Carolinian. 'if. v HE rCKORlT hRlNTING COMPANY Hickory. North Carolina. f KEI E C i.'AMBLE, LOCAL EDITOB. . r , t yoor abcr1pttoa Inpm. Yr . 4 ..... ..: ! wxpir-. witb tha flat after jou - ... ----- .JKIW ALL CoUMUK10ATlOS BcaiNt, i.tTTRit To ' y , t ' Ku K Y PRINTLN Q COMPAQ ; . HICKOBT.N. a Local Advertising Rates. ,H"; ufernents inserted In local columns at j,v ,.-r lin for first insertion; 7Vc per line for ..ufiit ana continuous insertions. - f'r display advertisements will be far " upon application. t Local Items in Brief. Thermometers at Royster's. 41-3 Mr. L. P. Henkle of Lenoir is in our .city with a drove of horses. Mr. H. L. Moore is attending the Atlanta Exposition this week. Hon. L. R. Whitener was at Mor ganton yesterday and today. ' See J. C. Martin's $1.00 umbrellas. Prof. S. D'Anna returned last Sat urday to Lexington, Ky. f Mr. T. L. Angus, a Richmond drum mer, was in town last Saturday. Fresh corned Mullets received from coat each week by Geo. W. Hall. Mr. William M. Dickson, Piedmonts well-known drummer, was in town Mr. A. A. Shuford and little daugh ter, Mary Campbell, were in Granite Tuesday. Ship your chickenR, eggs and butter by express. Several mountain wagons were in town last week and cabbage, apples and chestnuts plentiful. Prof. C. F. McKesson of Morganton passed through our city last week on his return from Statesville. Paints and Oils cheap at Shuford Hardware Co. Contractor J. D. Elliott sent a crew of men to Pelzer, S. C, Monday even ing to build a depot. v , Messrs. M. L. Cline and Ed. B. Cline have gone to the Exposition. They will be away about a week. Boys' $2.00 suits at the White Front. 43tf Mr. Louis Hutchison, of Charlotte, was in our city several days last week visiting Mr. H. D. Abernethy. x Mrs. A. H. Crowell returned last Saturday from Raleigh. Know she had a nice visit, for she always does. Rev. J. L. Murphy will begin a pro tracted service next Sunday night at iirace church, to continue through the "wek. New goods arriving daily at Flan nagan's. Rev. R. G. Pearson, the noted Evan gelist, was in our city short while last Friday. He is remembered here with great pleasure. Misses Annie Stuart and Louise Ab tmethy left last Friday evening for the Atlanta Exposition. They will be away a week. Gold and Fountain pens for sale at Mrs. E. L. ' Shuford has returned from a visit to her mother in Ac worth, Ga. While there she attended the Ex Iosition. Miss Efhe Whitener of South Fork neighborhood was here several days lat week visiting her cousin, Mrs. J. 1). Pope. . Select your - childrens head gear from J. C. Martin's show window. 43 Dr. Earl Baker's family left Wednes day for their new home in Plum tree. We hope 'they will be pleased w ith their change. Misses Harper and Beail of Lenoir were in town Tuesday. Mr. ueorge Harper came down on his wheel and went back on the train. - fiiwli fnm -v --n1 II rT nt. IT. T i . Moore's. 45tf We had the pleasure of meeting for - i nunc iasi x iiuuji - - Xormeut, of Charleston, S. Q. He as formerly a student of the Barnes school in Lenoir. - Gunpowder and Young Hyson Tea, pulverized, crystalized aud coffee "A" ugar. Mullet;, Herrings and shredded Codfish, Cream Cheese, Mh son's Crack ers at Geo. W. Hall's. fJ?I!nn?n youTi corn and exchange for clothing at th,e White Front, The Southern Exppress Company under the management of the new agent here, Mr. Frank Flan j livers all express matter free of cost. Large line Stationery always on hand at Roysters Drugstore. 41-3 Isn't the window in the White Front a beauty. Mr. Martin certainly under stands his business and knows how to make surroundings attractive. Eggs, chickens and butter wanted at H. L. Moore's. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Welch, of New York, were in town last wp1c Mr Welch is a produce dealer and was nere in the interest of bis business Boys' and children's leggings in all eraues ana colors at the White Front Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Sigmon are in our city visiting relatives. Mr. Sis mon leaves in a few days for S. C. to resume work there. Mrs. Sigmon will be here several weeks. Cloaks! Cloaks!! Cloaks!!! New lot or ladies Cloaks and Capes received io aay at Bowies a? Doll. 45 tf Our postmaster requests us to say i . . . y ..... r mac trie luau will not be opened on Sundays immediately after the arrival of tram, bukas soon as services in the churches are concluded. Reduced prices on carpet. Just think of a carpet one yard wide at 12$ cents. . rj. & J. E. HAITHCOCK. Mrs. G. H. Geitner, liss Susie Shu ford and Mr. Shuford Whitener re turned Sunday night from the Expo sition. Miss Mary Cline, of Newton, was in the party. All enjoyed it very much. Glass and Tableware in stock by Geo. W. Hall Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Menzies and Master Kenneth, left th$ city Tuesday evening for Salisbury! Mr. Menzies goes from there to Atlanta. Mrs. Menzies will be in Salisbury with friends several weeks. J. C. Martin's new neck-wear is the finest ever exhibited in this country. Mr. J. R. Crawford is here now as night operator at the depot. Mr. W. X. Reid hasohe to Atlanta and from there to California. He will be away about two weeks. . Mr. J B. Young the repent night operator is now day man. , Mince meat, pickles, currants, cocoa nuts, raisins, just arrived at Bost & Go's. 44-2t. Mrs. Mary Nesbit and daughters and Mrs. Sallie Horton have moved to Burdette, hear, Charlotte. We are sorry to lose these ladies and hope they will change their minds about staying away from Hickory and soon return. 100 different oatterns of Mackintosh Cape coat at J. C. Martin's. 43tf f T- t-1 'lU 1 ill r. Jul- OUlJUJ uaseevercu uiswu- nect ions with E. L. Shuford and re turned- to' his home in Reidsville, where he will resume his business of farming. We are sorry Mr. Smith has gone and hope he will be successful at his business. Nice line Toilet Soaps at Roysters Drugstore. 41-3 During the absence of Mr. W. X. Reid. Mrs. Reid will visit her sister, Mrs. Johnston, in Washington City, and an aunt in Winston. She left Tqesday night for Washington. Mr. Reid will probably be absent two months, going to California and other places. Kalsomine, wall paper, oil, paints and varnishes at Royster's Drug Store. The mayor of our city, Joseph D. Elliott, Esq., is now wearing a new hat. presented to him by the clever city-attorney, Col. M. E. Thornton, while in Atlauta. The Col. it seems did not admire the cowboy hat the mayor wore, hence the change. Keep it in mind we are always in the lead for low prices in Dry Goods, ... . . I. Clothing, ttc. jan.anu see u.s 4G-2t Killiax & Clink. A party of eleven persons from Mor ganton passed through our city Tues day evening on their way to Atlanta Exposition. Messrs. M. M. Bost and Walter Forney, of the firm of Forney & Co., W Morganton, were in the cri wU, also Miss Julia Forney. They expect to stay a week. For Sale CHEAr! Granite Falls Academy, Granite Falls N. C. tor particulars address, Jxo. Hokk. 44 tf. Granite Falls N. C. Salisbury Herald says: R. L. Simp sou, who has been to Lancaster, S. C, in answer to a telegram stating that his little girl was very sick, returned home this morning. We are sorry to learn that she died shortly after he reached there," Mr. Simpson was here a short while in the express of fice and was very polite to all and we are sorry to hear of his affliction. HiUKOHY J?KESS: NCVELIBER 7, loH5. Slaughtering the prices of Baby car riages. An elegant silk brocade, fancv rattan body $20 carria-e for $10.5(1 Other renl carriages 3.yj. ? and 3. E. & J. E. Haitiicock. 4T-t! Hh-knrv V CI ! Mr. E. M. Stevenson, of Taylors. ville, and Mrs. Annie Curtis, of Dex ; ter, Maine, were in our city Monday. They went from here to Salisbury. ; They have many friends here who will be sorry they made such a short visit. Because I make my own material and am au eiperienced and quick workman, consuming 4es tim th3n others of my profession, I will repair 51 j tiur wainn, ciocKS ana jewelry at 20 per cent, less man otnerscharge. J. Walters, 32 Cm At Allen & Leonard's store. Miss Annie Curtis, of Maine who is very pleasantly remembered here as Mrs. Veile is in North Carolina. She is now with her sister, Mrs. E. M. Ste venson, in Taylorsville. She expects to visit Hickory before she returns North. Her friends here will be pleased to know this. For Sale Cheap for Cash or ap proved security One 20 horse-power Erie City Stationary engine and toil er; 1 Tar Heel Planer and Matcher; 1 Shingle mill (Lowe's Patent) and Saw mill complete, all in first-class running order. For particulars apply to A. D. Joxes, Granite Falls. N. C. 24 Cm Monday morning the work train was on the main track near Conelly Springs. The engineer went to the tank not more than 300 yards away to get a supply of water and when re turning, he was unable to manage the brakes' and ran into the cars. Capt. Simson, the conductor, was standing at a window and the sudden jar threw him against the window breaking it and cutting his head in several places with glass. The engine and caboose came here and Dr. Baker cared for the wounded man. They stayed here till late evening and left for Salisbury. We are glad the affair it no worse. A charming residence of two tories, delightfully situated in North East Hickory and elegautly furnished, will be rented to a good tenant who will take care of the house and furnishings, very cheap for the winter, and prob ably longer. The owner, a widow la dy, is absent in the East. For infor mation and terms apply to - 44 3t M. E. Thornton. Last Friday night there was a local disturbance in Hickory which amoun ted to almost a serious riot. A colored woman, Cora Dyke, became jealous of the attentions paid by her husband to Josephine Ferguson. -She started out in pursuit of the inamorata, and iind ing her made an attempt at assault, whereupon there was a general getting together as it were, and when the smoke of battle had cleared' away Cora was found to be severely wound ed in the shoulder. There was a knife slit across her shoulder extending from the left breast ,bone over the shoulder near the neck and jugular vein to the rear and under the shoul der, almost severing the entire arm from the body. v It is thought by the doctor that amputation will be neces sary and in which event death may ensue. There was a trial of the case before his Honor, Mayor J. D. Elliott, and he placed the woman under a bond of $200 to appear at Superior court at Newton next term, which band she was unable to furnish and she was therefore sent to jail. ITVOUS People should realize that the only true and permanent cure for their condition is to be found in having Pure Blood Because the health of every organ and tissue of the body depends upon the purity of the blood. The whole world knows the standard blood purifier is Sarsaparilla And therefore it is the only true and reliable medicine for nervous people. It makes the blood pure and healthy, and thus cures nervousness, makes the nerves firm and strong, gives sweet sleep, mental vigor, a good appetite, perfect digestion. It does all this, and cures Scrofula, Eczema, or Salt Rheum and all other blood diseases, because it Makes pyire flood Results prove every word we have said. Thousands of voluntary testi monials fully establish the fact that - Be Sure TUreS to Get' Hood s J "I have taen Hood's BarsaparillA f cr scrofula and the result is that I am Trmanentiy curea." cxaudb is. boVsoy, Richie C it, West Virginia. Hood's Pills cure all Urer Els, cons tip. toabUioai&ess. ilckneidxehe. tndlsestloa.Se, Mcirs 1 Highest cf in Lcarair-i Power. Latest U.a Gov't Report MM AisssEjy'EEmx pure Hickort I Arrivals: L. Whit ney Wood, A. H. Avant. E. P. Rile, T. M. Gale, Richmond, Va; E. Hen ing Smith. T. L. Angus. T. B Har rison. Peterbug. Va; W. H. Stuyre, P. A. Welch and wife. New York;" T. O. Walton, N. C; Chas. A. Moore, Asheville. N. C; L. P. McLoud, Richmond Pearson, J. L. C. Bird, Marion, N. C; A. Brafman. Haiti more, Md; J. 11. Mallard, Wijrninjr ton, N. C; Goodwin Lee, St. Louis; Bloit, Litchfield, Conn; T. C. Man ning, Knoxville, Teun; W. G. Thompson, Lynchburg, Va; C. . Vance, Black Mountain, N. C; W. S. Pearson, Morganton. N. C; E. P. Mc Kissiek, Asheville, N. C; J. , O. Harrison, N. C; W. H. Braddock, W. Va; R. J. Stenson, Rochester, N. Y; J. G. Utterback, A. Hammond, St. Louis. Do You Want a Sewing Machin? We have one of the celebrated White Sewing Machines at our disposal. Ev erybody knoHs this is the most per fect machine in the world exceeds all others in points of excellence. A full set of attachments goes with the ma chine. This is a $43 machine brand new; $25 will buy it NOW. If you want it speak quick. Write or call and see us. Press and Carolinian. Oktahama tha Boomer. Oklahoma was opened to settlement only about half a dozen years ago and now the population of the Territory is estimated at 275,000, and the taxable valuation amounts to over $40,000,000. There are six States in the Union that had less population in 1890 than Okla homa has now. They are Delaware, Idaho, Montana, Neruda, North Da kota and Wyoming. And Oklahoma has now more population than Mon tana, Nevada and Wyoming com bined had in 1800. Of all the " tongues and peoples that have appeared on our earth none of them can equal the Americans in the building of a State. Oration to Oooeral Oordon. General and Senator John B. Gor don, of Georgia, delivered his celebra ted lecture in Indianapolis. Ind., last Friday night to a very large audience in "airmail hall. He was Introduced by ex-Senator and ex-President Benj: Harrison in some very highly compli mentary remarks, which at once brought the audience en raport with the distinguished speaker. . At the close of Gen. Gordon's lec ture he was given an ovation.. As Ed mund Kean would express it, the pit rpse to him. Nowhere in his tour, North or South, was he better re ceived. A promise was exacted from him to return at an early day and re peat the lectsre in a larger hall. In an interview Gen. Gordon stated that he had. been asked to consent to the use of his recent Chickamauga ad dress as a reading lesson in a school book to be used in the schools of New England. Where did Gordon get his idea with Grady of being so liberal in views? With two little children subject to croup we do not rest easy without a bottle of Chamberlain euougu ueineay in the house, for the most severe at tacks oaicklv succumb to a few doses of it. Morrison, Colo., Bud, For sale at 2. and 50 cents per bottle by O. M. Royster, Druggist. 4U-u TWO OF TBI BIST BflfflS I TB pit "ifiichorii i(im," olJL Ca0H7T9 iTa C AX ALL-YEAR-ROUND RESORT. ALTITUDE 1400 Fl. The "INN" is built of brick, btooo and iron, is lighted by eras and electricity, and has all tho conveniences of a modem homo. Oar climate is specially recommended for the cure of Insomnia ami af fords almost instant relief to sufferers from Asthina and Bronchitis. hc otel Hjcrhclcji, Ains7ixx3, n. c. EQUALLY ADAPTED FOR TOU1UHT AND COMMERCIAL TJIAVEL. Location central, handsomely famished, steam heat and electric lights in every room. The BERKELEY is up to date, in all iU ap pointments. Rates $2.00 to $3.00 per day. FRANK?- LOUGHRAN, Proprietor. n . o frTs n 1NUUCKU A St Ml-PANIC Diaqa-atiaz Politic! Ramar Affect tb Lo . don Marktt. London, Nov. 3. The disquieting political rniuors during the p&jt week, which under normal conditions would have been tdily dissipated have un der the scare produced by the mining collapse, induced a semi-panic in every direction. Inside revealing unexpect ed weakne-s in Paris and Constanti nople where there has evidently been extensive wild speculation in mining shares. All the markets here have suffered more or less, the wort being mining, foreigners and Americana. After Fridays holiday the stock mar ket re-opened in a better toue and with an appreciable advance iu prices, which would have been greater but for the Moratorium declared at Con stantinople. The American market under the In fluence of the Reading reorganization continues in a depressed condition. During the week Reading firsts lost 4 1-2; Louisville and Nashville 2 1-4; Norfolk and WVstern 1 1-4 and Grand Trunk preferred 1. Total Amount of the Colaajra During the Month of October. Washington, Nov 1. The month ly coinage statement shows the coin age executed at the United States mints during the mouth of October to have been as follows: Gold'$7,2l,700, silver $820,000, one cent pieces $23,500; total coinage, $3,059,200. Oen. Oordon and Oen. Harrtaoa. s At Indiauapolis last Friday night Gen. John B. Gordon, known in the struggle before Richmond in tho dark days just preceding the fall of that capital as "Lee's Right Arm,w deliv ered his lecture, "The Last Days of the Confederacy. He was introduced to the audience by ex-President Ben jamin Harrison in an admirable ad dress breathing patriotism, union and amity. Not since Horace Greeley has there appeared any man who proved the equal of Harrison in composing short addresses. Their language la the most choice and their temper ad mirable in every particular. His trip across the continent when be was President necessitated that he should make numerous speeches, and they excited the admiration of even bis po litical enemies. Blaine was a capital hand at that business, but he was in ferior to Harrison, so is Depew; so is Ingersoll; so is James E. Campbell. If Harrison was less austere in manner his transcendent abilities would be more generally recognized than they are. . ' j Ouckieii's Arnica Halve. Ihe best alve in the world for Cuts, BruUes, bores, Ulcers, bait Rheum, Fever rSore. Tetter Chapped Hand, Chilblains Corns, and U Skin Eruptions, and posl ively cure Piles, or n pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect aatisf action or money refunded. For sale by O. II: Royster. Druggist. sep3,92 ly Notice! flaring qnaMfld aa Execotor of tba a ill of Eaton Uattbcuck. dacraard. I brby notify ail peroaa baring- elaltna agalnat tba atata of tny Mtstor topmat tba to ma oa or bafora 1b 1Mb day of Octotar. I'd, and pvrtoBi la drbtcd to tba aald ratata will mkt Mttlrmttt with id. Iatd tbla Otobrr 17tfc. E. B. Clixk. J. C IJaitkwc. ; Attorney. 42-Ct Exec o lor. SOUTH.

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