Jextb \ : . j 20,000 > ('ofth's.'c ' / l'i!it,mc 20. C lIIR Z£lR S . t\i _ ' P L.vLm j ! .-- ot ji > zil is d« ad. lo ad Link- m v. ad- i i- nn-nt p ;t ( fM j | . has takt n hold of some (A uui people. \dw f• ■! l * g i « use for l"* lit. A p j \ i.*i., nlt ■! 1 . Mu'mi . |v t r.-t (»],i4 - if the tfade i-sito w i. ! fui iil-ho( I f »r .">• • arli. \\ | it i>( : u 11 «• . »p.-uii'tr oi }} i(I)f) :t at I ' l sl 1 A luitUl s. \ liaikin t »n iil e dest ION• - c 1 >' Jn.( •0 w .! 11 of pr'pet t \ on ttie nith u i. ('mi dii us m the n -ith r»om leoi ol l a.ait ts. Opera Hou-o. Hear the liostOn (»Uiii[t tte Clio t | -ft* ' 1 1 era House on t h'* 1 11 h in-t The ' )\for ! 1.« -iL r '-r l- out in an ii dn-t i ial i> Mic. The South l booming. Yitssis. Link, Me( oinb A ( >. ha\ « ino\ i d iiit> the Siiut»rd *'v ( '«'. 1' u i 111 inL' . Li- diuoiit W'a-cn (o. have j 1111 \t•( I their ojVlce to the Lillott ( >p» la 1 1 ousr., Hannah I>. Soul hwoi th. the sia\ (l ol Stephen Let'iu.-, ilied in hei ft -i i t >ll lUe iln llist. The Piedmont Cijjar Co has liion d its taetoi'N to the luick buini ing oil Aiex.-Ilider St I 'nil di.-.- suit- to hit e for the Quint* tte Cub ne\t Tin sday night at lo \ st» r \ Malt m's. i uii dre.-s -iiirts, white vest - and tu s -mta'i .e to weal to t! ; tt' t1 u I at tl.« V. hit* Fiout. A pjea.-ant )etoi)er bre /.e st' lick u- lust and it was cold enougi tor fi ost this morning. Li'dueed i'ates at the Ilickoiy i 11n lor 11 io-o coining' to hear the I M .st on Quintette ( illb. The Ashevil'e ("it veil after sus peuse of n we k i- out again, jirethn n ja.t lis on your list. Mrs Jud«j ( illev was called to tl i !« nil It 1 ot la r most excellent tt(ther. ( ( lot el Ibu | er, this wet k. N ( t!'„t« pi ay t r tv» r creat d such tnll.usiam as ()>eai Hentsehel who etnas with the Bost.n (Quintette Club. W ash Kabv. last wu k, while build il!L r HI d o\el >hot whta '. fell alld Slls r tnntii iijums in m wlueh he is now sntb iing. Jol i 1 LI ,b s is the gi eat est vii 1 inist at pr» sent in this countrx he will be here with the famous Boston Quintette ( tub. Mi. J. M. Law relict will soon ) 11ov »' his complete Jt well v t -tab -1 ishintnt into the brick building la \t door tt'» lobster A Martin's. Louis Blununberg, the world it low i td violoncello virtuoso, will 1 t 1 taid si i it'} in coi junction wuh t ht ct it I I at» d Bot-ton ttt Club. II all Brt»tht is card m anothei i'ohinm i- all tliat is necessary to 1 elute th fa -o 1•] I1 t 11 Ii tit 1 V 1»i atl-t i « t- that they hail a sig lied. Vndotil ttdlx the handsomest ladv in the musical }ioftssicn is Miss Anne t ai} t r the sop anoofthe I>ost"n Quii tv tte Cli b. She wil sii gl»re si t 11' v. I It. the cf the Elliott t j tia licu.-t il.t- ui-.isi. Mi. Grace, infoims us that the lii.ii g. if kngbt c t i'tti tut wt i. tl ; n. ( ui t to over iouititu milt -. .* V ii,i| Will R l»#> 111 The substantial growth .of our little city during t h- pa-t ex celled that of an\ other. Ii- manu facturing interest.- h-t\e been add* d to and mc'eased. it- schools have grown to be etju.a. to the best in the St ate. IT- JIOJ wiat.on has steadily in - cleaned, a line hotej. many laige and handsome resid- nee- and business liouses l ave been erected and our population and general business have gr ''.vn iii hie- proportion lo all tlnse evidences of our rapid growth. or it mav be one great promoter thereof. we can add health unsui pas-ed in any community., as a result of the line.-t climate and !>e-t water to b«- f• iullll anywheie. We can louk- back over the past year with pride and pleasure. The blessing - and prosperity we have enjoyt d in the past give us hope f«r the future. As much lias been done we leel that much more can and will be done. Out manufactur ing inter* -ts wii! be increased, our schools will grow us the, become more widely known, and these will increase our population ami all busi ness r«'l>tions. L' j t lis h*»ve no d - .- visions, nor holdbacks but. one gnml u: i*« d push forward find oni growth in IS'.)!) •» I'l fur (\i • d ny v tr it, >uv p-»st history. The l'i;i .-s AND ' 'AIJOI.IMAN tWjs the weight of its resp >ns:bihtv. It h::s done i»s best in th* p ist but hopes a more g- nera! support will enable it ' o do »:i r in fn •ii re. Mir cit v. H i »• a.most unknown without it- l"cal p-iper. The paper cannon live without city patronage. Let us help each other to o\er-ride all oppo sition ami go on to succt ss arid the g!o?i u f uture ilia await- us. J,t t even one do his part ami we .-hall know no failure or disappointment. nutter lii Winlcr. The "ol d st ii h; 1 it>• i>t' las never -een such a winter as this has been. Lhe gn und has not b»eu fr zen an incli deep and there has been no rain to count in two months. The farmers have beeu plowing all win ter and the land is eoated in green as in late spring. Some fruit trees are blooming and vegetation is cl springing from the unchilJed earth Onion t 'ps are a foot high and we nad lettuce from the open gar len in January. Yenly it appears the time has c me when we know not the sun iuei liom the winter. I lie opera boxes went like hot , cakes on the Ttli and in less than six hours after they were put on sale, over-two hundred reserved seat tickets were sold. Secure your seats at once tor the Boston (Quintette Club. The Western Xotth Carolina Railroad will sell return tickets to Hickory for the opening of tLe Elliott Opera House by the Boston Quintette Club foi one dollar fit m and ">0 cents from Con nelh's Springs. Tickets will be on sale Jan. 1 lith and 11th. good to return Jar. l~>th. A la dv in the citv wrote to anoth er: *T li'ii d} ing for some fur." and at the masquerade ball which followed, both nearlv died laughing it the fun. Iln i.i rv has a funnv crowd of \t ui g folks wl.en iLty set tLat wa \. Although it seems a long time since Christmas we mu-t mention the Christmas dinner served at the Ilickoiy Inn as I eirg the most ele gant it La- tvtr la t n oui- to erjoy. ihe getting out of our tr.ute issue lias thrown u> a day late. Wo will be on time next week • and in the future. Ibichorv, IKbrtb Carolina, Cbiussav. January 0, 1800. KLXLAECN-NINEI). Wll n tin- i - - 1 " e we sa. ut e von a. j and make our o > s nice tt> t? young an«l happy X- A Year. lue oid ye r i- and with i' man\ happ\ t!a> -—none ot which can be recalled ami .vt mu-t look to the future for tin- reauzation of our 11)pe.— und ail icipctl ;uii?. Oul 11\ ■.— are, to a ent tin extent. ,t s wha* we iLH'ie them and \et we are m a great meu.-ure ih'[»ciidt j nt upon e\ ei'% one ot our feliow for o-.i happim-ss. So in tne year to cou.e let us tr\ tr' m ike thll g- peac«-iu . instead of disagr« eable, for tho e with whom we conn in contact. Hickory's future, as well a- oui own, is just what it shall madt Many changes and improvements have b-t-n made w.tu the ilieomilJL o: the n»*w voir —let the wheels of k'-r-p rolling. Let us every one think niid act for the good o, Hickorx, for therein is our success Iri 111 v vears to eona? if will e\ *r bv the self-as.-lllned tas-i of lilt 1 Plii.- AN'n ( 'A ia I.IMAN to censure wrong tloim* and to uphold everything O 4 v O t l, at is for the good of our city With the proper support we can run a j a* er that will benefit Hickory ami we now ask it of our people. I ; the p;ot we 'av • workel and spent more thin our earnings in try i 'g to improve the I' AND C\\KO LINI V N and -hall continue as we have begun. We shall endeavor vith each week to give von a better pa- P* » I p*. . and to impr vt Hickory ami the surrounding country by showing what we have. This we can not do without the support of all others inteiested and we hope our business men and countrymen will not hesi tate to give th it support. We cheerfully enter upon our task, and wish you all a very happy New Year Itoeeption at Clare intuit. One of the charming events of the holiday season was a reception giv en by the young ladies and faculty of Claremont on the evening of Jan Ist. These occasions, both because of their pleasures and their infre quencv, are always taken advantage ot b\ oui peojile and the spacious rooms we 1 e li.'ied by those who came to pay their respects to the inmates of this reputable in stitution. The rose buds there un der cultivation were displayed to the best advantage and the young men were not backward in showing theii appreciation of the opportuui ty offered them to inhale the aro matic atmosphere which surrounds youth and beauty. Selfishness is a very proininent characteristic of some persons natures. One of our subscribers stopped his paper because we have so strongly urged the "free bridge question. A\ e are. of course, sorry to lose him, out we cannot atlord t> cater to one man > >elli>h ideas, when the wel fare of a county i> at stake. We hope to consummate the scheme and t'peii the gates of the bridg"e t» all s M >n. We w ant coi respondents in every community and always appreciate their kindness m sending us ltem of interest. We want them in bin f form and thev must b J written only cm one si 1e of the L q- l or we can not use them. The special issue of the Tra les mai. puti at Chat anooga, rv. is a ca» ita. i üb.icatiou, and is a perfect tiicyc oi a lia of information. '1 ue trains on the W. N. t rai.- road it would seem have net yet recovered from tne effects ot C nrist luas festivities. CUtrt'iiiotil Last Thursday 1 ight a large part of the be>t ami joiliest peo{.»ie of Hickor}, (male and female,) legaied tnemselves in maftjuerade costumes aid marched > n upon the temple ot learning ou tUe lull. The charmmg occupmts of tne sUon« r -hoid beinij taken bv surprise O P v the fort was gained and the be -ieg rs most hospitably received. lue Hictvoiy string build was sent for and the evening was made im-ny wnu tlancing and the de v u.iug of Ohristm is dainties st t out by >it'- aud Ails. Sanboin. tlie party was very hurriedly goi teii up ami some ot tue pui ti« s w re vveii di>guised. but for parties who are so unionunute as Lo i>* ouilt in a mannet not suit 1 t ) hesd sheep a I "motlier huhbard is me umv siio eessiul thsguise. .1 Cartl. Lnrrou- Piu.s.s A C AKOLINIAN : " ! ne publication oi " 1 he Brad-tret t Co.' that Hah Boihei.-, Hickory, N. C., lad assigned is absolutelv false, hiving no loundation in fact, and tiie publication had not the least incident upon wnieb it could be i ightfuliy bastal. Biatlstieets t eit'jijra] »lied Us on tin- (itti, as follows: "'Error discv eretl hist week and everx ellort is be iiif_T made to correct. Conveti »n r> .ill be made in next sheet." We state, that out financial con dititiu is better than ever, and wt , iopose to defend our busine-s rep utation in ail reasonable and lawful manner, against any and all imputa tion. HALL BROS. A laiijre audience were treatid V a rare feast of nuiaic and sweet harmony last night, in the 1. M. C. A. Hall by the famous Boston Quintette Club. From the very tlrst chord to ti c close of the pro tjrame the Club disp a'ed its won P 1 derful power of b ending Sounds and perfect unis »u, whicn at times resembled an organ, a brass band, and musical instruments not used by the Club.—Pi. LOUIS Republic an. At the Bitihiioiid supper On Christmas Eve Mr. J. G. Hall, pres ident, was presented with a hand some silver fruit basket and Mr Geitner. superintendent, was pre sented with a beautiful cigar stand, b\ the employes of Peidmout on Co. Mr. E. L. Shuford has handled within the lastt hirty days 3.1 doz en eggs. Most of them went to New York and Augusta, Ga. flick, orv is probably the best egg market in tlie State. a. Onjiagre t>, paragraph - —l'l'a nk LoiiL r hran—read *'i r * l s io ( )ii page 4, ]>aragra]»h '1 —A. A. Sim ford—read ls#sl. I*7l. >1 arrit-tl, Bv S. E. Killian. on January Ist Mr. William I'. Busby to M iss. Laura Isenhour. both of this to n.^hip. On January the 7th. Mr. Lewis Holler to Miss Dora Cal Iwell. both of this city. >r. January "th, Mr. James Mar jow to Mrs. E. E C line. Congressman \\. L>. Ivelley, the fat he I o.' the Houfe, is reported, in a critical condition from canc -r in the throat. Owing our immense purchase uf wintel overcoats an i tne j ie\ail ing mild weather, we are now -tiling them at Summer j rices. Call aLtl 1 st e them. BOY-TEK ».>. j vouri yv> • ***»» ukttu V i * S > ' A t.xj'ir* - .* th T no i l *h afT»»r vo .r I. T'll* M,«\ ,■ I ♦ U( , !P CIR SCHI S1 . Co 1 .. Ct. N. Folk sptnt several v!m\s in tlie city this week. Mi'. Sam. {• laum WHS in the ,'itv 'fist week, W't»i_r well and nappv. Mrs. J. H I'tvDHuf W «viu»svji!t* .'H» visiting friends in ilickon last week. Miss. Ila Tinner, of Hii shoro. is in the city visiting Miss Carrie Houl'-n. Mr. Win. returned Inst week from a ti i[» lor the l'» Imont »\ ag»n C(>. Miss Florence Shuford !« ft Inst week lor Chicago, where sue will reilJHll. SOUJt't 1 IlJt*. -J ii• i( '. A. liles is attending r> O tiie fuueral of his father-in law. Col. Harper, in i'atterson. Miss Jennie Stephens, of Peters burg Vv , is visiting her sister Mrs. N. C Brow der of this cit v. Meters \\. S. C. late and I. 1\ Aver}, attorney, and Mr S I lYar r»»i •of M >rgantt >n, \»« re m i lit city on hgal business l'uesday. Miss II or tenet- Infold, of Kandie man. returned to her home last Fnda\ night spending the liolida > s \ isumg Mrs. .1. F. Min i iii. Mr. -I E. W'ilhelm, of Atlanta, was in the cit\ Friday consulting with h"i-«*a!torne v*, Cilh'V \* Murrill, ah-.:it his suit against the C. \ Ij. N Ci. railroad jatob'H Fork llt'ins, Cnristmas passt d i ll v» rv piielly with all of it.> ( !;j• »\ 11 m nts * John W . ba> Im t n confined to his li d about tv 0 weeks with n»♦ mettiing ««ke oiiooU' coj.c Mis. Fjiza ( opening accidentally injured Lerselt with a peace ot stove wood and is unable to waik. Wai ace li honey, from Handy s township Lnn-> moved on the Max Shuford farm 11. J. Heiton has moved to Otr penter «Sc Co s factory to put n'.s children in the iactorv to work Dunng Christ mas Cnane\ \odt-r, in a sculile, sprained his ankle so ihat he has to wa.k with clutches. Tuete have been si me t xcitt mt nt created among the dai kies auout a "spook" that they have heard and seen in the woods mar liiackburn which caused a hunt for the animal. No new postmaster has been ap pointed at Blackburn to succeed J. M. Yodel, who sent up his ieMg nation some six weeks ago. and moved to his laiLn m Lancaster, S. C.. O. M V. We ate informed that Frank Jen nings, all Ojd man at Kutheiford College, made two attempts to com mit suicide last week by taking laudanum. He had been drink fig heavily and said there was nothing for him to live for — Morganton Herajd. J. H. McNeely. of Burke county, -tore-keeper at a distillery near Shell »v, N ('., snot and mortaiiV wounded B. O Jenkins, owner of the sti 1. on the s th inst. So f*ti as heal i fi«>m ui Mitchell county onh six men were kn»ed da ring t lj( r.nstmas festivities. S» v ♦ ral ott.ers weie wonndtd and bruise d. T'.e Washington N C. (razette aj ] ared a»l week in a nicely got ten up industrial issue. It sh >u enterj rise a!. 1 will btLitit the litt.e cit\ of Washington. fieri. L »ngstre#-ts wife died in Gainsville. C*a.. I>ec. -'Hh. Miimbcv t.