State Library '1 . WE AUE PREPARED TO DO CHROMATIC PRINTING IX COLORS. -..AT T j;'E 26. HICKORY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1895. iLLU NUMBER 24 KINK SHOWING $20,000 GENERAL NEWS. CAN THIS KE TUUEt STATE NEWS. IN- Til K COUNTY. nADF'BV THE LUTHERAN HOME MISSION BOARD. Import Kead at Friday's Session 01 the Synod. jj , ..r-tovn. Md., June 7. At the .ji'-n io day of the General Synod of jJt. ; .!;r lical Lutheran Church, Dr. .-,;irt Hartman, Secretary, read 'J I-,. !: ;. nial report of tlie Home Mis do:' Ji-'-'tnl. " '; ,. 1. ;rrt allows that the board has , I, .- m meet all its financial obli- ;- with its usual prompt-nest1, and Thf U' r ! n work frpm eight to ten per ,.h,t -r. atrr than for the preceding biei.tiiuai. K.-.!ir-es The balance in the hands ;f tii - i n usurer on the :lst of March, 'vie w.-.- s;.H',2.i:). To this amount ;i : : i during the two years .$83, :;!) . l.M.ikin available for the work "ftlVhoard sss,)2.:U. 'I'm!::! Kc ripts By a comparison of jj;,. -,!:. ! amount of receipts of those ,,i th. ions biennium it will be fuuii i tisat there has been an advance of sT. i . H. Under liie-ircumstances diis i.- a very satisfactory and encour-a-iuu d:oving. K, from Synods The amount from the synods which is credited on th-apportionment is .",074,9:2 larger than U-i- the preceding two years. In this aiiuaint are included the eontri mti":i of the Sunday-schools and the S.icii -ty of 'Christian Endeavor. Whilst w-Miot.'tiiis gratifying progress in the -ntwiii of the benevolence of our chunhts. it must not be forgotten That then- is still a deficit on appor Tiin:i( ut of over 20,000 for the two year-. The Woman's Missionary Society has -iveii to the board the sum of $l'.r. ii ).:(). This was an increase ..f $! I'.UU . over the preceding bien nial:!? TO TUT: MEMPHIS CONVENTION. Fifteen litigates Chosen by Chairman M. T. Leach to Represent Wako County. As . result of the meeting held Fri lay iii-lit in Metropolitan Hall by :l..,h eitiens of --Raleigh, without rvgml politics, for the purpose of ..'iviiiir expression to views on the ii:;aiie;.il question, resolutions, which were -p.rii:t-ed in yesterday's News and her ei were adopted favoring the 'rer, independent and unlimited eoin a'.' f silver at the ratio of 10 to 1; also it a il teriuined to send delegates to the (., vention to be held in Memphis on the 12th instant. To t! ie ehairman of the meeting, Mr. M. T. l.eueh, was assigned the duty of M-Ieeiiug t he delegates which he did yesterday, choosing the following nam. d ireiitlemen to the number of :;:t.-,-:i: ""t. Coke. E. B. Barbee, Judge Waller Clark. II. H. Battle, W. E. Ahh -v. K. Chambers Smith, . W. H. Hand. Annistead Jones, Herbert E. S-rris. K. Beddingtield, John C. S.-arhoro.'E. Beckwith, H. C. Olive, Jlm hrewry, Frank Stronach. Ral N. us bsorver 0th. OI.ORADO'S SILVER VOICE. 'n' -Vtic committeeman Thomas Discusses the Honey Issue. JyiAer. (,ol.. Juno T. C. S. Thom- ' rad. member of the Democrat---'ieiial Committee, discussing !I ' ":i ed the Democrats of Illinois tor a national convention money policy, 'said: "I am ib any national convention and a: ' proposition which will :' 'make, the -money question the - : Is; .; force the Demoerat i:I to take. that position upon it ' - e'hirs to the- people. Mono s:u has no phtce in its history " ' :". nor can so -Vailed Dem ' Administrations with Repub ' ' mlvneies fasten such a doctrine Democratic masses. I am ' " livt-nuon, and if it shall againt bimetallism,, then I j The party which will indorse j help the Library! 1' the Library, 1 propose as ' henever a gentleman be- ! To th lanrarv -s Association, r ut. at my ifiace and pays 1 will givo him Jrthnv months. 14 tf H. C. J)kxxy, Barber. v. :.I'U!V'"S that 1 will pay the As o "V,l! hve cents, which he can hand ,,.;;;' jvasurer. At the end of the T "l "ie rreasurer can get the tick- , ' is lit -q ov tiu rri.n . TO RUN FOR GOVERNOR. That's the Unusual Otter Hade to Campbell, f Ohio,- Cincinnati, O., June1 8. It is said here to-day that the four Democratic millionaires, 'Brice, McLean. Sorg and Johnson, will assure ex-Gov. Camp bell all his campaign expenses in his gubernatorial race and an additional cash bonus of $20,000 for time lost from his law practice during the camnain. Whet! her or not he wins is a matter ; of absolute indifference to his political backers. They are after bigger game than the Governor. It's the United States Senatorship which they are in hopes of capturing. Campbell's name at the head of the ticket is expected to be an element of strength in certain close counties and senatorial districts. It may help in those districts in elect ing a member of the Legislature. In that manner Campbell can make him self useful and earn the monev which has been offered for his services. MILLIONS DOUBLED. This Wedding Unites Two of the Richest Families In America. Lenox, Mass., June 0. Two of the richest families in America were unit-. ed to-day at noon," when, in the beau tiful Triuty church, James Abercrom bie Burden, Jr., and Miss Florence Adele Sloane were married. The most elaborate preparations had been made for the event. About i00 guests were under the care of Mr. and Mrs. "William Douglass Sloane, who have taken pains that ah those bidden to the ceremony should be entertained entirely by the father and mother of the bride. Mrs, Anson Phelps Stokes entertained fully 80 guests at her resi dence, Shadowbrook.1, The church was trimmed with white and green, the colors of the Porcellain Club, the most exclusive organization at Har vard University, of which Mr. Burden is a member. 50L1D FOR SILVER. "Governor Thornton, of New flexico. Says the People are Solid for Silver. New York, June 10. (iov. Thorn ton, of Xcw Mexico, is in the city. In an interview he said: "The silver ques tion will not down, but must be fought out in the next presidential campaign. In 'ew Mexico the demand lor free sil ver is universal. Both parties are united on it (iov. Thornton said New Mexico would apply next winter for admission into the Union. New Mexico has a pop ulation of lK),tH0, he said, and is the third largest sheep raising State in the country: It has heretofore been customary lor their ranchmen to tend their cattle to Nebraska and Kansas to be fattened,. hut the system of drain age has been devised in the Pecos -Valley which will enable them to fatten their cattle at home so that cattle there that are now sold for a head may be sold fors4" a head. There are a num ber of gold mines that have been re cently discovered and they will 'be worked. A Gooil Appetite, Always accompanies good health, and an absence of appetite is an indication of something wrong. The los. of a rational desire for food i- soon follow ed bv lack of strength, for when the supply of fuel is cut olf the lire burns low. 'The system gets into a low tato, and" is liable to severe attacks of dis ease. The universal testimony given bv those who have used Hood's Sar saparilla, a to its great merits in re storing and sharpening the appetite, in promoting healthy action of the di gestive organ-, and a p:irihVr of the blood, constitutes the strongest rec ommendation that em Ih urged for anv medicine. Those who have never used Hood's SarsapariKa should sure ly do so this season. l-t WONDERFUL O'.D PEOPLE Start on a Centurv Tram? Althou-h Lac'a las Pssed Ninety Vear Middlesborough. Ky.. June 1 1 rr" ; (spec:; d to the Louisville- limes -James Fro?K, a red ninetv-two. I and his wife, aged ninety, have passed through Pinevide on ,ooi irom liainen county to Jackson county, a trvaury ,1,1 rt serv. stand- at ::.. :!. of a hundred miles. They have been j 1(.,t antl if withdrawals in largeamount marrieil seventy-two years. ! ;ire not maj. fur redemption purjoses. Fourth Auditor of theTreasury Mor-! when the $-, gold owed by the ton w Kdi-mid from offiw by the j syndicate is paid in. t lie gold n-scrve PrsKlent. Will fat up about lW.OOO.CW. The Missouri is bank full and there are fears of a flood. The supreme court decides that the present tariff law went into effect Au gust 28, 194. Col. B. L. Jordan, a wealthy Georg ian, shot fdmself through the head, dying instantly. Many people were swept away and drowned bv a terrific cloud-burst in a German town. The time of 1 1 ie relay riders from Chi cago to New York, a distance of 1,000 miles, was 0.", hours and lo minutes. President Spencer, of the Southern Kail way, contributes s'2tW)to the G. A. It. encampment fund at Louisville. Sensational charges are made against the officers of theColima. It is claimed they let the passengers go down like dogs. In the brain of an Evansville man who died Maidenly in. New York was founed a bullet whi'.'h he had carried fourteen years. At Delphi, Ind., a young girl who thought she was going to die invited a number of friends to witness the im portant, event. Richard Croker. the famous boss of Tammany politics, is mowing a wide swath in London society .with his box parties and the like. It is reported in New York that Champion Corbel t and Ids wife have had trouble, and that Mrs. Corbett has begun proceedings for divorce. The 'De mortuis nil nisi hunumM spirit of this world is growing. It is one of the most beautiful touches of nature, and is lessening man's inhu manity to man. The adoption of the new gun will make important changes necessary in the tactics for the army. It is expected that as soon as they are promulgated the-National (iuard vill also adopt them. Earthquake shocks in Florence terri fied the people. Inhabitants rushed into the streets and fell in prayer on their knees. Beyond the scare, it is not thought anv serious damage was done. The Cnited States Supreme- Court handed down a decision -which is a denial of the validity of the judgments of countries which do not recognize the rulp of international comitv in such matters. The Bank of 'England is still in creasing its holdings of gold. It now has sP.,(itM).000 more than it had twelve months ago. The Bank of France has added s."i7,()0!').000to its hoard of gold in the same time. The unveiling of a Confederate mon ument at Chicago was one of the most significant events of the decade, and itsetfect in abridging the bloody chasm will no doubt be far-reaching; for "They banish our anger forever when thev laurel the graves of our dead." i An entire book can be reproduced without setting a line of type by pho tographing each page separately and making a photo-engraving of it. There is in New York a .weekly news paper of t ight pages, six of which .are prepared in this way each wct'k from copy cut and pasted together and then photographed. A clerk in a New York rubber store has a rainy-day suit of clot h- that is unique. It i a i "k suit made of the verv best mackintosh material, and the wearer may stroll along indifferent to any downpour. The suit certainly possesses many advantages over the c'nnisv mackintosh coat, and it may not be i ng bef re tie- lie-vs-ary bur inconvenient storm snackintosh will be ; supplanted by the r.duy-d.ty suit. u . .:id!.- e. o.ll.eai- l!l I the onini-m d treiury j j,, lt g5t in: it e elL.rts to protect ; the tr a-urv g !d. but it is saiil that more g dd is bin.r v- it u ir.iv. n than i i required for ordiirtry business pe.r- vndica'e now ful!;I!t-tl jMses. The j )!l!r,(.t v:th:tt vm,"m. and is j ;o ,h :lii-ado: it. p-ivain;. Tlie GROVERSAID TO H WE BEEN FI5I1I? I1INQ ON THE SABBATH. Mr. Ciney Take the Oath f 0fic as Secretary of Stute in the uf rtr. Gresham. Deceased. Washington. June 10. The Presi dent left the city very quietly Satur- day evening ,. Sunday morning on a , fishing trip. At the White House se- j crecy is maintained concerning his j movements. Tlie. Pies-dent went to L' osbtirg, Va., a town about twentv miles from ! Washington, and in the neigirborhood of which tluuv is good hasf anil trout fishing, lie fished in these waters sev eral weeks ago. and yesterday round the sport so good that he decided to spend today there, and will not return to the 'White House until tomorrow. Mr. Olney was fo; ;a tlly instale-d in to the oJiice of ' Secretarv ot State ibis. morning. The oath o office was ad ministered bv Chief Justice Fuller. ilvew t::e great lhavlnlk. On It Ail Cjn Unite Except th Ari.siockrity" and tl:c Aiv-iio l-.iob:t" GuK! Duj; The following is a telegram sent out from Raleigh by .tin1 Associated Press all'over the United Si-itcs. Some pa peri head it as follows: "SilvkuMay Units-: Tiik.v. Nokth Cauomxa Di:moi uats and PoirMTs Arr to Fisk." Raleigli, N. C. Ju::e S. The meet ing held here in the interest of bi-uiet-allism and to select delegates to the Memphis bi-metallic convention is causing something, of a political sensa tion. It is the first time Democrats and Populists have shown any signs of co-operation in North Carolina. Ex Chairman Smith, of the Democratic State Executive committee offered the resolutions which were adopted dc nianding free and unlimited coinage of siiver at a 10 to 1 ratio and appealing to hieu of all political opinions to join in the demand: declaring it an over shadowing question and calling on all to unite on a free silver coinage man for president. Secretary of State Coke, who was formerly chairman' of the Democratic. State committee, declared he was in full sympathy with the re - solutions: Editor Aver of Senator Marion Butler's Populist paper, ap pealed to all silver men tc unite and put parly prejudices entirely aside. Ex State Chairmaii Wilson, of the Populist party, also spoke in riipport of the resolutions. Ex-Secretary Beck with of the Democratic State com mittee said he had worked for Cleve land Itujr would never work for him again nor for any New England or New York man on they wer free silver. for K p Your The Farmer" ance Association v at Home. i;i laf Fire I nsiir- North Carolina was chartered bv an a -t of the Ix-gb- lature .arified Feb. : and fills, ti-uIV e ! u- U-:: Theuieat cap- Ii- ompitn! -hit tenet',, npon ::r advanced Tee eot ' North hae. ' ci sjt anil so .!stirance that ! To g uninsured: . a home con:- m.m' have but t ; pan gi n:i.-- - f -:s i .ui'.e Tliai - 1 1;-:!''!:1 s. !io one prop rty from d. t !igi;tnir.g. : J.-d on tie- e. - all eai a ppr--need, -o m ;r . damage '. y '..:.. v- The blls -t-s ; t , .! opel'ativ- plan. ai:d. pl;e"es ;r' i--::ed nl t:p.n farm proi-erty or v.e'l le ! i.. i . ..;. The !, d agent-, for Burke. I'a!dw-ll ,tiid (,'atav. ba counties are as :!lows: j t,!:ri.'v v-getab!e. They do not - weak i W. Veli ran. M. F. Jones and 21. j vu bv" their action, but by giving tone ( ;p rri!i o: Nev. :,,::. No in-uranee to sti.mach and bowels greatly irivigor- " " . . m: t lie svT-m. KegtilarMze '2-r. Iff j is -afer Iran prot-et'on a!i..rUel ! bv tl:: -' . eign :. j IJ, ,: ;::! e a: p.-ny. ana it only nt one -!".fth ej:;rgeti bv for- - i s . not v. dom 4.0 i.c ;io::.e kn!. . V.. Mr. J. A. Vii;ie..;:T ; Scriv-ti..a :r,: i::::arttir r of ,.v V. :lv"i:y. p::reha-ed a Iolt!e f riia:nbe:.:;:i'- V:.-!. ltenedy. t;vh i re-tiits were o'ta:?:eil from its . use mat he -en to the druggist ' fru: v. horn had obtaitietl it for two ? more i .;i ! ti.e -ame r. tactly. ! W fieri :: t:ave :. e ;gh or cid.i give I this prep;tralit!i a trial and like Mr. Seriven you v i!i wan: it v. lie:i again i in need of such a medi'cine. I: is a remedv c A great worth :ml merit. 2 and ."yO t cnt botth- fvr a!e by 1 . M. j Koyster Irugg:5l. The North Carolina Dental Examin ing Board h;v granted licence to Dr. W. BRanisay of !Iickorr. The annual session of the Teachers Assembly occurs this year at Morehead City, June lMh to 00th, lbHJo. Rev. Dr. Christopher T. Bailey, edi- tor and nionrietor of tht Bibieal U- vvr t!U.a Jum. MU ln the f(0th vear uf hisage.-Raleigh Press, The l'Jth annual sesion of the Teach- t ,v Assembly will be held at Morehead r:it-v lu,, s to -th l5?or- 11 w b the most valuable meeting of all to the teachers ami the most injoyahleto all friends of education. Acting Secretary Doe has granted a medal of honor to Captain Clinton A. Cil'ey, of the Second Minnesota Ilegi menr, now living in Hiekorv, N. C, for j-s bravery on the field of Chicka- inaiigju Washington correspondent Raleigh News A: Observer. The new discovery of gold in Cald- ' . k 1 I . WhM XM..m.. 1 I . . . Mt-ll MIIl 13 lml (II OIIJISIIJ. A vein is of quartz, carrying plenty of grains equally disseminated and is is inches thick. It has been sunk up to a depth of '20 feet. It is free milling ore with no evidence of sulphurets. Hon. Tlios. J. Jarvis and Mrs. Jarvis arrived at Black Mountain yesterday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Chas. N. Vance. Mr. Jarvis will go from there to Knox ville to deliver the commencement ad dress before the students of the Uni versity of Tennessee. Asheville Citi zen, Juii" 7th. Mr. E. E. Harper, the scholarly edi tor of the Newbern Journal, and Miss Vienna Vivia, daughter of Mrs. E. J. Wood, were made one in Church of Christ, Newbern, recently. May the Lord ever confer his best and most bountiful blessings upon the couple is our earnest heartfelt prayer! In an interview in the New York Dramatic Mirror Paul M. Potter, the dramatizer of Trilby, who was in Ashe ville recently, says: "I'm also collab orating with' Bill Nye on a new play for the garden theatre. It will be a farcial play with music, and in a man ner of The (iaiety (iirl. But it will not be a burlesque or extravaganza, as the piece is to be provided with a con sistent plot. I think Mr. Nye's char acteristic humor will make the lines most amusing. The Cadi was brim full of humor, but failed because Mr. Nye didn't know bow to construct a j " si ir-i 1 1 fiti7'ii -Tnrw 1t)i i OLNEY SECRETARY OF STATE. Judtr- Ju'tson Harmon of Cincinnati the ,V-w Attorney General, i Late last Friday aftcrnooirPresident Cleveland issued a commission to Riehmd lney. of Massachusetts, who was the F. S. Attorney (ieneral, a Secreiai y of State to succeed the late W. f. iiesham. At the same time he ' also up toiiit ed Ex-J udge Judson Har- ' mon. of Cincinnati, li i. as Attorney mutu1, vice iii-. j Attorney (Jeneral Harmon is a new : "-n in National affairs btit he i, sa:d to l;e a t ipe aim a line aer a well a- t it excei.ent gentleman, lie has be- u ho-.vev r a corporation Iaw- ver. 1 I rce Pills. Send ' ,r addiess to H. E. Buckltl - t ' o.. .i;c go. .and get a free sampl ,.f ! o . iiig's ew Life Pihs. A Tti-d v. ib e.,n-;nce you of their merit". ",',. e pd's are easy in action and are p. -1 -'.;. rly ete-tive in the cure of ! ,e, -!;;.-. :r; and sick headache. For M.i-a-ia and Liver troubles they - have :: prod invaluable. They are g::.-.r.-!te.-d to ! iwrfectlv free from -verv deleterious substance and to be . ... or,v,t,.r. Tn.. The Narrow tiuaze T.xrurWn Umtr. From June Ith to June :;dth, the i sjiial excursion rates from' Chester, I aI.,! intermetliate point-, to j ... ... 1 ,. ;'! .. lull , ,1: inf r .iii'i ' follow-: Che-ter. . C., to Blowing Iloek Vorkville, S- (J., to Blow ing Ilock Clover, C., to Blow ing Uo-k i."i: tia-tonia. to Blowing Hock ; Dallas, to Blowing Ilock $!.!; Lincolnton, to Blowing Ilock ::.,o; Maiden, to Blowing Ilock ;.:;; Newton, to Blowing Ilock -1.0.1; Hick ory, to Blowing Ilock 2.Ti; liranite. to Blowiu- Ilock r2.4.

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