w : 4 GUR PREMIUM | o Oiler. )y,JI loiumc 10. ,:> o ii ti-i c e ii\ s. •j • V'RRILL, - - EL.'TOR. I- trade dull 7 —Advertise. Irade issue— 20,000 copies. Win the prize. See elsewhere. Send usun item for the trade edi- L 1 Oil. Compete for the five dollar premi j J |J]S. Wood subscribers will please haul in. i> > not fail to go to the oyster bUi per to-night. Kxtra length Sli.oO overcoats at ][ -v-ter A Martin's. S« ml us an item of interest for t! ■ -i tat trade issue. j[ ive you ]>aid your taxjs ? See "lie SheritV's la-t notice. Send in your '"points" to be writ{« ii up in the trad« issue. S nd in your advertisements for ]hc or\S maiiiinoth trade edition. Ihe North Pole has been trans ] i:it ♦•!, and can t be far from here. Si'iid to Royster A Martin's for "'i -ninan" and "Dunlap" i-till' hats. Fifest styles in iiiiiliu'-ry, lirst 1 assortment at Miss Mary Rose hlO- 4G-2t (oea'est variety of children's hats and caps ran be found at Royster «v Mai tin's. 1' I sour neighbor he can get the paper and the American Farmer for >' '. >l'. •' 1 for S 1,50. II is to the interest of the public tri see Davis P>ros. Xnias stock be i 'M buying elsewhere. It" "dr. A. Mcintosh, the photog i it nas gone to I - avetteville and \\. i> • away about two weeks. C'liiic on bovs and get your toy with everv £1.50 boy suit, at the White Front. Clothing Empo i ium. Miss Rosebro will continue h r i .i. .m i \ business —new goods for winter iust received. Call and see In. " 4(5-2t Mr M. O. Sherrili, of Catawba, !as been appointed State canvassei h\ i • Confederate \ vterans As-o- We will give every one of our sub-ci ibers that brings us a new i: i -Isubscriber four months sub si i ,i»tion. Many thanl-s to our kind brethn n t> A-heville Democrat for the article on Hickory and her vari 1 - enterprises. Warlick. of Glen Alpine, has it an iutcrest in the Marion 1' Company, and will move his ' \ to Mai ifn. i: In snid that Capt. John I>. Hus >• \ recovered his health and i-cs at an ear'iv day to resume ' : ii>!n*ation of the Greensboro 1 itl u»t. \ * ntv Sunday School conven er!; be held iu the M. I'. church \ \» on Th .nksgiving Fay. s; J, fl t 'A i .'clock p. m. Ever\ ! ltVitrd. i 'vices m tiit* Reformed * huici. 1 1 1 * 1 I 1 - i i\ ami r r»u;iv nights ami oi .»v ;tt -J 111 p. 111. Comma:. I'viees SuuvuiV- Ihe i'.istoi e. assist dby Rev. Mr. Mur e: M..idtn. ' b . dest Fn\ a.- have hiv wa.- the ease ill llickorv .as 1 i.ty. wl,t nLi bales ot cotton an> i j i * 'vim*' • w t re soid to our visual I merchants About S.'i.oOt ••■'•re j i t out that da;, for cottci ttii Press m\b Carolinian. Hickory*h Sporting Grounds. The fact that Hickory is encom passed by a scope of country special ly suited to sporting is being real ized by many, and people from the North are coming here to enjoy the shooting of juail, and for the pur pose of training fine-blooded bird dogs. Game is abundant, and the country and climate well suited for the sport. Several parties have bten here this season and have expressed themselves as well pleased. Mr. Stokes, of New York, who is worth over twenty millions, accompanied by a party consis ting of Richard Croker (Tamany s idol) and his three sons are here now. and have had some fine shooting. They express themselves as highly pleased with the Inn, the country, the climate and the sporting. This party, ac companied by Mr. R. F. Cobb, who is said to be the finest shot in the city, were out Tuesday and were very successful. Mr. Cobb and his son have killed 413 quail in a month. Mr. Cobb has fine dogs, and is always ready for a jaunt. A rri/e I-"or Von. We will give a reward of five dollars to the person sending us the best wi'ititn ai d most complete ar ticle on Cataw ba County by the Ist of Dec. ISSi). The article to em , body the making of the count}, the growth, its resouiees etc. Wewiil also give live dollars f r the best written and most complete . article on iiiekory Touching light- It on w iial she was twenty five years a r », her r io\vth. her advantages, r> o * business men and enterprises of the . present. Setting forth good reasons why people desiring to lo ■ cate in the South should come to this citv. articles will be de cided upon by three competent judges. A'i articles must be in by . the Ist >{ Dec. Now is voui chance. PIIKSS AN !> ( 'AKOI.IMAN. II ep u blicaiis Resemble M (»»• kt'> H. Mr. C. F. McKesson, acknowl edred the bri«dnest star m the O Rejtublican tirmainent, ta.rried a few houis in tbc city on his return from Caldwell Court. Charley is always happy iu our city but was particular ly so on this occasion, the dressed monkey, with his two human com panions and bag pipe having arrived the same day, whether by accident or arrangement, was not stated. While the bag-pipes poured forth sweet music and the monkey danced around and collected the pennies, s Charley was const rained to remark the striking resemblance between the monkey and the typical South ern Republican, and ve all said: ■it Is so." IlicWorx Inn \rrl>alH. Richard Crok Fl. S S .V D. Kcy> and 1 M Rice, of N. Y . C. R. I'aylor, ot Fhiia : -T. L. l.:o\d and 'T. F. C ook, of Fo-ton: -h C ' R. iokt-1* and Geo. F. Mills, of >alti iiuirt ; J. A lger C ark and C'. is. 1. V Ililiiard. . f .V-he \i.e. N. C The repre.st ntatives ■*' several 11 opera--chair met in Hickory. Wednesday U r the t urp«»>e : show - iih' saiup.es Mid tiwkii g an ..• i 11 n i frrun our enter pi i>ng town-mt:. Flliott \ Flliott. for chair- for their - . new opera hou-». lie chairs m t lected wil! be 1 the must eom orta 1 ble and convenient patte'.n ai d .: 1 will be a pleasure to sit in one of 0 them and listen t> the sweet music n or wiuiess the poitiavn of tragtdy bv Downing, l>o th t - Kc-ue. Ibicftcrv, IRorth Carolina, tlburs&ap, IRowmbcr 21, ISSO. BRAZIL A REPUBLIC. DA FONSECA PRESIDENT. Monarchy Doomed in America. Dom Pedro 11. has spent his life m teaching his people to govern themselves and it has cost him his throne. If the best information obtainable is correct the Brazilian revolution has overturned the empire and set up a government of ami by the peo ple. This being so, there is not a monarchy, strictly speaking, iu the Americas, and the Republic reigns supreme. The feature of this revolution which will challenge the attention of the world is that it was bloodless. Dom Pedro H upon whose regal head the blow tails, has for years in culcated in his subjects those pro gressive and self-enabling principles which leave him throneless to-day. Tis said his son-in-law had publicly proclaimed that if the people wished it their ruler was ready to resign his authority. He is a "gentle scholar and genial gentleman; ' the revolt casts no aspersion upon his former rule. A Mistake. The new opera house when com i pleted will be an ornament and cred it to Hickory. It is on the third lioor of a handsome three story brick building, and is owned by a stock company. The scenery is being painted by Mr. F. A. Grace, an art ist of considerable skill and fame. L'he hail will seat about twelve hun dred people and will be supplied with the most approved mechanical effects, stage fittings, opera chairs. J etc.—Ashevilie 1 >emocrat. From present indications Elliott's Grand Opera House will be finished on time. They are certainly "hust ling" things. Rut our esteemed con temporary, the A-heville Democrat, docs Flliott iv Flliott an uninten tional injustice in stating that the building is owned by a stock com pany. We are surprised, as we thought everybody knew that they own the building exclusively, and are as proud of it as a ben is of his first pants, and they have a right to be proud. It is an ornament to Hickory and will unquestionably be the 1 icst equipped opera hall in the South. Our Industrial Is».uc. Early in the month of December we propose to undertake the publi cation of a mammoth trade edition of this paper Twenty thousand co piously illustrated copies will be* is sued and spread broadcast through out the country. Its object wi'l be to give an epitome of our home re sources, our enterprises, our institu tion--. etc.. and then i>} give i ur sec tion a voice m the ear of those ing homes and field- for investment Do iot Jui' to ally your-eif with en terprising Hick >ry by taking a space .11 t tie 11 ade issue. I*«»x limiting. Mr. J. F. Ab- ■: . thy. the fan. n* ! x hunter of this ,-fction. went out i-r I tiesdav morning anil caught another fine specimen - f this crafty ai mai. Tjis mai.es t♦ :j 'hat Mr A beri.etln and. his •' n.i :ti.ic-* - l.av»* caught tin- season He ias an >'*■' » Tit paek of !.'• illd- The bli/zr.rii picdicted by th* Ni w York Hi til st! : k u- "in the men.' hi-t S.itui\lay. It riinri. 1 a: d snowed. 'l'm- gro nui b» ii.g wet the "i:0w" almost ■ as fast a- it fell for sev eial inches, however, accumuiated bs Sunday i:.- i g- ii>e I •» More l.i^lit. T.ast Tuesday night was a particu larly dark night and several more electiic lights are badly needed Some of the principal parti 1 of the city are sadly neglected. \\ e speak from experience and after wading in mud. falling in ditches and meet in « r n n with divers other mi-haps just for want of light, we know more light is needed. Fast. Ninth East and West HICK ry have a right to claim that pait of the funds of the city treasury be expended in giving them their pro rata of light. Au Arc light should be placed on the hill above the spring: one should be placed on the corner below the M. E. Church at the begining of the plank walk and one should be placed somewhere in the western part of the city where it will do the most good. This should be attended to at once and we hope our city fathers will heed this call From these parts of the citv come a good representation of the tax and it is not right to s.ight the people in this matter. A I.iitlc ICeliiiKl. The Charlotte Chronicle describes the first time-lock safe brought to Charlotte, which was put into one of the b.mks there last week. It. adds that they are very new things, and says there are not live in the State. The Rank of Catawba, at • this place, h;»s a time-lock safe which it placed in its vault last May. It was very probably the first to be brought to the State. —Newton Fn ter prise. Rrethren, \ou are both a "iitt.e ofi." Time locks are not such new things. They have been in exis tence for a number of years and i there must be at least twenty in the ' State. Single-timers aie old things hut the consolidated double-timers mch as Mr. Shu lei* has in the Rank of Hickory ( huh bank is the pride o( the South) i- of the most improved style. Krother Williams is badly otV. He should read the papers more closely. Hickory had a time lock years before the Rank of Ca tawba was dreamed of. Pardon us for the correction. \ccidental Sliootlsijf. On the 13th inst , while Mr. Luther Fail and his nephew wen hunting, near W ariicks Mi !s. Mr. Fail met with a serious accident. J n some mysterious an 1 accidental wav the gun being carried by Mr. Fail's nephew was discharged, liu load from which took etlect in Mr Fail s right arm. The whole d:s cL.wge was lodged just below tlie elbow, smattering both bones in th* fore arm and several inches of th* bone m the upp«-r part of the arm t' such an e.xt nt as to necessitate am ;-utation about three inches above the eitx w Vv e are glad to km v tna; Mr i. i\! i- d ng well. T» t lost* on K-1 I, e f »l!ow nmerchants an 1 i u - i lie.-- i o.ises wiii close on Itia/.k-giv ing Day. F ink • f Hick ry. Koy-fu .V Mai tin, Shuford Hardware C >., F>o-t A Co . C M. White. Warner A Killian Fint.. Mt C>mb A. Co.. L. H. Phillip- HaL lU' -., F L Shuford. P-! ' -.. A. A. Shuf -rd A Cf» . I. it*t A Ik: il. Ah'i-i n* ti.y Rro-.. Dav; i. i i (»>-U r Supj.c-r. F ;..jht the .'i-ii»*- of th** i|ipti-l • hi.lci. w 1.. _ive a.i \ -le. -'»; >rr n the t u i. _ r.t-xt to I'o% t'-r A Martin s c.-thing -tor . Besidei -el Ved !l : . "> to in o ■ . It- • b ",s i : i li' to raise -ut:l-itnt monej it .. i ,t» e» d i t- star.din; i.i.-t the church. , Youri f 4 V : 0 • • ' T - * »••••«*«* F Cv fc *»*•«•.»«*/** / \ "> ' r • • f\:■:>- *th v>- '•*• | _ date aft« r v our nan>« Moi .• It op - t \ ipe tlx so iR a us. Mr. A Mcintosh is attending the Fa>ettevim Centennial. Miss Ida Katnsaur. of Lmcolnton, spent several days in the city this week. I'M. S. Stoke?-, the owner of the Hoffman House in X» \y York. is at the Inu. Richard Croker, the ruler of Faiuany Hail, is at the Hickory lull with Ijis time sous. Mr. J. N l»ohanuon has returned from a lonj western business trip and repoits line sales. Maj. J. ( i Hall, who i» to patado as a mar shall at the Fayetteville Centennial, left this city last Tues day morning and reported for duty on tne -Oth. Mis> IViia M«lntosh, one of Hick ory s accomplished, and beautiful youu«j iadies. is cm a pleas ure trip to the eastern part of the State. She will be M>tie s»mie time and her pleasant smile will be missed by many. I'rozuiikciit I'eople. i Chief Justice Smith died on the i 11th instant Hon. Jeff. I >avis . a - !';•!: serious • lv ili in New ()rleans. and ii is {\ ued the t man iias only a short > lease on lil«'. J at the present, however, he i- reported t«> be im proving. Prii.ce Henry, of I'r.ssia, a composer and a perfoimeron ms vi ' olin and piano. The the tomb of (iaiibaldi and placed ' upou it a wreath. i\;ii" ieorfe, ot (ireeee, plavs ail p r> I » kiwis of tunes on hand bells and wine " as-es of differ» nt siz s C i I l > iince Louis de Kohan, lie of I Air-trias foiemost spoilsmen, hliut his 1."),()(K»tii buck recntiy. .Mis. J. Keddii.-. dr»ie>.- ■ the i i Art Journal, is an expert bicycle ri- j del*. "> , Till , m ;\v iti I 1.1 .11 sth i.. Hon. %. S. Merriiiion Hiui t i (Is tli e I .at i* JiHtlcc SIIIIUI—.IiiiIkc Wal ter Clark. Appointed tssocialc Justice. e On la>t Saturday (> ivi rnor 1 owle appointed Associate Justice A. S. 1 Merrimon Chief Justice of the Su preme Court of North Carolina, to e succeed Hon. W. H N. H. Smith, '• deceased. On the rocepti m of the official notification, Justice ? «r. i moll resigned the pOritloli he WaS e I.oM i._c to aerep' the appointment. llf wi- into h;r- new o! v i'* oil ° m-t M«»!: 1 IV. i- Th«- i' - -'it.' "f -I .->? ice M« rri m«>n 1 i vacanc\ in !..«• .'.n?u lV ciate Jw.-t:c»- ii:j . a'. 1 tl.e « ver: . JC it.; »11: t» 1.1 i'ijf v\;., L . ! ( .a! . t J I 1 tnat iionoiub.e po-iti«»n He ha-ie- fr«>m the f ip . i t >urt j ;- i • J;cia; v t«> aec-f't tne api •.' m«*nt. .1 i_f iik - i t'- >n caii-e I a \a» ti.ev ii t .«• S* at* j:•li *i try to l i *i. 1 : i ... Spi**r «> iiitt tker was v a 1 1 ' i;; t* ■ 1 t!.- i j f " i"il j. last Tut >dav i., hoi i Ma lis >n court. t N* ver. until »%»■• r.. ii ww 1 l>»- J; I. »! i li' 10l t w*' a* !". • ii 'I eX jI» • t I.: -■ ii >■ •. It i- I' iii'« 1 *■ •• . tit '■ t i!»'*at'. i> v* : . -ft! (v i f a'. v t-\; :»• that , • ? t th•.■ '• ;. t we at »* 1 L t:.f otoiii i. t •-♦-ii ::-.tituted Ly v o.i i _'-i.t. Mi A. \ i-r i Si.t .by Ar-rat: tn l.a- had • ! tj p'.e-. rip- tomatoes a: I let % tuce i!i November. We hope Lis vr "fruit out of -eason" wii: not L-ring : ::u "trouble (nit of ren-^n." TRumbcr 47.

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