State Library THIS sEcins , v>-r* .-‘-I - M* k now ! ESTABLISHED 1!S()8 r.' -• r .> me Ai5v»T'i' M-^lium. Trj it. - r r*if Tl 22, HICKORY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER i, 1892. \\ i WKirS WAK KK( OKI). ..\\ \\\ IT "IKVU-AI I llt»M rj l,.\^K I, TI..NN. t* r It I, ■ ilci \ A 'I.ill ,\11 I i,i! ,\ "iHt 4-111 «• lit of hi» i ii«-lt> . . ij.y of tlif? l^llaski Gilen ;\ ! >( ruocrHt hftvin^ fall(-n into , :! is \Kit litui it i-.i»ntaihs soine ’.f t; fdft-s about 1fn. Jah. B. — tl-ir-1 party fajuiidate for if t t. ilis war re.-'t^r'l in that ^\v•' t ri t‘) aiul is enough ; f ' Vf-ry man in th^* : A \ ':V. M , \\ v.ijiie iti coinnjanfl 1’ 'I- ih .Iiinuary it! 1 N»; J. issuod 1. ^ ' i :.) (’. Ah»rnathy, ; '1 n. N V.’l>li!, I.’ «-ll KiiOd - ‘ V that tii"V {iuy int^- his .. i- f(ir ti.(- i !.\iht«*imnc(? of . nic'iiiiii;^ nf-^t i)f.-i and r*n- I i« ;rf !ii Ahil/.una. . 'I’hi . ordor I !ij)aui»'1 l»y a tiiieat that. ■ iii'dK'V wa^ not ]'aid, they and : if i.iii i'if.. u >u!d i)»* >o;.t ."juth ! 0,( ;i |>r('j (M ty ;.Mven to r ai l .( ; .Ml of tl;cs- ]iaiii»-' an* ill 'j, 1 ('V‘ r sixty yi-ir'' 1 v,i;cfj that ordf*r whs i-.^ if'd. ;:i .-^r. ithi i’n nrin f. r >iK‘h 1 = irt t'^ss wr('t‘h' I t'M 1 iv iv. ’ K :'■ . ,\ n:in 1;'. th«' name ()! (’. W . Will 1 Mr. —a v.-ry pisoi ! .aij—two thoiJsan] pounds of l)in*on, f ir wi i •!: In- rf*cf iv 1 t!i-.‘ (‘ash. Mr. to(>k the 1)U!’-)!1 to tile ii.i'I- iii L iwt>?(ia» roui'ty and tradfd i! f'T r 'l ton t\s’ist. riiis ho • irefr.l- !v "tiiwi I awav in tlu) loft of his iit- *; / ^ . tiiitikin ' ^ -1 it wotild -ist iiiui in purc'h.isiii.Hj h 'ittJc* honii- after the war, as u(‘ was velry poor with a lar^'O family an i had no houit*. WCav.i- learnod tlironj^h sonu* that tliis ^ontlomiui h;id th^ I'ott'-n twist and sent a detachniciit ■f -'‘Idlers ;o his house and took |-^ss( ssiiin ('f it. and shipped it to Iowa fa- his own use 'I'his cotton twist was worth at the tiiue it was stc)h'n. S‘J,Ollo. ■ Kisp(v • ox is livin;^ in (liles Co. i:>liLKUV 0^ 11; .s. •lohr. p. Williams, a poor but '.iLihiy (‘stoemed farmer in (riles = ''11 tv. had tw(nt\ live f:it Ui)ir.s, •• - O wl.u'h at that tim‘ were worth ten loi.ars j t 7- humlred j^'r'^ss. Weaver, in j ( Is ti, tt : k rt liu* of .Soldiers out t > w r liams’ I'laee made the > ■! lu !" -lii'ot ev-ry 1: .^-inthe place, an I H-i 1 the;a l-ri n^du to camj'*. \Vi:en \Vi! iiams a>ked for a vomdier ^\ ' avt-r suiil, “I d Mi’t ^ive robol.s in tl.t soiiih vi'.u'h' IS. 1 wiiuld rattier ; ’i.i'-h It )'t‘ to h iPu' iM vv d II one . : I'.in. Mr. \Vi; .laias Is still liv- will swear to ttif above if . t :■*-> II y. I!-' . w t*re \'a. >I lit .'^i»o. S. Ni :i;K »' U"1 : ; sM V, t t\cr had a ^r*-:it I",'»n,lr;e-s f ■! LQOht hi^djly respected citizen.s iu Pa- laski. I I e fo;lowintr iire h f**w ol tlje j'eLtlern'-n ia (Jiles cour;tv from whom Weaver coereed money at the poifit of the bayonet. I'hev were aU law' abidin^' ujiu hitfbK resp-cted citizens : I'liorna.' .Martin .2r>0 i)o Dr. Will. ]-!atie 10:) Od Charles Aben;atliv ‘i.lO ()') Ilobert Dickson. *Jr>') 00 J. H. New wi.: l()o 00 J. W.Mor I'iS 100 00 David lieynolds. . 250 00 J>. Abernathy 200 00 Charles J5. Dalv 20:) 00 men and children foi his brutal con duct. All these charges are true, and con be nubstantiated l)y livinjr witoe.sies. Any southern man who would vote for such a sooundrei ou^ht to be imprisoned for life and fed on vinegar and pL^mpkin seed the re n} iinder of his d ivs. ''t\ Hint Kwin;; North i MroliiiH r. I'aii \ a NUMBER 35. KKO.M >V.VSlllN(irON. I5riii”> it IJoiiie. Our townsinaL, Mr, A. (J. Link, to Pitisfy himself in rej^ard to ^Ir. 22>id >;• 111 ’ I’lu A^^ r.iRoL;MvN. Dlmoohatic Executive Com > RALEKiH, Aup;ust 31.y Hon. A. K. btevenson, notiiinee for vice pres-'ident, and Hon. W. (t. Ew- int,% of Illinois, will address the peo pie of North Carolina at the follow^ inj^ ]>laces atnl times: Asheville. Se}>t. l")iL; Raleigh, Sept. l)lh; Charlotte, Sept. ITtb; Winston, Sept. l‘.Hh: Fayetteyilie, Seot. 2lst; Wil minerton, 2lst, at i}i«At; Goldsboro. KKIM i:i ICAN riCOM 1^1 '.-^lOKKiN Ki ll TO nil* IN.” I., ai. 1 w!ii e\t r f:e 1 a*' Te \ It. t "■ symp'itl i.’ •!." lit- t ' \ )-s«-- *' :l w-th.'ut eivii;e-ai.v v. r.rher ■ i. a: 1 ;! the . = vvi..-r value^i H i 'y ahii dul H' t w:l. t ' p.irt ; it le char^’’e.l him fi'om t!> 1 lit d d*vlars. a.*>*ordin>^ ti va. , ,»f the bo/st'. for rttnrnii;^ • 1 owner, 'riii' m -nev l.e r>.n ‘ his .ovn p H-ket. \N.' Ki'* \;n !.- 'Vin:- n ^ 1 r; KN Wt .nt^r l ad a i-.i;! ber of law-abi- diL;,' t'ili/.:>ns arrested and put in jiil ai: 1 tli»n char^'ed them from onv‘ i-.Jii ire i lotive h’lh ired dollars for 1 • -t asii ^ them. There were no charge> a^Minst them. Several of the^entle- n^en who Were put in j iil and j>aid the ni- uev are t>till livin;r, an. n^' O O them Is Dr. C. Robert?, one of the d'^tal, 1,700 00 d'his moiiMy was tak^n J in. 2.I. '(jJ 'I iie a! ovi? parties were oM men, st iyi:i;j at ho;u ^ and interfttrrin^^r wit h no one. Several of t'tiem h id borne then' mU'kets and followed tije stars a:. I r^ti ipfs througii the Creek, Idori da and .MexiL'un wars. They are all dead except Dr. \Vm. lJ^ttr‘, \v’ho is iiow ;ivii!_f Ijt.i’e arid sulistantiatos the above; STATK of 'I'EN'NI^-KK (I ■ii.r.s C»rxTY ^ 'I’hi'' (lay i'-r'niia!iy ai'iit-ared hcfor** me Dr. Win. iiatt(‘, to lae known a^ a man ni' h:.; 1 '.laipiin^ and criiiil>ility, and says liiat he was a eili/.t'ii (»f I’ulaski, Teiin., duiiii^ the war of tlie irbellion and has bfi-ii fver iiii-e. I’liHt ho was |>i‘r.Minal!\ acqiiaiiited with .1. ii. WeavtT, wla* as euloi, ■! t»t ti.e I'liited State" tredp^ was in control of till- I', s. lorci's ^talioiii'l in Pida'ki, 'I'enn., in ih vA-^. I’hat said J • b. \Vea\ei w.i> Very oiijtrc.-'-lve and exlortlon- :iti-upon the citj/cns ot said'towii :vnd vi iri- ity. 'I'iiat said coiiiiiiandant J. 15. We.iver i-'.-'Ued a military ordi-r r« (iairl:;;4 tla* ahovt* I'artiPj a::d pejhaps otlieis to [i.iy over to !;im a ■'iiui (It uionov lor the alirj^ed 1 nrjio-..' cl sunportinu rciu^f'-s t 'ii within his line'-. This (;rder was aci‘0ia|tanied with tiie tl'rent that if nut cauiidieU with immi dialely that th«‘partie> on whem tin* demaial wa> made wad I bo sent .^oiitli. I'ndfr thr-- tlirout a*'!iant paid over b* >aid .J.15 \\ e,iVt*r the sum ol one linndred ilol- lar.'. and aili;tnt verily believes the otl'.er pariie.-, on w lion; the demand w a.^made j.'aid ttie anatunls required of them. Wm, PiAT rt:. .''ab^cri'oed and sworn to before na* Auix. I'L', .1. W . I’.i; 41'KN. Lit rk Circait C.,’ouil .1. P. Ab-*rnatliy, .''Oil «»t' Charlo-' C. Aber- nathy, ha," tlie oriix iial receipts whieh Woavi-r caye to his fatlier 1 »r f!ie ^'2V> taken troin him. r.AUTKniNG IN J'ASSHS. Weaver made it a practice to charj^e our citizens ten cents cach for pusses to come into and go out of the federal lines'. ThKS money he I>ut into his cmvii pockets. This pass read as follows; TaSS THK DKAllF.i; THKOf(;H TIIK 1 KD' KliAK LINKS. ■I. 15. Weavf.i;, Commander. Weaver had Davul }i. Cox ar- restt^d a?-'d iui}'risoneI until his fneiids p.aid S.lOO release. Cox IS d.*ad. but his s,-)n, Iv R. Cox, IS livin*^ here and wili s ibstantiate the above, >o wil. Maj. J. II. .Stacy and Col. S. K. Rose, frie;;ds of C’3X. wli('> furnished jvirt of the mc*ney. Ht‘ had -John R. W illiaiii"*, an old Mexican soldier, arrested and itn- prisoned until be ]'ud .'^oOO. Mr. I liam-> borrowt^d the ui mey from •T. 1* May, pre-ul-r.t li.t‘ l)iiiK hel'e II >n. l\e;;'aiit Sm;tr, an Mti- izen and former mayor of tne city, was here during the war. He say-« Weaver was the worst mar. that wa^ ever in this country, and that every southern man who \otes f.,n‘ him iii '.dd be b.>fraL.chised. D. r. 1 Urri.-'Oii, an o!d citizen of Ruiaski. m ikes the f/.lowiiii,^ statt- metit undt'r oatli h»ef >re J. Me CallU!!:, -I. P. : >f ail the m^n I ever knew Weaver w'as the worsT; he s'-eiued to take a delight in abnsin:;. pt-r.^^^cut in^ and rol)bin^ tht-m: he had no r -* spect or feeling for e-ld. defen-eles? men, womea and chil Iren. 'Mr. Li nier. of Nashville, ^^ave i^ie with which to buy some cotton, b .i as soon as Weaver found it out lie had me arrested and ts>ok the liioney. and then h 1 1- 1 f.i - * hood to robbery by rej'ortmi,^ tc Mr Lanit-r that I had ma ie way with the money." Weaver was a terror, not only to the male portion of our people, bat was loathed and despised by the wo- Weaver’s record in Tennessee wrote to Dr. J. C. Roberts, one of Weaver's { risoners, in re^^ard .to the matter a)id r(‘ceived tlie followiu;.( re})ly : Rl’laski. Tenn., Au,r 20, '1>2 (iens. Steven*'On and I'.svin^ will reach Asheville on the inornin*^^ of the loth, ami will travel throuirh the state in special Pullman car on the fol!owinj» schedule, to wit: Leave Asheville, via It, D ]l. Ri., Thurs A. C. Link, I-)eai sii: I re('(-ived i]av, l.’>th of S-pt., o p. lu.; stoppin^^ your communication this morning- in ut'llickorv at S::50 p. m. for Mipj^er, reference to Gen. Weaver’s record . arrivi.-.g at Ralei^^h on Friday, lOtli, w hile stationed here and commander ,^;;iO ,i. m. Iji*ave Jialeij.^h 0::30 of the ]iost of 1 ula^ki. . arriviiii,^ at Durham 7:30 ji. o. m. ... n... ^ . jtrriviii^^ at l^urnam coo ji. m. It aliords me f^ieat pieasuio to Ij/^ave Durham 10:.’>0 p. m ; arriving state that his record is an aldition to Chanolt.*, Saturdav 17th, S a ni • J.>en. Dutltrs anu liuli Neison s. I louvi’iof Charlotte ]>. m ; arcivr* at don’t bear malice against any m;iit. but crying justice demands the truth as a vindication * God forbid that after understand ing^ the man, as I know’ him to be full of venom and hatred towards the south, a villain of the direst cast, Statesville 7 p »n. on the I7th: leave Statesville 11 j). m.: a) rive in Win ston S a. jj)., Sunday Rstii; leave Win ston, .Moiitlav 10th p. m.; arrive al Gretnsboj'j 7 }), m ; leave (ir^ens horo, via C F. cV Y. V. tail way, .Mon nlay night. 10th, 11 p. ni : arrive at r» it-uvini/ a plunderer anc inconsistent poli- Favetteville Tuesdav, 20th, 7 a. m : tician, a diabolical hypocrite, God | jeave F*,veitevilie WednePdav, 2Ist, lorbid 1 sa}, there be a man south of ^ p m Wilmin-ton Ma>on and Dixcu’s line that is so j Wednesday 2Lst, 7 p. m. deluded and irreverential of the nob^e manhood of the south, the lovo of country mother, sister and home with the fvirgetfulcess of the bleaching bones of the noblest heroes of the world, now scattered from Wilmington, via A. C."* 1^. railroad, 'i'-hursd iv. 22nd. s a m.; arrive al GoMsbor > 11 a m.: leave* (roldsboio iduirsday. 22ud, 0 p. m : arrive at Rock\ .Mount 7:30 j). iii.;itave Rocky ]\Iount Friday, 23rd, 4:03 a. m. and Antietam to the borders of the gulf, ; arrive at Itichmond, Va.,7:40 a. m. among the magnc-lias and evergreens I While in North Carolina, (Uns. that echo back ( aily the wailings i t.ev3nson and Ewing will be the iiom the Jlame.-5 and phindered i g>iests of the state association of homes, led by better men than ( democratic clubs. W'eaver. Who is it that knows his record will vote tor him? * + Now' we are developing the blacks demoralized character of General Weaver: tell the democratic club to send for the ‘‘Giles County DemO' crat," (‘ol. J. G. Ford, editor, and it will get his idaboiical deeds and hworn to by the best men and as F. M, SniMONs, Ch tate Dem. Ex. Com. R. H. Cow’AN, Sec. \‘aii(l*rhi!t’s stone C'utt«‘rs on a Strike. Asheville, A.ugust 20.—Fifty-four stone cutters at work on Geo. Vander bilt's mansion near here are out on a good in point of veracity as any in | strike for increase in wages. The the state. All that is said iu refer ence to me is true. Yours, etc., J. C. Roi3ei;t:}-. (JENEKAL NEWS. OtTicial returns iu lUissia show (),0.j3 new' cases of cholera. men have been receiving forty cents per hour but wanted fortydive, and their demands being refused the men went out. Both sides are firm aud stone cutting is practically suspen ded on th9 mansion. Asheville, Aug. 3o.—The strike of the stone cutters on George Vander- Savannah bas .Icclare.l quarantine “'“n^ion was Bt-tllecJ this morn at,-»uist C.ieat Hriiain. on account of ‘“8 ''‘•"‘““‘I > '“-n fof more pay being granted. This was only done after the millionaire’fl agent had telegraphed various cities and failed to secure workmen to take the places of the strikers, who are union men. cholera. The national committee of the third party has opened headquarters in Boston. lioanoke, Va., has had a cloud" burst with great damage. Water stooil four feet deep on the streets. The theatre end of the Metropol itan oia-ra house, N»‘W' York, was ile- strc«yed by tire on the 27th. Loss s.")Ui..iO(i. rile WilmiuiJlon Mes-enjjer savs STATE NEWS. \Vihi ai/aiuVt- ilmington has |uaraLtined all European ports as a saftty against cholera. Winston, August 2.h— Leonidas McKnijjLt was sentenced vesterday (Oc tober 21. ta..t MUf uf the th.rJ party statecuu- to be bange-1 »htl ite» has been in W.Imingto since the convention on a drunk- I'wo tires occurred from sponta- Cholera has made its aj'pearv^nce combustion within four hour.- in Great Britain, the victims being (,f t-ach other in the new goveriiinent German emigrants on their way the United States. to South C.iroliba heal her priiuftrie.-s Tuesdiv. and it i." e-tdnate 1 that Tiilmaa has carried the .-tite by per haps A bolt is expected. bui.ding, at .\"heville, Monday night U . 11. R ..ueitr> aiiJ Neil !klcCal- lum were arrerted iii New Ycrr: last week f 1 swinliiLi:. Thev are the tso wLc-- ^ in '•Uri.w. .ast veir. on .1 jcte'l that bogu:; bank Am'-ii^' other prominent persons, Belmorit Hotel, at White Sulphur Mr-. Harr,.-ou aii.i Mrs. Blaine Lave .\.!^bev.ile, petiiione 1 leeu \ ictoria to pardon was vieatruveil bv lire Wedne.-^dav Mr-. M i^bru•k. at; Ameiican woman 1 wo .ad\ guests i:ijpris)r*d ' >r i:fe in England ftr "tre biidiv ilj ired, oue of whom the m :r ler of her hu^band. has since died. The Leh:t:h Vadey and Centra, iiiv*i>»-« titu.. rai.roa 1- i: Ntw Jt^sey have iioti Boston, MasS., August -o.—Hen* lied their employes that they LaU'^l iV L. i>aw€s has writteu a *elter de* sever m1i cvji^nectioa with labor ciinirg a re-election to the United unions. TLe men are very indig- Stattfs .senate nant. and a .•'trike is almost certain Mr. Dawts has br n in the senate to follow. 1 oinco 1875, Dnroiira^tiii; ''umni;ir\ I r«*iii > «*n \«*t k N«>Jil«*’» I*rol>it)>l«‘ —Oiijir- antin*‘ .\i;:4in->t ( liolt-rit IMotrirt*. .‘'J>*- illi 'l': T h** 1'R> •«« I \ !i l" \ IMI I \ I A M . Wa'^hiN'.roN. D. (\, .\ugust 30.— B.)ss Rlatl ha*' l)eeii irivt'n hi price, and lie agreed to help Mr. Harri son s mail I'lrter trv to elect the ma!i he fo.ight so i-ittet’v at Mm- neai o’.is. .Such is ti)** story which rt'a:-he> lu • fro-u h; :V.i * re’-nbli- eaii s uiC' S. Il’s pi;;v ;s tiiC j :on> i.-?t‘ that h*' shaP o - j i !•= , • [^^vy of the treasury if M’v H r.ris'^n is re el e-t ft]. R j'resMiita iv,- I \V.’uer brings ii-*oji'M . ,t ,i' ' v.^fr. ra New ^ irk. w* ■ rt.‘ 1." . i\' . i’• > t O loOKS UfUJs>Ualiy l-U^l. I '*- .’icIiiO- crats.who he s.ivs ar* e un.!:;; er bf'aulifiiliy. He linds the ■'(utimMit throiighoiit tin* stale i- all tbataiiy (jii ^ could ii'-k t-'*vaid.- the ntitr;>Ii;i:‘iU'ktt. ][e.i,-'i'*i\s lliiro is no reason to i-ii-i ct d.isloyuity froi.M ariy deiuo.-T.;ti • ai.i/'.}: i. in the st it( ,whi!' t’lf re is every i n to : xpecl th i' ovt-rv *1, ) iti tl.o st.'it , ai; 1 is f ;i^!‘" 1 that this Jneatis a gotnl l'e=oihv ;najorify of the voters, wiil d.> h ^ bt st from now or. fo! tl.‘-t i.-k. I. il -j;oke li;jiitly of the c.: ei.’ar iss;i. d las* w ek iu Erie couiity. and >;*. 1 he did ;iot think it would r‘suli i i any harm. There is no cholera panic atiiong the ofilcials of the i:. iiuie hospiltal service, which ro[ rebcnts the natiou- al government, in dealii.g with the introduction or spread of P[)idemic disease^, but a commendabic activity \m^ been bhown iu taking hteps to })revent the landing of any cholera patient iu our s^^*jibo:*i d cities, aud also to prevent the disease making its way in by way'of Canada. The old revenue cutter Ew'ing is to bo used as a lloating hospital at the Cape Charles pjarantine station, while another revenue cutter will aid in making in.='i)ections of Euro pean BteamerH. It is understood in the general land ollicft that no commissioner will be appointed to the vacancy made by the resignation of Mr. Carter, to become chairman of the republican national committee, until after elec tion, KO that if Mr. Carter fails in his fftbrt to re elect Mr. Harrison, w hich he is most likeW to do, he can get a little consolaticn by having his ohl i)lace given back to him. and by drawing the salary until Mi. Cleveland appoints his BUCce‘-sor. .ShouM Harrifron win he is book*-l for Noble's chair. It would be diHl’ult to find a mihler mannered g>'^*ntlemau than Vice Rre-^ident Morton.but according to a siory that has tloatevi over from New Yor»i he recently made Mr.Car ter'.- hair stand uu end. bv swearii.g a string of oaths thtkt could only have been exp^'oted fr- lu a cow boy on a •burning’' broncho. The occa sion uj-on which Mr. .Morton Ig.tI his teriij er was when h^- wL-a vi.sited l y Carter and asked t duplicate the cheek which he gave t Mr. (^uay in l‘^^^. to be used for chmpaign j -^r-^ He did not duplicate that other -heck, nor draw a check of any kind, but he did give Mr. Carter his opinion, very freely, of the under handed methods by which he was she!vei to make rcon. for Mr hite- law Reid, and he al-r told him that Mr. liei i was the proper j>ersou iu apply to for the duplication of the Morton check of I'"" It ia well known ill this town Mr. Morlc:i has a g 'od right t^ c* luplain of very shabby treatment from ibis i*arty, and It 1.1 knowi'n also tha: the bkirts of the man who now i.eail.*' its ticket are not entirely cl^far. ii.