3tate Library 1 if r (ttttl :k our EXTRA ORDINARY (":.''. F'MNG OFFER SUBSCRIBE ! Get Ur a Club For THE CAMPAIGN ! HICKORY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER I, 1894. "NUMBER 44 (fi Eli III A STIRRING APPEAL. YoieFor the State Democratic Platform. IIL'FJIAM ON SILVER. A Iv ; ;i trsc Letter lr;i Mr. 1 hon:us fl. Huf- ;). iJe Advocates t!;e Std' Platform. :: I'iiKAXiiCA ii o r i a:-; ': 'j .. it "..11 e elections lit Catawba ,... , : .1 ifr"-;; ! of i:.-'t Nvcuiber. I ij win. a Tiii' 1 "emoc; ac 1 . t 1 . . ,:; in tho contest of t iaylei ' unmindful oi to struggles Very many important involved in ..-his" contest, tions of great moment ami far rm hing in their requite will soon be ".. Among the g; a vest resp:'n--;!.:;:;; -s resting upon Cm Democratic v , . it Catawba, ivih- naming of I "; .;.'.! States Senato: s at t lit- primary j.-u. it lias been suggested that V"- Oil . Ifiy Catawba's eii'v-: may. fall up candidate -v.-h. though justly dis iuguished by reason of im, ability ami public service, is out of harmony .wit a the .Democratic platform of North Caflina. Worthy gent kmem tried aiai ti ne Democrats, ;ol!owing a leader wh-. has served Ids State faithfully, 1 1 ; ; ! y et bring upon their party disas ter and ruin such as all the combined Sol. vs of Populism and Republicanism could not have wrought. Only those who favor tho doctrines advocated by the people ought to hs placed in office. There is no other way by which the Intentions of a party may bo deter mined than by their platform. In it they proclaim -their principles. A platform is a 'proposed contract a 1 1 1 i : i to be done, for a consideration. The people are to entrust the party with their government and the party in power must procure the enactment of tiie laws required. The Democracy of North Carolina have irrevocably pledged themselves to the free coinage of silver at a ratio otif.to 1. Their platform in 12, plainly and unequivocally declares tin tact. The people signified their approval at -the. polls. Eight out of North Carolina's ten members of Con .tress voted and worked for free cohaige, during the special session of IS? :.. The last Democratic State con vention reaffirmed their adheranee to the position taken by the party two years ago. Such being the ease, what views upon finance should the Demo cratic senatorial candidates entertain? Is 1 he Democratic 'Party sincere in mi p port ing the free silver planks in serted at Raleigh? If so, they cannot consistently elect a Senator who refu- i o stand upon their platform. It i- 'a ami absurd to say the contrary. i' n the other hand they adopted i Iv, r clause merely as an election Le to win votes, every just and 011 hgiaea. d citizen ouht to pray for tat-a- vt!eejly overthrow. Are we asked !.;. rr that doctrine of infamy ih -party is not bound by its plat !;;'! ; 'Political parties should be the a--!,'is tiiroah whieli princi'iiles are e a;.i;::eti. At; 'organisation forfeits ria-lit to public confidence if it Ma ,-itld be found e nsideriny: not how th interests of the people may best be - r si, but how its . rap . upon the u hir f power may most easily be re- a si. Nithin that i.t rijr'at c:iu dient. It wo-ild b. well to 1 i-hier tnese thin-s b ftire Ti:e tate pi i traanpled in the dust. Nrth Carolina remembers that when Tie p,!: eur O-ad of the Sherman a -t was hi. ,4 the gold-bug press heap-d .n her and that t:;- mmev - . Vv'all Street t::so!ently at-i-" - t. buiiv her uepre-seataii ves - 1' aei-oj. Nor has sbe frrt.t m a who stood 'auisliakeu. uaterri!ie;l. braving in t i . . m '''mentions of combined ' '-". reiving the Threats "atjve displeasure, proving eh.r faithful in discharging the which the DeuHK-raTie party '. si-i;e had made to the people. .I ta- icui--nits at this late d;fv a u noii their recti?-.!" (,. tlui- tie-; P . , a 1 he 'h ::i-!i;!s of flee silver aid At tlie m e- time place in tiu United States Senate an enemy to free silver? What position will the party then occupy? How can its professions be reconciled with its acfe? Thelarin discrepancy between them will suggest a most sig nificant comparison. This financial question recalls the greatest crime in all history. There silver constituted the' chief inducements to commit the act, which, by the way is not the first time that a good thing has been put t o a bad use. When the wretch whose very name has become a synonym for vileness, betmyed his Lord and Mas ter, what means were employed to ac complish his sinister purpose? J)id he come openly .and boldly, sword in hand and deliver hl.- victi;uto torture and to death? Or did he not rather witli deceitful words of affect ion and hypercritical caresses conceal foul and treacherous murder hi his heart? How reads the record'- '"Ay id he said: hail master and kissed him.v Tnos. !tf. Ilri'iiA:.!. The Gr a Wa Iter. Ij. .lain' flaiii Show. Circus; and Menag- lie, America's ia rgest and best show, exliibired in tin's city Qef. ith, pre senting the a-UingCireas, Wild Train- ni;aal Sho wAV" orld's Fair Midway 'ft the rdaicIiK-ss Idenaa-eri:. The Nasr- idii(:!.t . ii ippoilro:!e. The Wild East and Yv'est specimens of man and beast. iiiilie Za:'X:l, the snake enema n tress, stands pre. eminent in her special1 line. She handles the most dangerous rep tiles with . utter abandon. Ilcr presence seemingly so cows them that tliev .sab-nit themselves readilv and without tho slightest protest to be toyed v. iih just as Millie Zai'.el pleases. a v, ,- ,- ' ':: ,vrhi',T 1 outids. when bidden, ;ippr;;aciies tlie enciian tress with head erect, and, to the uninitiated,' it looks as if. tli-? d:ir iug Avoman wii! be insta.nvly made a maugk'-a mass of bones and ilesh witii in the deadly coils of the loathsome serpent. But not so. It enfolds her body as gently as the clasps of a loving child around a mothers neck. Should ; stranger dare enter the den of these snakes, even a John L. Sullivan, his life would instantly pay the penalty of his rashness. However, tliQ enchan tress handles them with impunity; but to see her surrounded by fourteen of the hideous hissing monsters, with glistening eyes, shooting tongues, or mouths wide open in their, apparently, frenzied gyrations, is a sight that will linger in one's memory forever. In the museum and annex the rooster or chestra is the jrreat attraction. No fraud about this feature of the show. Roosters in reality play upon musical instruments. We say it is simply an automatic performance. Do we know it? Hut let that be as it may, all should witness the performance. The wonders of creation are sign-boards erected along man's pathway, point ing him ever onward and upward to the God who created him. Fred Defrates, the wild man from Australia, with claws like a bear, and flowing hair as heavy asthe mane of a Shetland pony, should by no means be overlooked. Madame Minerva, the mind reader, ami Zela, the magnetic lady from the World's Fait, are features of the show most interesting to us and well worth observation. The latter will hold a chair aloft and defy any four men to pull it dow n. If you doubt it, select your giants, four in number,and accept her challenge, and your lords of crea tion will slink from her presence, forced to confess they were vanquished by a woman. Walter E. Main is unqmst ioaably the Au:oer.it of American amm-emerit enterprises. If we had the leisure, it would be a pleasure to ar-v a e mq!ete birds-eye view of everything boeen bmeath his imiv.i-: bat duties call us elsewhere. Evervon that can shou! I patronize this great show. Ministers. ladies and ail clasVan an :td with f out the ItMst sterol. v .it dignit v o r delicacy. Tli, clowns perpetrate no obscme jers on the auditors, no,- will profanity at.d ob.-crtdty he uttered auy here about t k gi oands. Tlie e:i tire face is a Uiesp! u:-d t s Chaste miral ot Walter L. Main that no hn- propr:;::e lu-evi be appri Iif-H.eii. Ii otisv traveling sti '.-- we hav e overseen lha? w.s in realitv lit fos d vent neonle to'vi-dt. . .a '!. :g. t t i.e -"lia,. rfVr.t la.eir tea-e . ,v, t.?v- .,a.lhe.ai H.-.U-va freil. dt u . at ..sr.vihe was f eand jo ,. in. i ii swthlhig auu !o ir I .a!-.l .: and f.ui.- "h.tiity ears we:-' o:s-u:a. ti ! v 1 1 e t'afet-s. Ne: ! her fi -igii t :..r . i v. .-r favt- I Loss esti.uau d ut v.s. in sured. HERE'S OL'R OLD FRIEND. t ne rsews i-rom jacoo s rorK Ana it is uemo- 1 cratlc. j For the 'Press and .Carolinian: It I has been sometime since an article ap- j peared in the columns of the Press from me. I thought that it was again time for one to appear, that might be of interest to the many readers of your excellent paper. There are so many things afloat in t his neck of the world, that it is impossible for me to enumer ate them all. The greatest question is the polit ical issues of the day. Which is now the great conversation at home, abroad and at church, and everywhere else by these new mushroom statesmen who think they know it all. I tell you that they are some pumpkins in tills great light. They-make many plausible and sophistical arguments of very weak points if it were possible to deceive the very elect. - Democrats be on your guard, and stand (irm and fight bravely and man fully for your cau do your whole duty at the ballot box, and" elsewhere til your motto be victory! Victory! You know that wo have to fight for a rightous cause. vre have to contend with the negro vote that is the balance of power in the State. They can con trol matters in this state at their will by electing their men. Have you even thought of this? That this good white men and hard 'laboring tax payers in the State. That their doom can be fixed by this class of voters. Good men remember this, and stand up like valiant men and acquit yourselves and then our eause will be crowned with glory why sir those latter days, mushroom and great would-be . states men, stand up and say to the negroes with great emphasis, ''vote for the liiea who freed you !'' There is noth ing too low down for them to stoop to and make false represensations of the present governmental affairs. And charges the Democratic party that cotton only is worth five cents per pound, it is a wo;.der that., they dont charge them for the rabbits to peal the young fruit trees during the win ter months, and for the crows to in fest the water-melon patches during the summer, and for the milch cows to get the wolf in their tail, and the hol low horn during the winter months, and charge them with many other things that this world is subject to. I might give you a great deal more, but I forebear for the present. My advice is stand firm and do your whole duty on the election day, and we will hear a good report from the good old Democrat v. T a slick: citizen. He Works the Masonic Racket For $25.00 In Hickory. Last Monday morning Mr. A. A. Shuford entered his bank and said to Mr. Menzies, the cashier and Mr. Crowell, the assistant cashier and book-keeper, not to cash a check for a man named Smith, David R. Smith, j if he should come in. That Mr. Bryan Jones had informed him that a man passing under that name had been working some crooVed rackets up the country somewhere. Sure enough after a while here come along Smith with his check for '2r..Q0 on th iwf,!l VH,v- H.nt ToM,v;n- V, The check was endorsed by a mer chant here in Hickory. Smith was told he would have to get the en dorser to come to the bank and state whether it was his endorsement. The merchant came and said it was his Mnitnro Later he became alarmed and went back to the bank and paid for a teh. gram to the bank on which the check was drawn. The bank is a place o;T of the trail road and no telegraph office. But eventually the repJv came that , 4 . the check wis not teo.xi on that Umk. It is uiidersttwvl by us that tlie mer chant got hack pnrt of tn's money' le fore th man left town. A!o, that Siuith workevl tie Masonic racket. Ye jrabhsh it to warn pei-p! to watch out for thic t; a -m:th. loiter Sri:;tli v,a i-rrerfed and was under cu.-Titdv in Hiekorr esterdav Tlie charge Hgaitst him is obtaining eaonev Under false tort-Ten- s. Two mail trams collided at 'Hender son on the -Tlh ult. The engines of both trains were damage' 1 and several passangers were hurt, but not eri ously. A misunderstwH! train oider was the cause of the colli: ion. OUR FRIEND CAPT. BOST. 1 He is for Free .Silver and Solvation. The way t set It Is to Vote For Wilfonj: and then For Jar vis. Near Newton, N. C, Oct. 27, '04. CoI.'M. E. Thornton, Hickory, N. C Dear sir; 1 am much pleased with your posi tion as to candidates for the U. S. Senate and the free and unlimited coinage of silver. Our Senators should be in perfect harmony with the State Democratic platform on tho coinage of silver. We cannot afford to elect men Wedded to goldbug ideas. Iam for Hon. T. J. Jarvisfor the long term. I do not believe that he can be swerved from his present free coinage moorings as our representative in the State. YW have no other politician in North Carolina embodying so ..many of the best qualities of the lamented Zebulon P. Vance as are found in the character of T. J. Jar vis. Your other, candidate Judge A. .C. Avery, is in my judgment the best selection that could be made for the short term Senator. Both of these men are w ith us on all the great finan cial questions now attracting so much public attention. Silver, the money of the Constitution should be restored whethet or not England consents. While we appreciate the ability of our Congressional represenatives to secure Federal patronage, there must be no sus picions that it was obtained by a sur render of vital principles of the paity's faith. It is always unfortunate for a Sena tor's convictions to change and iftcr- wards find him loaded to the guards with patronage from a President to whose faith lie Was so suddenly con verted. Senator Jarvis and Judge- Avery, would make representatives in the United States Senate that-would be an honor to North Carolina. They are in thorough accord with the Democra tic platform, and 1 now appeal to all Democrats and especially the ex-Confederates, with whom I battled for four bloody years for home rule and human freedom, to join with me in their support. I also appeal to my old comrades in arms and my old Demo cratic friends to cast their ballots for the Democratic legislative ticket Costner and Mcintosh for the Senate and WYlfong for the House. Respectfully, R. A. Bost Some Scriptural Suggestions. Ed. Press and Carolinian. My Dear Democratic Friend: I desire to make a few remarks about how our Rep-Pop friends treat us over in this corner of good old Cataw ba, and I ask you please to publish this in your next issue. Last night, Oct. 2Gth, Mr. J. Frank Coulter of Connelly Springs, came over to make a Democratic speech at "Spt-ckeled College"1 a school house near here, and quite a crowd had gathered to hear the speaking, but when tiie iteps and Pops lound that only a JK-m wu. tntae to speak they all hit t-siv. onej hi a blinding hail storm ratner la.niftay and listen to the truth. They seem to stick to their party more iinpriety than Jeptha, when ho , t i e oeaf to hearing any Hung, toey i seem to love their ne.v!y u ,.., party more than they fear 'death,' there is no more reasoning with t, em ; than there is milk in a Republican steer. Oh! how noble is reason. Oh! 1 Irieuus " w Bi,uulu uwur:ili; as yourselves? how would it fare wv-t !: f vnur lfii.irred souls'? Saiij-tii.e.. wOUiaul love -and meekn-ss is be coming Christians, such .mercy is-no bilities true badge. I liotH they, will sleep in Abrahams bosom. Ituniou-i stubomess shows a will incorrect to heaven. 1 would we wre of one mind and that we could do as we. did 'in days 'gone by. w alk up to the iol!s and vote the Dc-mccratie ticket. My friends repent ye 1-efore it is forever too late, remember the times from 1S,0 to 1?TC when we had the Repub lican yoke on us. Your true and r;ed. I. Mux Williams. Mull Grove, N. C. A man more often marries a wife to aid him in takiug care of his ttomaeh than in takiug cure of his mjuL Tnoiuasville Sun. What nonsense: Marriiie is the soul's elTort for a couqwinonship purer than that prefTered in association with men. IIiminate that aspiration from the heart of man and he will live and die a bachelor. ' ............ ..... .,... . w T. I oaaaiJ dVLi-jis ji:dnWoC jm. hip novelty there is in it. A Black Eye For Fusion. I.INCOLNTON. Oct 27 J. E. O'Hara. colored, whoso home is down east, was in Lincolton last night and was here for a purpose. It was not known by many that he would be here, hut at the ringing of the court house bell several hundred people, the negroes in the majority, assembled to hear this noted colored ex-Congressman. He began his speech at about $ o'clock spoke for about one hour and a half. His' speech was strictly . Republican. ' He said: "I bring to you no new doctrine.' Old Republie:tii ideas have faded out in the minds of the people. The only great and progressive, party is tho Re publican party. I do licit propose to' discuses tariff, we will let that sleep awhile. The Republicans have sur rendered to a band of ofaco seekers. Do men ask protection f:rn aha; id of ofilce seekers? That is what tlo lea ders of the Populist 'party are. But ler shows his picture first in the Al liance white man in negro, out. The name of his paper, Causeusian, means white. He is after a fat. office. He could not get it front Mr. Cleveland; he has tried Populism and there is nothing there for him. lie now makes a leap for the Republican camp and wants to fuse. How any Republican can join hands with Populists and itd vocate their principle.-? 1 cannot see. If the Populists want to change let them step on our platform. . We are about S-,000 strong and they claim 45, 000 in the State. If they are Methodists we will take them in on six months j trial; if they are. Baptists we' will take them to the pool and dip them and they can then sing 'Whiter than yow.1 "One, two or three men sha no set themselves up as dictators. In stead of peace, strife is boing engen dered by this Populist ic move. If the Third party succeeds there will not be a greasy spot of tlre Republican partp left. The Democrats are a good peo ple, but in y advice to you colored peo ple is to vote the Republican ticket. Keep your fingers out ot this fusion pie. It is not wholesome diet." FOUND A FORTUNE. - A Jersey Geoloeist Unearths a Chest Full of dold. Newark, N. J., Oct. 24 In a search for amethyst crystals today Frederick M. Steel, a Montclair geologist, stum bled on a fortune in the JMontclair mountains. He unearthed a box, IS by 8 inches, bound with steel bands. The box was easily opened with a spade and was found to contain gold nuggets which had been melted and broken. A letter, crumbling with age, was found in the box. This letter was written by Israel Van Geison, who disappeared from . "West Bloom field in-lSW. He subsequently died, in California. The nuggets, as. claimed in the letter, are worth about $13,000. Yaa Geison had no heirs and the gold will be appropriated by the finder. DIRECTORS ELECTED. TXietinf T the Southern Railway Company. Stockholders at Richmond. Richmond, Va., Oct, 23. A stock-holders- lueeringof the Southern Rail w ay Comany was held here this morn ing, ni v Inch di rectors were elected as folio as: Charles. H. Coster, H. C. t-a iae tuck. Samuel Spencer, Samufl Thou as, A. J. Thomas tind J. Hood Wrigtit. of New York; A.I. Ikulware. Pi- -sklent iA the First National Ikink of Richmond, and Skipwith Wilmer. a promnient lawyer of Baltimore. Subsequently the Directors elected all the former oHIcers of the Co, from Samuel Spencer as President do wn. During the month-? of July, August, a:id Scpte:i ber, the L". S. mints coined ht'H a- follows J4:lyt - iOOO; August, .ZZ&.). and for S'ptember. itroC.OTi In a letter on the .'ubjeet., SevTctary Curlih stated: My au thority for coining silver h conferreel by that Mt-t ion of the Sherman act, which provide that J,-03,0i ounces, of bullion hall leoinel each month, until July 1st, IM'I, and as much thereafter a may In? ne.?esary' to pro vide for the nV.e::ipt:on of Treaury tiot-." So, ii i! seen from the above tateuji-nt of Mr. Carhsle. himsf, that ti e present cwiuage of silver lias not in cre;ts d our volume of currency. Pa Iers that elami it ha tuake -tch state meiit to !- eitv tlie peopi and inak Tl:tm patietit mihr tl: continue-1 wr mgs ilone sdv r by the goklbtigs.

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