8 PRESS AND CAROUNIAN; OiOBER 27, 1892. Th- IV- (!!. ''(ill 1 h«* IMil!. S r ! M .It, r> -1 A Mo:t. i.. th e . : { • : tti.i l.iv t > an •(' :..H ! Uj i: Liinly of n-^roe>: ••'Ibis ro caiU‘1 force bili’ I c^iH it an election bill. \ea I m for it. I rn fc.r anything' tLat \)fill make an Lonc'^t u]^n out of aa iLfernal cnief. ;f You cau t get a deiuocrat to say that lo-# ■> it» '■♦-"loll. ^ ^ j- VII.I r. (i \ L: cc) ‘I.*- S*' •. iii j" . ■' 1 ’ lit ill' i- (IclI in thf . yn-=i s sr.-.-'ion, aiil all \\h ' att* i;'l«'1 sp*-ak in th? li(-ai ti'-.-t t»-rni.- ‘-f th* ir « nj^»yni*-nt of tli' f* 'A' li'>ur> ' f it;ci\‘ati»ii fi' ■ni tli*‘ ImI'V l outin-* a rf-publican is ra- c'i' enough to steal "J iii> ni >1 nin_'’ato cloi k >yij( >'I I vote. The biJ ^;illiJ•ly provided met f-»r its final .- ^^ion. TIi*- ..*x- that every man .«hall ca.st a fair bal- crcis*\\« rf «-pt nfl with (l**vo- ^ l‘>t aixi a deuio'-r ti^ or republican tion;.l >. ; ft«-r which the ' jadge must coiint it, whether he rOL'':>-tr 111'*rij 1 nu.'" ‘ all was t;ik**n waiitis to or not ., i for a fiee v,i, bcilIjL aijJ fiiir count if it takes ten ' I "J ilt- coiiiiiiilt'-e '>11 1-ills an ] ' thousand hea hs in X‘)rtu ( arohna OVfitiu. s, tliioUL'h their cliair-j every head in ti:e democratic paily/ Ilian, r* p.rti-.l .n an uv.-rt-ix* This th^-n is republican doctrine, from l'aVftt*-villf i*r b-ytny a-k- ^ And y^-t they teil u^ tne forc*^ bill is illL’’that •i'dili-I'>li ■ulit 1M* trails- a d^-ad i.-bue. io eiifoice it thi.s fen- I frniii Allu i..arh to Fayi tt.*- , man .^Lott would \\illu gly >ee ten vilb- l*r‘sbytfi-y, saiictioniiiL'-tli‘ . tt.ousitnd democrati‘ voter^' head.^ traii-f* r; but r.;fus. s to art until roll in the du>t And remember Alb. iiirrlf Fi -byt» ly can b*- ■ that thin Toni ak wns made in the Leaid from at llir iifxt im-.-tin-- of ; i»resence of negroes to intlame their FViiod. 'I'his wa^ rt‘;'' ivc(l and ^ passions and to convince theui that MIsrELLA SKO I MIS( 'EL L, IXK^) I'S. WAEM8 MIjMtrMIEfi Link, McComb &, Co. A HE LEADERS iu ll.*'ir line - -f Ilru r^v' GROCERtESI CASH l aid(nrcbUNTHY PRODUCE. o 1 (1 Stork (jivntlv l^nc(‘s! We bee to announce ll.al are now cfferinp tlie fi'lU vvin)? >i.*ec;a]ti»*s at j;rcat rtxluciion.-'in oTiler to make r-^'in f*>r our fall stock ; 1,000yds. Whit*^ (iuods nt to 7.7r, uortli ll! to L*Or. .IffO yds. Swiss and Ihini- }fUi LS Kdtsin^s und Iiisrrt 'iiilss ut .*> to 4(h‘^ worth r> to IJtOO yds. iiinrJi'inr.uuuh- and hinid - iii:idr l\)vchon Lncf‘s nt isivntlv ivdiurd figures. MlSrKLLAM:>rs BRIGHT! NEW! ShiM, Sttet Ho. (E. A. AltEilNETllV" sf vN ab •pt.l. Ib-v. W*. M. ilth* ri.liic i»r'>ciit- C'dthe* r» poi t of th*. aL’rlit of Sab)- IjOtll ^^•hools, u]li«-]l pl'( rented lh foiluwin;: ii t> i''-tini:- liL^uro.'-: ^uiiibt r of I'^.iinday >flio(*l.''— Albt ji.ail * 17, ( oiu-oid •{•'), I'av- C‘tt« \ill(' lt), Mfi-klrijbiirLr To, Or aiiL''(* 2'.*, \\ ilniiiiL;toii ,‘J7. 11 inbt r of 1 carli*Ts—.VlbemarU* 17’>, oiKM^rd !'aVfttfN illo 0-) ‘2 .s.”. W'ibiiiiij'toii -!.■). ^ 11 111 br r )i 1 /J''!.’ U'' IU p i 1 ■ n i AlbeinarK* ayrttt'villr M' fkh'iiburu l,bsl, )raiiL;e 2,!'’7, \\ ilniiiiL.’t'>n ^suiiil)' r r«M-i‘ivv“d into tin' chifrch fi'oiii till'Sunday sc-hool — A lbt‘iii:i rh‘ lib (oiu’oid I'ay- ott‘\iih‘>^7, M'-ckh-nbui-”- no i-c- ]>or‘. )raiiLjt' ,”>1, W iluiin^toii l(),‘b .Vnioiiiit coiiti’ibuti' I by tli*- )Siiiid;!y school — Albt'iiiark* >dl)10, C»nc >rd >l.'^ii 1, i'aycttcvillo "), !Mcckh‘]ibur-- >=1,()’••), Oraiiu^-o W ilniinirtoii ^771. A siniih' roiiiliiiL,’’ of thoso iiLrnros tolls their own talo;liut still there arc :)7 Prosbytoriaii (diurchos in ^sorth (’arolina with Sabl):itli* school*^. Synod then, at 1:1.”) p. lu,, ad journed with pra}’er a^id the apostolic b(‘iu'dicti(.)ii by tln‘ uu)d- erator, to inoet in d'arboro, Oct. 31, Ib'.Kb Th»‘ meeting- of tlie synod has been, in the words of one of its iu(»st disting^uished nieinbers, one of the best ever held. There were many' matters of weighty iiuportanoo discussed; but the re ports (^11 missioTi work sliow the most marked advance and espe cially was gratifying the report of llev. li. P. Pell’s work in the mountainous counties of Watau ga and Mitchell. In these coun ties, where there were lifteen months ago no Presbyttirian churches and no Presbyterian ex cept one or two scatttn'ed families tht‘re art' now two churches, one at Klk Park with seventeen nu‘ni- bors and one at Cove Creek with nine nicnibers with three or four at other points that will be ready for i>n.;anization the crnning vear. (lOinii t-ft^^braiicli rrcducf and (Iiim , ry .-.tcre nt A>li*'VilU*, X. C Ji ' iii*' ■■ - ■ f r fc MANX’PAC^URERS, JOBBERS AND DEALERS IN Have o{h n*Hl * ut a . k IVEW GOODS :\t n. v»*r 1». i rr licard ■ .d ? f.un. th*; republic in nai ty is their friund beciiuse it is ^’iiiing to make into law a bill that was df'.'Cril)ed by une (h'lu lit republican as th»* “luoht inf?'. /ii(.us m(-a-^ure that t v« r pa ^'-d the dooi s of the senate." hich ])arty will ^ou vot'^; ^^ith— Mott and the force bill party, or with the deruocratic party, the ene my X)f both?—[AsheviRe Citizen. Fifty three bodies have be n re cover'-d from the wreck of the Bokhara, at the Fi.>her Islands. tale Bitten Cure* all Female Complaints and Monthly irrcp^ularity, Leucorrboeaor'VVhites, Pain in Back or Sides, strengthens the feeble, builds up the whole system. It has cured thousands and will cure you. Druggists have it. Send Btarnp for book. DU. J. F. UU031U00LK & CO., LoalsTlUe, K7. 4.3 Iv nex.read m^it WHISKEY ■ ■ Atiaut*. Ga. 01H( and Opium Habltfl curtd at home with out pain. Ik)ok of par ticulars BCfit FREE. B.M.WOOLLEY.M.D, Atiaut*, Ga. OfUce 104X WLittihikllSU H. Baruch & Bro, CHARLOTTE, N. C. DRYGOODS: GAR PETS Our Mail Order nept. l>oeH a l^artce BuHlneHN. Carpets ?ery dieap BRUSSELS, 50c, 58c, 65c, 75c. J^KOFESSIOX. 1 L CA RIJS. W. A. SELF, ait()rm:y at law, Oll^ioo ovtT Fir>t National Hank Hf-l lllCKORV. C. (iood ' jh‘Vy;trd. lU'st Uiihnuidi 'h'd Shirt. .'i = Ht‘>i Shrf‘riHL!\ f> filj rr/jt^. ( hildrru'.^ Shot's lr‘Ui h> ‘ f,. Ll*^—Worth 7-"trtn N/.r,*; nt ohJ jniri‘s. i , L.idif's did,1 f h» r>h ■ N / t ) Si!~(ddi>rirt ^ l - i \'l I' L!( >iK Is. >' /. .V> 7(1 >'//. Everythini^Elsein Same ProDortion. 8OOT8, SHOES —AND— SHOE FINDINGS, HICKORY, N. 0, 1 aug t£ Paint, Paint, Paint. OIL, OIL, OIL, T^arnisti, T^arnish BRXJSBLES, BRUSHES, mch21ly F. l.()?noKNK. K. li. Cline. OSBORNE & CLINE I m ■ iiii * IlI(Lx'oLY, X. (\ rul Court'. Nutarv I’uLv I'orf* r.ill Oi U'wure. WiLMiN'-.T' N, Del., C>ct. '1-.—Local Pein> crts are indignant over what they term the force-bi!l tactics of ! the republican chief supvrvisor of | elections, Samuel A. McAllir'ter. | ^ Be-ide'j ordering the supervisors to go /roni house to h:>use and verify all the re;jistration list?, he ordered j Fracici* in Mat.* aiid F' -iiTu; i\ , \ 1 r .1 (’la ui> '-.•cured an«l Nu them to keep arecoid of tne num- : jje m otlic*. IK-ivontion^ iak^*n. ber on the tax receipt ;=f each man ; 1>. Clin** h.is cor.irt>! >f criminal , ^ , ' pja-'lie in Catiwtm, Lino«tln anl A>xar;- regietered. Today registration of- | der couniie-. K. I. Osbvrnv s i-riv.i:.* ad- ficers Henry Ahrens, of the fji-st ; N. C i- bii-tf V’ard, 'William H. Quinn, of the second ward, and Clyton Harrison, of the Tenth ward, all democrats, refused to allow the sepervisors to make such record and were arrested by the chief supervisor and held in $3,000 bail each charged with in terfering^ with government officers iu the discharge of their duties. ***AnvthiBir want>l in »li»* Oil f»n«l ^’alnt lioj* I i5u not hariill*; tho a!ult€rfited Oil rhut p l'‘‘irikr ff>ll broAtl' h.»’ ov*-r th- countrT. I — h «)nly .fohn T. i;.aL^. If tou wiknt i'i3rt‘call on a.-*. tfuilv. O. M. Royster. A. A. i ..!i IT—: : K. if» i. ’ir .* *M KoyKTrK. Vi . A. n.' i h.i.i.. ivi;= ■ FIRST NATIONAL BANK HICK.ORV. >». c. CA PLl A L S>'~»0.(K^0.00 CLINTON A. CILLEY I>trectora: Attorney at Law SilCTCORT. . C. Manuscript left by Mctor Hugo, and recently come to light, indicates that he belioTed in Bpihtualism. U : r;, ■ , . ■ •cn'.lf>. • :.«* S rviat-C . ■' SL'i t 1 n-vlrr.»; ' ^ur' a :^riU. Al: ; ;3.' .1 *., ... -i -.i ■ . r« fui n- nitt lu ;inj : r> ml*'aai> prot: ; *.It V, ilall l-oii *ir..r •orbAii''- A il.nvrr wL.*rr hf iua>' i r* f >atd In tLc 'iaiT :ior a*. Ll» b'-Sttfat t:»ihT.at alltim^. WUen In aoj troable come to Me to«. mxj-i ire. RHv A. A >nrr*.uD, \ m. ' .'.KITSLK. TH"'^ j. >KA'iI.E, J. I'. KI.LI 'TT. WM. H. KLLI'. KKA.NK L'»riUI'.AN. TLli* i'aiik L* ; To r—>-jT# ,a *- ’r-":!.' t!.# ,i. o-rtt* of baik». ba:.».?r!«, irc>**e*-« (sirt-or.»'ioa*. frrr.« an*3 laiiiTtvlna!-, anj paj lo- on of dtfpo-iu Oar Tauit^ L»t double tlm«l{Kk«. la aafe a^raltui f*.re aad burjfUuTi. Curr»j*poa'i'nof »o- Udtel. Men s and Boys’ White a;pd Colored Straw Hats at Your Own Prices. \Vr tti I'liV all klH«ls i'l Country Froducc and wi’ ia\ hi)'!.i t uiaik only jdnro in town wlioi‘0 you ('an ho suro oi gettinff nil kinds of DRESSMAKERS’ SUPPLIES, Knitting and Embroieery Silks, 11 SHINGLES ! \V«* can hanile th»*tn, an 1 will i*ay ti>rcash or .'i4 ly L.ARCEST Stock In Town I nni now ojK^nin^ iijf th>‘ Lnrgf\^'t stock of ^onls evor shown in Hickory—n) iiJI> 1nh\ JfUt fiK'ts’ SHOES FOR EVERYBODY — r>H* 1 11»«- ■ ■ lo " N I . »L 1 »h»ii Id »IU »!a to* I ‘ wa*f**Tour mon^T— our lln*" •r.-l 7 j • be our fu«iotn«T. GORGEOUS DISPLAy OF DRESS GCjCS Stnndnrd Pry (ioffds, fir >- (‘f/ri^s n nd I' -1 /i 3/A /iS Sf P- PfJh> in rndl*'>.^ vnrifty. l;l’T THAT'.> N'>r 1 KEEP EVERYTHING 1 A j;KArTin'L LiNK furniture '(}PkSKTS in A''/vv/1 vn- r'loty—all siz*‘s—jtri(^s 70. With twenty y^^ars’ exf-Tir:;rr* in hani;iDK prcMluc^, w#* ar»^ jnpar» U to },£n- Chickens. Bolt* r, Grain and Fi ur to the beat a1uanla^f. Wanted— />r tho j-ound or dozen. Link, McConl] w Hi. i AX' i HER THIN'* - * J II { HM • n** •• •• •*!?^** II IbuiMM# mtU •• ••«•••«*• : ^ . - I V - • ‘-1 ' I - ‘ I ’ (di I/■ Chill*‘d jii'i / ri. ' J''ri*‘n f /V '*** '' nil I ! nhi ny> Ai hnnd. Urj^Ajt hrnnd^A ^ nn thf ninrk*‘t:, I * /;-xf ■>/ f h^^j hnt*-. WK’LL lil V ALL ^ulK 1LO- dvgk at hiJiT pia K-v T. E. field. HI KOKYii'i:XHAllILL.S. N. - »ugl8’9’ilj

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