MM COPIES. | OUR premium! JJX |||l | > loliiinc 20. n i cmui. TIE HE OF THE AMARANTH A! ESWITME. « A CITY THAT HAS SNIFFED THE AIR OF ENTERPRISE FROM ITS INCIPIENCY. WHOSE ACHIEVEMENTS HAVE BEEN PHENOMENAL-HER INDUSTRIES, HFH INSTITUTIONS, KEB ADVANTAGES. r !I l i I' I' i\.S 1, N i (! ! \ () I - 1 Nfit) it s j m•»{>]• s »uL I 'l it t > ( iii >ll iat• ■ Hickory had it- genesis in the name, and tin- phrase "Tav ' ,j,, j, ■ , r |* •• ,■ 1n(1 crn" f« * 11 into desuetude. Town of tIC oh 1 I iCi\Ol'\ Ia \ l l 11 Ol 11)1 Ii : i. ..... i l k l • . 1111 koi \ was 111i succet Img name, years atro. This was a rude log structure, and stood within 200 yards of the present public stjare, overshadowed by a !al;_!«' hickory trrc, from which it laired its name. 1 n that day the "'iron lidi'sc had iii'Vrr trodden our soil, and tin 1 only means of pul>- lie t i ansit was th« staL'* . 1!n > point was directly on tin' -I;i' line running from Salisbury to AsheVlllf. and "( 'id t 1 m "!«' »J (> ■ 31 iller," ;i-- hr was popularly called, was the only r, sident here, lie conceived the idea • t convert ing' his domicile into a "tavern Till ul!M|\AI "ll!i lidliT TA V ! UN." h ■ J' e tut •itii 11 ineiit «»t mail and beast. lit accordingly nailed upon his door-facing a rouirldv riven board upon which wa> ]» ai!111 d in uncouth h tter^: Prior to that time Hickory was tin* site ot the lit d an s ! Ulely tt nt and rendezvous of the howl ing wolf and panther; Put "Old I lule.Joe" planted tile "pit sto, vitalise!" Each weary traveller U; «> kindly treated and his every eomfort i-ared for, until legends ot his miPU' hospitality and ex ' ' !r "t cuisine soon became an aj'otl t uni anionic those who had 1 t-eii so fortunate a- to rot be neath his rot>f. As tim rolled by more settlers ' - :i11 to pour in from various M n;, -rter* to jin.i, those alreadv in ' " 4 •' iT\\ a'nd after a few years litth village was chris "ni, ' ko Pv Tnvei n." Under nam, the little barque U ;V t, " r " 1 the days muscovado Wf,. ten i nir; " in T R A D bZ EDI T I O X. - r ' Jf > I'll".t»Mo\T U Alius" W'oKKS and under this title she sailed un til the present \ ear, when, 1»y act of legislature, she \\:is re-char tered and 1 »htssoined forth ;t-» the 1 ("itv of 11 ickory. Our ol.jeet is !i' >t to vie] >i;'t what " Hickory NAS R.I KN, l>ut what is and Wll.L : i —hence w«- leave the vista >i }»:i-t years and pro ceed to n* >t iee «« •*SI » * W ft • B « . U ni■it y h i k i *tf'J it i 1 WHAT SHE HAS. 1 "What S>]io Wants. r 1 A Field For Investment For Capitalists. An Inviting Land To Those Seek ing Homes. s *1 lie cltV oi Hickory Is sliedded 1 011 all sidi exc» pt ast. l»y nn >un * tains of various altitudes—eii ■ closing us. as it were, in a liorse shoe—and is the highest point ' on the "Western North ( aionna - railroad of Marion. 1 The scenery is TbicKcrv, Ittortb Carolina, 3anuaiv, ISOO. ,both picturesque ami interesting. "Grandfather Mountain"—taught in every pandect on orolosry as 1 >einu tin- oldest mountain in the I world—is in full sijrli t, Lis cloud j kissing summit tow ering aloft to the height of r>,S9t f,et. "Higli © i Briton also within the ransre jof the eye; likewise the "Table Rock," rearing its majestic head nearh six thousand feet above I tlie level of the sea. 1 lit- scenery, the location, the j climate, and our hotel accommo dations. have all conspired to make Hickory both a sunimeraml 1 a winter resort, and in this re spect is gaining ground every day. Hickory has three of the best j educational institutions in the South: has the electric light; has ..' , 1 ; the tinest hank in the South; has; the tinest postollice in the State;, i has the tinest oj era house in the ; South; has one of the largest •, j wagon facioin-s in tin* country:! has tin* I.irgt■ *>t sash, door and blind factory in the State; has the best equipped cigar factory; in the South; has one of the lar- I gest foundries in the State; has the largest roller Houring mills in the State; has the finest modem' Style hotel in tin- South; has a t heoh tf'icai s, nil: a! v; haa cha -I\* 1»e at e >pi ■l n ii'. 111 whose wat *' i l'r«'f. li. (\ Ked/ie. A. 3P. 3!. P.. where if! thf ; OV. nw o; d. w;t li 1-*1 > T T 1 1 11 ! V >]!«• \(•t• ]t\ l)]i »>' > i f,; t K »•. i Scotland. The fa mou> Sp" i k'inj' (t .wP- Spi • t a 111. Thf only i' 1 a. •* on ;nrh wh. . the Worh'PfOV. ted "Hid P 1:1*' has been found is within a f» vv mil'-s nt our u'atfs. So much for the attractions that fiiviron us. Asa maiiufacturiuLr ffiiti'f Hick«»rv also -!• ; t«» t' e fr>nt and h »lds up hr . i 1 f >r rt-ct»_L r iiition. Tin i»- r- :.on -m --in our hive >f industry n» _ r ra-- ltow> on our >i P walk-- 11.♦ re i eiitfrprise in the 'a r: and th dfllse Vt nlim* s i>t a eli« i 111 J" sIi:ok» , thf chili.' "f t :i* wPi-t:- s. tl '• clink of thf ill!' i\ tin hum "f saw . the roar of the fore* . the din of the plainr—all attest Hieku\ - L r reat prospeiitv and !.t» rprise. 1 Vrhaps it will n, »t ' »ut 1 »f plact t«» notice in l tail s ( .uie t»f Hickory's various nt- rpr s»-s. i:.- stitutit. tc. ; PIEDMONT WAi.nN CO. In ls~s. Mr. (i. C. lhuiniwell, a| Pliiladelphian, came t> North \ ( ' ro:ina, with! \ the idea of t*ll | ll \ gaging- in some J. J® I business if pos- j V. 7 sible. Aft er | \\ \ various j points in the. State lie came to Hickorv, and . i with a trained eye, he was quick j to see that this locality was des- ( tilled to he, in the near future, a| great manufacturing centre. Hej found the hilis and valleys liter-j ally burdened with vast forests of virgin growth—the hard-woods abounding in wonderful profu sion. He saw, too, that natural water power could be had on j every hand—power suilicient to, run all the machinery in the land. | , But Mr. Bonniwell had been un-| ; fortunate—he was without money, j . He had, however, that which w as i worth more—indomitable enemy, , pluck anil perseverance. He sought assistance, and found it in Mr. A. L. Kamsour, the pro-1 prietor of llamsour s mill on the Catawba liver, three miles dis-1 taut. 1 hey began opeiations on ' a very small scale, under the style ' I >f I'a 111 —« Mil' A J» »fj 11J \\ i i, ;i i i«I ;ift»• r a f« v» \\i ■ ti «• f'l >t "I'h 'li MM 11 Waif mi* \\.t> i »uT ln >ln• Vu i - T ! I♦' ii >l ' :iT • l ii tl' ••• -- . i'V t'» t I!* * »flt •• >l tl.f t'U-ii,—- in f!« t. t!•» !i't •:ii• I j> i ; \» t a Ii • - \♦! v" ! ! ;• •1 ! V reri.. ! tli» "M»l i 1 -li n i ' !•• liit. .• i i". 1 > ■li 111 >• • \. i ~ . ■ ! l t«» ji \ • "••['" -•• •'• in tli • ii.' iv i ' • ;: t» • •* I —v. t - »! • > - tiii* 1 : > lie jn at if i* • . • i »nly 1>• :: * ir> 1». r ti.» : •••: •a: j» i ■" L i is ■!]•>♦ »! it as .i it 11a 1 ; I >« •.. a irk 1 I •• . aii i \\ «M 11 • 1 ll -t 1 j*i if 'ii- . .\* tii- j i jit lii> *'> tar ' •! iit »a>t 1M _ t » Mr. .1. li., of I i all 1 MOS., J »r >- I »«■ f—.i t-> furnish tlif i«juiMtf ! la* al.» f. >r tll •* (•' Hitili Hain't* j »f tli-- flit- rpr's.-. MHall N was all ♦ ■ 11« I _r«ti«*. _■ >-a! i♦- a• 1 * liiall. al 1 u 1j» li la* put hi- * s'n-niM. T t- > t !i** uIMM-1 it !•» _ r aii t-» ! a ii«l irra-iual vIIJ • * tiit»rprist* .[.•% » ] >!*•♦-« 1. until in a short time it 1 luul entirely outgrown its capacity -i_r it w«»uM advane*- tin* r i 1 1 1 ♦• 1 ' -ts .. f the F« »nc»-ri: t') IM* ill i tin* town ainl maitr transporta tion facilitit-s. tii-- [»! • -' lit -it*' \\ a s»M*uit*t ill lss]. M *•!*.>!■. F. H. I : Al» \an!• rain 1 V\ . H. Flll> 11 a«I in the m« antiine tak u i st.»iu stock I in tli*-. nt' ipi i-»\ ]> s 'Jthe n-! « til COPIES. Itt uml>cr 1. jstituti'in in.'in|ior:it. '! :i-tin" I PiedllU Hit W agon Co., with;. \ >a id~ uj) capital of s-Jihhmi. Mr. .1. (i. ! Hall having purchased Mr. I'llis' | i 111«* I est, 1»« .* t• a 11:»* lttaiiaiTi'ij" {» i.»- { >i it t»r. witli ilu' tirill »t i 1 all j Bros. as its main .support. i• rum ' that time to the present Mi", lia 1 ! ha* directed it> opt rations in rv * ; cry detail, and the phenomenal suect ss rll>.l growth t tne iit f 'i"~ prise are at t lil nit a 1 to his .t energy ami fine lni>iin's> qualifi cations. together with the reputa tion f»r thorough and honest workmanship witi*li t 1 ■ waptis liiivc, and which enalm tin m to compete suemessfully w here*ver in troduced. r>y the first of Janua rv last rear the trade had crown to su*h proportions s hat it involved an investment in land, machinerv and material of moro than S 100.000, and in March it w;ts re-iiicoi'poraied under the same name and style, with an au thorized capital of s-no,ooo, with privilege of increasing to £500,- 000, and with s'P'd.nno j.aid "i. I lie site comprises thirty acres of valuable land within the cor porate limits of the city. I )\er ti ft ecu tin m-a nd dollars worth of the 1 at« st ait! i. t >-t in pn ved ma -1 chinerv is in use ami nothing is omitted wl ich can tend to iin— pro\efhe V.ol'h or expedite tin 4 manufacture. A new building oi brick has been « recti d, 00x200 feet in size, ami two and omvhalf stories high, with tire walls and dou 1> 1 e fire-proof floors, and with all its arrangements so adjusted as{t > faci I it." t e the work. 'i a w lulid e r will go in at ore. ttoor 4 «» wool-working ) ucltim s, thejnco to he put 11" 11. r. tln n \i > the blacksmiths for iroim u, from alienee it passes t • a power e!e \a t »i'. Wllii •11ta K ♦ to tie iloor al"»v« foi linishii:l". paihti, etc., and 111■ •ii to the st >ll !i»u^ l s and tin cai And all the woik « n V- - \ • v- * • v ' ft?*',' ; Y « ■ > : sf\ - u r * h-t* 't I "' ' k - 7 *~S rII f \ ! \ J - , : I i, till- i UjidlliL*" Wa>lojje », \ j- a lit I ai ouiid tin- w tii kill* n ant! j j« >t a v. ! t , or a maclii tic -topp» i its 1• . • ].»■!». 1; i I■ t a ' ,;! 11 iI ; j; ! - ': • 1 ' t„ • ■ j wo' oil a fount of the la! Jr.. ~i - 1» ;-• 1 i- }. 111• 1. ami tie • n v '!u;e m ,: \ to >top w 1 • w ].. :i * • • chl.m :• ! . U; • .' d t I tl.e'r i. v. posit; ,j s. Mr. If t }] is } tV ili_ ;t ha rl ♦' i; - »unt -f w. •• ..1 u,,i k pi* | '.lt i , he . i . -i i tll it \ j;ej. ! .i • Wi ■o■ I !1 1at•' Ifi - .1 re »: -ppt d 11 • • W _TO Jjs call he tU I 'lei i >U t jU'-t tl. e > a 111 e1 • V th* 1 >lack>mit lis. No e\- jtens» i- 1m i i.-j.ared in putting* Hi a!! liit'dt-in aj»pllalic-s f.. i , n nn-ma . ecoiiomv at 1 :ii!ainst tire. Tlu-re will 1..- ,t tiie tank and 1 »-e at tlie o»m --tnaijt i of the op. ra T . ■>. Electric lights ar alno boi _ r put in ft>r tht purpose of i ui.ioi._r at 11 ilit ii oi hr t» k- tp 1 p with tin lai _ r » »r«l •is 11: at a ft- p»i:i;n_- ili tl'om aI: 'piartt r-s. A wiiiir 4hx»;u is ;i '-t» contem plate 'l us s(Hiii as tin* machinery is phe ed in tln lit w _ r . The sup] '.y if timot r suitai 'e or this wt.ik within a -m til radi-

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