/• iSEE 1 V | OUR PREMIUM | ' Offer. ||f l lume 19. 0 IIIR C£lß S . H. RILL, - - EDITOR. Advertisemeiits. ] SALE. —W. G. Bogle. I. M. SALE. —Cline & Murrill. I/.TRE OF PROPERTY. —\V. O. lr "Wood subscribers will please haul m. "W arner & Killian can beat the w lon shoes. S«-e 1 'oyster & Martin's new stock of 'l ."">() overcoats. * . lli:iiin some fat turkeys for T misgiving dinner. Dr. rncrold will hold services in ti > Reformed Church Sunday. T y tool set goes free with every 1-■ iv- suit at Iloyster & Martin's, Hi'-kory. X. C. ' * We hear that marriage bells will ii;:- light merrily on Thanksgiving ] >;i s . i v tool set and boy suit for 81-50 at tiic White Front Clothing Empo rium. Hickory, N. C. A >pecial term of court will be held m Lenoir by Judge Fillips next ; \v ■\. for civil cases only. Don't fail to see Royster & Mar tin's show window of underwear— the cheapest in the market. Fiannagan »fc Son are makiug con siderable improvements on the inte rior of their brick building. Mr. David Jarrett, of Bandy's Township, fell dead while working ! on h s ! mil on the '2lst of Oct. Ihe funeral services of Mr. Loge W! iterier were conducted at Wesley Chapel, Oct. 27th. —Enterprise. A rare opportunity to secure a home in tlie most thriving portion ! of ilie city. See auction sale of I C ii.o ».V Murrill. C-»ttoii is coining in at a lively rat«-. but not fast enough to suit Mr. A. A. Slmford, who buys for the I»iunite Falls M'f'g Co. Mis llhoda Lore was on last Sun l IN evening married to Mr. Dan. Sft/er. a deaf mute, of Catawba. Mis> Lore is of this city. Ch.irlotto is oil the move this 1 week. The Driving Club holds its :u mial races, and there are many « t• i r amusements in the city. Mrs. .1. F. Murrill took first and second premiums on crocheted ami k: t counterpane and tirst premium oi. a pair of socks at the State Fair. A derailed freight train just below t • veland, last Saturday, necessi ty 1 the arrival of the passenger s via Charlotte for a day this Wt ; v . i re will be Sacramental services a: St. Paul's Lutheran Seminary ? ' Sunday at 10:30 o'clock: con •i"ual services on Saturday at 2:30 0c rk. v. A. L. Bolick's appointment to 1 'h at St. Timothy is on the sec- Sand i\ in November, instead of rst Sunday, as was commuui -1 ' 1 to us last week. i ! e upstairs of Mr. Clines* harnl • brick building is divided into is and is about finished. It v be occupied by some of our } g prof» ssionai men. Bob. Moose, while crossing a about four miles east of n. on the 2(>th of October, was ' iken and killed by the east ■ pissenger train. 1 i.e hunting of the 'possum is an ■' ; ition largelv indulged in at o 1'• -♦•iit. We \% ill consider ourselves l * ! ■' r everlasting obligations to of ( ur subscribers if they will 1:: o us a big fat one. Press mib Carolinian. f.orton'H MliiHtrelH. Gorton's original New Orleans minstrels, a combination with an en viable reputation for refined and ar tistic performances, and composed of strictly high class artists, includ ing Prince Tanaka, the most won derful of all Japanese artists, will appear at Shuford s Hall on Monday evening Nov. 11th. The Goldsboro Argus says: The street parade of Gorton's Minstrels in their handsome uniforms and with their peerless "gold band' was greatly admired by our citizens and their excellent music thoroughly en joyed. They had as fine an audi ence last night as has b£en seen in the Messenger Opera House in a long time, and the frequent applause that greeted their splendid SLOW all during the excellent programme tes tified the thorough appreciation of their refiued and delighted audience. Reserved seats are now on sale at the drug store and E. L. Shu ford's at Tocts each. Everybody come to town and see Gorton's minstrels' street parade Monday afternoon. liiaiicl Cotta^eH. \\ ithin the last ten days we have had occasion to note the great scarcity of small houses for renting purposes in Hickory. We want peo ple to come among us to live, but how are we going to keep people of limited means here when they can not rent a house to live in f We, through correspondence, influenced a young man of ability and limited capital to come here on a prospect ive tour, and the only reason we ! could not hold him was that we could not find a cozy little cottage , fo'i him to live in. This is a bad state of affairs on , one hand and a good one ou the oth er. It shows Hickory is booming and is a good place to invest money, and somebody who has money to in vest can find no better paying in vestment than to put it into nice lit tle residences. ! A I„iiHt Warning. With the 14th of November closes the second year of the existence of the HICKORY PRINTING COMPANY. Many of our subscribers —everyone at Zionville—owe us for two years. All such subscribers owe us three dollars and we can not afford to credit them any longer, and give them this last call. All who owe us ' from Nov. 'B7 will be discontinued unless they pay up in ten days. Miss Edna Marshall returned to the city last Tuesday after a pleas ant visit ir. State-ville and Wilkes boro among her friends and on a suc cessful business trip, in the interest of the Banner Cigar Co., of Hickory. They make a good cigar and have a charming little girl to sell them. Mr. Sam'l M. Hamrick. of Shenan doah county, Ya , has accepted th call extended him bv the board of directors of the Lutheran Seminary to be teacher in the primary depart ment.. He took charge of his classes this week. It was reported Wednesday night that Col. William F. Switzier. ex chief of the National Bureau of Statistics, was dangerously ill at hi home in Columbia. Mo. IT* is said to be broken down both mentally and physically. The Democrats have nothing in the new state elections but one Toole. If he is properly manipula ted there may be a Democratic in crease at some future time. We live in hope, and Toole must not let us die in despair. Home-made shoes in ei.dk-s vari t ety at Wagner Killian'a. Ibichct\\ "Worth Carolina, Cbursfrap, IHovcmbcr 7, ISS9. THE CATAWBA WOOD WORK CO. IS ANOTHER ACQUISITION TO THE MANUFACi JRiNG INJIiSThiES OF HICKORY. It Start* Work with an Order for Fi>e Million Telegraph Messrs. Kennier & Lake, of New ! York, have for some time been the principal contractors for supplying the various telegraph and railroad syndicates with "wkisle-boards" and telegraph "pegs." The sparsely timbered North has proven inade quate to supply tha materials neces sary for the fulfillment of their large standing contracts, and these gen tlemen, with a trained eye, have been casting about for a new tieid. Our vast forests of virgin growth have attracted them hither; here they have found the woodman's j Mecca, and here ti;ey have pitched their tent. Messrs. Kennier & Lake have se cured the "Bysaner property" on which to conduct their business, i and ere many moons, the buzz of *> the saw and the din of the planer will join in the chorus of Hickory's prosperity. This is a more colossal enterprise than one would suppose, judging from the character of their manu factures. But when we state that j they nave contracts of sufficient enormity to necessitate the daily shipment of two car-loads of their products, some idea of its magni tude may be gained. The telegraph "pegs" are to be made exclusively of locust; the •/ "whistle-boards" of pine, and a con tract for five million '"pegs" is an item with which the new company starts to work. Dropped Head. Last Friday evening Mr. Hackeli i ah Huffman, after spending the day in the city, started for his home, a few miles distant. When about a mile from town, he told his wife he felt badly, gave her the reins and told her to drive. Almost instantly he fell over in his wagon, and in a few minutes breathed his last. His sudden death is supposed to have been caused by paralysis of the heart. I Malioue Hurled I'nder 25,000! A telegram from Richmond to | Mayor Hall says Mahone has been buried under a majority of 25.000. To the time of going to press we have heard nothing further. Writers for our paper should sign their own proper names to their communications. More mis understandings, needless quarrels, and unwise utterances are attrib utable to the disregard of thU rule than any uue but an editor can know. A fellow named Devere, alias alias somethihg else, has been swindling druggists of Salis bury. Monroe and Winston by tak ing orders, with the ca-h, for soaps, claiming to represent Morgan A: Co.. New York. He is a fraud. Watch out for him. Mr. Lynn Hahn. of Cranberry, N C .. spent a few days in Hickory this week. He contemplates starting an equestrian farm near this city. We are informed that his exclusive atten tion will be devoted to thorough bred strains. Twelve of the Lexington lynchers have been bound over to the next term of Davidson court, and gave bonds. If you want to enjoy a good smoke call for the "Helen S" cigar. TliankMKlvl*roclaii»atlon. WASHINGTON, D. C\, Nov. 1 —The following proclamation setting apart 1 hursday, November 28th, as a day of national thanksgiving was issued latj this afternoon : BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES —A PROC LAMATION. A highly favored people, mindful of their dependence ou the bounty of Divine Providence, should seeK a fitting occasion to testify their grati tude and ascribe praise to Him who is the giver of their many blessings. o o It behooves us then to look back with thankful hearts over the past year and bless God for His iufinite mercy in vouchsafing to our land enduring peace to our people, free ; dom from pestilence and famine, to oui husbandman abundant harvests, and to them that labor recompense of their toil. Now, therefore, I, Benjamin Har rison, President of tne United States of America, do earnestly recommend that Thursday, the 28th day of this present month of November, be set apart as a day of national thanks giving and prayer, and that the peo ple of our country, ceasing from the cares and labors of their working day, shall assemble in their respect ive places of worship and give thanks to God who lias prospered us in our way and maue our paths paths of peace, beseeching Him to biess this day to our present and future good, making it truly one of thanksgiving for each reunited home 1 circle as for the nation at large. In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be af . fixed. Done at the city of Washington, this the first day of November, in ttie year of our Lord 1889, and of the independence of t l ie Unit* d Siates the 114 th. BENJ. HARRISON. By the President: JAMES G. BLAINE, Secretary of State. Xlie Tt-le);ram»i of Saturday. [ omltusfd from The Sunday News.] The evidence in the Cron*n trial : on Saturday was directed to show , ini' that the Carlson cottage had | o o been the scene of a bloody crime, and that Burke was the mar whe hired the cottage. The President has issued his proclamation announcing the admis ! sion of North and South Dakota as States of the Union. The total number of women kibed in the Glasgow factory by the fall of a wall was thirty. The Czarewitch. on his way home from Athens, will visit Constantino ple. The feud of the Hatfields and McCoys iu Lincoln County, West Virginia, is reported to be in bloods progress. Forbearance I-". \ liausted. We do protest. During Cleve land's administration we did not ob ject to one or two mistaking our otlice for the postotfice. which is m-X.t door, but now. when 39 colored Republicans, by actual count. Satur day. take the Gazette sanctum for a Republican postoftice. and poke their sweet scented selves into our door inquiring, "is dar any letter fur me we got tired, and now call a halt —Washington Gazette. The Scotland Neck I> mocrat i five years old. It says since it was tir-t set up it ha- l>een torn down, moved and set rp, to the ceitain knowledge of the writer, six times, and once moved into the country. It is a lively and valuable help to it- town and should not be allowed to love about so much in future. •*A iOiling .-tune gathers no mos»." Call for the '"Helen S * cigar, and you will never smoke any other brand. tf YOUR j?T S'i'sriptio: S • Kxi.tr." A rh Tn»* -* } V _ tlntt- aft.-r your o . QKme. Move it lljt IJMEIv^CIvaaLS. Mr. and Mrs. John Michal are ill tbe city. Mr. D. W. Shuler spent TUPS lay in Charlotte. Mr. Rolfe. of the Asheville Demo crat. was ID the city last week. We are very sorry to learn that Dr. and Miss Virginia Wever are j going to leave us fur Ohio. Mr. Win. Dickson l*ft last Wednesday morning on a long busi ness trip in the interest of the Piedmont Wagon Co. | Conover Item*. Concordia congregation celebrated Reformation Day. A committee of three was appointed by Prof. R. A. Yoder to give a brief sketch of the exercises to be published in the ! PRESS AND CAROLINIAN, the Enter prise and Oar Church Paper. Mrs. Laura Halibough, of Char lotte. in visiting friends in Conover. Mrs. Annie E. Moser has gone to visit her husband, who is teaching? near Monroe. Rev. W P. Cline gave the stu ■ dents of Concordia College a fine lecture on the 27th ultimo. Rev. P. C. Wike is visiting friends and relatives in Catawba county. Conovei MTg Go. is doing a great deal of work; and is preparing to | enlarge the building. Tenne *see Synod begins the Bth instant at Holly Grove congrega tion in Lexington. There will be a large crowd there from Conover. Mi. J. P. Youtt was elected a dele gate from Concordia congregation. Miss Claudia A. Smith is teaching music iu Conover. There was Communion at St. Pe ter's last Sunday, held by Revs. Tim othy Moser and P. C. Wike. Miss Fannie O. Ekard, of Cono ver. is teaching music near Morgan ton. Conover citizens mis-; Misses Cora 1> Huitt and Bessie Yount, who are oft'at school. W. C. S. Nov. 4, ISB9. ! Alton! Concordia iolk'Kt*, North Carolina. Perhaps you won't object reading ! a letter from a college girl. Well. lam again a student here I and have torn myself away from the I girls to write to your valuable paper. Concordia College iw located at * Conover, a beautiful place. The present principal took charge of the school in 1-lbT. He soon I gave evidence that he came to stay, and that he intended to build up a school such a> would be a credit to himself and an honor to the country. So Concordia school is in a flourish ing ccnditiou. It has about II') - student* eni oiled. And lam indeed glad to say that it is a Christian school. i We are very much pleased with I our new Prof J. C. Schaid. Ti.eie will be a special entertain* t ment her«*. given by botu societies, ' the Gth of Nov. Everybody is in ' vited. L. S. % l»roj£resst\l-'arnit-r ? Col. Polk is a man of magnificent personal appearance. Hi* dress is faultiest, and his magnetism and eloquence have procured f»r him numberless honor-.—Atlanta Con stitution. ••I'Hiiiii *i?fc ; rai*--. .*«»•- with • ivil !#»*, An ' mi':* 'rtfh To —i'Ofr K. Communications must b;- written on onlv one hide of the paper. Re member this, please. Call for the "Helen S cigar, and if your merchant should not Lave it, tell him by all means to get it. tf. IHumlvr 43.