JSEE O Cw, 4 CUR PREMIUM \ 5 C.'/ibr. ' c •i'.i'V.C 10. , h C1!IM cS3 Il\ S . t)1 r. n*L l » m * i > > not move the depot. 1' >n. Jeff. Davis is still very ill. I Hickory Inn is ha V in LT a "ood " O O Senior editor is at Asheville this W t •*;lv. Wood subscribeis will please haui m. ' on Wagner A" KilHai for b i on s. 'i m your ads lor Hie trade is- it at once. j he trade issue closes it-, columns i. ' Monday. I ..it' i designs in **siik mulilers ;t', 11.>- W lilt () I* 1 out. ! e opera house chairs have been bought. I Ley are elegant. ' >'• h.gold will 1 1ol 1 services i*i t!v fo formed church Sunday. M mv app lieations for the use of pera house are coming in. Wagner \ Kiilian will sell y«.u 1 . tins m anything you want. 40 lit 1 >r your friends, gentlemen, get a "-ilk muSilci; at the Royster A Martin's \\ aiiong sticks and ..oiii'ist bags for Christmas gilts, at llovster \ Mai tin's. I he North Carolina Pottery Com pany, of Burke county, has been in corporated. 1) > you like the Pni:ss AND CAKOI.I MAN ' Tell your neighbor so and ask him to take it. A.'hert Brady, aged 70 years died ! very suddently near Conover on j Saturday, Nov. 30th/' Tell your neighbor he can get the paper and the American Parmer for ' si.so. 52.00 for 51,50. Many thanks to "Anonymous for 1 the poem. We are always glad to | have good contributions. Christmas goods just opened at Koyster's drug store. Everybody ; invited to come and see them. * It ! Car Is are out for the marriage of f Miss Mary Osborne to Mr. Heriot , Carkson, of Charlotte, on the 10th in>t. j We will give every one of our, subscribers that brings us a new cash subscriber four mcnttis sub scription. Iti shopping for Christmas goods ujn't fail to examine Roystei A: Martin's numerous articles for holi day souvenirs. Hickory was in a high way last , I'riday night. The boys were on, the muscle, and Pinck. Campbell got i & two-inch gash cut in his head 1 a plank. 1 I>. Keogh, J. E. Boyd and C. !»• Montgomery have incorporated the Greensboro North State to pub the North State." The capital v k is So,ooo I he Asheville Citizen makes note an apple tree in Henderson coun tv which is 1*27 years old. from ; V! h seven bushels of app'es have 1 '■' n gathered this year. u e will positively sell the Lingle 1 i erty in West Hickory on Satur ' '>'• D>c. 7th, at 2 P. M., before the bi kot Hickory. Buyers will take •• ■'»' of time and place. CLINK \ Mrr.mu. 1 e Board of Aldermen meets t Tuoday night and we h(>j">e 4 ' city fathers will consider the '*■ l t' t r and - r ive us more in 1 r> ' of the dark parts of the city. ' ' tnksgiving passed otT quietly 4: : pleasantly in our little city. ■ sermons were preached and v"giving services were heid in eran and Reformed churches U " 1 well attended. C.onc* to Hi-, He„t. Gen. Colictt Leventhorpe died on ' Suuday, I)t c. 1, ls.s'J, at Walnut Foautain on the Yadkain. at the i i esidenVe of Lis brothel -in ia A*, GapL i W. D. Jones, in Caldwell county j x. c. ' ! [ A of an unci', nt English ( ounty family, he aiue to Canada ; . in Her Magestv's service in his early youth; soon attracted by reports of the mineral wealth of ti is State, he visited Rutherford county on a prospecting tour, ami while time, met and wedded Louisa, dauguter of Gen. Edmund Bryan. He threw up his commission in the British army, studied medicine, and settled i near nis wife s people. In 1801 he entered the Confederate army, and i as Colonel of the 11th North Caro lina, and icite as Brigadier General, rendered service sj eilicient as to i call out the repeated praise of Lee. Since the war he has held no pub lie ollice, but, possessed of a decent ' competence, lie spent his time in such scholarly ar scientiiic pursuits as tilted his wishes, partly in En gland, partly in Xew York, but mostly in North Carolina. Nu citizen was more generally or more deservedly popular. The most j charming of hosts, he was, if pos i sible, yet more delightful as a guest; j the sinking dignity of his personal presence was tempered by the gen ( tleness ol his manners and the ! sweetness of his temper. His knowledge of Art and Letters ' was so great, his scholarship so ripe, i his command of all his resources so j complete, and his willingness to share his treasures so evident, that 1 whose left his company did so with a broader mental horizon, and in i creased self respect. Hundreds of friends in Europe and America will hear of his death j | with more than a passing regret. i Deaths in Morxantou, Dr. R. B. Anderson, the Presby- ' - terian minister at Morganton, died . last Monday at 3:30 p. m. . Mrs. Bettie Rusinisel died at 5 o'clock a. m., last Monday. j Mr. Ernest Beall, son of Rev. B. I i L. Beall, of Lenoir, died on Sunday i morning about 11 o'clock, of piidu- ' monia, after an illness of about ten days. He was in his 1271h year, J having been born in July, ISG3. , 1 Col. XV. H. Williams, Newton, writes the Tradesman that he has recently added one slubber, one 1 i speeder. Providence Co.: and Pratt : English card, acd two Whitiu's im- j ' proved cards! to his cotton mill. Of the road to be built from Shel by via Morganton and Linville to i Cratiberry, N. C. 2(1 miles are grad- I ed. John L. Martin, of New York, has secured funds in Europe to ( j build the road. 1 i #t ! \ ale College alter many year* , of victory in every branch of athletic sports was defeated by Princeton in j a match game of foot ball on Thanksgiving Day. Mr. R. Meßiayer of Shelby has ' moved to Asheville. This will be 1 « r ood news to Bower, ( owles. lira- x C ham and other Congressional candi- 1 dates t Tne N. C. Jerse\ C.»ttle C-ub lias t purchased a tine bull for breeding purposes. Mr. D. L. Echard is . keeping him. f 1 See the prizes given away with v every dohars woiih ol goods vou buy at the BOOK Store. It On Christmas Day the Book Store will give away s.'S~> worth of prizes c free. It , t Ifcicf;c>n>, iP.ertfo Carolina, Cfourst»a\>, Pcccmbcr 5. ISSO. WI OR RENT THE BRIDGE. I- TV r T ' ) ~T " T T " ' * 1 * r* i .» ACCC UN lOF I ::E KLL I lie* C»iui«ty Slioultl Iluv it; Itut it it will >iot. y.tt Ziick»r> I.ease It And «»i\e KreeTravel to Tlie Uouiitaui L t aat- Have you ever thought of it ' How much trade is kept away from Hickory on account of the fact that traders who come Lere from the mountains must pay toil to >vt 1 J C here ' I his is an insurmountable barrier that should by all means — for the good of Hickory and Cataw ba county—be removed. If it can not be owned by the county and made free, that our kindred from our sister counties may visit us, without having to pay a tariff for ihe privilege of crossing the Cataw- , ; ba, then iet enterprising Hickory come to tne trout in this, as i-he ever does in everything, and either buy or lease the bridge. For a small sum the bridge can bo leased and the merchants can well afford to pay a certain amount each \ear to j make up this sum. This plan has i oeen spoken of by some of our lead- ; ing business men and we are con- , talent the plan will receive general support. Ihi 5 matter has already ; been delated to olong and should , be pushed through at once. Nej;ro Hanj;ccl lor Assault. RALEIOH, N. C, NOV. 29, 1880.— Matthews Banks, colored, was hanged at Elizabeth City tbv morning in the presence of about two hundred peo ple, of whom only two were negroes. , Banks made no confession. When asked if he had anything to say lie ' replied:—"No, I want it over as soon as possible." Company E. First 1 regiment, fcrmed a military guard. Banks fell eight feet. and died with- ! out a struggle. The crime for which he was hanged was an atrocious as- ! sauit on Florence Swain, aged fif teen, in July. Destructive Storm. I One of the most disastrous cy clones known in the history of North Carolina passed over a portion of Beaufort county on the 20th inst. So far nine persons are reported killed and some twenty or thiity badly in- t jured. The cyclone, born in the upper northern portions of the coun ty, carried everything before it, like , the wind driving chaff. Houses were blown to atoms, and trees that have withstood the winter's blasts for half a centur) gave up and were carried several hundred yards. Nex;ro I*osU»l Clerks Arrested. Charles W. Henderson and John XV. Brown, negro clerks in the post office at Charlotte, N. C., were ar rested on the 27th ult., while in the act of rifling registered letters. One ( t the letters was addressed to Mr. \ anamaker's Philadelphia store. Brown is Secretary of the County Republican Executive Committee. We have a gold doilar which we will sell to the FihsT MAN that cail> and payd hi> subscription up >■> full. for 10c. Now get a on you and see v.ho gets it Thi> pmpo ~ i I sition is open fur ten days. Lock to the right of your name for your date. Governor Fowie last Saturday morning granted a reprieve to Wil liam Aitxander, of Mecklenburg, t who was sentenced to be hanged oi. Dec. ">th for burglary in Charlotte. Ihe reprieve extends to January 3. Wagner Kiilian aie receiving lew goo Is every day. Call and see i ;heir stock* 49-2t 1 I ire in mi, Mas-.. Last Thursday was a sad Thanks giving Day for the busy citv of Lynn. Mass. About noon on the 27th ult., a tire broke out which destroyed 200 build ings, 42 brick blocks. 142 dwelling aud 112 wooden bu.-iness blocks ai.d tiirew 8.000 men out of empioMiieut. Ihe loss wa> estimated at from S.~).U00,00o to sIo.OOO.iKIO. Lynn s tire was u tht 1 da\ before 1 iianusgiving and on this day wht ii nearly all the l"nk>u were thankful. Boston was a city. L\ nn's S">, 000,000 lire L:id not done smoking when a contlagration twice its size burst out in the centre of the great city's dry goods dis i trict. Bc>ston s Thanksgiving lire , burned over two and a quarter acres oi land, buiit five and six stories high in brick and granite, consumed buildings and their contents valued at £0.000.000, and was only stopped trom duplicating the great historic I "big lire' of by the Herculean iabors of pretty nearly ail the lire- i men of Eastern .Massachusetts. - T -Massachusetts seems doomed. i Tliaiiksjrixiiiu:. i j It has almost become a custom in tuese parts for our tired out mer ( chants, clerks, and professional men j to celebrate Thanksgiving Day by taking a big hunt. Accordingly on | I last rhursday, bright and earlv, two parties took their field against *■ r~> each other in a rabbit killing compe tition. With dogs and « r uus in o o , abundance the}' scoured the country and by night the slaughter of the , "cotton tail' by these parties in a i | way resembled the famous California j ! rabbit drives. The two parties I killed over a hundred and each par- i • ty claims to have killed the greater number and accuse each other of i using "silver bullets to increase j j the number of killed and wounded. I I Mr. Cline's Hook as a l'reiuiuiii. Our readers remember our notice of Mi. Cline's book on farming two j weeks ago. We are anxious every ; farmer should read it and we are , anxious to have new subscribers and ! our old ones all pay up. We have a few copies of Mr. Cline's book one of which we will give as a premium ; for new subscribers for a year and ! to ail our old ones who pay all back due-*. Too I.ate. We announced two weeks ago j that we would give $5 for the best ! article on Hickory and al?to S.j for the best article on Catawba county —articles to be in by the Ist of Dec. Not an article was handed in j by that date but two were handed in on the 2n 1 of December, ju.-t two days too late. We are sorry, but our people in the South must move and act on time. Hickory I:iu Arrivals. Herbet W Knight an I wife, of Newark, >. J.; E. R. Bellman, of Madi-on. N. J : Dr. Go B. Cald well, of N. \. citN: Mr. ('has. E. Green, GJV. of the State and vsife. of Tienton, N. J.; J. H. Werae. cf Richmond, \ a. We hear it said that the reason tne 1 ennessee Cc>al Co. cai not get cars to ship coal in, is that the Richmjnd A Danviile want • to buy the mines an 1 because the ' company refuse to seii tne railroad i>- refusing to let them ha\e cars in order to force them to sell out. How 1- this f->r Op| IrS-slol. f The Charl-.tte Chronicle has re duced its price of subscription to cash. Ine Chronicle is a neat newsy sheet and ah old be sapportc • without any reduction in price. ,YOUR C /»0 A • •1 ' t\* | Vi> H n • * • > t • Vt s »• 1 ) * ' . « ; i \: ,r» - •» * n T ■"* } \ _ •' .»:'*• r yoo qa:u»> Ut>vi it uj' Ip IK £•• C ii-1 i-l U £?. W . \V. Harris, Jr., was »t the I;:n Tuesday. Mi-> Li!:ie Jones passrd through tlit city Monday. Mr. H D AbernetLv i- * * O fri- ? .1- in { * liar lc»tt e. Mr. A. Mdnh sh irtumed froii j the East last Tuesday. We are glad t> «• Mr. J. K. Webb well and among us again. Mr. Mt ii/U's and wife ami daugh ters ret ill ned homt last Sundav. \\ e are glad to see Mr. 11. J{. j Field up from bis attack of rheu matism. Col. C. A Ciilev and familv have moved to Hick v- nil 1 are nicelv. situated in Mr. A. Y Simmons | house iii West Hickory. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Phdiips re turned to thi.-. eit\—their future home—last Monday a d were right royally r» ceived. i lie iainous lth Regt. band turned out in fail force ( Monday night to mivnade them. ( Later on iu the b!ackn -s of the night a herd of howling h\enas ; treated the mto a serein I«• contain ' ing more fuss than music. i Sliot lit I Jv;it ii. Hi n: M.SONVII.I.' , X c., Nov. •>(). I About •"> o'clock this evening A. E. Posey. a prominent young lawyer of this place, shot and killed Mr. Furman Forest, also a young man and resident of ilendei sonville. I A difficulty had occurred in the course of the day between Forest . and Sherman, the proprietor of a, I bar room, and Mr. Posey was em ployed as counsel for Mr. Sherman ;in the trial winch followed. During the progress of the trial Posey and Forest became involved in a dispute jon a matter connected therewith. | Aft'-r the con el ii ion of the trial the ; parties met on the sidewalk above i the Globe Hotel, and in front of Mr. Posey's office, when the altercation | was renewed. In the light which i ensued, Posey shot Forest twice in t the chest which resulted in the lat j ter's death in a few minutes there after. Posey is conlined in the county jail.— [Citizen. [We had Mr. Sherman with us for ! awhile and can appreciate the feel ings the citizens of Hendersonviile have for him.—En.j | : Ke«-cl lor Hpcakt't. WASHINGTON, Nov. 30.—The Re publican caucus to nominate officers for the 51 kt Congress met in the hall of the House of Representa tives at noon to-day. Hon. T. J. Henderson, of Illinois, presided. The following were nominated: for Speaker, Thos. 15. Reed, of Maine; for Clerk, Edward McPherson, of Pennsylvania; for Sergeant-at-arm«, A. J. Holmes, of Iowa; for Postmas ter. J. 11. Wheat, of Wisconsin; for Doorkeeper. C. W. Adam- - , of Mary land; foi Chaplain. Rev. C. Bransdell, of the District of Columbia. The tir.it ha.lot for speaker resulted as follows : Reed 7S. McKinley 39, Cannon Si. Rurrows 1". Henderson 10. The second badot resulted Reed Si, McKinley 37, Cannon 1> Hen dersen 10, Rurrows lU. Mr. R-ed having received a ma jority of vote- ea-t, .was declared nominated, and on motion of Mr. McKinley, hi> nomination v, made unanimous. D > not fail to see Mr. L. 11. Phil lip- ill-pi iv of tine photograph ab bum.-* an 1 geneial stock of Christmas goods. I or line dress goods for winter wear ca.l on Wagner A: Killian. 2t IRt'.mtvr 40.