PRESS AND CAROLIMAN . NOVEMBER 17, 1892. AI>I. \1 t:. KN'-O.N hv* ry {».l- triotir citiz‘'iK wlu* s und^Tr'taiKls tin' inoiiu’fjti'U' i.-'Slif'S iiivnlvMi ill l;i>L i 'I' S - I (Jay's corjl«‘.-t, rej(jicL*s at l lie K. c. DKMOCHACY vicTOKioi •. (1 ♦'111ocTatic viftorv. lla ‘ prior t^) tlio r']c*(*t.ion luiich fioliritude was ox j)rf*sse(l about the if'sult in North Carolina. ’^rh‘ ff^^^lini:; of un- easin‘sr^ was not corjfirRMl to \(>x roriM. Tf)x i>Fi. tiiry has saf**ly pi’estTved it. As Wf^ j>roplie>i‘-(l in our th^-.-t* facts we havr >('ranc nia.jority last i>su(* ’Inveland has j.^itional ^Tonnds of eonti-' in Illinois i^ a torcihS* illus- it v.‘' l»‘arl*ssiv fultill tratioi. of i !.* jiolitiral |iow»*r * 'Ur o’\ n r'*siM)ii-;l»!-‘ part v •'^ti'Ve-'on.arhi lully vin- ol ^ ion.'^ 11) s V. Man •>^*i‘*rcii)n for th»‘ to a ;.:'n'ai *‘Xt**nt is just what ; ' ‘‘>i'h*ncy by tli»' Lfiica- «:Miu‘ati«jn and [‘^-rsonal ‘''nv»*nlion. At tlh‘ tiaif vironnientrt make him, and we wond- we b«/^n defeated at tlie |M)11s disreputabh* citiz-n. it is ’ wt':--*. and liberty and 'nstit utional socielv l,as ^ wi-doin of con- ^^ov(*rnmont would have been j much f^'rririLT sucli niai k‘d distinc- IM. fliESEf 5' FURNITURE, PIAKOS ANO ORG^.N ' *■> "A. ureatlv endan^rcTed, if not as he has wrontred societv. , ju-ominently wholly lost, for we have no this view of the mat-! the public; but we now the* state; but throughout manner of doubt that, the | ^ ; see that the d*mocratic con- republiean party would have j j^j^^. r>f disseminatinu* correct ■ '^’^'"i‘tion aetcd wisely in pla(‘- passed the toree bill, and bi | , uiuch to ' in^ him seconii on our na- that event future -‘l'‘-‘tions | jjj laborinu'u[»oii j Ht‘has proven would havebft'U a farve, and extir[ at»' the ! ^ strtMi^th to Mr. robbery, under li\i:a! sanction i^^uets iiurtful to our p*^af(‘j vc'land, and his i‘levation would have pilla^'ed tlie l Let us ct*ase a m;Ut(‘r of just pride to country, but by the ^'reat, I t(, appjjuj,! as tlu. most rx-'/‘very ini(‘son of North ('ar- victory we have just won thej^}}^,,j judan courage, the an-j • lorce bill hits been i‘‘‘‘*;-^Jit'-d | |j.pi,7y iirsitates i He is 1 >oneof our bon'and Irom public alTairs, and theij^^^f unlei* the hloo,] v ' —a;^rand- |ir(istiUitii)ii (jf till- arena of coiiiliat. and in its i pi'o'i'i >l'i «'ni- fr:‘n‘hiscSO s(‘ver(-ly rebuked, ^tead exalt onlv that liir|u.i-I monw»‘alt!i. W’t* have looked theiiatiiiU t he sit ua tifju was re^'‘ard‘d as eritieal, and many paiiiful nppr''h»*n>ions \veif ffli. ri., iiK/*^t sanji'uine f(*art‘d that the >t:indard oi del’i(cy L'l'u'ht ii * di^’- ])l;ii •(*(!. and t lie >r,ite la 11 a;^;i in iai o r,-*. 1 ic;iI •!utehes, wh‘*a v’.' knew la .v ai.d ('rder woiiid 1» * ^l]ppia;lled l>y \io- l(‘n-e ;,iif! l.‘;j^al rol»b»*ry; but deiii( .'-y li s ii!»‘t th‘‘ eii- eni'. a’ld \s n: t he n.ost viiinrd vid«in 11;-* h i>t ory of I he Ohl Xoril; Slate, instead of 13,(M)0 demoi-ratic niajorily, it is liTi^OOO. Kadieali^al 'wilh all of its r-ide-shows. aie’ed. by th(* most bountilul su]iplie> ol n.oui'y, wit h which to corrupt t he(^l**ctors at the ])olls. has not bern merely re pulsed. but fearfully routecl. W (' ha \ »* won at (‘\'t'ry poin t. and liie standai'ds of our pa.rty fc*t ill 11 oat proudly over a unitei! au(! haj>py j^eople. \\ «‘ !;a \ I" eli'i'tt'd a full demo era t i*- de'e;j,'a t i >n t o '-onrr 's.'-, ve.j'y eonclusi vely showiuLi' the ill V incibiliiV of oriranized d('ni''( racy undei- (‘llicit‘at rsliip. 'ru(*sday morn ing’, \i-v. S(h, iound (jeinoc- racv i'i .;rms readv for th * • « fray, w n h no I houLiht of linr> of r -t I .-at noj- bases of sup- ]ily. V ‘ bridu‘‘s in the rear ha(l 1 -t r.’i bui ned anti all cum- bii >'»i.'.‘ i)au'^a;^’»‘ tle.-^t rc)yed Moi.d^iy niuht. and at » a. in. th(‘ next mornin^^ tlu‘ front line of th(‘ (‘ucmuv was carried by assault, when with heavv artllh'rv an incssant bomltanimenl was dirf^ct i*d a^ain>t the radical front. At p. m. ( n‘U. 1]1 ias ('arr had that, we fi.-el ;issure«l neither of tlu.-e twin evils will for nianv vears a^^ain tlireat(‘n moj-al coura^i‘ which is will in':* to lalior, even under r'e- proach, tor tin* b**tterment the well-bein^ ot our ii^^'^titu- the ]>er{)et- tions. We greatly rejoice at thes(‘ thin;4's, and take j)lf‘as- ure in the consciousness that we have* contributed our mite in their destruction. ()nr 'jM)licy has hecMi dic- uation of man's {Vecnlom upiui the (*arth. 'i'he un- thiakinir ral)l)le many times pers(‘cut» s th(' earth's o-reat- (*st hent*factors. and a*s tin* cenr^ui e (‘f a fool should never tat» d trom a sfMise oi ^bity, j (jj^tui'b theeiiuaninnty (jf an anl il \Sf have ev(‘roftened(‘d | jadividual, or i»artv, con- indi\’iilual>, il was b*cau>e ^ possession (^)l in our jiid'j:m(-nt the public | j,],.as and pui’ity of weaJ deimuided it, but | purpose, the democra.tic par- turnin;jL-To the ini(piities of Ly can well afford, under evil V. i^^h to , as w(‘il as jL't>od ii^port, t(> r*publicaii ism w( into his counti'uanee, and heard his able j>lea lor (‘on- stitutional ^oY(M’nm*‘nt and th(‘rights of man. He re- s[K)nd(*d promptly to the call ot his party, and has noblv answt'ie.i our expecta- ^ i tions. Ilis manh(-o(;] i.-^ uen- / nine; his ability a‘imitt«*d. and we love him foi’ tla* t ro- plli('S he has pl-esented to d('mocracv. 'flif truth is. t. (len. Ste\{‘iison is ;ir(‘a( enou.Li’h for tie* pr»-.'-idt*nc^v its»*lf, and while disclaiming: proplu'tic ken. we conlidetly looJ.c for his furt fier ad vau( e- Kral fa tv I',,;/: j,,;; ^ lu'vv furniture. i; : iln'u: i. . , wrro fur!,ili.i;g \,,ur *’ar’.(T, s.r. Ik‘i Kodqi or niii :.g Ki ivi. s* ’ ! •, (ii.n ri i;xrn 1:1: j to the Au.'tion 111.,-.' a:..l -.11 it NEW STYUSH FURNITURE. Mt StOt k i« MOW col!,! . li- .11 1 I ll , r, tonJ to bf I'NDEHSOJJ) th> f:ill !'y any d. ;»:• : FI 'i:\rn i: I: • ilh.r Ni'KTlI, '.Yi'i. lA^i , „ S01''rU. I ;.>-t r-'i.:i..l fr tn;irk»‘l aiiil >(.■ . ] v,-',, {, j t* , FINEST LINE GF FURNITURE »‘v*Ty (li'jtinyn} in N» r'' •: > . and I can 'fT» r vtai ay, that, while W(‘ i’*‘.iL‘ard i jal)or for tin* pr('s(‘rva.lion ol t iu* rt‘publi(‘an ])arty a.^- d(*ad, y('t, its nu‘n]l)ers will rally under a new name, still an imated by th(?sam(* faks(‘and danirerous ideas of u-ovt rn- mi'iit, which hav(* character ized and mai]e infamous the pcditical record of r(‘[>ubli- canism for the past (juarter of a ci'iitury. Republicans, may be perscjually u[)rieiit members of societv, but, if goveiument by retnovinf.^ from the public ndnd, the fallacies which we know mi;^ht lead the peoj)l(* into dani^'erous und fatal experi ments. l*]rroneous ideas are tlie most prolific causes of wron^ action, and as we re move the former, we relieve society from the daiiger of the* later. Only upon this l.ET (IfAKITV rus:v AIL. Tlie election is no'.v over and a.'' the democrats havt* won a trenieraious vict(>ry. they ('an well afi'ord t«» sliow pieat patieii(*e and generosi ty towards their republicnn and third [)arty j-olitical op ponents, who are stilTerinjx the humiliation of defeat. We must re^rard them as b**- in;j; just as honest and patri- GENUINE BARGAINS !>» lift liuy furiiitnrc fr>ni ut > t..> \>u X '* i.'iy > Hi.- (i.f , n r>- RI.- .'i f- \\ .• 1 fU 1; 1 !*• S(>Ii ,V> I S:\ fll • We! rii, ■ r.irh r S it , $ • Six fin.- Silk riu>!i r.irl>r Si.i*-, f ' ■. SkIkI ( >ak '.ir»r, 11 ' l*i. Uii.iiin^ K\t*’ 'I.iM. - >. r.aby Caiiiu)^’* v M.(('.,• ,,f I’attnii, I-'. . l{ru>.-'* I' ( jirjM t 1> f.' '■. .Mniju* tt.- H( tl I/>U J ' Ant .'iM'* * ^V;lIl li.vf U-*, lliick.n^; CliMir-' tr^ III ‘.‘m'cIiI *o f tl.i u Hr . f i;j . 'ril> h*‘ aff f:!' ! - I' • >N , I Hi >1* voti^'aL*'. n>» I.'* I -'. \ gi't III}■ J : ii’f - , I V. . »y ( , c- i !iii • • 3 E. M. ANE>REWS, n W!io,> 'U *• K* I, F ; r ! !.r* I line can the* dee.iocrat ie party -vnnin.- .vi>ublioa!,s their siiccossinliy and l";'”nan..i:t-1 That th-'v nolit MW I'c.v'ss'iri’v I'l-ik** t iu- ^‘nect irenuine reform. j , . . , ^ ‘ poiiu( s ni o* mak> in^ ^ ! iiave err*d in judiznn at we succe.''.'> (d their i>art\’, near'\ i ti.iah (mu;. as dang(‘rous to the prtjsjw-r-j I'his ut*nt leman will be th(* ity ol the country, as dyna- j n*‘Xt u'o\'ernor ol Noi th ('ar- mite under t\ man’s housejolina. lie is a typi'-a.l Nort h reached t he enemies rea r w it h j \vc)ul(.l be to th*‘ occu’pants | rarolinian, and will con:»* di- (*)(),0(H) \ettM*ans. and w hen j tlierein. i here!t)r.*, ri'publi-I rect from his farm to the Au^2:i-»i-!y ( n A i:l.o I 'l K. N ' SHUFORD HARDWARE CO, Wliolcsulf Kcliiil. his c;*i:ri(fr reached t In* tront ' canism niust not be p. ru;it-i hii::he>t otTi*-e in the state. brin; know, but we would be lack- iiiLT in charity anil no (iouot depart frcun the truth, to claim an *‘XclLi>iv** Uionopo- ly cjf virtu** and [lalriotism. liadicalism ha.> a'ded in this {•irit, but such c(.)nJuct is Ii.;r th.' ioylii! i.itylli-1 ted t«i auain ronti nl ;li-a!-•(;(.!,('ai r is a man of '-oriscr-! .,i,, j.,],.,j,. jH ,t p'lir:..',M’,h th.'war.TV ■■lor-j lairs of th.‘ nation, an,] to , va t iv.'ti-nip.Tai.M.T.f, of prac-! |„, nifnilHT,. . .f ward., t he ('r.emy w ai tpi’.ek-: pre\(.nt it the democriit i(‘; tical vi-ws. and will nmke a i our party. We liav** had a ly driven from h;s f(U-tHica- party must kee[»with r.--|-ood--overnor. lU/will si:-I jnditical conte-^t. in ' TTAT?T)*WARE tioi;, ;inl assaded in both . liirious cart*, the promises of' (-. rd one of tiie 1.- ^■(•vern- i which all liave .-triven tor tie* * tront ;ind rear surr.nd.-red reform it has made tie* p*‘o-J ors the state **ver hal. and I a.- thev saw it. and’ . ' “ ■' witlhtuT conditiie,!s at • p]e. and as industriou>ly as ' we beli**ve that t l.e sam * can ' jj,in t Ii“ spirit (d [ iir** d**-^ " P-mocracy ed po>sibl.* t,]ucate the . Ic.-tors | l-e sai I of him w le a i. * r* ‘ ir.-.-| ^aocracy we onlv r^me-nde-r pr;.^oi.,.rs wiih ai a.s. in sound political doidrnies. I'rom liie exe(‘Utiv- »diic*. | that we are ie*i';rhbor.- and baLiLi'a.:''*. • IN'acti now tor it t he rejaiblie is prt^''‘i v. il. ^ 1 >urinLr the campai:rn his I rei^:n> >11 pr 111''. ;;nd the eri-. it will be bv the dis-emina- beariiiLT has iiiven u::'eat>at-' ’ emv l.a> I ■■'■ea 'pa ro.ed lii d t> t ion (d knowle(.l!j,‘f. IfaL'^'Ovi i.'facti«'n to hi> inimediat** take up arm> auain in a na- j man adheres t(.) doL:■n;a.'^ r* al- lriei.d>. and th** lar_r-* major- cont» >l un-]'r 1'dnv ly chdrim»*ntal to li'oi.uI ^ov- it L-* retrives i." fiillv merited yt'ars: hiu no thotiirhtiul nti-1 1,^. ,1,,^,^ ^5. i,, 1,^. >t.'iTinir v^.irih as a zoii roallvantn'ipatcs navinir , , ■ , - ov.rauain to tiVnt'l-i ^=‘;...i o: uuin. \\.,hall u,.h..,rth.- ism. It has wroii.uht nnu-h | error will repudiate it, , n.'W-.'.vernor a a.)- devilment in tht* land, but it!embrace the Truth as I ministration, Jiii'I cue* that is now so deai! that it ^ pdckly as it is recognized, i w ill j*r»>Vc* in evrrv r^-^p^ -d stinktdlh j 1 ins element ot j)atriotism. i bt*n»dicial tc.) the int‘*r*-.-ts of North C'aroliDa doe?n'i fellow- h i.'^ native state, which h*- much fu.-s, but when >ho there ‘ citiZtMls. is the pillar which ' l'» Vt-s and which ha-^ h( Uloi‘-ti . w iL tvi’ she pc:i(rii’.!y gets there witl both j supports our political super- ' him with !*>r coilli.].il! a I, ,V * feet, and comes down lldt'footcJ, 50 i Tr a, 1 y tl t , , -r, stiucLiire. it e5‘taL)ii>ned , manner tiiat must be ;rrati- , ^ ^ ^ \' r r. tr e, 101,- to speak. Butler, Exum .V Co, an.l . r -i- ' - • ,• . . , inland the . craf.,* il6 j-op alter yearsof inihtary stiuir-1 l.viiie-ti> him. as it is to his ; ^ ti.-niDg gle the republic.-and for a itiany friend.s. — (-^slievilie j John M»rtic. to the I'nited period of more than n cen-1 Gazette. 1 s'ates S*D»t«. ^»Tf>,r C'»rrie« ^ . V, ^lo.. Nov. 11.—I C' ofr'.ci-! roljrr.** fror:. the ent;r-- rl ite of I\aLc:i^ Weaver j ’. J- ra.ity. 'J d=e.f ir carr.e i by blijjltlv s:;.a;ler f^^ure-. Tl- St::- aio strii:.!': IT re! --5 j oj>- uiiai-. ILe LGre: J J i'a-l.-. - Uii. j-, rnt-. ILi-* ”ive- the r^-^ uL:.j iL' a { ’.uru.tiy c f OLe oer ti.e \ on jOji.t ta.- iLe Cook Stoves and House hold Hardware. injectors akd essi*.e gc::: PT" W av;i li tLfrc ll^ure = Jim Eavfs have some iviea of the heft of her foot and the size of the %hoe she wevrs.—[WjlmingioQ xStar. Shuforcl Hardware Company Uickorv, Sorth ( arohua