f ill 9 St. b ESTABLISHED KSkS M i . » HICKORY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1892. NUMBER 42. I ir f I .1 a ' \v L o (I y I . A ] 1 Lai T' . M- ; ... r I .* .il >"r tfi (.11 '1 i..; 1 1 I’ ^v ] '■ * ;V* r ill. 1 -O VOOlf- ? K^ kv M il.t in't i'l;- i.^vf cL'’*‘ro 1 tLt* • t luf-i;. in I’fi- ^Ir'. l.« Wfu\»T. N.‘V V- ..K. ^ He jbf'F 15.—A special I'j iLt" Tinir h!ivs: Tlif r f the ilay in Kan- hi-T i-> au ir:t(-rview with Mrs. Lea.^^e. wLo has b'M! acf'ciiipanvin^^ Oeuoral Wf-avf^r in Li- tour throuf^b the HMitf-s. She reeiten the NK>V YORK SAFK. OtJio iloon iiii't tli»* Colnrfil llarHwr. At the Au^zu-t term. IS'^5, of A Tin: C'OKNI'.lt' > ill* ii_ii , r _r ' 1; fr' XoT»eka. Kas., rmH'.\M> >i a.iokit\ ... H.TH HAN... that Mr. trie 1 l etweeii .S. Otbo il>on an I a | Harrpsoii U.-^t v iliuM,* tinio while A st«ui liiaiii** ikii.i III* F»*n»iiT in ' coloro 1 barber by the name of U. I. I iii 1»aitin_: lii> Platt tra]^. K«'w \ orU Ilarri'ori '•Mil •'ink- Ilu^'ho * * * ini; I. \ »m1 to Die. ^ " • 'vi- , , * 1 1- \N li.-ou soli ft Lorfee to Hui^bea • “The issue in Now Y.rk is on N> A^HINr, 111\. ()ct':l*‘-r 1». M.— ” “^'-»rl * "■(.» s tli»- ' a^^reeJ j-incft of tar iT reform. a!i 1 nttbius» Mr. Blaine bt-ars (>ii I i: t ! . >• I. U' Ifi I w i I j , .t=* M'.le of the .^1 I l.v iiicrf- ac:*i:lf.'nt ; t.\M .“•v! 1' n UH th*- ; ;it I ;T*-r'-l-t .-tuti(>li.S. L. oc’ii})yii:’^ ;i- I ^^r-. \V. .v.t' i ih fi' ir.t of t tiftM ;i!.‘ I b;t nl 1-. what thty w(ie »lis- I-c-'j-’''. Vt Ns V }i( :;I 1 M t t: !i i.rt .Ally ill h r own j)arty but joiltv I’airji anjOLr >crats. i-' .•I i* t f •• I : '.I' !, I‘fl Ml' '1 111 r. ] >I\N II. !:ll 'llU-L‘lll(lit Jias b('(.‘ll ill'- tLij-'l ]>arty's >tatf t ' r .M A r tii*-Ueniocrat .-pent i "ere subjectea to t, K' : V .^bonnt, an 1 * thtn declare.-^ that if a vote for j ( *>cso(|in'iitlyjb* crroat- »r I Mr- Lea^e I eaver i in reality a vote for Cleve^ ' intorf''t iwiUcrfl iii'on tlie r- 't iiif inin" ^®r desire that the , in tliat stato. It is i;o • tl;. We t«- k. b' l’ulist-'/riitch their ticket ami votr ,tloin- for Harri.son elector.'!. I 'HTats tliat tlio ]»;nty iiiaiiairers Mrs. L‘'ase i-, next to Jerry Simp- i lial itlii'oo separate and dis- .soij, th»‘ >oiiffe.-t leader of the tiin-t j'olls >f cvt ry votor Kat..-‘i'^ populi.-t', uiid her exprort.sed j ^'OW' ^ ork m’i'I tliat eacdi w l.'hL:i have caused ;^aeat conBterna- ' them sliow'- a d.-iiin M-ratii* iiia- iijL’* t! ' 'in ‘J 1,1 Id'I to I (Khi. It is also k.:i v. n tli; ‘ tb*' I'f- S'.' (• : i‘ i ev(-rv HOutheMi stat>* j i’‘‘pnblicans b.‘ \* i.rsd* tl i\ *‘ [*olls j I ,> CifVt ..ti.d. and thf-refore at this ^tat*', 1 ..t it \\ a^oU;y today late d ly i: di:-ai'*s her prf*ference for ! it was a>i-t i-taii ■■■d po^itivtdy 1 if.iii^oi!. ' ^li'it tiif foot ill u-*-- >f tin-i» publican ]»olls ar*.‘sill»t aidially tbv -aine a-- tliosr iiiad‘by tlif d('iiioci at>- d lit* r‘})iiblif,.’i^ v.t If never wt'rkiuL:' liard- r ti r.'iry Xt w York than tlit v ar-; 11 b U luonieiit: they fully i' a]i/,*- th. t tli‘ \jtesof at b-a>t ‘J'l,'•'! N( V. .irl-who bav‘ dcclai od t be!;:"' 1 \ infaViu of ClcvtdaTid lllU^t be intlufiicrd in or(b*r to -aiiy tb*‘ state for I Ian-i>t »ii, ajid if it i^ pos'>iblo to do that by f.tir ir. an> u- foul tbi'v intend t> do it. Tilt* contract wbiv.b :db»ws tb.* 1 ntc]-national Xavi-ation Coni- [»any to draw fioin this (Iov.tii- nicnt L‘V(‘ry year an Hiiiuiiiit e(|^ual to more than t'ii p r cent, uf the* oust of all tbo vos.'-cls it will uo, including- those uliicdi lire t(> be l)iiiit within tlie next thri'e years, for caryiuijf the mail from N^ew Y’ork to Europe, is one of th‘ softt'st snaps ever obtained by a l>rivatb corporation from thi.' 1 I . I ( t- ’ ; ’W tiic j firry Ihc 1 iiCr.(-L .■ wri'dit at the ‘‘ ti ! -WfM l' bM' :'" ll. -I r>. I/'!i-e I>rc d 'V' ctf 1 that r-I.*- c -i! I 1. ^t b(- M.:it t! f p ipiC U ' ! •• >■) iL,Ml(V driiv, 'A.tit r til iL n'. I l..cy t' .'t L‘f, wi.a tilt.- >aiiie f ^(^ rr;, tiiut it has only been a ■ino* the pe; }>!e leirued ! ■ > ' A a.r ■ f*'W \ ( ll's A 1. ^ . I;, liWw. i-i.at uhcii one I or wl;eat to mill he h I 1. t [I'lvt- sense enou^^h to di- M If ll but would put all the f^rain in oi.r end of the bai,' and tbqn {■laoea rock m the other end to bal- ara'e. .swin^' it accross his horse and tliu.-^ ^M-t it to the mill. They said the peoj le did not'have sen.seenough t" discover it fur them. And Mrs. Lca^c addeil that she supposed a woiuan had to discover it for them. She tht ri exclaimed, “Lorda of crea tion, iiow wfll they have managed thin;^^. —Neck Democrat, ^ i'; .'.ll- S ▼ ilfin'’!:*' d he j eople of l‘ulttrtki h^ve ac- putu 1 themselvert in a most com- lafai lable manner. They have proved thcin'>elvos both pitieut and courage- ou*' la a spirit of bravado. Gen. \\t*a\( r went to Pulaski to address the \ t ^ pie acd 'reply to the charges lUH'ie a^’aiust him in that section. I'hf' Hiii.ounccment that he would I' ir used the anj^^rr ,>f that com- i’* '.ty t a hij^di pitch, and it was ‘■•art 1 that ho wj.i. 1 be i-ubjected I ] ';''Oca. Molence. But he was H' there showel the ' ' •" l- -' y L^ave N\ eaver full I i.ey ciTertd him no • H*.' fl v ui - ‘ ,a;t ^iLtcrrup was in vvciy ^ ‘ d t the disap- " •' 1 -V .iri Cviitor." ' r I > 111 1. 1111; ■J'!..- *: •( 1 b i: ' i j'.ii I ;al i. lb L'inu, that par- : \ ondi.'t c f-*r >tale auditoj-. ba.- i- :■ ! '-d bis 1 '-iuiiatic^ii. it has ■ ' n ac.- j'ted, and b.. (I. Jbitlcr, ''1 county, has accepttai the ni.niiiiation, tendt'iaal by the >tt e \I'cut i \ “ d'iiiiiiitt ee. It ^vill |;*b > b.‘ a!i?iounceil that Harry uipn.-e j skiiinei-. one of tin- iioniiiu'es for elt‘ct'»r at larL’e, declines till'nom ination. and that .binies M. ]\Iew'- boni‘' i.'^ appoint* d by the execu tive committee t(j iill the vaeanev. ;.i (I dAvn either watt 1 A I>i iniKt-ii is Kiun kfil A.-hlville, Oct. 15.—The candi dates lor congress in the ninth dis trict s-poke yesterday at Henderson ville. While Crawford, the present congressman, was speaking, a drunk en republican applied a foul epi thet to the speaker. The man was immediately knocked down by('raw- ford’s friends. A bloody light seemed imminent, but wiser counsel prevailed and trouble was averted, with no damage further than bruises sustained by tbe man who started the row. >10't. llugbes avipears to have paid | can ^ay w 11 chan., that i^ue. or $110. and Wilson sued for the bal- | change a vot^.” said Mr. CVok^r. ance. • • • J he defeiidant alleged that be was ^ It is becoming mor** a'ld more aj>- deceivtd by Mr. Wilson by rea-on of ^ parent that the 11 paibluaiin a:i 1 peo* misrcj re.^t ntation. And that he wan pie }>artyite> arc working t 'gCtber damaged l>y Wil.-on's mi>represen to defeat Cbvelanl in this «-tate. tat ions. A jury of reputable Wake county ^ It is luiuc-rt d li. tl A. .Sl.uford men was ♦nipam eled to try the case ' has (pm ih;'canvus". W i.at d >es it and the lawyers ma]e their remarks mean? liav * the “Lhird'-'* s. Id out and T J ^Vnlter Clark charged the to tbe r p.ib!;’ !'.- 1 >ck, si >ck and Jur}. ^ barrel’ d'he fi llowlng were the issues and j • . liiidii;gs of the jur\: • *^enat''i' Sliifm tn j>ia tt.‘!id'' ii'.'l l"t. L>id the plantifT (S. Otho l^now wh.at (ir »\» i ( ie\adand NNilnoDi ntciiNK the tbe defendant j ' ">^h a fr» e >ilvt r bill, Liegro I^arber W. I. Hughes) by j ^ his b ariv a c uf doul>t f r ' rea-C'!. of nVi-'reprc sentation or other • 'amp-ai_’TiinL’‘ U''e enly, wis« ■ . . d\j this i^sue. ihe ji^ny answered Cohimbus t:ri»;inally li covered " ' this country, but ;• v.a^ the rep.ibli' *Jn l. What (birnai^e'-, if any, ha- | party that th-i’ 'vere 1 ti.e ]>tes- tl (• Uftii iant (the negro barber; piun f)r ('vrl ti ' :?i th-> in- sustained bv reason of the breach of said warrantV or said deceit.' tere>t of mon('i>'>’i To this the jury answered. Sev enty I’lVe dollars, value of the bcr^e when sold. As that was ihe vulue of tbe hort(, and not SlaO. and as tbe negro barber had already }>aid ^'lld for a X ew \ »rkc*-b bratioii of the f' >iir hundredth aniii\ • rsarv "f the disl.a>^cry of Aniej ica by C'olum- bu'^ reached its »-!inia\ AW'dnes- day in the ii^ilitary ]»aradc, in which I'l.ooo unif*i tned m-n j>ar- >75 hojM*, the judgment of the ln‘*I'‘ded ami u bi( h w a-w it m 1 co ’n was entered that S. Otho Wib bOn repay to tbe defendant (the negro barber; tbirty-five dollars. by at least a nijlli*ni. • • Jaa. (i. Bluiue made a little talk So while Wilson sue I the negro for | we(‘k at Opbir 1-arm—\\ bitela\p money, he found that tbe jury of ^^eids country home. He is evi dently in a bad humor witb Mr. Harrison as be only spoke ia support I.ouk Out fur Counterf®lt FIvei*. W.KSHiNGTON, Oct. 13.—The secret service division of ttie treasury de partment is advised that anew coun terfeit $5 silver certificate was put in circulation on Oct. 11th, 1892, at Chicago, Illinois. It has the new back and is of the series 1891; check letter, 0. -(.veruineiit, it is Hot to bo , u,i,repre8entatioD. wondered at that m lieu it was - signed by Mr. W'anamaker, the other day, tho notorious “era of good stealing’’ ^vas recalled to the old timers. The unusual haste of the admin istration to recognize the new government of ^ enezuela makes it look as trhough the accusation that the administration was from the tirst lending its aid to Crespo and the revolutionists was true. Meddling with the internal affairs of our southern neighbors seems to l>e a specialty with Mr. Harri son. Mfi lilaiiie and liis family will Wake county denied his claim and made him refund a part he bad gotten from tbe negro barber, on | friend Keid and tbe policy of j the ground that be bad obtained it j protection, ihe republicans ara us- ‘‘ ing every means to get him in tbe ^ Mr>. lIurriHun N'o lielter. ! . I j W’ASiii:aTON*, Oct., IT.—Dr. Gard* ; tliis week r*'turn to their unlucky ner said this afternon that tbe per- | Washinf^rtoii resilience to spend ceptible weakness noticed in Mrs. j the winter. AlthouL’’h it is ju>t Harrison's condition yesterday was | across tlie stre»^t from tho bite absent today, but witb this exception | House it is n*t probable that Mr. Mr-*. >1 u*«t >tuy hit oflouii. Des Moines, Iowa, Oct. 15.—Mrs. Lease, of Kansas, is booked for a number of speeches in Iowa. R, G. Scott, chairman of the people’s par ty state committee, today tele^ graphed her that if the published reports that she bad adrised tbe populists to vote for Harrison were true, sb« need not come into this state. there was scarcely any change in her cond ition. N i V. -■ 'A l r;4iii U«ihl»» U. C\ni-Fvvn:.K. Oct. 13.—The night e\j-ress on the Denver branch of the Blaine will irive Mr. Harrison }>o.liit» rs on how to run his cam paign. lb Itluiiiw’n Wordn of .SymptithJ. W'asiiington, Oct. 15.—Secretary of State Foster has received a note from the Hon. James G. Blaine, in which Mr. Blaine asks Secretary Foster to convey to the president bis profounjd sympathy for him. in the present^critical condition of Mrs. Harrison. — • Kf'foriii.it ii>ii tn«i Mls^lcm Tli*- f' dlowing is the j>rogramme for reformatir)ii and mis^i^m • rv- ices at (irace E. L. church, tbi' fight but be has no taste for .Mr. Harrison. Another steel mill has served notice of a reduction in wage*s. It is the Crescent Steel Works iu Pittsburg-, and the reduction an nounced, 10 per cent., is to go in to etlect October 20. Thus is tho wage-reducing pov\er of tho Me-. Kinley tariff law practically demonstrated week after week, notwithstanding tho theoretical efforts of protection statisticians to convince the workingman that his pay is better. Tho American workingman cannot be made to believe that a lU per cent, redu- - tion is li 20 per cent. ilisTease. Two .Million Aere« Thrown Op \VAf>HiN(iTos, Oct. 15.—>Pr«iulent Harrison this afternooc ibtu6i! a J rocltituation opetiiog to immediate settiemeijt the surplus lands of tbe CiOw Iiidiun itebervatif»n in soutbern I \ V C‘ A :l : I i VI I’ . e w .ir. I I t-ai i,e>. • ■‘1 .'»cu-r f Kei 11 tl^.it ja vple of t ‘ le>cLl •‘i Le.Hp-ed tLe p'eO- i t' luugL 1 Ley have f the ^tate 1, !• * V 1 * ' -MoLtaLa. ak'greg^ting about 1," 111 Av .,.,..11 MIV \ Mf.- c'Uintv, Lev. L. A. Yo-k*r. ]>a>tor: *^b o b M..> Vnf.. ^ i ; .,.‘1 , UU) acrtii. Ceded to the goverLment /' - T'l f'ki.r 1 "x Tl a W.r> .S tUri.hiV, ( )ct*ber J.*tb, lO .»0— ' , , Ciiu L . O t. 1). 1 i.e i.iCC' ; 1 . i» . I * uniU-r the agreemeLt of Dec. .Missouri I’acitic railwav was held up i tion comcLissioner- tolav decided j Lef*’riiiati.'n ---m.-in, •> ie\. . . "•'(''Mr and the express car robbed between i that women are entitled to register • r. ai:d Tvro at mi Inight lust ;^nd vote at ti.e c.aning election. ! LeC* p. ni.—A'.ldre'',- ; Hi«*t -ry of ti.* T' lliiali lb f *r:;. it: 'Ij. b; ! Lev. .1. 1*. N'ilb r. anev ni^'i.t bv two !:;i>V.ed men. \ t \ ' i f;i-r dea'.in^v ‘ t* 11 . ' ‘ 1 7 l ^QJ. ‘ r’d ? fair bon^ls " iLe I r.viit-^ed p.ir- '•‘i> KdmoL,l> ar.- ' i-e'Lalf of the issue of >"M. I Lie ^.tle bat the bond-' here- . I v .s. I iiitli in H i' I if't l.«\ .• K« \ i \ N i.i.LK. \ H . O-t. LJth.—ColoLel Cieor^'e A. Martu., cf Norfolk coun- IV. wL *. 12 \earr> a_:- . ieft lae deJU''*- ciala- p.ii'ly ai-.i j 'ined iLe repul'.u'- an.'. La" returnt d t L> tir.'t love. ft iiiiif't -u>l >.i\% I r«"** «>f 'I.iPti.il I-a'T . H Mfl'TKM'. Tl. O.-t 13 —1 l.e anatarv esp:thi* his b»-e-. kep^ over thi:? town fc r niueiy tive davs, c une to an eu i tii'.s morniii-:. .Hui^h McCuilvn.*L. wLC)w-i> a mei.i ber of Lincoin b CMbin t. Carl ScLai/. of Have’s cabinet; (tresbam, of Ar al ti.e I TLev u.’L be al* .V. 1 to vote only for the ir.:>tets . f tne Slate Uciver' sit}. l'rMl»a1*l\ On- I i»- uji f.»r » ur- St. L I', ^b.. >ct, 17 —The ; ! a.. A :t\^ t Lr -i^'Lo.a the ^■: utLwo-t are t b!\ pr • I III. (• ■ I ■J 1” p. 1.1.— Bril.‘-ip!*" --f ti.* (i* n.iai. lb f' 1 luati**n, bv B* v. W ‘B. C!ii:e. p. ll.. -\ iir* .-"': 1 liV L*-- 'A • L ll Ii fr= •: i ti.*- lb f*»rn. - ' V'*ri.'»* of AL-»t w i, I r' i‘a t': i wbi h 'v.- n;id'I *- t be the mor-t c mplete uur b*. l»y Ib"V. A. I.. ('r U"*'. r* ei^t ve^ir-. lay. ' t -bt-r iJ'i'b, loii-i - - r!-. !i — Bi'V. A. L. i t—j..'toriii ( .>i.f» -^-i•!. an I A)'*'"biti'>n, ai. i iiui»Le i f.f 0.‘t. L' -^Beports L- ;.supper Be. 1 :: >!• •„ i-f T.jies.lay r.r ,; ' •_ i !u«- i’l ttl-d .-Low aC i . ! .;f^* ao i of cattle. .lulil* ' I .«ll> t.'UjlJ . 1'olk: . (.)L.io, • ‘ t. 15.—The jjry bi thurjs cabinet, aijd McVeigh, of Gar* m tne ca~e of Jaa. D:i.!y, li^e Cr.-t . — A ’ Ir* — of C i.r.'iiaii 3L"i'-i. B. • 111,. . 'J :• —A i ll- — t r- iii hrir'tiaij .J. B. Miller. '• i» m.—A 1 11* iLe iLArket nnd for field's cabinet, are zeiioaslv working boolle ocuncil mar\ j laced on tr:a!, f t'hri^li-ii.. Mi-'-i'*] a- any other stock. | for the election of Mr. Cleveland. ^ brojght in a verdict of gaillr. { A. Yoder. 2^*^"), as m ; iifu*'! by the agreeiueut of Aug. ’iT, K^nto Hi^ I at#- ill III* '•l»ii(htrr of StiiJviK, M . > t. I*'. — \ViiJi.ai Dreiler ce.ebrated his fiftieth birth day ye*-lerd*y Whi.e walking m the house-yar 1 today .^.e noticed that the ijr und v» aa rarir.;^ in and get- tir.g a -tick oj ene i up a bole ulJ f jii i ll a ive w;tn copj>«rLeal f'cakev He killed them a** fast as lL»-y cari.e ojt and when be bad i\--ix p i>;onojH BLakej .ay p..el upjrj tne grouijd. Tlc rUi/u'enl.v e LJiiib*-r and such an iL .rrerjo-. f =l.o*ving bO c.c»e*T on i.i-» birthday, ba-^ cauneJ Mr. Drt x tr to behere that hi** r^ree wi.l be cut feL rt when be reacLe Thf Field by the number c — Lev. B. K»l!eJ. Tonight Le is pro- I traled witb fear. Tb-W. i;ev. W - Tl.e\N.r^ N'i-Mcn B-%