t $ SEE ODE • ji'KKjiinii \ OFFER.|/ Dolumc 20. Chamber of Commerce liauiuet. The Charlotte people have a State reputation of always doing whatever they undertake in good form. Last O Thursday night the Chamber of Commerce gave a banquet at which many line speeches were made by prominent North Carolinians. W illi Joe. ('aldvveli, of the Land mark, was cailed upon to. replv to tlx State Press !oast, he responded as follows: "The progr* ss of time brings inin-v -trage things to ji: .-. Notii it M(,iil.l have -« i imh| imoi enu 1 ik»• - I \ ii Ihe tail of 1s i -S. ti .n tni- raw K "niit who was tn( n comm' ncitig to practice jotmiaiism at the expense of t! is pa:a nt and ion--ufVcnng cit' . -1 ' i:,d ! ein tl,: 1 •( uce 11 IS'.H) to respond to the sentiment wi ich ha- ] ; -i b"en propom !. And \et it can with fairness he assumed t ! i« Ocsc - ventfen yea r s « f uuin t« fiti] 1• d ?osa i '?» tit n with tne press liriVc rallied him be\Cil)d tie eXt/ei'l m nia! stages of the work to wt ich he has consecrated his life. "! he [ H *s. \\ hal is it ; What of it ' It is fi; -t and foremo-t, a news tins is the iirst demand : the j üblic makes upon it: that it si.a.] print the nt ws. hut it lias a I mission apait from this. From bets prest;!xtv dit is its duty to draw conclusions. 1 pon the wis j d in and fairness with which it does II is d« pei ds the measure of its in fiuence, for the r ad r. more acui«, more accurate in his estimate ol him ; than the average journalist is wont to believe, will accept or reject the conclusions of his editor according: n> he has It allied to rely upon or to disti list his wisdom and his fairness 1 nus the influence ot the press va ) ii s with ach fnei onal part ot the who e, and not with the size of the , audit ice in each repaiate case, but with something else, as I ha\e si>ugilt to shovv. ihe paper must ; depend upon its news columns for its popularity, but ;t is the editorial co.i.mn whith establishes its charac ter. it exerts a w:d.' and healthful i .lbnuc* it its editoi be recognized i:s a man of information. judgment and integii'is; if he be known to la under no outside influence; if he be fiee of suspicion of any uiterioi 1 design. He wholooKs to politicians or parties, a.- such, fc»i' favors, oi i v. i o has hi> own aspir.it ions, how evt r st ci et I v elite rtaimd. fixed upon pi litics. cannot be a faithful, single li-.'atted oi a safe guide to others, and wiii ioose hi.- mtluence as his aiiii-ition is disclosed. The occupa tion, it its highest possibilities a* e t ' be attained, is to be followed, as is the h:gli**r ministry, for itselt alone, and nt as a t pping stone to si mething e -e, nor v t as a mere of money getr ng. That edi tor dishon >rs hi- } loie.-M. n v\ ho I«»t m mey ponders to a depraved or vi cious public in.i in or wiieii his con scnncesav- m»\ In like muii! n he discredits bun-el I w lie!, he ado a - ]>ei - >nai ]»npie t« c litf in I - coin ill 1 s: and thus we havi t » da\ tl e (f t\o or mOi ♦ of what are caMed "the great pflpers" j.f oar I'O'intry, j«r-»ctical y uithou' ii tlue'ice i>r foilowpg. notwithstaml i'\g tl ey h.av iie.mens l ci'dilation. I a*ii not here to discuss the cor rupt the rv ; eor the licentiou p re-s —scoui ges ot (tod Tht press gM tr&'/y is animated by high purpose-. Considering its temptations, it i- singular.y free from venality. It is rare that it lends its countenance to a measure whi-h opposes the general welfare. I is always in the van of progress. It throws itseif into the brtach when the campaign is on. and is the last to leave the trenches. For the I sake of the public, it imperils the lives and the property of its Conduc tors vv hen no personal end is to be subserved. It is first and last the friend and defender of its own com munity—a spokesman which is al ways loyal, an advocate which sel dom needs to be prompted. In lising, gentlemen, in Charlotte, to speak of and for the press, I bring myself into the same condem nation with him who spoke of war in the pr#-s nee of Hannibal. You have a press thac is all I have said a press should be—one worthy of the choicest Of -North Carolina's cities. It has always trumj eted your attrac tions »nd Las contributed in a larj/e ijuec.sure to r iv; your city the enviable character •.vhi ,, h it enjoys through out all oui bord»-r-. * * A Cloufl-lfiiirMt. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. s —-'' lie Shan ghai Mercury of J ai any 7, received by steamer Rio Janeiro yesterday, gives a brief account ot a cloud hurst , near Nanking, of which a brief an nouncement was received by cable at the time. It says : On 7th of this moon, in Jamse river, near Nan king, about 11 in the forenoon, when l the weather was bright, there was suddenly he.iid a lushing sound as of water. Two largo black clouds appealt a and soon enveloped every thing like a fog. The waters were much disturbed, and the river was full of 'urge waves. The two c;ouds eventual v readied a place called Tsit Li Chow, when they bursied asunder, makirig a veiy loud repori. During the disturbance many boats were destroyed, and over 100 peo ple were drowned. Afore than 50 were picked up in an exhausted \ 11- dii'on b\ tie Chinese Lde Pnsnv ing Association, Montana lic-itdlock IfroKen. Hh.i-.na. Mcnt.. Ft !>. 5 A motion was made in tie N nate today to consider bills from the Republican House, ai d a demand for the ayes and nays on the motion was made by two of the D'-m endir members. Seven Uepul licaT.s voted in tne af fiimative, anl the Democrats at»- ¥ stained from voting. Lieutenant- Governor liukards, who was in the chair, declared lhat a quorum was present, on ttie ground that two Democrats had called for a vote or. tht motion, and that the motion was carried. This-broke tl e deadlock, a"d the 1 Senate is now engaged in cons'der n n ii g the House bibs. ;>■*. l-'Ruiiiiji Inaugurated. ( iiAHLi sit n. \\ . Xn . Feb. G —Gov erm r A. B Fleming was inaugurat* d at noon to-div. the ctrem »ny taking plaee from the main enhance to the Statt House Republicans, especial ly b pub,jean n.t-u i t-rs t_>i the Ft g ilature. very gt-neraliy absented them-elves f rom the ceremony, in •ttnding thereby to { ut the seal t I their di-p'etsure u{ on the whoa- at lair. t- Kellt*> S Siicct'xsor. 1 iiilai kli kia. Feb. o—T e Fourth t -moi al Disirit t liepuh'iit-an t e»nvent' n ro-thiv nominated State Senate r-h 1 n F lity i u-n for the \acanc\ m ongress caused bv the leath of \\ m. D. Kel'ev. The ejec tion unl be held on the mst. 1 here was no opj isitioii. Send Him !«» lia knr> . Ti.e F\ai geiist Win. Fife., held a -eries of -ucies.-fu! iuet til ' r s last week in Shelby and every church uas been levived, the me ml trs aroused to belt* r iiv»-s and LJ? - dred- have been benefit t*d bv 1 g ; coming.;—[Shelby Aurora. Ibichorp, IRortb Cirolina, Cburstw, jfcbnurv? 13, ISOO. NEWS NOTES. !! GLEANED HERE AND THERE The Queen has opened Parliament. Tue Cleveland boom grows big ger every day. Richard Croker, New York's Chamberlain, has resigned. Secretary Tracy continues to ira prove. We are gh;d to know. Count Lije greatest of liv lug novelists, is dangerously ill. Secretary Tracy has resumed his duties at the Xav\ Department. S natoi Blair >k« last Thursday in favor of his educational Bill. Don Manuel Salamamca, Captain General oi the In. and oi Cuba, is I .lead. ( l iit- fortune left bv the Duke of i Monfpensier is estinjated at £2OO. . 000,000. The State Senate defeated the biij granting to women the right to practice iaw in Virginia A couple more wool fai'ures in J'Miii-ylvania What's the matter with protection, anyhow ? Hej resentacive Cannon reported to the House the now rules. They will be debate d upon and probably i adopted. ! 1 The farmers of Woodruff coun ty. Arkansas, are solving the race pr«»bi-. m b\ 'importing white iabor l ■ !l! Ot her Slater . The charter of the Louisiana Lot terv Co. expires soon. The compa ny has offered strong inducements to the State to renew it. Mayor Gran*, of New York, has ' ; .i: 4 ed T. C. T. Crain to succeed I Rit-h; >d Croker. fs (Tamberhun, a ' position paving S 25.000 a yenr. 1/ C» i i-rc-ssman CI ahvrs, of b Miss., advocated the passage of a i Natn na" "Election I-hw before the llr i.se Commit tee on elections la-t j wet k. T1 uin g Due 1 "Orieai s tried • p to in. '.ate the co"]> (\tat of rue Sec | ond XapoUon in Pans last week, but "lily succeeded in getting into pris' v. Charles Emorv Smith, editor of * the Phi adeipl la l'ie.-s, has been ap pointed MinisU rto Russia. Tbeed itors are taken care ot under this I administration. I The Chicago Inter-Ocenn had a leading editorial a few days ago on j •'politics and fdr; inage. The Re ; publican party ought to have a sew er run ail the wav through it.— [ il mington Star. North Dak ota i considering whether it willlicer.se lotteries or Mot A bill for that has pas ed the Senate but I as yet to re reive the apt roval ot the Governor and the House. Ti je Xew Yovr TJfra 1 gives ncn'- uu n to a seunon by a former Catolii.ian. R v. I} omas Dixon, jr The sul j» Ot was "Trades-Pnions and Ca] t ! -Mc T\ • • v." Mr Dixon is ca»t'iini\ ma .o a reputation. Ttie ch ap 1• - ' * !•' li* hif g hou -« « of Ne Yoik haw- u deitaken to form a tr i>t W. L»ve:i Cm. Mi.mo. at J John B \ d n are in'ercstel iti it Thy say that ]«. IK 'oi r ♦ r ai.v i? cheap I ook o wr at is tl e conq»e tition. TLe d to nave be n wjii ped at Ait id«-t n. Mis- . ;s .-aid to ha%e bf en dise* \ereu nt P> sing ton, Tenn. Tbifc is the man : to in It palls en the South. He wiil he ta'r-en rn to Wa^buiyton ti pive testimony before the De l partment of Justice. He Will Amsl-.i Wanamaker t Americis, Gti., Feb. 7.—There is ; meh resentment here over tbe'nom • . . ' ination by Pi evident Harrison of David Dud ey, a negro blacksmith, as postmaster. It was unexpected i oth b} the white- and Dudley, as e present incumbent's term does )ot expire till May. This is t.ought to be a ship at Crisp fc»r I. . - his work mC n«riess, this beim r his home. Dudi»y has been frequently sen up •!'. t ; it- streets under the in ! uenee of '.rink, and h-s a .'oc.vl i -putatiou a b»r room debatc>r. A short lime ago he was atraiu"ed * n br-fore the Ma.or f*»r drunkenness aii\l a^;u't aiid battery and tiued >•>o. Dmlli v cia:ms to be a L'fad son ot 3T.ittin \an Buren. Hi> ! , giau(imi>tner was maid to daughter of Senator Wm. 11. Craw ford, oi Georgia, and was in Wash ing during . Van i>uren\s Atlminis , trali(>n. He is a natural oratoi. ai tnough ui.eoucated, and in local , campaigns is much sought after bv white. p( iitn*iatjs, owing to his in- Huer ce with the negr-'es.— X. Y. ! World. r L | Vance on tlie .Nejfro. i Aai c a few da\sago -poke in the "Lmted Slates Senate upon ttie ik* gro que-tion. H? wedged himself i:i between Butler and Ingalls, and 1 i welded reason with humor and (•dg ed the w hole business with sarcastic coku. Iti'alis said not a ° woid during the delivery of the speech. 'J liis was well. We are , c OL'irg to believe that Vance is not : easily ur lloored, and that on the negro question, he could have pruned down as neatly as he did Aiuson last winter, on ihe trace ! i chaiu question. Vance has wit, common snse. balance, aid d plo m icy. Meanwhile, he is to he all the more praised for mod.fving the 1 % O asinine attribute into which the hur : ned and uiinecessar l ' measure Jhitier HL\.l Aloigi.n has brought the Soutnein States. [Charlotte Dem ocrat. \\ iif.liiisvjlon I.ttler. [For lilf I'KK"- A.M> AKIU.IMAN.] \\ AMiix-. ro.N, Feu. 10, 1880.— I I li.i iSe and liantiaii na\- al>i> pitseLit*. d tutu ta>t tu tue ; mil.oiitj it | LiL un ine code ol lib .» .-, >•. h.» 1. J.r. V aii.ajt: U\ Ll.i pal i laliit n IUI \ aUlOitnthb CUlUpehetl j tue liepubiicau majority ol tne eoiijUiiitee on iiuies to re port mucn sooner than the) had in tended. it ol ttie ciau&e in , i tne itUieb autnonzmg tnc i Spt aker lo count memotis not \ul li 0 ii> a quorum : "This is the most laUleai, a'id m oui opijjiou, _ne most i.angerous iiinuvaiiou pro- j i-oM oOn tne iiiajoi it) . il a^ ieeu iLe pos« nai piop'itj rights o: ne ll.Zt i[ l'Utectt d ueicLolole b\ avssena'elttl O v . tne \otes ofalliajortx u.u \ he ;n paU iCI h\ tilt Votes Ol .i 11 action ot Hie memOei s of i_on -oit .t-i. iii ILt rame wa\ enoiLuoUs | »i opriuted ii n lLe public lieasui \ lor tne - ant i st.iu lOi-iian'i impioptr pur .• ,se.- '. Ny iue O - practice I I 1...1 IV - the t'T the ti. K to \ a,-s i»i..s h\ e me'm . er- j and not voting wn. .Nt l» ;>u.t in tiestl>j \ » tne contiden- eol the peop »- in ILe in ;e- il . oi ation * • • I i.e itu «s were called uj- in the Hoi -e to-day hiid nothing e .-te i- to or d ne until tin y are disposed of. Just when that will be cannot U statedjei. Ti.e Republicans s-eeiii ~ ed to try to rush them through ' auu to haw a fin vote taken not , 1 tter thaii W but ti.i- pi o gramine will be vigoreu-i* res!stel C c J , b) the Democrats, who up'»n I j Youn $ >'i • • ■ ■ *-«w 4 S • ••**« ikkttM ' \ i-Si- - •"» • ■ «latf after jotr ample tune being giveu for a full and fret* discussion. I tiev l ave taken this statu!, not tuey expect to dtf at the adoption of the Ruies, but that they may Lave an opportunity, through tut* medium of speeches, to show up ever} daw in them, so that tUe country mav p! »ce the responsibility wher« it belongs. Ihe imperative need of m re public iti \\ a-hiugton mis been much ta ked of in both ends o the Capitol, since "*>eu-itoi • >?.tl bioil4!)t out tile fuel mat si'Jj.T 1 • a year wa> i>« itig paid ;;t b\ \ (vernment foi nuts in city, ami that owing to sue o\»*rcr>w .]-d con-lit 1011 ot 11,e (* »\ t1 ?! Mi**nt bnud- I'V' ' l* l * amount was. conunuousi\ 111- • creasing. rhe sentiment 111 ( 011- gi>■>> .-'-ems to ijc iij lavur of ert -t --iugs tiu luiiiiiiiji.• , h, osai V locally on the business of the (rovftrnment, a; J it is pi oLahle-t jat early action wi.i be t?«i «u iu ti>e matter. Tills* is pail >, umi jy necessary in the case gf tue Government printing olHce, ramshacklety old rat trap which will wofue day fail down ami kill several hundred of its sardine-packed oc cupant- if it is not replaced by a new building. r*> J 1 e It- puoiiciins in Congress are a ion- ways from being a happv family just i. w. Senator Kdruondi t-:i e;»i.ens to r from the Senate Committee on 1 oieigu af'taiis be cause a lesoiution oi Lis was voted 11 '.'i ''Xecutive session, while S« nator Shei man, chuman of the committee, cnuckles an«i says "let 1,1111 Oi tht Horn V suit tl ,le are oceans of trouble speaker lived is bopj ing mad because the Repub lican caucus amended his code of Rules by adding a ckuse making pet sion legislation pi ivneged at all 1 ;uu > ;t! die has mtimaU d to Mr. arlisie through a .lluhl party that if a I »mocrat win move to strike out ti is clause enough Repuoln-ans would vote with turn to d> so. The hearings m the Ohio baiiot b x forg»rits still go merrily on, but it is expected that this we» k will end t hem. Whatever the committee ma\ do. the impartial public has convict'd Foraker and Ilai*tead of tryii g to de stroy a man s gooil tiafjie with a paper which they knew to be forged. i>» li f that the new Rules art to ? « ai- pt»d by the House has 01 ought a swarm of iobb.i>ts of all description? to Washington in the hope of getting a part of the spoils. 1 ius is the way the matter strikes R' | rest ntalive Crisp, of Georgia, one of the most clear h« uded men in ti »• House: "When you consider the propositionfor immense expendi tnits of put ic li.oijf) that are b lutr n ury/ I upon th j - and that tiie**# Ku;» s make th'- way ciear for •i « "i. ;en d'> rot h'ive ?,j b»- a i * i • to h* 1 that iLe m>»nev a-k» I f. ! hy Congl' SS In apt to \ 11 h.ri!,;-! that held at the 1 reasu ry lie Demon at .■» aie tar.ii.g the j r»i.mii;aiy steps tt-Aai i> a winnti.g campaign this year. u-| res» ntstive I*iowei. of N»-w V»rk, has been eiectecttd tempor iry t. L.tii Uiaii, ai i Representative M R a. of Arkansas, tempoiury dec retal y oi tne Longr»—clonal cam paign con.mitu-e. (ireat pressure is t'e'ing Drought to bear on .Senator Gorman to u c« pt ILe permanent '•1-1.1111,1. smj t>f this comm ttee. l>- b doifces h eaker Retd, but tLen it :ii ..-t be ren.emt>ered that Ir g« rso.l, ..ke R» cd. di es not bfci.evt in a iiere -lito. Tie l J ie»idential prociamaf ion '•pemng the SIOUK Indian reserva tion to settlement was issued to-day. R. TWunifcr 0.

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