PRESS AND CAROLINIAN . OCTOBER 27. 1892. 5 II ri5s ;i:ul ■ »irO ITT — !s f- " ' T''’' ■ HicVo’’y. North Carolina. 1.50 A Yf?ar -3o A Week. $r 'h tfc» -Ui'f S ^ . r.-. *:t ( ,! i^V.«irATK>.«S A"D Rr«ixf;«. J r - rr.kt I u li; PKl.N'TI.NG CuMPAW HI KOKT, N. C. CiTf niR f'CXOR V. W’"»t'irAI. •OTlB^WE'*T j^x ''rr, I 'r 'T''s —n ^ J on«*. fTir p.- J. C. PiitcLartl. republican can- * di l'ite r.r c-oiitrrf'ss in tjje Oih cJis- trict, La- lately Li;arri» 1 Mrs. K-1. lUt. iliu^'blfr of Mr. Jacjb W. i: V. ^ f J;aktr-vi!le. Hoh. II. A. (ru'];j(r. wiVi r«{»t*ak at ti.f; I'lac^r?-: i’.iL' .u I\*evorvilie N'j-.-. 4tL. Nuv. -Itb. Ht Light. h:.f rri.i'h ForJ. Nov. oth. S' !.:itor rrorrnan, in bis iir.^t canj- pui^'ri j-jiorob at Baltimorf*, declared Li.-^ coLviction tb-vt b?^\va.s mistaken. HI. i that *evelaud*is noujination wa.s tbt l>r'"t tbiit CO 111 1 bave been made. Cn-ii. .Iaci;b J >. Cox. of Obio. Pays: •“’I t:e ( v;^»f I,c;-s ff tbo times de- L. ir. 1 tl.f' flfction of Cleveland," and i:j a spetcb at Fredeii -k, Md , lust - v.e k. ( \ S*crelarv iiayard n.-iterated tl ■ siiine sentiiuent. liichard Croker .sui 1 at New York di n ocratic bead]uarters last week ibat ti;e Inavy registration “means aii cedentediy large niajorit\ .'• I tiie drmucrutic ticket in Nt-w \ 'rk fit}. ' (1 coimty third party men areru])idi\ coming l;ack to the dcmu ciiilic paity. Among the most }.rominint, we v-’ill ineiition the i;um-.s c»f Waiter and Kim Hardin, t'.vo {/r'jmin**»it farmers, and also N. A -I a country merchant. St-nalor K.ii.som will be in New- tun I'riday. October 2stb, to deliver one of bis grand to tbj voters of Catav, ba. Tbire will abso be a liOrs(back street parade and baibecne. It will surpass any poli- ■ tical demonstration ever held in Catawba. Let everybody go. i • ^ Gideon's baud is the very latest , edition of third partyisir. Shall w,e in.-t j for Another This precocious brat walked too young. Not a good sign. Funeral service:. November . . . II. A- , v , ;r n-iu'S(.nr>H)o.i tiiHt stli. Oulv lelatlves and friends are ,,f I- r. 'M y«'ir frifinln (ir t hf pulilif. | expected—no democrats need ftp- olii>>!iin* l»a> at lAr^iiiorit. Surrly tb'-cl 1 days (.f Hff* aLd • -i.tli’i'i-'■'!i; l.;i\c r* tr*rn*-d t-» tb*'* n- uf Ili- k'TV. ai.'l tb'- d' - t - i!:i t .K ■ wi.:!.- .;.v ■i' >f tb'-’ii. ''Viblf •Vrlit' ba’. * 1 n rbr' 'i.i'-b d !;iv)iiLT . inlN J r. '!■ 'Vr, V > 111 V .1 I ■ .-•r. r i-'-.r s.-rv , ,- if .M- ;i i: . ■ K t '1‘ ttr, I'r*- S. ■■ . I I . !. ■ . . Iivjiii 1>( thi* I'.ff'U:, liKkory Lo.lkfi-. V') iiUlit ti-r ir- A {■ V V ! ^ i . A V • f , ta • . >' ,■ I* I . ■ , K — 111-U >r.v No -l-'l. K , » . _ , ,.■ tt,.. f-.Jill unJ J'.iirth . ^ • Ili ;i iii'jii' ‘I- A ’ite us on a Postal II 1 o;>y to a 1 ji ii>'.v ari'l local Items in Bfief, 1 U'gist«r’ Ilavt' V'U registeroiP ply. Geo. D. Smith's ill-fated star is setting again. He tried to manipu late a fusion in Virginia and then I left the state. He has now failed to accomplish a fusion between the ‘•(b'd. D." wants the republicans Li i . , i i- i , .1 , . f 1 . .1 third partv and republicans here, ar; I thir ls t ■ fuse. l)ut the? wont. I ^ " ! Call we hope for as good treatment riio bt'iiitifiil ().‘tober davs hive ; , , ,1 ' ; as tlie \ irginians received : anl wilii today the ram c )m- ' " " A prominent citizen of Hickory P.e '-m*' ai d s**e lliat your name is j has but recently returned fre)ni writt.M) ttiMc—on ihe new registra- ; WatauLTa county and informs us ^ ■ be ci'osst il an obi countrymiiu A .> !\r.* to sec the depot | tbat was eXct‘e‘ding‘ly wroth ut 1 Ih'I;' r* iii«' m n«*w coat of r i i i one »d our merchants whom ho cbiinn d had sold him “;i lady's cor>ft fora face prottH*tor in biv- iiiLT 1'*’ M irabile* dictu ! What next ! t;;K* 1; }d 'c( II: tti "f ( rar«-!n'lit ('oll' L-e. \-f t no In'-]'* • n j'>']*• a!i b I" ♦ vt_r >jit i;r by anv lar^Tr cr''>v.d tb:tLrati;t r«‘d tlar** I'rid IV i.ilij- t-) }• trtici{* itf in the ctdc- j Itrati'ii; of tb*‘ f'>'ir-bundredth aii- Li\t r^:iry >f th*‘ li'^co\t rv »f this ' Ai;i*'i ica "f .iur>. 'I’lif s-j'acioii'. ch-ijMd \\a>' pat k' d with t aLrfr li-- I tnit-r^. aii'l v>fll v.rr*' tb' V 1, a wa> vb'*wi! ]iy the ap- wbi'h ai.nonnccd a vi(.d'»ry ‘ for a'di particij>ant in the pio- , LTanniic. d'lii- nio>t ph a>inLr ftatiire M t^re the ‘•Ib-adiiij' from ('>]unil'Us.' • ft.ranab" by Mi^s llfdrick, which ■.va> arli>tica]]y pcrf >rni(:tl; a “ K^-‘c:tati«'n." 1 y ••iL'‘lit littb- uir!.-, uliicii was iiio.-t crt. ditalL’^iviiiLT nni.ii>ta]val>If t \ id» iu-»- i.f a»-cu- lalf and pains-t.aldiiL:’ instruction; the “C boru> lr()ia Mcntlelssi)hn, l'\' a ch(;i'.il class. ol>liL’'ato 1 >y Mrs. Cbadv.ick. 'was raptnrtMLsly a})- ]ila\ided; ‘•Ib c-itation, ('hristo]dier ' by Miss Lois SraLrle, was anioUL;' the n:o>t appri'ciated (»f tbe rveiiinLT s c'xercises. d'bc speech by the orator oftlu* cvi-ninLT, biev. J. A. Weston, needs no favoralilo mention by ns. It -M'as an epiirraninimatic exj»res- sion of the })roiid anti patriotic sentiment of the Lrathered assem- blaLfe critically expressed, and very highly appreciated b\’ hi.s hearers, W bile the singing’ of the dox- ology was more .generally joined in by the assemblage, tho “Old North State” wa'i inspiring". Through the whole performance Miss (iregory })resided at the piano, and lier accompaniments were rendered Avith a precision and force which won favor for her with lier audience. The entertainment was n suc cess in every }>articular, and has placetl our i)eople under lasting obligations to Claremont. 1 lii' Sii. riii'iri bur room fixtures »> b*-*'ti H Hh''pOrtt‘il brVOud the " .mat-'. 1* ! rpublh iu;>; (leorge n. b .1-,-d third party i i t ' b r ! Ht Cack a'l 1 Smith rt|tab;ic:inism cr bo I Ifai 'cratic r;illv, .. ' N' V. Ub. to wb;ch : ii.v;te.b : i’rrp. rt tradf •' 1 ti.tu' d.'iby >‘i;es •'f (K‘t‘>b-r i.t« d tbt* .•'tor-.- ■ ^\':•:iy vV C’ . a:.d ' . . I’V' I; a ''Ti ! V \ i V \ :.»1. t ' LtM- ■>rl ti. il Fv.u.- M.H-k'viy.i rt>:;i- A The directors of the Gideon's bitnd iiave their sworn henchmeu in every couuty; and these secret-oath bosses by pretending to ba friends of the pei'p'.e exercise a htrong inlluence bt'canst' tbeir ^ecrtt c>rders are not t known generally. If the veil of .-e' crecy were bfted from tlie deeds ot the conspirators what tremendious c rruption would be exposed! — Nrw-- ai d ()bs‘*rver. .Mr. 1’. C'. Hall returne.t b me Mon- biv iji tat’.v t !:c.'»uniged at le:i:0- cratu' po-pr-ct--: fora gre.'it va'tory I'll Nc'Vt'inb r ''til. Ib' inforn.s u tbat a i.e was jO'^n.ryii.g cno n’*gbt 111 .1 Clow h .l car. c. i.ver.-ation ing to p htii's, a!i ar.b i.t I '.evelan 1 man r».;u*->tid aJi p-fM.*iit tbat were fir (ir 'ver Cievc’.an 1 to ^t:\nd up ar..l vtiy >. \il auexct j I one ii. .tivi I'l l', and be wa;- wraj pe.d in bt i. W e give tbi^ f.nct. mt-rely I'1 Alti'iiipt to Wreck a Truin. Winston, N. C., Oct. 22.—Un known parties made an unsuccessful attempt to wreck the incoming pas.«enger train on the Norfolk ».V: Western railroad fiom Koaroke, near Martinsville, last night, by placing a cross tie on the track on a fortv-five I ! foot trestle. I j Til** Mii-otis ill I WA.-iiiNtrroN, lb (Jet. 21.— I SuTU't nie Council Sc'Ottish liite I Masons foi- tbie southern and t western stat* '^. wdi(^ ar*‘ holding their biennial counidl here, dccid- :»-dt'>day by a larLre luaj'-rity to hold tbe next biennial >e>"l'>n at i St. 1•ni';. a" a Oil.U r to ti.e stror.; drifl M(. d t ■ ^ -t-cti:..ent. in Altxai - f. ■I : 1 pbi. :n wbtre bo 1 i.' N ' ‘rib (’ar lii.a Ptl -bvt•-rl- •^VI..■b 1 :.t l”, ■ feW .bi\- a_r -. 1 v ii.- ti.'-y (.oi.c'uit 1 hi.-i It'' iae.iiDi:> in t!.* Mvtb'‘i:-t cburcb of tbat city ‘ •• • 1 ‘J'y ^ct tii.g :l (bv 1>. 'bi,, re w, re loK.rdaii.e 1 i..ini>ter- ' ^ ... b.ri’ig it-n tried to ;a. i ii:!in_r t lder" pa'c-cM. rep- 1 •!.tii.j" "ix ]-re^byterio ai. I tb* I i.tii'e state of Noith Car^ ’lii.a. got e gt.t Ib-v. Mr. Ib '.e, moderat- 'r. f rc- 1 ^\ltb ».-iricii ncy dii-^nity. It w a> a j'K a>ai:t harui''Li*an 1 V. • '!kin_r .^si >n uf the reprVei:ta- i tivcs of the Prcsbvtorian church. t wr.-biji ta'^- COl.eC- Ib.. We •• ‘ •- Nuu.:in ■ ' • it-r. V, tfs flivl ■ “ ‘-^•'•i’ated a cOL>table. -•f f \ g.ivt-iiior woul \ not cji:- ■ —‘ tv r-L for that ©ffioe. ' .'liiii'tfi 1 .i iwi»l u T*» . N}'.v YoliK. October 20.—Mini-ter I r.incoh: returned from Wasbir.gton ve-ter.l.ay. He bad been a--igned • bv tbe -]'-iker’s bire\u t'> make ti.ree sj (t cbe." ;n Indiana ne\t week. t:-e bit's t' b- airi’^el by tbf c inrailtee. Il ;> » X] ected tbat be wi.i aN > "j ik in L.iLOi-. «>ii ' I>• Ii II'Il ' Fii.MiN .HAM. A’t . M t. K. A M'-'tov. .!...i:. • f tl.e^i-- ll; "t *. te (■■ 'I:.I..ltt * e (>f ,\ ; ar ba!i. I. c!ai:a tb ti.e }v-’i» el- I- t w.!! I .ii'TA' .\..i 1'i;.. I tv , ' 'r:iv. In a i ri'att* lette.'- written am'^Llb a^'" L: Ig*' (Ire-bar.^ -ai b ••Cievr’.A:: 1 vviil cirry r'i ♦ - ! 1 • «■, .:tbern Il, N-w Ji-r-. y an 1 part of Ma^nig-i!.. I ,i::. to..i tbat be wi.. Cirry New York H- b i- an eVfi: i batiC* in L’.i::o'.-. a g'o i >bcw ir. Wi-c .'C?i.'". a’. 1 may carry severa. w^-"teru ?tate^ Li sb^ rt. I tbink be be e!ec‘.«\I. cLui.ce^ I would be better if tbe iato conirre-r I bad acted more wisely. iL.iiana ! a- certain’.v iUm''C‘ratiC thi? year as I Kentucky. I know w hereof I speak. "—^Shelby Aurora. N»*«ti>n lU»rS*ru**. .St*nat'r liiLiSom w:,i b** at th*^ Xt'Wltin barlnc.u-. )• t ! *r 2"‘. I . a* vl ui.i b'l ire.'- tb*- p'-. ;/.e. .i« m e crnt-i ]]■ tL* va-ir:;!y f Hi« ko*y ;i:e iri.» •!'y r p-3»-!t .1 t > rei 'rl a*, the }'HrR i’ H’.ek-ory on Fri biv n •r:.n._' at " Ti i^c.ab urg*-- lb - r •'::an_: ov I.. •: ■«eb\l''■^. a* h nmu: I*-1 pruc*-^, Wi.l be f Tmed, i» Hvi!; J H. k -rv at arrivm- nt C«'i.«.\er at [*.',) u! t-rf* tiit- pr>u-es- >ioii \Mii be ai-’.u’me ■■ b arrivip.;^^ in Newton at 1" I'b** f-’.ijw- ing iLi‘-n b.-webit, :. named tl^ m ir-; i.- t "i •; * | rocf'Sioij ; J. I). r.;iiott, c‘ .1 1{. A.k*n. H. .V .M.itrnb -I .’tin \\ . L dont> A ' ri i. 1 lie- -1 t ■ f .r io,:’id trip — b b* *■:. -»•*• ;r» 1 v‘r tbe arrow giil.^'- f I li. '-e not taivil.g b'or.-e': K L ''HCKOliD, O (. L-airman Com. Last Sund.iy connniinion ser- vist' wero Ind l at tie* Lutheran cdiurcli at tbi> pbico Ib v. C. 11. in rnheim pleached tWii . Xe* lh-nt sermons for the (>cca>ion. Next Sunday', I-'r. ib L. Ab>einetbv ^Mll preach in the 31 etbo-ii.-'t cliurcll here, ( >ur nu rchants are receiv- ine’ tbeir fall >tock of g(n)d>. ( bir thanks to the Hickory cornet band (junior 1 for its music on the I'^'tli are • hereby tendered. They ac(piitted themselves well and are a nice looking set of young men. We ]►resume tiny are all democrat.-. Cuiitinue to ])ractic-e, young- men. You may’ be called upon to furnish music for the b»urial of the Ciideonite peo])le’s party soon after the bth of November. Hs deajh is sure. Its body' should bo embalmed and placed in a g’lass cotTin in a coD^'icuous ])laco, where passers- by may' see it and imagine it silently' saying: “H 1 Riu Hoon lone fr>r, Whfit the i!t,*'ll wan I for’” A. P. W. (Jranite Falls, Oct. 24, '‘2. niiildin);H l>(>dicut«-d. Chic.^go. Ill , Oct. 22.—Six States, including New York, Massachusetts and Ohio, took advantage to-day of the presence of their leading oflicials in Chicago to dedicate their pavilionn in the World’s Fair grounds. The State buildings, although as a rule far from finished now, will form one of ih« most interenting teutures of the great exposition They occupy an area second only to that of the big Fair buildings, anti scattered among theui are the structures put up by many foreign couiitries. j>y far the hanJsoraest State building, as well as the large^t, is thai of New York. It contains a columned hall, by SO feet, ves- tibuif'S, bat.(juet-rooms, kitcijens. bedroorus an d all the appc»intments of a club-house. In thi^ is'Ue will found a notice about a visit of specialist I>r. K. Hadb-y (i^eeiiP, of Asheville. He comt s well recommen led. Ilea l bir- notice I'l.e Catawba county Suiiduy ."cbool a^socifition will b )!d its an Lual (onveLtieii at (.'atauba in the i^aptist church N-veriiber ITtn, 1^.*2 Tbe work ir- noti "‘•(•tai :a!. a:, i is u’, l»-r the HU.-j icer, of tb- N rtt. Car- o Ilia i-tate .'^ ^cbo-i. a-'-'.c.a- ['•V.. A’! ij.i:.i-:erSun lay r . r -peri: ter. 1 -cb.o ar- r*-gvr.i !*'S of b r. are .i i.t.;y 1 to .itter. !. ri jc» I ^ r» KM»N \i , Mr.^ A M (• V e l;., -f >bd» ^ sell i' ' ’ >, :■> ‘ g b*. r » r. the \: V c (, . • t i; .t.'h- Mr laau'S ii 1 : iw. h . M li .S ,'^.;i»uid, ..1' bt.i^ht*!. . ' • I, . are . rt !t ■ y’ I t .. .t.11 r. W. A S. ^ -• rt in Ibitlgb. li . ^ ti.*- Ot I ’. t ..'.;iftl etlt! :;ition .ii i f i:r w*-re tm .'t cred- ilabl**, and t' i* I** er*alb‘ e ^oved l.i.- vi-it t: « t *a\ \ ‘. ' 4 ^ ^ a a«r DR. t. HADLEY GREE.NE. IM i;. . !. f.- ^ in A '.if \ I if f 1 : av.l 1 o I (•-■111c, to h. v’ : :: ^ • .1. . . ' I I ‘ .N i>rl • til •! I.. •. I i\ n : r >,; .• t. ■ •• to 1 ;. ;."; \ : its, li u .I V o'.l.. r I • ;!il> iy t t: 1 U' 1 I (i! i-.Ii;: tlcatJi..; who ait‘ ■’■■tl \s.‘: ft-;'’.! et'! ' tlis* t a-'t*, n .1 n.ay .l> - .r.‘ !.i-> s i \ I'r. 1., k:n-W!i t'a u^’ .out th'- -"Ut'i ;i., a \,.|_\ -kiillul 'i>. « iaIiNt i:. t(ie tl*'atiu*'Iit>i I’l.rtit.iv'tii-i'aSi S M;>' hai.ic — liT a (•(>rif-t at!>i ciiM'i nMitii'u*! ji!i\ lan i'\\t-11 ♦ ^tabli>! I (1. H•'U'. fur more tlian twfiity iii ciiiin;; that iito^t dreadful of a.1 disi jx >—(.anc*T, ttl wliirli hf ha^ tr'Mtfd '2 11‘.) e.i-'i s — h;!-. \n(ui for liitii a Ieputati111 tu iioiic on tliis coiitiuenl. l.'c almost ncVt r fad'* in uiitk- ia'4 raj.Ill, j-a^y aiid I'fraiaiifiit rui* -' of the iiiort-cuiiiiiiuM clirmnc tnadil.*-,^ fiuih a-i ily.>l'ej»ia, functioa lieai t tioub’f', di>easC3 ol the livrr and li^wes, ehioino catairb, luama or rm.turt', tlist'as.-, peculiar t«i fe- niale>, and iiio-jt t*lh**r loti>; ■'taiidln;; and diflieull d >ea> j. Hi.> char>;es ar** vt*ry iiuxb'rate—only $j to #10 per iiionlfi lur ordinary chrtMiio dis eases, whicli alsi pa} .s for a)I UM-dicinoe. Th»^>e charj^es are, as a inatt-r of cour.H‘, alway.'s ca>h. Exaininati(*n» and coiibulta- tioiis arc irec. licnicinb»‘r tlic date— MONDAY. OCTOHKK 31>t, at Hickory Iiui, Call and sec him. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. ■V()KTU CA}{•LIN^| In i h»- Su,)>-."li»r Cd'jrt. - A r A W II A ( ( >1' S M I .1 1» KI.I.IOl r. A m r ' r .,11 i'.ar^. r. F*s>it l*An,Kii. s,yKi.\ un i .rli.rt, Oiiink i.r \UK. — rhi** i ■ Dfnit.i^ ..ifi *11 iiji.iri f fn» pe- *l'li»ri of j'l ilii'i'’ *’i 1 l>y i of ' A * .il**jr. I.*”) fi’torti.-v for ' ii.lHiit-. it irinif t h** ' ■ it: r* -III* ! *i»‘ ll •••I'.'iV. Ilf I;.irt'*T. (!•>'li. 1h i.) f,.iy t,i« iili 'i O.*- i-iiM rkC-.H 'if ;i.; rrlri:-' r ,i' :■ It, I* 1.*, r’i.-rt-fi >rf. or'1*T*-il rin'l J I». haT‘‘1|. •.> ~«11 ' h** f.»Ilowtrirf ;••••.tIIm"! of l.’ini) I'.*.' n' ii --Mk** i:i l rur.- w I; H •••.iK*-. . or!i.-r ■' |..- No. '.‘i'-r.*. > ' J. ■ J '.I it, . ri I'ti*-. r - \ K 17 p.,;.-. Tf..- l>.». ;,;r in or ;*-r 'o [. ». tnu ti of ! rln'it- 'tii.l . V i-. r-.iii kl lii- • i- n^ -O .... .'iiir.-.. 1* 1- r .-'U. r : !•' •’ • -I.-: .» I*. inlt- *r.»- I', jr-.-r ..• I - U"! V. r.* 1 p.J. iti • ■• m >,n ■ i• y. j.r.> ^••1*.-*' t . l.i’.fc »I.*r 1’ * " ' n ! M i ^ ! !• ■ I• p 1 l»li. ■ ‘ '.'J. -• ' ,1- i^. J.I" il; r. ; r . . * .' i' . • IV T.i • - . • A ’1 : • ’ - .. r- r if • /.‘.J \ •. TSJcj»xr. IX, ’02, I 1 N'" H ! w Ib M:. F; IT I. .s I b-.r. i > . ! twer.ty ad bt; :>ai i.aii.e- f_r ' •'..r de::;oor.*tic cbji : L R W }’.,;ret. A . F. McCa.;. H C. IM ! . .J l> H. : A. I. \Si.ilf » r. N. L Tt?,i_' •b \V. McCb... Ailen liar-er. ib v , Mr. l*.i:>. Levi H.:T; T. M M..:-. .T jlh w. \V. H. i: ■ ^ ’ A L. Ib-e-e. J C = grr. lb N. , Frv. I> I', (ie - M...*.-r a:. 1 .3. F Hur^ma:., ertfuliy. \V. p. H' ffmav. 1l^‘ a't.ove .;-:t n.ake'-; a total of ir-' membtrs wbicb be i.a- securt i I f'. r tbe club. Tb.ily f j .:r were i cured djricg tbe p%»: week. Her--’.*' a ix.ii.t'.T and a big ».n- f. .rtiiirbl party farmer-; L>uiiLg ' CleVebiLd > a ImiLi.'-tration coi- i ton brought from 9 to F2i cents. ONE CENT COLUMN. ■ ' • To-.r 1. r* I wtli ectu*..*'! I—* »/ik« f » >.♦ !• will b« ( -T.a f-NE ENT A. WORD r..- t " -'.or; r« do a-j» • ■zn til* t«*4. } Ah'IKI.' - \V ; . . ;..y A I ; ‘ '’-.r.- •• . ‘ar. t]} 'o:: the -•'.-fi. If ) . .’,v >' : t'uy i: v\ W. .... • ' I I'HI T- I.;., A' f, 1. i: !> :d I ; .'"lar lirar.d j't , a:r.V-«l. ^ .‘'H i YvnD, .''■LTZtK vV; Cu. ! l-ijrFAl'.MKiL^—f uf Ih'? l>r>t ycr’. li^^rr I arid Acid rbo-j Lile go to T E. FirU. 3SW