SEE OUR / - 4 &i> Ow 1 PR Ell]l")l | ' I OFFER, v' V- J Dolumc 20. HIGH-LIFE TRAGEDY. i tv )rjt n» r rt ~r r r crfr ! »" v » " " t* i r 'r ' *"* I - u "f* ' "C/ 3 r AViiLY- j Miss Trac> liurned to Deatli and Mrs. Tracy Snfl'ocaled. Washing i on. Feb. 3.—Mrs. Tracy, wife of Secretary Tracy, Miss Tracv, nis youngest daughter, >. nd Jose phme. u French riiKttl, a> ;i result of a fii'' in Secretary Tracy s house ti.'.s morning, now lifl dead. I Stcretary Tracy, wh«n K-scued, was in a stupor, sull'-ring from suf focation. Mi-i \ViliT*rding, the | 01-i. ♦ daughter of S»'cr>t ay Iracy, wis in a s»-iiii-eonscious eo» d'tion IT WAS AUOTT 7 O ( l.Of'K thi tnoi ning, w- n 'im - wcr ,••») , js-.1 ilfi .m the wiiido vs and roof . i * . , , f . 'I > )a .■)*• ;el u; . 1 ! ac\ S I (le!H . 1 :.() neighborhood jad not vet awakened ai)d a t around v» still. Within the residence not a sound was heard, except the cracking ot the» ll lines as with great tongues of tiie they came Out ot the windows oil (lie top lloor. j Soon the front door of the mausion ' wn- opened, and two male servants . l e • were -ecu to emerge aim run for their lives. Figures robed in white j then appeared at the windows. The tire gained headway rapidly, j and although the tire department responded promptly, ihe residence 1 was enveloped in tlames when the} a i rived. mrs. tracy's heroism. Secretary and Mrs. Tracy occu pied the back room in the second , story. Mis. Tracy, it is thought, j was first awukend by the sultocatiug j smoke. Secretary Tracy was at the tune unconscious, and Mrs. Tracy : v. ith heroic devotion attempted to • drag the inanimate body of the Sec retary to the window. In this, she i paitia y succeed* d. Half dazed and blinded ly the smoke, she I'pened tiie window and just as the ; liieincn were putting up a ladder to ; rescue lier, she leaped to thegrorn 1. Iter body was picked up with severe internal injuries, and a broken leg— she was taken to a neighboring P P liuii.M, and, without recovering con sciousnes*, died w>thiu an hour. Till". SECRETARY RESCUED. ' Ihe ladder which would have saved Mrs. Tracy's life had she wait- ' ed but a brief moment before leap- 1 ing to the ground, was soon placed under the window and strong hands lilted the body of Secretary Tracy through it. and carried him to the sidewalk. The Secretary was at tirst thought to be dead, but it was diJ-covertd th*t a small spark of life yet nmaiiud. 11 was removed to the resideiu-e ( ! Mr. Bancroft Davis near by, an 1 at elev* n o'clock wa> reported as improving though at that time he lad not gained con sciousness and was ot course una ware ot Hit death ot his wife and daughti r. MISS TRA» TII.UIKI/E s.\l> M \ TH. Miss'l racy the Secretary's un married daughter occupied the third s11-i\ front km m and met a fat that was tei rible to behold. The voun ,r dy could be s» t n at the window in tne .ight that flickered in between tut* blinding smoke and tlames, clad in a white robe, her hands in the at titude of prayer, and her face up lifted to heaven. The tlames grad ua ly hemmed her in. and she finally sai k tc> the tloor only to be recoir » P nizt d again by her charred remains- A Fieneh maid, Josephine, met a similar fate in on adjoining room, w h re her charred and blackened re mains were found. Pr. McCoy was found dead in his bed in Marion on the 29th ult. f Statc,Library Press m\b Carolinian. New Orleans' Sunday Fijcht. New Orleans, La., Feb 2 —About fifteen hundred people paid from to each to see Jake Kilrain tie feat Felix Vanquelin, the New Or leans car di iver, this afternoon. It was lather a tame affair and alto gether one-sided. Vanquelin dis played neither the l>eart, the endur ance, nor the skiii that hi • friends had claimed for him, and threw up the sponge after iue third round, without i' ivng received serious pun l.-hmetit ( r suilered a knock down. Kilrain was not punished even appreciably. The conditions of ihe fight were that \ anqueiin should stand before i\ for six rounds, the light to be with live ounce gloves and for a pu *s'-? of -"r-, 4 l«>, the wmnei to take ♦ hree-fourths and :he defeated one fourth of the amount. The West , Ijtid I'heat re was seiectetl for the battle. The ring was pitched on a raised in the centre of the amphitheatre and rows of benches weie erected all around it. The ! crowd began to gather in tue builtl iug b(:I«» i»■ three o'clock, but it was ( . after four before either of tiie pugii j • , tsts appeared. | i Work SI ill l*r«}f rcKHitiK. A gentleman of this citv. who is I assisting in the building of trestles, | i etc., on the line of tiie \\ ilkesboro I railroad, in forms a Daily reporter . ! that 10 miles moi e of the road will ' , . . . be turned over to the company in a 1 few days. Trains will then run to j the station above Rural Hall. He ; a!so informed us that crossties have 1 been laid beyond the Little Yadkin I ri\er.—[ i'win City Daily. Cot. I,lick. w a shim; ton, D C., Feb. 3.—The j Supreme Court to day, through Jus- | tice Biatcaford, rendered a decision allowing Coi. John S. Mosby, the | well known Confederate cavalry | leader, £11,783, in his suit to recover fr cm the Treasury Department fees as Consul at Ilong Kong, which lie had turned in, but which he subse quentiy learned were due him. Socialism In C»crniiiii>. Vii nna, J-an. 27.--The socialists' | newspaper organs throughout Hun'aiy and Austria are coming to t ? j the aid of German socialists, and are prii ting vigorous aj [ eals to the sociali.-ts of the empire for funds to : support the election campaign in Germany. Jackson I nseatccl. Washington, Feb. 3. The House to day unseated Jackson, of the 4th A est Virginia district, b> a vote of | l'ifi yeas; nays. 0. Smith, the cou te-stai.t. then appear* d at the bar of the heust aLii te»e k the oalh ol of tice. Two f> Arrested. Chari eston, S. C., Fnb. I.—A t i uit lo the News and C\)uriei says that J. Norris and Benj. Gardner were to have-* met on the field e>t honor to day, 1 ut were arrested and placed under peace boneis just as tlty were } rej aring for a meeting. Mr. F dison told Mr. LathroptLat "many extremtly useful improve ments on the telephone are in the possession of the se controling the inventiems, and are shfeiy locked up from the world because of the great extra ex} which would attend their application to existing instru , ments." It is astonishing to know the number and importance of his own inventions.— Wilmington Messen • ger. tbicftorv, IHortb Carolina, Cbursba?, fcbruar? C\ IS9O. C. E. SILCOTT HAS BEEN FGUND 1.1 VI \(; \\ I I H II I H P %R A MOeH M I'AHI XTS IN CANADA. Interviewed Ij> a N. V. Herald Itt porier. New Jan. 31. \ special to the Herald from Tetre Bonne, Que bec, says: C. E. Sile*ott, the cashier of the sergeant at-arms' office, who absconderl from Wasliington on No vember 30th with about 59(i,000. has Ix'Pn found He is stopping at the house of Mr. Thiebauit, the fa • -*9 1 ~ • ' /l.jt ; ' fry x » .ait. _ &K" 5H' *r y.-t.j V „ ther of the wo' w wbom Sil eott tied from ir.gton. The woman is aso domiciled here. Miss | Thiebault's parents seem to be still unaware of tln-ir daughter's fall, and • apparently believe tl>at she is the j wile of the man whom she is said to ( have lured to his ruin. i A Rich North Carolinian. I ' Hon. James Grant, a native of ! Halifax county, and now a member ' of the Supreme Court of lowa, is here visiting his o'd friends. He is the guest of Judge Spier Whitaker. I Judge Grant was many years ago, a teacher in the famous Love joy grove of this city. He h]is been eminently successful in all phases of life in his adopted State, having won the highest political and judic ial honors and having amassed a ' fortune estimated at ten millions of dollars.—[ News-C . yjer. The Road Question. i The magistrates and county commissioners met in joint session I ~ J on Monday to discuss the new road law and the propriety of adopting it in Catawba. No action was taken, ' but there was an evident elesire for some more efficient system ol keep ing up our public roads. The mat ter is before the public and it is ex ! pected its discussion from now uutii June will prepare the Justices for some definite discussion at that time. Tlie I-'orsvtli I'lectlon ease. Winston, Jan. 2i.—The 13oyer- Teague contested election case for ; the sheriffalty of Forsyth county, which has been on trial since the Oth in>t., came to an end to day, the jury rendering a verdict in favor ol Boyer. the plaintiff. league, Re i üblican. who has held the otlh-» >mce the first of December, 188S. ciaimeel to have been elected by on ly 24 majority. The N >rth Carolina Census Super visors are as follows : First District—G. W. Cobb; Second —M. M. Hawkins; Third —C. I*. hockey; Fourth —V* • C Webb; Fifth —H. Hatdwieke. Onlv two of the appointees ar» well known. C. P Locky is the man who ran again-t Col. Tiowland for Congress last year and got de feated so bad v. Henry Hardwicke i- a bright young lawyer of Asheville whom Congressman Fwart thinks mav help him in his campaign this year. "Tiie Hickor> I*re?»«, and Caroli nian is duin h a k ood work lor ilia! noble and en ter prising little • city."—.Dallas Ka^le. Commissioners' MeetlfHf, Feb. 3. Full board present. Lewis Yount was drc>pped from • the pauper list. Lovic Whitener and Charles Cline : were declared paupers and allowed •"51.50 per month eae'h for their sup port. Ann Connor was declared a pau per and allowed £l 50 per month for her support. Jesse iiawu was relieved of couu- . ty tax »)ii S4)() overcharged to him, 1 ne jury ordered to lay out a pub lic road from the Connelly Springs road at the Burke couu-ty line through lands of M. F. Hull and others to 1 he; Hickory road, submit- , ; t it t heir report, wuicu adopteo. ' and A. Hudson and N. F. Hicks an i s pointed overseers to ope n the road. ! with command of ail hands within ■ three nines ot the road. Jhe jury ordered at la-t meeting , to lay out a public road from John I Keener s to the 3(>-miie post on the , Cansler load ti.ed their rwport which was approved, and Alfred Withers ' and W 111. Taylor appointed 02'« j iNeers to open the road, with command of ! all hands within two and a half miles ! ! of the road. j The petition tiled at last meeting by J. \\. Clampitt and others, ask , ing that the Shelby road on lands of Captain Beck be re opened and re- , established, was heard and a jury e»r dered to lay out same and assess , damages. On application of the Catawba Agricultural Industrial Associa tion for recognition as the organiza ! tion entitled to the State appropria- 1 tion of sr>o. it was ordered that it be so recognized. W. C. Kenyan complained to the 1 board that he had been charged and i had paid Sl4 in excess e>f his taxes I for the previous year and asked that ! ,it be refunded. It was so ordered. ' The report of the overseers who ' were ordered to open the road from ' ' Mt Olive to Abel Sietz's gate was ac ! cepted. •I" r ~ I The Progressive Farmer doesn't ! approve ol the the News and Ob | 1 seiver's being "ioxal to the party. 1 , j The News and Observer saw with regret some months age> that the i Progressive Farmer was drifting r o away and we made allusion te> ' it. Scir.'i of the- bre*hr n evidently ; O Lt we lid wrong, but we think that what* ver conc« rus the public t i 1 can be spoken of in public. We have noticed that whenever a Dein ocrat is getting ready to quit the Democratic party, he begins to abuse the News ard Observer. The . Mgn is a pretty sure one. We have been twitted by all sorts of people with being "the, although ihe News and Observer Comp any. 1 . since it was formed some six years ag-j. has never rec* iveel anv special favor at the Lands of the Democrat ic \ arty; and if this paper has been so devoted to the party weai as to justify its being called "the organ, tiie fact is a great compliment to its management. Now tiie Progres sive Farmer is twitting 11- with "our loya.ty to the party."' Yes. we are loyal to the Democratic party, a the saying is, although we do ne»t u>e that word ourseives. We are tiue and faithful. And we are quite content for ail the people of the , State to know it— News-Observer. We are very much pleased i to know that Col. A. M. Y> addeli s P Listcric work ccncerning certain men and events in North Carolina is s in the Lands of the printer and will be.proLably out within tour or .live ! weeks. It will no doubt be a very t interesting contribution to our e ! State's literature.—[Wilmington 1 Messenger. , Youn . - ... wiser,ptics \ t.«»- Expire * tb 'ne '«(•-» v d*t»> nf:,T your . * . nam* Murr it up \ - i NEWS NOTES. GLEANED HERE AND THERE ■ Tlie Sainoan treat\ lit.- trati fied. Secretary Tracy continues to im prove slowly. The colored mans conv« ntion is in session at \\ asLington. Ihe authoiities now propo e t > expend $349..>15.00(1 on our nuv\. A rich vein of gold Las been dis covered near Kooky Aiouut, N. C. rae f »tn >»is Smi s xii: ling in !> »s --ton has been butnd. I, 5200,- 000. • Mrs ('o| pinger. •! -»t 1 i it' r of Secretary B.aim, dud in \\ tsh • ington Cry'last Sunday. | Neilhan C. liarn«it. Seeietar\ ol State of Georgia, tiled Monda} in the 90th year ot Ins age. J O At the Centennial of the Federal ' J unary, Ex President Cleveland ' made an eloquent oration (ieroniiuo, the Apache Chief, novv 1 teaches a Sunday school Does ho want a Cabinet position ? Woild. Mr. I'arneil s libel suit against tho 1 lines has boeu set tied, the 1 uues agreeing to pay him S~>.0()0 daiu*- j g eH - By a vote of yeas to 40 nays •the West \irginia legislature voted to Beat Fleming, Democrat, as Gov. I of that State. Lijah Moore, the murderer, who ! escaped from jail last Friday, has | been captured, ami is again in ; Greensboro jail. Governor Fowie has commuted the death sentence of Robert W illis ' and Samuel Hacford, two young I men of Rutheiford couuty, eonvicted i o f burglar v . I Jne lowa deadlock nis boon br » ken. The Democrats get the speak er, tiie Republicans, tue clerk, and i the other offices are divided equally . between the two parties. Kx-Speaker Carlisle and Speaker Reed have issued addresses defend lng tbe positions taken by their respective parties with regard to wnat constitutes a quorum. i he Uniteti States Government has at last recognized the Republic of Brazil. The Brazilian minister, Volente, was received with effusive cordiality by Secretary Blaine. i The bil.l appropriating £10,000.- 000 to hoi 1 the World's fair in New Yolk has passed the New York Leg islature. New Yorkers think that this will insure their getting it. if it r> r> is held. Mr. Henry Gladstone, son of the Right Hon. Vv. rl. (Nad-tone, wt mairicd lhursday to tne daughter of Mr. Stuart Rendel. Home Rule member of the House of Commons for Montgomeryshire. The Suj reme Court of Montana has rendered a d-cis'on that tbe State Auditor n.u-t pay the mileage and salary of l'hcmj - i.. oi.e of the Silver Bow delegation elected by the throwing out of the returns of one precinct. Thi- decision the Republican House of Represen tatives a lt-gai body. John Greenleaf Whittier recently sent a short poem, entitled the "CV»ta>Ti s ill. to Robert Bonner s Sons, saying that it was lus la-t lit erarv effort. A few days ago the venerable j»oet received a check for SI,OOO from the same tirui. Mr. Whittier said that he was agreeably , surprised, and that it would enable ' him to make some charitable contri butions he was desirous of making. Unmbcr

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