F* SEE OUR - If- ols ■-•** 4 jm-iAioj T§ OFFER. §* relume 20. I*l*OK. ItKlh'l OI.S V\ .K --111. IIORHIS. \\ liat tlit; News and Courier sa> i. It is a womb rfu! clans of scholars, these horses of Professor Bristols. He culls th em his school and the performance constitutes what the *>oys and girls'" do during -choo! hours. Th# re v.nn a round of nu plnuse to greet the entrance « f a!' the v eil known scholars, su h as Sultan, Lottie, Comanche. Claud© and (ol ood. hut the children laughed and clapped their hands in rapturous joy at the sight of dear old I)r river, when he made his ap pear a nee with his tail done up iii orange ribbon and his forelock banned. And Denver seemed pi ad 1o see the children, for he opened his ja s as if to say 1 "How d'ye do?" and nearly hhook his head off bowing. ' ]>€ -nver is just as funnv as ever, and he had only to switch that or ange-ribboned tail and wag bis long ears to fmake the whole house laugb. But Denver is only a mule, and Professor Bristol's chief attractions are I orses. It was wonderful to see what control lie has over his pets. A rneie word or sign from him made tin m ptrforin feats which SMina'most im| ossible for dumb animals. Sultan's woideiful act of addition and multiplicati( n be wildered the audience, and the way be told the time by locking at a watch seemed to be the acme to be reached by the professor. But there were other wonderful things the horses did, later in the evening, which were as astonishing. The horses plaved leap-frog, performed on the trapeze a? d walked the tigl i rope. A number of them played music on bells, while others see sawed on a half inch iron rod. The military drill by the compunv was a tit ting finale to u wl ich cannot help but make people womb v how Professor Bristol ever managed to teach horses so much. The horse show remains at the Acad» % m\ ' all this week, and during the time i there will be three matinees. \\ ednesday, Friday and Saturday It is a show for the children, but grown people, too, will fnd much to learn, as well as amuse, in watching Dt nver, Sultan and the rest of the ! troop. The naturalness with which ever thing is done, its complete freedom from hippodroming or routine, stan ps the exhibition as 'the most perfect of its kind ever before the public. Those who fail to see it will miss a rare treat. Uoll ot Honor. List of pupils who have attained .85 or over in scholarship and de port ment during the school month ending February '27 th Isoo. FIRST GRAPE. Margaret Hall. 00: Brock HoMem .90; Marv Paa-lzow, 02: Norma Bon niwell, 85; SECOND GRADE. Fat uie Dixon. 00; Lovie Sigmoi , .0b Lotta Paa zow, ot>: Fannie In gold, .0"): Lucy Thurston, Ol; Pat tie Jones, .02; Charlotte Clinard, .80; Josie Sigimn, .88; Mazy Hall, 85. THIRD ( !, VPH. Ella Sloop, 00; I.i/zie Thomason, .90; Arthur Pope, .87; Lillie Fry, .80. FOURTH GRADE. Beulali Nisbet. .00; Laura Thom ason, .80. FIFTH GRADE. Alburtus Brown, .01: Asa Thurs ton, .88. Miis. A. THURSTON. Press aiiti Carolinian. CATAWBA LUMBER .JC. PANY. jJ. .. j/..-; 2 A i I !i A New Industr> (hat will £i\e tlie MauufaeturitiK Interests ol Our Mountain I'.n\ ironed t i(\ a new Impelui, I Hi; voi \ ha- i gain leached out and «i.'av. n unt > uer-elf another en terprise of great magnitude —the Ca tawba Lumber Company. She lias drav n it Liiner. not wnu a covetous hand, but uffrarfrt/ u bv the lavish natural resources that ui roui d us. j t he company lias just been incorpo- , rated by Messrs. \\. B. Burtless, | Kobt. Winkler. F- R Whiting, J. H. , Parke and D. \\ Shuler, with a cap- i ital stock of 550,000, with privilege ( -to increase to S} 00,000. Some of tlie incorporators are :.nown to our j people, and their names are a guar- j l antee of vim. The name of Mr. j Parke is well known in connection j with the tii m of Parke, Davis & (Jo., j the famous drug manufacturers, and j as an insight to his financial status j it might be mentioned here inci- ! i dcnia 1\ that lie has refused two and j > a hall mi'dons i'or hia drug plant. Our \ast forests, which have , stood siieiitlv and untouched lor so j years, have claiuied the atten tioi of these gentlemen, and soon the mournful trenody of the pines j \sil. be hushed bv the ring of the , J o wtiOiliufUiV axa They propose the manufacture of all kii tis. lumber, and will also deal , i largely in uu milled timbers of every ! description. It must not be understood that tins i.> .ii- » mbr o entei prise—if has I been born full-lledged, and will soon m.ike its presence felt in this section. ; When such men as are mentioned above put their shoulders to the wheel it will roll. Hickory is proud of her acqui sition-—it is another feather for her cap, and w hen plac d among other l now glisteuing so brightly, it wi 1 ind» id add greatly to her gorgeous galaxy of enterprises I in pi t ssior.s Made l»> Cleveland. "It is the emphatic testimony of a j distinguished jurist who went from Boston to attend the centennial of the Supreme Court in New York , last week, says the Boston Herald, "that the gentleman who made al together the best impression on tuat great assemblage of judges, both by his manner and by what he had to say on that occasion, was (inner Cleveland. It may be added that this judge is an ardent Repub lican who voted for Harrison, and that hi> opinion i> shared by all the other Republican judgts he chanced to meet." The Conemaugti disaster at •Tame-tow n. N Y . I.as resulted in a singular series of legal complications. Some three hundred estates are tangled up through inability to dis cover w htther mother or daughter, father or son, died first. Biack- Motie. in a similar situation, takes the position that the younger person must be considered to li\e the long ! est because of greater vitality; but our Courts have bten slow to sus lam that view where the oider per : son was still in the prime of life. , It is a most interesting controversy, and may iead to a.most end.ess lit igation. " Tlie Hlckor> l»ress and Caroll nian is cloiiiK ' Kood work tor iliat noble and enterprising little cil>.Uallas Ea^le. I>icfic»r\\ llloi'i!) C.tro'i n, HlMrcfr C\ ISOO. 1 iitir ijo(|nt n( ors. rhc Cbai ott( * ■ .■ u • : of Con ~ I' i' . ( 1 i - ft ,:«i 1. • - j ia:.e :■» • r i-e • i *ut wi l :ip f r U ",:,. I • . !i»- ( aarlotte i J). -t : . -Man s i\s 0 .it the ; • t >! i> • it' editois j who ate. d'anK and were merry at ! : •Tee Ca.d*eil, -cuii-J to dentil, crammed. aid bumping liiie K.l bi uiu darmy the grip aguin-t t! •«-> rafters of his cranium. But j .M ih" Same be got there and taiked good, giitty mnse for the , ol in e minutes uL the subp-ct of the State I'rews. He bud bis -p» ech d >\\ u, took his tsine, and took bis audience. He was lelicit usensible aud of pathetic touch, i J >e Caldwell, the man is beloved | in Charlotte tnat he is half of an eloquent speech in himself. Kooert Haydn : This gentleman j arose after vocif rous calls in a "biled shirt and a spike tailed coat, the only one m the room He had a lull t ft/jonjtot/it and a. short speech and a face much like and as baud some as Be la Roche's Napoleon. His speech was rac\ timely and cut | oIY iu three minutes, and and to tell the truth took the town. It was considered the gem of ihe evening, and came from a rnau with proper ! ..ppreciation, will iu time to come be to Charlotte what Grady was to At I lanta. W K. Christian v-.as called oii; be arose, snake, and • tue ueiight of I . l ! his audience, sat down. Wade Harris was called on enthu siastically and made an elooueut ad j dress, but unfortunately not a word | of it could he heard by the audience. Dear old sYade, we dou't io\e him fu* his (ic Tnies, but for his friends, \ ho are unanimous> v so m this burg. The Statesville Landmark says : \ir. Haydn made the hiigbt-st speech of the evtning and uegativeti tie pre vale nt idea th»i a * m. ; m can not both write an 1 sj.eak well, lb i; a .iu*r as w* il as tin- math r hi> st.eech was admirable, but really his 1 * i pt rsoti is so l> look upon tijr»t one loses much ol what be si;\ > thro'igii considering the pnysica. man.— [Topic. A iiiiiM-nu iits. The Academy of Music continues to be the point of attraction for hundreds of Charlestonians. Pro fes-or Bristol and his wonderful t (juine school have become popular favorites. The matinee yesterday wa- as usual laijjely attended by the chi'dren. On' 1 of the most remark able of the many remarkable num ber- on the programme, perhaps, il - perforn arce of a little mule, not more than two feet hidi. who ' does the "t'«d t rcpe act " The •*ti;jht rope" is of course a slender plank about five inches in • width supported bv two benches, one at each end. At one end is a cush i tned chair. The performer takes the balance pole in his mouth, cross es the slender plank, turns around, sits 1 ; mself m the chair at tl e other end. dnnks a bott'e of milk ami re turns just like other two-legged tight rope walker^— News anil Courier. (>n '.a>t Saturday .Jane Moore, mother of the colored man who was executed on the 7th instant, received a j ei.sion certificate for s.'i.OO 1 >, which was deposited in the National LlanK on Monday. I his certificate in eludes all back pay, since the wur. due her as the widow of a I" ♦ deral soldier. It is a coincidence that si e receivd her pension money exactly one year after Lerson wa-sentenced Ito be handed. — "North State. WAS-INGTJ CiTY MELANGE. EP:::V.E OF THE WEEK'S DOINGS ;.N Cu.NGF.ESS. C aUK lit i x, in and Around tl»e t_euire o I'oliiieal i'hicauer>. WASHIN'ITON. 1). ( .. Mar. ix, 1800. — Ihe Supreme C«.»urt of the 1 :iiu*.i Slates is te be givtn an opportunity \ to decide whether Speaker Reed's : new method ui counting a quorum i constitutional or not. Ihe l)emo j ciatic leaders have mapped out a programme with that end specially lu view. Mr. J. O. Pendleton, of i I the tirst district of West Virginia, who was unseated iap>t week bj tne votes of less than a majority of the House, which is a constitutional quo rum, proposed to claim his salary as a member of the House of Repre sentatives, and if the i'reasurj otifi cia s refuse to pay him—and they will—he will enter suit for it in the couit of claims and appeal it from there, if decided against him. to the Supreme Court. And if the Repub licans show any disposition to delay the case in either court he will sue out a mandamus to stop the Treasu ry officials from paying the salary of tne man whf) has been illegally given the seat belonging to him. It is web that this question is to be le gaily decided, anil the sooner the decision can be gotten the better iiow circumstances alter cases j ■vas never made plainer thun by the I Actions of the election committees jof the two Houses of Congress. In the House where the Republicans 1 ue"d every ?ote thev can get there . . | Liu ; !>eeu an indecent en te in re ! t orting contested election cases, J ( .vhnt in the Senate where no votes i are needed tnere is a dignified leis : ire in the way contests are treated. Un the 15th of February the evi i leiice was all takt-n and the argu i .nents heard in the - Alontana Sena | tonal contest; Saturday March 1, , the committee met and appointed a sub committee to collate tne facts to be reported at tne next meeting, •vhicii will be next Saturday. Governor Inomp on, the Demo- J n at.c civii sei vien commissioner, is J the one of the tiiu that has not been J j sn. c!. d by the investigation now I in j .cgic&D. Lj l.a been con victed of favoritism of the worst kind j in having promoted his brother in- i 1 law after he had acknowleged that i he had stolen examination papers j from the office for a party who was seeking promotion, and now Roose v* it. the high priest of the "I am better than you are" element in j politics, is convicted of having de chived the Secretaiy of War in or df-r to transfer an incompetent (•.( ik from his own office to the War «»ej artment, aiid of having deceived t tie Postmaster General and the Stii ♦ rintendent of the Census in order to obtain a p ace in the census buieau for a man who had perjured himself in order to help Roo-eve.t make a n port again>t the post I master at Milwaukee The urgenc\ deticiencv appropri- ati* n biil—slo.f'.'o.of>o —has been passed by the House. £2I,*j(H),OOU of it is to pav pensions of the war • of 1812, and of the Meiican war. A New Y-jik Syndicate, of which . D. O. Mills, tl>e father-in-law of 1 \\ hitelaw Reid, editor of the Trib i une and ex Speaker Tom Piatt, the ; Re}-üblican boss, are leading mem bei s, has been awarded, by Secreta . rv W mdom, the exclusive right to 1 catch seals in Alaskan waters for 3 twenty years from the tirst of neit r May. This is a combination of pol -1 ; itics and business th*t is quite i characteristic of the Republican Y °UR a « • i \ > f ; ) 4 ml El; ir« - - *> tbe Jf* j *■ ..." ■ j-our i l^ party. Mr. Bame lan become bo dis gusted with the adii 'iiistrat ioti that be refuses to see any applicants for office en in his depar tm« nt; le t UTLS tl tJu ov« RtoIN T* of tl.t H> sist&r.t Secretaries u! State. AsMbtant l\»st ma-h r (» neral Claik>on is tejlmg his fii»nd> tit,it be cannot possiba i. n.am i, »]].«•*• longer than ti.e tirst of May, HI .1 (bat lie liiaV resign eni HI. 1 >lll 1«• does not tell tLJ«m tbat be has r« - j ceived a ver > pointed bint from tbe ; President intimating in the most unmistakable manner tbat bin les-g j nation would be accept able. Ibe question of a railroad to Soutb America bas been mucb talked about -ince tbe Pan-American Congress adopted resolutions recommending tbe appointmeut of a commission to go over tlie pro posed route and report as to its feasibility etc, A joint resolution has been introduced in tbe House, by >lr Buck)»w, authorizing the President to appoint suitable par ties to examine and report on tbe advisability of a railroad to Soutb American. C. E. Kincaid, correspondent of of the Louisville Tmiew shot ex-Rep resentative jTa-ilbee, of Kentucky, during a personal difficulty at, the Capitol Friday. Mr. Tau 1 bee's around is not dangerous, K. Soldiers Home. Thw spent two weeks in January canvassing for the "Sol diers Home." since that time there has been no regular canvass up to the present time. However the way is open at all ! times for cash, notes or subscrip tions. The following amounts have been received since my last report: Col. I bos. M. Holt, Haw lliv er. note Sioo 00 L Ranks Holt, Graham, note 100 OH L. S. Holt, Burlington, note 100 00 •Judge -J. A. Gilmer, Greens boro, note 100 00- i A A. Shuford, Hickory, note 50 00 ! Associate Reform Pres. Church, Statesville, N. C., collection cash 5 25 Mt thodist church, Newton col lection, cash. .'J Of) Rev.D, Munroe, cash 100 Ladies of Henderson, Vance county, by entertainment 05 72 Total £524 07 Suppose all of the parties ap > pealed to bad responded by collec tion or entertainment as at States ville and Henderson, what a snug sum could have been raited. Let us go to work and do something yet. M. O. Sjil!;I;II i„ Ag't. The' people of Morgantori are having a survev made from tbat i * - point to tbe new town of Linville City, tf p Linville Mountain, with a view of tbe early construction of a taiiroad. The road from Cranberry to Linville will >oon be built, which i will give Morgan ton, when both liner, are completed, H line to .John j son City and Bristol, IVnnessee. j Ibe surveying party are invading tbe bear .settlement but they kill tbe J bears with jack knives and go on. I)e«crllM-d. "Vou \e met Wanamaker?" "Oh, yes." "What kiLd of a man is he' " Veil, be is a man of tbe postage stamp kind —rather sticky, and a : little of him goes a great way."— I [Life. "Huir.tvr 0.