2 filOKOBY PBESS: JU1TE 4. 1696 f lC-tcliorg ress rCBUHED ETEBT THrBSDaT BT THE HICKORY PRiSTING COMPANY, Hickory, Sortti Carolina. Extract Frm Speech by Hon. E. J. Mill, of Connecticut. The House having under considera tion the bill to repeal Sec. CI of the Wilson Bill admitting alcohol used in thaaris free of duty Mr. Hill said among other things: This proposed legislation is in utter violation of every Republican princi ple, and, however strongly urged by a bankrupt Democratic administration, snould be opposed by every Republi can here, as it has already been by nearly every one in the senate. Ap plause on the Republican side. This is not a question of individual members of Congress being affected by the action of the House, though in the aggregate, perhaps, that is more im portant than the geographical loca tion of a Presidential nominee. It is simply and solely a question of the principles of taxation. If the Repub lican party is right in its teachings, its members here cawnot vote for the un conditional reeal of section 01 If free trade is the best policy, this i a firm in that direction, and a long step in advance of even the English system. As for me, I am ready to tax alcohol when used for drinking purpo ses, as I would wine or any other .lux ury, but I can see no more reason for taxing alcohol when used purely for manufacturing and the arts than for putting 700 per cent tax on the grain from which it is made, or on pig iron, lepther, wood, or any other domestic product. Rather than reverse the principle involved in section CI, I would vote to abolish the entire inter nal revenue system, with its spies and detectives and the infamous brood of parasites that have fastened them selves upon our courts because of it, and by so abolishing it take the Gov ernment out of the rum business and 'dissolve forever its unholy partnership with the whisky trust. Loud Ap plause. - "Wood alcohol, the poisonous pro duct of the wild woodlands of he country, is distilled and put upon the market free of tax, while the corn of the South and wheat and rve of the west, the laborious products of hon est toil, are punished by putting upon grain alcohol the largest tax known to our laws. ilr. Chairman, the House will soon adjourn and its members will engage in the discussion of the issues of a na tional election. One of the two domi nant, overshadowing questions will be again, as it was in 1894, protection or free trade. Pass this unconditional repeal and every Republican speaker's mouth is stopped and every argument gone,- for deeds speak louder than words and recorded votes outweigh fair promises. I vote for free Ameri can alcohol in the industrial arts and sciences and for giving it at least an equal chance with the foreign pro duct. Wlure is the Republican that can .dispute the justice of that vote? Where is the Republican that can ex piaiu to his constituents a vote for the exact reverse of this? On the one side U a free trade-President, a' Democratic Senate, and a minority of this House; on the other the disheartened and dis cou raged industries of this country, and joined with them the thousands of men and women who are only ask ing the poor privi ledge of an equal op portunity to compate on' equal terms with the labor of other lands. On which side will this great Republican majority be found? " Mr. Chairman, no man can hold in - higher esteem than I do the distin guiheil gentlemen who compose the Ways and Means Committee of this Republican House. - Charged with the grave resionsibility. of providing revenue for the maintenance of the Government, at the same time they -must guard with jealous care the wel- fare of that magnificent system of manufactures which under RepubTi- ccc protection'has made the United States the leading industrial nation of the world. To the one solitary, lone ly representative of those interests up on that committee my colleague Mr. Russell, of Connecticut who through .all this session has stood for right and Justice in the consideration of this bill I have only words of hope ana cour je. To the six lawyers upon that committee who represented the Demo cratic party I ' extend my congratula tions bpon the ability and skill by which they have in this report, won a strong endorsement for the underlying principles of the Wilson bill, for which they are responsible. To the ten remaining lawyers who make up balance of the Republican com mittee I have this to say: If the un conditional repeal of section CI is a foretaste of what you have in store for the industries of this land when the Republican host shall have marched again to a hard won victory in No vember next, see to it that you write it clear and large upon the party plat form at St. Lonis ou June 1G that high internal , revenue and low cus toms duties will be the guiding prin ciple of the next campaign, foran hon est declaration is better far than any false pretense. But if you would have us uht again the battle which we fought and won in 1804, send back this bill to the Democratic administra tion from which it came, or better still, amend it to an enforcement on protection- lines, -and frt-ui each so cial led doubtful State every Republi can nominee, from governor down to sheriff, will once more give to you a true Republican greeting, as they do now. Prolonged applause. Care for Headache. As a remedy for all forms of ! Head ache Electric "Bitten has proved to be the very best. It effects a permanent cure and the most dreaded habitual sick headaches, yield 'to its influence. We urge all who are afiiicted to procure a bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial. In 'cases of liabitual constipation Electric Bitters cures by giving the needed tone to the bowels, and few ca ses long resist the use of this medicine. Try it once. Large bottles only Fifty cents at O.M.Royster's Drug Store. 2 A Child's Caprice. A bridge which the Sultan ordered to be constructed in Constantinople was to have been finished by a partic ular day, but the contractor found that this would be impossible with Turkish workmen, unless he worked day and night. This he obtained leave to do, and the necessary light and torches were supplied at the Sultans expense. All went well for a time, until the unfortunate contractor was told that he must open the bridge to let a ship from the dock -yard pass through some time before the bridge was fin ished, i He said j it was impossible,, as he would have to pull everything down, and it would take two or three months to replace ttie scaffolding and pile driving machines. But the Ministers of Marine aud Finance said: "IL the Sultan says it must be done, it must, or we shall lose our place, if not our heads." j So the ship came out at a cost of a little over f500,000 aud a delay of three mouths of the bridge, all because the Sultan found his small boy cry ing in the harem one day, the child's grief being that, though he had been promised to be an Admiral, he could not see his flag hoisted on this partic ular ship from the nursery window. So a large ironclad was brought out from the dockyard and moorod in front of the palace, to gratify his in- fanjt mind, thus causing enormous in convenience to the town for months, of which the Sultan paid very little, and for the loss of of which, I imagine he cared still less. The man with a weight on his leg can't hope to win in the race. A man with a weight on his health can't ex pect to compete in life and business with those who are not handicapped. If his brain is heavy, and his blood sluggish, because of constipation, he will not succeed in doing anything very well. Constipation is the cause of nine-tenths of all sickness. Symp toms oi it are shallowness, listlessness, poor appetite, bad taste in the mouth. dizziness, biliousness, and lassitiide. Constipation can be cured easily and certainly by the use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They are not at all violent in their action, and vet they are more certain than many medicines wnich are so strong that they put the system all out of order. The srreat advantage of the "Pleasant Pellets" is that they cure permanently. bend 21 one-cant stamps to cover cost of mailing Only, and get his great book, Ihe Peoples Common Sense Medical Adviser, absolutely frkk. Address World's Dispensary Medical Association, ISo, 6G3 Main Street, Buf falo, Y. Same Here! The Durham Sun says the Millen nium will dawn Wljen everything in Durham goes to please everybody in Durham. When everykind of business is con ducted to suit the notions of every body else. When every one Tpays his debts without being hunted down and har rassed. When nobody will tell a lie and no - body swear they believe it so. When everybody's premises are cleaned up and kept just as every body else would do it who . have none of their own to attend to. When everybody has some business and attends strictly! to it, without at tending to other people's. When it gets Into the head of every body to live and let live. WTien everybody loves the . Lord and their neighbor and does not try to dead beat either 05 or the other. (nluclh in Little Is especially true of Hood's PCls, for co medi cine ever contained so great curative power fn so small space. They are a. whole medicine run chest, always ready, al ways efficient, always sat isfactory; prevent a cold or fever, cure all liver Ills, sick headache, aandlce, constipation, etc 25c The only PfflJ to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. ENDLESS CHAIN RACKET. Mow a. Sedalian Might Have Raised $170,000, 000,000,000 at Ten Cents a Subscription. Sedalia, Mo., May 25. A sensation of large proportions was created here this morning by the publication of the following Associated Press dispatch from Washington: 'Postmaster General Wilson has denied the privileges of the mail to E. C. Mason, of Sedalia, Mo., who com inenced a chain system of letters ask ing subscriptions for a preacher in need, and who, it is charged, kept the the uioney received.'' E. C. Mason is one of the most "prom inent young business men in this city, holding the important position of superintendent of agencies for the Midland Savings and Loan Company, and Supreme Scribe of the Royal Tribe of Joseph, and the charge that he was engineering an unlawful scheme startl ed his friends and associates. Mason frankly admits that he start ed a chain system 06 a large scale for the benefit of an aged and worthy clergyman, but declined to.make pub lie the name of the proposed benefici ary. He sent out on May 7, a batch of 9,500 letters, asking each person ad dressed to send him a dime and to start a chain by writing to three personal friends, and so on. The scheme, if it had worked successfully, each one re sponding, in the course of time, wauld bring in the sum of one hundred and seventy trillion dollars. Post Office Inspector Johnson called upon Mr. Mason a few days ago and when his report was received in Wash ington the "fraud" order Was issued. The intended beneficiary, it is learned from reliable authority, is General Van Patten, a local Methodist minister; who resides in the southern part of this State, who is a step brother-in-law of Mason, and is in poor circum stances. In order to assue the per sons to whom the appeal was sent that the project was a worthy one, the names of Rev. P. A. Cool, pastor of the First M. E. Church,' and Judge J. N. Dalby, president of the Third Na tional Bank, were given as references. Judge Dalby says he was not consult ed in the matter and did not know anything about the scheme until sev eral days after the letter had been mailed. The receipts had just com menced to pour in, $5 in dimes having been received up to the time Mr.- Ma son's letters were stopped. "I have never had a day's sickness in my life,1 said a middle-aged man the other day. "What a comfort it Avould be,1 sighs some poor invalid, "to be in his place for a vear or two. ' let hair of the invalids we see might be just as heal thy as he, if they would take prop er food and digest it. It's so strange that such simple thinsrs are overlooked by those who want health. - ' Food makes health. It makes strength and strength wards ofT.sickness. The man who had never been sick was strong because he alwavs digested his food, and vou could become the same by helpiner 1 u u 1 ei4jixi(ii;Li i yj vji tv its vcn va urn. Shaker Digestive Cordial will help your stomach and make you strong and healthy by making the food you eat make vou fat. Druggists sell it. Trial bottle 10 cents. Serum For Diphtheria. At the Am Urban Hospital, in Ber lin, 411 diptheria patients were treated in 1894-05, 255 of whom were discharged cured. Of 245 treated, with serum, 28 per cent died, while 'among the 146 who were treated otherwise the mor tality was 42 per cent; 53:2 of the. se rum cases were serious, 23.7 severe, and the rest slight. No evil effects were observed to follow the use of the serum, and its effectiveness was pro portionate to the erlines of its ap plication and the strength of the first doses. The hospital authorities infer from this that it is not an infallible, but a highly valuable remedy. Mr. James Penlae, and old solder residing at . .Monroe, Mien., was severe- IV alllicrtl Wltli rhpnm.itum lint r- ceivnl prompt reliei from pain by us- ... m . w-( namoeriauis 1'ain iaim. 21 e gays: "At times hit back would ache so badly that I could hardly raise up. If I had not gotten relief I would iiot 1 t. : a .11 r 1 r uc ucro kj rue inese ic nucx. Chamberlain' Pain Ilalm has dona me a great deal of pood and I feel verv thankful for it. For sale by O. if. Royster Druggist. Pills THE REPUBLICAN CONTESTS. Sixty-seven Have Been Filed. Involrlns Rights of I36 Delesats. Augusta, Me., Ma5 2C Hon. J. H. Man ley. Secretary of t he Republican National Committee, sent to Chair man Carter the following letter: Augusta, Mk., May 26, 1S9G. Hon. Thomas H. Carter, Chairman Republican National Committee Washington: Dear Sir: Contests have been filed with me in the following States and Districts. There are sixty-seven con tests, involving the rights of 15G dele gates. Alabama Four delegates-at-large. First, Third, Fourth, Fifth Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth Districts, making twenty delegates in all. California Tlie Third and Fourth Districts; four delegates. Delaware Six delegates-at-large; six delegates. Florida Four delegates-at-large, Frst and Second Districts; eight dele gates. Georgia Four delegates-at-large, First, Ninth, and Eleventh Districts, ten delegates. Kentucky Fifth District; two dele gates. Louisiana Four delegates-at-large, First, Second, Third, and Fourth Dis tricts; twelve delegates. Mississippi Four delegates-at-large, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Districts; eighteen delegates. )' . New York Sixth, Eighth Ninth, Twelfth, Thirteenth, and Fifteenth Districts; twelve delegates. , North Carolina Sixth District; two dslegates. Pennsylvania Third District; two delegates. . South Carolina Four delegates-at large, First Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Seventh Districts; eighteen delegates. . Tennessee Sixth and Ninth Dis tricts four delegates. 1 ' Texas Four - delegates-at-large and every one of the thirteen districts; thirty delegates. Virginia Second and Third Dis tricts; four delegates. Arizona Six delegates-at-large; six delegates. There may be other contests yet niea. 1 am very truiy yours, J. If. MANLE5T, Sec. Rep. Nat. Com. If it reouired an annual ontlnv nf $100.00 to insure a family acainst anv serious consequences irom an attack -C t t . 1 - . C3 J 01 uowei complaint ouring tne year there are many who would fpl it. t hir duty to pay it; that they could not af- -C J A - 1 1 . . ioru 10 risic meir lives, ana those of their family for such an amount. Any one can get this insurance for 25 i m. 1 r ii..- - . . ... miit ueiug me price oi a oottie of Chamberlain's Colin. f!hnlpr.a nnH Diarrhoea Remedy. In almost every ueiguoornooa some one Has died from an attack of bowel comnLiint. hAfrr medicine could be procured or physi cian summoned. One, or two doses of this remedy will cure an ordinary case. It never fails. You can afford to take the risk for so small an amount? For sale bv O. M" Rnvsfpr .. . - j " O t iJ C - There is an Indiana man who has contrived a scheme ' by which he can tell at a glance the kind of weather we had on any day since 1800. From a rememstic point of view that nmv Ha all right, but what this country needs is some able bodied weatherolocist who can tell what kind kind of weath er .we are going to have when we go nshing. ' Mothers will find Ch Cough remedy especially valuable for croup auu wuoopiug cough. It will give prompt relief and is safe and pieasanu we nave sold it for several ears ana it nas never failed to give xucnaras. uaoaesnp. ia ki,i A. P. T. L. Trte American Protective Tariff League is a national organization advocating "Protection to American Labor and Industry " as explained by its constitu tor), as follows : Th cb:ct ef thia Lmui Kn Km A Amarican Labor bv a tajrff en tfrtnA4a t.:.-k. .k . 'i adt3uat!y saeura Afr,r.cn induatrial croocta There are no personal or private profits in connection with the organiza tion and it is sustained by memberships, contributions and the distribution of its publications. 9W FIR3T: Cm m-r.: ---- - . Umbnh.p " and Officii Cocr aort ntl. SECOND: Wa nd and waJoms ontritaUcrju hUvr smail or iara, to ovr causa. " TH I R 5 : W pubCsS kix Rna cf dseumaVtt eoanrx an CKas cf th Taff ceton. Com plate t will b mallad to any adir for C 0 aarrla, FOURTH : &rS caUJ card rauaat fer trmm 135 Wast 23d Street. NawYsrt I The dan r ua tw nope to the race 'qt3 with a tpi o-. to compete and business c those who man wJin . A 1 I -rp two-thi7dS of i I . f W n time in bnsine ne-uurdoffaisK complish more tC, 5 two-thirds as s2 ' j as the man wbo ! tends to business 13 the time. If brain is heavy 1I ! his blood slnrSjL because of consthi tion he will not s! ceed m doiv.g ,""n VT veil cause of nine-tenths of 43 sickness. It isn't considered sickness by most people, W it i just the same, it serious sickness, because it causes almost all of the Cj. health of mankind. Sjtsjw toms of it ere sallowesT listlessness. doot innt. J bad taste in the mouth. diZ -1 ziness, biliousness, and lav situde. Constipation can be cured ea&ii and certainly by the use of Dr. Pierce' Pleasant Pellets. They are perfectly si-,, pie perfectly safe. They are not at aH violent in their action, and yet they are more certain than many medicines which are so strong that they put the systea all out of order. The gTeat advantage of the Pleasant Pellets ' is that they care permanently. You dont have to keep 03 taking them. You don't acquire a "pellet habit." Take them regularly for a -while, and you are cured permanently. After that, take them only when you find your, self suffering from indigestion. There are many medicines offered for the same pur. pose on which druggists make a bigger profit. For this reason, some drunsu would rather sell the other things. If your 6wn health is of more importance to you than the druggist's prospenty, you will ia. sist on having what you ask for. Corn 1 a vigorous feeder and re. IS sponds well to liberal fertiliza tion. On corn lands the yield increases; and the soil improves if properly treated with fer tilizers containing not under 7 actual A trial of this plan costs but little and is sure to lead to profitable culture. Our pamphlets are Dot advertising circulars boCTW ing special fertilizers, but are practical works, conuiD. ing latest researches on the subject of fertilization, and are really helpful to farmers. They are sect free (- the askiog. GERMAN KALI WORKS, ' 93 Nassau St., New York, j OF COURSE TOU WAN OF COURSE YOU WANT Well, When Too Want - THE BEST GRADE or Job Printing AT LOWEST PRICES Send us jour order it per haps will save you money, and we guarantee to furnish you as FINE WORK as is done anywhere Call and see samples, or send us your orders by mail. This is no idle talowe mean what we saywo will furnish you THE BEOT 170RJI ' . AT . ; THE E.OV7EGT FT2I0E& Address IIIGICORY PniUTIfJG CO. Hickory, N. C. ' Utibprtr GartJra KU 1 PA rt j 1 1 -II f V Potash w " a - ... - irir n-i j a p f

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