M SEE OUR I - {"PREMIUM! \?> ow/?. Uolame 20. Kx-Henator Kid(lleberf;er Dead. Harrison H. Riddleberger, former ly an U. 8. Senator from Virginia, died at his Lome at Woodstock, iD that state, on the 241b, iust. He was almost unconscious for a week proceeding bis death. Elected as a Re adjuster, he held the balance be tween the two paities during the latter part of hi* term. It was ow ing to his efforts that the Ext»adi ti n Treat} with Great Britain was debated, an act for which all liish men are sincere!} grate fuj. Viiollu r 1.0wr.) Dtmf. I lie !' ;i I i 1 i Ll' | *lll tilt* l"i IIH'II.Im IS the notorious Low I y gniig" that l«»1»1»« d ami inui'h red so extoii si\rl\ ill 1 lobeson county Several \t;u sJ i o. ()11 eo 1 til e • 111, SteVe lioury, was killed l»y one Me- 1 Oiie n. So ve left ;t son, named Sim, who swore he would kill Me een, and I M st Saturday night Sim tilled up with whisky and, with knife in liMiid, attempted to execute his 1 Hig-cherisheM 1 threat, but MeQueeii bad a "little g'Uli and Sim died. Senator IlaulelS Oratiim. iii the Academy of Music, at Rich mond, before the General Assembly, Hon. John W. Daniel delived one of his most eloquent orations. The subject was Jefferson Davis, and the distinguished eulogist, in glowing: language, described the whole of 0 O 7 that wonderful career. We will try and pi int a part of w hat he said next week. WlU'P'lu Tliey Differ. The Progressive Farmer says the News--Observer is "loyal to the par ty, and the News-Observer says the l'rogiessive Fanner is not, and that is wherein they differ. ''Hans, vot you tink ?" "I tink vot you tink." "I tink so too." Ni llic Itl> in New Vork. Nellie 1)1 v has completed her trip around the world. Her journey consumed 72 ela\s, f> hours ai d 11 minute s, sui j assing \ t 11 the hero of Jules \emes romance. Mrs. Cora S. Morris is oil trial for chlofornniig her husband, at W ent worth, N. C. Ihe case is attracting much atte ntic n. The de fendant is a liit ce of Kx-Govemor Scales, and is voting and beautiful in person. Her husband had willed her all his prop erty, ai d in addition had his life in sured ir her favor in the Mutual Be IH tit Insurance Co, of Newark, N. J. 1 MiR :—Mrs. Men is has been ac quitted. Little liids aie- sii gii that Gov eiiii Scale s is being gi en me el for :1i 11 «l( c l tss(l id 1: c.e. { n tlie he is the Old} man who t: i i lit e lit l\n f(liH) e f the sth el stiiet. Hi w t.lcut Paid} Wii li: li s Vt i ii\ iM Ge \ei le1" St ale s Mr. Bnxte n, Jeln Kii g. Judge r r- Gilmer and others to keep an eye. en 1 im. He is uiy "slick."— [North State. Stel.l n hi) s1 e i. d I e the man.— l'.i -i We list In cc licit tie Chai !otte Caldwell, Mr. "Brewer. That's an ii justice to Hort. P>\ the by, doesn't this suggest the expediency that lii it ihni j:e his i an.e dunrg tins Congressional contest >o that they won't get him mixed up with our Republican friend from the Winston district ? Wilkesloro Chronicle. "'l lit- lliikof> l'ress and Caroli nian is doing it jcood work lor iliat uohle and tnieriirlsliiK r little city."—[Dallas Eai(le. Press mil) Carolinian. ARRANGEMENTS ARE BEING MADE TO HOLD ITS EELD TRIALS HERE, It Will MritiK joo Sportsmen and Several Thousand Dollars to Hickory. Mr. F. R. Hitchcock, presidei t of the N. Y. Gun Club, and Mr. John White, manager of the N. Y. Dog Kennel, were at the iiiu for a few days last week. They were here to inspect grounds for the use of sportsmen to try their clogs. The president, when asked concerning the facilities and location here pre sented, replied : "The grounds are not quite so ample as those around High Point, ' which are now used by other clubs: but I tnmk they will prove sufficient for us. There is one advantage that this locality presents, and that is in the matter of hotel facilities. At no other point where sporting grounds exist in this State have we been able to find ttie same accommodations for the stay of the club." ' Have you selected your grounds yet f" '•Yes; we have fixed upon the I body of land lying on each side of Clark's creek, as I believe you call it. We intend to make use of a j tract about live miles in extent, for whi 'h we are perfectly willing to pay the owner for the privilege of : hunting over, the right to belong exclusively to ourselves. "You contend for prizes, do you not ?" "We do. Ihe first prize is £500; the second §3OO, and the third Si 50." "It seems to me ihat among all your sportsmen there would be a perfect slaughtei of birds." "That is an erroneous impression. We are merely training the dogs, not trving te> see how much game we can kill. Sometimes and, in fact, most all the time we hardly kill •J more than five or six birds a day. Netting does more to destroy them than we sportsmen. We are anxious to protect the game, giving rewards tor killing hawks, and paving tne ~ * netters to give up netting. "When do }ou hold your fieid trials I "In November of the present \ear. I shall return in a few da}s to make the necessary ariangements for holding them." The members of the club who were here have returned to New York well pleased with Hickory. Both directly and in directly it will prove to the ad vantage of Hickory to have them here. Hickoiys reputation is growing, and these sportsmen from ever} State in the Unien wi'l sp end it still further. Our genial towns nan. Mi. li. 1. Lobb, under whose auspices the members of the club here last week made their exaiuina t ion of tie gionnds, extends a cor dial welcome to all sportsmen, and SB} s that he will do all he can to Halt their spoiling a success when they come to Hickory. i Senator Quay has gone tJ Flori da wjtl Lis son Dick, in Older to re create himself by hunting and fish ng. He savs that the Senate, busi ness, nor an} thing else shall claim his attention while theie and mar his erjo}ment—not even the fact tLat WaLLftLLaker is la}ing his lines to succeed Don Cameron as I. S. Senator. Last month lowa paid tLe final dollar on her State debt. Crime and pauperism decreased, jails emp i ty, taxes reduced. Prohibition has 1 not ruined lowa. Ibicftor\), "IHortb Carolina, Cbursfrap, 3anuarv 30, IS9O. THE NEW YORK GUN CLUB. Facts about Senators. There are four members of the United States Senate who can never be candidates for the Presidency of this Republic, under the Constitu tion, because of alien birth. Sen ator Jones, of Nevada, was born m Herefordshire, England; Gen Mc- Millian, of Michigan, in Hamilton, Ontario; Senator Beck, of Kentucky, in Dumfriesshire, Scotland: ami Senator Pasco, of Florida, in Lon don, England. While it is the ex ception lather than otherwise that a Senator was born in the State he tectioaal lines ha\o been closely observed. Of the Northern Senator only two were born in the South—Senators Cullom, of Illinoi-, in Kentucky, and Senator Hawley, of Connecticut, in North Carolina. Not one Southern Senator is of North e r n origin.—[ Washington Post. "I.et >i> People ;>." There was no emigrant train to day, for the simple reason that the Richmond \ Danville railroad com pany, great as it is, could not get enough cars to meet the demands. In addition to all those reported last week, 980 negroes passed through Charlotte last night. As fast as the cars can be returned from Atlanta they are tilb-d up with negroes and again sent out for west ern connections. It is stated that since the first of last October 21,- 000 negroes have left North Caroli na, and crowds are yet to go. If the exodus keeps up at its present lick, all that wrangle in Congress may be avoided.— {"Charlotte News. Suicide of a Defaulting Official. NEW YOKK. Jan. 25.—George H. Lounsberry, defaulting cashier of the postoflfice, who shot himself at his homo in Hackensack, N. J , ves terda}, when he became convinced that his crime had been discovered, died this morning. Three postoffice inspectors who bad started to arrest him, reached his house shortly after the shooting, and they only left it when the physicians announced his death. So far as investigation has gone his shortage is between £4.0,- 000 and S-b~>,ooo. Cheatham is getting "skeerd." He is looking f*ft»r his fences in the Newberne district. There is too j much "exodus" among the negroes for his comfort. A report, not well founded, is that enough negro vo teis have left to make it go Demo cratic by 1,500 majority.—[Wilming ton Messenger. Collector Eaves seems to hang in the Senate. A telegram from Washii gton to the Landmark la>t week announced that he is iu no danger and will be confirmed. Ihe general talk is to the ellect that Vance and Rai sc ni are against him CLI account of his circulars, issued in the last campaign. They ceitaini} were an outiage JJ on the people ot North Carolina and cannot be ex cused or justified by any Republican or De me ci at who has a: y self-re spect. oi who is actuated ly a just sense of the situation. In our opin ion those circulars were infamous and cc st the lie j üblicans thousands of votes. It is haidly to be expect ed that Vance and Ransom will en dorse him. If thev do, it will heip us next fail.— Noith State (Rep.; "La Grippe * seems to have us on the hip. — News-Observer. About here it attacks the head and chest. "Tlie Press And Carolinian has put all progressive people under obligations to it,"—estate Chroni cle. NEWS NOTES, GLEANED HERE AND THERE Buffalo Bill is in Naples with his Wild West show. A contented spirit doubles a man's wages.— [Washington S:ar. Sam Jones is now in New Orleans ' going lor uif Louisiana State Lot- i t ery. Henry S vinson Nunn, editor of the Ne wberne Journal, died on the -2nd inst. I "La Grippe is relaxing its grip , in the North, and is tackeiing our people here. I It has come to [ass that rum won't diown sorrow any longer.— Suicide Rice. Tammany Hall contributed tive hundred dollars toward the Grady monument John liuskin, the great English r r critic on literature and art, is hope lessly insane. No disappointment can be quite so toleiable as disappointment in one s self.— [Judge. Herr Most, the Socialist, is again 1 behind the bars. He says that "all ' martyrs must suffer." Be cause I was not born and bred in the gutter I must starve. —Sui- 1 ° cide Mrs. Henderson. Mr*. S. B. Alexander, wife of Capt. j Sydney ham B. Alexander, of Meek lenburg, died on the 22nd inst. The Legislature of West Virginia has assembled to decide the contest for Governor of Fleming vs. Goff. mi The Sam Jones Tabernacle in Charlotte will he a temporary fra ne building, 100x185 feet, with a seat ing capacity of 5,000. Died, in Morganton, on the 22nd inst., Mrs. Mary M. Chambers, aged (50 years, sister of Associate Justice A. C. Avery ot the Supreme Court. Adam Forepaugh, the veteran showman and rival of Barnum, died last week at his home in Philadel phia. His one of the numerous victims of Ja grippe. The Brazilian Republic seems likely to cc»lhqse. General Da- Fonseca, the 1 resident, is far more t}lannicai chun Doin PedlO was, and the members of the cabinet, too, are very unpopular. Washington I.etter. [From our lt^i. r ulur ejorresponderir.] "WASHINGTON, Jan. 27, 1589. Mr. Biaine represents one side and Senator Quay and Representative Rav, of Pennsylvania, the other in a vely pretty fight over a postoffice in Pennsylvania. Mr. Ray, in hose district the po.-tutlice is, se beted a man for the position, got the endorsement of Mr. Quay and ha? ded the- application to the Post master General with the expectation that the aj pointment would be im mediate!} made. This was some weeks ago, and the Pennsylvanian have just disco\eied the cause of the trouble, Mr. Biaine gave a cousin of his a strong letter to the Postmaster Geneiai asking for the same postofiice. Mr. W anamaker not wishing to offend either the Sen ator or the Secretary has refused to recommend either's candidate. That is the present status of the fighu Ihe end is locked forward to with interest. Ex Speaker Carlisle explained to a Democratic caucus of the House the changes that the Republican mem bers of the committee on rules pro posed making in the Code of Rules; he also pointed out why certain of / —*s o YOun i) K.V'£ » I • ' P'v i \M *• *«••» *• J > J ) I Vr»>l Ejplrt*. * :h TIIO - " F . . nHiiic Move it ut> E y the chauges proposed would be par ticularly objectionable to the minor it v. There WHS a general discussion, both of the rules and of the now plainly to be seen intention of the Republicans to give everv Republi can contestant the se*t now heid by a Democrat No resolution of any sort was adopted, but it was never theless well understood that, if the Republicans attempted to brmvr up and dispose the eonteste ! case of Smith vs. Jackson. whirl h-is ,i r»- dv been reported to the H-nise, I .-fore the rules are adopted. the Deaio crats won hi resort to ever/ - Ulti mate method of deft itintr them, even to the ext* tit of bre tkmg a quo rum. In this connection• the fact may In* mentioned that the Demo crats in t'*e II >use lack dis*i P They have splendid leaders, but they don't properly support them. And worsu than ail, nrurA of them are constantly out of their seats just when their votes are most needed. Speaker Read's decision might have been overridden on two occasions last week if the Democratic absen tees had occupied their seats. It took Senator Ingalls exactly two hours to tell tht* Senate what tie didn't know about the face problem. The used was mild, com- O D pared with the Kansas Senator's pre vious speeches. The World's Fair isn't getting settled as easily and as promptly as it vas generally expected to be. The Semite committee is to meet Friday. The House committee meets con stantly, but, owing to its peculiar construction, does nothing. Senator Brices declaration that "Ohio should be externally Demo cratic " has struck a responsive cord in the hearts of the Ohio Democrat ic Congressmen, and they intend it shall be, beginning with the Con "resMonal election next November. Well, the civil service commis sion is to be investigated, the House Committee on Reform in the civil service having decided this morn'ng to make a favorable report on tLe resolution providing therefor, and its passage by the House being on ; ly a question of time. Senator Sherman has put his foot in it bad in his recommendation of a postmaster for Columbus, Ohio, if one may judge by the protests pouring in b\ mail and wire upon Mr. iiariibon, the Postmaster Gen eral and the Ouio Congressman, from the citizens of Columbus. Unless Mr. Sherman withdraws his man he will be appointed, is what they say at the Fostoffice depart ment. It seems from the evidence taken by the Naval court inquiry, now sit ting here, that instead of one, as had been charged, there are two or ganizations of Naval officers, formed solely for the purpose of influencing Congressional legislation in which they are interested .Secretary \\ ludom, in a long 1» t ter to Senator i' rye, chaiiinau of the Senate committee on Commerce, oje poses the bill now in the hands of that committee providing for the taking of seals in the A askan wateis by the Government, and favors a re newal of the lea-e of the present company. Senator Vest's Committee on the beef industry is at work again aft* r several weeks vacation. Ihe raii road men are being heard. 'lms will finish the investigation. Senator Gorman, after tr e Senate had passed a bill appropriating s 500.000 f.,»r the continuance of the improvements at the mouth of the Columbia river, gave notice that he would oppose furt ier specitic a}>- propriations until all public works t svere considered in the River and Harber bill. Mr. Henry Woicott. of Colorado, a brother of Senator Woicott, is in Washington, and has been express ' ing publicly some very hard opin ion* of Mr. Harrison and his admin istration. It is sad to see such ill feeling between poiiticai brethren. , It IRumbcr 4.