We Tlorth Carolinians Vt X. THE BASEST LIE OF THE CAM PAIGX. Da. Lee, Gideonite elector in the Fifth district, meet the ruM about WtAVER'8 cruelty by the charge that Gen. 1X1 burned housea in Maryland, and extorted money from the people. It is by snch Uue charge that the Gideonites hope to win. The man who followed Gen. Lxk who does not resent such comparison of hi old commander, has surely lost the "stuff" that made him worthy to be Bob Lie" soldier. To 1kw how contemptible is the fake charge against Gen. Ill, we call the at tention of our readers to his order issued at ChamberslKirg, V.. June 27tb, 1863. We make room for this quotation from the great Pu T E. Lk: The commanding general cousiders i IV..I m.atar iliimil (tllllll llffall the rrr to pt t-V,oou, and Mr. FlUXR, i Brmv mn, through it the whole people, -1 ....I nriintr who declined the hn th nrrnrtration of the barlrou order to & Ve every man ID j rM,nlinti..n for sheriff, ? that outrage upon the innocent and defence- the Sia.c an opportunUy V,n.,,k.hc. lo t!UCSS the VOte and gel t t .M0. Th " r,'IHJ,Ue. course f the enemy in our own country. K T -p 'imwt, and h of them repudiated the Snch proceed inci not only disgrace the JIOO. ve uuci w ovwv tar,T j-a, ,.f ihdr kn.w ledge of ELLI5G OUT THE PEOPLE. The rascality of the i party leader in Tennessee ha been exposed. It is shown . .i r. ;. .r. tarn nrivate TOijUUA VOa4JuOl3 kWr written by luting Republican f 1 htyii the Republican National Exerutive Ommiiin' nw '.- - ux, i part Wader, 10.000 to insure the i Kt toral ve of Tennesm-e for Harrison aixl pvt IUchasaS to run as J rty can didate for Governor. MrDowtu. U to prt fi.Ooo more and the republicans am? to for him for the United Sutra S-nate if the combination con trol the Iji KiUture. This is the kind of li. form" the i party MUws in Tennes- How i it in North Carolina I Mr. I. M. Wti.hr )M rMtminaUil 111 I'M for GoT- -rtr, trtirU- that the i rty traders ri:n.v. uner c ir aui uinui j . We this dav withdraw our oiler tosend the North Cakoi tsi n during the cam n-ii n fr 2 cents, and in North 1'.kiiman to any method. -.l,lr.kc fnrnnrVfar foroNE; II.m-t mm nm vl w w v. - - " ' I rHti k. This is halt our 1 n . I IVn m ll'f I affiliate with men ho are brlrayinjc the people for personal 'fDEOXITEM FAVOR THE FORCE niLL. it so as to put he paper in the reach of every man in; AU jn fhJ earIy laof the the State. iramjijni, before the deal l-twten the Tliii rtTr will be onen I Kadicals and Gideonite was fully known. m - x ----- j until Nov. i st. Send vour subscription. in IHI Ol HlT floor h.WnW to ona CareliaUa mmd tim mi tWo PrrlJrlil Vol la Th'-r never U n a time hen there ' the Gidotnte s'akers said that the , Force bill was not an L-wue. and that they opposed it. Hut Wrsrrnand Tield j in a late letter jfive utterance to Radical , Ihh and arjrue in favor of control of ' elections, and no more do we bear Gid j eonite speakers denounce the Force bilL t Quite the contrary. N. A. Irxrs, ed itor of the Xatiottal Watchman, organ the Republican ' ' MX r 1 K V- Vi x l n.-v k 11a M-nl a i-kfnsi Kill .4tll f P lit V- V ms a n-.m f-r peculatioo as to ; of the Gideonite, was aked this ques- th. . th- ur art receive in 1 Hon on Oct. 221: this "Ik- not the fear of a Force bill tend car. Tlw lH nw ratje. a:l tE pvrty n oaim ai rmrhaticallr. lUtr t. vt. ral tt. V. t will carry the State FlJlf v Mt i:xvrx min wbo does not tule the pnhi!iti.,n jrty is expvting ; wn a "roree bill "will vote the Demo t. nuie anpretU ntrl! Ur JT-uns. c jj,., jn ju otier thing the ia oflr to trt h" the Ut politi-; jjj anj ojdoonite are working to clpr ph. t ttvn ir uUnUn e gt-thrr. He who dot not confess it now, muVe the f HJ.ttu' offer: ub" ; fter this and other revelations, tielongs .ntr tthe Nokth 1'iR.HJ.vus willl jW those ho ' having eyes not, and entttI to nule fir i?": j having ears hear not," or are themsclvcs t. H . muny vote will b cat in ! memht. of GMna band, or in sym N nhfurrf..rMK.CuvrxsNO.(Dem-.iathT wi,h iu nrfjirioU, puq (k,.-! ' men are leaving the Gideon i party every i Ho nuny f..r Ma. IIiRRt--. (I-.- 3. Ho nuiiT f.-r Ma. WuttR. (Ieo- p!e 4. U mny for Mb. Ridwixu (Pro- j xiie Radical and Ghleonites have for hilnf ion. RAIMCALH AMI (JIDLOMTKS ARE 0!E. nfntratorH. and all connected with them, but are subversive of the discipline and efficiency of the army and destructive of the ends of our present movements. It mu-st w remembered that we make war only upon armed men, and that we can not take vengeance of the wrongs our leople have suffered without lowering ourselves in the eyes of all w hose abhor ence has been excited by the atrocities of our enemies, without offending against Him to whom vengeance helongeth, with out whose favor and support our efforts must all prove in vain. The command ing general, therefore, earnestly exhorts the troops to abstain with most scrupu lous care from unnecessary or wanton injur)- to private projierty; and he enjoins upon all oflionrs to arrest and bring to summary punishment all who shall in any way offend against the orders on this subject." Gen. Field, who started the slander, ought to ak leave to go off and hang himself. It isthemt shameful slander of the. honorable dead that ever marked any campaign. THE CAT OUT OF THE BAC. National Democrat, WashinKton, D. C. The Philadelphia Press, edited by one of Mr. Harrison's closest friends, Mr. Emorv Smith, his late Minister to Russia has the courage to say plainly what all observant men have known all the time, viz., that it is the jlicy and purpose of the Republican party to enact a Force bill. But the Press is frank enough to urge a reason for it beyond mere politi cal power, and declares that to pass the Lodge election bill is to destroy the dan gerous competition that Southern pros erity erects against New England cotton goods and Pennsylvania iron. Or, in other words, the real down- LEATIXG THE GIDEOXITES. Since the exposure and proof that the i party ia run and manipulated by Gid eon's band, honest men who had hoped to find relief and reform through the new party are outraged because f they have been betrayed and deceived Hon est themselves, they thought others were equally aa honest, and they have been slow to believe that their confidence has been misplaced. But they are now see- GTDEON'S BAND AGAIN S. Otho Wilso. Write, a Letter W'hich Does ot Deny The cnarg" j Br Keid and Hell. ! Raleigh, N. C, Oct 31, '92 F. M. 'Simmons, Chairman, Baletyh. SmA copv of the State Chronicle of the 19th inst. ."containing two letters and a sensational write up by you with refer ence to a so-called secret political society, of which I am said to be the official head, has been handed me. As you have used tne macninerj uj. S. Otho Wilson. 'l u-""? - .-vol , ,h- wrtmI,ynn0"Dwllh''ir V in right Republican North seeks to over ..i'J !- to the person SCumWrlAn,, wuntTf M weI, n , M VZ:::.: tl" ncr lMl in'J wn. ,er the thh mUr risen from the tlK.f.Krti.!hUte.or100lNC.sIIloIOKrthrr. A cirrukr jointly bj t of fo the a, one unUr who mak. the near- tln tmo ,,,rta-s and signed S. Otho! Northrrn State8 in eonerc and manu re! rotation as to all four. Wilson. Chairman Pele's Party State I fai.turr o'nrTi..i or r.r csi.x.i. Csrrutiv Committee." and "C. I) Wad- j ,f ft ngW man or woman in the s,utll No prr tan gue w ho t n a paid S l-CLL, Chairman Pu-publican Executive ! hjul any doubf aljOUt the fiendLsh in up jaknk to Tut North Carounian. , Committer. has N-n insued warning the j ,K ;Te i fn ;n In onle, t H.rjN.I; ,heorP,rtuni- tliat the Icmocrats are trying to WonL of he philad,Iphia Presssettle the j J,aye lust cause i) i jrmi. .r nu4r ,ne ..r ; , iraWi u.. .w .oe.. , doubt and determine the only way to Thc North Carum tme Year fr ONE j clearly that they regard Radicals and i y flestrUl.tioU prop()6e1 for that I IoLLAR- Thi will fwvure a pl week-' Gideonite as partners. We quote: I . I I, Wr l2nKnth,andpveancrtu-t Ithasl "If the Democrats had never lcn al- n.ty to pi m cu in ad.btn by a ! rats intend to cheat t out of the elec- j o of 8ute p)Veru. fortunate cue. Tb wbo desire to ; mentsof the South northern-capital would .... . . i ing things m their true l.gnt, ana u we m the official head, had ninety days more before the election f j ... s Democratic press of the iho vnnM not be 500 honest adl- c. natinn for its circulation, I triotic men, who have been Democrats, hope that your sense of fair play win gye who would vote for Weavib and Excm. the same promineu I ;-,' tn this eommunicaiiou No honest man can tolerate uiaeon s I m o Ti ii h ii. band, which has organized and to-day lf ,0, u ,n Vorth Carolina a secret . ..i ' " . , , controls the new party. If they could political society known sis i"'" , . ii .,.. "I t.n nrrniT other name, or II mere Dill recall lucir imuui; uiwiauw I y . , . rtv1a . .. Ko Vww.no imlitipnl societv which controls, will not vote for Cleveland, mne-tentns tHmtr()l th- 1)eol)le, or the of the present followers of the new party -cy of any political party, other than o-stnM Iabvo it trt-Hav Pride of minion I nnnnoih thp nartv inself. I im in T9 VU1VA V V -w j - . j v y will keep many of them in the new party, ignorance of its existence Kn if thv would seek to be riaht rather i eT3 lTm) than coruMent they would come back home.. Mr. Editor: At, the request of Mr. S. i ...i ,.f v, .MmminfWt nthnWte T desire through theme AUU UUtllJ Al I"' . . . , . 1 x The latest is Mr. S A. Bell, SESwhk county, President of Cullasaja Alliance, . .... ,,3 the strongest possible who writea to the Franklin Pre: Droof of the charge he therein essays to oro Tnrmp PIpaoa allow m snace nnnwpr. It will be observed he does not in vnnr nanpr for a few lines in which to Mnv the statements make by Messrs. briefly state my views of the Third party. Reid and Bell, and makes the single point I am and have been for a long time a that the "Band" is not a political society, mnmhor of thn Farmers' Allianoe. and. Tn other words, summoned to the bar of like many of my neighbors, when the so- public opinion, his plea is what is known called People's party was first organized, among the lawyers as a plea by way of I believed it was a movement in the "confession and avoidance. lie admits cause of reform and could and would J by I not denying (under circumstances onng some measure or renei 10 uie pco- wmcn imperaiivei. iau n pie. ' had been intended) the existence in North "Rut finding out more about the nrin- Carolina of the "Gideon's Baud.1' He ciples and the character of the men who admits thereby that Messrs. Reid and Bell are leading the movement, I see no hope have correctly described the machinery of relief in that party. ' by rhich it works, to-wit: Chiefs, sub- "In my judgment the onlyllope for chiefs, thirty select Tnen in each country relief is for our people to unite and elect and 300 in eacn uotigre&siouai uimuci, Cleveland and a Democratic Congress, "who can be relied on in all meetings and demand relief through the organiza- He admits thereby that these men are tion known as the Democratic party. bound by oath, under severe penalties, to "If to elect Weaver, and carry out his exeeute "all orders emanating from their platform could give us relief, that is im- superiors;" he admits that he initiated iHKwible: for if he carries every electoral Reid and made him "Chief" in the Ninth vote ne claims, tnen ne cannot De elected, congressional district; ne aunms lueieuj "I do not believe there ever was a more that he made overtures to Bell to join unwise or unpatriotic act in this govern- and revealed to him the secrets of the ment tlian the nomination of Weaver "Band;" he admits that he declared the and the putting out of a State and coun- purposes of the Band to be to promote ty Third party ticket. , the "Reform movement." But he says "Some tricky politicians have tried the "Band" is not a political society. - to make us believe it was an Alliance 1 leave it to the intelligent people 01 movement. Weaver's nomination has the State if this is not a fair interpreta been like flrowing a fire-brand among tion. indeed the only admissable interpre- our DeoDleN It has onened ud old sores tation. of his letter. These facts being that were fast healing, and, therefore,' it admitted or proven, the people will not has set back the cause of reform manv accent Mr. V ilson s conclusion as to vears. whether they constitute a political socie . . - . . -s . I.I 1 111 1 A ".No such as that can be packed on the ty, especially wnen it is weu Known mat Fanners' Alliance, for one of the decla- he and some of his followers have very rations of the principles of the Alliance eccentric notions about what is political, is 'to constantly strive to secure harmo-1 Tnev will take the facts and decide for ny and good will among all mankind, I themselves, and these facts, admitted, as and brotherly love amone ourselves.'! I have shown, by Mr. Wilson, show a Does this look like the Alliance had any- well denned political organization. thing to do with the movement that fas- . jWhat did Mr. Wilson mean when he tened such a man as Weaver on us? told Mr. Bell the object of the band was "So I feel it a duty I owe to my Alii- to promote the "reform movement V Did ance brethren to warn them against go- he refer to the platform of principles ing into the Third party in the hope of adopted at Cincinnati in 1891, which reform, for if it was so hard to get relief wth slight amendment, were afterwards when we were all united, how can we incorporated in the St. Louis platform expect anything when we are divided up and then adopted at Omaha ! hat could and righting one another with more bit- h have meant if not this ? Bell so un terness than we ever fought the enemy derstood him, for he replied the scheme that has for the past thirty years fasten- was dangerous and would destroy the Al- ed on us every odious law of which we ! nance and dereat the reforms proposed is mere any uouoi auoui wnax is Known letters of Messrs. J. & Bui and L. reid, addressed to Chairman Simmons, make it -certain that s this Gideon's Rad has had an existence in North Car- and the reasonable inference is that it exists yet,! If it dot not, & Otho Wilson, its alleged chief, should be given an opportunity before the court of the countrv to show that it does not. - Mr. Reid alleges that Wilson initiated Mm into this order in Goldsboro: Wayne is one of the counties of the district of which E. W. Pou, Esq., of Johnston, is the solicitor. We respectfully call upon Solicitor Pou to bring this case to the at tention of the grand jury of the next term -of Wayne Superior Court. We would not punish, severely, the ignorant men who have been inveigled into this unlaw ful and dangerous society but the vicious leaders, such as Wilson, should De prose cuted and the law should be such that they could be put into the penitentiary, "Secret political societies" are said by nr institution to be "dangerous to the nharfioi! nf a frw neople." and our wW law-makers, in recognition of the truth of this declaration, have framed a law td punish those who organize or belong to them. This law has been violated and it is now for the solicitors and the grand juries of the State to invoke its penalties upon its violators. All laws while they remain such should be enforced, and it is absolutely necessary to the protection of society that this one in particular should be. As certain as there is a God in heaven so certain is it that if this Gideon Band is permitted to go unchallenged its existence will call into being counter as sociations, until presently society will.be honey-combed with secret political or ders, the inevitable result of which will hp social disorder and finally our whole political fabric, rotten, at the heart, will topple to its fall. j It is impossible to over estimate the gravity of this matter, and the servants of the law will fail of their duty if they do not deal with this illegal and treason able organization promptly and firmly There is no proper course for them to pursue with reference to it except to take it by the throat and choke the life out of it. MB. KOONCESETTER. well as in working to defeat the Democracy. Later. and siecdicst way to put a stop to this competition from men who are our poli tical nnnifti aa 94 nur frknimrrtisil iv Otho Wilson says that his j . tiir,u!rh and enforce enter U g-jen.-contest, will be rvo,uir- i " w ana now ,nl ; never have embarked in the development . . . . , M . ! and Gideonite are comrades in King as ' of Smthern oal and iron; and the surest w ' r 1 PcBUHuca North Cjiiuumax. fr t l -a M tt t - V ...1 E v Tut Noam Car.H4Mas for one year. name w,,hout I measures like the Lodge election law." electors I uewouuee uu iwiuuiu (.-oncugue j Mr. mith is nor oniy a nepuoncan for frgery and lying. Will he do it ? who fire the northern heart with a re- flection of burning Columbia and the ' general destruction of war, but he is also a business man who puts the proposed Thene is every reason to Mieve that r.irr-, i.iii : th fr..nt matrinJ n- the Democratic National ticket will win j j,.. to ruthlessly destn.y the progress November 8th. Never in one year j sth 1 nttrlv niin it h iii 1 nvV th- prediction that the for each of the f.nir pn-sidential randi iUte will revtve the following vote in North Carolina: CLtTELANO. - Uakju. WgATES Btowtu. My came is My p.t-oAii'e address is Thes bUcls mtiat W rilled in and must Up accompanied by a remittance of $1.00 for one )ear. Tiff rxsclt. Th ii-ws will all be carefully pre ened and a oramtttee of five (one from eaih of the four political parties aud one Mugwump) will make the award as soon as the oftkial vote i determined. One gricsser m.r U correct in all of his predictions, and if so be will receive the full 100. It may U that four different persons will be the lucky pmphcU; and if su, ewch will receive $25. Every sub scriber U entitlid to guess as to the vote of Ciwh of the four c-AnditLttes. I Lt IK or Gl lSCRS. Every neighborhood ought to contain a guesing t lab. Any rsoo w ho sends us f lU.OO. oi-ompanicd by the names of ten substnUrs and their predictions. will be entitled togucs free, and receive The Noam Caroumax free for one year. Gt up a club in your neigh Urbool atnl receive the rlr I will not be neces.ary when clubs are sent in for the prvd.ctions to be nude on the slip cut from (ue paper, but each gueser may oo m separate sheet of paper, end in his predictis, observing the form of the slip. THE tote is 1 "OV. In order to give some basis for those who guess, we give the popular vote in North Carolina in tM$: For Cuixad, (Dem.,) 147,90-j For 1Ia&rix, (lip.,) IJM.TjM For FtsK, ?,?37 ThTf was then no Pcple" party can didate for Ireshlent. There has been some increase in our voting population in these four years which gunsnrs will have to bear in mind. The total vote in North Carolina in was2S"M21. Intuit was 23, Ti slewing a gain in four years of 17, . voter. THE SOOM1L. THE BETTER. Send in your subscriptions and your predictions now. The sooner you guess, the Vmjpt jou gt The Nowth Cabolw- u.v UoexM- mast be sent in at the time the suwcription begins. One person may subMcntje for as many copies aa be will par for. and for each subscription be U entitled to a snesa. Will he do We shall se. A ATIOAL VICTORY. fraternally. S. A. Bell, President Cullasaja Alliance. WORKING TOGETHER, as the "reform movement" being a polit ical movement ? Does it not seek to have certain well-defined policies enacted into law, and where in conflict therewith to have the fundamental law changed ? There seems to be considerable obtuse- ness on the part of some people in this State as to what constitutes political ac tion, but it is hard to be believed any can be found so dull as not to see that what Lespouse was popularly known as the retorm movement was then a political move, and The "rvyrtsnnr Farmer says that if there is a Gideon's Band it is not a part of the Alliance. Correct. Now let the AUtancemen denounce those leaden of their order who have brought it into dis repute by the introduction of this oath bound political conspiracy. on .November pin. ever in have so many prominent Kcpublicans j forsooth, it competes with northern in- len inai parry, ana never was rne moral i tercsts. seniimeni oi me country more eniistea The most rabid Secessionist never at- for Iemocratic success. And yet, tributed to the men like Ben Butler any in spite of the evident turn of the tide strongly towards Cleveland and Ste thing so virulent and fiendish as this oien declaration or the Kadical organ, tenmm. the Republicans expect to buy , Mr SMrrH ,ate MinisU.r to Russia, has this eU-ction as they bought it in 18. , iearned the ancient Urbarous methods They have gathered in the doubtful j States their most unscrupulous workers, and they have an abundance of money. This debauchery by the 'money power' of the Czars ami added something to the deviltry of Boss Reed and such other malign spirits of the Republican party, ; from whom thc destructive policy eman- in the pivotal States is Iemocracy's only ! ato, danger. In the South the only danger j Mr Smith dkl not carry a muglfet Uke comes from men who say the great issue - hrav. and ,hPrehv Wm to r- iu poiu.es is, iowd wnn me money he Southern people, as aU the real j-er. . ur, nguu iB soldiers did. He was one of the flock of gnat issue, but nnless they vote for , ,iticjlj kitea that m oraen iviuiHur m iuoiict wwer IU UUJCV if. . : ia. ..u.- The Iialeigh Signal, (Republican or gan) is full this week of the plans by which the Signal and People's party lead ers are working together. It advocates Uarrison'8 election as of prime impor tance and believes the electoral ticket of omf tinUed Up t0 the present time to North Carolina can be carried forHARRi- if Messrs. Reid and Bell's letters left any son more easily by advocating the Gideon- doubt (and I think they did not) in the ite State and county tickets. It is willing mmds of our people about the actual ex to give up even-thing in order to secure isrteniLe-,nere ,f a secret political society, r a- i t i j t a- i i Mx- Wilson s letter finally removes that u AMf4vui ai j 0ai. ua j uuvt amuiuu tiuv I QQIJQ tors. b. otho Wilson and other Gideon- The existence of "Gideon's Band" in ites are working side by side with the this State, and the statements of Messrs. Sinnnl to dfit th TVmrvrftt nnd Bfill Reid and Bell in reference thereto not ,.! . . r, .r I being denied, the people will, of course " ,u r1- " l" ""' form their opinion of its character and wui onuK mr n ui tit auu omer objects from the statements of these gen uideomtcs I 1 hose who have eyes to see tlemen and ears to hear will not vote the -.If the order is political it is unlawful; Radioa. ticket d;e by supporting MABKiso.N, or xnairecuy oy supporting erations of the Alliance, then it is an out Weaver. They" are now virtually one rage upon the members of the Alliance oriranization and refer to themselves bv who have not been admitted to its se- The Oath Taken by the Gideonites. I, , a free citizen of this republic, do hereby, in the presence of God and these witnesses, solemnly swear never to reveal to any human being on earth any of the signs or secrets of this order or the evistence of the same. ; That I will not divulge by any means calculated to convey an idea, either direct ly or indirectly, the name of any person belonging to this order, or the method by which its-work is conducted or any work that has been done or accomplished or soifght to be accomplished. That I will implicitly obey all laws, rules, and regulations of this order and unquestioningly carry out all instructions and commands from superior officers. That I will,-without any evasion or mental reservation whatever speak the exact truth when conversing with a brother of this order under the That I will immediately, upon receipt of any information which leads me to sus pect the fidelity to the cause of integrity of any brother, report the same to my superior officers. That I will not make or preserve for my own use or gratification any written or other evidence calculated to convey the names of brothers, or signs, grips, pass words, or other secrets of this order. That I will never propose any one for membershipwho is not honest, faithful, true and devoted to the cause which we crets, that a seeret "cabal" should have been formed within their order to clan destinely control its councils. (Signed) F. M. Simmons, Chm. State Dem. Lx. Com. . THE LAW IPT THE MATTERLET THE SOLICITORS ACT. money power another four years. Will anT honest Reformer in North Carolina contribute to this end by throwing away his vote on Weaver t A WISE ACTIO'. Every man in the State who really wants reform knows that the defeat of the Republican party is essential to any and all reforms. What follows! That honest reformers will bury slight differ ences in order to defeat Republicans. In Person ceunty the People's party nominated W. F. Reads and the Demo crats nominated G. G. Moore for the legislature. In a close county like Person their candidacy insured Republican suc cess. When this became apparent Mr. Reade agreed to withdraw and not jeop ardize good government. Hi action wm wise. Every man in the State who has been nominated in a close county by the new party, who has heretofore been a Democrat, assumes a terrible responsi bility if he does not follow Mr. Reade's example. If the Republicans shall win he will have to say; "I am responsible " s or the calamity that has come to my people. Boodle plentifully used is the only re iance of the Republicans to carry the election this year. They are getting it in large quantities from men made rich by tariff. The only way to fight the money power" is to vote for Cleveland wbo is the only President we have had in twenty-five years who was not influenced by that power. The I party isnt an inappropriate name for it. It is i People's party and Ipublican. Oxford Day. FOR OXE DOLLAR. ' Tm eaa ret Tke Nerta Carwlialaa Tor a rear for fl.OOlf yea afcscrike ay v. 1st. wreck of the South, he gloats over it in following terms": "And if we can once more getthem into the condition they were before 1876 we won't hear any more about cheap iron and cheap cotton goods from the South. They will have other things to think about." Thank you, Smith ! The Democrats appreciate the picture, and there are cer tain things that they will think about now, and among others is the resolve to bring out the unanimous vote of the par ty w hich has long been in the majority, and another is to cut off from the study of monarchical customs in Russia all such Grand Old Party patriots as the editor of the Philadelphia Press. , Page McCartt. IS THIS FOR Y'OUf Yoc went into the Democratic. prima lies ? or Yoc were a delegate to the Democratic State Convention ? and Toe have said that you would not sup port the Democratic nominees? It is only ten days until election. There will be two Sabbaths. You ought to take an hour each Sab bath and ask yourself, in the sight of God, this question: Can' I honorably break my plighted faith t Yoc will not vote against your plight ed faith if foe will do this. An attempt is being made to make much of the fact that when Marion Bct ler spoke at Wilson some boys threw eggs at him. it will not work. The Mayor of Wilson shows that it was the work of. boys who will be punished if caught, and that eggs struck Atoocx, as well as Bctler. Thisbusiness of mar tyr-posing has played out. Do you hear, Gideonites f the lirm. name of "the Democratic op position." We make this extract from the List issue of the Signal: Notwithstanding the marplots iu the Republican party, the People s party and the Republicans in nearly all the counties of the State are working harmoniously together to defeat the Democratic varty. The union and ementing of the opposi- ctariotte observer" tion to the common enmr th npmn- I i cratic nartv. is to he found in the, differ- If any person, for the purpose of com ent counties in the sunnort of thftonndi- passing or furthering any political object, dates for the legislature and county offices. j aiding the success of any political par- .a train tne signal says: lJ "l wigduiuiuuu, ur ior resisting me "The Letrislature is the citjtdpl of all laws, shall join or in any way connect or political power in this State and the most u01te Himself W1tt any oath-lxrand secret determined effort should be made elect a Political or military organization, society majority of Republicans and People's or association of whatsoever name or party candidates. Don't neglect the Lee- character, or shall form ocjorganize, or lslative candidates." combine and agree with any other person Votef : Is it not clear that if you aid form or orSaze such the new party you are deliberately turn- cret political or military party or organi ing over the State to the rule of the Rad- zation shall use, or agree to use, any ical p&Tty which you have been fighting certain signs or grips or pass words, or for thirty vears f I any uisguise or me person or voice, or ment of its omect. and shall tk or ad IN order to withdraw attention from minister any extrajudicial oath, or any the corrupt combination between the secret solemn pledge, or any like secret Tinnhlinna and tha, fiirinitoo -,- means, or if any- two or more persons for tml th TWrl rtr nKoion -p.J the purpose of compassing or furthering rj, any pontieai object, or aiding the success issues a foolish circular against Attorney of any political party or organization, or General Davidson for communicating to for circumventing the laws, shall secretly a private citizen the day for opening and afsemDie' comome or agree together, and ,v , , . ... the more effectually to accomplish such closing the registration books m this pUrposeSf oranyofthem, shall use any State. In this he emphasizes the weak- certain signs, or grips, or pass-words, or ness of his cause and the infamy of his any disguise of the person or voice, or combination. In this Mr. Eaves places any JSguise whatsoever; or shall take or himself in a very rediculous light, and if mmjf a7 ext'udicia' oatn or v x , other secret solemn pledge; or if any per- trus is nis "greatest effort" we Dttv the un ahaii "n-rr4 rJA no : 1 J,1 I ,.. 6""u " j i iiriuiuitti lucas. uiuskcr, urui ur uraciice auy .military evolutions except oy virtue ot the au- Capt. W. J. Rogers, President of the thonty of an officer recognized by law, Alliann in Xorrhamntnn mnTtr ..M ,n ur oi an insirncior m insnmrions or J .J , 1 o-l.-rvic .V,;l, nnr.Y. t t . - V. t . ... . . o.lrviB n UU.U outu c 1 V1UIIUIU 1V1 111 it IHO a speech a few days ago, that when of the of instruction; or ifriy Ellas Cars was President of the Alii- person shall knowingly permit any of the ance there were 95,000 members. S Now. acts and things herein forbidden to be since it leader hav trierf tn nam tha had, done or performed on bis premises. Allianoft into th 1 rmrtv thA. W V. 1"-"". """" yuiruh or J " " " v i ir anv rterson Deini?a mem her nf anveur.K u.tui,o. uo h""" iwui me i secret poiiucai or muitary organization reports of the State Alliance held in I shall not at once abandon the same and Greensboro in July. t ( separate himself entirely therefore, ( e cry persou u uueuuing snau ne guilty The New York IlrW gives more than f a miemea?0, and lined not less than 0 MV I fan nf mnra than f ua j i column of names of prominent former or be imprisoned, or both. t the t..vi: l tn n . ' v. u.cn.ic- jwpuuuiaius vi uu n kix uie ior kljlnd. i non oi me coun. It is a galaxy of great men. Jt also gives , The above is the reading of section i no n the following list of former Democrats J of The Code, and the society known a wno wm yore ior riAaarsow: uioeon s . isand rails nnder it tj.j iliEE McDonald, gambler, of Chicago, this statute was framed under secti o- O'Dosotaji Rossa, dynamiter. of article 1 of the constitution Johann Most, Anarchist. I to cover just such societies as thi , - "V I That I will labor for the accomplish ment of industrial freedom from monopo listic greed. That I will, upon any and all occasions defend the principles of this order and the good name of the members thereof. To all of which I most solemnly swear and sign my name, binding myself un der no less penalty than tliat qj being held up to the contempt of all mankind. And I further pledge my life, my liber ty, and my sacred honor, and should I willf ully break this oath I hereby sur render my body to the just vengeance of the members of this order. P. O. , County of , State or , District No. . Read and sign in the presence of . Approved . Date , Record . Page . Date . i ANOTHER CONVERT CRACY. TO DEMO- Two Years Ago he Was a Demagogue for Personal Gain Now he says ? ? he is a Refawmer; i Correspondence Nobth Carolinian. r ; Highlands, N. C, Oct. 12, 1892. Editor North Carolinian: My atten tion has been directed to an article in the editorial columns of your paper of 7th October, containing unjust andjinfnend ly references to me as the Reform candi date for Congress in the Third distnet.- The injustice of the thing appears in the re-production 'from the Newbern Journal, of what you say Cy. Thompson wrote that paper on 17th October, 1890, and in what you allege the Richland s Alliance said on 15th October, 1890, conr cerning me as the jcandU'hrt6 for State Senator, and in the omission on your frpart to re-publish what the Alliances in Onslow and Jones counties sam behalf in reply, which also appears in the Newbern Journal (daily edition) of Oc tober SO, 1890ndjs in the following terms: " 'We have been informed that some eyfl-minded persons are busy in making and circulating slanderous reports against Frank D. Koonce, Esq., the candidate for Senator in this district on the Alliance platform. We have . knownIr. Koonce personally or by reputation for many vears, and we have no hesitation in say- ing that these reports are ia,iec nuu ui. derous. And we further say that Mr. Koonce has been a devpted friend to the Alliance from the time-when he joined our order, and he has proved himself to be an earnest and taitnrui worKer m oe half of our organization, and lie has our full nnnfidenee. havins plwljred himself to stand bv the Alliance, its objects and its principles and to support its Remands by every proper means in his power. E. W. Scott, President of Long Branch Al liance; W. H. Scott, Secretary f Long Branch Alliance. , j "We endorse the foregoing statements J. E. Floyd, President of Catharine Lake Alliance, No. 246, Onslow county. Wr. J, Barber. Viee-President; J. H. Cox, Sec retary; J. J. Jarman, Chaplain of Gum Branch Alliance, No. lo5. James 1!. Walton, Vice-President; ' E, J. Lanier, Secretary.' of Harriss' Creek Alliance, No. 765. W. II. Andrews, President; G. L. Griffin, Secretary, Deep Sprmg Al liance, No. 196. G. G. Noble, Secretary Pleasant. Hill Alliance, No. 208. "We, the undersigned members of the Farmers' Alliance m Qpslowj county, cer tify that F. D. Koonce, Esq.!, has render ed" faithful and efficient service to. the Alliance cause in our county, and we be lieve him to be honest m his advocacy. We have heard no one impugn his mo tives in rearard to this service until the R-esent campaign opened. Tar Landing, N. C., Oct. 27, iysi0 James 11. movies, Secretary of OnsTow. county" Alliance; J. F. Giles, President, Tar llanding Alli ance. "To whom it may concern!: The under signed, being members of Richlands Al liance, No. 1277, and of other Alliances in Onslow county, having been informed that some of the members of Richlands Alliance have undertaken to pass certain resolutions derogatory to the good name and standing of Frank D. Koonce, Esq., the candidate for Senator in the 9th dis trict on the Alliance platform, as a mat ter of truth and justice to Mr. Koonce, wish to say: First. Thrt Mr. Koonce joined the Alliance more than three years ago, and was made -county lecturer, andj that during his term of service rendered earnest, faithfjul and intelligent work for our order, and in responding to the nu merous calls made upon him in the last three years for service in the furtherance of the influence and usefulness of our organization, he has shown himself to lx; a devoted and earnest worker and he has our full confidence as an Alliancemau, and as a good eitizen of our county avs Mr. KooKCE. He now "sees clem ly," he says, and yet in what we rcg;i ! . his blindness, ho says that Koonce is t, . bad ft pill to swallow. To show the of Reformer Mr. Koonce is, we need on ' to say that he made his money (and h. rich) by bringing up old claims nga it. men in all sections of the State, brinui- suit in a justice's court and coinpellii., them to go all the way to Onslow . trial. Often when they would go. would take a non-suit; and by tin- tin the party whose claiui he had bought h, , returned home, ! Koonce would sue hi. ' before another - magistrate. By 1 1 , , harassing afcusy man he would . lx ;t( to extort some-payment from hi Hi t f . vent further 'aiinoyauce. This is th.- v he made his fortune. As shii as lie rich he put much of his fortune in ' ernmenfr bonds, in order to ecaK- i , paj-ment of taxation upon liis wi alt It. 1 is the sort of man who pleads in his lit critical way for ''the down-trodclt u !.,. mer.", He ! has never been known a : friend of the people, and when Iju lii ii; Alliance denounced hinfns '5a 'dctvn Of the people for his own personal they showed "that they knew the li and depth and breadth of K(km i votion to Alliance principles. W k no abuse of Koonce. Jt is hisown record that makes the Hople rcj.n.li . him. He is a staaiding candidate ... always runs bn a new platform and . a new party if one is organized. X. uino Reformer will Voto for him ii..- he did indikce .a few AlliauceiMch t:v ! very few) toendors(f him two yo;ii a In that veryjelection ho wlis ov r.wla ! ingly defeated. Ej. .1 The followinsr is the article o win. i. Mr.. Koonce complains: He docs n deny a paragraph of" it, and we rcpnMl.ui it with full endorsement. It is a follow - A "REFAWJ1" CaWIHOATI: l oit . , CONGRESS. . The candidate for Congress of th. party in the third district in F. D. Koum of Onslow Co. Ile isagrcat alHai 'Rcfawra'' nd is calling uikh Reform.'!.' to support him against Hon. 15. F. whoisamZ Reformer :ind enjoy-, ii.. confidence of all who know him. I;: 1890, Mr. Koonce announced hiinseir.. a candidate for State. Senator on t In- A I' liance platform. Cy. Thompson,' who i now an elector for Weaver, wrote on i h. 17th of Oct. -tp the Ncwlru Join nut a foljows: "Mr. Frank D. Koonck, iumlc.scri.! . candidate for the Senate in the Dili di trict has no connection with the Aliraii... and docs not possess the confidenee of the Alliance people of Onslow ; and fur ther, Mr. 'Koonce has riot signed t In- A I. liance demands." . This shows what Mr. Thomi-sun t lion - I t of Mr. Koonce. What did the Alliance at the home of Mr. Koonce thinE-of him : Happily they, have given the .public an estimate of Mr. Koonce. On iho 15th of October. Kiehlands Alliance adoptee publication tho. following: j "Whereas, it comes to our knowledge that F. D. Koonce, of Ktchlands, x i;., is decland in his canvass for the. Senate that lie is "with the Alliance and of the Alliance, ' and that ho chum the sup port in his candidacy of the AllianCo vot ers in Onsluw therefore, Remind, fhat. we. make iLknown to the public thatHhd said -F. D. Ktm k has ho connection with Ku-hlaiKls Alii ance, No. 1977, and cannot have by rea for Second. We regard this. attack upon MV. i )f hw Profession of the law,- hat we Mr. John T. Gregxiry, who has been Clerk of the Superior Court of Halifax county, for twelve or sixteen years, and who is known to be the most influential Republican in the black district, has join ed the Democratic party. Herhas been Chairman of the Republican Executive Committee of that county, and in tender ing has resignation in a letter2' dated Oct. 22nd, Mr. Gregory says: I have this day, after mature thoueht. research and study, severed my connec tion' with the Republican party, and will not longer advocate, support or maintain its principles, but expect in the future to support, maintain and defend the prin ciples of the National Jeffersonian Dem ocracy as laid down, embodied and enun ciated in the platform and principles of ixie jemocrauc party. Am actuated m taking this sten. be cause I am lead to believe that th ten dency . of the Republican -party once national, powerful and great, is dwindl ing down into centralization and section alism, arraying one section of the coiintrv as against the other in bitter breast of iue citizen a spirit, Ot Antarmmcm bad feeling which is at once repujmant tenanced by every elector, whatsoever his political faith, having the welfare of his country at heart. And fnrtw w believe the perpetuity and -ifo e "u'uw, '"swtmions will be safer and in better keeping when under the control and guidance of the national Democracy than with any other country; this con clusion is inevitable when we recall the JudrrSl1?0 and statesmen as Judge Gresham, Judge Cooley and Wayne Jf f?',' &nd 1 beiieve thousand? with h " I?1.UBJOn8ea to- and acted with the Republican oartv win KilTIW ! . r " "15 Koonce as malicious and slanderous, arid prompted by malignant and political en mity. And we know the facts, as stated, to be that Frank D. Koonce, Esq., as a candidate for Congress in 1886 carried his home precinct by a large3 majority, And we never heard his devotion to the Alliance and it principles questioned by any one before now. Oct. 27, 18U0. J. A. Taylor, J. E. Rhodes, B. S. Koonce, W. H. Farrior, members of Richlands Alliance; H. B. Koonce, Secretary of Richlands Alliance; E. J. Newbold, Treas urer of Gum Branch Alliance; J. E. Floyd, President of Catharine Lake Al liance; W. J. Barber, Vice-President of Catharine Lake Alliance; J. B. vHobb, J. H. Bishop, members of Catharine Lake Alliance; J. H. Cox, Secretary of Gum Branch Alliance; J. J. Jarman, Chaplain of Gum Branch Alliance: Thos. J. .Tar- man, Treasurer of Tar Landins? Alii SHlf.fi' James F. Walton, Vice-President of HarJ riss' Creek Alliance; S. W. Venters, Pres- iueui oi vnsiow county Alliance. lo whom it may concern: This will snow that trank D. Koonce, Esq., candi date for Senator in the 9th Senatorial district, has signed the Alliance demands. In, testimony whereof I have set my hand lu "uia uci wijcaie. james a. Stanly, Sec retary Jones Co. F. A." It is needless to criticise your motives in publishing what you consider to be in jurious to me, and in suppressing every thing that is in my favor, j At onetime Saul of Tarsus was a bitter persecutor of the Christians, and did much evfl to the saints at Jerusalem. Then the-scales fell from his eyes he became a genuine Reformer, and ever afterward preached the "unsearchable riches of the truth," which he so vehemently onnosd W-foL his conversion. Two years ago Dr. Thompson was an ardent Democrat he is advocating the cause of reform and is actively engaged in1 exposing the false teachings of modern and other enemies to. the rtehta of th People. The Richlands Allian f.,n --vw AKJ a.4AJJ represented in the list of Reform vm- i at this place, containing 1 13 persons who ui. support the Reform movement and its representative men, and at least five- i sixths of those who were alleged to have " Ficociii,at ine-meeting in 1890, are me most enthlisiajati j. nuu CO.I11COI have no confidence in him, or in his pro fession of love for our Order; but that, on the contrary, from our.intimate knw ' ledge of his past political life and of In personal -character,- we consiflcr him a shrewd iui.slc.ader of the unwary for lii. pcrsonal gain. Can the honestfarmers of North Car. lina expect to get Reform by defeating honest Benjamin Grady, a true -bliie A I lianceman, arid voting for -Koonce of whom Richland Alliance .offieiallv 'said' "We consider him a'brewd niislcader of the1 unwary for his personal yaiii'f Let us use a little common-sense in I In -campaign. Loud professions of devotion to the cause of Reform by men who aiv. "shrewd misleaders" of the jieople "f-.i personal gam" cannot make them w orli of the supjiort ofgood men 'who de.-ir Reform. People are putting too imi, confidence in mcn-whoarcgoiid at .tn i ing. If they trust such inon they v. r delay the coming of the relief needed I. our people. J, 1 IIARltlSON AND ALLIA.M I! LEADERS. Senator Kyle; (AlliancVinen,) of Son Dakota lias a peculiar opinion of U.u.! son: "He is a representative of t he .-, , fish aristocracy and he always loo bored when a common ' man Kpeak him ?" This coincides with the cst.im, that Col.J Polk placed upon the pr i l ;, He was directed onto by the Natioi. Alliance to-call on Mr. HaiIuison mI : liver a request from the Alliance. I was coldly received, treated with 'courtesy, and left indignant at tjj.esiij- cilious air of the lord of the "White 11 -u And yet,. in spite of these facts, and t !. proof of the kind of man Hahhim.n there are farmers in North Carolina w : are working day and night to keep.! ... where he is by supporting Weavki: .. chasing rainbows. If the v reallv w.i- reform, they will not do it '.. i Do the people want Gideonite ,; their judicial bench? If not see that you rote for McRaz and Gideonites have formed a eombinaT, put Ball and Nobwood on their tickets, and thus aid the Republican them. We caution our press and people as to this matter. The bench must be kept above suspicion. The whole country will svmr,a,o President Hakeison becansfl of tha of his wife on Monday nfeht 8b wo- an aceomplished christian woman. supporters of th piq date for' Conoco v -rvL-:,, . . . 1 ""Jr "Ju ao- oeiotig to tin v.co it i it i nipfi n u-t - i m Frank D. Kckince. re give "space to the article of Mr Koonce. We suppressed nothing, but printed aU that we saw. We know that if Mr. Koonce is a Reformer, we don't want any ofhis reform. He poses as a friend to the people and there i r, in the S.tate whose career has shown less devotion to their real interest wi,n Republican party. Besides t ol. opposed them idTwU? K7l'ln Jeffersonville, Ind.. v wtoS,?- te?Ier ovm Mature, annon. - r txr nas oeen more va- are satisfied negated. If .Reformers Jitn a representative like Koonce they don t want reform: Never until inflamed by prejudice has Richlands Alliance had any confidence in Kooncr Two years agothey said he was a demagogue who deceived the people for his um personal Jf!n-Ifc was true then, it is true now; It is true that Dr. Thompson has repudi ated the Democratie faith, but it is also true-that he cannot stand Koonce, and vote for Gbady for Congress. The scales have dropped from his eyes Do you belong to Gideon's Ban ! Let this question be put '"on the istumj. every candidate on the 4 party tak and make him answer it W. !,. - lamous organization. No decent n will vote for a man who -thus s , tries to destroy the iitertics of tin -pie, and who seks, Mafia like, to st;.!. the dark. ; " " TheyMl be there when the Koof f nlN I . Louisville Cburier-Jojurnal. . -No. indeed; everybody is not I. a . that he wiU not leave the party, an ycutuiaver, oi I'ennsylvani; I'M ' in the Penitontia,. ...V' I...... T " -fc.V.l.il. VdJl I 111. V ' Partjrr a man has been discovered in urasica who, being both a colored " tv"ipu loan, wui, it ls prettv ei t. remain m the party. v Important AdmisMono. Special Cor. North Cakolinian. MCCLUBE and Rrrrtvo ..t Uideonites who have control of the Tl. i party, were in consultation, at the in'tii n ?LB,U7vER' at Kenton, a few davsja While there both, admitted thatCi.KV! LAND would be elected. Both adm i,M. and statement are true. ' f ::rs

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