ner-ner- HICKORY PRE3S: MAY 16, 1895. flrie us on a Postal- j. v .,.) Jilt l.. ft our jh..t; !' v- i ;t:it if -tt.-i iiicl irtm on el rrti-- ru .-f.'T; . . : a ut n -IIi i to H iliMUtur 51- f: ' - t,-r- ! iltl lltt'fl in your nHhlorfnnl IhMf .,i !:irTi-i iu jour iriuun or m public. RAILWAY COMPANY- . i-!i:'MO.NT am: lini;. THIRD DIVISION. , . ;. ri-,-.i Schedule in Tert April 21.' 1895. ; " I -Serir?4u!e I piblUhed a 1 n - ' . )r..,..tjoii uJiiy fiuil i subjeoc 10 change wlth- .;; iioiiiv to the public. ssislnry, AsMille and Paint Rock.- 1 i-. '7 v. i.v fit t ...WiwtiinR'oii.... Lynchburg ... Kichmund Danville... ..(Jreeosboro... I No. 12. I Dally. ..Ar. 6 4:a m " I 1.53 .. " J 12 I 10 4J)0 m Id Ar A-, ...... Salisbury Statenviii Hickory Morgan ton... Marlon IHItmore J, Asheville ...Hot Sprinirn . l'aint Kock... 1 trn Time ) Lr. Ar. Lv. I 7.5o 7.03 5 :V " 4 56 4.11 I 2.24 2.10 -2.13 12 53 -12.40 " i i 4.1" " r,,i a in Lv.... l'aint Kock Ar. Central time.) " Knoxville " ' ......WhftttunooKa " Ar. . ... Nashvlile Lv 11.3 am 8 SO " 9.10 pm i;.tvv - Alievillr and Xtrittijr. No. 17. I Ki. Sun. I n. in, u.rt No. IS Ex. Sun. Lv Vsheville Ar. I 1J50 pm Dillfboro I 10.59 am . Ury won City.. 10 04 .on " Urynon City.. j IOOj A r ..... Murphy.. Lv. j 5.51 si,i-:i-:iixg car. sijrvici:. No. 3? aud vVashinsrton and Southwestern l.imi'i. composed of Pullman I art; rnioi 111 jm l'tilhu.iii rate $2 00; no extra fare. 'I ;.;.,i!uti slffpinw i'ar betwn Nw, York and . ,v 01 lfjic. New York ani Memphis, and New Voci iiinl Tampa and W'ashinrton, Asheville nz'f Hot .N'prinpa Also carries tlrst-i-lasM conch I . t ttt n u ashinKton and Jacksonville, Dm Car between (jreennboro and Montgomery .No-. ;." and 3i. United States Kast Mail, iviluian .sleeping Cars betiveen New York. At-i.-i::aHiid -Moutoniery, and New York and l ,1. k-mti vil.e. Also has Sleeping Car betwerc h iil itte and Auuta 1 lirourh tii kfts on sale at priniipal stations (i i!! points. For rates or information apply id .inv arent ot the Company. U A TI UK. S H IIAilDWirK. ijfMi'l Pass ARt.. Anst Gen'l I'ass. A,r. W'H.-.hinyloii, D. C. Atlanta. Ja. r. I!i:ilKKLEY; (Jen'l Supt, Columbia. S. i. 4 .1 W 1 i;LI TratKc MKr.. Wahinton, I). C. V 11 (iHKEX. Geu'l Mr.. Washington. I). C. Chester & Lenoir N. Q. Railroad Schedule In effect March 23. 184. The passenger train from' South Jeavefc Hickory 1:12 p. 111. From JVorth it leaves here at 5:10 p. 111. Mixed train from the South arrives ut Hickory 4:30 p. m. Leaves for Le noir at G:20 p. m. From North leaves Hickory at 8:40 a. m. Connects at Hickory und Newton with W.N (".trains, at Lincoluton with O 0 trains east nnd west; at Uastouia with Southern, east and west; at Yorkville with C C O. north and south; at Chester with U Cjfc A, north and south and with the O 0 N north and south. li. H. lizard O. F. Jb 1. A. Yorkville, S. C. L. T. Nichol. Sopt.. Chester. S. C. ;. W. 1 Harper, ret., Lenoir. S. C. Hon. Chas. F. Crisp is now at Ashe ville for a sojourn of several weeks. Mr. Mortimer Sides, of Connelly Springs, has moved to Mitchell county. Eczema is thoroughly eradicated by the persistent use of Ayer's Sarsapa rilla. Lawyer Mcintosh and Mr. 'Boomer' Matheson, of Talorsville, were in Hick ory Friday. -0 Mr. George W. Cochran, of Newton, was in the city on business Thursday, the.9th.inst.' Under the new city board Rev. Mr. Crouse has superseded 'Squire Killian as treasurer of the city. Morganton, after trying the no license system .fer twenty years, voted wet on Monday, May 0. At Fayetteville, recently, Will Hrown, a white jnan, was killed by a negro ''named Holmes. The murderer i in jail. The rains, of last week gave a full volume of water to the Catawba river, and Mr. II. L. Moore says it made ferrying delightful. - Mr. Charles F. Bahnson, of Far- iningtoii. Assistant Grand Masonic I-ecturer, delivered, a lecture to the Lodge here Monday night. May Cth. lin-kinghams Dye for the Whisk' t does its work thoroughly, coloring a uniform brown or black, which. u in n dry, will neither rub, wash off. n.or sod linen. , The advertisement of Rev. J. L. Murphy in this paper of a lost watch, faulted in its reeoverv Thursdav of jat week. The truth is the world is 'uovfd by advertising. He v. James A. Ilamsiiy commenced t vioes in the Newton Presbyterian hiuvh Friday night, preparatory to he -celebration of the Holy Counuun :n un Sunday morning. . cwral ot our esteemed contem l"raries have been boasting of old "h. but our Mr. Joseph Walters has ral,(,,! .r attention to a coin, now in hi i.u-xion, which is liW vears old. thirty years older than any coin so far nt-htioned. Th cylinder lieads of the South hnnd freight and the North bound I'a-enger engines of the Chester &: 1?- noir R. K.", blew oat on the Cth imt. The accioenr occurred to the freight Ietween Newton and Maiden, and to the passenger jtut west of Hickorv. ' titrerers from physical and nervous , .debility tind great relief in thereof j Ayers Saraparilla. Far letter than ; any stimulant, itselTe;t is not transient "iu supe.ticial, but deep ami ier ; manent. It builds up the svsteni bv I purifying and enriching the blood. " 1 Anp ext Annual 'Commencent of , the lranklin Literary Society of Hor er iuniiary school, Oxford, requests our presence, Friday evening. Mav ve are tluly grateful for the honor conferred, and if circumstance favored attendance we should gladly be present. HARVESTING CRIMSON CLuVER. it Slay Do Much For You. Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111., write that he had a Severe Kidney trouble for many years, with severe pains in his back, and also that his bladder was affected. He tried manv so called Kid ney cures but without 'any good re sult. About a year ago he began th use of Electric Bitters and found relief at once. Electric Bitters is especially adapted to the cure of all Kidney and Liver troubles and often gives almost instant relief. One trial will prove our statement. Price onlv 50c. for large bottle. At Royster's i)rug Store and Norman's Drug Store. 0 We now regard the prospect for the Southern Railway officials placing a vestibuled train on the road from Asheville to Salisbury as most flatter ing. I ins matter has been under con sideration since the reorganization, but it has just assumed definite ettough form to encourage us to look for its early realization." If King Solomon was alive he would now say: "Go to the traveling man, learn his ways, and be. wise." Mr. C. W. Battell, a Cincinnati traveling man representing the Queen City Printing Ink Co., after suffering intensely for two or three days with lameness of the shoulder, resulting from rheumatism. completely cured it with two applica tions ot Chamberlain s rain Balm. This remedy is gainjng a wide reputa tion for-its prompt cures ot rheuma tism, lame back, sprains, swellimrs. and lameness. 50 cent Lottles are for sale by O. M. Uoyster Druggist. 18-4t Prof. Crouse put in his lever, took the treasurership of the city for $50 per year, and 'Squire Killian, who held it at .$100 per year, and was a candidate for re-election, was retired. Gentle men, preserve harmony; it's not our funeral. The people are always pleased, by economic reforms, and to that ex tent and no further do they feel an in terest in the matter. On this subject those who hiiTe hat little or no experience will need some help in order to avoid losses of time and feed. I he mot vigorous growths of this clover mav be cut before the flowers come out: and still leave vitalitT enough in the roots to make a second growth and ripen seed. hen this is donet or hay is made from the crop, it needs to .be handled carefully to avoid losing the leaves. - - m s ft lomaKe eiover nay wen requires good judgment and quick work at the right time, and coolness enough to purse a masterly inactive" course with it at other times. Cnt the clo ver,, preferably late in the afternoon when th weather promises to be fine. If left in swath, prxt morning turn it bottom up if thick enough to need it. When well wilted or just dry enough to rake and to be handled without breaking, rake into windrows; or, if thick on the ground, pitch directly into small cocks. No rolling of wind rows is allowable, but if raked it must te pitched into coks as described in Bulletin No. 83, p 140 of the N. C. Ex periment Station. When the windrow kas dried so as to be brittle stop work oi it. At evening it will get moist again and may be finished between five or six o'clock and dark. ' ' Examination of the cocks will indi cate when and how much handling should be given. These fliay stand from one to several days.according to condition of clover when put up and the weather, but they should not lie left long enough tor mould to start in the clover. .On a bright inorning when the out sui has nevrly dried off, begin to han dle the clover by taking up thin lay ers and reversing. Take six inches to a foot of the top ar the first foikful from a cock according to dryness: and without shaking, deposit it on a dry place beside the first cock but turn the fork in the hand so the ton of the cock rests on the ground. If all dry serve the next layer the same. Toward the bottom the clover will be (lamp, then green and wet. Shake This up well and lay on top as loosely as pos sible. The shading in the sunshine airs and dries the clover, and revers ing iri this way brings the part which needs further curing to the surface. At the same time, the limp green cle ver hangs down over the top and sides in such a Way as to protect tbe dry bottom and middle of the new cock from rain if moderate showers fall on it. If need be, go over the clover again but unless very heavy on the ground or bad weather ensues, cock ing over once will be sufficient. When apparently ready to store begin early before the morning dew is oil and load the very dryest. Then before going to the barn or stack, examine enough for next load and probably the bot toms of the cocks will be found wet. Tip them bottom up by first setting the fork at the edge of the cock so the "Lift" on the fork will be opposite the usual work with it. Make a forward movement in lifting and the cock rolls over while the reserved fork does not disturb the clover but slips out easily. Turn the cocks from the sun so the damp places may have the benefit of of its direct rays. These directions should be modified in practice to suit special conditions, and the weather, which can not be con trolled. Here is where good j'udg meril is needed. In saving seed of crimson clover cu t as soon as the plants have assumed a rich golden yellow and the seed has hardened, Do not wait for it to get "dead ripe" because too much of it will be lost. If the clover is mown by hand, keep the scythe sharp and carry the clover all into the swath with a regular steady stroke. It can be handled then much better. On a small scale, it may be best to leave it in swath un til ready to house and thresh, which must be as soon as dry; or else turn the swath if heavy by inserting a broad long-tined fork to the length of the tines and when tops lie together turn over toward the buts. of the culms. When this side is dry (but not dry enough to lose leaves or seed) pitch to Muall cocks and from those to the tight bottomed wagon which carries it to the stack or threshing floor. Be sure that unloading storage places have clean smooth dry floors from which the seed in chaff can be cleaned up. ljcvauseoiiiderab!e part of it is usually threshed off iu this handling. Threshing small lots as peas or beans are threshed, is the only way to get the seed out. This seed is own in the chaff. On a larger scale a moving machine with an apron behind the cutter bar, or a self-rake may be used to -,t !r.r If :i tnnvrpr U hmhI. a ... , :.vr.. . trx I -.w.-- " . Knights of the Maccabees. The State Commander writes us from Lincoln, Neb., as follows: "After trying other medicines for what seemed to be a very obstinate cough in our two children we tried Dr. King's New Disqovery and at the end of two days the cough entirely left them. We will not be without it hereafter, as our ex perience proves that it cures where all other remedies .fail.' Signed F. W. Stevens, State Com. Why not give this great medicine a trial, as it is guaranteed and trial bottles are free at O. M. Royster's Drug Store. Regu lar size 50c and 1. 00. 0 'Squire Hull, of Mull Grove, one of the county's most prominent citizens, and a most highly appreciated sub scriber of the Press autd Carolinian, was in the city, trading, on the 0th inst. He is a most generous, whole souled man; but, no, we won't give specifications, for we hold that the scriptural injunction, Do not let the right hand know what the left doth," is a good one. , Persons who sympathize with the affiicted will rejoice with D. E. Can of 1235 Harrison street, Kansas City. He is an old sufferer from inflammatory rheumatisin, but has not heretofore been troubled in this climate. Last winter he went up into Wisconsin, and in consequence has had another attack, "It came upon me again very acute and severe," he said. "My joints swelled and became inflamed; sore to touch or almost to look at. Upon the urgent request of my mother-in-law I tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm to reduce the swelling and ease the pain, and to my agreeable sur prise, it did both. I have used three fifty cent bottles and believe it to be the finest thing for rheumatism, pains and swellings extant. For sale by O. M. Royster Druggist. 4t The 44th Annual Commencement of Catawba College, Newton. N. C, oc curs May 10th to 23rd. The Bacca laureate sermon will be preached by President J. C. Clapp; the Alumni address will be delivered by Prof. C. H. Mebane: the Literary address is as signed fo Rev. J. L. Murphy, of Hick ory. It will no doubt be a brilliant occasion, and one to be greatly enjoy ed and long remembered. r h u u u Frovi U. S. Journal f 2Itdicie.) ProLW-ILrcekeho makes a rpecialrjof Epilepsy, Las without doubt treated and cured more case tfcza try Lvins HijsiciAn ; his encces U astocishiES. We have heard of cases of 20 jears'staadin z cured by him. lie publishes a valuable work on tMs dieae which he e;nu with a larpe bottle of his absolute cure, free to tnrf ufferer who may tend their P.O. and express aa follow ( ti;tixl ll.t c,.,cr in j TX rVJ J Clip?nis. fly oth. gavels. iiuitHting iii t hit. the art ion of We ,n Kuw In'jre. with tlurnUs, the the s'lt-raker iea-r. ibeiving t -"p1 of imitation to attend the place each gavel far enough lbinil aiuii.a.' i..n. i.t f ('laremont the machine as not fo ! trampled IVm College. II n-kory, N. C, May the team, or machine. t ine next 52th. 15i b. lUth nnd tlth. round. They houlU l-pLu-ed t.y Mr. KnfiiA Winters arnl llisFlor- the men if mrid that I he wagon can .- CtaYvieU wvre married eterday thieadi wa, ihioiib wnliont mov- alterniHui. May ;th, at L. Crawley's ing them and buou uith loi.gbuw.d home in uaki r JJ.ndoWK. Rev. A. G. forks Uike each guvrl up lightly and Gantt periormt-d the ceremony. place tin the load. , w. i , i Died, at her home near Morgan ton, W ithcreful active men this is an ; Turs-aV. Mav tth. Mi Elira Shuping. economical method of handii, and slre Un.s lmri ve!tlertla at city there wiII.Lh, llUe o no ux- lorn lake; e,iieieA. Mi Miuping a very when the waguuslmveiMM over j Millinble vnui .g lad v. belovetl by all Xhlleld !who knew her. 1 his clover should be! I- i , . . , . , . ,. . . . . K . . , i 1 he electrical storm Iat Sjiturtlay ed, and bargetl tor market in a clover t . J evening wa one oi tue vere ever setd huiler OriuiMJu clover should be grown in "orih Carolina in vuflicient quantity io M..nmit ihe u; f a 450 - ex)H-rieuced in Morgan ton and tbe rainfall was phenomena). We are in ...i t.., ... i:. . i. i. i AK 00 huller in almost t-very count v. j . - - , , . .. .. . 4. mm.:. , , , ...-. time inside the town luuitbdunng the aijis wouiii euricu me larm ers, and the State leyond estimate. Frank E. Emery. AgrieultnrUt N. C. Experiment Station. storm. Messrs. W. H. Sloan and J. J. Carrison had cows killed by lightning. We have been honored with an invitation to the wedding of Miss To nursh,- ,ofhers. Dr. liereeV f ,,ul,e nam, OI to jir. Favorile I'lewi ipiion is a. prwvlts I Will . Cley of Moekvide. NVelnes bon. lor ii nor .uiy i ieot4iens Hie ilav. Mav tbe 15th Mr. Ctlc-v ij editor inofner, bur it. p.i.moies an abui.- f ")avit! T1 and ,rvas here, Uant ecreliou ot imui ishiueiit lor the : , , , ... child. For ilmse alH.iii to becom-' lie ,uet li,:ll,-v of our 1P t the ie'.- !.. v. lu;i.l-. n lr Oonveiitiitn e hoe the young iii- will live ioug aiiti b.qipily. Tu th t'onfrdrie DmJ- We wceivetl the following letter last I'm 1.4 : The mix eiliug of iot th Caro lina's nionuiiit nt to the Confederate reteieiKv- .-eiui cc .i.s I or im.m., , ,.. ,,1 will take nlace in llu' ranitol to Uond's iJi-iivjny l.-iiical A.vm- nuimt,, ,, Ma -JO, lb05. ciation, jbiii.t.w. k. , ., i,-J.i.i-tfiiirv invmil to be - - -. i in mm mill mii ui iiifiic iu inv tuni ' and .-Ihm . -iis iV. l)( ,m1 ie.t.- ers. Ovarian. itiiMud ai.! nther. iiijiinr cureI xviilmiu res h i i. snririe.! oimtk-' tions. 1-r I'.iiiipt. :ei . iei iiiMiiiia'.o .Ki-t The S' ;..urr i- lM-i!el t .'e!.ioration of llieir heron- live and II. ti. Ewarf i- i . i Orimi nl .. . .... , i . .... i i 1 1 r fiu I'll I .ii'i 1: I I . I Court of West,.,,, o:!i . i-roii-.a win- i s. Keiia.i. S .. Aslie,' R. )llta(lis.i-iili,i; ,.!!..'. "ll. II 4ilh Orl..viu Coke. YE a discoverr of the greatest possible benefit to mankind was made in medicine. Physicians 'universally recog nized its beneficent results and welcomed itS' I one of the most valuable remedial agents that h : ; b-en devel oped in medicine, because it covered sucli a wide range of usefulness and brought into requisition ihe most remarkable; food-medicine in existence. This discovery Scott's Emulsion and this wonderfut nutrient was Cod-liver -Oil, but until it was made available in Scott's Emulsion it was almost useless, but by their process of .emulsifying' it. and making it palatable and easy of assimilation, and adding to it the Hypopliosphites of Lime and Soda, they have given the world a remarkable curative agent in all wasting diseases, both in children and adults. Scott & Bowne, New York. All Drucpsts. 50c. and 51. J I GOLAY 86 SON Jtollitnont Vlne?jards old Four, jV. u. PURE NATIVE win DISTILLERY OF FRENCH COGNAC. BSTA wanled Fii st Premium at the Exhibition of New Birne, N. C. icht f lft'ivex irtll hi wiite assure his health. Address them at OLD F0KT, N. C. $ SAVE DOLLARS $ ? t I t-t lift $ By purchasing ono of the Richmond Desk Com- pony's beautiful Roll -top Office Desks. They are $ being manufactured and Bold at astonishingly - ' a low prices. You can buy them for a very little 7TAHD CASH. $ TheDckks talk for Uicrmclvc. . RICII310.D, I.D.. 17. S. A. Uses Mexican Mustang Liniment Sprain cured and crutches thrown avay. Bad Gall on his horse's neck cured in 3 days. DCRUAX, C. Jan. II, lYXi. I.'jon Mf'J. Co., DrwAhn, A". 1". ( Jentlemen: For fifteen year I hare u.d Mexican Mustang Liniment, ail I ctmsiler it the U-st lini ment cm earth ; I aia tvervvr without It. I rwcmtl y xme it on a bal jpill on tay bore twk anl it curwJ it In thrw day. I haI also, a & sprain In mj iA hail to use truU b several daj. Ai rm a I brgxa to ue Ma-tang lAnum-ul I felt rhff ail In a feirdar a entirely w-ell. I rw-niraend It to any t1xiiz a liniment ftr horses or for h with o .nfllrry-e that ' thy will g-t th-ir r:i'n wirth. YrHir. J'(. R. IIL'TCH!:'iS. Of Carrinstnn fc Hntrningn, lrvn" of Ream Warvbou.-. Durhaiu. N. C.