ONE DOLLAR COMMISSION FOR SIX NEW CASH SUBSCRIBERS. HICKORY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1895. NUMBER 13 1 TO 1 1 ( 't' ' fC Tin GolJ VMr Not An Honest Dollar. M -,i'v 1 me an ant: ci.- uwi jiri 11, ., ,! bv us until we found it en- , 1 , tl,,i -ihlP ClIlLOr Ul Lilt; JLc- ttfvii: pi; a ti,,. Mi- luill-"''-' X. Cj Observer, (who is well Maj. E. J. Hale. ft J!l TilC Ull -lfv- Ann-i wicau ,!;iv ago. The man who . av. H known to the editor of svt-r. He s many times a . ;.jk1 the head of one of the V-, in the world: : .. ; Vbruary 2a. What is an -li.-ti.- 1' " commodities will serve all with t!i-;-ar variation in .value as coiunjm-d ith them? ( It i- tii ti money .which has intrin sic v.tli: m -a mi red by labor in its pro- which is the ultimate test of -in :!i;it sense both gold and silver i:rc adapted for money uses ,.;itnr. This is proved by or all ages, until 1872 and : rhr I Tiited .States and Ger- ;! a. new element in the : ;n -:;:ev and commodities l,v th ag 1 1 in t : i by i ! i ai.'i ! This !. i:s :..-. U . iit i ! our 1 1 - ' ' ' ' i!iti5 rM-: Wii-a t at ti;- !.! 'l::'i!ivy. ;.;; S'i. ! i, ait s.Ut r uvv-ul 'the law, namely, giv ..M only the money function !!::,.; r iivcr in the "list of com- b- bought and sold for :,-i:iit' as wheat and cotton, i i tin effect to increase the ;; . ; 'i hi- cehanged by and 1 ;-.-r' by tlui amount of , ii v(;;-!d and to decrease the rir.i' tor ail by the mi.;-, patt Ing viore than a b,. ";. ii apc.'ii gold r.s- the only ! i balences of trade. ic; :; is pertinent to enforce with another: 'Is the : a goal dollar.' ljet me I'nitetl States, in 18T;5, !il dollar thvi unit of value i;.dard, when silver was !y, i to 1(, she owed, s;iy contracted when gold w, :c monev. Say these 1 '..! an average of thirty years to .rail. . the option to pay after liw oi- r.-ii-M.-ars, and that none of iaid until the thirty years i.i i!ie government had to buy .-it f i hue of payment gold to lii'a.itl.-ite tr.e debt. It is clear in the liht ci Ih.-tory she could liot buy at I.-- di. i-: the rate fixed by law, and tl.;a r. .;"( would ret pi ire, when the thirty yvnrs came round, just twice as inr.i h ih cr and other property as it uoiii,: t !; not been changed n . (iepj-iving silver of money lillict ;oii. 'Ti;.-ci v litor at the end of thirty -r ii.:,! Ins regular interest on his ''a !K an .1 w hen aid in gold' can turn and buy twice as much I'n.rrn iy . r all kinds with his gold as h n.'.:M h ive done if silver hail been fftaim ,i a- money. He has had his ni'ivnh ni i;t the increased value of -o'hi aix. and tlie 1'nited States is the ioscr by that increment in value catiM d .entirelv bv the demonetization from theories unsupported by facts. "The fact that eminent authorities in both England and Germany who have so far influenced the governments of both these countries to pass resolu tions to call another monetary confer ence to remonetize silver indicates that these facts are beginning to count as against theories. John V. Fahwkll.'1 STATE NEWS. The University will shortly have a $20,000 Young Men's Christian Associa tion building. The Kinston Free Press says horses and buggies recently sold at Trenton for $3 and $4 apiece. A Springfield, Ohio, syndicate has been organized to work the rich gold fields near Charlotte. The unveiling of the Confederate monument at Ilaleigh, occurs May 20th. The address will be delivered by Col. Alfred M. Waiiihdl. Mr. W. C. J)owd, proprietor and ed itor of .the. Mecklenburg -Times, has bought the Charlotte News. He says: "I hope to make it in the afternoon field wdiat the Observer i among morn ing dailies." Mr. Wade Harris will re main w.'th the News as local editor. From The Charlotte Democrat w3 learn that the State University now has on its rolls 4o students, represent ing twelve States. Thirty maintain themselves by thoir- own labor, afid over ICO on money previously- earned. One hundred and twenty-six have scholarships. The bequests the 'past year aggregated r'hOiM. THE TWICE-A-WEEK "REPUBLIC. Sp ial Offer, Good Only Until March 31st 1895. Send two new subscribers with two dollars and get one year free. Send tour new subscribers with four dollars and receive the paper two years without cost. . "Do you know a good thing when you see it? A word to the wise is suffi cient. Address TH E REP UB LIC, St. Louis, Mo. "f silv, r. Th.-: 11 :e no escape, from his propo the result of law. Who REUNION. The surviving members of companj 1. 4I)th, N. C. lleg. wilt hold thoir an nual reunion at Catawba, N. C, on April first and second, 1S!K, as we have some business. connected with the as sociation to attend to, we think it best to have two days. The address will be delivered by lion. R. Z. Uinney and perhaps short addresses by others. All old Soldiers, it matters not whether their uniforms were Blue or Gray, with their famlies and the pub lic generally, are invited as usual and requested to bring plenty of rations. The members of Co. 1. are especially requested to cotue prepared to stay two days. The Catawbians will give us a house for headquarters. C. F. Connor, Pres. James II. Sherrill, Vice Pres. W. A. Day, See. Co., I. V. Association. Saturday night, just after midnight, law. and why? Honest ! Ir- Osborne Abernetliy, residing at wa ,:ing to pay honest debts iu ! the foot of Baker's mountain, found th 'a:ae monev tIKv contracted for, ! baru on leand reached it just in Tdo!u,Ul men. not "tosav dishonest', j time to take his mules from the burn IUnr d a law to produce such a structure. Loss, perhaps, $100. rMiit 1 The origin of lire uuknown. ill); - ia t of that large United t. have demonetized silver 0: our bonds if we had not uld any honest American ask it, Why won't neighbors impartially consider both sides ot annoying prob lems? It w,ou!d prevent friction, unite in bands of strel friendships and "reatlv beautify the Christian grace witiiout a murmur, knofrin-' dial a , woalil be the result? Ali - i an object lesson, from Mlaiai international facts, which tr-t I iMiideiis of the war had been . , .. " , , I ajar. v iiii mauce luv.aiu iitoe .win j an exuberance of charity we are very nigh the Kingdom of Heaven.' Mr. Tchi Ho Vun. who 1-ctu.ed through North Carolina two years ago in the interest of Christian mis sions in China, was the sou of an' ex iled Corean noblemen. He has recent ly been recalled to his rank in Corca, and with, his ability, education, and character will doubtless take high stand in that nation's future. ;Hi may read ami answer the . ' ' Hat-ian honest dollar.; lau-Mi ; uat cost onlv i It the UU!i'V nod tli-it t!i- '.M' si s.tiabie at any time at cost. 1 !- - rl ,. .... t"i'ua:on. -sixteen ouiic have always cost more la- - e vu goin, ami unut n.V,,r-tiK.M1 two !i!ttf! :it tl.nt e variations from that 'r - uturit has been infinites- -;d ratio 1 1, itiial. ,(U,l!ilrI- -v,'ar of law has made one .f v'i' M'f " ld Worth thirty-two ounces - r, ;tnd vet tht T;f tf unvliiA. th -ai!ie. "Tins "th has remained relativelv is'anrktlx.i. .-a. 1 1 - "ojeui lesson as to trs ai! hone:t tlollar to all think Uo llecide from facts and not A severe rheumatic p. in in the left shoulder had troubled Mr. J. H. Loper,a well known druggist of Des Moines. Iowa, for over :x moiitlis At times tlie pain was x -ever? that he could not hit anything. With all he could do he could not gel ml 01 11 unui heapplietl Chamberlain s rain tfaliii. 1 nnlv made three annlications of it." he savs. 4And have since been free from "all iaiu."' He now recommends it to -oerson similarly aftlicteil. It is I - - . m- w , W f.for sale by V. Ji. uoyster iruggisu THE GOLD DRAIN Upcn the Treasury May Be Re newed with Increased Intensity. WILL JAPAN ASK GOLD FROM CHINA? If So, the Gold Kooters Will Raid the Treas ury, Headed By Rothschild In Person. An entirely new phase of the fin ancial question has been sprung upon the people. . Its further development will exhibit Rothschild and his colleagues putting gold into the United States treasury for a commission, and then taking it out for transmission abroad for a higher-commission, says a special to the Constitution from Washington. The touch of the financial pulse found silver beating faster, and mak ing an effort to reach its normal stager Tin: ix silver. That development was due to ad vices from the orient to the effect that a basis had been reached between Chi na and Japan, the teniis of which were that China would, have to pay Japan an indemnity of $300,000,000. As the currency of these t;o countries is silver, this large ileal in that metal was calculated to give it an inspiring tendency. Of course, China could not withdraw .:V.00, 000,000 from domestic circulation, a that would not only paralyze business ' and create starva tion in millions of homes, but it would be an acknowledgment to the people by the government ot defeat by Ja pan. That is an impression which Chinese policy would not allow to be made. As a matter of fact, the people have been informed of glowing victo ries won over the Japanese invaders, and in davs to come these bogus victo ries will be celebrated as great feast davs. All this means that China would have to go inio the markets .of the world to purchase silver, assum ing the amount as a publfe debt. A demand for 000,000, 000 in the white metal, giving it renewed use as money, naturally stiffened the price, and if it should materialize a long forward step would have been takci toward the re habilitation of silver. Tiik shadow or oold. But right here is where a second touch of the financial pulse tells an other storv. Japan, as a ward of Great Britain, is just now felicitating herself as be ing one of the great power? of the earth. In the letter of the Japanese ambassadors, dismissing the Chinese ambassadors because their credentials were not sufficient, they spoke of Ja pan as representing the principles of modern civilization. It was silver money th'at the British capitalists advanced -Co Japan, and they are not above demanding that its payment should be in gold coin, with an appreciated value of ." per cent Great Britain, while anxious to secure this kind of repayment, was too shrewd to lose a good customer by de manding it. But now her opportunity-has come. Why not prompt Ja pan to demand that her Chine-e in demnity shall be paid in gold coin, which, in paym ...:it o. Japanese debts, won hi finally find its w.y back into British colTeis. It v.oald pleas- the leave. Then, for another $1,000, 000 bonus, these honorable bankers would agree to float another bond isue, which 'may be looked for within sixty days, and the gold thus obtained would, in due time, go to join the rest in London. Thus, we wwuM have presented to us the spectacle of Roths child replenishing.thtf treasury of the United States for a consideration, and thru emptying it for a larger one, while the spectacled money changers would stand by and congratulate the United States upon being skinned so easily. TlIK ACKNTS AUK OUT. That the period of negotiation on the two lines mentioned has been reached is certain. Leading banks have already sent their agents to Pe king, so as to le on hand. One of these men is Air. Chester Holcombe, of New York, who will doubtless find awaiting him three representatives from Berlin, Paris and London. A Nice Compliment. Col. M. -II. Thornton, of the Hickory Pkkss and Carolinian, turned over his paper this week to the ladies of the Hickory Library Association, who ed ited it and took the' proceeds for tin? benefit ot the association. Its matter is largely literary and the number is exceedingly interesting and highly creditable to the ladies. The accom plished wife of the Observer's cultured Invalid was the editor-in chief and no more need be said as to the literary tate which characterizes this week's issue of our contemporary. Charlotte Observer, March 2;lrd. . Kev. L. R Busby of AshevilJe. lias been secured by--the Literary oochties 'of Lenoir college, for the Literary ad diessat the approaching commence ment: and Dr. L. A. Biklo, of lungs Mountain, has leen engaged by the faculty to preach the Baccalaureate sermon. These are loth gentlemen of ability and this fact together with the fact that the Senior class numbers six, promises an enjoyable commencement occasion. A Happy Hotter $72.50 in a Weet. Monday afternoon, meeting IlevMr. Cashwell on the street, we inquired for the results of the recent revival con ducted at the Baptist chin h. He re plied: "Visible results, 9 accessions to the church, but converts like ewly enlisted troops, must be tried before ou can estimate lull results accurate ly. I am greatly encouraged. Trust each one of the converts may prove a host in tiie upbuilding of the church." g . .ir - Caldwell county furnishes ihe fol lowing jurors for the next term of Fed eral court at Statesville, beginnmt; April 10th: (i. W. Jr . Harper, J. F. Crisp, J. A. Austin, it. W. .Moore, S. II. (iragg.. For seven years or more Mrs. W. i). Louder, of Quincy, Ivy., was subject to severe attacks of cramp colic. Mr. S. R. Morse, a drutrgist of that place, recommended Chamberlain" Cohc Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemed y, which has effect t-d a ermanent cure, saving her much Miirernir besides tie trouble and expense of sending for a dn'lo- which was often necessary. For ale by O. M. Roysler Druggist. Fre OIfr to Our Rca-!c?rs. Thi; H;:aiit" . ti e titii of an ex cellent pa ikt published. Not uutil we read tin- tmci iv ireaue uii we l:;ive th. i?m- eoje.p:iii of how Woiutertit! i- I'm v. -;. i man heart. We -ut.r- y -. .-..-.; j r mi.-sion o! iie .minor t. .11 .. !to;:i tne ptefa'-e. 'Wry lew pt-opie hae evvr -- t be at ten " lo In I l.t-ir hea."r - :: t -iuiooitant org 11 ai :u.-i Tlii won- lf;l lit:!. machn.e wh:e!i i ih-i mu.-! larger t'uun our hand, and only aboii.' two and :i half inch's thick, Ia li. am! nitii ":tfoii n -r, pr- form:ii u:-5i au eiu-r.a - .i j.oiinl of wi.rr. ;t to almo.-t Im : 1 . i le!. ',. J f - 1 -. A . 1 I I I?'' Ii1-' '' ..I'll I ' ..', aroused vanity of Japan to tne m-r j t.()!;. ls(.. ,iu f, ,h. ,.rr ,.v,.r( - . f i Mii,.i fiee. whicli ;.!;.onnf to 4 . - . .. . Asiatic nation to ehieve v. ru'.i: it would out monev into British p h-!c ! : minute, lilCjr.sOan hour, and th et veno-iin- the "dil-t-ren -e l--?weeii m mm , i vab'.e nuuiU'r of r,.l-l,M in a 4 , , , Miigh-ilavl ow. u I iif.-siry that the silver deot an., tie' -old ait ,1,4.. Va.-i .niMiunt or labor should t ion In tiik ham'.- i'" r.i 1 iiii.:-. Xor w ould this be all. There wo;;id be China, a rich nation iu rc-ources, wit'.Kvat a dollar of gold. liKlg:hg b lione. and well done every day. The beali h w i!J MifiVr in eo:..-epienc f th' leal Liilunton the part u( the hart to projwrly erform its iluties. When it U weak or derange I it tlire.t- ty atTeei- ever- organ in the human an.ur. l the European finance, centers j the:r auties frnill ta;.;c of UhI ami looking for gold, -"-he would be iiiet j urve forw. Tlioe organs are bv tbe"--outal monev" iqmsties the l laon ii.tin.ati ly rsMK- anil with the Both-.-hild- and Volle.ues-who j ? ure u.milly tirst to f etd th.eeflts uouK-.i"- ... . ! whfii it i irrc-cular and fads to K-r- would undertake, for a heavy commit t furuj J: lnfH functions.' sion. to get all the gold that China1 This ireatw? i very artistically illr.s-nii-ht want There is no mine ?o : tmtetl with colored Iates, and, al , . t ! thou-h strictly scientific, is written in easily worked "'A , ! a jitar language, makin- it very in- the United State. aim Lothschild ha , teretin-r muling for all. The editor the kev to that, with the right of j 4 thi jmper lias made s-cial arrange lvackdoor admission. One-third the t nwut with the publisher to have this Ixicuoor aiuu.. treat i-e fent free to anv reader who gold needed could 1- scooped out at j - la aml iuentlons this once and sent on its way to London. 1aIer, Ut which point it would really nevtrj Tiik- Hiljcs ComiA3"Y. Elkhart, lnL Mil. Editor: It feel s: liappy that I must tell through your valuable pa per, what I did so others can be hap py and make money too. Thing looked blue; these hard times ha thrown my husband out of work; the interest on the mortgage was coining due and no money- I saw an adver tisement of the Rapid Dish Washer and thought I could sell them. I sent $.i.0O, got one, and my husband wash ed the dishes because he did not have to put his hand in the water, and did not have to rub them or dry thenr; they came out all nice and clean and ready for the shelf. He also took care of the house and laby. 1 got the agency and sold ten the tirst day, and have cleared this week $72.50, and will by next week have enough to pay the interest, and am sure wo will have money all winter. Anyone out of work should send to W. P. Harrison & Co., .Columbus, Ohio, and get a cir cular, have a liappy home, and make monev too. Times are going to bo hard this winter, and much suffering can be saved if mothers and daughters Would do as I have. .We have heard many compliments paid the lecture delivered by Mr. . Jo seph Walters in the Methodist church recent I v, and. now, suggest that tho gentleman be invited to deliver, at an early day, hi celebrated lecture on the "Conversion of the Jews.' Rev. Jas. II. Tha,er, Methodist pastor of Hickory (iroe Church, has heard t he lecture ami says it is "an ey opener." Mr. Hal Shuiord. the-young gen tleman who ,i connected with the Mercury in a sort of all round capacity, being foreman, business manager. Editor, . Local, etc. especially during the absence of Mr. Click in attendance asa clerk in the Legislature, got mar ried last Tuesday afternoon late, to Miss Pattie Jones daughter of Mr. James Mones in East Hickory. We wish Mr. Shuford all manner of hap piness and pleasure. Rev. Jas. A. Weston, we learn re ceived a call to Durham. The salary there is much better than it is here in Hickory. But the parish here and all the people are so much endeared to the good man ;uid he to all the people, that he has, as we understand, declined the kind offer. We wish Maj. Weston well, and note with great pleasure Iim decision to remain in Hickory, al though he could do letter jecuniarilr by going to Durham. We wish to call the especial atten tion of our readers -to tke local ad?. now running in the Prk.-s axu Cai: olim a:.' of the "Racket Store,' con d -feted by Mr. W. J. JShuford, a gen tleman who ha- never yet known fail ure in any field of human effort, and whose versatility enables him to go forward to success in any and all kinds of business transactions. The "Rack et Store" is as complete a"Merchantile Schooner" as we ever visited, and CaJ Shuford will always -be found on deck. A vi-;t to Hickory is incomplete until you have mspeetetl the immense tstock at the Ihickef Store. ( ur townsman, Mr. Wm. Hale, who h master of the French language and familiar with the bet French litera ture, has translated an interesting nov el by Amedee Achard. entitled "The Roy.d Cha-e. it is of the earliest davs o the i"th ceiiturv and while. Fran-ewa- embroil' d in wars. The work engage- the reader' interest, to tiie end. for it i- full of 'ytrit. French v. it ami iiitrigU' and an underlying mystery that only the end explains. The Maroa:- de ChavaiUe- and hi tie.oi.-tl -,-rvit urand friend. Co- He ron, an extremly interesting character. ; - well a- many of their a-oc:ates and female friend'. "Mr. Clerk, cuter a fhie of fifty dol lar against Judge Bynum." Judge John Oray Bynum had been address ing Jm.'ge Timlrlake on the bench hi the Su-er"or Court at liorganton la-si Saturday afternoon on a motion for continuance in a case. Judge Bynum had insinuated that th Court had something against him on jersoria! ground did not like him. Judge Ti mlx-r lake liad iat perfectly motion less until the word were all uttered and the -'contempt complete, when he made the above remark-. Judge Bynum attempted to ay feomething further when Judge Timberlake &ald: "Take your s-at ir! The incident baj created considerable goip.