3 t&tt Library LARGEST f;iUUULATION WE ARE PREPARED IM I I! I in'thb county, fl any r a Pint 1 ft CHROMATIC PRINTING IN COLORS. 7GLUME 26. . HICKORY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1895. HMBEIM5 i- 1 "i ""aaa - .... rm w ir I I I . Judk'e Cable gave his decision la the penitentiary case against the Fusion appointees. An appeal will be taken to the Supreme court. It is said three Virginia oyster barges are dredging oysters in North Carolina waters. It i some time since thee pirates gave any trouble." Only 3,119 votes were cast in the entire county of Wake on the road law question and 2,258 were against it. This looks very much as if the agita tion for good. roads was a futile affair. At Pilot Mountain, a few nights ago, Sir. Daniel Marion's tobacco factory, with much manufactured tobacco, was burned. The insurance on the stock is $0,800; on the building, $800. The loss is not known. There is not a dollar in the Durham county treasury. This bad state of affairs is said to be due to the register of deeds, who has got the tax books in such a muddle that the sheriff can not collect the taxes. The executive committee of the State Alliance, which has been looking for a suitable site for the Alliance shoe fac tory, has made its tour of inspection, met, discussed the offers and finally adjourned without making any de cision. At Mount Holly Dr. McNary and Mr. Stokes had a difficulty, from winch trouble is feared. Dr. McNary, while visiting a young lady, heard, gome one at the window, and upon go in out a man began to fire upon him.. He accused his rival, .-Mr. Stokes, of the deed, which he denies. The News and Observer says and in which all join in the commendation: Mr. Chas. F. McKesson announces in well chosen words his introduction in to journalism as one of the editors of the Moranton Herald. He has talent and loves -Burke;... These; :two Tequi- fcites can command, big success.," The Supreme court has decided that the famous Arrington investigating -committee -was not properly constitu ted and not entitled to pay. " The de cision sustains Treasurer Worth, who refused to cash the last warrants is sued to the committee. They were paid mileage and per ; diem fo their first sitting. C The Chapel Hill correspondent of the Charlotte Observer states the .fol lowing: Your correspondent is in formed by the business manager that the University Magazine Will not ap pear again under the present organiza tion. It is to turn over a new leaf, and will in the future be conducted by the students alone, most probably. The general opinion is hat more con tributions must be supplied by under graduates. "My God Abernethy" would be &s mild exclamation for Senator Vance if he were alive, after reading the pro ceedings of the trials of the Abernethy professors in Morgauton. One of thee professors wrote a book once with the title "The Heil, You Say", and was reported to have in prepara tion another, "In the Devil of a Fix". It seems that the titles of these novels are to have a personal application. Kaleigh News and Observer. The Marion Record under the head of "A New Party," says editorially: The Record has the information, how ever reliable it may, that there is a very decided movement on foot among the silver men in the State toward the organization of a new political party, whose platform shall contain only one plank, the free coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1. The only test of par ty fealty will be an honest advocacy of free silver above all things, no matter " nat a man a former affiliations niav ha ve been. Warren C. Coleman.- chief of the North Carolina committee of the col ored department at the Atlanta Expo sition, is anxious to have a large dele Ration at the Exposition on the col ored folks' dav. November 11th. He has been in Raleigh this week attend 1UK the fair, and tells, with great pleasure, of his success in getting the President's autograph on the reg isteroPthe North Carolina depart ment of the exposition. . It was the only place," added Coleman, "where the President registered while he was n Atlanta." A North Carolina man, mte or colored, is hard to beat News and Observer. He Will Not be a Candidate fer a Third Term. Washington dispatch to Sunday's St. Xouis Globe-Democrat says: President Cleveland has taken no tice of th third-term talk. He has told a member of the cabinet that he will not permit his name to be consid ered in connection with the nomina tion next year. The expression came about through a conversation started by the member of the cabinet regard inpr party plans next year. With anbthecmeinber of the cabinet the President has gone still further in declaration of his position on the com ing campaign. He not only told - this secretary that he was not to be consid ered as a possibility, but he added that he had no wish to exercise any influ ence upon the party. He said in about so many words that there would be no administration candidate for the presi dency, and he bade this secretary ex ercise his own inclinations in the com ing campaign. Members of the cabinet regard these expressions as definitely settling both the third term movement and the question of administration influence being given in any direction. They know now that Mr. Cleveland will not permit his name to be considered, and also that there wiil be nd administra tion candidate. The result is seen in the freedom with which the members of the cabinet are taking individual positions. Don M. Dickinson,, of Michigan, the ex-Postmaster General, who is a fre quent visitor at the White House, but whose influences there is probably not as great as he would have people believe they are. has been trying to spread among the office-holders the idea of organizing to control delega tions to the next national convention. He has endeavored to give this the ap- - pearance of an administration .move ment. There is good authority for the assertion that the President and the members of the. present cabinet do not encourage or countenance Mr. Dickinson's efforts. In bis recent ; conversations with those members of the cabinet to whom he talks most freely the President has said that it will be a glad day to him when he gets out of office. He has said that he never returned to Wash ington with suih reluctance as' the last time. His language justifies the inference th&t.he regrets his presiden-I tiai career uiu uui euu wui vuo icui. . .ALL FOR M'KINLEY. . Republicans Hold a Jollification rieetinz at Asherille. The Republicans around Asheville seemed to be booming for McKinley. TheCitizeu of the 7th has the follow ing: Had William McKinley, the great higji priest of protection, stepped into the court house last night, he would notiiave beeu required to stretch his imagination greatly to believe that he had walked in on a convention that had been called for the purpose of put ting him Into the field for the presi dency. It was Republican jollification night, and the hosts of the loyal pack ed the court house to give voice to their hilarious feelings, the aforesaid feelings having beeu iuduced by the result of the November elections. The list of speakers included such shining lights of the Republican party as United States' Senator Pritchard, State Senator Moody, Judge H. G. Ewart, Eug. D. Carter, W. W. Rol lins, Richmond Pearson, C. J. Eduey, of Henderson, John A. Hendricks, of Madison, F. P. Axley, of Cherokee, and J. F. Morphew of McDowell. Enthusiasm was rampant, and the speakers were frequently . cheered on their way. Every oue stood for Mc Kinley for the presidential nomina tion, and Senator Moody predicted a solid McKinley delegation from North Carolina. - Danger From Catarrh. The most ''important feature about that very common complaint, catarrh in the head, is its tendency to develop into tome other more serious and dan gerous disease. The foul luutterdrup ping from the head into the bronchi.! tube or lungs is very liable to. lead to bronchitis or con.untptUvH, that de stroyer which causes more deaths in this couutry than any other dtMae. As catarrh originates in impurities in the blood,'. local applications on do but little good. The coumion euse method of treat mont is to purify the blood, and for this purpose there is no preparation superior to Hood's Sarsa parilla. The powerful action of this medicine upon the blood expels every iinpuritv, and by so doing cures ca tarrh and gives health to the entire or ganism, v 46 4t "THE HELL YDU SAY!" Professors Bound to Keep the Peace, YOU'RE "IN A DEVIL OF A HI" Twe Squires at rierjcaatoa Meer the Ruther ford College Food The Testimony ef the Handsome Daughter ft A. C. Gunter. Special to the Charlotte Obaerrer. Mo it a Anton, Nov. a The Gunter Abernethy trial, which has aroused so much excitement here, was called this morning and the case was opened by Justice of the Peace, Powe. Avery and Parkins appeared for the plaintiff and S. J. Ervin andW. S. Pearson appear ed for the defeise. The defense prayed a removal and continuance but this was denied by the court. 'Squire Powe did leave the bench and called Magistrates Beck and Somers to try the case. - Immediately the case was opened the arguments of the counsel became hot and many legal points were dis cussed. The defendants were Prof. W. E., Prof. L. B . , and . Prof. A. T. Abernethy, and they stood charged with threatening the life of A. C. Gun ter. Prof. W. E. Abernethy submit ted and pleaded that what he had said should not be vised against his brothers. This was overruled by the court and Prof. W. E's declarations were used against the other brothers as evidence of a conspiracy. This de cision brought forth a heated discus sion from Col. Pearsonvhose speech was a good one. The evidence brought out the facts as follows; Miss Viola Guiiterj daughter of A-C. Gunter, and withafFteautiftil young lady, testified, in a very clear manner that on.the night of October 9th -they retired at 10 and at 10:30 were aroused by breaking glass. She said she jump ed out of bed, lit a lamp and put on her wrapper. She looked, over the house. and out of doors but saw no one. Tb.6 next morning she went out in front of the house and there on the ground she found a note which proved to be anonymous. She said it was ob scene and insulting. The note was shown her in court and she .identified it. Counsel for defense insisted on the note being read but the plaintiff objected. Miss" Gunter's father said that on the following Saturday night, October 9th, she and her father were at home about 8 p. in., when they heard pi?tol shots all around the house. She said her father left in search of assistance and that just a few minutes after he left some one 4 knocked. She went to the door and there saw W. E., L. B., and Arthur T. Abernethy. She said Prof. Will asked for her father, whereupon she said, "He is not here." Prof. Will said, "Yes, he is here, for he was seen here this evening:.". She insisted that he wu d not when Prof. T. Rprir KAir! 1 ... . , . , cs, the damn coward is here, and just let him'stick his head out" Prof. Arthur T. said, Tell me where he is and I will go after him." She told them to search the house but they did not, and after st&ndingthe at door talking to the girl for 20 minutes they left Miss Gunter said they were all drinking. She said further that Prof. Will said that he had soma business to settle with Mr. Guuter and that if he could find him one of them would head a funeral procession and that if he (Prof. Will) fell his brothers would finish it up. Rev. T. H. Edwards swore that Prof. Will told him that the only rea ton they did not lynch Guuter was that he could not be found and that Gunter should not livV at Rutherford Oolleire. J rof. Will also said to Mr. Edwards that he had beard that he Edwards; had been circulating libel ous reiort3 about the college and that he would be the next to join Gunter. Mr. kdwards swore that Prof. Will also said, "No man can live here and autatronUe me. Mr. Edwards is a very old man and was a rather amus ing witness. He. would not be re spectful to the counsel for the de fense and said that he was not afraid of all of the Abernethys. Dr. L P. Jeter swore that at the fair here, October 16th, Prof. Will told him Gunter had slandered the women of the village and injured the college patronage by writing damaging let ters. He also told Jeter that Gunter could not live there any more. P. W. Patton testified the same thing as told him by Prof. WilL J. W. Campbell was sworn and said that he heard Prof. Will say at the baber shop here this morning that the prosecution mighf put him under a peace bond ot even put him in jail but that Gunter should not live at the college. This statement hit the de fense hard. Horace Goode svore that on the night of October 9th Prof. Arthur T. Abernethy asked him (Goode) to join a gang to whistle up Gunter. Several other witnesses from Ruth erford College testified, to threat by Prof. W. E. Abernethy on Gunter's life and that if he came back he would only be given time to pack up and leave. ' Prof. Will Abernethy admitted to several witnesses that he went to Gun ter's house with a pistol. Miss Viola Gunter said her father had not been home since the night of October 12th, when he left in the night and walked to Moranton. She was alone in the house with her 11-year-old sister. The sum total of the evidence is that Gunter was afraid for his life and left home. The Abernethys had threat ened him and he came here for pro tection and to-day's trial is the result The Abernethys offered no evidence at all in their own defence. The sensational scene of the trial was at 2:30, ust after the train got in. Miss Viola Gunter .arrived on that train and, accompanied by her broth er, came into the court house. Her father jumped up. threw his arms around her and kissed her. She did not seem nervous and was not a bit bashful and disconcerted through "all the trial, including a ' half hour she was on the " witness st'ind. Shells a pretty young lady, with a good figure, and was very stylishly dressed in black.. She wore V dainty hat of black and a fashionable box coat and altogether she looked very handsome and attractive. In her testimony she was hard on all the Abernethys, and spoke sarcastically of them. Prof. AV. E." Abernethy's sid of the story is as follows: He says he found out several weeks ago that Gunter was slandering the women, their good name and the college. He said he and his brothers went to see Gunter about it and intended to kill him but they did not find him. The trial, a very interesting and sensational one, consumed all day and it was 5:30 p. in., before the evidence and arguments were all in. I. T. Avery for plaintiff made a fine speech, condemning the Abernethys and pray ing the court to make an example of them and uphold personal liberty in Burke county. In a very few min utes Magistrates Beck and Somers an nounced their determination to re quire a peace bond of W. E. Aberne thy, L. Berge Abernethy and Arjthur T. Abernethy and fixed the amount at $1,000 justified bond from each of th ; . , . , . e three defendants. On top of ttiis they will each have to file u toiid for hU appearance at the next term of the Superior Court here. The offense is a very rave one, hence the large bonds, for they are big bond and will be hard to rai?e. At this time the three Aberneth are in custody of Sheriff Webb, and have not et made up the bondy. Tiiey may possibly be kept in custody for several days or sent to jaii. The case lias cached a great deal of excitement but i-. now dbioM-d of till the spring court. The Aberne thys are men of prominence and have always borne good characters heteto fore. Mr. Oaatcr imy Whoever Say So aad Sa is Sa aa4 Sa. Moiujaxtox, Nov. 8. Whoever ac cuses me of slandering Innocent wom en is an unmitigated liar. Some state ment in to day Observer about me are fa!e. Particular will be written. A. C. G U!f TKIt. Reaming Together. Joe' Patchen will pend the winter with John R. Gentry at hi home on Alamance Farm. The two celebrated horses are al ready, there, Richmond. Va., being their iat meet, when Gentry was 4 beaten. GENERAL NEWS. There was a heavy snow at Elk Val ley, just south of Jellico, Tenn.; last Sunday morning. Senator Blackburn . is telling hit friends at Lexington that he still be lieves he will be reelected. Lieut Lucien Young denies that his book on Hawaii has been ordered sup pressed by President Cleveland. Roloff, the Cuban "insurgent leader, has ordered JthepeasanU to move away from the towns and garrisous. As a result of the election the Popu list representation in the Mississippi Legislature is reduced from 25 to 8. The President has issued his annual proclamation and has designated Thursday the 33th as Thanksgiving AV 1 Prosecuting Attorney Frailer has ordered the arrest of Engineer Thomp son of the wrecked Journal building at Detroit Complete returns show the Repub-' lican plurality in Pennsylvania to be 184,194. Governor Hasting plurality last year was 241,397. The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers refuses to petition Congress to grant the Nicaragua canal enterprise the proposed subsidy. ! ' J. W. Cad man, a relative of Pres ident Cleveland's wife, died at Chica go of a bullet wound, self-inflicted, during a spell of disnondencv. x jwiucui vieveiaxiu is a.iu 10 reara the recent defeat of the party not as an uprising against tho Democrats, but as a revolt against pary bosses. Federal Judge Han ford has issued an order restraining the strikers on the Great Northern railroad from in terfering with the operation of the road. ' '. :.. The Paris correspondent of the Lon4 - "r,.t,j t M 1 1 I I .1 A. 1 i that only the intervention of the Rothchilds on Saturday prevented the panic at Paris from becoming positive ly disastrous. Senator Brice, in an interview with" a newspaper in Pittsburg, Is quoted as saying that the Republicans are al most certain to elect their nominee for the presidency? next year. Mr. Gorman, Senator Brice said, is not an nihilated by his defeat Oscar Joseph hanged himself in the prisoner's dock of the Police Court at New Orleans. He had been arrested and fined for disorderly conduct and was awaiting conveyance to tne parish prison. A great commotion was cre ated in the court , Sunday the Armenian citizens of Chicago sent the following cablegram to the Marquis of Salisbury, prime minister of England, to Nicholas II, Czar of Russia, to Emperor William of Germany and to Secretary of State Olney: 4The eminent danger of a mas aacre at Zeitouu and general slaughter of Armenians throughout Turkey prompts us to humbly beg your gov ernment in the name of humanity to tnke steps to immediately stop these horrors and secure safety for Arme nians." The Constitution says: Ex-Speaker Crfj'p is to speak before the State Leg islature Thursday, this evening. Mr. Crisp will speak on the political Issues t.f the day in response to an invitation frrn the lejrisTatnre. He will devote bis remarks prt!ci(ully to the financial U leand will peak out on this ques tion in term which can be understood bv all. The occasion is here when Democrat should speak out plainly. The party ha straddled issues long enough. Mr. Crisp I expected to sound the keynote. . The Contit ition of tbefcth says: Hon. T. C. Creubaw took the oath of office as railroad commissioner yester day morning, at 11.20 o'clock, and from that time became a member of that important body. Colonel Cren shaw took the oath in the office of the governor, when there was present c v eral of his friends. He was made the recipient of very many congratulations from his many friends and was kept busy all day shaking hands. Among the personal friends who congratula ted him was Governor Carr, of North Carolina, who called ou Governor At kinson during the morning.

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