PRESS AND CABOLINIAN; AUGUST 4, 1892. jjrctiS and rirolinian. l'vKM,\r.K AIU.F:* r^"T\.N K oi moral TMil’ITI l»K. THK TAKTIHV KKCOKD .\H TOSILVFR. In the south thf» democrat- ig:hcst of all in Leavening Power.—latest U. S. Gov’t K-iK r TfJr. I’lll.'S A.NT> f \r.OI.INTAN!•'‘•-n- *.-vi-rj 7h>;r- ..i.v bj Tb* Hlcfcory PrittUi^ « nu.i' y. I • Oi8r. in Mlr.orv. N - • ?. , ^ ^ j ,,.(*( )I|C( ) f. ] S t JIII f 1 Jl T( 1 a .S «: ,i;. jH^ou-i cliiM matter. • —=—- r—— : ha viliir sjiil: TKUM.S OF Hl’I'.srKII'TlO.N : CAtii IS AbTA>CE. •I.I.. \\ hit*-, [iie.siiifiit of j^. p.j,.{y criticised for uot Cnrharrn. .o.n>ty alluuio fpecsilv.-r j c»n»* of tlu" s;)4‘ak**rs at . ,, , I hill ihroii^rh th»* *oiif::iv>s ' whirh IS just now ahout ro adjourn A party should . ii‘Vt‘r l*»‘ a.-'liauK'd ot its r^c- I V. as >»‘Ht to Kal»*i;rh as a (l»'l« Li'at»‘ to th»‘ stat^ ord and tii** ()hserv»*r TievtM* ■ ')n« 'JD«- ■ .pT, Six Sfotithll i\, Thrf* M )L*h(t ... o'latif •( >n v**n t ion. 1 '.vent has any ••onc(‘alnM*nt to inak^* andtrit'd to li.-'trn and un- about t h** acts of tlie dtMuo- d*rstand. \vh^*n .Maj. (.{-..itic party. Th»" New York ABSOU/TELY PURE •Tl KNVI* oi T ItH.IIT.” ' y f' '-i *• ' - t»ins.lMa(hT of th.MlMniocrats. viol.^ntlv renuhlican. i«'ad th»* iilattorni; 1 thon^iht , ^ ^ ti,.. i ^ ^ has ta[)UlMtHd th«‘ vot« s on )i‘‘a>i‘i thi* L.unini ii k \\* roulii not liav** -Monday was a proud d iv \\%‘ an* ;jilad our lift h* squib for* ('atawba d^Miioi-; i.*\. 'i'hi.'«*ourt hons* at N-wtui. l>ut\\h»*n th»* si!V(*r fjUMstion in thn t wo' \V»* did not intMii to b*‘so wa> Wf*ll iilh* l with ai»‘>nt 1 look«*d iiit o t !}-* laf*(* ot Maj. houses ot th‘ pr»*>rfit con- ni-esninm;^* a> to o}T*r counsel'd»Miio^ ani xtin, .''Mch a ’! >o 1 (>n»' 1 saw tii,» ♦*x{)r»^'^* }ir‘«*>s. on t h* twj> occasion.^ to so a.’)!** a ;)a{>»*r as the on which it lias bc»*n ui» lor , , , , ^ i V.. . . . , . Lauilniark and would icci i t hinii' in t h** con v.*nt i(»[i i{\ II. >11 it It 11.1.. ■i: 1. 11 o 1) b i n s. »ri. • lia v«* no k >tnflin-to n, l.u t u-.. Ijuv (,al,ul.-if,l tli.Mi, a- , i.ointo,) tu t Ih-la.t ihi-ih.' '.’i'f, w co.H-,.kM an.l l.o:>o,v.l t. I,, called conuty is well or-ani/. ,| ami It I rio h(,r tr\ tn thnik - y. N.-ithcr foi- work, 'I'lic li-k.'t that 1 am u'onm' to vote it, noiu . . i ’1 li. A ill .\ l| imnot bound l>y it. Am 1 tnc* record show: bounil to .‘'tand i»y it?” Itccofd in the liousc of r»*j>- (Many voiccs. •*Xo. i rcscntativcs March 1 S\)2, r>‘‘ttcr ihan he ('Xp' ;ed, on th* Pdand free silver bill: voKmI lor it. but is not bound Df^mocratK* vote for free silver liiO did we ,-juestiou tiie h>yalty have Iwen im- ot that |)aj)er to our part\, ppoved and in (*very instau' ** noi* do we doubt its riirht i;> j| •■,]{)\vns'* the tnii*d j*.trtv io as it j>ieases. J-.\en a |j()omeranL'*. L‘t every man third party mati ha.^ tiiat stand firm and do hisdutv Nii(inii:ii i')cinncr;il ic 'rickcj. by it Ix-caiise he didn’t like Democratic vote against free .-silver si rioht. > aud ill .November SjliijN* the h)oi\ in Abaj. Kobiuns* DeujOt-ratic majority for free silver 19 11* any(M)ntp*st bet'VceU t \N o ' Yod^r will rt‘Ilder t ll‘* ViC'tift ilej)iil)iic!iii vote fur free silver 11 o()0(j nh'U t(»rau otlic(*-one of ^ j, .jj ih(‘haud^( f tli** M! w'l • * 1 vote H'MiiJst free si!ver ♦}, twri i lii' ?co’- ♦ ri’ ♦ .VIr. White IS reported as ^ n'* in> p.ii votei*s o! ( atawaa. I ha'vin-- >aid further: Kerublican majority af.;ain?t Mlv.^r .“,0 Jjj.^ |,.j5,,j pj,rty tijjlit ••While in Kaleio-h 1 heard Ih'cord in th* senate duly ‘ one is l)citei- .^iiite I or situ- ( oL Polk say that many on the St(‘u art lre'siiver bill: |o liis partv to \\e>t«*rn men had*d him, i)feLiioc;ats i>i fief* silver :>() victorv, and under th(‘.>«*cir- •^\ill t he sou t h stand by us.* Democrats a^'^iiiisl free .‘i^ilver Cunistance oi l i( I A I. Ill ( oi:i>. “No republican can evrr, und(‘r anv circumst aiices. r t l; I j:i > I: r;i A i'Ji i'Li:Vi:L.VN]), of N. V. \\^‘ have i;()t to stand to- p'tli*'!- from cf)unty up. 1 am not afraid ol TK*;:‘ro rule. My iH‘ar(‘st nei;jhbor is a ne»-ro: w(* both farm and have any par: or lot with thiMhifyol thehuniiry. reix'llions man- Demv7cratic uiajoniv for free silvei- •J'» p;i piM'S in the dis-, hatili;i\ selliui!' Iiepul^iic-a.'i- for free silver ru {)ul»li^'aijs a^aiu>* free silver l-l 1 ricT to lav aside all |KM*st)ual ADLAI !■,. SIIAI.NSON, i |mv,. ^ (.ounjiou iip^pi-pst. it Sliile hcnMH iMl 'I'ickef. i ( m; ■ >\ I.KNOT. : KI.IAS CAKII. of l'M'4ec(»ml)0. 1 ■ 1.1 Ki l l N A'T SOVKUOli K. .V. J)()r(iHTON, (>f .\'.lei^huny. OK SJ’.( IIPTAUV 01 STA ' L : OCTAVirs COKK. of \Vak(. rt)U T:;r\sri;KU : DOX.VLD W. ii.VJX, of Wake. (iof's not matter about tl’r* color of t h(‘ skin.’’ I his beiiiLi' Mr. W hit»* s ,, ,l''*'iiu:z'a ml })(>licv ideas and lu]>ubjicaLi ii.ajcrity silver 1 ‘ , 1 • .1 1 II I choose for 1 he welfare of tiie liecord in t he house .) ul v ,,,, , 1 ^ -1 I -n* ]>artv. 1 lie p«*ople expect it. 1 d on th(‘Mewart sil V(M‘bill • ' • i i i corj)oral‘ ’under the name Ol democi', a name so full ofsteiich ami j)oison)thal it should be blot ted 1: om i he vocabularv oi civilized man Democialic vote for free silver 11 l)eiiiocratic vote against free silver 0-1 i Alter the nomination > j^nd hand(*d over to tiie bar- i)(‘en maile it is too late. barism that it so (itlv now oiiillioi,. hisahaililonint'llt of Bemocnitio majority lor free silver'2:i | 11"'*'' "* ll (m; lijihts j .UhI ill all|ia.-t ll.l.s K |iK m lit. tiiclpmocratic partv js „ot I’'"1^“^''""’“'* i V"''" ?" " ' ' , . T(...•,I ov,\l.• W..-, v',■■ ■ , . ^ ; liepublicaii vote flL'ainst free silver »U) ‘hands oil rule ma V b(MK)llCV ^ «li>o\( tU» .M I . t a \ » 1 > surprisnm-. it is not the sort ' . * . . . i i lieijiiblicaii majority ftf^aiiist silvtr ”)1 it eoi )a rd izes oU r cha T1C(‘S !or i \\ol,.> oll]fia!l\ «plot(i ol a ])artv to smt a man ol : ^ j i his vi(‘w* ^ "ldi(‘Press boastI’ully j)oints success. iiom t he Kecoid. ,>a\.s to the lbreo()ino-‘‘th(‘(-iir-^ If. in (*otiV(*ntion,.. th(' lie has not hin^’to take back. Tan any honest man support ' ,• I . • crats and rei)ui)licans’' andt*n. all is w(dl. but if bv anv s skin but is; ‘ , , , , ‘ ' , . , . , ,1 adds: ! blunder or linessethe weaker eontrolled m his political • 1 , .1 If tluM’epublicans had not ol the t wo candidates should alliliaiion and moi'al action ! * ■ vrr^.iti.v.rv, ,vu,w 1 4i ' ' !votediiitlH‘ housedulv l:i becoim* the iiomine(‘ some ) GK iKKiMi.M. 1 1 ii;i.i« INSIKU riON: b V t ll C cx I U‘(‘SSI 011 o U U Ul a U S , • i ’ I..IIV 11 tiu* Stewart bill, with all its ! blame must rest ui)on the ia(*e.—[( narlotte Uhserver. , ... ' menace to business int(*rests, ]»a])er that k(‘j)t “hands oi)'." him? ' 'K Ariii roK ; K. .M Fl ini.W, of r>u!)comi)e. .loiiN c. scwKnoiiorr.ii, of .Iohnst(,in. P>ut h(‘ is a curious citizt*n j ’*.41 i reiicv record (d’ the d‘ino- -^tron/^est part v man is chos* who cai'cs nothiniranout the I • ^ ^ ,7- . c(dor of a man A\ i:.\\i:ic> Ki;(OKI). On 7thj)ao'(‘ oj‘ this issue will Ix* found a part of t hird- p. lit y - W’ea v(M-’s i n la m o us record. W e wa nt ever’vbod v • c II \\ii i Ki iji iKi \\oHK. j wouhi have pass(‘d. P>ut for ddie «piestioi! un«ler discus- i to r*ad and t(‘Il his neio|il)or In some portions of the republican votes in the house sion, howevei. has “turn(‘d ! about it so that all may .^tate thedenxx-i'atsar'Muan- OnMarch 21 the Hland l»il! 4Ut all ri^ht" and the ].ani- I^'udw what a scoundrel and ifest inu* very little concern in : would have t)assed. "FIh^ mark acknowlcd^'es. immedi-'h‘adinr I ( * * tlie state election. 'Fliis is i (leiuocrats voted i>v an em- atelv undi*i‘the articleUK^ant • the* third partv. it se(inis due in a measure. wt‘ think, ' j)hati‘ majority for both to chastise ns, that it is ; that that j)arty has tri*‘ii to to an underestim.ition ot tlie thes(* crazy anc( destructive i>es^. )ur brothe!-has twici* hnd the bas^^st of«ill n]«*n to stren,!j,*th ol the tldrd ])arty. measures. won .and we are constrained l‘‘ad it. .\ II of his utterances. It is imp»>rative tiiat dem- The fi .>r coinau>‘idea is not to beYi^c that theeditc)rof to be in keeping with the man. ocr.-its all (u er the state popular with the constit u- the l.andmark has th(‘ma^'ic are t he words of vile. de;j;.-rad- % should u(Mo work eiithusias- ency to which tlie l*r(\‘^s min- power to draw aside t In.Mlark ‘*d, >landerous, lyinu j»o]it- t ic;illy. lor while there is lit- isters: and if it may cite fio*- curtain aqd peep into th»i i^'al-tramp. 'i'his record H said he i( mid live a month t]edaim«*r (»! detf\at to thv tires to show that “ifthere- tuture. W’liile w* do not un- that we j>rint is nor‘‘ro^ u* .-tatehou-t ot!icials. there IS publicans had not vot(‘d in der>taml t his ju’escience, we “diosh," it is all true and d;mi_[er t hat in a nundier of t hr house the Stewart bill . hop** the editor will rest ea'^y stands on the [>a;^es of the ‘ ( i: ATTOIvN' V OKNKIlAi t FK.VNK I. O.SliOKXj:, c>f Mfcklenburg. roi; .iri'i.i' twfi.i ru mstkii-t: (;i:). A. siirFOHD. pivi.i'irKN riAi. ! :.K- ii.Ls roi; Tin: stati: Af I vK';l: : (B. A\r()ri\. of WayiH*. U. i>. (ILlvXN. of I'orsvth. Tlu* Mei'i ury asks it Mr. Il;dl said he could buy tlu‘ tiiird jiarty osuier in this (N c.intry with ;i pluii’ of to bacco. Xo. Mr. I lall did not. on a ]dim' oi’ toba-co. 'I'har St‘ttied w** want to sav we 5(>r t h*' It'ader. W-. 'Ill not u’iv»‘ half a pluu^ counties the thirii party ]>e('- . . would have]»assed/' we in th«‘assurance tliat we are (dficiaH’(jn^r^*ssionaI itecord pie may elect UKMubers (d t 1h‘ may cite its hixures and its not alarm*‘d. d'here‘rU'e n^.any ajrain.^t him and we have lei:islat Ul c. statenient to (*stal)lish the thiniis wcmIo not under.-^tani. that official document and The d.enuM-ratic «-ommittee (‘orollary that if tie* j)eojtle Human nature is one of them. will be jrlad to snow it to shouh* scM to It tha^ spcak^‘rs want a tree silver bill ena‘:led but it has never sufficientlv anv who wish to Ije con- are put in the ii^*!d and clubs into a law. they should send alarmel us to pnn*ent the vinced. ornani/ed. d'here are p hMity noneother than democrats Pi;):.-" a.n n r.Mi.oi jxian fV(jm Peadit! read it!! and h't of u'ood d»*mocrati^- speakers to conLi'ress. , sa^vin;^' what it thinks. ♦•very man in (’atawlia couri- w!io will .-tiMup tlie various It is amiss to adii tlia't all ty that r**s{>ccts his hotne counties. It tl ev do nc>t of th** North f’arolina oon- i h’.* farmers (>f the ^outh and iiis tamilv an.''W**r. W ill I I \/\ i: U I 1 IIDK vw Mr. .\, Leazer, who two v.e*'k> au'o announced him- se'': a can lidatefor conu'ress, lia> withdrawn from the con- tesi. In stxlcdnudie has laid a>ide all seliih ends for tiie gt r.d >1 tluMlemocratic jmrty —an act that iloes cicdil to him.^elt and will be appre ciated by .all democrats and o>peciaily so by tie* supj>ort- 01 > of Mr. liendt'rson, whose A Li'reat mariy ll‘0(h1 (lemo- V, ay is m»w cleav and who crats hav»* l»eMn iniiu*-nced to V. i.! und( aibtedly b'e rtMiomi- ii'ive their suppoit to the thiri: pi‘r>uadetlK)>e who have h'lt Liressnjen, even includini:'the ’*^11 !uore mone\. Th^*y you vote tjj-a man tiiat a‘- (he party t* :»*tur n to dts co]t)red man from tlie se ond '’’’^*^dd hav** more money it cus»*s y(iu of l)oin_r a ••wife- told they ran d > iir'^'at ii'ood di>tri«-t. ( heatmaTi. voted tlie^diai|i]itous jiiLi'h t^irilT s»-ller? Answer, men fd Pa in urn'inL:* «'ther> not to h‘ave la.^t week foi* theStewart bill > lifted from thein. tawba and North rar(jlin i. a.*-tle-y had done in Mar-h pr »p(is« d by tho deUH>- the m**n who ai»* on the for tin* Pdand bill. 'ur farmer'j justly com- 'd. iiiim part\ iind* :* th* im- j,lain of liijih taxes. Tlit^ 'idle l'iii>s am>'\i:oLi\iAX material of taxation J. , 1 . , 1 1 financial condition , . , . dm not think a chanire ad- m i ^ t rt-;. .'ve nave is the indirect taxa- crat !• platf«U’m. sarn^" Ti'*k*t answfM*. How ean men wlio loimlit for lib- rii- anti-.,..ti(,ii j.iil 1.;,. -rty and far forr-t li‘*»*n laid away till /{h- r„.xt tli»*ui.-elv^*.s. .session ofcoi:ifr*ss. *urn Tijc Am'^ric d'urn sinner. .\ I'orce bill would pu* tL CMi: citizen wLo cuddoI woldd l>e improvt'd. Iris an visable and not beinjr able ,*asy matter^to dt luonstrate taritY. ‘Yet the^ . ^ . to-u])port Mr. I.eazer told i tliat thev aremisiaken. oven peojde's |)artv i^^nores the ■ soutli back vears. I);*feat ^ somebody to ‘ 1 .u! I . » r- I ‘ '' boycott mufet flock bv himself these =50. ! if tliey are loth to believe it. tarif! issue. I llarribon. ^ dajs