prohibition in their constitutions which is comfort \ ing to good citizens everywhere. J Ladies see the latest novelty at the Racket Store. A nice case con taining two papers be-t sewing needles, hat pins, shawl pins—all conveniently arranged and ready for use for rifteen cents. f t See those elegant sewing machines at Wagner A: KiHiaus. It ibichorv, ißortb Carolina, CbursOav?, October 10. ISSO. FATHER BOYLE CONVICTED I BKXTKNCKD TO in; h\m;k;d NOVKMBER 29TH, An Appeal Grunted. The Catholic iest, Father Boyle, who has been on trial, in Raleigh, for his life for the heiuous crime of detaining the good character of a young girl, 17 years old, has been sentenced to receive his just deserts. His sentence was that he should be hanged on the 29th of November. I A new trial, or an appeal, has been granted, but we hope the higher court will sustain the verdict ren , dered. Boyle's coolness and impertinence during the trial and his evident per jury on the witness stand, added to the crime he has committed, makes I;itil a lit subject for the gallows. >». C. Industrie*. : Charlotte—Mint. —The contract for making the improvements to the U. ■rf. mint, lately mentioned, has b:en I i i awarded to Smith & Lawrence, of Wilmington, at 57,G71 53. Concord-- Cotton Factory.— The Concord MTg Co., who are building an additional factory, will put a new engine and boiler in their old facto r- Henderson— Water Works.—The town authorities are negotiating for water works. The mayor can give information. [What is tLe matter with having ! water works here ? ED ] I i New York Wilis. New York has won the champion ship of the National Base Bali League after the most exciting fin ish ever known to the League's Ins- j tory. For the past month, New , York and Bostou have been neck and neck for the lead, and it was not until the final game was played Saturday that the championship was decided. NATIONAL LEAGUE. 'Won Lost Perc't. New York, 83 43 G59 Bostou, 83 45 (548 Chicago, 7> 65 5U7 ) - i If gossips—and every person f knows when they gossip—knew how well they are known and huw they are despised by «11 classes ox eept their own, we think there would ,be less of it. We know some who i think themselves hidden, but they ! had as well wear placards labled, "hypocritical gossips."' v - There were two ccmictions for i manslaughter in Yancey county at . the last tt rm of court, A mere lad ] goes to the penitentiary for |\vo years, and John Murphy for killing 1 John Hughes g»-ts '2O years. Whiskey dangerous, even in the - bottle. One negro fiactured anoth er's skull with a buttle of whiskey last week. The New Yoik and Liverpool cot ton buyers have refused to take cot ton baled iu cottou bagging. i WLen poverty comes in at the cottage door true love goes at it with ungloved hands. Death, taxes and distipj.ointments are the oniy sure things in thi^ r j world. Powell's improved bed springs and Eureka mattresses for sale by s E. «v J. E. HaitLcock. The best bed made. 40-3t In Tlieir New Store. The new and nandsome brick building put up by Mr. Henry Wag ner has just been completed and was last Tuesday occupied by the new firm of Wagner and Ivilliau. The store-room is feet and is fin ished up in our natural pine wood It has a gla>-s front with large show windows and withal is a beautiful building, elegantly finished and is now well stocked with goods, by this enterprising firm. Call on then* i.i their new building and you will get great bargains. New Residents. On last Thursday morning there » n arrived at the residence of Mr. C. C Bost, Mr. Bost, Jr. He is a fine boy and the pride of his family. A beautiful young lady, Miss Field by name, arrived at Mr. T. E. Field's last Wednesday night. These people are new and we hope when they are grown all the gossips will have died, The Monroe Register is a new venture on the sea of newspaperdom in the growing town of Monroe. It doesn't expect to please everybody, but will present its views so as to avoid offense to fair-minded men. even of contrary views. It says : "In politics the Register believes j in and will advocate the principles of Democracy, but reserves the privi lege of criticising and condemning all measures it may consider detriment al to the interests of the people, no j matter from what source they may originate." It is $1.50 a year and we hope for it success and long life. I Big preparations are being made for the Fayetteville Centennial cele bration November 22nd and 23rd. Mr. Jule S. Carr is Chief Marshal and his staff is selected from the most distinguished men of the State. Mr. J, G- Hall has been invited by Mr. Carr to be one of his staff. A Correction. MR. EDITOR: —A few words in cor rection of the notice of the death of Rev. P. G. Henkel. D. D., in last week's paper, reproduced from the Giobe, will not he inappropriate. As to his age, he was sixty-nine years, one month and six days old. His father, the Rev. David Hen kel, was not the founder of the Ten nessee Synod in I>s4B; neither was said synod founded then, but in 1820. Rev. David Henkel was not present at the formation of the Ten nessee Synod; and though during his life time he was an able member and waimh attached to that synod, he was never promoted to any prefer ment among tnem. The appellation "Htnkelites" was a reproachful epi thet cast upou the mem be is of the Tennessee S\nod by their oppo lients, who found the Rev. David Henkel a most formidable antagonist to all error which thev cherished it. their respective s\nods. The term "Hinckleites is not known to us The Rev. P. C. Henkel was, dur icg his lift-, a warm supporter of the doctrines of the gre? t Reformer which he believed to be in accord atice with the teachings of the Bible. His father was an able theologian, whose extraordinary intellectual vig or was inherited by his son. Let this sufiice. a- there will be a further account of the doctor death, etc., by another writer. A. P. WHISENUCNT. Conover. N. C. The largest stock of new goods and the greatest bargains in the city at Wagner k Killians. It. I jYoun^ / ■ « •,' t'ji J| C *•*»¥»:)» ln»M / J » ' ) r . - i EXPIRE •• Tr■ »n- r »(* / V - .!.■»:»> aftfr rour n.imr. Move it uii ■ , |p £V S CIR fITLS. Mr. K. SI nford bus ret i rned from New York. Mr. J. C. Martin spent two days in Charlotte, X. C., this week. Mrs. J. F. .Murrill and Mis. Mattio W ilfong visited friends in Lincoln ton this week. Mrs. Homer Jones and son, Ray mond. of Lexington, X. ('., are visit ing Mrs. D. \V. Shuler. Mr. H. C. Liit(a and family are visiting friends and relatives in J Orange and Durham counties. Miss Jennie \\ ilkie, of Asheville, recently visiting friends here, left Monday for Greenville and Colum j bia. S. C. Mrs. 1 . I>. Alexander removed to Charlotte this week to join her hus band, who has a position with S. W ittkowskv. Miss Annie Bcnnet. of Wadesboro, who has been \isitiug her sister, ; Mrs. Bohannon, for a fortnight, re j turned home Tuesday. Mr. J. N. Bohannon and wife, ac companied by Mrs. J. F. Murrill, will leave the city this week for Washington, D. C., and the North. j Harried. BERRY-JOHNSTON. —At Wilkesboro, on Sunday, Sept. 2'.>th, at the re.si lence of Mr. I). A. H esc, Miss Lu- I la Johnston, formerly of this city, to Mr. Berry. 1 he groom is a druggist of Wilkes boro, at which place tbey will reside. Our best wishes are tendered. BUR K E-CR A WFORD. —A t T liX loiS | ville, on Sept. 28th, by the Rev. Mr. i Nelson, Miss Hat tie, daughter of ; Kev. Mr. Crawford, to Mr. H. B. I Buike, a young attorney of that | place. Minnie L. Brinkley, daughter of 1 Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Brinkiey, died Sunday morning—aged I> years, .'J : months and 3 days. She told her mother that her time had come and she was willing, and prepared to go. "The good die young." McDowell Court. Judge Phillips is holding court in 1 i Marion this week. His charge to the grand jury was lengthy, pointed and forcible. For certain locil rea sons he dwelt upon the crime of 3 compounding felonies, and it would be no surprise if some present m ints j on that ine were made. There were To cases on the State docket and a number ot others bound over j to the term. i ;d. Sliuforc! !•".xpoHtul;»les. i j X KW YORK. )ct. I>S'J. I>KAR I 'i:»>- ,v CAKOI.INI.VN :—Now is the time to buy goods cheaply—late in the sea>»n—and X w York is the place. lam 1> jymg very heavy. In ' order to m tk- (jut **tore more popu t lar than ever \wth th >se wanting "oo «tt c.t-e fit -ii profits, we will offer some h-a lets m dress flannels and silk-warp Henriettas. Kach morning we will put out some le nier for tLat day. Jor in-tince,' dress e gingoams, 7j; indigo blue. I hese special bargains are offered to you with the idea of attracting your at tention to our assortment in every " department, which by la-t of week • wi 1 be full to overflowing, hoping the loss we sustain en tLe.-e bargains will repay us by the extra tr#de wo «ret during the lie sure and fci * call for our special bargains. \ou n can be your own judge. »n shoes, of course, we can't be matched. Wo have been ab,e to job tLem all over the Carolina*. Our aim is to give you more f»r your money than any one else, and our cash system on 8 »mali expenses is just \\kat does it. »' Respectfully, 11. L. SHIFORD, One Pi ice Cash Store. i •f" * • • t . it ll lltlliW V I T1 •