2 PRESS AND CAROLINIAIS : OCTOBER 27, 1892, I li 1 l.ol>/ I I’. I I I t li.-M 1 ai'f \’Id'(II.-. ra III i k,-n t ' un- ]Kil 1 lu(ic ;i :i' 1 t irii!;I i. 1 h*’ir I Mt ( ()iii {>,;i r.i- !’ ii-nI y Linf( >ln. ii.|cl!iLi'‘ii ■' 1)1*’ I'.» t h'* ; 1»w ; n (11 ♦■(•ly .‘I ijii S •;i ni. ‘ V III i ot liiii jii'-.-t jiM I i K! [ 'I’ll': ‘N’ \v •]•(* {'(•) 1 >11 III i si ;i ( rs- a iifl (•' )iis(‘r\’at i v*' l‘ad- cr-;. }»ui till* liirii ()1 ihc ] :irly liow ar-‘ ol ] »i iiicij ill* a in I ai:iiiiai‘(l l»y inali'M* to .vards iln* m)iit licrii ])C()|>1«‘. Tliry liilly realize that tllV bt'si clcllhMlt s (»r K!M-i'IV lire a'j’aiiisl « a at 1 1 !iu t I liei r releii { k )n (>| l». ‘wei' (!e;it‘ii(!> ;n» )ii riisliinu' tliroII,Li‘11 t li" iiat i(*iial Ice jshi- t I liras! ires t (* w liicli the sDiill; caiip.ol ill jK'ac(‘ sul)- iiiit, helie\-iii_^ tliar l>v se(*- tii)iial (iisordrrs tli(‘ north can a^^'a'm lie arrayed in di'adly host ility to th(‘‘‘old slav«‘holdiiiL!: stall's.’* 'This is t hf hojx' of th»‘ rcpiililicaii }>arty, aii'l ther»‘lV)rr, we are threatened Nvith the Lod^-e bill.a nieasiir«* most intanions in cluiraeter, and should it ever lit'coine a law, the j)eace and prosperity of tht* south are jj:one. Soejety will be disrupteii and e-i ini-visa^ed war result if neoovssary to render tlu' law ineffeetive. Our p(‘ople believe iu an honest vote and alaireount, but they will not ajrain sub- init to n»'g-ro domination and rt'publiean robbery. Our jM'operty is t)ur own, and only by just and eijuitable It'uislat ion, for legitimate ])urposes, (‘an any portion of it be taken frt)m us. Mixed schools will not exist in the south ! \\ desire to be iust to the nt'e-ro. auil when iu‘ isleit to himseli. tht‘. LTt^ntM*- aliiy ot them, appreriat*' the kindness and uniiorm iusiirt* uiih which they are trt'atcd by iht' whites, but: (lovL Al- iiULihty has ereetiul barriers airainst Si>eial tiniaiitv. 1 1 which only tli,e iiiia ihous would destrc)y, \\ewant no i?e]Kiration from the north, but our position in the e-(»v- ernnu'iit must be one of hon or and perfect equality with the other |K)rtions ol the I'nion. e will never (‘v)nst.ni to Occupy the attitude ofa con- 4UL*red prov^'nce in the con federation of states. The statesmeri of the iiortli do not demand it. The intelli- W'e 1 hiiik 1 !.*• iirl wli''-li j ap[M*,irs ill t lii- i>'’)e tr- >: i | th-‘ Natioiiai le publi'-.in ' sliould fully s;;' i-1 v • >ur pe >- ])le a^ t o 1 i.'‘ t rU‘* • 'liiaiii" o! tiie radic;il j ; i ^ y t »v. a rd'' t 1 - * s /ii t h. T!^‘ ;i I )o v'e pa I ler i> a 11 aeccj it I' i • \ j k >iieii t ot th” lejaiblif.i : :i o! t »day. a lid la irl v' r ; >: esen t s i he aii'l vir: li" t 'v\ ;i re earii'*'-! ly ■ ; . a::y s-t h ' * :.r j- ;‘ ; 1T I iii *‘i-. , a IP 1 \ ■ -r .1; \- >\\ • -II'- !i’- ill a.i."ioii I o 1 h“ liii.i lii'-:i I 1 ;i J I i.'O 1 . 1 >. i \ M ; 1 rt i 11 .•111 I Mi .;y a I ■■ prep t: ii.^r »r u- \\ la** 1 !ii**a aiid iip* M-iate til'* \> colller- :'d I .y a j.! !•! ia >iioi'a ble “Oil II. *}j». J t u l'[ M »■>-(» ol ketj-iilLT U{J \^i'h lie* L m]j‘* iian>aal ? h*-.li lit tti ‘■‘i' s(>IMit \ ,)I the M)UlIi. out . 'cM'!ii law ifi lull lore.'over t‘ .h/•!■*i *,t■ , • - ’; I* ■ -1 *111 ii a I »d va I’io i: (leni'i , , . . 1 1 . »i 'e'li. alter receiviii"' tlk* rc- • r;: ' I e i I' t > 11 Ll I a > i 11 Up 1 i ' r t h. ^ . n.ay r .lai.l.-iitiy Uiuki,,r th- .■l.rtj..i:s in M iliiV ii'iit >Mif (if |.(i|itiral '''''H'-i-a ainl I'lori.la, tl:al ■iy.-iir t hail nowexists. N“W “the {.•■op].- (,f the sni;ih are ^ Vol k w ill t hen ret urn se\-.*r- ;il more repu’alicaii c(*iiL:re>s- * men than at pre>eiit. w hi!'* . mole than t\’>«*iiiy ne_:'ro rep- ri e.-eatat i ve i i) il traitoi’s. and fair el»-cfii»n> an iia.jK).->ibility until the lorc“ bill becomes a reality.”' tliesoutii i'y af>»re- iciat I'.ai o! e .(p.ialstates. i',.*n,h.r the i-epublican I'U i.otli!!),:’ !• will .-atisfy ou. pal no I m ' r 1 ,t* tolera t - e( 1 Ity the 111’e manlio(mI oi I he >oiil ii. V\ e pet it i >n 1( >r IIo lav(»i.v. and \'-iil acc(*pt ii it liiije* 1( I hail even ain' ‘ exact jusi ier. rOlltrol ol the iUtUre(;Olie-i-,..«s ali-olutely .-ale and secnj-t*. Heavy taxes sliouhl be laid up(111 [ii ().{ erty o{’ lhe whi-es to deVehejM* and ex tend t he public school system 1 (if thos‘ slates. >aid edil(»i ial taken li’oia the Nat loll:il Kepublican. ot \\ ashiiiLiton. 1 >. (t !.e mouth piece of the adminis- j t ration, demandiiii:- s n-ial ^ equality and mixed s -irool.". .\>» I o i m N.\Tj:. Is it true, as ('hairman ('arter says, t hat t he election of rievelaiid means also a coii;ir(*ss democratic in both bra nches? This leatuiT'of the ‘lect ion fias not received much at- tentioi'. Mvery one exp(‘cts that a democratic.* house ol representatives will b(‘chos en with a democratic pre.-^i- di'iit, but not so much assur ance of I'evolutionizing' th* senate has been felt. I'his, too, is a r('aso:iabIc‘ i.-xp'ccta- tion. ’I'he seiiatt' is ii\)w conifios- ed as follows : | I cpuhliciin.s . , . 17 1 Dcniocrats, . . . :5'.> Fariiifi'b” Alliai'.C''^. . . 2 Sejiaratt'i sati>fy all men oi the schools f»r the two races j wickiMl desie'iis of t he j uH'sent >hould be a!»ol]>hed. aiid the I fe.|i i-'iI\a(1 illi 11 ist ration, and j.I.-UMif l.riii-iii^- i!.f .vuuth I ,1,.^ ^i„'. ol liot h colors in to close and .• • , . , , . . , , jareaatv. iu>t as sure a- t he e(jual reiat lOii in schools and j * • . (•hun-lirs a lah- liL-ll. j''''!’'''’'''/'''" I*'" one (.1 tilf 111!:! [M)tr!lt ' (lull (■li'Miciit s 111 lii’t'a k (1(; wii t In' a 11 l>suc I vil a'l t(i i uir detestable i(( lurboiiism ol the,i)>i-;‘v an! \\ ■ 11-! leini:-. \'.e slioiild ha\o la) di.isioi.s IM. iiMW5. FURNITURE, PIANOS AND ORGANS. VI. / “ I I.^ '.V : t.: ; N\'r> fur’ V-r\ I.,., ■ J \ ; ( r i» ; I’l oi.ii FI i:\ri I'i:/: t A,i.: 11, ... ^ , J. NEW STYLISH FURNITURE. ti I'. 1 ! Total, . . . SS lapiiblicau mujoiity, . . (I I’he terms of twontv-nine senators, ei^'hteen r(‘publi- cans and elev(.‘ii d(‘mocrats, expire on the Ith of March next. If the democrats can hold the states now repre?- sented by (h.Muocrats and de- f(‘at republicans in three stat(‘s the republican major ity will disapp(*ar. Three democratic sf^iators have alread^v been re-elected —(lorman, of Maryland; (ieorge, of Mississippi, and Daniel, of \’ir^inia. The states which have vet to elect senators in place ol sit ting democrats are Florida, Missouri, Tennessee, Texas, West Virginia, Deleware, In diana and New Jersey. The first four of these will choose democrats beyond a doi*J)t, and prc'bably everv out' of them will. THK MAIN jl l.>TlO>. Wayne .AbacVeiizdi, in his masterly spet‘ch. rt‘[nidiates and rebuke.s tlu* deinairoLric clainiu' aLi'ainst the rich be cause they are rich. Ilejustly says that while ••surplus wt'alih." as Mr. ('arneu:io calls it, sometimes injures tlh_‘ j'ossessor—and more lre[Ueiitly his children —“in thousaiuL- of either in stances it liot (.‘n.l\ does him 11‘ood but overflow sin count less beiietits to the co-minun- itv.*' All depends on the Use made of it. “AH that I iie. mand.” said Mr. Mac\'ei;^-h, *’is that tlu‘ rieh shall not u.-e their rich*to de."trov the very source OI thenation- al lile and ol idl true resjicet for law in a free country like south. 'i he statt‘ laws against i111 er-ma rriai:(‘ o 11 he races shouM be rt^pealet]. a n] aiiv discvimination aii'ainst t. * the blacks in the matter ol li'arninji' trades (»r obtaimn;:’ employment shouM bc‘ a. criminal of!'use—whi!** the C'alorci] man's riii’hts to hold ofIict,‘saouhl besacredly pro tected and I'ccou'iiized. A f».'w y(‘ars of t his nolicv w ill c i *■ solve the !‘ace problem satis- la(‘toril V. d'he abov(‘ is an ('diK/rial from l!ii‘ Washin»i'tni Keipub- lican. Th(‘ autheiiiicity of this (.‘(litoral b(‘ii:;^- denied, the editor of thc‘ North ('aro- linian, Mr.dos('phus DanielS; wfote (’onii'ressman Wh(‘cler, of Alabama, to know if ho had })i*operly (juoted the edi torial in a speech he inade^n congress while the force bill was pending therein. The following is Mr. Wheeler's answer; Wni:i:Li:R,Ala , Oct. 10, Kditok North Carolinian : —Since writing to you a we(*k ago I have looked over inv ]>a[)ers and find acoj)v r)fthe National Ke{)ublican of Thursday, July 3, ls)0. It is an eight page paper, publish(‘d in Washington, and states at its h('ad—“The oidy straight republican paper south of Thiladel- nhia.’’ Italsosavs: ‘‘13th ^ c year.*’ On the left hand coriu‘r of page 4 it says it is published at “oOl loth St.. N. W. ■ 1 went to the oliice myself and bought some copics., d'he editorial w hich I read in the Ikjusc of rejiresenta- tives is ])recis('ly as it ap[»»*ar.- in my speecli. 11 is on t he INDKltSOLI) ' : I ! ! j a!.y ! a ri i:\rj I m whale\cr. 'fhe democrats must he at peace among theiaselves, or irr(‘parabl.‘ di.'aster may o\'er\vhelm the (‘ouiitry. l/‘l j)a.sion and i\- ot ic a mbit ioiiS be saaa r i cd upon th(‘ altar of pat riotie devotion to the whole coun- 1 rv. and all w ill be well; hut if ignorance and fanascism conti(^l our actions, and un scrupulous deinagogU(\s ai(‘ permitted to divide our peo- pl(‘. w know not w hat ills the* near luture may ha\e in store for us. ( Uir trust is in God and the genuine man- h(Jod ol the southern jicople. ■ . r N 'i: rn, soi rii. I i.„v 111 I ; k* I ,l ‘.,l W ! W 1.' 1 : I ■ . 1 ' \- ! V FINEST LINE OF FURNITURE I V- ; \ tl. 11!.; VimI ; ;i N> ’ t I ' ,i!i I ^f'-r vi'U GENUINE BARGAIINS 1' . 1 1 ■UUI- II. : 'r. !.: W ar .1 f-w ■■ u. I.a vil ill' iii(;tnu(la. Toi'^nto, Oct. 17.— The WorM, whose cilitor and }>roprietor is W. F. MacLean, .M. 1’., one of the stroD^e.sii supporters of the iJomiU' ion Ciovernmeut, iu an eJiLoria published to day ou the auuexatiou movemeut, says: Annexation cannot ever be with out btrife. A great majority of Cana dians are built that way. They w’ould sooner lii;ht than be j)art of the United States. Noi that they hate the United States, but they much prefer to be ('anadians irs^ of the British Empire, or, at leaest, are not hostile to the mother country, and hostile to that mother country they would have to become if they passed un ler the Yankee lla*^. The United States is full of tail twi-ter.s. The Government of the United States goes into the tail twisting mania on frequent -occa sions, and the conspiacy to dissever Ireland from England had it.s h^ad- nuarters in the United Staten. These A are hard and undeniable fact-^. He. therefore, who is • ana haii u:i 1 fr^'ues for anLexution, is arg;.it^^ f >r civil war; he is stirring up. civil strife, and jii-t as sure a- aLL-.\a- tionir-t' persi-t in lLe;r pr'-'-'M methods .^tr*fe w..l coi*.e. \VL i. Uife.civii stfife. break-OJt. il treakr^ 11!.11 n*K .“'1. '• S \ 1.: . W. ..J I’.u- r.i> s.\ ■■ I’;-! •' I' I S^., 1 ( mU ‘ . ( 11 i.ii V : ■ -i 1 la!’\ ( ^ . l;iI Sir)'t Lt M: jii- I^ L ill,J - f ‘ A:.!. ,:t-- >.iK \\ .k. l:.» $ Kci-k.i.:,' Ciiuif' (r>iiii ■ i >- ():if i.oll -•■lIlil ot!cl .;r' Tlit>(‘ ai>' f.i- •' i- u ! V'-'iiua;-'. 1 )i» i-.u f ii; • iiiy 1 I 1 \n.1i _. >u iv ‘ ■ j E. M. ANDREWS, Wliolf al-and H' l.i, I ..n.i'un' 1' .li* ' ( ii.\ia. > r i h, .n. . SHUFOR.D HARDWARE CO. sKI.I. l;V \Mioh‘s:ih* and liclail. HAEDWAEE .M ACJ IIX e(.iit(il al paLl»M)t the Nat iolial } uLexpcclehy an; il Kepublican—page }. l for p.ace^. but it w... c ’I'jo. I am astoni:red that repnl-- then uLi-r-ui.l licans should att**mpt to j . ^ t -I- • 1 ' are Nsise iLt-v wili cea.-e iLt-.r iro.:l>- (jenv that fciuch an editorial existed. With respect, yours, etc Cook Stoves and House hold Hardware. t iing or they wiL seek a pla. e c: rest I UL-lt-r iLe they Lxiail. They are fne to dej ^rt peare.»b.\ lo 'INJECTORS AND ENGISE G03D; .losri'Hl s Wlli:i;i,Ll:. I to u* tleir iljcL talke i of r ■ ex'..Jus. but if lLr*y -I' p here ar.i i.JT 1'1'iiMM * IcoLliLue tLeir'trea- Li aL i tneir I We d»\-iie all ot our third : T T't A* r,.; I t, ...V 1 ' act tLev mj.-.t take the coDteij’-ieLces. ptii I \ Il lemJ." to l eaii an ed- * ^ itcjrial ll\irn th** ashingl(ill Mr. is in a vtxv ur.p]ea-~-iLl Republican, w hich apjIt*ars : i reliL-ameLt. He wants to tou- a in toclavV [laji.T. Th.-y l.avt-; 'f’-; ’’c-aiij ' anxious, too. to t-av something to IJfrW: V : 1 j»I eU’Iided to belieVc the lorct . . . , , ^ , r ... • 1 1 I 1 ticket, but fear- bill a .lemumitlJ iH-boblmtr. ! in so aomg be may Ulp the ours—an unbought ballot.” I groomed and accoutred lor i be»id of lu Shuford HariJware Companv Uickury, .\orth Liii'uuU^