HiOKOKY PBS8S: NOVEMBER 7, 1895. rc am! arolminn. ra E I'RKSS A.VD CAROLINIAN 1 lesuedeTerj rainJar bj The Hickory Printlcg Company. Entered at the Post Office 1b Hickory. North arollna. aa Mcosd d&aa matter. TERMS OT SUBSCRIPTION: MAUCELLUS E. THOIiXTOX, EDITOR. One Year Si.x MonthnJ . Three Month $ 00 GO 35 WHAT WILL WE DRiNK. ANYHOW. The Holy Bible in some "Book, Chapter and passage which seems not entirely familiar to the gen eral public recites that the aver age of man is or should be at this Period of Time, four score years and ten. Now if a "score" is twenty years, four score and ten years would aggreaU 70 years. That is 'what Keliegabulus said, in writing- of bis friend the Phone cian, who hit him with a brick bat, or small sized cobble stone, or Belgian block. When Adam and Methuselah lived andregided in the deserts of the far off effete East or Orient they were of neces sity compelled or forced to lire a long period of time in order to be able to comply with the Scripture -wherein it saith in one place if not sundry places, "multiply and replenish the earth1 Four score years and ten would have afforded those old chaps very little time in which to accomplish the' object. Ashe world progressed and in creased in population Time be came more valuable as well as land and people got to livin faster than their religion would admit of and hence from 969 year we have the term of four score and ten yean. Very few people, especially gdod people, such as us, omr friend John and his wife and our no my wife, us four and no more care to live much longer than the four and no more care to lire much longer than the four score and ten year; and why? Because after that time we be come a burden, not only to our friends and family, but also to ourselves. We do not know this from experience, but have seen it exemplified. -Hence, anything that tends to alleviate human suf fering has our sympathy and com mendation. That is to make life oasy up to the Scriptural limit, with a margin beyond for not havingbeen too good so us to give good meetf for repentance. Down in Atlanta recently they got after the Dairymen and actu ally imposed fines in court upon them for watering sweet milk. Two or three days afterwards the main pipe of the water works busted and left the city without water works water. The milk was worse than ever and two peo ple died from its effects. They are now talking of starting a milk pipe line: But a red headed doctor chips fn with the state ment that there is no material of which they can make a pipe line but which would operate to pro duce a corrosive adhesion of the animalcula to the pipe line and they would deteriote as old ace crept on and would cause a steneh as well as nausea and consequent sickness and premature death. You see you cannot tell how these things are going unless you have a regular physician to tell you after diagnsoing your case. Now here we have the N. Y. Herald, a regular thorough bredin some things quoting the following from a French med ical journal in the report of a lecture. From it we can see at least two years knocked out of ourlongevity from the use of sim ple plain pure coffee three tinies a day. . And it is good coffee too, the best to be had in this coun try. It says: "Coffee dyspepsia resembles al coholic gastritis mucus vomit ting in the morning; pain in the pit of stomach irradiating to the back; furry tongue and distaste for meat and solid food. At j more pronounced degree there is nausea ana even vomiting- 01 food, sour regurgitation, finally cachexy. Unlike alcohol, how ever, coffee produces neither Woody vomitting nor motions, and especially no ulceration of the stomach. The circulatory apparatus is also unfavorably affected by tonic intoxication by coffee. Palpita tions are rare. It is rather a slowing up of the pulse that is noticed: Sleep disappeais or is accom panied by terrifying dreams. In an upright position the patient complains of a sensation or vacum in the head and often vertigo. At this period of intox ication there is very marked trembling of the upper and lower limbs, and ' also the tremb ling of the lips that may spread to all the muscles of the face and the tongue. Painful cramps al so make their appearence in the muscular masses of the calf and thigh, particularly at night, pre venting sleep." The slight allusion to gastritis strikes our case in hand. It is produced in lhesame manner and from Catarrh of the head follow- I ing to the thorax and super- iundcing Catarrh of the stomach with all of the disastrous con comitant results stated above. The fact is more people are dying from Catarrh than from any other disease; and whiskey or poor brandy is producing more catarrh than any other cause. This is all we have to say on the subject. Study the question for yourself. Let's shake and quit using coffee in any form,. Only twice a day. Three, times are too many. . But what will we drink? The Morganton Herald has just changed ownership! Mr. William C. Ervin, the clever" genial gen tleman and erudite editor has sold out to Mr. T. G. Cobb, Who has been with the ' Herald from , - the first and was formerly. the owner of the Star a much valued paper. Mr. Cobb is the son of Mr. "R. A. Cobb the publisher of the Morgahton Populist and who was the Populist candidate at the last election for Lieutenant Gov ernor. Mr. T. G. Cobb, the ,new owner of the Herald, is a good printer and a. first class business young man. We believe he will increase the prestige and busi ness of the Herald. It takes a good business man, and Mr. Cobb knows that he is the business man and not the Editor. He is the son-in-law of our neighbor and friend Robt. N. Kincaid, Esq. near Bridge water. We wish Mr. Cobb and the Herald abundant success. No doubt many people and es pecially persons who are readers of the Phess and Carolinian have heard of tbe sweet and oft repeat ed song of church people on a Sunday morning, beginning: 440h for a thousand tongues to sing,' and the other one; "Oh, for a voice to praise," etc. You certaimly have heard of the little boy who started down the street accompanied by his dog, and he, (not the dog,) stopped to eat some green per simmons, and when his dog ran ahead of him and he tried to whis tle to the dog, the boy yelled out 'to the crowd, "I'll bet a dollar I lose that dog; cause I cant whis tle." - That is us. We 'cant -whistle: and the dog's got to go. We have had several decidedly flattering encomiums passed up on our local article in the Pbess and Carolinian last week in re gard to the DAnna Thompson and little child Hugh D'Anna matter. The ladies say we recited facts without being unpleasant. A SURE THING. How You Can Get Kid of That j , Catarrh That Bothers You! Have you got Catarrh? If you have not, you are a lucky man. At least ! erery third man has it. If you have got catarrh, what are you going to do about it! Are you going to continue and hawk, and spit, and snuff, and choke, and sneeze, and cough, and do all the other disagreeable things that catarrh patients are obliged to do? There is no use of this. You can get cured if you want to. This is the way: The first thing you want to do is to get a bottle of Pe-ru-na, take a tea spoonful before each meal and at bed time. Gradually increase this dose at the end of one month you are taking a tablespoonful at each dose. If you are not well at the end of that time sit down and write Dr. Hartman, of Columbus, Ohio, a letter, just give the facts, and you will receive a prompt answer, which will tell you exactly what to do further. Be sure;J to write Dr. Hartman before quitting! the treatment. Every family ought to have a copy of the Pe-ru-na Almanac. Ask your druggist for one. Look here! By jings here is an editorial in the Shelby Aurora of Thursday (afternoon) August 8th, 1895, W. H. Miller.editorand proprietor. We suppose he is correct or that is,somebody is, in all these assertions. Any w.ay he says: "Wanted a Leader." Then he proceeds at some length to say we have no leader and we need a leader. That is to say, us, that is, the Democratic party. We do not care whether we are the fag end or the front end; it is all the, same to us personally. However, this editorial of the es teemed and. we may also add with much unction highly prized and these latter words snould be in Roman capitals contempo rary, strike us as being a fit (no, not fit; what is fit?) subject 'for argument. Thus, to make the thing. empha tic the Aurora desires' a LeaderMl a ieaaer ior tne jjemocratic party of orthCarolina. By Jove! It does strike us- between the nose, eyes and ears that the Democrat: ic party of North Carolina does need a lpader and a. leader who can lead and win. We are disgustingly disgusted with the new schedule arrange ment of the Southern Railway whereby the train from Salisbury which was designated the "ves tibule" has been discontinued. It was a good train and a good arrangement and was building up a lot of business on this section or diyison for the Southern Rail way Company. But of course if it does not pay them to run this train then they are right in dis continuing it. But there is this to say about it, Hon. John S. Henderson, as Chairman of the Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads did more than his ac tion justifies. There may be a rectification or a cutting off. Our friend from Morganton Samuel J. Ervin, Esq., the es teemed and distinguished attor ney at law of Morganton, of whom wo think he is the best in the state, got our fees, etc., but that is all right. He came down here to Hickory. Well, that's all right. We are solid for him forjudge of this circuit next time and when we sefour heads two ox Yearns can't beat us. HOW TO MAKE A FORTUNE $100.00 for every $10.00 invested can b made by our new SYSTEMATIC PLAN OF SPECULATION $10.00 and more made daily on small investments, bv many persons who live away from Chicago. All we ask is to investigate our new and original methods. Past workings of plan and highest references fur nished. Our Booklet "Points & Hintsn how to make money even when on the wrong side of the market and other information sent FREE. GILMOKE JH CO.. Banker and Brokers. Open Board ol Trade Bldg.. Chicago, UL THE MAN ABOUT TOWN, OXE DOG Wmi'tACH TICKKT. Speaking about Western beer sa loons having signs reading one boiled egg with each glass except a schooner," ; is somewhat a reminder of,th follow- ing which has just been issued as aj bulletin hv tha Southern Railway for I the benefit of the hundreds of gentle men who come from the North every winter to hunt birds. The Eaitern Field Trial Club have their meets in this, Catawba county,-near Newton. The bulletin is as follows: "Dogs be longing to hunters or sportsmen will be carried in their baggage cars free when accompanied by owners, only one dog free for eath ticket. When dogs are in crates or cages they will be charged for at excess Baggage rates. Persons wishing to travel with their dogs would do well to bear this in mind." A North Carolina court decides that to hold the hand of an unmarried fe male for an hour, squeezing the same now and then, is equivalent to a pro posal of marriage, whether either par ty says a word or not. Great Jerusa lem! What a narrow escape we had. "After you," politely remarked the undertaker, as he met the doctor at the door with crape on it. That is, the door. But the door had the best of it. Any undertaker who goe;s after a doctor is not fit for the business. Doctors are more up to snuff. I - The erudite but unindicted Tattler of the Louisville Times makes some "pinted," pithy and pertinent remarks which we herewith transcribe for the electrification and dedification of the very chosen few: "The recent earth quake shook the statue of modesty from its pedestal andf chased its blushes into the nothingness' of the nowhere. One party of men and wo men in a boarding-house rushed down stairs in their night gear and clung to gether after a nothing-shall-part-us fashion brought about by fright. Fi nallyoneof the men suddenly real ized that his costume was not exactly a full dress affair, so he hurriedly rushed upstairs and came down again with a largn diamond pin fastened on the front of his night shirt. It was only too evident that his ideas had gone wool gathering and he fancied that the pin was all that was necessary, to gi r e hJ m a f u 1 J -d ressed ap pearance. The ladies were more badly frightened than the men and did not care a conti nental for dress. Figures which were supposed irreproachable were found to have lied sadly, .and when finally gentleman who had been out to see what harm had been done came in, they pranced up to hiin, 7 extended their hands and exclaimed Oh, Mr. Hello; oh, dear Mr.' Hello, do tell us what we shall do?" r "Well, ladies," replied that gentle man as he eyed them narrowly, I would advise you to go and put on some clothes." They went. Say Jenks, do you see that man driving that team with a load of shin gles? said Mr. de Salol. Jenks : Yes, sir; 1 see him and he looks like a fine gentleman." Mr. de Salol : That is the gisin and the gusm oj the whole business, Jenks. Looks and business are all right in their line. Shakespeare said: "Put raiment on thy back," or something like that. But said he more specifi cally, "Dress according as thy purse will allow." No, he put it different. But you catch the idea. Jenks: Never caught anything in my life. Always had to work hard. Don't come any shenannigan over my poor week bones and soul. Mrrde Salol: But Jenks, you are like the man with the fly in the rat trap: Keep him when you can. ' Jenks: Durn yon and your flies and all the rats I ever saw. Mr. de Salol: Just so Jenks: Bon Swoir. Fast Sent hern Train. Chicago, Nov. 3. The fastest train ever made between the North and South by a railroad was inaugurated today. The limited train leaving Chi cago this afternoon at 5:10 over the Chicago and Eastern Illinois had the honor of initiating the record break ing. It will reach Atlanta tomorrow at 4 p. m.t making the running time 22 hours and 53 minutes This, ac cording to General Agent Stone, will be the regular standard hereafter. The change thus started, it is said, is the beginning of a practical revolu tion in the operation of southern rail way lines, inevitably involviug a vast net work of roads and emphasizing the recent break up of the Mason and Dixon line in transportation matters. OKIE CIGARETTES rS W.Du ke Sons & CxTV 'K -rTKCAMERJCW T0SACCS CiTr!. If DURHAM. KC U.S.A. Vl- MADE FROM High Grade Tobacco ABSOLUTELY PURE TWO FOR ONE. Send for free sample and jmle thertbv THE PHESS AND CAROLINIAN -AND CINCINNATI WEEKLY ENQUIRER, " Both one year for only $l.2o. The Enquirer is a 9-coluimi, pau paper, issued each Thurdaj. Largest in size, cheapest in pric, most reliable in ne, all lare type, plain print, good white pajH-r. If our readers want another live pier. the Enquirer is that paper. Call or send orders to Press and Carolinian, HM hickory,. N.C. - CHESTER & LENOIR RAILROAD CO. Schedule In effect from and afier Oct. 13. 1S85. Central Time Standard. Colas North. No. 10. No. 60. Le re Chester, 8. C. 7.20 am 7.50 m Lowrysrllle, S. C. 7.49 am 8.25 a " McConneiLirille.S.i;. 8.00 a iu 8.30 a GuthiienTllle, S C. .8.12am 9.05 a n " Yorkrille. H. C. SJM a m 10.05 a n " CloYer. S. C. .llam - 10.50a n " Gaatouia, N. C. 9.50 am lllOaa Dallas. N.C 10.05am irstpa - Llocolattin, N. C. 11.05 am lJOpn " Newton. N. C, 11.54 am 3.ipn " Hick any. S. C. 12.30 p m SOOpa ArriTe Lenoir, N. C. 1.33 p m .140 pa Qalng South. No. 61. N. f. Jeaye Lenoir, N, C, 5.00am 3.25pm Hickorj.N. C. 0.42am" 4j0pa Newton, C. 8.10 am 3.(Npm ' Lineolnton. N. C. y.SO an ' 355 p a - Dalian. H. U. 11.06 am MS pa - Gaatonla. N. C. 12 06 p ra -5 p a t'lorer. , l.vjp n IX pa " Yorkville. d.O. 2.25 p ta 8.11 pa - UuthrleeYl le. S. C. 2.53 p m 8JBp M Mci-onnel)aTl)le.S.C SoMp m Ml p " Lowr.Yrilli-, H C. 3.30 pra 8JM p a Arrlre Chester, . C. 4.10 p j 9.29 pa Trains Noa. 9 and 10 are first tliM. aad rst dailT except Monday. Trains o. 60 aad caxr.r paaaengera and also run dlly except 8a daj. There U Ool connection at Cheater wlti the C.C.N AN., and the C.T. 4 A.; alo t Uastonla with tbe A & 0. A. L.: at Llncolntoi with tb? C. C; and at Hickorj and Kestoi wlta thw W. N CJ L.. T. Nic'ho', a. Hup't. O. W, K. Haipbi. Pre. Cheater, H C. Lenou.S.C Earthquake at Port Townsend, Wash., Sov. 3. The 8ChoonerMary Kupne, from AU ka, reports experiencing a severe earthquake at aea October 24. Tbe captain tfa in the ringing and tbew vras binooth as jlas when the vel began to shake violently, every tiiaber creaking and the sea became greatly agitated. The vibrations latfd two minutes. On the .following, dy tb schooner passed through an area of apparently muddy water. SIMMONS XREGULATOR GOOD FOR EVERYBODY and everyone needs it at all times c tr year. Malaria is always about, anJ only preventive and relief is to Keep Liver active. You must help the Liver a . and the best helper is the O! J Fnen MONS LIVER REGULATOR, the FED II- 11: X .4 I or-. -K says: "SIMMONS LIVER RECtLA broke a case of Malarial Fever 01 years' standing for me, anJ one bottle did the business. I it when in need, and recommend it the RED Z on the package. AV,H! x . t A Dc-iiri lTDR. 1 i5 " tse sure uiai you gci iu -. mons Liver Regulator, t--; only one, and every one who , sure to be-benefited. THE BE.t . . . .. -r-t it l! IJ ALL IN THE RtmtUi. vh Biliousness and Sick Headache caused by a sluggish Liver. , y