unarriFTHF 1 ys mi II I I I M ' i Asylum, -was killed by a falling- chim ney, lhe rJgin Sewing Machine and Bicycle factory was blown down and many farm buildings were leveled. ; r?nolffrrd. Til Ainu- 9 Pahi. p Vill2g0S-l!i Iowa iUm.Cst;arid many injured, a number of them -Wined Out. j latany, is tne resuflfc of the syclone - XT j-j w-V UVU V T. r night at midnight, besides great loss ,wv PERSONS K I LLED, to property and the complete destruc vlAN - - j tioii of crops. Mrs. Godfrey Hill, liv- iiu near Monroe, was beheaded while Tit Will Probably Reach going down into the cellar to escape I w iij vio-iig uix , xjiairr, wits j also instantly killed and her husband, (Who is a prominent Grand Army man, tr-RA' COUNTIES LAID WASTE iy as injuries received. EVi"rt-uw f A party in the house were blown across i the street and injured. The house was r "-molished House An Entire , completely demolished. ) .o.m. uguu vii-j, jyu-b. xzanora jLwra ' "was instantly killed and her five chil idren badly injured, two probably ! fatally. Near Leaf rfvpi Mrs nnrl "Tt. ris - - V nvi VJIWJi The. Half a Hundred. Family of Seven Members Was Found Dead in One Room. .j,., of Valeria, Mmgo and Santja-, burst at North McGregor, Iowa, re- t o. j le county, on the Chicago and suited in great destruction of property ,.,,t Wet-tern raiiroaa, oetween nere" l"c piuuauie iiss ui several lives. : t . . i i One bodv has been reoovprwl i V.. . . . TU'W V I - I 1 1 ' i , I I V WlllHfl - - . p;;; .iiuuivw) J j-- rom the fuce of the earth by a cyclone tt niyJitv and adjacent counties were 1 wasire with considerable- loss of id !rea t destruction of railway nd other property.-' . . Keports received here as to the num ber of victims say rourteen were killed eria, five at Mingo, four in the r 1 a. T- hniutiya lew nines west oi uon Vim-ant i-nd three at Santiago. The iiaiiits oi t;c:ue of Ithe killed are: -Mrs. JIol'iT." .My Hey and three children, and WO UWI debris. A mile of tracks on tbp St Paul road are under water and trains between Milwaukee and McGregor only are running, the connection west being broken. A small telegraph office at McGregor was completely washed away. The reports received from agents of the St. Paul company are fto the effect t.aax large quantities of drift wood descended from the town down RUSSELL AND THE SAMPSON COUNTY POPULISTS. creeK. ims quickly filled th low lands, carrying away telegraph poles, an tne company's tracks be tween the msin rvwr Clinton, 1ST. C, May 23. (Special) the Some years ago Judge Kussell spoke );:t-rs of the same family were North McGregor, where the round-1 iiijurtO Lull may rewvtr. j -7 - uciuy awut I At .Santiago the following are known , a mue in extent. A la have been killed: Mr. and Mrs Bal-j ' Lnba ugh and grandchild. j AN ASTRGLOGIST'S PREDICTIONS f A tt ri il le spectacle was presented I Jn o.ie (L i.ioiisutd house in Valeria, j The Wall Street Spell that Binds Cleve- f-t'vtii i, ( mini's 01 a iamuy .namea i'a'ilot.s, la. her, mother and five child- hfii. wt'iv found dea imit'd Aiken-s, two ladies named j 3ickey and a. Mrs. Osborn, were also; here. Soon after he began speaking an old rockaway carriage was drawn by several men in front of Russell. On the top of the rockaway was a monkey which danced to the music of a hand organ played by an Italian who was also on top of the carriage Russell got down and left town hastily, being very; much frightened. AJmong the Populists who took part iij thus rid ding the county of this i$an whose chief desire is to promote race trouble, were 0. F. Herring, C. Patrick, a fid i Frank Hargrave. There were some fifty of them. Russell spoke on stand, and, the monkey was drawn right up under his nose. One thing is certain: Whatever may be the result of the election, the Pop ulists of Sampson cannot be persuaded to vote for Russell. CARR-CURK-llE land Is to Be Broken. dead among " the The following we clip from the Wil- t cs o- T-TviToc. if n-n wo ohildrfn lllinTtOIl AlesseTlfTPr: I Chadbourn, C Mav 20. Will you do me the personal kind- jkiile.l or.tri-ht and a number of peo-Uegs to pilblish the following: m the village -and Ithe adjacent j j am not a politician and t tour.ty severely injured. - 1 5 t.. t ijured The following buildings were .wreck- (1 in Valeria: Chicago and Great take no t muck in sucn maxrers, out 1 am an as- tioned for G-onrernor. EITHER CAN BEAT RUSSELL j troiogist and I constantly watch the Congressman oodard Is -Also s a ; ot oneTru- store, three 8taTB aM them " the destiny , , 1 ' ... 1 TO PmilaiTI TO Vmir ronriomr -fVo. ani-nro. says the ap- proacliing cloud looked like an inverted jheer Ixi.fJe and" dipped down at Vral- ;eri:i w'.th appalling suddenness and Talked Of. Waslhington, D. May 25. Ooingresman Shaw returned to the what the stars hn.v o-sair. Ever since the first Of April there c3t Saturday, and reports a feeling in nas been a stransne mnvpinpnt nmnncr 1 1 avettevalie amim? xemocrais max 'frightful ffiVKwrpTiphinoc nfT .nntr 4.rtwe ! the stars. They sav that Grover Cleve- l?aisell will bp. overcome. Mr. Shaw !tuo hi t in diameter or pulling themrland 3s a an of greater destiny than gys far te, personally, is con k.utby .the roots as if they were weeds..! Napoleon T5onapart. He is going to , , 41l0 : The )roperty loss is estimated at suddenly change his views on the fin- over SlUiUioo. Later renortj sn v n.5 ancial ouestion. He has been under woo couiu, ue put up agasu xvUasCu wan rained Chas. Cadlin and his fotrri "the spell of a powerful hvonotist fori would be ex-Judge James C. MacRae ana pctou xcw .yii, wno mis ueen em- He avs that Judge MacKae is a-lioerai, weul-equrpped, ana rorcerui .man, anu if nominated would overeoane Russell with . his splendid gift of argument. Hut Mr. Shaw, added that he tiliought the favorite in his part of the country for the Democratic nomination was CoL J.ulian S. Carr. By the bye, Col tarr is expected m Wasnmgbon t ehiklnji were killed. Ilis' wife jtwo sons we also badly injured, Whe ployed by Wall street and the bankers lornuT probably fatally. of Europe to influence him. Thispow-; I fhe s if.-; ui occurred between 9 andf erf ul spell is going to be broken by a oeK-c!:, at-eompanied by a deafen' Tnost nrysterious rnflueilce, T"Tffannot- jug uai, aueiuge ot ram and nail. 4ts I understand. The next Republican I National convention einfif to break a quarter to half mile in width. -up in a big tow. The next Democrat at amount of live stock was killedHn convention is o-oine- to dprlarf fm- from a I, I-! j v. vvii v 111 uivii U111h 1 Z 3"n r??tn f e',sto"n the unlimited coinage of silver 16 to 1. m0rrow, on his way home from Phila- Vail'ro-ul m-'-t & ;f?,i " i Orover Cleveland is going to be nomi- delphia. Col. Carr comes in response i - a w -i naieu uv acciamaLion ht iV, nc:l lor several days, lhe? i v,Tr mn oiooi , t,?c iv.i ;i -. , , , " , i J V1VVW11U1 tvlao9 UllVt UIO U111U H HI. aggregate . administration will astonish the whole y ti uiimuer oi persons t ;-vmg m addition to those H'Hi in' ii",- i '-M'U-N' i.-ll'.-d .,n-l r.-:-.-. flir; property loss is heavy, but ao ''irate estimates : are thus far an im l'ssiliMity. The 'list of killed stands 'o-nio-ht r.s follows: Jasper county, la., 10; Polk county, 'a., 9; Koekford, 111., 4; Elgin, I1L, 1; -North McGregor, la., 12; Durango, la., I ort Scott, Kan., 2. The storm wrought its greatest lunoc in Iowa, where the counties of i olk and Jasper were devastated by wo tornadoes. The loss of life was heaviest there. Manchester, la., May 25. A cyclone ruck Ma-achester at about ten o'clock civilized world, Jule Carr is going to be eleeted Governor of North Carolina by a majority of 75,000 votes. The Pop- to an invitation from Viee-President Steyenson to' attend the marriage of his daughter, tains to the sea-shore, Cuba is going to gam ilier independence m six Months and Spain is going to get into a short,but lively war with the United State, on the first day of August the rJnited States gun boats will vigorous- 1 j bombard the city of Havana. Gen Weyler -will be killed In this terrific battle. The English, .'French. anfT Crerman press will be exceedingly hostile to the United States. - There -will be wars )t hi ing civil-service may not bfe expected to gobackward, yet it is not doabted, that should tae llepublicans get into power they will try to find! some way so to worry the incumbents as to make way for the hungry horde, One of ;the most interesting collo quies that ihas -taken"" place ia the Sen ate for stotme time was tiai Saturday between Allen, of Nebraska, and Gray, of Delaware. It was a sort of a platon ic dialogue dealing with .the silver question in the most elementary in cisive, simple and instructive way. That oolloquy should be in ithe hands of every North Carolina voter and may be found in Saiturday's CoiigTessional Eeocerd. ' j -', W. E. CHRISTIAN. Touching the recent visit of Major XV. A. Guthrie to Washington, it has ulists and Democrats are going to fuse j given rise to some little gossip among -and sweep the State from the moun- J gome Democrats here. Wlhile I ihave heard that he would not mind getting the endorsement of the Democrats for Governor, yet it has been shrewdly observed by an old" Democrat here, who has cut his eye-teeth in orth Carolina politics, that the best thing that" Maj. Gutihrie could do lor ms country would be to jump in and beat Tom Settle for Congress. The gentle- man wno saia xnis as a xiia.ii vw"s , aetually received a letter from head, and added that sfcranger things rostmaster.General, saving! that have happened. was m .Lnarioite a'.OOT, T1TriOT1 7 -lr1 SLACKBURN SCORED ONE. Aan Vho Had Tried to Defeat Him Forced to Bite the Dust. The air is full of talk that the ad ministration is telling the Texas Rep resentatives tnait no one Dut gold Democrats are to be .appointed post masters in that Stste, and it feems that a man who has en ' duly recom mended for the . postmastership at liome, Ga., is not 'to be nominated be cause he has declared himself for sil ver. If this is to be the policy of the administration the fate of T. J. Glenn may be a lesson, eays the Whingtoa Tost. - 1 Mr. Glenn is a Cleveland-Carlisle gold standard Democrat, ahd in this capacity did everything in ihis power to defeat the elecition to the! Senate x his fellovv-Democrat, Senator Black burn, in Kentucky, last fall. His re- ward came when he was nominated to be postmaster of '.Carlisle last January, Previous to this, however; Senator Blackburn had asked Postmaster-Gen eral Wilson not to select him, -and Senator Lindsay, partisan of the -ad ministration as he is, had not only also protested against the appointment on the ground that.the man haa been un necessarily bitter and venomous in , Ms fight against Blackburri," but had the the MORE TELLER TALK Sentiment in Favor of His Nom ination Grcwing. sand dollars to equip Commons Hall at the University and provide board at cost for 6tudent&J The hall will be opened next September with accom modations for 200, and The charge will be $3 per month, which is hoped to be reduced to $6 after a while. There will be twenty student waiters, who will get board for their services. The-Mason Farm (1,000 acres) locat ed a mileand one half from the Uni versity and recently bequeathed to it by Eev. and Mrs. J. P. Mason will be used as a poultry, dairy, stock and truck farm to supply- the tames in Commons Hall. - President Winston says that Com mons Hall will have western beef daily and the best food in the State by the cooks.' . . - This a great thing for the Univer sity and a great thing for the hun dreds of needy boys in North Carolina who are eager to go to college, put lack means. Iiev. John W. Stagg, pastor of the Second Presbyterian churcbJ Char lotte, spent Sunday and Monday with us and charmed everybody by his bright (sunny disposition, delightful manners and powerful pulpit oratory He preached Sunday night to a chapel . i4t 1 full of people, on tne text "lie could not be hid.' It was a striking picture of life and of man's power and weak ness, with climatic delineation of the sufficiency of Jesus teachings to sat isfy human yearnings. rAerytxxiy wishes to heat him again. CHARRED BONES IN A FURNACE THE SUGAR BOOiP The Validity of the Appropria tions Sustained. AMONG THE DEMOCRATS A Methodist Pastor Is Charged With Murder in Salt Lake City. Salt Lake City, Utah, May 25. A local paper prints a story which may develop into a sensation. Foul play is claimed in the somewhat mysterious. disaooearance of Miss Henrietta Clau sen, who has not been seen Since Sep tember last. Shewasatthattihietaking care of the apartments of Bev. Francis S. Herrmann, pastor of the First Scan dinavian Methodist church, in this .1 i SUPREME COUHT DECISION Action, of Comptroller of -the- Treasury Reversed- - A FILIBUSTERING CASE DECIDED He Is in Favor of Free Silver and a Low Tariff. Washington, XX C, May 26. A'inember of the Administration and a prominent member too, talking yes terday to a North Carolina Democratic Congressman, said that though he was a gold man, he jet did not hesitate to say .that the Convention at Chicago would be controlled -by the silver men, and that Teller was the logical man. it was noted that Teller had announc ed in one of his sneeches that he was against a high protective tariff and j cnurcn auoe city. A recent inspection of , the grate j of the furnace in tne building reveais two razors and a butcher knife, garter and belt buckles, and charred bones. rrh bones havft been ' turned over to J physicians, and the police department I is making a riirid investis-ation. 3 Miss Samuelson, a friend of the pas tor, also disappeared last January, The last heard of the pastor he was at Kansas City on his way to Iowa. -3 A warraiut was sworn out last nignt for the arrest of Eev. Herrmann upon information charging him with mur der. The warrant is signed by D. H. Wenger, city magistrate, upon the complaint of John Hanson, who is the last man that saw Miss Clausen before her disappearance from the Supreme Court Has Adjourned Leaving jj On Docket Smaller Number of . Cases Than at Any Time... Since 1876V Washington, May 25. The Uniti" States Supreme court adiourrted to day for the term after deliTering ST opinions. During the term the court has dis posed of 4S7 cases, leaving 535 on tha -docket, a smaller number than haw - remained at the close of any preced ing term since the close of the tsim--in 1S76. In addition to those finalTjr disposed of argument ha been lieardT in 28 cases in which opinions were not . rendered. The most important of the cases. which go over is that involving, the constitutionality of the California .Ir rigation law. Among the opinions rendered to-lay . was one sustaining the validity of the appropriations to carry on t the sugar bounty features of the 3fcKinIey and Wilson tariff, acts by a unanimons opinion aflirming the decision of tha Circuit court for the Eastern district; of Louisiana and reversing the action. of Comptroller of the Treasury Bow ler, who refused to permit the pay ment of the bounties on the ground that yhe act was unconstitutional. The cases involved were those of tha. -' United States, plaintiff in error. the Realty Company and . Andrew M. . Gay respectively. The opinion of tha. court was delivered by Justice Feclb- ham. Both, were test cases. .Thereat-' ty company was one of a classcoming , under the terms of the appropriation, to those who had manufactured a cer tain class of sugar previous to. then ' Oin uay ui -vuguui, ioji, ami ujjuii -which no bounty had previously been. . paid. The repeal of the bounty clause in the act of .'90 by the act which took ' effect on the asth of August, 1894, and,J which prohibited the payment- bf th . bounties thereafter, prevented tL' company from obtaining the mone on the warrant which had been issr " xo lb prior 10 iiiai uaie . iinrnj citv. Under date of May 9 Mr. Herrmann j comparatively few people coming wrote, a letter from Kansas .City to der the class in which the compr the present Presiding Elder of the! stood, and the appropriation in. named, inclosing a for the pavinent of that class wa that he would have voted against the McKiney bill had he not, in his zeal for silver, consented to vote for it. More over, Mr. Teller had said in another speech that the Force bill was the most disgraceful measure that had ever crossed the threshold of the Senate. pawn ticket, which is claimed by the! little less than $250,000. police department to have been given The plaiiiHifT in the other sulf, for a gold ring and gold Witch, the -Caw is or.e of a class eominir in property of Miss Anlia Samuelson, who t the second portion of the act of 1 disappeared on-January lasu a dox containing poisonous drugs has "been f 4 t A -t OflA 1 Mr. Hill, an official in the land office of i?' ! TZ 1? ".u?" Ip irTs -her; 47 in-stigating nerrmasrecord therein reonhe(7, aml;Avh ld hat . line ponce nave reacneu tub opunuu oeen Teller would carry every Republican in Illinois. ; Senator Djubois said yes terday that if the Democrats did not nominate Teller, they wxmld lose one of the greatest opportunities they ever had and the pme they had now. Such is some of the flotsam and jetsam talk that "draws attention to the Teller t u 4-: : : ' u r r. iicuu. xii tutu) uicuuuuiUK iiiixi licic, u-nnimi .... ... he. leing among those who corap with the provisions of the ISounty found in the room formerly occupied ras contained in schetlule E, of the ; oy xiie jiassuoi . : -n -rr r: . ent.itlftl to riiv n lirnfti r r that llerrman has a record of crime provided for In said act and a bount iK rf t.Ht 1 c a e jw r j hi una 'ft night, leaving a track of six or 'iS'lit miles in length in ruins Mrs. ra 1IcHV and "Win.-' Murray were seri misly injured. Wma, May 25. A terrific storm, cyclonic in force, passed over here last night. Buildings were unroof ed, trees uprooted and out-houses smashed. Iegraph and telephone poles and ires were demolished and numerous "iMness ironts were smashed in. The Pown is almost a lake. Hundreds' of 'iollars worth of damage was done but I no one was hurt. At Alta Vista, a man p as killed and two children badly hurt. Dubuque, la. May 25. A terrific w.v ciuriii accompamea Dy a oe- JtlCe of rain swpnt. nvpr tliis eppfinn at. imdnigbt, doing immense damage, to railroad property. The rain fall was -s inelies arid it came as suddenly '!w m such volume as if a water-spout ."&a burst upon the place. The Miss sippi river rose one and three-tenths '"dies in eight hours and is still rising 'jpidly. xhe greatest damage was 0 rairoad property. Not a train has l'me into Dubuque from any direction --- "uuuuy aiiernoon. At Durango, eight miles west, the "00(1 struck the station in which were tluiK' the agent, and her four 1 wldren, besides Tom Griffin, a brake-( llan, .Toe (iriftin, a car repairer, and veral others. They were, all on the (,t'lot phtforni when the water struck t and swept it away. It is reported nat'the four children were drowned U1I brakeinan Griffin missing. Joe "'..'li saved himself by grappling J-wsraph wires and going with the until he lodged in a tree. How V others were saved is not stated. Ji Dubuque the damage to streets ami sewers is considerable. A relief r:i'nlias been sent to Duransro. jnuiffnapolis,' Ind., May 25. Indiana- huitered from a severe wind and storm during the early hours of 's morning.- Two inehes of rain fell the streets were flooded, tlncago, .111 May 25. A storm of iHiial severity struck Chicago at o clock tkis morning. Basements tlm-town districts were flood l'i and considerable damage was done. jmnnintTTiPTit. -vvfiiilrl not. bft nhade.. Ten and rumors of wars but the United j few dtays ago and found there quite a i t.s af ter this letter was written the State will steer clear of war during the strong Clark element. In fact Judge nomination w as sent, to the Senate. closing months of summer and during Clark seems to Have oeen tne oniy one The curious part of the story is that mentioned there to me m connection tnexe was presented to the Senate wiuu cue g'oyeiinorsiwsj, wmiy "'S that he could poll juore votes than aliy man in the Stete, and there are quite a number of Democrats here who say the same thing. But the rumor comes distinct and clear that Judge Clark fall months there will be unusual' phe nomena both on land and sea.and the w hole world will be in a state of in tense excitement. The churches all over the United States, and Great Bri tain and Ireland will be thronged with nvorshippers and preachers everywhere Postoffice committee, by a western Senator, a petition addressed to Secretary-Carlisle. It was signed hy some t.C. proclaiming he advent of the h as absolutely, refused to let his name Tiiilieniiial dawn Please don't put this in the waste basket for it contains the language off the stars. Don't call the author & crank or pronounce this-sensationaL be used under ah v cireumsttanees. The i v name of Congressman Woodard, also, is nob unfreqiienitly heard here in connection with the nomination. Mr. Woodard's course here tihis session has Tell all of your readers to save the ! been so admirable tihat it would seem copy 'of the paper containing this srti cle and teJl tnem to wasxin. DE CASTKQ, Astrologer. SENATOR PALMER FEELS BLUE. Says There it No Chance for the Gold Men in Hilnois. Washington, May 25. Senator Eal that his distriot could not spare him .from Congress, he being now, from natural fitness as well as from term oi service probably the most useful and well-equipped all-round man in tne delegation. , I ' ' Senator Martin, of Virginia, is catch ing it hot, espeoially from Richmond, for having voted to take up .Butlers mer returned from Illinois Saturday 1 bond bill. It will be remembered that wneu tine Jones iree eiiver ameuMneni qame up Martin voted with the gold men; butt this last vote seems to have puzzled, at least, the gold men of the much discouraged over. the. Democrai- ic outlook in that State. "Thf. frp silver men." he said, "will Kentucky Carlisle twenty Democrats of the town, and said that if 'Mr. wanted the President's policy to be carried out in that district he must see that Glenn was appointed. Upon that petition. alone Senator Blackburn rested his case, and the Senate Post office committee, without a dissenting voice, decided against the (appointee. Before further adtion was taken,' Sena tor Iiindsay communicated j . with the President, and yesterday the nomina tion was withdrawn. The: new ap pointee in Glenn's place is! a well known lady resident of Carlisle, ,Mrs. Phoebe Mann, who will be promptly confirmed. BLACKBURfJ ON A THIRD TERM. He Says Cleveland Has Put Carlisle and Russell Out as Decoys. Wm. E. Curtis writes from there is, of course, no advocacy or non advocacy of him but simply an attempt to give a glimpse of the panorama of public opinion ias it passes. little less extensive than that of the notorious Holmes. His first, wife died in Englahd, under suspicious circumstances, jlle was pasicor of a Scandinavian church at West Superior, Wis., in 1S90 nd 1891, and there married a highly respectable who m less than a' year died The Virginia people here grow more red-hot touching the vote of Martin, of Virginia, 'to take up the Butler .Bond bill. It was taken up by a vote of 29 to .27 and thus .Martin's negative vote' would have made it a tie. The Demo crats of Richmond are trying to imag ine a reason for Martin's vote, arid be lieve that he will yet be recorded against the bill when it' comes up for final passage. By the bye, Senator Aldrich stated- yesterday that he thought the gold men would by strenu ous effort yet defeat the bill. They say that not every one of the silver men are f or it and cite Wilson, of Washington, who changed his vote as partly proving this proposition and Hitt is quoted as having said yesterday tha t the vote upon the bill by no means tested a. man's ' loyalty to silver, buV that the bill involved repudiation. This notion of repudiation is the one that is now being issued to defeat the meas ure. At any rate, it is likely that But ler will have a harder road to travel than was expected from his first vote of 34 to 20. And he is not altogether blameless in the matter, not because he has not been im dead earnest, but be cause ' he has permitted himself to be bamboozled and outpointed in stead of acting upon his own judg ment. For example, yesterday, at 2 o'clock, when his bill came up as un finished business Hale, of Maine. Wash- asked h im to nvifi wav for onp Timir very suddenly, witn ner.iwp weens old baby. An inquest -was 'held, but nothing bevond a suspicion J of foul of eight-tenths of a cent on the sugar actually manufactured by him during the period commencing, August 28, 1894, and ending Juno 30v! 1895. The amount of bounty claimed by Gay is between $8,00X1 and $9,000. The persons forming this claw are numerous, and 'the appropriations for them amounted to $3,OCO,00. Comp troller Bowler had based his action- largely upon a decision by the Court of play wasreliciteu. iierrman soon msicr Appeals of. the District of Columbia, ried again, and came to Salt Dake in I that the sugar bounty clause f the 1894 with his wife. A baby Was Iwni, McKinlev act was n ti on n k1 ! t n i inn t" and the mother and" child died sud-1 The Supreme court, in iU opinion to denly a few weeks after. day, said that for the purpose of the Alien ins ucuudimumx-. cases id was unnecessarv to tlMridn Clausen commenced, and it is charged in (the complaint, which has been sworn to by John Sanson, a member of the church, here, that he murdered and cremated the body in th heating furnace in the church basement, j He was engaged to marry Miss Sam uelson in February of this year, but she disappeared, and it is charged that he poisoned her, and carved up j the body in Ithe church cellar. Tt is; be lieved he has murdered seven persons. Miss Clausen came to Salt Lake from Omaha seven years ago. She was a na tive of Sweden and, as far as known, had no relatives in this couptry, jbut she had many friends here, jand was considered a respectable girl. " ! Miss Samuelson was employed as a nursery governess in a good family here, and left her place to be married to the preacher. She has an aunt and other relatives living here, and was a member of Herrman's church. The church officers say that Herrjman was suspended recently for embezzling church funds, confessed his guilt in thaib regard, and was waiting a hearing before the annual Methodist confer ence. He was a fine-looking man, and very generally liked. j He is represented as having a great liking for the study of medicine, ana tomy, and kindred subjects, and often run everyxmng m-uimu. x Virginia capital city. Some say that ington-.to the Chicago Kecord: j and a half in order to let the General 'delivered disquisitions on the human manypeople while there, but from irguua cawu c ty . e my xna. ..Tnere wm Q conventions, two j Deficiency bill to be rotten out of the ifonri. rhotograohs and descriptions those I did seel judge tne sounaioon- - - 7! I hhh nominations and two platforms at wav, Hale kent ion until 6 o'clock, of the man have been sent all over the ev Democrats nave nuie nean, ui mc --.rf - -. , - 1 a ! ira " taiH Sonatnr Hiapikhnm. of v. .i : jj i t. ' kn c fa. TuviiM in liara situation "Altgeld is a candidate for re-election and will run every thing to suit himself. "I don't know whether there will be a bolt of sound-money Democrats. oL tvoi imtA Kentucky, to-day, 'and Groyer Cleve- ' : lnn1 rfill ly. n 4- Vv . V hjQl r F AnO .T f frt,IUI VV 1IX lit CLU lAlVv i-J- VS. vui- VJL be the most popular man in Virginia, tickets. a. prominent citizen and erstwniie lemocrat of Richmond gives me th!.. irt rn, and Butler was left high and r: , Sdrv. He has lacked the pertinacity "Do I think he will be elected? Such ftuuauiiug uim iu Huiuc nivu-. - - - r Snnt.hpm St.ll when Butler rose and addressed the (country, but so far the police here have chair in an unheard voice. Gorman, ' no tidings of him. Y hen he j left Jait affirming the sentence against .Wiborg; the slick trickster, rushed down to- tae, on Aiay aa, ne purcnaseu a uateij e captain of the Horsa ward the front and moved quickly to jTO ivanbaa vuj. .1 1 .V V. r. 4. K.. t-nt ..... 1 I ' , '. IT ! 7 wv ! Tulant accmrue :Af CO TT llnhnio Q Tin . , . : ' 1S.C00 only 2,S0O voted at the recent i T,:;if he wants to hold his own against whether such legislation is . leyoml the power of Congress, but that In either case the appropriations of. money in the a-cft of 1895 to manufae' turers and producers of sugar, who had complied with the net of 1800. were within the power of Congress to make and wen .constitutional and:' valid. Another imnnrf.mt nnininn i.-r.o . ' - - , livered by Chief Justice Fuller, in th case of the U. S. vs. J. H. V. S. )VibOTgr Captain of theHorsa and others. The jb uic uue wine ii was recently &o vanced by the court at the instance . of the Attorney General for the pur pose of securing a decision of the court, as to the construction of our neutral ity laws, and their effect in prevent ing filibustering expeditions against friendly powers. Wiborg was th captain of the Horsa and, with his associates, is accused of attempting to land arms surreptitiously in Cuba. They were found guilty under the nen-. trality laws in the United States court, at Philadelphia. To-day's . opinion held that the decision of the Pennsyl vania court was correct on the point that the expedition was a violations of the neutrality laws. The Judgment. of this court was affirmed as to Wiborgr but reversed as to the mates Johan sen and Peterson, on" the ground that they were ignorant of the purpose of the expedition. Justice Harlan con curred in the reversal of the judgment XEWBERX FOR FBEE SILVEK. WANTED A LEAN AND II PNG BY MAN. MR. PLATT SAYS HE WILL FIX IT. w York. May 25. Ex-Senator Thomas C. Piatt said. last night: business men of the country may con fidently rely upon it that thei views I T-vl-vlk TH' .hx 1 Tl tT C t. fTl He elaims, moreover, ;tliatf hpVrt5;4, win tA for one else. will .be exoressed at the St. Louis con vention, both as to 'the maintenance of the gold standard and as to th nomination of a candddate who can ap- ;j T ' .1 s-r o rprvlrl rl ntf nrni . . . -i- i propria tci v i'iiu u t,"" 1 nora 2:20 to 2:20 o'clock nearly i jfew york will present such a candi ' of water fell. ,v ; J date nd and Ithe vote of this State I, T1 May. 5. A tornado visr-1 will be cast for him almost unani- U l sx-'etion this morning. John ' mouslv." primaries. at least 1,500 gold Democrats in Rich iriond, who have always voted the Dem ocratic ticket, will this time vote for The I McKinley. But the silver men from Virginia pooh-pooh this and say 'that the Old Dominion will come to time a usual. ' , . ' - ; Some little attention has been called to the resolution of Representative Grosvenor asking for a. list xf the employees that .will be af fected by the recent civil-service ukase of President Cleveland. Notwithstand ing the fact that public opinion touch- The President's bump of silf-esteem is very much more developed than his bump of caution, and he is going into (the campaign dependent upon a very narrow following. "Is Carlisle a candidate?" "No. My esteemed fellow-citizen who has mismanaged the fihances of this government in such a I complete and comprehensive manner s only a decoy which Cleveland' has i sent out in the west, -justas Billy Russell is the decoy he has sent out in the east to attract the attention of the public until-he gjes ready to disclose himself." such a clique-as Hill and Hale and Frye, and Allison -j and Chandler and Aldrich and the rest, who laugh in their sleeves at him, while they cajole him away from this bearings by smooth words. W. E. CHRISTIAN'. 3,000 GIFT TO THE UNIVERSITY. Commons Hall to Be- Started Board Furnished at S3. and The Democratic primaries were held ' in the five wards of the city jof New- I bern Saturday. Jn the first ward a If it be wise in a political conven tion to consider other reconmiendo- ( tions for a candidate than the old Wf, honesty, c- i::.i At ;ir- J iaoiiiiy auu nurmv iu u.r ujuslhu- lrtU ilim uuuiui icu vvjiiu vi Dint at'16 to 1. In the Third war4 a simi- ward a resolution was passed instruct- candidate for Governor, to consider instructing the delegates in favor of ' De.n?ocratlc,1,.HCS I pability and fidelity tion, would it not be well for the btatft Democratic convention, in selecting a ing the delegates to vote for hone but free silver delegates to the State con vention, and farther insturcting them to vote as a unit, and to do all in their power to promote peaee and har mony. In the Second aiid j Fourth wards no resolutions were offered. Chapel Hill, N. C, May 2$. (Special) j The crop of whortle Mrs. Frederick Baker of New. York, son are said to be la has given the University xnree ltiou The crop of whortleberries i arger tin thsn were ever ix-Tore Known h S:jmp- season the physical qualities, and pick a man. who is tbin in flesh, lank and long winded. Russell i as a prize hog, and would blow like a porpoise in a JuJj stump tussle.' Give him a man f ir a competitor, like Cassius, lean and hun gry looking, that thinks rnuc?i and does rot. sleep o nights Fry the fat on t of Russell, and make him blow lil;e a bellows. Elizabeth City J-'cono- ' mist.

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