PRESS AND CAROLINIAN: AUGUST 4, 1892 ijress and far.Iinian, in irief, T'f* r* r — rr«r.i«ffED »T— KCRY ?r:.‘;t;ng compa.nt % 'In th? F-IUott Opera ItHlldlnK,) Hickory, North Carolina. $1.50 A Year -3o A Week. '• >* Tonr (fih-rrlptlon To ." .r. '■t;...'-s »Wb tbn flute t^frvr It TTI. COMMCMrATIOKS AND To k'iia' I'KI.N'TINf: CihMi’A.VY. fonl. IIK.K'OIIT. S. C. “Who 8ai(i watermelons?'* Mr. E L. Shuford is at Blowing liock. Mr. L. H. Phii’ups Las accepted a po.sitioD with Mr. T. K. Field. Lenoir College is hein" raj>iillv pushed lo c ompletion. Dr J. T. JoljLston left yesterdnv for ’onnelly-SpringH for his health- Mi.sfc Allice Ijinfi.^ay. of Hij^h Point. N. C, is vi^itinrr Miss Nora Shu- For the last two years the meet- (Jh Wednesday night of last week, ings of the presjs Hssocatiou have John Uahn went to tb» honu» of been occasions of joy f r all attend- Noah Teajjue, just across the river iDfj riiembc-rs. Last year at \Vin.>ton in Alexander county. Hahn wa^s and this ye ir at fJiiarlotie the enter very drunk, and be^ran cursing taininent' w»-iero\al. The conven- Teague's wife, whereupon 4ie was tion wa^i called to order on Wednes- ordei^d* fr rn the houst* Teacrue day cf last week in 'fcarIotte, the took him l»y the arm and assisted “C^>ueeu Cii\ of the (^^arojinas. and him out. when 'laun immediately the editors were teridered a waim drew his knife and i;ave Teague sev- we'coriio l-\ Maj. I,)owvl. Tne eral sever*- j^nshes across the arti;S A '«11 #»rth» IWmiwmUr Tonvr^^on In th** M!Mh I>l«*rirt. rh*' dfU ijatrs wb/i h;ivo bot'ii or iiiuy W SfltM tt'd by th‘ rt‘iriilar 1 >« iiiot'rati • (• iivontiiMis » f tho Cc>Ulltie>i i» f Wilks. Alf\;indrr, i'ti- tawlci :u)ti Lin olii to tilt* st nato- rial j'on . «-hti »n ill tlu' ‘Jl^tli torial district an- lierid>y ?i 'titiovi t*> as''»-itiM»* at Hii-kory' N-. rth Carolina :\t - p. in. on W» dii»*sday, tlio lotli d iv f >r Aii:^-nst. for usual routin of business was entered an 1 chest, fruni^l e elftcts "f which th« purp'»so id* i:-•niiuatiiicr two upon, ftii'l iLrtiiy Lew members were he died two hours later. Tlir mnr- elected. in: and Tlie or^Mni7,ation is grow- CITY niRKOXOKY. UTTWiriFAI, OOTKR’«MEKT. jt looks as if th^ third party would • power in our commonwealtl. About be the victim of a great dina^ter in fifty ^'ditor.^ ie>ponded to the roll T. ' I’ '■ ■■ r:-r r 'I' r. ‘ i- \. Y 1 ", I,. 1’. V. 1 i: rr- -.1. H. !-; I i-. i’ , l: r. ' OM.r^TOH —II W Jon««. November. K-irly ri-ing i- not always a virtue. A man :n:iy sleep lute and be vir tuous as well. The third ])arty in tiie ninth dis- derer had a prelimin'iry hearing the being recognized as a following morning and was commit ted to Taylor.'iVille jiiii. lioth the p:irtie.s v.t-re employes ( f mot., of this citv. Y. Sig- call the iir.'t day and many others arrived Thur^-day. Space does not permit n»entionin‘j: in df^tail the speeches made and tho st'iiat'•r-'tn rt prt sont 5:tid ilistriet in tlu‘ next ir« iH'ral assfiiiMy. > For tin' roiiiinittfo: ’ata\\l*a -A. A. Shi Liiii‘«>lii r. If. Hokk. AU xaiidwi- il. W. Fi.tnvfKs. 1 li‘ Vdiiii iii»t I xl ton >\ill n'l{> titt* Nortli. C Kt-iiuhiit uiio. ('apt;'. J. B Iviv* an«l H. I’. rni’RrHr.n. !’V f oFiMKi>—l'» V. J. M^3rp^r, T’rt' . - in 'h*.- iin'l fmj'r’.'i s in !'iv-. :i’’: I’r.i *r f)n 'I'. . T. ’ .'•ini’l.iy >if .11 H i; • \ l:;i r: ■ , r . . i. ^ t. ' ‘ \i l ■ \ ' • - :: I . • •; I; 11. •• \ i■ I". 1 • •. s- r- - . I ■ . . ■ ’ > :ll-| \ - ..f trict lias f^oiio to pisjees. Tlie detu- nu,l tho I'rieihliv iiiintiliuer of wit aisp'.ave.l l.y tlie brethreu. or to Cowlts spi nt .f hi^t wo^k in coinmeiit upon the acr,u»iutaiice> wrtli the presi lent aud vlepartmenl otli'jials ocrnN w,i! pro,-•.-,Uos.u-,-tlie pieces th,- kn,^,-lit^ of th. .,uill. Saffiec if i.opt-. „, . .V. Sf'lf h'^s gone to the encamp- that, sa»e in oric^ instance, {[]h !e[>ul»Iicin pirtv in N >rth ment at Wrightsville with the :’,rd , ^^^^-’Tthing passed otY pleasantly, and C:ir.*iin.i. It is inu‘rred from the w \\ . .■II ti . I'l.- ■K. I I . I' •••: II! 1 ■ S .!'i.v ,r I.M • 1-tT. ! ’ .M ir ,Si-r\'. • ; I > . ; i;. '> u; r.i> i n ■ iri ■ : 'I\ i'l'i-- ! r. -. I [ .1..- s.- f. ir> I . > I . t.. I I • li; t>! t h*‘ iv''!' M \ I \; : , :j • II . !. -■ M, • ‘ 4 .i i.- i.’S on a Postal. (try I.oi I'lV ;ii ■ r. Lo'! 1 i;,.l 1 i.-r. Nu. .’I :i 1 i ■ Kegt. Iv ind of X'^-.vton. \\(^h )]i(' l>rothir Whickard will cut oiV tho>»* sidf^wiiiskers before anoth'^’ fOnv ntion is called. I’rof. J-', L. Hugh* s, of lleidsvilh*, paid u - a call yester i IV. H(! will at an early I’ate locate in (Ireenville, S. C. Mr. (ir.iv* s, Sr, i in tho city from. (,\‘itawb:i Springs, but say;* he likes it so wrll that h(' will return in a short time. T\v nity-HjrrM^ new susorii>»^rs since la>t wt ek does very well. The ])ub- lic is api^reci iting our work and we are gla l to s ly our li?t is growing steadily. I-• 11 dici' III , t> il ili't .'I lit r the meeting was the beneticial to the organizution of any ever held. It was decidc-d to meet next year at Newbern. The following new otru-Ms were electeil: I’resideiit. K. Iv Hilliard: 1st vice ])resident. Jerome I^owd; ‘2nd vice president, Ii. A. Tiathaiu; 3rd vice presidtmt, F IM Willituns; secretary and treasurer. .1 F Sherrill; executive comfnittee, S A Ashe. H A r.ondon. Josephus l)a!i- iels, ]•'. I". Harrier and T li Maninng: orator. \\" ]' M>ir.-hail: poet, Jerome D.)wd: historian. J L’ (;alvlwell: dele- i at lh( gates to national ] ress conven I ion, I ]>hices: T II Jernlgan, \\ F Tomlinson. 1 W ijlount, J A 'rhoma'-: alternate'^. ![ .V Murrill. J T (iritVin, T li Manning and J A Kobinson Now that the business jins ail All present. The treasurer wa- ordered to pay { Slls *)'i freight on j iil material, the same to be refunded by the I'anly ' Jail Building C \ .V reduction of s;i;i.00 wus made in the valuation of a house and lot in Hickory. i)eli>rging to J. L. .Vlexaud- er, the housM on said let liaving been burned beiv'Hf^ the time of listing. Tne t‘0!itr:ic‘ f«>r Imild'rig tlie two houses at the poor hou-io was award ed to F. rl. Huthuan at ►.(>?. It was ordered that bids lor keep ing tiie poor in tlie por r house be let to th(? louesf bidtier on tirst MontiHV in S.ptember, reserving th** right to rrjrct any or I >'iux'rat ir kiny-. *■ l*ids. Hon. FJia> Cirr and ex-(iovcrnor -V petition w r,ledb^ U ubeu Thos. J. Jarvis will address the peo- otr..-r^, asiung tiie board u. Uw. following times ;,y,] ' to change tiie township li?i“ l»et ween Jaeolis F M k anl Hicl’.ory townships conversation of the^e gentlemen since tiieir return Ijome that they were corciialiy rec.eiv.^* U-ind tlut the adminisi rat ion wiil^ien l its aid. in th^^ way of iutlMeru*e and boivlle, to the assist inc" of tiiH Fives faction in (-lecting a repni)]icin s^a'e ticket in North I'lrolina tliis fill andcarry- ing the sta’e for Hnrrisiin. count v. ;i ill 'i 1' I If 'loi )i! ' !ia) I.!- • I:.- pilMl.-. \ I ». I I ;i i n^. I'll a. Ill. 1 I.’.iv. Tiiis is a great cDuntry in more than Olio sense. While the eastern , I portion was sweltering in heat, ad- been dispos‘'‘d of we refer to the vice.s from Montai!}'. lejtort a cold ; entertainment pre})ar*ed for us by w'ave and frost in that section. j the citizens of Charlotte, who rank Messrs. J. (i. Hall, A. A. Shuford ' second to none in this line. Brothers and other Hickory ca}ntalists have | ( ild'.sell, Mes^is. A an established a mill, on the Yadkin, for ' ingham, F.*cles, Ih’yant, Lattji. Chambers, and in fact every one did ■ U ar iV'— li, li’avf'S ■ l: K 1-' i r; i\ 1 \ '-s . I ‘’iiiii r ■ i -i 111’. I • II ' S' 1 •vill.- fi ir !i laiii'i'- ' . ’ p in.* !■. III. I r!(>* I “— . A I I . -...M- - Hi. Im.ry II ]• \(>ry t.i Uo.:- '.I I iM i 11^ K'i;iila r. I i:i U' I >i Ii;’ ''I I'l ’ !| .■« I . ^-1 (in.; Snu* li. I'. 1:1. NiH't ■ . P. Ill. izu; iiir N >r» li. A 1. >1 \ t‘ I .I«M I . :ti'ri\ 11 i' . ari v.' I getting out locilst ship jnns. The j>lant cost about S2,.”)')0. We dir('ct es|)ecial attention to the new advertisement of Wagner A: liumgardner. They make heavy and staj)le grocries and country produce everythitig to make our stay pleas ant, and how well they succeedel re quires the pen of Blount, the wit of IMarshall, and the oratory of Hilliard to tell, W’e owned the town including the i.ry •;i. >ir ‘i’- I tli.'T :in-. an.l vu.i will .lo well to . ^ xhe v.ihoa.l ri-le see llient. of.ler autl ou this '.v * Tlie 'Mercury, we understand, said ; had the pleasure of inspecting ih; the Siruvn*-t‘ democratic ciub had ^ runnerous and extensive manufactur- only three members. Twenty-two ing irulustries for which Charlotte names were signetl a.=? charter rnern- i is noted. I * \ )' I I n.i II I>r«‘I 'fill. .\t Newton Moil,1IV, just before 1 be us(d . . ' I IjouI riTi'.e!.t, .M . S}i«*rrill intro hn“(‘d Lee S Over iu in. of Sali'^bury, w\\o proceeilt'd to i>ty » ut the repub- lic ins and Mr. W'e ivor. His talk was fiiriab.i' ai d pointed iiii l irceivid witli ent’!'.usia''?n. H- t-’ok *l;e ;’i'-!io;is i:.l t r r.ibh,*.- tl;!it e-msfront I’s and ini le t!i(‘ wny pe’fi‘v‘tU cu’tii’ ti'anv rn-in who wants bers. Truth rnav hurt, but it should The Third party made a week stiow at its county ''oi;v' rition in .Mecklen burg 'ri)ur-d iy. A gentleman, who is well ] ns'ed aoout the political status of Mecklenburg. Expressed theopini'^n to us while there thntthe The open session Wednesday evening, during wliich Dr. Shearer o gave ns a solid, able, lucid and thrill ing telk, was a pleasure and the press brethren on duty (even lo \Viiiteville. (lolumbus M niday, \ u^ust 1. Maxton, Uobeson c >iinty, Wc'(lnt‘s- day, August !>. Dallas. Gastf)n countv, Friday Au gust o Lincointon, Lincoln county. S.iiur- day, August (,5. Slielliv, Clevelau'^ county, -Mon day, August Sth. liutherfordton, iiutherford coun ty, Tuesday, August 9. Marion. McI )owell county,A\’e Ines- day, August 10. The Ivichrnond (Va.) Times com plains that it is “a' great deal of trouble to boil water befo drinking it.” Then dorr't boil it. Kuri it through a sausage cutter*, as they do • in Chicago. I 'riie only persons in this country ' who did not know from the first that AJice Mitchell was as mad as a Marci) hare were the twelve good iiLen and true who hadn't opinion enough to keep otY the jury. Mr. R. H. Thomason recentlv so Hs to )Mit ali territory south of thf' prt 'icnt Hickory township line and Jacobs Fork in the fork of the ■ riv(-r in Hii-kory township. (>rdered to b“ publisln'd. ' d'he jur\\ ordere.l to lay out the ' road from Mrs. I'. M. Williams' to i\biiden. tiled its rej/ort. whicii was adopted. The j)eople who vote.! for Beast i ]3utler against Cle"?e!ar:d in can I ntVor] to vote for Weaver this year. Nobodv else can. The c.vMi AioN is ijiuirs, and kvert DKMO RAT snOULI) HKLP TH?: (iOOD WORK Ai.oNo i;v r.ouMiN'i cj.rii-; j on Tin. Fi'.es3 AND CAJiOLI.MAN. 'I'HliKK MO.N'THS fX)R 2“) ( i:XTS. A SI KCIAI. « O.'VTMr-^ION OF to I’KK ( KNT. lo ANY p.NK OhTTINO TP A CH*B PHI'U; T) Orr. ir>. AoKNTS WANTK.n IN KVIIIIV KLK(’TIoN MSTHIfT. ONE CENT COLUMN. j.l for your ••wnntw** an*l baxlrn—B la**al«. Ni> .ilr«TtlM-n;**nt will be connt»'tl Ii-bh tl.k* '■•II »orJn. will b« ln««»rt«*rj In th!« lolumn at O.NK T'E.ST ▲ WOIll) fur e»»ch In'-tT'ion. nif-pliiTed adTprtl»»*rE*>r:*n do not • Mnii> UQilt^r tlilK b^ad. FAliMKiJs — F(.r 01iv*r ClnllM {il(»ws, and F.lriiicr.'. Fiieiid and {K)ints. ( alien'I'. K. Fi»*l«l. ' -U tf. lo M »• .\*tei' si; 'wing up the fraud .ii, 1 drCi'piionin r IwM epublic in party :v 1 j'latI’jpi'in lie p-;i.l rspocts to v,i Mh&i/l Weav V :i:.d l.teraliv r;d- Scott who was absent) did credid to ' showed us soineof the finest cabl>age them-^elves. . we tiave ever seen. rle j>lantetl oiic- The carria'^e drive Tliursday was sixteenth of an acre, from which he county wa now in as good condition pleasant beggin'.iing of the end raided 2.KI0 pounds, or nearly .‘MOOO in.-k.iry an.i vi. in,iy:i;nprecM!..nt.-.W.].por- which came with the chamber of pound- to the acre. tunity to a i.Iu-k and pU'h. Com. I nii" on^ 0'>(» inc*ni-to th.* rig’it Mr. and Mrs. L. (i. Hay left last • 'I-'* ill Hiiin. He L'ave hearers \\\ i\t'r’s recv)rd from tl.o pages of t -.‘I :;i-css'.onal •or.l- ■ tl;e sa:ne tl. it we pu!)li"h this w« (k or^ our Tii. } Hf \u'. 1 np by calling ev: rv ivm’i v l.c"' lovi s bis home '11.d c v.’.ntv at' 1 ‘-late \o rally to tiie ..Id -V, ho. 1 the stand to their gu:is and it*!d thrt'T.',di November. 1 ' M'advt 11 ising patronage :s stead- I V \\ *• :ake none but the I t iss of for.'i anil our circn- : it .. ’1 insur»' n a g » ' 1 price for ihcm. On-'aihi or.t‘tp.arteycolumns havfl ftii a ivUd this weik. Kead * I I’K) N'l' (V\.; m in:vn ads. and y. will kn.’W where to tra le 1 *1 lUiM l.llil' ''pi'.i k I lie . M..! s. M. Firgcr ard M. O. S:,* ril! have been inv.ted to '.ildre-s ti*e denKH'ratic clab at Cros-'in^: on Tl.-irsdav, Augast 11th, at .i » 'clock !■ Hi. Fvf rvl'O iv invite W. A. il. K:^ SfC. Di m- club. Weavers record ou the p-ension tjin tioii is a reatVirrnation of the as it l.!i,s ever be^n. (’harlot te's sf ventU cotton mill has I'een decld. d on. It is to be a mill f>-r the m iniif.ictnre of ticking and will hav(' a cipital stock >f S7i),00o, Of thi-. sr)l,O0(>has been subsi*ribe 1. and tl'.e remainder is ”in sight ” The stockhc'iders are a!no';gth»- be-t busine.-s inei'i r.i Ciiarh-tte. I’iie 1,umber ('f entrie.-' oi horses for the A;;gnst r.ic^s at llaleigh at the state fair gioup.ds i-; so large avid of Mjch fxc'eilent ijuality as to grati- f'- and astoiii.-h the LT(*ntle:nen 'vho have d tlie atlair. From 'ill parts of the Slate tr.e pick of ti:e horse ilesh wi.l cjine. It was very h t last \^'*k. Iki: we hope all tlie brcti'.ri-n ♦■njjye l tin .r trip to ti.e r 'rtn .lU 1 got be.'-: horn*' ^ale!y. Tiic rcc -r K in ihi>, >tate \\ i-rI; K Iie (foldsi'orc..' and Newberr, an 1 commerce bancjuet and literary and j oratorical feast that night Mr 1 ■ , , 1 *1 Tliurndiv for tljf' “Rockridg .\lura Chambers was to^st master and tiaC - , _ ^ , -«r yr springs" Va. where thev will spen 1 re-'ponse by Messrs. IMyrover, ( ook . ‘ some time. -Mr. T. 'I'. Hay and fam- and Hilliard were the brightest fea tures of the evening. After this the fareweM scene cime I and many of the e^litors sought further ]-)leasure in the sweltering c“i*ie.' of the north. All left singing the praise of the pleasant and thriv ing city and h«r enterprising an i plucky population — not forgetting the genial proprietor' of the (’entr:!} an i lvaf>rd hotels. All praL'O t> the tjjeeii City ni.,1 p-ople. »• tu » . S.iiid ly ai;'i M ':; thi: wa> visiU >1 by two tlectr:? 't'.>r:i:s ou record, ^^-v {-r.y i:. f the mo-t .-ever" (ire e Dor’), no? h ani Weldon, oS: ^ '.*G; ■ V.*ilmin_rton. -^hernethy. F Hcithco':li an i S. A Hflwij. were -truck, and '(t.r; r: • ri.ley. while .-l^nMn..: wi*h a ] ‘•n t'.:r street-, had h;s hair -cor:*h- 1. Mir-s Phi.:ip=. ^-Vlexander * vii.t* , wa- ki.le 1. whi!*' atiother la F* :it Petra ?Jill.= , an 1 another at Jo’i.» -r mil..-, .\le\an l€r cOiinty. vwuos'e n^. we c;»nn''^t .earn, were l;iile l. The storm was exten.-ive and mucli iar^ T ' 1 n.i'.cu or'.:-e .mnot :»e cor^Ud Mr. Jerome iK.w 1 for \:j mann* r in wi.: n he enginot rtd ti:t conv* nti-n ti r. n;;h. Hi- en;. r ^. ily of li ileigh joined them at Greens boro d'I'.urs.'iay arnl Friday. Aug 11- 12 wiil be public working days ou L‘-noir College ground*^, and the frie:. Is of the colleg'^^ are a>k*-*d to give a day or t\\o of labor to p..t tr.e t^rounds in good order aii l al‘'0 ih'- avertu‘'S aroi:nd there. ( Mt >M. Th*‘ extr.-i train rur nitig bf tween A>heville and Wuyr.esviilf-. on tt.e Mnrpljv i r:i!ich of the We.->iern North (.’".r' lina r.iilroivi. ieavir;g .\.^hevi,le at p lij, and arriving :t‘ .1 ni . h.i-. be: tj di.-co:.tin ■ i \'.:gu.'t loth ther'“ v::]\ b^^ at More Lea 1 City a state convention t.f bj-- i!;tmen, rej-re'^f-n:atives of tne % i- *i ^-iian.ber- f •'•rnniOrce lin i N ci'-r „ •t::iz*itioL~. ,*i WAN.\M.\Kr:it .V lUIOWN, r,l 2i; Pl.iladelii’iia, Pa, '1 »I;A ■ O FLF»—’ali (rji Wray iVCo. ;1 %ou n* • d aiiy 'Iol»a.-i ■> Jlu- t!;i' ,i'*.»!i 'i'iiey v\ :ll .‘iavf you ii.oi:*-y. .’>1 w-»f”KnLrrav. (i Caid-i—It you hav.* a plat*? ai.i want n,r-r - ar>!-; j»nnn d. or it you wai'it a I'ia*'* a:. 1 ■ r- a;! »n IlrKwUY rnrNTiNG o. w. ul .V- ii i- i t i*tn»' arid -'ak W'to I Ou*" ' .'w rj’'-T->. H.Uij .1 k t ’li*? oJ!i -.-. Pm." ANI‘ \ d ■ VI an. • - it. IrtT j;OL’Ii A H.VltHI", D*'ai* r- i;. ;i:id ^»ralU!f MONTMKNT??, il.-ud .t'--:.**-.. l at) cVc. ‘ ■ I ' l> 4 J I i t ' J * at ^ \ - - 'iy (» ' .S'. C. >ILA W M.V'1 UN ]_• 1-9^ WK. 1 *-T yard Fai ' V ."‘raw .M.-.rt hrj-v-:- ( AKPi.l 'S-''y Pi.; •! nfj = ! at IT'-i . t r \o! 1, .% ■. i« r y.^rl. «• p r ynrd. }iAITiiCo K > Fi;rtj tor i'* r*-. An at fit N N w I '.AilPK I" tnratic.n ‘Li* iner -'.ant - {•■jrct H-e m;ir.agemenl^and a-si.iuou =; to the -.vant> of help taiuie lu u. = tributei :*t Id - f>»tr. M'ermai’Ont^exhibi tax.,' literature tc tne World - futr. lion there of ine -late a resource.*^. itifamous ])ension plank of the Third largely tOjinake the press conventior. ^ ^ud many fatalities are reported , e.stablishmeut of a bureau of infor- party platform. | the most successful one ever held, j in the state. ^ mation, etc., wiil l>e considered. ^ r.\ ]:L« »it ri>, N'.'W };{ *'', -.v Ai: I };K>, V. V LACK lit IAIN'* -!1.K I KTAIN', »t IIAPI Ii > K jJ if Fur’iitur*- ."*• - :-^ilor.^K i «M:KNT—Uiie ..f t...- l iu « i!\—O iT jard, wtnard, Kc.“ 1 -tr»'»'!. f!. A. Mthrill. l! *

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