'. I -. r FRIDAY. Table of Contents. I irM Pave. Th Editor's Desk- Ot C9TK)! PrT To HoSOT XtS. A scmiuu r'K mi Cocvrv Gor- c&xxivr srTri. flow ifrcti u vh Pay fwk ItNKvt Im.n"t Kv.w uncut They arx Going Ax ATTirr ky RtcrTBUiuss Ti Prk- Caktuon The INhjtkal Hall. -The Kii. or Ra-vujity A ILM.iN.lKTtD Sf-tAkER. RjLI-H A A 0TT'X AND ToBJUXU V IK&ET. Tariff Goes rr; Wales mi Iwx. iKil WfH nR Ml' K INLET. i'arulks ani tit TARirr. A GlKL la iMD BV DuiK.. How a Hi, showing h Maul ovistio am Answers. Hakki.n Favokthk liiii'L" Party. Vol Wavt ! pATRh'Th ALLT SAID. Nrrtn. :i Aluamlmcs ni Think Au r. The 1lvrtk' Pa kit and Fisam ul Rcnm. Gr e Them the Tumi. U HAT THE !LMOlATIC UolsE I HI. Wise am Fkicnolv 1i vel. Them. Ntw and IIeiuufttr. A IUdii-al Covhunatiox Pkej-erred. The Xokinee arc the Saje Sow as Then. llov Ja. C. MaiUe. Mr. Cixvela.vd on the Alliance. W hat Cxrr.irTiu Him Then and Now. CoL. LlTINosroVs A DDR Ends. A FlEU IlAT iK DEM EAI T. Xt Third Part nn Hi. The Wat to ! Ir. A StVMBLK AR.I SIENT. Hnvr rr tt i Kueited. Ml RTHV TO MANTIU. Thlr Pr: Iemi iutic Nominees RaLEJoII AND U'AhE. t l'EKSOAL. SutiNC Trai.edi at Mr. Airy. HlTH (LI'R. ATTENTIoV. Dl" HATS. O.L. HlBHt MVK- Am- V Always Hits THE Hi ll's-Evk. Puurii AL I Vint. EJliARATIC AKf'INtMENr. As Aujamiwan r Aluam ejiln. A lEirACPR Fiils iMCAi. Fourth Pae: Jl I-.E l"l--llX A-AIN. IREUENr P.iritM THE PEOPLE PARTT. Ma Cluiund and the Farmer. Ihd Ijk Imlimj: I s JaV ttl U's LtsldX. Sam J.nes x i"le el.nd. KllRAiT IKM WEA.K'S SPIEHI Ad ERlLEMtT. IiuhiI IK-Mwrmlir ikrl. H H I Rrll-I-NT. liK' iVltl: CLCYIXANb. ' r'U lt'E-PRr.-IDCNT. AIlI LI sifEYLSX. Stair ItrMW lalir Tirkfl. iwii HUnK, F.IJAS I'AKIL .f E.UiwuiU'. oR UE TENANT .PERNOR, K A Iml IJHIMN. of Alltluur. I OK ti Kl.IARV OF STATE. H."r.VHS foKE. of Wke. MiR 'TA IE TKlUSl RER. IKNAI.I W. HAIN. of Wake. . IK r TE Al DITOR. l M Fl KM AN, f P.imuiDf. R A I TKNtV t.E.NERAL. tKANK 1. licjIaiKNE. of Mevklenhuiv oR SI KT ' fl'BUf IVTRtCThJ.X, J. I. 4.AIMMKil Cill. of J.JiitoUu.' K rkESIDENTIAL LLElTt Hi." AT HRliK, A.". JV. A4WK.of V.yiH-, K It. GLENN, of Fortf. . FOR Jl l-.E TtLTTH JI DH IAL DISTRICT, E. A. MII.FOIUI. of Itum-omlx. K 1 l.i:H. II l W A K E. Tlrr-lH k t i.-mina!r.lly tlw iH-mot-racy of Wkf is o.iu of tiM itoC intrrity, aw it f ahiMt ant um n of intluriKi Kr 11 W. Xorri. IVj l"s --rty noini- n.r- .U--t U a thini of lauly uJ an xnuuH-nl lotlwcily. EvtTlly was h.iiv in Sutnlay wht-n llf first Iraius n JW-.I uifW-r lbrfHnni.-lfustMtI and tbv .wi;n r u!ix'Jl''l aii-l r- a.torUhcl At i!h- lauuf il nf Tbr rail- nfl authoring an tlua on sincvrp L.nk TW 4.li.tt milU at laraU-ih l-irnl on Thurs.bT night. It rauM fn-iM a ti of a lamp. TbeluilI twi fjr.: insuranv 17,0M). It ill r-lnlt alin-v. Ir. M. Yi (ttu of Au)urn. wb is ft I vru. ri. anI wl as noninattI for ti.roQrr y t- P.-fl-' Irty in Wake tsmtiiT. h sent l. Mr. S. (Kb. Wibon, Clvairntaii of tf F. utive IVnuiiuttee, lh. f.4Uini noi.-r " A tl rsecutHo ..f th- tulr anl at-tic of ray rrofe i.u l inan"U my uml:Tiltsl time. 1 an ..... .-.- i x a nomination for . JiiH-aloOief d hantlnof any arty. Prraal. IMi'M S.ls litniham. ilaujrhter of Ma lUnghan. of the Bingham Sehoul. i r . i t iinnivn frt married at Hmhau Il. inht We.!n.wl.y morninK of Ll irk. It was a qniet lunne wiildinjt. the fam.tv ariI a few riends N-ing IlleJ. Tlv,- DtoilH-r of Mi-jwrs. It. F. and C. H. i li.nll it Fn nnxit. A u Z. 14. viMiian of rare force .f rharaeirr. and has trauntl men whom the State or to hnor. N tAA TftAGKn V A TUT. A IR F Prvmiaewl KtrelleBt Cillaea Kfcl ta tae Miret hy a rtreccart. ltl to Ihr l--rrrr. Mr. Airy. Au.'u.-! 2i. a the main . ..r ., .-itv m ln4l tUT. inis at lrnv-n. asenactel the iust heartless tnnp-dy tlwl v r taken phu-r here. T.rtv a uimul t.itkAci nwiivr. for a t.Ju fai-orr h-re. h4 and intantlj kilUl W. IL 3rown. hiiin elerk for the mammoth n4rt"en-rn of Sparser lirvwt , in cold Wo L Alhs n was a bra- . ..t...n iidh.d ki'kl tLree men rr ukst ... . i lfore Bn.wu was a highly resecte.I reutlemaa w bn came from Georgia, and as a stnRi Pythian. Yesterday Allison . . r, oil,! tat him in a font- r.. Bro 11 to.k it in fuu awl id he . . . l.l..t w.f-tlIiaMl Allison sau he would put up money and be on hand ..... .... it- -.11.1 Hrowrn met and - -.IrinViniy it run. ue . 7v 1 While iinaUrtjr, therfrvet t-tBT. . I ..nutn of the ntT. AIII- Ki t.4.1 Brwu le wa-i n.4 a man of bw and Unjnia pasr.i. It as ad Ihut AUw'M atrtu-k him with hwsiKk aw! then diT-pped it and took . v...: . 1 iimmn tfiiil tike cane. I ... vi.!.t .l..f. iwl himself .Mil- !.ltu him twk and anaM hu pWo. the tlnnl time. Itn.wn reeled and fell, ..ir ball takin t'ffrt n th breaat and th trftrr in tte !. EYerjbntlr nra' 1 ..t t.-w Kim il-kn and he was caught. "Pie city U indijianl and there are whisper 01 ijtK Uintc io-o 1 . l-tTIo you want tiwuwr is utter DEMOCRATIC CLUBS. PreaMeat J alia a 8. Carra Riagtaf Call ta Aetloa. Mr. JtUAX 8. Carr, Pn-sident State Association of Democratic Club has written to Mr. F. M. Simmons, Chairman Democratic State Executire Commiru-e, offering the senricv of the Clubs in carry - inir tlte State for Iietnovraey. Mr. Sim- nmna atx-epted tlie truflered aenrice in terms of praise. In a receut address Mr. Ji-uan S. Carr thns calls z-alous Ih-dio- crals to actiou. He says: Am the Presitlent of your Association of Hubs I vail you niriiu to the field to reau me those jut! riot ic labors for which you were called into existence; I call up on vounjf Ieinoirucy thnHiehout the State to re-invigorate its organizations, to put them on a war-footing, and to or ganize "ml hot xiemocnitic viuus in every town ana township, wuere nom1 now exut, as a means of promoting the growth of those great I Hinocratic princi !! w hicn are the very foundation stone of our political freedom. Niwhere can purer, suniler, iLnng'r LK-inocracy lie fouud, or mre elTectively dUs ininatetl, ttutn in and through IIj- home orgum zations of the jwple where ueighlior is banded with neighbor, shoulder to shoulder, in u-mIoA support of thse libertk to be held only at the price. of that sterling coiir eternal vigilance. TlMjrough organization, ever necessary, is absolutely indispensable in this cam paign, wnere party !! anu pny princi ples seem less binding on some than ever In-fore, and when ambitious, designing emagoguea, who have nothing to lose but all U gain, by a return to the condi tion of things existing in the reconstruc tion days, are working with all the ener gy of unholy ambition to lead the honest but unsuspecting to throw off their alle giance to the Democratic party, which 1 in -deed ami in truth, the People's party. We fight for measures, not men; and. thank God. as hassoelooueutly been said y one of the leaders of the young iKv luocraey, we enter the Iiglil wiin a living faith, founded. uni principle that are just, enduring, as okl as the nation itseil, yet ever young, vigorous, progressive, aggressive, becniDe there is wirk t U- lone. And we have an abiding faith. !. in the honesty and gl, lianl. com mon eiL-e of theiople. and that if met faec to face with a frank and manly .otatemelit of the faith which inspires. and the principles which control the lead ers ot meirrvai iH-inocraiio luini, uiej will, as in the iot. giie them their icarty, loyal siipri. Then let u meet our aenng iieigi.D"rs laev 10 i.u frankly. peiily. with a rejsoii reiwly for he faith that U iu us. ami the result in November will be all that can bedeturvd. In coueluMoii, iherer thciv L work W done; wherever atritism is cn- coiiral as a virtue, 1 urge the young lietnocracy to the work of organization. 90 that ours shall eer remain a govern ment of the iieople. by the people and or the people." Blank fonns. of o'tiatitutioiis for the Kuveruuiciil of clubs. aiMlothercamjaigu iterature, may be had by applying to B. Beck with, secretary, lUleigh. X. t. Atteatioa, Dt-wuruU. Kaij-.ioh. X. t. Aumwt SO. Th fA tKuM rUhr CT-f'- At a meeting of lhe-'eecutive itiiumil e tf the State atwocuUioiwf Democratic clulis, August 1, I was inMrueteU i can a convention of Ieniocratic cluis uiiim-i in lialeigh, tm Wetlnesday. August ai. o ...iit niiTlmtrol ineexecuineeoiir aa - - - - " . . . , ,WulUti.n witl, chairM mitte.- alter lull ei nuin Simmons of the state Heniocrauc executive cmmiiuv, u was uccmco chamrr the time of meeting oi uie State convention of club to a later ilaK-, as August 31 was thought to le too ear ly, and as it was iunu 10 ne mmr -oit-venient for General Stevenson and other prominent s-eaker, who are exj-'cted to address the dub, to come to Xorth Car olina later in the camjwugn. 1, inerv- fore, as presHleutof the State assoi;iaiion of Iemticratie clubs, nave cnangeu me date or the meeting of the convention of clubs from Wednesday the 31st of Aug., to Friday the 16th day ot sepiemurr. And, inadvising you to this change of date in the meeting or you convention, 1 again urge young Democracy to the work of organizing a ml hot" Democratic club in every town and towmdiip in Xorth Carolina. Every tow iLsnip in ine State should be rcprescoieu iu uih jsnw itathering of young liemocrata. si.vn4tn. our vaUuMlalf for Vice-President, will certainly aiiress me V a - - - . eonvention. He c-omea 10 .xoriii varou- n. th home of his father, on tne totn of September, and on the 16th will seak to the young Iciuocracy in vuuirmuu assembled. Other distinguished seak er have been invited and are expected. ineriallv rwduced rates or noam ai me hotels have been secured. . Let us have your eo-oieraiiou iu roaa tki .nintion the most notable gathering of young Deramrats ever held south or Baltimore. I have the honor to he very respeeu in ly yours, etc.. lre s iaie wsst u 01 liu. v. B. C. Beck with. S-e'y. State apera please ci'y.f . Wt Deatocraer Mroager taaa Mrri.r Pnppte1 Party "Xatlalt" la AHeshaar. Sieetal Cor. North Carolinian. s.ti N. C. Auir. U. ISSI-'. a lew evenings since there was organizil here the Snarta Cleveland. Carr and D.ugh- ton Club, eimUining 161 member. It. II. (tentry. Ei., was eiecii presHiem. enthusiastic speecln were made by w. C Fields, W. t. Itaiuen, ana oiuers. TJ.e next meeting w ill be held on the 26th inst. The DemcratM; pany is wronger in Alleghany county than ever Ufore. and the Third irty U "uot in it i . l c. Solidly I e ratio. Cur. Lincoln Courier. Not that we want to Mow our norn; K..t .in. there is so much talK ot mini prtvUm. Allianceism. lienjiK-raucism, Arm' aunt TOU to Know null our a. 'J " . . . . . A I t.-.k a liemocratie Alliance. TV i.t .j. ,f us are solid for lentracy. Can the county beat it f fn il.- state U-at itf And now we would ask our brethren, w ho are going off after .kers. to come back to their old imtriit and not tear up this great organ ization of ours. E. P. Cakmuvter, J. O. ALLEN, ' rresi.ien,. Secretary. ; (ireenwood Alliance No. 204, Lincoln county, N. C. Politics ia RoeklBtaaa. The Leaksville ttU m authority for the statement that the negroes are going to nominate a ticket of their own. color. A retired bar keeper is said to be on tlvp r... .Kriff and a clerical brother ts ilM VJS aw-o 9 a to be nominated for register of deeds. COL HARRY SKINNER. THE Pit ESS tPO.V THE ACTION OF THE CONVENTION. The Trata is that Co I. Kkiaaer Has laraed that Maay ia the People's Party Prefer Radical Rale. We give below extracts from some of the newsapers in the State ujwn the ac tiou of CoL Skinner in refusing to run for Governor on the People's party ticket if hi i-aiulultu-y uulamjertd white pile; and the aciion of Ui convention wJiich showed thatMVr Ji the members of that itntcii iTTn "pIi Jred Radical rule to Iiemocratic nue. JR'eliad hoped to quote from mot of Jhe "paiajw.of the State, but press of other matters compel us to omit most of these extracts. The trend of the criticisms is alone two lines : 1. Iraise for bis patriotism in standing up for a white man's government; 3. De uuncLition for going back upon his Dein ocratic principles. From the Charlotte Orwervcr. Col. Harry Skinner took a stand in the Ihiru. iartv btate convention Tuesday which is creditable to him, but the tstonn that he raised and the fact that he was pulled down after having been put up prove how true it is tliat oue'cannot go a part of the distance with these people and keen their Tavor. He must go the full length or incur their displeasure to a greater aegree man 11 ne naa never started in with them at all. If he gags on any of their vagaries or suggests the wisdom of stopping and considering fore taking another advanced step, he at once falls under suspicion and loses his intluence if he is not ocnly denounced as a traitor. Col. Skinner's iHtsition is a pitiable one. He started out on a false path, and knew it. A part of his former affection for the old State lingered and" he felt con strained to sav that if he saw a conspir acy to divide the white people of the State he must be at liU-rty to act accord ing to w hat he conceived to" be his duty in the light of this knowedge. It was a hne impulse that prompted him to say it; but they howled him down. Any man who does not forsake father and mother. and w ife and childreu and follow Wea- verism is not worthv of it. It matters not what jktiIs threaten the State there mii.ot be no stop in the clmse alter rain- iows. And now CoL Skinner is like a citizen without a county; h isat all events a man without a iarty. He for siok his fonner litical associations and has liccii repudiated by tlie new ctmipany with which besought totrain. Itistrue he was put on the electoral ticket, but under such circumstances that it is.ini-1 rvMble that his heart can le in the caus and it cannot lie that he is to-day a happy man. From Haleijch Cor. Charlotte Ohservrr. Yestenlay evening your i-orreondent met Alitor Uamsev. oi tlie i'iigrtsic I'n nut r , and asketl him "where Skinner sbusl. Mr. Kamscy sanl the committee could not find Ciil. Skinner Tuesday night bei-ause the latter did not want to tie found. In other words, like "Brer Rab-. bit" the colonel was "lavin mighty low.' Mr. Ramsey said that Col. Skinner had been seen bv Mr. Marion Butler ami a ew other leaders, and was "all right." dinner had declared for Weaver and Field. Many of the Third larty people are utssalisiieu wuu winner 111 any ca- viL-itr and say so. One man remarked to lav that h was "willing to si-e Skin ner used as a draft horse, but not to see him ride in the wagon." Will Skinner "stick," or will he "sulk in the tent if" Xever.was a man so treated as he was. The Republicans had coinphite control of I party p.-nnitteil 110 attacks tn its new ma-ster tt be ruatle. From the Vlla Alvanee. 'Republicans doininakxl and controlletl the Third .'nurtv iimvT-ntioif Tr Italeigh.. Wlien (ill. Skinner dVclared that if hvA was the'eand'idate' ami the Republicans . li :-..1a Jut P . saicly iI Willie aiipicunwj " "v i....-, he wuld withdraw from the race, they bowled him down and succi-eded in forc-ing-him from the ticket. We understand Col. Skinner said while here yesterday that this was true; and further: that his position was endorsed bv all members of the convention who had heretofore been Democrat. The Republicans are deter mined to give Xorth Carolina to Harrison and win the State for themselves. Will they do it i From the Viliningttn Star. Col. Harry Skinner in his sp-ecli in the Third party convention at Raleigh told the fellows w ho nominate him by accla mation for Governor and then pulled him down and sat ujion him, that there was no fault to lie found with the adminis tration of the government by the Demo cratic party in tfiis State: that the gov ernment was good and honest and that there should le in war made upon that This was honest and it was canuiti, too caudid to meet with the endorsement of the aspirants to office who got up tiuu convention, and they and meir binders Eulled Harry down quicker than tneypui im up. They didn't show much sense when they did it, but the KepoD.cans who figured so extensively in the con vent ion couldn't stand Harry's swipes a.t tin. lienublican nartv and the declaration that as between Eaves and Carr he wouliVl vote for Carr. They wouldn t. lhe would vote for Eaves, as a great many of them doubtless will do U lie snouia oe the Republican candidate for Governor, when they see mere w no cuauce hit electing Dr. Exum. When they sat down on Harry Skinner i-wntis.. he refused to accept the nornnui- tioi. for Giivernor unless it was under-, stood that he. could withdraw the a.e nntilieans ran a ticket, not only sliced their hands, but threw off tlu; disguise they had been wearing ami appeared 4n their riglit gari as Republican allit. .Si nj'urri Express. ' - A YCtHJK ALWA YS HITS BULL'S EYE. . HE IKxrlor Eiant Kneetaaiiy uofiofru HU Owa Coaaly. trtlUIoro Arpi. ti,a iiiUr .I:. v At Fremont, Messrs. C, B. Aycoik and F. A. Woodard sjwkefor 1 U. . . . the Democratic and lrs- w. r. twin and J. E. Person for the People's party, and Dr. W. P. Exum duringthe progress of his remarks said that the Democratic tiarty was very appn yqaely represented by two of the ablt lawyers of the Stat, as criminals, when put on triaL always appeared by counsel and always wanted the liest they could gYt. - j Mr. Aycock in rejiy said thjt twas true that the Democratic pnrtjrwaa rep resented by law'r, but that it wa in much Utter condition than the 4Peo pleV partyr which was retineuted by Dm. Exum and Person; and that the hit ter's condition reminded him very much of the, woman of w hom if was said in the scriptures: ' "And she had sufferedTnany things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing, bet ter i imi rather frrew worse." . The audience was delighted at this happy retort, and thi doctor was com?; nondinglv crestfallen. - . - - pondingly crest fa $TVk you want 100.00 ! on second page. ' i - . See offer v.. POLITICAL POINTS. Straw That Tell Which Way the Wind - -J ' ' ":. . Blows.' The Democratic County Convention m Johnston will be held Sept. 2nd. - Richard Croker'the Tammany thief- tain, says New York city will give Cleve land 75,000 majority. A joint canvass between Williams and Settle in the fifth district has been agreed upon. It will begin Sept. 25th. The old. veterans in camp at Wrights ville are organized into a Cleveland and Carr Club, and will do most effective worfc. , The nejm convention 111 torsyth en dorsed John S. Fittsl a colored lawyer, for the House. Thev: are hunting for money. 1 - , Mr W. W. Kitcheu. of Person, has been nomimited for the Senate in the dis trict coniDosed of Person and Granville counties. . Rt4xrta come from ltockingham, For- s-the. Granville and other counties tnat the negroes will put out a county ticket of them own race. Maj. Wm. A. Guthrie has declined the People's party nomination for Supreme Pourt Judire. lie nas wnucn a lenenu the Progressive Farmer to that effect. TIm Deinocrata of Durham evidently think a State Convention to nominate a Justice of the Supreme Court will le call ed, and hare elected delegates to be pre sent lie A A. Manard. of Anson, was iMiiumated for Congress on the first bal lot in the Sixth District, and . V. monds, of Roljeson, was chosen presiden tial elector. J The liepulJican convention or tne ttn Congnional District nominated Dr. J. . Wilcox: of Ashe, for Congress, and S. M. Holton, of Surry, for elector. They declared unanimously for a State ticket, Tlie women remain as true as steel to tho Iiemocratic nartv. One cood ola Lwly ner Newton says her husband need not come back home on election day un lss he votes for Cleveland. NetctfmJZn- tt-rjrise. The Halifax Democrats have nominat ed W. II. Day for the Senate; w. 11. Kitchen and F. H. Taylor for the House; B. I. Allsbrook for Sheriff; S. Frank Brinkley, for Register; W. F. Parker, Treasurer. The Peonle 's iMirtv of the Third Con gressional District have nominated Frank Koohee, of Onslow, lor uongress, ami A H. Perrcv. of Bladen, for elector. Less than half the counties in the district were represented in the convention. A' candidate like Col. Skinner, who confessed that he liked the Democratic nurtv. better than the Reimblican party, did not suit the Republicans who helped to eiiirineer the Third party convention at Raleigh. Wilmington Star. The People's party of Rowan, nominat ed F. B. Brown ami Jesse . MiUer for the Legislature, R. A. Knox for Sheriff, W. Sloan for register 01 tieeas ana 1. C. Watson for treasurer, ine neraia savs Knox and Watson are Republicans. Mr. Carver, who was nominated for register of deeds on the Third party ticket, has decided to withdraw in favor of somebody who can read and w rite. , A mass meeting has been called to nomi nate another candidate..--AVfWsrM? Re- einr. What hasliecouie of all the Third party fellows hcaralouts they were recently claiming everything ? They seem to have .rotten awfully scarce and ucpulch rally silent since the nomination of Dr. Wyatt Patrick Exum for Governor. Goldsboro Argus. . Tlie Democrats of Bertie'have noun na ted the following ticket: A. S. Kas- r "1 . l... IT.-....,.-. coe, mavor 01 muklsoi, lur.we huuoc, Sol. Cherry, Jr., for Register of Deeds, T.C.Bond for Sheriff, James T. Perrj; for .inmiinr uml Hi 11 . surveyor, Tin Demoemts of Stanly county held their convention on Monday. - TJie coh-n-ntioji was the LirgestaniimQstrnthu- -iu.-ru. vr. held in" tw etauitv. - Aiannr- i nntHrollhW with ITMlHl 4rtrUWuO t -trouble! wiihi ITmihI 4rtyUw-uodt m! fr. DeworacV by le.-wC lAw- is sol niajority, Sul&otryIIeiht. -d .' Hurrah ,.r Vofftl jlrookr $' Tiably informed. What .tjie-vAte casiajnp nrimnrv. JIM JO. .10" wii.4Srfs : r . .v-.-i' Hn, rest of Hip worlds linfoln Cwirief. 1 he I'eome s uanv in uuiu.oxi wuuey , . r . T. : 1 e 1, k.r nominated -a RepubUcaL Jos. A. uor-j kins, for Sheriff 4 Ue tells. them rhatne will vote.fjr LlTwrU and the regular, RepubliciUi "tictet. it js sueir aueiuMo tn dicker wifh RepuMicmis that oring th People's party intoiueritejitdisrepn A. II.: Yefby, of Raleigh, a pnihibl- tionisl.nitt come out on. the .ttemocraticj ni1 'In a card he savs: "In the future! I sh.ill vote for the white man s party unit djill in mv power to elect the w.hite man's State and National tiykTt, lgaii largest, except one, inac '"i that township. VKjrt the 1W5 ry4 tnoti rnt.u owneu ifonm iv. W hn brine succss. VI am a DeKtiahned to perform the duty. v " - KTc learn that tjie ThW party held. iv)wwow at or near " Alfordsvillo' hicb was attended by about 100 person? but wITen they came to organize onlyVbur nu.n wiuld be induced to "line tile fMr mtailicjin Aid Society , as their political antecwdeis. Unhyx awl Sottish Chkf. - i- C iThe i)em?cr.its of -Orange .reeiimmcnd Thos. M..Check, who served in tne uomw in 1SH9, for the Senate, and nomirnuca thii following ticket: Fos the "House. Jas: A . s;hnrifT Jnhn Tf. TTufzhesyxOr Recister. John Taws; tot Treasurer.'rJ M. Sands.' Both the legislatirj nonrinees belong to the Alliance. ' j The Democrats of Warren county have nominated the following fulHickti For IiaiiJa) w W I.ninr: sheriff. J K itoa- well; treasurer, J3. S. Fields; regisJer,.of dteds, M. E..Newsonx; coroner,; 6. Wainwight; suvcyor, C. RScft. - L'apt. J. P. Iach was. endorsed as. Senawif ftni Warren and Vance eounlle, ''9Z' A siK:ial to the 6rtArcfi?.trom GoW- bon say tliat on he criminal docTcet 'of L ja by ay Democrats that were Wayne county Superior Court.. is an iBVfn(yiined to the Third party are returning . . . . A:..l mnnll, f Tl., W dictuieiu lor iruu uyi iuwiu P. Exum, the Third party candidate fou Governor fo earring a eonceaieu -weapon aud threatenin tin life 0 Arnold Borden, a fading; cjtizeii of iildslx)ro. ! .U Durham," D. C. MangfiuiJ th k$A of the Itepublican party, anmonnces ahat he is hungering and thirsting 1- "re. form" and hence "will hereafter give m Ins allegiance to the People's, pjfrtr-, The Sun says thb means tnain jumam it 1 "anvimuLia a 4a. to Deal tne nnxmuj. . 3ut the thing just tan't be did.- H f Th. Ooldsbiiro 'Araus&kws: Dr.(j. W. Sanderlin, State Aj?iitor and a lead ing farmer's alliance .nan,- wanereai: .,ir Ha will her 'with us next Satur day, nd speak-at the ufurlipg rjrthe I Cleveland and Carr oanner. .ne s ope of the finest campaigliers, evr heard up on the stump In Nerth Carrqjiiuv - Yterdav Col. T. B.' Long, ; tlealhird nam's" nominee for. Auditor, - went into . hArhor'i nljuiiere- "He asked toe n-- mhnrtr what. tkket he would votC- Th rpr.lv was "the Republican.'' Therel uponOoL ling sail there would bejio poryihlieiui ticket.- as the Repufjlicans wonld fuse with the Third party, and t w thtf Renutliaalts would vote for the lAti.T. Ha then asked thv negro if ne. would not vote tor Ir. Exum -and the reply was, "No ir; I will in thai case rote for Mr. Elias Carr and the other Tw.ner5tlA" " Lon? did not like this a bit and said, so. Rhleig&-Cor. fhariotte ygserrer. C. L. Pettiirrew. of Plymouth, and S, M. S. Bollinson, of Dare, are the Demo- crdric nominees for the Senate in the second district. " Mr. Rufus Amis has withdrawn as a Republican candidate for Congress in the tilth district, leaving Mr. A nomas etue m the field for the party. , News comes from Edgecombe that the Third party men cannot stand the negro nominations for the Legislature, ami so they are coming back to the Ucmoerauc party. - As a result of t he poor speaking of Dr. Exum and Mr. Marion Butler last Fri day in this county, thirty-seven men who had Third party ideas nave jomeu me Auburn Democratic club. Cor. jlfX.set- ger. - - The Democrats of -Durham nominated Frank T. Fuller for the House, F. D. Markham for Sheriff. Paschal Lunsford for Register. John Pope for Treasurer, J. N. Link for Surveyor.- and Dr. N. M. Johnson for Coroner. The" Newton Enterprise resents as a slander the allegation that Catawba has irone over to the Weaverites. "We have not subtracted a single ntrure, u says, - . . .. .... - "from our estimate that Cleveland will get 1,200 majority in Catawba county. The Vance county Democratic Con ven-. tion nominated for the Legislature 1. 1. Hicks, for Sheriff E. A. Powell, for Treasurer A. M. Basket, for Register of Deeds Presly Rowland, for surveyor J, B. White, for Coroner A. L. Camning ham. The People's party in Mecklenburg has nominated the following ticket: oenaie, T. L. Vail: House. Nick Gibbon, W. G, Ford. W. G. Steele: Sheriff, . W. D. Har-S ry: Register of Deeds, R. W. Lossamon; Treasurer, Hugh T. Rhyne; Coroner, T, M- Carr; Surveyor, J. J. AlcKaven. At the Davidson couuty Democratic Convention John C. Thomas was nomi nated for the Legislature C. M. Griffith the present incumbent, for Sheriff; S. Finch, the present incumbent, for regis ter of Deeds; D. C. Craver for treasurer; J. W. May for surveyor; Dr. John A. Myers for coroner.' , j The -Winston Sentinel says Gus But- ner, a prominent Kepuoiiean or uavie county who has voted the ticket of the Republican" party for twenty years, will .hereafter vote with the Democracy. He gives his reasons, saying that as long as the McKinley tariff and tne lorce mil are issues he will be a Democrat. When S. B. Worth, the leading Third partyite of Sauford township, meets up with a Republican he calls him partner. This is appropriate. There is just about as much difference between the Third party and Republican party as there is between the Republican party and the negro. They are all the same. Sanford Express. i The Enterprise says a white Republi can office holder said on the streets of Newton last Saturday week that with the aid of the Third party the Republicans would cacy North Carolina this year, and the 'first thing he wanted to see was a negro on the bench in our . A Iff il. ' - coi use and at least nan me jury ne: e Harnett county Democrats have nominated tne iouowing iicKei: ror Legislature N. A. Smith, for Sheriff C. McArtan, for Clerk Geo. P. Prince, for Register of Deeds H. T. Spears, for Treas urer W. H. Sexton, for Surveyor Daniel L. Green, for Coroner F. T. Moore. D. H. McLean was recommended for the Senate from this district." The Oxford Bay tells it that it is re- ported in that town that, the traveling expenses 01 a inira panyue ,rrom Vir ginia,- who- recently made speecnes in Granville county, was jpaid by two Re publicans. See how beautifully these elements, work together ! AndTet there are gome people who are being, bnndly led away" from the ark of safety. Durham iui iiicay yim lyioiuwp Exum called on a'prouiinetrt physician in Goldsboro last Saturday- and applied for m certificate" tfiat JiC wsihys.ically un able tf canvass the tstato. The physi cian is sffiid to hair e.replied that he could qpnsclenlousry -itji profession,' giveilim irtitteirio Lfr aato.phfsi ajmesi- tf UtoapacitT-to, make acanvai-Stof e : 'Atfthe Alimanoe 'Democratic conven tion : Jacob A.;long was nominated for to House, 'Rev.. J: A. Burch was endors- Wdot the -Senate, J. 4. Hamilton tor Sheriff, 1..11. watson ivegisier yi. James A. . Dickey, Treasurer, L. H. Holt Surveyor, and Dr. . A. j)Teeman -joroner, SUjTing . speecues were maue uy wv. HJlt, Senator tansom, congressman r n liaais and Mr. Lon4. ; v CharTes A. Dana, Esq., of New York, having ; been reauestedby members of the Democratic National Committee to pre pare oq the force bill an article to be pub IL$ed in" the Campaign Book, pleads imperative duties as his reason for not comnlvia& with the request, and recom j ... ( ,1 rftfiQUi Governor uaviu d. nm, of the game duvmj, to the committee as well t -i . .1 i i -JoanH. Williamson, tne negrp eoitor ZtHho, fiazette. has declared himself for L Congress in the Fourth district, and some or tne negroes are owcanug " " Hnjnson's platform is the payment of $300 tfor each ex-slave, the darkey getting one- - hlaefc lift no aroes." ft We chdrrt inquirWaalf and his "old master" the other nail. -nhitA.. and blacks will vote for him and that he has strong endorsements every Where, some fromjther States, North South, and West, , v A correspondent writes from Fayette Tillc to tb Wilmington Star that the disgraceful scenes enacted by the People's party at the convention at Raleigh proved to.be a grevious disappointment to many Lof 4hat faith and order throughout that section, who mace no conceaimeui, 01 tueix fciisgust and contemplate return to tne Democratie 1010. ine uuKei ia evcij whererfegafded as the weakest ever put out ,in North Carolina. Wilmington Star. - ' I A prominent' gentleman of Davidson county "in a private letter says: "ine nnuti for t h Temocrats are briehten- to their first love. Some of them attend ed our primaries last Saturday as Simott- pure. Democrats, uur primaries, as iar L heard from, are larger than ever tnnirn in the county. The Democrats are being roused in a greater degree than vet before," '. ' ' ! fhen Mr. Osborne spoke at Goldsboro, Dr,- Exum came forward and asKea ror a division of time. This was promptly granted him and then he said ne did, not ant it for himself, but for a gentleman dm town. He went out of the meetings says the Argus, ostensibly to find his man 1 .1 : .1 Minim - sv,. arun cnrl KapIt IHAW U1U uui iciu(u v - . yord.- The Argus thinks Dr. Exum asked for division of time thinking it fouJd be refused and he would make party capital out of it. The Democratic Convention of the 29th Senatorial District, composed of Lincoln, Catawba, Alexander and Wilkes met in Hickory Wednesday. G. W. Flowers, of Alexander, was elected cnairmau auu iue "members of the press present secretaries. Jno. S. Cranor, of Wilkes, and J. G. Hall, wf ?atawba, were nominated for Senators by acclamation. Mr. Cranor, ma fine speech accepted, and Mr. Hall in an excellent campaign speech in feel ing terms, declined on account of inabil ity to arrrnge his business satisfactorily. The Catawba delegates retired for a cau cus and after several ballots selected Mr. M. O. Sherrill, . who was nominated by aoclamation by the convention. Netrton -Enterprise. K ' The Democrats in Cumberland have nominated the following; ticket: For the House.' Henry L. Cook and Rev.' E. J. Edwards; Senate, John W. McLauchlin for Sheriff, J. B. Smith ! wasSnominated by acclamation; . Register, Hv L. Hallj Cofoner, Drt J. F. Higlismitht Surveyor, J. Hector Smith.' j We hear that a number of men throughout the county, who have hereto fore expressed themselves favorable to the Third party, are now openly declar ing that they will stand by the Dejno cratic nominees; They have disooyered the "tricks" that are attempting to be played upon them and will take none of it in theirs. Jjoummrg limes. t It is understood here that, Cobb, Peo ple s party candidate for LieuL Governor, will be taken down. His nnsayory record as a revenue offieer has made this neces sary. He was indicted in 1878 charged with assisting the removal of distilled spirits from the distillery of Huffman & Co. Burke county, being at the time store keeper at that distiltert. He was again indicted in 1883 charged with pre sentmg false vouchers as Deputy V. S, Marshal AsheviUe Cor. Charlotte Obser ver. E . . - Many of the Third party people are dissatisfied with Skinner in any capacity and say so. One man remarked to-day that he was "willing to see Skinner used as a draft horse, but not to sefe him ride in the wagon." ; Will Skinner' I'isticl tstick.or will he "sulk in his tent f ' Never was a man so treated as he was. The Repub licans had complete control o the Third party convention, and that body permit ted no attacks on its pew' masters to be made. Raleigh Cor. Charlotte Observer. -When Cleveland was nominated for the Presidency, Richard Crocker i&id he would carry New york by 1 5 jOOO majori ty, later on Mr. Murphy said he would get 25,000 minority, still later Governor Flower placed it -at 40,000. , .Now Con gressman limothy Campbell), ol triat LStatel places his majority at 75,000. The figures still grow Larger. Kepublicansin that State concede it already,; but are re lying upon i North Carolina, South Caro lina. Georgia and Texas to- break the solid South and elect Mr. Harrison The People's' party in Chatham have AiBiinated this ticket : For the Senate, Jno W. Atwater; for the House, Alfred M. Self 4itU'A. W. Wicker; for Kegister, Jno. T. P,tschall; for Treasurer, L. N; Hatch; for Sheriff,' G. W. Foushee; for Coroner, Dr. R. L. Gattis; for Surveyor, W.M. -'Harper. Tlie Eevord, savs that it is reliably informed that Mr. Foushee is a Democrat and will decline. Messrs. Self, Wicker and Paschall have been in dependent or radical candidates before, Mr. Paschall being known in Chatham as the n'the standing candidate.": At the Alexander county convention Thos. F. M unlock, Esq., was ire-nominated for the House by acelamatjion. J. W. Watts, the present sheriff, wias re-nomi-nated by acclamation. J no. Li Gwalthey was, nominated by acclamation for regis ter of deeds. H." J. Burke was re-nominated by acclamation for treasurer. Jno. G. Harrington was nominated for sur veyor, and Jno. S. Reese for coroner. Col. Geo. W. Flowers was 'rqcommendea by the convention to the delegates to the senatorial convention to be held at Hicko ry as the candidate for Senator. The Third party in Iredell1 have nomi nated the following ticket: i Dr. W.-B. Mott for the Senate; J. D. Elliott and S. A. Low ranee for the House; ;W.- B. Gib son for sheriff; R. V. Thaip for register of deeds, M. E. Ramsey treasurer; -A. D Parks (kroner and S. O. Lazenby for surveyor, ill the candidate Lr, AV alter Mott and R. V. 1 harp were formerly Re publicans. The rest of the ticket" were Democrats. One of the nominees for the House,- J. D. . Elliwtt, was 'by mistake nominated for surveyor by the Democratic convention last Tuesday as the choice- of the banner township in the county. .fXtt- And now strange to say, j without any discussion andtiy -.a -'unanimous vote the report of the committee on platform, ad vocating the abolition of thd present sys tem orconnty government ;.jias adopted by the People's party county pon ven tion.. Yes. the "only t4refoTm?',vfVjrMised in State or otittntfAffairs 1st' f or thr? people of every county to elect vueir magtssi-iatcn, mi- raissioners aiid superintendtiit of public instruction. Of course thisn if carriel out, would place a large number of the best counties of North Carolina under negro rule ! And again would we have the troublesof 1868 repeated ! And this is the reform and relief proposed by the third party in Chatham 1 It is peculiar ly appropriate that the chairman of the platform committee proposing this, is a defaulting deputy sheriff, whose bonds men were sued and bad to pay the taxes which he had collected and failed to pay oveio Sheriff Brewer Chatham Rec ord. . ! A special to tlie Charlotte Observer gives the following account of the Iredell county convention: 4 'The delegates to the senatorial and congressional conven tions were Instructed to vote lor tne nominations of Richard BJ McLaughlin, Esq., and Congressman Henderson, res pectively. For the House of Representa tives, Dr. J. R. MeLelland I and Richard E. King were uominat"d on the first bal lot. T. J. Allison and T.. M. C. David son were nominated by acclamation for sheriff and register of deeds; and Treas urer J. C. Turner was re-uominated on the first ballot. G. WT. Clegg was re nominated for coroner and J. D. Elliott was nominated for surveyor. The nomi nees for the House are sterling Demo crats who can unite all the factions of the county. R. B. McLaughlin, Esq., Iredell's nominee for the Senate, is a yoiing lawyer of ability and of course, a straight-haired Democrat. The whole ticket as nominated will be clected-i-the hardest fight If ing for thd Senate." Of the representation in the People's party Johnston county, the Herald says: A roll of townships was! called and all a'niwpml but Clavton.. Cleveland, Pleas ant Grove and "Wilders! Banner was represented by six men, fpur of them Re publicans. Elevation had two present, both Republicans. Meadow had about a dozen, about equally divided between Democrats aud Republicans. Wilson's Mills was represented by lone man only. When Smithfield township retired for selecting delegates, John! Beckwith, the negro politician of Smithfield, asked of Mr. W. IL Creech chairman, for himself and about a dozen other) negroes, to be admitted into their party but was refus ed admission. John says; they w ere told to wait awhile and all would be right. This is the first Third party, convention we have heard of to draw; the line on the nesrro. The effect we do not know but we think they acted wisely for the white men of Johnston county are not going to vote with them. We do hot think there were over 150 men who took part m thehY deliberations and about half of that number have been life long Republicans and of the other half, the majority, were sorehead Democrats. j SKINNER NOMINATED FOR CON GRESS A And Declined in the Same Speech That He Made at Raleigh. Edenton Special, 19th "to State Chronicle. At the Third party convention of the First Congressional District to-day, Skin ner was nominated for Congress and de clined in the same sieech that he declin ed the1 nomination for Governor at the Third party State convention in Raleigh. Move was then nominated for Congress. TV i. Respass was nominated for elector. The convention w as poorly attended and the delegates seem not to be pleased with Skinner's behavior. Little enthusiasm. '. ' -: The Democratic Caarass. - The gentlemen named below will ad dress the voters of the State at the times and places named: 1: ELLAS CARR USD T. J.,JARVIS. Washington, Beaufort county, Sept. 3. - Williamston, Martin county, Sept 5. . - . .Plymouth, Washington county, Sept. 6. Edenton, Chowan county, Sept 7. Hertford, Perquimans county, Sept. 8. - Elizabeth City, Pasquotank county, Sept. 9. . Camden Court House, Camden county Sept. 10. ' Currituck Court House, Currituck county! Sept. 11. R. B. GLENN. Lawrence, Edgecombe county, Aug. 29. Tarboro, Edgecombe county, at night, Aug. 29. . Macon, Warren county, Aug. 30. Henderson, Vance county, Aug. 31. Youngsville, Franklin county Sept. 1 Franklin's, Wake county, Sept. 2. ThoniasvillejDavidson county, Sept. 3. Rutherfordton, Rutherford couuty.Sep- tember 5. ,: Morgantoh, Burke county, Sept. 6. M.W.RANSOM. ' Fayetteville, Aug. 29." ,- Gulf, Chatham county, Aug. 30. Greensboro, Aug. 81. Rural Hall, Forsyth county, Sept. I. Madison, Rockiugliam county, .Sept. 3. Danbury, Stokes county, Sept. . " Mocksyille, Davie county, Sept. 9 Winston, September 10. ' ... CM. COOKE. With Senator Ransom at Gulf, Chat ham county, Aug. 80. JOHN C. SCARBOROUGH, j Rock Springs, Caldwell county, Sept. 8. Ienoir, Caldwell county, Sept. 5. J. C. SCARBOROUGH AND R. B. GLENN Morganton, Burke county, Sept. 6. Marshall, Madisou county, .Sept. 7. Ivy, McElroy's Mills, Madison county, Sept. 8. . , " ' Burnsville, 1 aiicey county, Sept.. 9. Bakersyille, Mitcfiell iKunty, Sept. 10, linville City, Mitchell county, Sept. 12, Boone, Watauga county, Sept. 1 8. W. M. BOBBINS. Kemersville, Forsyth county, Aug. 30. Norwood, Stanly county, Aug, 81. Lexington, Davidson county, Sept. . H. A. GUDGER. Sand Hill, September 3. Morganton, September 5. Old Fort, September fi. Mar's Hill, September 9. Big Joy, September 10. Waynesville, September 13. A. LEAZAR.; High Point, Guilford county, Aug. 80. Matthews, Mecklenburg Co., Aug. 81. Beaver Dam, Union county, Sept. 1. rAberdeen, Moore county, Sept. 2. Cameron, Moore county, ept. 3. Apex, Wake county, Sept. 5. J Mt. Vernon Springs, Chatham county. Sept. 6. Staley, Randolph county, Sept: 7. JAMES . pou. , Falling Creek, Lenoir county, Aug-80. , Fort Barnwell, Craven county ,Aug. 31 . LTrnul, Craven county, Sept. 1 . ' Newbern, at njght, Sept. 2. Reelsboro, Pamlico county, Seit. 8. E. C. BEDDING Fl ELD AND R. A. DOUGHTON. Franklinton, Franklin county, Aug. 29. Shocco Springs, Warren county, Aug ust 30. j Castalia, Nash county, Aug. 81. X Spring Hope; Nash county, Sept 1. Nashville, Nash county, Sept. Lane's School House, Green county, Sept. 3. C. B. AVCOCK. ; Morton's, Onslow county, Aug. 29. May&ville, Jones county, Aug. 30. Farmville, Pitt county, Sept. 1. Pactolus, Pitt county, Sept. 2. Keehsville, Pitt county, Sept. 3. " ,TT ' s; B. Alexander and w. k Ararey have been requested and are expected to be with'Mr. Aycock at above appoint ments. ; McAdensville, Gaston county, Sept 8. ; King's Mountainf Gaston county, Sep tember 9. . .- '' -"-'- - Mooresboro,-- Cleveland county, Sep tember 10- . - Waco, Cleveland county, Sept. 12. - W. H. Bower and J. R. Lewellyu have been requested - and "'aTtT expected 'to be with Mr. Aycock at above appointment. G. W. SANDERLIN. With Doughton and Beddingfield, at Lane's School House, Edgecombe county, Sept 3. ' I ; , -' R. A. DOUGHTON AND O. W. SANDERLIN. Lizzie, Greene county, Sept. 10. M. W. RANSOM, J. R. LEWELLTN AND CLEM ENT MANLT. Wilkesboro, Sept. 5. . " ' OCT. COKE AND E. C. BEDDING FI ELD. Lexington, Davidson county, Sept. 6. 'Ratldleman Randolph county Sept. 7, at njght. Oak Grove Academy, Randolph county, Sept. 8. I Trinity College, Randolph county, Sept. 10. -. . ; j OCTAVIUSCOKE, LEE 8, OVERMAN AND THEO. r. KLUTZ. China Grove, Rowan county, Aug. 3-1. Salisbury, Rowan county, Sept. 1, at night. ' ! Rockwell,' Rowan county, Sept. fit. . Albemarle, Stanly county, Sept - 3. Harrisburg, Cabarrus couuty, Sept. 5. F. M. Simmo'ns, Chm'n. R. H. Cow an, Sec'y. -. A Benefactor Falls Dead. J. A. Bostwick, Esq., of New York, who has endeared himself to many hearts in North Carolina by repeated munificent benefactions to Wake Forest college, died suddenly last week at Mamoaroneck, New York.. Shortly after midnight his stables took fire,, and , he hurried out on the piazza under great excitement. - He had been in ill health for some time and was unable to take part in extinguishing the flames. In his anxiety be shouted .a few orders, suddenly clasped his bands over his heart, feu, and died in a few minutes. His coachman, footman, and eight carriage Dorses were Duraeo . to death. The two men had been under the influence of liauor. and the tire, it it thought, was caused by. their careless ness in smoking or handnng matcbty in their room in tne staoies. Mr. Bostwick's gifts to Wake; Forest college alone aggregate $75,000. Cooling Back to the Old Ship. From Account of Speaking at Roxboro. Mr. Aycock's speeches are' bristling with facts and full of humor and he is bringing many back into the , good old Democratic ship. a-- 1. , -T ' -4'-a J .-. t&4". . : ( v - - f. VX f r-4 ;.r.. . rk . . iiin... elu.AI no earthly chance of car- Homer military SChOOUate and either Clevclaxd . .... . a j , . . . ii iu w i nTuuciii; aum mere- uUir. &SSi moSeLne Vemocmlc party and the J-Catalogues i WCHy Oil KppUvAVlVU .Alcana J our an allianceman to alliance--."a.- men. Mr. Beddinicield's Speech at the North, ampton Democratic Convention., The Patron and Gleaner. ' The Chairman then introduced.-' Mr. Beddingfield to the eonvention. He i'a young man, apjwrently notover year of age, and while h does n t impress one as being particularly giftd in ora tory, yet he is a very clear and logical . reasoner, and he received, the chusest at tention durinar the entire delivery of his address. He spHiko nearly one hour and his remarks were directs! pnncijilly to 4 those Democrats w ho had severed their connection with the old -party aud had gone into the Third jwrty through the instrumentality of the Fanners' Alliance. He said that when he looked into the faces of his audieneejt came home to him with great satisfaction that the ma jority of manhood in Nort hamptun coi uty was still in the Demxnitio party. 1 , Sometimes in the heat of jiolitieal win- j testa men's hands and - hearts Ixvome soared, and their-blood got hot; some times loe;d Issues en uie iu ami lrothers were dividel and fathers and sons dif fered in opinion. UV.il thnr to hear him withiifut prejmlk-e, and after they: had heard him they could act as they' 4 thought lest. Ho read the pldgeof the Farmers Alliance and cxplaintHl some of their principles; gave Mr. Macunc's views ' expre.ssHl at St. Loin and naad exjtracts from a speech dcUve'red by Col. Polk at Ocala, all of which weut to sho'that there was njithiiig in tlie plelgc "r prin ciples of tlie Alliance to bind any one to an particular Militiital party. Roth these gentlemen 'agmil that the Alliance could never participate in any jx.litical party, and yet these were the. nu n who said later oil that the Alliance was Ixumtr '" to go into tluV Thiiil party. -Col. Polk had pledged tf the sjicukcr., who was Iun (tersona) friend, never to touch politics" i'u North Carolina, and if he were hem he would say so. Some of the incif who had gone into the Third party were good', men, but they had lieen misled y schem ing politicians aiid tlioutjhi it whs t heir duty as Allianceincn to uport it. He then spoke briefly of thu-Nilitical aitua tion of the State, gave a brief , description . of the Democratie nominees, ;liolhtate i aud National, and finally "fook hi sent amid a stirm of applause. s. Otho t ilMtu Varhiioi (Ilticeo in the Mew I'urty, ' , . . ' i The chairman of the Kxeciitivc I'oin mittie of Ihe People's party in .North Carolina is S. Otho Wilson. The chair man .of the Executive Commit (- of thi' Fourth. Congressional district is S. Otho Wilson. The chairman of the Kxecutjve Committee of Wake county in N. Otho. Wilson. , The cliairmaif of the l'ici'ittive Conimittee of Swift Cre k township inS.- Otho Wilson. - . 1 Why he ftt the ltinliliiit Party Sout liii)it leader. ' . Sol Eagles -(col.) spoke in the Bun- coinbe'Couuty- People's party eonvention and claimed while In- knew nothing of the Democratic party, the colored H'ople were not given on ice by the ICcpulilHau party. He had left .Republicans Imchuso they did not keep their promises. (Sol. didn't get an olliee. Trio ot'Oiilrayeoii Nnnies. (Jrei'iisrsiro Record, - With Cleveland domiciled at Buzurd'a Bay and Harrison at IMne like, if Weaver will only make his henditiurtcrn at Goose Creek -the thing will he complete. Buzzard's Bay, Ixmhic Like, and ih tone Ch-'kl What ji trio of outrageous named! A Good Alliance leKiolalor Talk. ' Webster's Weekly. hi ii 'i in ' 1 ii i i ill wi wj mil i ii in; w I in yi ti is mh'ih'u.wj im warn1ngSu and says they will tuin'ont to the, townshiy meeting with .old-time zeal and enthusiasm. Every Democrat in the Slate shuild at once get up campaign cl ul is f or A ht N oHTIt CARdLINUN. It will lie wnt 8 mouths' for 25 cent or one half, regular price. To thus aid in the ,'ary'lj', J. I'.a'riotK' iluty; Agents wiuitediii every tow imhip. COLLEGEvJOR WOHEII,' Coliirpbia, S. C, REV. W. R. ATL1NSON, I. D., Ywr. Ceartered hy the'Mtateof South Carol Itm to ''confer drWs upon it urivl ua, .. )(M cerel by a cprps of profeHMorMHiul tewher second to no co11-kc1u tin South, t'oui plete courses hi (.'i'llegiale and Academic studies, in Musicaml Art, in lMikkinln, Shorthand and other liraiiches of a t'ont mercial t'olh'ge; a prcliinbiary mre lii Medicine; a full course, in I'harmacjr. The apiHiintmcntH are luiinrt-iiMseil In Hoarding SiinKiI. The building are lighted hy gas, and heated liy a hot watr heater; hot and cohl'waU-r Imthn and 'nan. iUiry arrangements on each floor. - The grounds and th. MUrrouiKlliign ar the most lieautiful, ill the "Soiite. ff'Sesslon opens Sptiber 21t, WM.- For temiM ami cntaloiue ahlrHS tha President. 1 -Mm. Qavidson College, i DAVIDSON, N. C. Session 1H3-' hegins Kepteinler Hh. Classical, Mathematical, Scientific, Liter ary, Biblical, Commercial: Eiidit men in the Faiculty. Courm-n degrees elective in the higher c'lasmK. Accwsiblc IncxM'iixivi: 4 Mral. Y M. C. A. Hall ami Oy iiiiMadn m com plete. ' Senl for catalogue. AdlreK REV. J. R. SH KARKH, D. U '., LL. H., ; t-l-4t. ' 'rtldeit. Vafuable Property for Sale. Having Obtained iiu' ordi-r f court U sell publicly auy prtioti of ilierenl mtt 1 of Mary A. Mor-lieid. lei eaM l. t 1.1m i m give notice to any who may desire lo our chaHt ' any of naid real oiiHtt to ajipfy to the undersigned. If. a siiiln iei,tT7iTer in niHile to jutify the placing of any of ld real estate upon the niHrket lim same will he done after lue ndvrrt is-m-nt of the time and pla" of ale. '....' J i.NN T.' I't. LLEN, 1 j-tf. AdminlstrHtor c, t. a. rfu party i - If from , or prejudice us should permit Uremia to go to Hieri- ai .n;n o. iii ttt hAftda in ah am a and iletJnfn folle .f va mmt aw aavawvv. V uuatl, Mail VVi A coarse when it is too IaW. on aecvod pag V i V L-