' SEE 1, OUR PREMIUM | >Offer. 10. p O 1111-1 C £ IRS . ;A. IV'URRILL, - - EDITOR. \N AlL vertiseinents. TWLOR —F. A. Jamea. LAND SALE—J. C. Dietz. SIIINGLESAND LUMBER — J. F. Moore. FI HMTUKE •& PIANOS—E M. An drews. Wood subscribers will please I haul in. Mr. T. L. Gibson has taken charge the New Charter House. See Royster &. Martin's new stock of . W "J .71> overcoats. * ( I har!otte is doing her best and is 1 ( if tined to be the City of North ! ( ai olina. When you want any tailoring j done you must not forget Mr. James. St »• his ad. The V. W. C. T. U. will meet at Mis. J. F. Murrill's Friday at 3 o'clock p. in. Toy tool set goes free with every 1 if»v suit at. Royster Mai tin's. Hickory. N. C. * : Don't forget those pocketmirrors witii every dollar purchase at Roy st» r iV Martin's. Toy tool set and boy suit for SL.OO at the White Front. Clothing Empo rium, Hickory, N. C. * ! ocket-mirror given away with ev erv dollar purchase at the White Front, Hickory, N. C. Don't fail to see Royster & Mar tin's show window of underwear— the cheapest in the market. Hi, J t wild gt ♦so passed over the citv yesterday morning going South. Look out for cold weather. Mr. IT. Tv. Moore has accepted a situation with the Gale Harrow Co., and is now in Concord selling their machines. A letter from a subscriber in Texas savs the crops there are vers line. Corn is selling at ten cents } • r bushel. Mrs. A. L. Shuford lost one of her tint s' jersey cows yesterday morn ing. She is said to have been the linest jersey in the county. It you want lumbei, laths or anything in this line see .1. 1\ Mot re's advertisement. He will give you bargains that you can obtain nowhere else. Try him. T.ie editor's wood yard is clear ai: 1 waiting for those who pav wood D 1 * th« ir paper. He wants you to 1 til now while the roads are hard a' \ oig loads can be easily moved. Vil who desire copies of The \\ et i!y Globe containing the ser n.i -of Rev. Sam Jones are request - ri to sentl in their orders as early a> | >sible. Price live cents each, > Il ft vc nts for t w five. 1 iom the amount of cash taken in r t'ne One Price ('ash Store in three a-t week, there seems to be : ni\ ot money in the country, ii'. shuford tells us his cash sales 'i.ite da\s amounted to six limi ne i ami seventy six dollars. 1 !ii re will be communion service Holy Trinity Ev. Lutheran l i.i eh oil LT xt Sunday, Nov. old. l':« i aratorv seivice Saturday night. A f ill attendance of the member it the preparatory serwees is r i lastly requested by the pastor. Ihe drunkenness and staggering .1 cursing about the streets o* S; itisville during the Federal Court i i>t week was disgraceful. It the •Statesville police torce is inadt opiate t tie capability, the citv should the t. S. for a regiment to aid its drunken violators of the • ; - and decency. Press tttift Carolinian. Jenkiiis-joiieH Vendetta. On last Friday the old warfare be tween the .Jones and Jenkins crowd was renewed. Lewis Jenkins was riding along when one John Jones met and opened fire on him. Jenkins es caped unhurt but Lis Lorse was ! killed. On Sunday John Jones accompa nied by Columbus Jones went to Lewis Jenkins' house for the pur pose of cleaning out tae ranch. Lewis shut himself up in his house and stuck his shot gun through a ciark and emptied its contents into the back of Columbus Jones. The Joneses at lasi reports were still on the hunt, swearing they would have blood before they gave up the chase. This warfare has been going on for some time and both factious have been gmltv of enough mischief h n to deserve to spend the rest of their lives in the penitentiary. Your Attention. Is especially directed to the ad vertisement of E M. Andrews, the furniture dealer, of Charlotte, X. C. Mr. Andrews has been in busi- Ucsst about nine years and has a State reputation for doing just what he says. He carries the largest stock of furniture in the State and his terms are the easiest. He al so does a large business in handling pianos and organs of all makes and his prices are lower than \ou can buy an instrument at the factory, if yon need any furniture or an or gan or piano see his advertisement atid write him for particulars. Don't send your money North but try E. M. Andrews. Judge ijick loin \he Giand Jury in. Statesville last week that the I*. S. Court was the best for the protection of life and liberty of any on the earth, and there are some cases that make it look so. Recent ly two Arizona Indians were convict ed of crimes in the L . S. Court and sentenced to a term of imprison ment. Their lawyers contended against the jurisdiction of the Court, and succeeded in having the case tried in the Tel ritorial Court, w here the Indians were convicted and sen tenced to be hanged. Now they say they like the I nitt d States way the best and want to scalp those law yll s. \ Tlie Cronin J u r> . The Cronin jury was completed la.st week. Seven weeks have been spent making it up. There were 1091 jurors summoned of whom i' 27 were excused by counsel "lor cause." There were 17 ") peremptory challenges, of which the defense used O 7 97. When the last juror was ac cepted the cb feuse had only three challenges It 11. and the State had r» 22. If it takes as iug, in propor tion, to try the case as it has to get a jury we will not heir of the ver dict until sometime next year. A Scarcity ot Coal. From the Citizen we leain that the citizens of -Yshcviiieare greatly inconvenienced on acconunt ot the ' r reat scarcity of coal. The case i> O » tile same here. Coal is not to be had for love or money ami our coal dealers say the blame rests on the railroad. The min.-rs cannot get cars for the puipose of shipping coal. We have had some very lios tv weather and have had to iintiiiz-* good> boxes or anything to be had. To County Commissioners. Doctors difttr and so do lawve.s. but we dont see how theie can be two opinions on Section oil*. L. ♦>. 1 about hiring out one ' who may l>e committed to j id for lulilile to enter into bond for keep.r.g the pt ace or for good behavioi' unless it has been repealed or ai rogated by tLe Supreme Court. Let ah boaids ot Commissioners look into this and govern themselves accordingly. Tbichcrv, Worth Carolina, CbursOav, October 31. tSSO. TIE FAMOUS FOURTH TAKES CHARLOITE BY STORM. THE HICKORY MILITARY OPERA BAND, OF THE 4TH REGIMENT. i Attend* the liatallion Inspection; Is ers Itself witli >lor> and Honor ary Distinction. The inconvenience one experiences in traveling is often counterbalanced by the amusement one derives fiom the study of interesting specimens of humanity and in listening to those specimens discourse upon some transpiring event. "Yes, a big pow-wow is going on in Charlotte to-day, and they are having a big time. It is the inspec tion of the 4th Regiment and it is worth 25c to see the Drum Major of that baud. "What band is it ?" "The Hickory Band, and"' "Is Hickory a large town ?" '•No. It is a small town but they have got a h—l of a big band there. They are just cjvered with brass buttons and wear helmets with horse* tails stuck in the top. You just ought to see that Drum Major. I tell you he's a bird. He is covered all over with gold strings and weais a hat as big as a half bushel with about ti:ree feet of ostrich feathers in the top, and it would make your head swim to see him throw that stick. That is the finest band I ever saw."' The abo. e conversation was over heard on the C. C. train from Char lotte last week. Of course the spice of the narrative is lost —because expression and in tonaticn cannot be represented on paper. It, however, shows what an imprsssion the H. M. (). B. makes wherever it goes, and it tickeled the vanity of the special reporter of the PRESS AND CAROLINIAN to hear such compliments for the band which is the pride of Hickory. When the boys got oft* the train and marched up town they carried everything with them. They were entertained in royal style by the Hornets and thown i very eouitesy by tne cuizens of Charlotte. At 4 o'clock p. m. the regiment matched to the base ball park, where the inspection came oft*. There again the bo.\s won t .e day and the hearts of those in command of the battalion. Upon the recommenda tions of Maj Gen. Cameron and Col. Anthony, the H. M. (). 13. enlisted in the State Guards and is now a per mauent feature of that body, and the regular band of the 4th Regiment. By t Lis step the band secures an appropriation from the State and in addition they will be furnished new uniforms by the State. 1 his is the tirst band that has en list* d since the war. It is a high honor but is well deseived by the band which is universany admitted to be tlie best band m the State. On Friday night the banl serenaded the Lord Mavor. ot n iriotte, who received and toasted them as we.i became one in ins position, 1 L Mayor of Hickory wa- in the ung and m his t!uent style contested iL*- right to compliment with I lis Honor, the M tyor of Cbar.otte. After this the boys were received an i honored by the Hornets at the • C entra. Hotel and ail tLe memv-ers of ttie band declare the trip tn most enjoyable oue of their experi ence. Bov-, you well leserve it all and we are proud to own \ou. Alliance Meeting*. » Dr. D. Reed Parker, Lecturer for the 7th Congressional District, will address the Alliance and public, of Catawba County, as follows. Newton, Monday, Nov. 18th. Plateau, Tuesday, Nov. 19th. Hickory, Wednesday, Nov. 20th. Deals School House, Thursday, ' Nov. '2lst. Catawba. Friday, No\. 22nd. Mt. Creek, Rehobeth, Saturday, Nov 23rd. Speaking, at each place, to com mence at 11 o'clock, a. in., at which time the public in general, ladies and all, are respectfully invited to attend, and it is expected that every member of the Alliance in the differ ent sections will be present. Col. Long, State Lecturer, is also expected to be present. So come one and all, to their meeting, and let us have a good time. By order of the Ex Committee, H. A. FORNEY, County Lecturer. An ICditor With ;i Horn. If the editor of The Monroe Reg ister and i'is Horn will cool oft*and read again what the PRESS AND CARO LINIAN said about Perry's card they will find it made no charge at all against the Horn, whose denial and explanation is nearly as damaging as Perry's card. The Register is informed that the PRESS AND CAROLINIAN has busiuess wherever there is corruption and wickedness in high places; that J. A. Perry can prove as good a character in this country as Horn can in his. and that no warrants have been issued against the Burke lynchers, and that is the reason "why these men have never been arrested." Thar now ! A Mistake. In the recapitulation of our new advertisements last week appeared the follow ing : "BANK OF HICKORY. — To rent." meaning that the Bank of Hickory had something to rent. We understand that about a hundred people, whose stupidity must be phenomenal, have enquired at tin bank for information concerning the renting of the Back of Hick' ry. No, gentlemen, the Bank of Hickory is net for rent or sule either. Prob ably we should have been more ex plicit and we want to correct the mistake. The trouble that one line has caused shows clearly, however, what bene.its oue gets fiom a aver using m the PRESS AND CAROLINIAN. is It von? A large number of subscriptions to this papt-r will expire Nov 14th, which is two }ears from tLeconsoli dation of the two papers. Many owe for the two years and il they do not settle by that time their names wiil be dropped from our list and their account sent out or collec tion. We are waiting very petientiy to write receipts for some delin quent subscribers that might be mentioned. This is the last year that some of tLehi are going to dead beat Us out of the paper. Otoituary. Died, at hi- home in Kingsville, Kv .on September i-1, James A. M ooi e. Mr. Mo re v-a.- a biotr to Mts-is Lewis an i Frank Mo r - f this place. He came to North aro .l i,a about fourteen months ago and .while on i:i> hoinewaid tiir. was attacked '•> disease and ne\ei recov ered his health. He was H promi nent mm and a goo 1 citizen of the town in which he lived aud his death is mourned by many citizens, a loving wife and three children. 'youh, \ > J . Eipln - 9 th r !'•' •" ~' iiiiiuf. Move >t up \' h \ IP a: V. 5 CIR fl 15 . Mr. John Martin speut Sunday in Charlotte. Mr. John McD. Michal was in the city Monday. Mr. Ci E. Royster left the city Monday for Richmond. Mrs. L. M. Hunt returned Satur day from Columbus, Ohio. Miss. Wheeler, of Washington, IX C., is visiting her sisters in the city. Mr. John Bohannon left last Mon day on a long Western business trip. ! Miss Liliie Jones, who has been visiting Mrs. J. Ci. Hall, left the city for Stateville last Monday. Senator Yoorhees passed down t!io road Monday. He has been visiting - Senator \ancein A>heville. Mrs. M. W. Ransom, with her son and daughter, were registered at the New Charter House last Tuesday. Miss Fannie Hardin, of Wilming o ton, returned home la-t Tuesday morning after spending several weeks iu the city. j - Conovcr Items. We are glad to "see that business is increasing. ! The W. N C. R. R. is putting in a longer switch here. It will hold a hundred cars. They also offer an acre lot to Conover if the citizens will put up fv large hotel on it. The ! \Y. X. 0. R. R. Co. says if Conover does not put it up, they will. They are going to put up a car shed and a telegraph ollice and make Conover ( their regular stopping point be i tween Asheville and Salisbury. 1 That will help Conover out consid erably. Mr. Jerome Bolick is going to put up a large buggy m'fg shop 1 here. We were surprised to se«i our friend, Mr. \V. S. Little, back from California, who ha-» come to visit i his relatives in North Carolina, es pecially in Catawba county. Ho ; likes California very well. He | raised ">..">00 bushels of wheat this year, and last year he raised G,500, and he considers himself a small wheat raiser. He will return to California in three or four weeks. Mr. Sacket, who has recently moved into our town from Delaware, likes it here. ( oncordia College is in a progres sive condition no#. There are about one hundred and ten pupils em oiled. We are j. least 1 with our new Prof. J. (f. Schaid. Prof. J. P. Miller is going to teach our public school this u niter. The Eurtthrean literary ciety received it- chairs a few w«-eks ago and is we i \ !ea-ed with them. Mrs. C H. Bernheim has gone to vi-it her daughter in Lexington. N. E. A. Smith and P. E Hunsucker have gone t-> S. ( to teach school. Ihere will be a special entertain ment given by both societies in N member. Even l>ody invited. Mr John Lippard and wife were vi-itiij r r>-. tMve- m (' >nover last n week. Prof. H. M. Smith, >f Conover, is now in Denver teaching. Mr A. L. Bo!:ek. a former theo logical student of ( oncordit Col lege, will preach »t St. Timothy the 3id Sunday. S. CISCDWATI, (>"t. 'i'y The Hon. A inu (i Thurman did not complete hi- -pt-c-rh at Mcsic Hi!! last night, nut w compelled, on account of strength. to st p Suddenly, putt ing his hands to hi* *ides, he said : "I would iike to have -tated more , to you. but lam unuble to do it: I am getting sicu.' IRumlvr 44.

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