PKESS AND CABOLINIAN. OiOBER 20. 1892. H •' ■'J unVAT NAVAL KKVIKW. TUI I mu i. nil I ra' I I • T» ll' W lia» \ ~ 1: 1.1! 1 V 11 I ' I r •• '1 uI It !■ Ji II1 I ii'l • TLo (lit!vf -t -n News pub.ihii*--^ ii letter r( c--ivf.- l l>y it-) KMliitigt'JiJ . f : - re=pOfj'l('!il ti'siii Oeij»*ral i* ii/.l=iv_'ii Leo, in r-i > to iii^uiry bil-Oat t'.“ Btory \\iiK-b i' cir.-altit‘-1 I-;, tbirl j.'illv ;-a-lor-' Ui tL(- ,-OUtii I'; tlio effect tb^t Mr. fti. 1 Mi -. lan^l wh'i!** ^'u»-.'>tH of th' cil\ of Kichmoii i, ref 1 to }ilt»-ml u tion ^iVeii to meet W iiiTii*- Davi.". (it'ri'r;il letter is k" follow n; (ii.. Vm., Oit. ‘i.—My l>* Hr Sir: 1 \sas -urpri'ei] to lenrn ffiu vour e/!ji?;;in.icnt’.on c>f Septt n;i>^r ti’Id liiC thil l party war'li.-'lni.u tiiJ^" H r ] ttt r in T^xih cou- taiiii;);^' Hi* Ht'itfiij‘‘nt that Mis CleveluiKl ii’i 1 r#-fu'«‘'] to Mi.-- WiiiiiUi I hivi^ at Ji r» (‘'ptio!i !tt tl;** ^'OV(-rnur'.'' l.'-u-e in Kichtnond, \vh(-n LJr. (.’ie\t riii 1 |*re.‘'ileiit of th' Uliit^ 1 it'-s U!1 I I the Chief cxecuti\t of \ .r;^iiJii, iiiit] that tht- Hubject hal us^iniieil ini[torlaiice be' cauh(- V'-t*.'' were l>ein^ diveriel from tl •• N :ti )ijnl 'l**iiiOcrHtic tift%ei. W ith tl vi -w of marchiu',' thi> mat- tcr fr )ru th fiont t;) the rear, 1 re ply t ' letter i;y sayiuj^^ that HOme si years a^'o Mr. (’leveland accejjlf-'l :ir> invitation of the Htat(; ngrieiiltuJAl s(H*iety of \'ir>j^iiiia. tlirou,-'h its })resi.^Ml^ Mr. K)bci; JJcverly, iii>.v a meniber of the tliiid l^artv, t t ult'htl their annud fair, M’hei, 1 V. - ' s;> i..f ,rmeil 1 at ouee hy l(tt“f” iMvit( l tliH president as \vell as the ladies ^^entleni( ii of bin j.'irty to b* my j^niests at the* ^jovenjir-- ni'in.-i(-n. Afterward a a lUil.- (.1 L'lmOiit, tlu; private ^et.tary, informed ni" that in con tee (»f the [-n.'sident be intr ob!i;^e. 1 t ii turn at c-nce from the fair ^nounds to Washinj.jton t)!i account of (piblic busim's.s, the len^'tl !'l the j.uoiiiey and the Hhort Ftuy i:. K (i.mond Well Id prevent the ladie;s ft (III a‘companvin^^ him. I gave the subj(‘c‘t no further consid- tratii>n e\e'pt to re*j;ret that our citizens were deprived of th(* oppor- tunity to welcon’e a lady who had dischar^'C'd the duties of her bij.jh and a*yin^ po.-^ition with “tact that Biirprised the tact of her sex/’ and au abs»*nce of arrogance only etpiall- ed by the moderate estimate of her own worth and importance. Ah a matter of fact, the pro.siileut accom- pauied me lo the governor’s house. On bis way from the fair grounds to the station he specially reijuested “to be introduced to Miss Davis," who had been Mrs. Lee’ti j^uest for eome weeks previous, and found her, as every one does,, a most charming womau. Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland are not afraul of Miss Winnie Davis. Miss Davis is not afaid of them. “Let us have psace.” ^’ery respectfully yours. FiT/.nr..n Lek. O.'t. 1*2.—Tlio trunk of a wc>in;ui\s l*ody was fouihl t'ubiv iu the Lr;ird**!i ari>\nid a villa in tliO (nitskirt^ of PolloksblebU. a ."'uburb of ril iSLTOw. It liaJ bct-ii terribly niiuilatod. 1 niinodiately after ileatli. ap}»areiitly, the wo- laau ba*d broil di'^onil >ow oUhI. b* r I'TOast bad bi‘t‘11 eut open, an 1 C'tber li'a riblo nietliods f *ll‘ *wt 1 ] y ‘■Ja--K.-tbe-Ui]>per" ha 1 bt t attempt. I \vit1; i Nident cluin-i- iiess. lii'lieil. h _r^ and arn.s Lad been cut olV and seattoreil throuj’h th'‘ iraidt ii. Thi' f' it- ures «.d tlie fat*e lia 1 boeu >inu~ tihiteil th» y re ULrei‘Ou”nizable. Tiu‘ spua-ial in Sunday's ()b- Herver. irivinir an av\-ount of tl.e ili >cusie.ii ;it Newton bt-tweeii Mes.srs. Henderson, llohou and h>huf^ >rd, candidates for conijrc5.8 clo?cd thus : ‘‘The debate was a complete vi.-tory for Mr. Hendei- fcou uiraiust tlie alliauce/' (Jur correspondtj;iit writes us that the it ^ord o£_Uie sex^nce, as ' .-.•1 I' ill I .i\ ' I'.Jl I’ I iiii: til*- t or* »• (' 1 I fi 11' I ■>. - I \1I I \ r \K VDt. SH I l*>. .V K ( ri»j> It. IN ()t. 1" l*i*'idf^nt ' t !i* eh ij- tl feri-’:- ra^e r-ii..‘ the res lit.- f i!;( ;i .!-‘* rLitori'tl * ’fCt HI 'A'lS kli W.'J heie 'I'l.ur'day n.-rniui:. i'ri^minent r;})“d>’.i(Mn ]V)IiticiaLS wli'. hhve (• t!.e 1 on him during the :a-l foity-ei^dit h . Jr-, - ly he com ].;iiin^ latterly tlMt the southern re- j'U!Lave dup‘ d hnn by their rellresenti^tion^ us t'* th*- condition of politieal atfiirs in ti.e-outh. Thf. president and lii> camj aign mana gers, have beer; led to Ijeiieve, by the | re})ublieans aiid their third ]>arty Hllie^, that elb'etive fission, such as wa^, ijiade in A’abaiua. and such as was cont' m})lated iti (b-orgia, backed up by boodle and ft'deral niarshals ' galore, would result in an upheavel i!i Alai North C arOiiiJii and pi^r- haps (leorgia and Tenne-S' e, with a straight chance oi wu;ning in Vir ginia and West ^ irginia. Tlie ])residei't’s head seeuus to iiave ■ been turned by’those rose-tinted pros- pt-els in Dixie, anl extensive prepa- , rations were made lo break the • “solid south” into kindling w’ood. ' Th(* awaking on Thuisday, however, j while bitter, was coujplete. The ! scales (h’opped from th'-j president s ■ eyes, and it is understood, on the 1 highest authority, that he furiously I s«'nt word to the nian igers in New i Voik to dunj[) the southern program j me overboard and from this time (^n I conliiK' o[)crations and money to the : pivot’d state in the* North. To a ! g(;ntleman he said last night that j D “ I the only chuckh* ()f satisfaction he could get out of (b.'orgia (-lection was lh»* sorry lig'.ire cut by the third I ‘•] have washed my hands of the j south,” the president added with I consiib-r d)Ie temper, ‘’it is a laud oi ' reb‘ls and traitors who care nothing ! for the sancity of the ballot, and 1 I will never be iu favor of making an active cam[)aign doA-a there until we can ]>lace bayonets at tlie polls. I am now more than ever in favor of ram ming a force bill down their throats.'’ I>r. i’rit4'hitr>i t> Charlottt*. liev. Thus. li. Tiitchard, J). D., ]>astur of the First l>aptist church t>f Wilmington, made a formal tt'iider of liis resignation last Sun day as pastor of that church with a view to accepting the call he had recently' rcc(‘ived to the pas torate' of Tryon si^reet l>aptist church, of Charlottt'. Two ('a|>tiir>(l. Washinciton, Oct. 12. — Acting Commissioner Wilson, of tho in ternal rt'venue bureau, has rt*- eeived a tyleg-ram from l\evenue Agent Kinsley, of Fayt'ttcvilb*, Ti'nn., announcing the arrest iu the mountains of Tennessee of two of the murderers of Deputies Mather and C’ardwelL Hfi'uii'H «>f Mr-*. ilarrl'Min'H Illi)«‘»'«. \VASniNfTa?^, D. C., Oct. 11.—The President has decided that he wi'l be unable to go to New York at all duriLg the Columbus celebration there, and has reijuested Vice Presi dent Morton to represent him on all occp.>ions. I’olk oil l'l-\«> hilltl. ^^•e rtft r to the vt t».» p« w er »>f the }'residt Lt. and th. wi>c and judui'.'U.-> of it 1 y Prt^idvLt j Cleveland in dt. featin_: frauduleiit I pension and a]>propri bills. I ihe action shi»w> a irrtat degree "f careful Scrutiny on the part c'f the executive. It neevls only that the character of the Uiajority of tl.'- bill- vet »e.l be called to mind t^> c‘*iiviLCe every fairiainded man that the president Las acted with prudeiit I di^^crt ti‘■n.-- Prog^res^ive Farui^rr. ' June 12th, l^'^''. New Jersey girls run for their tat Jack, the ‘Tt gives to the Ju igemeut of the I nited States cirouit c »url the po.v- er of appointing eleeli.-n ofilcers iii the states. It give- the election oiV; cers so appointed the*po\ver to l^-ig- nate au unliiLited number of di j uty marshals, who may be employed a burines^ cf tie second seapoit of : j the world was practically suspend- • ^ thousand or luure ed, and moie than d 'O steameis and be appoinleil in ea’h congre.‘* tug-boat.", the smallest of them lar- sional district.'' A Itrilliaiit *** ♦•no in >t-\i ^ »rk H;ir1»or 1 It*- 31*11-01-^ ar aiul llwir 1 i>rt Nkw Youk, Oct. 11.—New York's commerce today pai i tribute to the memory of Columbus. The vast E. M. AiSEWl FURNITURE, PIANOS AND ORGANS. ^er than the To'ton “Santa Maria." , “It authorizes the use of I the ar- to I're- the oO ton ‘"Pinta,” or the 40 ton ■ m es of the I nited States “Nina," in which the great discover- ! serve the peace at the polls, er and his companions made their j ‘ It gives to the Judges of the I i.i- adventurous voyage, dropi^ed their j ted States courts the power of, a’ - ordinary avocations and formed in pointing a canvassing or* returning board for each state, who shall ct rli- fy whom the people have elected to congress. “It reijuires the clerk of the Lo of representatives to ]-lace on ti.e roll of members elect the namf-s of j so that they i^ay j>artici| ate asn.. n.- j bers in the orgaiiiz tti-n .'f U e h^ . ‘Tt authorizes ctVict rsof th-- 1’: it- tr I majestic holiday j'arade to do him , honor. From tho gieen heights of I Fort Wadsworth, on the western ' ' shore, at the entrince to the Nar- i . ro\\s, ea-twiir J I') the fchoals of j ‘ Kockawav and the saudv reaches of ■ , , , , 1 r XI I I the i)ersons holdii:g .-uch ceitdi'.'iti the Hook, southward to the high- ■ ‘ i lands of the Nav('sink, and north- ; ward to the dim blue outlines of the | ' Palisade>. and the grassy slopes of j ^ Riverside afar u[ the Hudson, the • scene was one of marvelous life and | beauty. cVnd all New Yurk was ‘ I there to see it. Every one of the , j 250 steamers, tugs and yachts form- j j iug the escorting lleet, as well as | I each of the vessels composing the | 1 naval militia, was crowded with ■ i guests. All th(' points of view' in . i the harbor and along the bay, the . I upper stori(‘s and roofs of all the ! ' great l)uiidings in the citv, and both o o -' i shores of the Hu ls'>'i I ed with sj'ectatc'i s. lif.l! t.l. • X. I ■ A tin :i:' ur.-. 1' wt r«- \ ■ 'ir rK.-d lUKiUi (‘T I *.ii ; I*« 1 ed States to ^upervi^e and I Ihe registration of voters. siich ol’l.ju were throng- “It authorizes such oIuju- {(j make a house-to-h(Hi'e canvass to ascertain the legality of ai:y regi-- tered voter. » “It provide.^ for tlie j-ayi-ient of all these orilcers out of the federal treasury, authorize the semployment of many of tli-m for as nuu-h a- eight days before an tlection. “And litialiy, it ni;.kes p> rn -nt aj'pi'opri.-itiou (d’ '''ur m- ih-v r i!.e execution of our law.' Ill the fi.tiiie th‘ peoj V i!l h:i\e about as much u^e for tt etli;'d j ar ty lead-IS as d; 1 tl; ; ’ai.1> v c f (,,;d John Stonec'. j^her for his.M. -lohn was no account. He wouldn’t work, but consumetl what his industrious wife, boys, and girls made on a little , . • .1 • 1 V 1 I I f«f^n down in Camden countv. John ' going m their blind chase after the j i ‘ , ' , I T .1 i came uj) mi.-snig ono dav. Search demagogues who are leading them. ' ‘ ^ Some of you, says ho, remind me of Johnny Bizirn, who undertook to , , 1 . , week, soiiio i-e'‘jhbor suggested pos- break the yearling, and to make sure i sibly he had been drowned. Ihey dragged the creek and found him. o/j) I'l i!xirri;i: t t! >'Ai:rtiu!i II i 1 i v NEW STYLISH FURNITURE. My 't(‘ k i'» lit>\N - (I J J, • tl Ihl to ill- rXDKltSOLl) t. ' f I'l l'\ any (l» a • : rrnxri ri: I: • • • r V« HM'H , \\ 1> r. I A'^ I ^ I . d 1 11. 1 liavi- iu."i n Uui.i 1 ]' ! - I k> t \ \\ hilr 1 r • i ■ FINEST LINE OF FURNITURE . ('.I The following i- so accurate and forcible iui eypi{'s->ion of the third party situation that we present it to our reader^: “Ham, of (ieorgia, s})eaking of Watson's deluded fel lows says he is afraid many of them don't know just where they are • v i\ di-piuyeil Ml Noit;. ( r and 1 call tt'.Trr yiui GENUINE BARGAINS ] III*! 'iiiiy fii; ii'i atf tU'iw :ir.\ ! } oil (• iiiv i>r ■ \\ r t.‘ I ■ • . - i II’ ; ir>- a frVN - Ml]' ■ ,'.u '1' :i ruic Soliit U:: Si:,; is2.~ ■ S:\ Wui.l I’iii''. Par! i t , ?. > •• ti;..' bi.k I’hj-'-. l :.i . f I«Kik >:.!•- •.[ , f r • I '1' - > Cairi,ii:* > M.n- •! K.i" t . i;: ( HI j . t L. ‘ , M ' " Jl-'t!'' Hril t ‘ Al-t ).lk W .1:1 ll.\ • l;"ckiit'4 C'l;a:r- lro:;i '* • ; f (>:;• tiluU'HIld (•tl.rl • ; I ;i - ' ; Tli' ^*‘aic lart- I' } .t Vi-'t. Do ii'^t !'ii\ ' Kii.l :• . i I was made for liirn, supposing lie was i P' * I'li.**' olY drink. J-'’inallv, in course of a 1 \\ iil '.lT« ,11.1 he did not get *iw’ay, tied the rope around his waist. The breaking process angered the yearling and he split a crack in the atmosphere to wards the swamp. John only hit the ground in high places. In their mad career they passed a neighbor, who yelled to John: Where are you going? D— if I know, he repiied, as he sailed throiagh the air, ask the bull." llac-k. WiN('»ESTEK, Va., Oct. 12.—The third }>arty movement in Virg-inia received a setV)ack last iiiL'ht. The alliance of Opeciuoii, in tliis coun ty. and the Kaufmau school house alliance ailopted resolutions stat ing that the otHcers of the state allianc»‘ were imi»roperly using: I the alliance funds to further the : intt‘rests >f a political party’ in vi- ! olatii^n >f tho foundation princi- pk's of the oi g-anization, and re- j solviiiLT upon no further pay'ments of dues until radical changes should I >1' madt* in the j)er>‘>nnel and pi 'Iicy of the olHeers. E. M. ANDREWS, \Vl;')lf'a!e and K' la.l F ;i:;itui AuK^'^9-'-ly ( i!Ai:i.u I 'l h. .N. The remains vvere in a sad con dition, identification depending prin- | cipally upon his appearel. They } brought him home and laid him out j on the floor of the one small room | of his late residence. The stricken | widow set her arms akimbo, and looking calmly dow’u upon him, re marked, “Well, he's pretty dead, ain't be ?” Seeing something unus ual about his mouth she stooped down, caught bold of it and pulled out au eel. The bead of another took its place and so on until she had half a dozen s(|uirming on the floor. “WeJl, what shall we do with him?" sympathizingly asked one of the party. “I gue-s you bad better take him back anil and set bim again for eels,” said the old lady. “It’s the only thing he's ever brought into this bouse.*’ SHUFORD HARDWARE CO. bKid. GOOD.'' .r.V Wholesale and Heiail. Another ( »ii\«-rt t» . NkwY Oct. 10.—Albert Leeds, professor of chemistry at Stej hen’s Institute, cf technology, Hoboken. ' has renounced the republican party, ' and wid support the democrncy. In his letter Professor Leeds says the McKinley tariff is a palpable rob- berv. T«H>k Him I'l. Kky Wk>t, Fla., Oct. 12.—Fn- carn i'-ion Oarza, brother and aide dt camp of Catania (hirza, the fu- ' xiir ••Trinity.- A third party fjpeaker over in the Hog Hill country said there was a man down iu the eastern j^art of the state that has two car loads of money, already loaded rp to bring up to this part of the .‘•tate right after the elec tion to divide out among the third party voters: another .said th^t every thiril party laboring man woul i get two dollars a day after election, anoth er said the lands, money, stock and every other thing would be divided up equally among everybody if Wea ver should be elected — Gastonia Gazette. HARDWARE *.f cvf-ry , t. • MACIIIX I ;K^' Cook Stoves and House hold Hardware. INJECTORS AND ENGINE GOODS I u'itive Mvxio;in Ikii: lit, ! rer«t«-d Ltrc today by a Tcx;tr- ; tective. ar- Di liiam, N. C.,0- t.l-l—T lay ' de- ' Triiiity ‘'olltge, at Trinity I’ark, . was dedicated with impOhiii^” cer- ! emonies. The colk*£re buildiiir-'"* : which are .situated in a ban Isume ) ^ park, and whi‘-h include a main .Vsheville, w t-re • building and dormitoriea and the \ married at the residence of Aiiso- ^ spacious and bandisOiue ion, are \ date Justice A. C. Avery, of the j the gift of Duke and Caxr, mill- |.^rWr;V f r I'r , At high nc>on Wcdne.^d;ty Miss , Suvlie W. Avery* and Mr. Thoma.s S. McBee, of Shuford Hardware

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