HIOKOBY PKE3S: MAY 16, 1895. ;r; jl.aroisnwn. ?! -it l! BV :: MINTING COMPANY y,ic'ory, north Carolina. ,., . .. 'J"in. LOCAL KOITOR. . ,l. OiUMCKlCATIOHS AJID RCtffSKf ,,,TTtM TO E1CK02T. n. a Local items in Brief. Hr. M.-E. Thornton was at Newtcn Monday. . peas wt'Tc. on the Hickory market .Saturday. ThiUlrni's suits in every variety at jc. Martin's. 20tf Kv Speaker Crisp suppered at the Hickorv Inn Sunday. There was mow on the mountains aain Monday morning. prof, (ioodman left us last week for his hoiue in IJowan county. How to mv monev Always trade at Killian & Cline's. " ibtf The fro.-t Smay night did little or i.o dauiat:' to fruit in this section. M AllTf Joi'tluiv r f iriin line an tMiiragonient to visit the city this Mi.vs .Julia Holt, of Davidson Col let i the guest tii is week of Mrs. S. A. Mrii.ies. For line mid dres.sv straw hats, call at the White Front." 20tf Mr. L. (i. Hay is having substantial improvements made to his dwelling near the Lutheran church. Mr. J. A. Howies ard daughter liave returned .from a visit to Mrs. Howies' father at Statesville. Elected if you call on us and buy your goods 'chap. " If tf KlLLIAX & CLIXE. Thomas M. Hufham, one of our prominent attorneys, has been absent from the city about ten days. .. Mrs. 1). M. Hodges, who has been in the city for the past month, went on a visit to friends at Hendersonville Mon day. Clothing cheater than ever at the Racket Store. Call and be conviced. 10 W. J. SlIUFORD. Mrs. 1. It. Ilolden is again at home after an absence of seveVal months on a visit to relatives in Eastern North Carolina. ". ". Mr. J. H. Aiken, general store keeper in the revenue service, went to Iredell county, on official business Monday night. Lower than the lowest we always nave bottom prices Don't fail to see lls- .. 2t Killian & Clink. Mr.S. II. Colbert, who has been ab sent in Tennessee and Mississippi for the past month, returned to the city Tuesday. Mr. George W. Hall visited several Ioints in the county last week, and sports nattering prospects for abun dant crops. Tr. Charles Menzies attended the ifouimeneement of the Medical Depart ment of Davidson College, returning to the city Saturday. Ught weight Summer goods just arrived at the White Front. 20tf Mrs. M. L. Hall, of Xewton, is now Ugliest of her sons, P. C. and J. ,;- Hall, of Hickory, and will tarry in the city several weeks. " e are gratified to announce that infant child of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. rmvell, that has been dangerously u-"k. is about well again. -I y ron Marsh, traveling salesman f ,Mhe Standard Oil Company, was in hckory Tuesday to see the compauy's agent, Mr. Geo. W. Hall. s"its iUade to order for $13.23 and upwards. Why be a readv-made 12 Ui ' 1! . W. J. SHl'FORl). Vt$ About Silver, revised edition, J;s ;t pamphlet of 85 pages on the sub 'T which may be had for o cents, by .dressing the American Himetalic fu Sun Building, Washington, '-'"iii's--Financial School, the great K wiueh has made such a sensa- 4 and of which one million copies ;e len soM aireadv. can bad bv dressing the Coin Publishing Co., l!- Monroe St. Chicago, III. . It is for uver. ,1 GET IX LINE. HIDE AX Bi cycle. Vre have thorn and more com ing. Good -as the best; strongest frame made. Best detachable tires; not de pendent on inflation to hold on rim. Will have bicycles for Ladies, Gents, Boys and Girls. Will name cash pri cesthey are all rijrht too. Write to E. & J. E. Haitiicock. Light weight Clerical garments just arrived at the White Front. 20 Mr. Joseph Walters went to Lincoln ton Wednesday, and will not return before Saturday. The State Normal and Industrial School holds its commencement exer cises May 22 to 23. Pants to order for $3.00; fit guaran teed. Made by Plymouth Itock Co. -19 W. J. SlIUFORD. Controller Eckles has called for a statement of business from all Nation al Banks as of May 7th. There will be services at the Epis copal church next Sunday morning and afternoon at 5 o'clock. Buy your dres (y cravat, suitable for the Commehcei'Vent, at the White Front. 20tf Mr. J. N. Bohahnon when last heard from was in Chattanooga on his West ern drumming tour. He .will not re turn to Hickory before the latter part of June. For Sale: Two hundred or more bushels of Bye. Apply to M. E. Thornton, at ' Hickor, or to W. F. Gibbs at Bridgewater. Price 70 cents per bushel at Bridgewater. Fancy Candies, toilet articles, coal oil, etc., always on hand at H. L. Moore's drug store, at rock-bottom prices. lOtf Children's Day exercises occur Sun day at 11 o'clock in the Methodist church of Hickory. Everybody is in vited to attend. A pleasant and profit able time expected. Messrs. C. A. Snow & Co., of Wash ington, D. C, Solicitors of American and foreign patents, among others, se cured one for A. L. Tise, Wrinston, N. C, on an advertising sign. Lotos Cream for the coinplexion. Removes tan. sunburn, freckles, pim ples, and ad skin blemishes. Prepared and sold only by H. L. Moore. Mr. J. PI Haithcock, the junior member of the firm of E. & J. E. Haithcock, is now visiting Northern cities buying goods' low for cash. See their ad. in another cohimn. Mr. Frank Loughran, the deserved ly popular hostler of the Hickory Inn, the best equipped hotel in North Carolina, was called to Asheviile Mon day to look after his business affairs in that locality. Mr. Samuel L. Rogers, has been .ap pointed Collector of the Fifth North Carolina District, to succeed Mr. M. E. Carter, deceased. On the death, of Mr. Carter, Mr: Rogers was made act ing collecter. We are headquarters for latest styles in Dress goods. Notions, etc. Don't fail to see us before you buy. r 19-2t KlLLIAX & CLixk. Capt, D. P. Crouse is 1 now night watchman. His appointment is mere ly a slight recognition of his worth as a citizen. It would have been diffi cult to have found a more capable man for the place.' The family of Mr. J. R. B. Miller has gone to Iredell county to reside. Mr. Miller is in the employment of Mr. J. D. Elliott, contractor and builder, and will be with his family as much of the time as his duties will allow. Mr. B. R Anderson, who is now drumming for a New York house, is very much missed by many Hickory friends. The geniality of the man, his handsome face and intelligence rivet the attention of his fellow-men, and are a satisfactory passport to'-social acceptance in society anywhere. Mr. Samuel Campbell is now chief of police and also tax-collector, all of which he looks ater for $30. per mouth, which heretofore has been the pay for police services alone, making a saving of not less than $123 per year to the city, dispensing wholly with a seperate tax-collector. In the present state of the Leather and Shoe market, only the prodrgal man will bet his boots on anything in the shoe line, as prices ar? going so hih; therefore you would better go at once to Seagle Bros. Shoe Store and get a pair of those nice low-cut shoes. Thev nave everything that is newest and" best in shoes all grades and styles. 19-tf Wr Into Lawn Bows 10c. 15c, 20c and -3, for commencement, at ti Racket Store. 20-tf ' Prof..5 Crum, the justly renowned piano turner, returned to the city Sunday night to tune up the college piano for the closing yearly exereies of our various institutions of learning. Mr.-and Mr. A. II. Crowell, Mr. A. A. Shuford, Mr. L. G. Hay & Son, Geo.'W. Hall, and other distinguished Hickory people, will attend the unveil ing of the Confederate monument in Raleigh Monday next. Mr. Vance Henkel, one of Lenoir's prominent young business men, was in the city Monday afternoon, and we had the pleasure of a moment's con versation with him. He reported but little damage to fruit by frosts in Caldwell. The Episcopal Diocesan ConventioM assembled at Morganton yesterday. The Convention sermon was preached by Rev. Jas. A. Weston of this place. Mr. O. M. Royster and others are in attendance as Lay delegates from Hickory. A Lot Bicycles to arrive this week from Baltimore and Philadelphia. Are catering for another lot in New York. Good strong ball-bearing bicycles at $23, $30, $37, $30. $57.50, $82.50. Boys', Ladies', Men's. Write us. v E. J. E. Haithcock. Belle Boyd, the rebel spy, gave a ''thrilling narrative" of her perils and services during the war in the Shenan doah Valley at the Opera House Fri day night. While the assemblage was not large, the entertainment was de cidedly interesting to every -one in at tendance. Great excitement at this time among the Hickory barbers. We now have three tonsorial parlors, and there will doubtless be sharp cutting in prices. Now, if we. only had free coinage of silver, many of the financial ills of a badly oppressed people would be things of the past. Miss Blanche Little's school at Cher ry ville, Gaston county, closed about two weeks ago and she is again at home. Miss Blanche is thoroughly educated, and any community desir ing a firs-class teacher could not very easily secure one more competent than she has shown herself to be. '' Champ Crowell's child found the 4iost watch" and returned it to Rev. J. L. Murphy and was paid $5. Had the watch been held twentv-four hours longer, the negro, child would have received $10 for its return instead of $5, as Mr. Murphy had notified this paper to raise the reward to $10. Col. M. E. Thornton was quite sick several days past, and is still very much indisposed, though he went up to Morganton yesterday to attend the Episcopal Diocesan Convention. He had a bilious attack, with gastritis, superinducing atrophy. Nearly all of his work, besides that of our own, in this issue, has been done by Ye Local. The baccalaureate r sermon at Clare mont College was preached Sunday night, by Rev. J. A. Weston, to a crowded house. It was a scholarly effort pnd greatly appreciated by Mr. Weston's auditors. The graduating exercises of the college occur Friday night. The literary address will be delivered by Hqn. Chas. F. McKesson, of Morganton. Xfr. Wnu If. TYilson Pullman, W. Va. Better Ttianjor Years Hood's Sarsaparllla Demonstrates Its Merits. A scrofulous or catarrhal condition of the intestines is often the prime cause of chronic diarrha?a, and when the tissues are built up and healed by the pure blood made by Hood's Sarsa parilla, a cure is effected. Read this: I believe it my duty to tell what bene fit I have received from IIood' Srapa rllU. I was afflicted with chronic dlar xhesa for four years, and Severe Parns4ln the Back of my head and also In my side. I was treated by two leading physicians bat found no relief. I was advised by friends Hood's5 Cures to try Hood's SarsapariTla. I commenced taking the medicine last May and have taken over seven bottles. I found relief after taking tha first bottle and now leel better than 1 have for rears." Wni.IAV II. Wilsox, Pullman, West Virginia. Hood's Pills are the best arter-dlsccr Pills, assist di-estlca, rreTect ccastlpatkm. High-st of all in Lea vesing Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report MM Prof. Goodman has left us, declining the offer to preside another year over Hickory Male Academy, but will enter Virginia Seminary this fall for a term of three years. Prof Goodman is pre paring himself for the Presbyterian ministry, and we fell assured he will prove an able and worthy laborer. The vestibuled passenger train from Chattanooga to ington, D. C, is already a reality. The new move ment was inaugurated by the South ern Railway Co. Sunday, which gives Hickory four daily iassenger trains. The west bound vestibuled train is due here at 10:0 j a. m. and the east bound at 7:20 p. in. Hurrah, for the South ern Railway Company! 1 RUTHKItFOItD COLLKGK, N. C, ) May 10th, lbD5. f Editor Prtfcss and Carolixiax: Will you please Ntate .to your reader that the Southern Railway Company has kindly consented to a reduced rate of four cents er mile round trip to our annual commencement, tMst to 23rd, and oblige, sincerely, A RTI I U R T. A A K R X K 1 1 1 Y. The Charlotte Observer's Encyclo paedia Britainica advertisement, which run for some weeks through the columns of this paper, attracted much attention ami resulted an the sale or many copuvs of the Hritanuica among our readers. The Observer's "Self Culture," just received at this office, a prospectus of a new 'dtic.i tional movement about to Ikv inaugu rated, we think a very laudable enter-, prise, presaging good To the State. TWO Di1 its ml Mbhim lb AN ALL-YEAR-ROUND RESORT. ALTITUDE 1400 Fl. Tbe "INN" is built of brick, htoun aud iron, is lighted by cas and electricity, aud has till the conveniences 6t n moderuliome. Our climate is specially recommended for the euro of Insomnia and af fords' almost iutant relief to sufferers from Asthma and Brouchitis. T Hotel tc SQUALLY ADAPTED FOR TOURIST AND COMMERCIAL TRAVEL. Location central, handsomely furnished, steam 'heat and electric ligbts iu every room. The BERKELEY is up to date, in all its ap pointments. Rates $2.00 to $3.00 per day. FRANK LOUGHRAN, 'ORGANIZED. The South Central Consolidated . Gold Mining and Milling Co, . ' (INCORPORATED.) CAPITAL STOCK S2.000.000. Shares. $1.00 Earh, Full TaJd and Nm-Atesable. (IstaM in pajnot for tbU Compnj'i Mia. TREASURY RESERVE STOCK, $300,000. oooooooooooooWNS A RICH GROUP OF TEN GOLD MINES X Located in Carton Mining Dittrict, O Owht Co . Idbo; a dlotrtrt wtticb boa prodewd Gold. The Mines Are riiODUCEKS, and will he IVorked lor Diridcnds. A Limited naxler of abar of tbCompaBT'a Tib rj 8 toek U1 bo W o'd to firtt apj!. eaat. la tb ordr recTed, at tbe prte of 124- Cents a Share. Certain to adraat aaJ jWI ta to baadrJ fil on tbe par. $25.00 Cash Huys $200.00 Full Paid Stock, and la tbat proportion. iasr or hi. Now is tbe time ta buy. I'rt-- a til V adraaeJ bjr ;fi to 5 folat at tln to f I JO ft barr, aa tl prodiK-tloa of th r.itr la-ra. Tt Murk m!l Lm and pr..- adraao rapldlr. 1 h Comptij' coaoti lat-ii mine bare Trrr larr Or E-. Wo-k U nom prokrMitaa: la rich a-old ore. It la dVlnr4 to net a Mimp HUu u rla' tbe i;owpaajr nre to "Ham. Tb oatpot of Cotnpanj'a Ml w!3 be IrrreauMd to ta tbe Ilridad ba. a fally Vjontr teI by Incector EaorW's tatamt; ;oia;l"t Urporta and tatmat aeat oa app!;ctl ja. Ktock Certificate wl b aeat Ly retorn mail, oa irrrlpt of rb-k lor amoaat aaJ. DHrerr may ftUnbe made tbron?b tank or Exprta Co. Kid foil IlretJoa altb p;!ifaVoa. Addra application f.r aarr to Treasurer Soatta Central CoftsoltliiteJ OoU Mlninj anj'.VJllinz C., 71a A' 71 j National &aak of Commerce Uldr- 5' Louli, Mo. i m ' r l r Hickory Ixx Arrivals. I. Wat kins, M.J. Myers, Geo. W, Prince, L. W. Porter. Virginia; Geo. L.' Garsed, John O. Buckner, Philadelphia; Pa.; R. W. Holcombe, Z. M. Moore. Char lotte, N. C; J. E. Cox. High Point, N. C; R. P. Dick, Greemboro. N. C; Geo. A. Holderncss, Tarloro, N. C; B. C. Eley, Jr., A: W. Kaiser, E. S. Hutchison, Baltimore, Md.; J. T. Howath, New Yprk Frank O. Landis,' Oxford, N. C; D. A. Shepardson, Chicago; J. F. Hargrave, Richmond, Va.: Clifford C. Anderson, Atlanta, Ga.; Jas. A. Hardisen, Wadesboro, N. C; W, R. Wetmore, Lincolnton, N. C; O. A. Ifanmer, J. H. Lee, North Carolina. SALE OF CITY PROPERTY. B.T virion of th por of Ht retained In two df-1 ot trout tXHUip.1 Hay l th. ly3 and Amru-t Mh 1V3T by C li. Watnun to The Flrwt ItuUoliic & Loan AftoHntlon of Ilk Lor. N. C., d tin iv reirlKtert 1 nml bf-nit tit dVfnoIt niMtlt tn tbe pay ntent of inter it umi d oen rperl. titd iu tf tts h!h to Mttlf.r 1 1ir tint rot of aid AMot-iatlon. I. A. 1. Cruut-. Nwrrtarj TrfHurir on 1 Tni!if ox nurly. Jane Hlh. 1SIC. nt 2 p. m. beforv the Itnnk In Hickory, offcr at public min rjr to the liV-bt bidder. th JchnorC.U Wntfton properly In ibe nortb mttttem iinrt ol Illckorr. nr about foar acre ol bird with lnort? retddenc rttt n?l remodeled; lot known a No. 1 on the pl.it of tu- Kink heir L'xact boabdnrle furiilnbet upon opplu ntlon. ''uu (;nli. niib-. otJi-rwl-c n?r J upon. Tbls Mh 1st, it 9.-1, K. I. Cul.Ni: A I.. iKor.4'X Attorney. Sec-Trw. A. Tiutitee. W. L. LOWE II AS the largest stock of Musical Instruments in NorthCaroliu;i,and his price: are tho lowest. Come to sec me. UrtU-rs by iuuil Jmcr jn omjtt utten tl'i,. Address W. L. LOW E, Newton, N. C. Mav 11. lJ"). if! Ml ichor5) uh." crhelcii, Proprietor. I O ver $4o,ooo,ooo.oo. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: President Col. W. II. IlKOTarsit. CaplUtlUt and Ileal Ett Ownrr; and of W". H. Brotbra A :o. Hootm, ft. VonU. Vice Prt'Uf"pU J. A. U'abe. HallroaJ Contrartor. St. Loai. ; and , Wm. F. W.ip, W. F.X'mm A I'o Inrntmrat Dro- kr'. St. Looi; a!o I'mt. Baakera I'sUtaalDa; Co.. aal VrU Unnnatte Ixtna and i'ortrixg Co. Sretary W w. Tiatc. I W m. Tlrr A Koaa aad Tl rr Coal Co St, 1jou; alo I'm. I'rlare Artbar Jilalna: Co . UoU M1m. Ast. Secy. E. A- W"ce. tllr V'. r Um A Co., At. LoU: ato Secretary VJkulrm' lobllblo Co. aad AaUtaat Hrtjy janraatr Loin and Ylort jtmt Co. Vicroa Nctttcu, Mertbaat Tailor. CITelBd. Otdo, J. II. tXa jAUK. tt H?ol-i. KaaIy A e, llartfarl Citjr, lad. Uilbebt Xikkci.o. mtetj IdrELMEEi, aad Amtk. Zsooi. at H lia-. Mirer C-ltj. Idaho. Treasurer & Traoler A tent TL (jaaraats Loaa A Moitjratc Co