HICKORY PBESS: OCTOBER 24, 1895. US r,.tai. . . . . r ,-: vour oa!fL y.'JJ' "', ,f . li.viiJ from on pot offlW to fiOT' , ,r t u to -ni copy tr a lirtrnnr f "'; ' ' J' - , to .-'11' us a new aUtH.-riber, an.J , .iV iipWf in .vour ueihborho) that It ,f '"st to ar Iriendu or tb pnltlfa. 530T:i RN KAILYAY COMPANY- , 'M-::MOST AIH LINE.) THID DIVISION. i;ltj0:i n(.v- auu i- oat B-ii' - t;o.f h P'J' lul in ffWt Jane 18. 1895. ; piblidhed a yi i ect to change with- Salisbury, As&syiL: nl Faint M. so. n.' i Daily, t ( Ten tralti v.'.) I No 12. I Dally. Lv .. 6 42a m 12 U P m 2.4.3 ' J. '.2 " a..; ' 5 "' No. i 6 a m ; Lynchburg j 1.53 " j Z7..1Uctimoud...... " COO I " Lanv i i le... .. 12.0() m ...(Jreensboro 10.43 p m "TT...l:ilf-bury t65 Sr'itesville c.03 Hickory - 4 56 Morganton..., " 3.56 Marion 3.11 " Ililtuiyre 1.24 " ! r V Asheville Lv- 1-18 " I. v. ( Ar. 2.13 , " ...Hot Springs " 12 53 j r. Paint Rock... i,v. 12.40 . I'tTii.v, Arrive at Hiekory 9 05 u. m. . i-uily. Leaves Hickory 6.26 p. ra. "l.v-....l,aiat Koek...;..Ar. 11.35 am ... Knoxville " 8 30 " i ' ;battanoofra ' j 4 SO " j Ar. . ... Nashville Lv I 9.10 m Betwe-" Aheviileaiid Alurpliy. No. 17. a. "i, j 3'U I Lv... Ar ... sheville Ar. ...Dills-boro ... " ...Rrvson City.. " Murphy.. .. Lv. No. 18 Ex. Sun. 1.50 pm 10.59 am 10 04 " 5.5J sii;i-:ii?ii cAR. sf.rvici:. Nor. 37 mid VahhinRton and Southwestern limited. iiipMfd of, Pullman t arn; mini ma ;u Pull mi n rate $2 00. no eitra fare. Throiifrh slfcpintr r'ars between New York and Se Url.-iitis, New York an.i Mempbi.-, and New York ami Tampa and Washinsfron, Asheville and Hot .spriiiKH" Also carries flrnt--laHs coach t betwiHi ashintrton and .lackponville, Din ing Car tft ween (JreenKboio and Mont?oraery ok. 3.1 and 36. United states Fast Mall, l'tdlniau MeepiiiK Cirs between New York At lanta iid Montgomery, and New .York and Jacksonville. Also has Sleeping Car between Chirlottennd Augusta Throujdi tickets on sale at principal stations 'to all point. For rates or Information apply to aDV iijrfut of the Company. WATUKK. S H HARD WICK. Gen'l Pass Art.. Asst Gen'l Paa. A&t. WdKhinton, D. C. Atlanta, Ga. SBERKi:u:Y; Gen'l Supt, Columbia, S. 0. J M CYl.V. Traffic Mffr., Wachinffton, D. G. 11 GliKKN. Gen'l Mgr.. WashinKton. D. C. 'v - Chester & Lenoir N. G. Railroad Schedule Central Time.) In effect, June 16.1895. The passenger train from South leaves Hickory 12:12 - p. m. From North it leaves here - at 4:10 p. in. Mixed train from the South arrives at Hickory 3:30 p. m. Leaves for Le noir at 5:20 p. m. From North leaves Hickory at 7:40 a. m. Connects at Hickory and Newton with W. N C. train, at Llncolnton with C trains east nd went; at Gaatonia with Southern, east and weU at Yorkville with C O O. north and south; at Cheater with (!C4 A, north and south and with the (J t; A N north and soutb. H. H. B.ard G F. & P. A. Yorkville. S. G. L.T. Nktols. Supt.. Cheoter, S O. . V. F. Harper. Prest., Lenoir. N C. REDUCED RaTES. Cansq states and ini?fialloual Expcsii m ATLANTA, GA , September 18 Dt jeir.feer 31, )895. For the above occasion the Southern Railway Co. will pell low-rate rou-d-trip tickets to ATLNTA, ;A.. and return on the follow ing basis : FROM A J B Alexandria, Vu... Asheville, N. C... Burling n.N". C. p'irkeville. Va.... l-aliH.Mei-. V:i Out am. Va.. . 26.25 19 .25 . 1S.70 13.70 . 23.25 17.a 25.3018.55; . ei.8515.S0 Clmrlotuvillo, Va... 23.2517.05; hapol Hill. N. n 20.4015.00 . - - - - - voucord, harlot te. N.C Danvi le, Va j.'urbam. N. C 1 rout Koval, Va 'rcotisboto, X. C ''Mdboro X. C endi rsonvilh-, N. C. 1 Jickory. X. ir. 'Ph Pv.itit, N. C 'M Springs. N.C... liondoi jon, X' C Lynchburg-, Va L;'-Xiricton. X. : ... ijor.'anton, X. C urioM, X C wt..n, x.c". V." "ran-o, Va ,?ford.X.C ehmond, Va ' Mvillf.. X. C i'-li.X. C uth ltoM, Va ... ' inour?, a uh-bury, X. G tt-svillo, X. C.... ayiorsviUe, N.C. l.r.vou.X.C shington, D..C. " I St 'mm E ..14.00 40 5.75 ..! 9.65 ...A. ..;11.95 .. . 1350 ..10.55 ..... ..10.35 14.20 10.40, i 13 15 . 9.65 ' 20.0514.70 10.20 20.4015.00 10.45 26.2519.25 l-00 17.65 12.95..... I 9.20 21.7515.95 11 .00 11.70 ! 8.60.. 15.30 ... .'11.25 16.95 12.45'.. 114.00 10.50.. 20.4015.00 10.45... : rj 11. .VI... .(W 11.25... in.fio ... 11.25 ! 7-25 24.5518.00 13.10 . 20.4015 00 10.45 ..... i2:3.2517 05 .12.40 . '1S.8.513.W ' 9.70 . 20.4015.00 10.45 . 21.5515.) ... 10.80 . 26.25 19.2 14.00 .115.30 11 .25 '13-30 llt . 16.5 12.00 15.J50 ... 14.85... 115.30 6.55 5.85 5.25 7.25 8.40 6.75 8.05 7.25 7.10 H0.75..,.. ! 26.2519.25. 23.6517.35 26.2519.25 7.25 8.15 4.90 arr!itr.n x'o ;ilkes boro, X.C... injton-aleni, X. C. 19.00 13.95: Kates from intermediate points in rr1 portion.) 7.fck ....S14.00 ....12.60 ....'14.00 , 980 Ct .lunin A : Tickets will be told m -' i, ana dai v from Sertimler loto T ' inclusive, with llual liniit J EXPLANATION". September 5 iiecem- anuarj i'mmn 11: Tickets will be sold daily from September 16 to December 15, 1S95, inclusive. ...th final liuiit twenty &)) clajs from dAie of . lumn C: Tickets will be sM daily from w'th linal limit fltteen (15) days from date of .e. x o tiCket to bear ionjrer limit than Janu- vOliimn Tl? T z-.'L-nta will kn n1r1 tn TueSUaV ck i rem cepixuw--r , inclusive, wiin uuw e of sale. erti.i dailr from . avva WS wiiu final limit scvoa GZ ys from date of sale. SOUTHEFUti RAILWAY II V . . vj"e ouij- line cntfUnff too ixposiuori grounds, having a fioablo-track, standard Vjeo railway from tlia center of the city of AUnta to thoEjrposItiou Grounds. -or Uckeu and full information apply to J Oil ri.A. a j. . 4i a eoi, or auaruod . J.M.CrjLP, TT.A-TUIIK, Traffic llanaffer. CcalPasa. Ast 1300 Penna. Ave Washmirton. D. C Mrs. Dolph Sigiuon has returned to nertnoine. ; ' Miss Lollie Lenoir visited her sister. i jonn Jiichal, last week. i Th ; It 1 iiuimir.-are , cured by the use of Ayera Hair Vi-or. j Mr. Chas. Geitner attended the fair j ai Morganton last Wednesday. ' Miss Claudia Comnrnn after a few days' illness at Mr. Coop- Mr. Gilbert Peeler h noir to work for the Caldwell Ss North ern Kailroad Co. .Mr. John Setzer. of Li passed through the city Fiiday on his X 1 m way io nis iarm on Catawba river. Miss Meta Beall, of Greensboro, af ter a visit in Lenoir, passed through this city cn her return home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Georce H tr - - x f tiv and baby, and Miss Annie Rankin, of T xeuuir, were in town shopping last Tuesday. Hood's Sarsaparilla, taken at this season, will make you feel strong and vigorous and keep you from sickness later on. Mr. Rufus T. Lenoir, of Vadkin Val ley, arrived in the city Thursday morning and is visiting friends arid relatives. A party was given Miss Claudia Compton last Friday night at Mr. A. E. Cooper's. .All present say they had a very pleasant time. People with hair that is continually falling out, or those that are bald, can stop the falling and et a good growth of hair by using Hall's Hair Renewer. Miss Josephine Batchelor passed through this city Friday evening. She is travelling canvasser for the Messen ger of Hope, printed in Charlotte. Miss Jet Abernethy, Master Ed and little Ruth attended the Morganton Fair and returned Friday evening. Mrs. John Cilly returned with them. Messrs. W. A. Self, A. A. Whitener, Morgan Hawn and Wesley Martin went to the Fair on bicycles. They got as far as Connelly Springs and took the train. Mr. W. A, Self was so unfortunate as to have a bicvele run awav with him while in Morganton and was bad ly bruised up. We hope he will soon be all right again. Dr. S. C. Webb, Liberty, Mass , say: l nave oeen using Ayer s I'liis for over twenty-five years, and recom mend them in caes of chronic diarrhoea, knowing their efficiency from personal experience, they having cured when everv other medicine in pharmacy failed. The rtorganton Fair. The local editor went to the fair. very unexpectedly, but was very much pleased with her trip. The dust was terrible, but nobody seemed to mind it much, The racing was very good. The bal loon ascension on Wednesday was good, but Thursday it was splendid. Prof. Steele said he was going 4,000 feet high. The air was exactly right. and the ascent was perfect. He came down less than half a mile from where he started. We went to the Deaf and Dumb Home, but only drove around it; also went to the Insane Asylum. This is the grandest place we have ever seen. We were shown over the buildings, into the wash, sewing, ironing and dining rooms; also the kitchen, chapel and greenhouse. The very latest in vention in every line is used there and evervthiug moves like clock-work. The greenhouse, with Mr. Bush in charge, is the prettiest and most neat ly arranged thing in its line that we have ever visited. The house is new and the flowers have just been placed in it. . Morganton is a lively, business town, with,these two grand State institu tions, a large cotton factory, tannery, door and sash factory, "Sally Michael" tobacco factory, etc. We certainly expect to go up there again soon. The ieople are very kind. The Salisbury World says as a re ward or his saving the wreck of. the vestibule train last week by inform ing the agent of a misplaced switch, the Southern has given Rev. W. H. Bryant a pass over its system for flvo years. The reward is merited, for had the discovery not been made the consequences would have been disits-troils. MEOLEY. MS IFfffl A man in Kansas boasts that he owns 1,5X) badges of-secret orders. The skeleton of an average whale is said to weigh not less than 50,000 pounds. Habana is the correct name of the capital of Cuba, so says the United States board of geographical names. Chinese paper fans are sent over from Canton at the price of nine francs per thousand that is, a penny a dozen. Michigan is entering the lists as a peach growuig State. Orchards are being formed of 500, 1,000 and 10,000 trees. In this country alone the sales of bi cycles for thit year are estimated at half a million. The total number of bicycles in use is estimated at a million. A, tanning concern in Seattle has re ceived in one consignment 115 bales of deer skins, weighing 18 tons, and representing several thousand dead deer. Over 400 diamonds are knows to have ben recovered from tb ruins of Babylon. Many are uncut, but most of them are polished on one or two sides only. The supply of old powder left from the war has just been exhausted. It has been used in later years simply as saluting purposes. A new powder with little kick but a great deal of bang, will do the honors. Chicago, after all, is to have a tower higher than that built by Eiffel. It is to shoot up 1,100 feet into the air, and to cost $600,000. Many people in the Western city are said to be much hap pier since the decision as to the tower was reached. Immigration increases. In August the arrivals numbered 22,199, which is more than 9,000 increase oyer August of last year. The total for this year amounts to 212,732, as compared with 166,591 for the corresponding period last year. A Frenchman ha ing an inoome of $4,000 a year pays $1,000 of it in direct and indirect taxes to the government, according to careful investigation. In other words, the French tax-payer must work 86 days in the year solely to earn what is due to the treasury. In a cemetery in the suburbs of Lowell, Mass., there are five headstones all alike, except the inscriptions. The first one reads, "First wife of John Smith." and the second, "Second wife," and so on until the fifth stone, which reads, "John Smith; at rest at last." President Lincoln once listened pa tiently while a friend read a long man uscript to him, and who then asked: "What do you think of it ? How will it take!" The president reflected a while, and then answered: "Well, for people who like that kind of things. I think its just about the kind of thing they'd like." A little girl listening to the marriage ceremony of her sister, .seemed to be particularly impressed with that part which requires the bride to promise to "love, cherish and "obey," and after the ceremony horrified her mother by asking, "Mamma, what made Rev. Mr. make Ada promise to love cherries and whey T A refractory Irishman in jail, named Dennis McGinnis, refused to worlc. The keeper said to him: "McGinnis, you go to work or to the pump." Niver " renlied the Irishman. A sec- - s oud time the keeper ordered McGinnis to work, but he refused to budge an inch. "Now for the last time, McGin nis," exclaimed the keeper, "you go to work or to the pump." "Niver, sir," said McGinnis, straightening up to the full diguity of a man. "Faith, sir, 111 lave the jail first." The Shemwcll Case Again. Lkxixgton, N. C, Oct. 19. The county commissioners, at their last meeting, passed upon and allowed the State costs in the Shemwell case, some $3,300. The defendants costs, ordered paid by Judge Boykin, were not al lowed. The commissioners say they will not pay Shemwell's costs unless compelled to do so by law. The mat ter is now in the Superior court. nVk iw Tnrms Fleas inform your read ers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. i By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been per manently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have consumption if they wul send me their express and post offlce address. Respectfully, T. A. Slocura, M. C., The New York Sun says: "The black philosopher of Tuskegee, Prin cipal Washington, has made an inter esting remark about the Alabama Normal institute. 'At Tuskegee he says, we teach our students that it is better for them to ppend their time and strength in learning to be carpen ters, dairymen, truck gardeners, or contractors, than to spend it in. mak ing stump speeches. "As an orator. Principal Washing ton mav not rank with Demosthenes or Cicero; but there is more solid sense in him than in lots of white men. . Charlotte is to have a crematory to barn garbage. It will cost $0,000. liZro:f ana The Sooth. Whatever may be said of Col. Rob ert G. Iu&ersoll' views on the Bible, it can't be denied that he is a man of big heart and a fine enso of justice to his fellowmati. At a re-uniou of the regimeut during the war, he said in the cuurx of his addrvsvs: Chiaeve Seel f Vegetarian. The Chinese sect of the Vegeta rians, which lias recently been prom inent in the m.rsvicre of missionaries, is a formidable secret MK'iety. It was known in the Ehrhtt-enth century as the Association of the White Lotus and led to the plot against the exist- "And, let me tell ytu here today I j ig Manchu dynasty, ft was to hard am bomewhat older than I used to be; j preed bv the" authorities that it sank 1 have little philosophv now that I i it. ; i , had not at the 9 o'clock 'in the morn-! 119 uItntltJ um,"r a 1XMV na,ue' ing portion of my life and I do not 1 known the r)o Nothing party,' a blame anybody. I do not blame the ) change which 3id not deceive any South; Idoi not -blame the Confederate body. The Vegetarians are sworn t6 fruit of conditions. She was born to circumstances stronger than herself. and, do you know, according to my philosophy, which is not quite ortho dox (laughter), every man and woman in the world is what conditions have made them. So, let us have some sense. The South said; 'We will not submit, this is not a nation, but a partnerships of states.' I am willing to go so far as to admit that the South expressed the original idea of the government."" The Darlington, Wis., Journal says editorially of a popular patent medi cine: "We know from experience that Chain berlaiu's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is all that is claimed for it, as on two occasions it stopped excruciating pains and possibly saved us from an untimely grave. We would not rest easy over night with out it in the house." This remedy un doubtedly saves more pain and suffer ing than any other medicine in the world. Every family should keep it in the house, for it is sure to be need ed sooner or later. For sale by O. M. Royster, Druggist. 40-4t Hon. R. W. Lavis is a FJordi- dian who is undoubtedly well qualified to speak for the people of his State, and it is gratifying to eee him sticking to his recent statement that three-fourths of his fellow-citizens favor-the free and unlimited coinage of silver. . eat no meat and wow no colored clothes. They give their property into the cominon stock, reserving only the usufruct for their individual sup port. Not only are the members of this Lpo werfu I IkhIv the enemies of the ex isting royal family, but they are also hostile to some of the moot cherished Chinese traditions. In l$76 they spread terror in Nanking and Shang hai by cuttiufi off the pigtails of their fellow citizens, going about quietly with scissors uplheir sleeves and us ing them whenever they got an oppor tunity. As the Chinese think that they are hauled into heaven by the hair, these outrages naturally made a great stir. . v It will be easily seen that the Chi nese emperor can have no great sym pathy with the Vegetariaus. They are the old enemies of his houe. The provinical viceroys have frequently availed themselves of the services of the terrible secret society. This was probably what occurred when the missions were looted and the occu pants killed. Mr. Carlisle gets pay out of the treasury for going to Boston and telling the retired merchants and splinters of that region that the greenbacks ought to be retired. Old People. Old people who require medicine to regulate the bowels and kidneys will find the true remedy in Electric Bit ters This medicine does not stimu late and contains no whiskey nor other intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and al-. terative. It acts mildly on the stomach and bowels, adding strength and giving tone to the organs, thereby aiding Nature in the performance of the functions. Electric Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old people find it just exactly what they need. Prion fifty cents and $1 per bottle at O. M. Royster's Drug Store. 5 Exhausted Soils are made to produce larger and better crops by the O use of Fertilizers rich in Potash. Write for our " Farmers" Guide ' a 142-page illustrated book. It V- is brim full of useful Information for farmers. It will be sent free, and will make and save you money. Address, GERMAN KALI WORKS. 93 Natman Street. New York. 5 4 o e iiiidiiuiiiiiiiuiiiiuiiiiiniuiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuilllllllllllflMa Which Shall It Be ? Youn orders for High Grade Sewing Machines, Bicycles, Vehicles, Baby Carriages, etc., placed with3ocal and retail dealers with three to six middle men's profits, or with the old reliable CASH BUYERS' UNION, with only one small profit above actual factory cost. If you are a money saver there cun be no doubt as to your decision. Write to-day for one of our Illustrated ratnl.iflnip fin;! note the unannrohable bargains we are oiTerinir SO differ- S ent style Sewing Machines, ranging in price from $3.00 to SCO.OO-i-Bicycls, 3 all stvles and prices, from $10.75 to 875.00. Those of the Utter price being equl to wheels sold by agents and dealers at $125.00. Wc show 150 desims in Baby Carris" thr latest, the handsomest all new patterns, maoy direct importations. We handle everything under the sun in the VEHICLE AND HARNESS LINE. BUGGIES. CARR1AGE8. PHAE TON 3. nOAO VAGONS. CARTS. HARNESS, 8ADDLES. ETC, at 1 r:c23 out of rench of competition. . t IN PIANOS AND ORGANS wc show an endless variety, at only 10 per cent, above r.ctual co-.t to build. In writing for cata logues, state which to send, as we have a spe cial catalogue for ea h line. Address in full CASH BUYERS' UNION, C &S6. 159.161 W. Yen Baren St.. CHICAGO. ICL. nnnitniTfiuniiHiinniTfTniTiiWiiiirinncibmiTrTTTTTnirunHiMiiininrrrTTTrTTTm TTT5 Uses Mexican Mustang Liniment Sprain cured and crutches thrown away. Bad Gall on his horse's neck cured in 3 days. DraiiAM, N. C, Jan, II, Lyrjn Mf.j. Co., EmrAljn. .V 1 Gvnttnt-n: For fAU-en ; rr I have uh1 Mexican Mustang Liniment, n i I ct vUler It the tet lini ment on earth ; I am tiTtr without it. I recently ur I it on a Lad gall on my j'jrw'i neck and it cum! it la three day. I k L ai . a lad iraia In my and Lad to U' crntrhe ff ral a. A n a I l-an to us MuOans Unim at I felt relief, and in a few day wa ectirvly w-U. I : m aiuii-ni it to any ooilin a liniment f.r Lorv -jt f.r elf, with cmillli that tlwv win jr t tLeir x on-r- worth. Vocrs, JNO. R. HUTCHINC5. Of Carrinston Huterur-gx 1Wtv.d am4 Wa . 1 kJ-Ja Tlr fl. H "T I W ' I IS " a. W . m 4 f f