of Infestigaton . Year tea . in ih'- ews and Observer of Feb. 24. h. 'What party does your paper repre- pudiated but Mr. Daniels Insisted that ! I i l:i:t o'clock last night the offens meant by Judse Arerj. and only "LTZJi seat?' "Democratic" "Ardent?" - . "According to Chicago pUtfc'im.' "Did you support Got. Carr?" , "After he was nominated." , "Since?" 1 V v . "I have supported him when be was right and have not when he was wrong." "You were the judge?" . . tue word "impregnable as used by bim In ; the editorial as applied toy the Governor position, referred, to the gen eral- policy of. the Govenor j against the 09 year feature. , ' -. ;,: Atr Daniels stood aside." GBANTAGAIN ON HIS HIND LEGS Judge Avery wanted' to know . ' now - - . - . . r . i eyiew of ;tta .FMrt. - y In .the . &nat 4't wnetner ix. was tne committee s opinion . it worn midnight 4a Burlington. No or urnnra opinion- that Heckwith and sun. moon-nor stars. - There m ti Wrz.JFt v ; J Norris should not be summoned. ?r He sih of summer. It waa rainin. It - .... m . m . m . - ri v, u tl inil 1 I n K. A 1 lA WW A'UM . 1 . . s - w " - r.-nsseniWed to contmue on Spruiltts part a senstovenese . ; n ,lf,stn JS . uf- .A-u.m.. k... you and wrong when be. did not agreer T ...-. ; m ! . . 7 : . . . ' ligation. oi. ui uu.iw w . r , iT V I u- ""M it was noxra-day to uaieign. The sun- jorth Carolina Railroad in coonec-, caused.- hmi to. make a , point :uch . th. TSMn wrwB , - Grant with a hump on his voice. . . lighx even through the hearts of ih the leasing or uiat rouu , u. rTSL 1?" In answer to Questions. Mr. Daniels ! DANIELS CROSS-EXAMINED There was just the initial trill of had had mthnate relations wth Gov. Mr; Dan-el examinedt Judge t ? W" F?bl?ay nnTr: had had no feeling against Gov. : ... r?...: -soun, Jy. , . , - - ATer;, reraueu -uie eura sesison cane rk vr nt 7 ner cent The consider necessary. . After this Mr.. Man-' toe failed to meet at noonjby ap- ing put the question as to undue infln nt having concluded to finish the ence, receiving a negative rdily in each last night. j instance. . ' . I were present M880 j DIRECTORS JOHNSON AND i n:an), -Abell, Butler, McCarthy,! YOUNG ..p 'il-sent Whedbee. The room of j - . ' v ilor' I ' f "1 . won fiiw with ; Mr. Johnson came, then Mr. Young. Carr except;in the line of opposing the ' lease; he had never . had any J trouble with Gov; Carr on account of printing. (Suggested by nenderson.) W . T 12 . A ? i 1 hv Onr Jrvi in .nnnpntin wfth ... ,-n ourimgum, a imumffli, were gaui- ir'AM.VKrA-i.''n.Mit.w red the directors of the North Carolina tin same gentlemen as were pres- As to his relation with the Southern, r 13"" thought that, as suggested by Avery, it was usual to submit such a lease as this -.Railroad. .. , i - - la Raleigh, ai noon-day, were gathered the representatives of the people of North Jul ay. IViiohan Cameron ( Young's attention was called, he (Young) pleasant up to recently. Then Col. Hen- Judge Avery suggested that Gov. Carr Varwinia V " had f been averse to giving out details 1 Burlington, through, the dismal first took the thought, to the fact that -.Uhe net earnings derson -had Mr. Daniels, to go into a abo1lt tbl . lease. Jn which Mr. Daniels ibt glimmered alight with that peculiar history of the , "transportation' and that lie was noi a uirw-wi . Tttr' tim if hm not imnressed tinna hptwopn ih Snnthrn ins He pela- the tinio the lease was maae, him against-the feasibility of the present .News and Observer and correspondence "s -l f . i a i " i-lease:. He thought even with the lease was refer ;7Ie nt been hostile to tte " officers . made thrdngh' the Secretary r of State re!K,. with CfX rJL .and through line to Norfo(lk;: with comple- ; been discontinued by- the Southern on ; svir.nl hnntiie terrn " tion, the $27,000 difference, was not re- amount of his stand against the lease;: jn-st Mr. nrren;Blt of the At ackabIe . ; ; He had not been hostile to the officers Coast me wno, nowever, pv: assented. ? Mr. Daniels ' thought they glimmer that rebounds upon midmght were -In f rati 'of an injunction. , . " : from the glow, of sumptuous Izutedora and 3;fiw riarvfriTlaTr. If y Tfnirla--nlA niv...- f frttn thflrd.xnrinr1.i brillifl.Tvt : -wratih rwvliAh ' rpferred to m -which his pass had A N a raiIroad first time From the private palace car of , Samuel he heard ibout it,' and how Gov. Carr ' Spencer, President of the Southern Rail- tod not Ieae it after oppositfion had been way t gnmmerea, .i- .- - P1 Till Two other Imsmesa I Sulphur where he was, DIRECTOR MOREHEAD. :cept'as;teV1Jeir the spilth i irfiina anu jxr. ititivnv j , v. . , : vea.rs p iivhYvrmn - - nm. . railroad wits gone Into, making it a con- Ul'tho offer a good one, especially Umir feature was mentioned by 'Mr. as making the stock a choice men at the - .. w. n siucivuvjhcib, uiiu m --' SflitiiPdav tiIspM "to Weldon and back. . "Have you received any consideration for your adTocacy of the Seaboard Air Line's controversy?" ' "Wbat do you mean?" ' v Have you received anything?" (con- D I RECTOR TURNER. Dr. V. E Turner considered himself a 4 a tlJ director On the part of the State, Did nnvpsrmont. Also, vjoi '.ihe old president of the Richmond ""T " "ZLZTfc 't anviile, thought the offer good, and . . . ,;wMnn dwnM MnrMU,ntin7 x I That was the one ray of hope m the midst of, drizzling rdespair. . It glimmered, , "oh, my brothers," it glimmered for yoa and for me it glim dition 'of takingvthe N.C. railroad that mered" for, th Aweary and j ill-clad knee- they should - take 'the A. and N. C. rail road also.' "You took measures against the lease of the A. and N". C. railroad did you not?" asked CoL-Henderson. s . . r : lis reasons iui t. .j. v. , nervnle tious. he w-ired Governor Carr that. e' n- - conduct the road on business have not" (indignantly.) 'Did you not receive a $100 check, a "Yee.'r , I 41 ... i At : mnnce wlhuu w uovu nw i stockholders in behalf of the lease; JJJ j pjnee tnen, ne aa s w no newspaper that had not opposed it. , r hia opinion. I jv. v:. - -v.vi- - ws-pxamined 1 :?2.e A2S Iin't he tMrik the 6; years date before -r, wM nAt tMnV if ho cut of -.which appeared in your paper ?' (Referring to the Revnolda check.) t tiave opposed it. He rememibered. 1 did (producing the check.) , - , . , xou nave not oa&ned at ' " ... You would like to have it leased now, wouldn't you?" (sarcastically.) "I ivonld .not Hke to take any measures to have it done SEGBETLY,' answered Mr. Daniels, quietly, with stress on secretly," and then he stepped from the joints'. of your Tar-iheel man in the corn- rows, for your Tar-Heel bairn tucked in under the home-made cotton quilt, for youx Tax-beei woman withs her baby on her knee: it glimmered mrougn fogs pen' dant between Tar-heel mountains; it blaz ed the way of hope along the path that leads Idown by the spring-house, across the branch, through the snaitoh of woods over the hall to the free school. It was one of the few glimmers of joy then abroad in this land, and North Cair ' -that had characterized his whole testi-' Apart from his : .wheel-pada.ee, (for Tfl Aver War-5 an;e his own views, he thought the It would not be proper for. an EDI- stand with? the composure and conviction; olina got that glimmer futt in the neck. mcu " r "V situation was not evorrectiy undersiooa. w caeu uu a vueca. sneerragiy.; . l3 presmentvuua here stated his r vho, Sene'hanoameron hand eut off eaee saying tl SlfKTWkTT s .certain., things .cpnld. be-cured aa;leayt,Ieae shoMve been made at any 1dme dose to" and revolved eternallv around the Southern Railway. ""T;:rf Yh ,M -mh- & improvements, ,therrongement until it had been sumxtted to the General the xeoole Sand their renreaentative in Apart from them was a naeetiing of r '". x n j-rmu t lie uuxtik utv.-. y; jcrunw vic - monv. tthfeli Wfla Rtroncr ncra in t trifling opencer ' it I utwur, uy, wsre x w- wSS S nrobaWyin con-- hand cut off ail conetition lease, saying tht no lawyethnicalitiea because it kepr dent Spencer and Vice-PresJdenrt: Andrewa was ex-president of the oM Rich-, w the old e. What Assembly. r afV .rt .ln H ht nta- e advantage - in betterments? "Why not havea general election?",; rr SS haroil agatnst i "Heavier : railsi" etc. Dr. Turner ? "That is not practicable." : I1 dls?d S? JlhZ 5T! understood that the - old Wse - Whv is it not?" " ' ' - - vstem. John P. Branch, Mr. Oamer- . , . , , the General Assembly, the Directors of the North OaaxxLina rail way. : JNUifc4.ua . isuAiu&iiJdiLiL.. From that directory there went out Mr. Norris h"ad arrived, and came for- into the night a committee composed of Because it Is the nearest way to a ward, and told of the message from the And Oorioranna kicked: he humned hinv- self with the scornful abandon of the hump of the rump.oX the cow swimming; across a maii-potur. and saiU "No no Lucius, I cannot mix with the ueoole. I am Rome's deliverer!" And come he' would not. "Then go you? must f" said the neonl. a nd "dey expelled Oono tonus from the gates of his city at whose feet he had laid! Ms prowess. And CoL Andrews," Carolina's Ooriol a- nus; was met by the people and they said s ao tne fceaate. OoJonel, with your leaser ' and tu-later than a week ago, it is re ported that when a 7 per cent. 30-year . comprormse was suggested to CoL An drews by a Republicans politician, he re- ' plied: '111 be damned if I do!" But ,all the same, he went to tne Senate chamber? he was there yesterday with all roar feet; he was there yesterday to reck on with the people at the rate of 7 per : cent.. jor 3U years. v;-:i.n -, A ad tne noonday sun smiled upon hds request, and it was - granted : for the - Lieu tenanit-Governor, with whom he , walked down Fayette vSle street after the mormntg session the LieiKtenant-Govern- or had said It, when he hstd broken the tie of 25 to 25. YTes. Col. Andrawa xmi M A ma.' " ple'J Senators he loves " so well and among whom he appears so seldomhe. was there, flanked by Col. John H. Me- V Aden, and n touch with Senator RolUna, wno seems to toe tnreatenea with the In ternal revenue . collectorship, and Jim Moody and Tommy Heartt, two souk with but a tfingle hair, were 'protecting -the extreme left. .Secretary Miller was igniting the air up nd down the lines as courier, the picket line had come in and the battle had begun The first gun on. the other side was that of Scales, but it was soon silenced. All recognized in 'the young man a heart of high aims' as he introduced his amend- " ment. .There is character to the man, and the corporation dared not face b. Grant got up, saying: "Your amendment . . has been presented to the .committee and cordially accepted." feK2rfl MiflTwiftll flind RnmiiilL Tihev LJltTX Ul. illL UU T04 . .... . .... i. - 1 . v-m uw. , fc -M Tt u. w . w. u V TV aUU V7J. LliC . lUmna iir- I IJtlll LUt j wwr.. - r-- -tf Ud. Mr. Cameron was trying to , permanent improvements, but Judge- A99e3nbiy . Board of Internal Improvements, and nltimatuin wnft rt Avery's question suggested that at six nOB!ftI. ,.i .X- ivi ij - !ZlTr ?r " Jln fn Wm timp. RO rant had not seen it, according to infor- in.uL cinc 0. tne tei tpofle of the directOTS mto.H8d;F.ih. nnshop hnt Tinnllv Mr . TVorris w- DV W commiucee, wuwa auwmiug w mc iL - A- 1 J . " 3 tne. jmprovemenw wuiuu ue, -. .-.iu.-. lea8ed this road : for three venerations, f nsorl to no Anvtblnc- they had ,acted according to ".their bestxwith , . the Sncrement along into the matter. Tl any Air. rxorns re- w""""! " . . . . t And ie "Kfitti rwwwwvV t- until he had looked testimony of .Mr:. Sprum in Raleigh B11Ande , !tte 4n Jfl judgment. DIRECTOR ALLISON. urt ox tne ancremeni: along into the matter. The Governor wanted a.iew mgms wgv, uaVu ric-x sde one Rtriv4ng toxhave Qg that time not being saved haste, as there were injunction proceed- gested for.the purpose of gconsisten.t the .n considered first, the other . He had never advocated ings, pending,, and ; it was suggested .that with an opinion that he had individually trymff to t the orieinal bill considered was joined in an attempt the road during . . i " .1 to tne peopie. tie naa never aovocaxea mgs. pending, ana it was suggested ..that wui au viiwu c -v trying to get the original bill considered - : .. . , . , rne a ceepiianice oi.iine jearxaro s oia, out the uoveruor summon witnesses to ten eivwtru wv-, u first. Lieutenant-Governor Revnolds i ";A ' . ., - -------- s n i. a i- uctiucu iui jmwbbmtj . ui . ueuwt Ul i T-. : " tw uutr vjrcxitri u. Assemblv and have thi hfniTr hia wnlfl -mi.HtB si a inf contimied SpruMl, Oaipt. Alexander at the ,x,n ... . - . tive, and (to Judge Avery) was a State ten tfte dkectors what to do. - a :.1 the -. consummation ..of - the i lease in-- the ' same time said Hhat the itftfanatiim was 50 nf ntni t!V J director was not m Raleigh, was m ' Mr. Henderson here wanted Mr. Dan- i face of the injunction prQceedingsr'.Tlien':: yarsindHt '-imt;ftandfe..fact ne McCaskey had eone to "sneak with , lv.vU:.v. - jeis lo ieu- wnai me oeaooaru eouiu uo wnuetney t-tjecKwim and nimseii;, were . w-i-m- uramaium, out aiierwarus accepceu me -rith the line under all kinds of cir- reading the charter of the A. and ifr. QL willing to go on the committee only on the chair, but he was overhauled by (Jrant who hurried around and remon OOsrears-didn't remember C anything ctumstances. Mr. Daniels couldn't -railroad,-Col. Andrews came into thef5--condition that the 50 year uTftnnatum-: . fa McCMey idrcwawar out intovthe , should be adhered to. on his return I Mr. Spruill thougthrbefore Capt. Al- se him in the matter.. Mr. Oamerott"" l, Z ,T ""d&ewre trustees and had no right ; Norris did think this necessary. The years. A moment or so lacearj uapt. . h bpTfhdnonr Dldh ibousht some stock for his sister ; a ; lease, tne roaa wouia Derrun aon while after the lease; sohe had;iveii as couidnaye oeen andchacrman of the jw? IfcVaH ;ht same far a cot in the. hospital as aw- "" leasing of theL. and Nl- a Railroad: meettog was added to the committee. Butl ' u 'DM t i t . . i : . l: 4.1.1 v, 199 nloA insist tnnr tho MmnrnVpmpnta nnoillfl he . .. . . . . - . - . . . ... . . . . . . . tt. m ..u . a , ; i : ' . . I "uucl -,-v- wi xth. t0". . "t.r "V-. 3tlfW 90 veat-a. 3r.: e?-Da? , ale" 1 m . a case. The trovernof got down nis Code, but - 11A ' J ' nt? WTnatwas thename of every maa Zlit SOI i falling market during the campaign anl silver agitation. r.: Manning stated that the other di brs of the North Carolina Railroad e present, and they were all tendered sworn. , v hninnan Grant said that hereafter rranted to hear only about the lease p.e North Carolinia Railroad to the ;1hern, leeanse he must finish the in timation to-night (last night). DIRECTOR FRIES, r. II. AV Fries first took the stand. h .Iinlire Avery: He was not one of the bimtu-o in Raleigh, but was in Bur- k'on. He preferred the 99-year lease It use with 99 years they agreed to pay jes and give the betterments to the tte.- He had owned stock ever fince J road had started, had bought no stock co the lease, but would have. done so ihe had the opportunity. . DIRECTOR SPRUILL.. . Jr. Spruill succeeded Mr. Pace as di- 'tor, and was not at the Raleigh meet- nuc was at isurungton. ne aia not for a S)0-.vear lease, and had stated that voted against it, but subsequently a mher had suggested that they had all ted together. . but talkitiz with 1 Col. erman since he had refreshed his mem; F, and could now say that he and CoL mian voted for 50 years, though he l posed thirtv venrs in thp board. whieU s voted down; Capt. Young made the i .opposea to n. - . , If it became necessary to save the life Olds (the newspaiper correspondent) any fyear motion, according to. the records. Ane directors naving oeen exnaustea, t of he Ncnih Carolina railroad. Mr. infoannation of what had transpired. The corporation was not now eager to force a vote, vtbough they need not- to have feared It But they "wanted to be sure, t tso. In spite of the fact that it about the conference between Spencer answer ... the conundrums, but stated fice and took Gov. Carr and Alexander, etc. ah ne neara the nrofits in 1871. $.40.000 under State ntW mnm TTip nnwrnnr about danger of litigation was 'what the control, nnd the status of the town then C!iM trontiAinon von ion vTS-ro Tin rvK. ; exander spoke that Mr. Spencer seemed News, and Qbnver said about - it it Mr. Henderson was verv natronizinsr lertLn to this "North Carolina iMpLit -l disposed , to consider, favoraibly the 50 made a greats to do over it. His with his deen Kirs R10 000 . T?ren ; rnn Wnnn(i w nctvi nnoorri. year uitimsa-tum; but Col. Andrews stood .... V t... Tl ' .J: town and county were in favor of it, and Pass voice as if trying to persuade him- ing -to my recolkction, jto, directors out for 99, in fact Mr.pruiirtiiought he . previous question at 2 o'clock the mo. but the opinions, were so much at .van- that it was all "nuts" for him, but he had-'- chosen. r';Mrl : i iBeokwiith- would wot'!biive.coiisen.te4..p -the 50. yeaar tion- t .idjouniment waa nevertheless thought the State wasin fayor of it-- Mr. Daniels promptly replied to each making the motion. The next morning, ; proposal. : . ' I . ' put arid carried by a vote of 2S to 23 and he probably judged by Cabarrus-he bad question,, saying that the fact lof the we met the Governor, .who inquired if Thus it stood. Then in the grmmg VitUn Tl HaD n means of communicating with the rates 4 times as much then had W(, met Mr. BusbeeJ I told him - storm, the glhnmer. seemed fainter: for ? u< whv nay became people at large-he heard very httle op- : notMng to do with the case, as the in- not to trouble about Mr. Busbee, that I j "accents terrible rent them" XpeoSddoSd toKhm position. - He thought .the general opm- .erease of : now was much mor6 had now made up mind and that i Hg-htning of threats went hke so many ; for 3? ye?rs Tiinftead 6tbll t V-l "tw tnan tne increase or rates tnen. j l didn't think we had any duties to per- a. . x. w 1" l hapov over the concession bv the diiw- cared anything about it one way or the . Mr Daniels knew, and charged no cor-,; format we had nothing to do with the ' tors. A telegram seemed to suddenly ! vTdemtnTfoTSo rs Tnir oiuer. ruption of the directors, but as directors lease. Then I stated .to jthe Governor Earnings were taken up, and Mr. Al- they did very wrong to lease. the road for that I would have to 'move to rescind the lison knew they were making a goodthe time and rate, and in the secret man- action of the day before on the 'North thing out of ,iV but theState was, too. ner they did He thought they made it Carolina- raiJroad-and ; the - secretary He didn t see the $367,000 net receipts; because threats were made and instead who had not recorded the minutes, struck if he had, he would have thought it right - of standing up like men for the State, out the notes of the first resolution, small out of $1,400,000 gross receipts.-they permitted themselves to .be: bull To Judge Avery: Maj. Telfair saw. him et:r iwsuneu uuy. axi-iuuugui xic dosed. : " " ' Ithtfit 'neght and told him not to give Mr. leap from the wires all the way from I "Tr, " ,0"titu LVl ' ' tu"i New York summoning Mr. Spencer barfk ; JLSf86 f game' waa nderl nbthing:mnst be starting: yes, he must go, but North Carolina would have to wait, But they adjourned: they had not been certain of victory. They would was one of the rwmm ttee to nronose ! iVir. Manning put in a copy 01 tne Old b uliiniatum CO years. CaDt. Alexander i leasevand the new one. chairman " of the meeting. Judge Avery asked if according to re ps added a moment later, and followed quest a summons had been issued for the room where Andrews. Spencer Mr. Herbert IS orris, and Mr. Beckwith" d Ryan. He stated the ultimatum. ' as members of the Board of Internal pt Capt. Alexander spoke and left the Improvement There had not been. Judge Dpression that he was favorable to a Avery had requested Grant to summon 9-year lease, by asrreement with An-.thpm nnH "RrHtor rnnils hl written ews- hut said that 50 years was the ulti- asking that thev be summoned. "Grant ptum. Mr, Spruill believed that Mr. bre ent in a bnff and said be would not necM- wdnld have accepted the 50-year 8nmmoil . Norris and Beckwith though r , nM lL UUL uwu lOT remarK OT-THtrp Atppt anirt thv wore in thp hnil.1. Pt. Alexander, but he didn't believe c ork-si . i. Andrews ever would. In iustice to v a - Pt Alexander, Mr. Spruill thought he TTTr, ,,0 cmmr.wm as only ..trying to explain his indvidual 0 V. 0 oxaxi. tinuie to be consistent, though he stood The statemenf was tsraightened out, me ultimatum. Mr. Spencers willing- Judge Avery stating Urant s denial, and and her soverignty should have" waited j haTe more parley and parley they had. for bim to return or not as he would; curing tne recess feenator Udom should have let him board his land yacht entered the office of ; Col. A. B. and be gone. But no, there! was more j Andrews and. was closeted there for to come; we will, have rails shipped here 4 some time behind closed blinds. It was by telegraph and have the link between ; seen of men. And he, too, voted in Mocksville and MooresvUle completed by ! the afternoon, to grant the request of wire, and in i the morning a complete ! Carolina's - Coriolanus. They were cer vestibule train would be running solid tain now , the battle was wpn. hptwocn Charlotte via Mocksvdlle and In the afternoon there was some skirm- ' ' , ... . - ... a, !i.i - i.t ' icsTiiri rr o rvn4.i4.& 1)n41a f i 1 9 -crj x 1 '--t. .a 1 : unnvilie to iNOrroiK. Alfloe me worm """ " wuiaci. uuuer uiiruuuwi should the-State make a difference be- pointmenit brthe Governor of the dffec: Carolina ranroao tne new raois wouiu ue , au tween its own property and any othertors." , . . J melted up - in - wraia . . auu . railrbad. - - 1 To Mr. Busbee: The Governor had , lingwi would dwindle to a mere chacken- Daniels would undoubtedly be in favor "Was Mr. Busbee then counsel of the of not letting it be paralleled if that Southern ?' . would kill the road. ' ' j "That was my ' understanding (this The 'fiscal status of the road, bonds, was confirmed by Mr. Busbee.) ' . etc., was gone into.. j To Mr. Manndng: "Mr. Norris. nnder- pss to accept the 50-year lease was be-; telling what he wanted to prove-by Beck-.heard of any such investigation. Pre the remark. Ain--nnAn- i. A. witli aA VAms: TVitt Vi dI hoan wMimilf. . fr. "Dflnfols ' WPTit into nn ' : . The question was so ridiculous that Mr. asid that Mr. Busbee, did hot consider it Daniels smiled and let it answer itself, .necessary, but he wanted to make aesur- Mr. Daniels said there was no danger ance doubly sure. . i . ; . of the Southern carrying out their To Judge Avery: "Did you consult threats he thought only portable things witfo other lawyers?" . could be carried away. He would have "Yes, sir; with Mr. Mordecai." examined the earnings. The directors Mr. Mordecai had been a member of the made no : investigation took the South- Board of - Internal " Improvements, ; and ern report only as a guide. He had never- Mr. . Mordecai said (he wouldn't be su- , Dootn. r - 1 The Directors returned to the meeting bearing a. "bannex with the strange device:" '-'"j"'' : " "Ninety-nine years or nothmg!" That was , the ultimatum of CoL An drews at Bnrlington to the directors. Yesterday, the ultimatum' of Col. An drews to the PEOPLE was " thisr "I Bur- . 8 per cent. They voted that they were ..nnni:n a ; r uunuaug w rwwe as mucn as AO, V OT 8 per cent, but they were willing to vote for what Col. Andrews was willing to give, 1 namely, 7 per cent. ; And ' so the forces clashedk ' ? ; t re the remark of Alexander in favor of with and Norris. They had been consult- ! ' Mr. Daniels went into an ' interview , to give acquiescence in -thes lease. ,,,llB- governor Uarr had m no way -ed as a Board of Internal improvements i wiiaTionman printed n aay oi- au nenced him, but he had offered his bv Governor Carr. who had thought their gust, -in the Charlotte Observer, " before fsiRnation l)een llflo ha fait fViof Vila xriamra n rf iv.l. UIU'I lllt f l ti lAU4cgvUVC UV9S1UJJ . OOt: 1111 U-l . 1.V ' LAAW. . w uw w . v . w.... M. . i.vu.u alrtI'Pii fTv iv. . . . ... . . . . 1 1 i ' i i . ' - Li "w"1 luuwt; prised if it were neressaiy for tiha Board i l"old flMjtto! to yo, Borcreign peo- of Governor Carr, legality of the lease. -and Judge Avery like to have an opportunity to make a hum a lease whdeh he wanted him to ?fe k o uage Moke in SO many words, and .Unt Tn A'., Mnnaot nrn ' anI aeronnt th dinarftrS snonld nnf haw W Mr se kM?7 to -be for 99 years.; wanted to get from them what occurred bid ratify- didn't know that At waa neces- ! iiTSSS-S .. uo, lt-icireu u a reuMvris. ui. at the conierence with iiov. uarr. i i-r. xameis aid not .minx uoaman oaij, uut nouicu uurtu w wi ui r v. . . , I "iKe avpit'o vf rt.. j v. x , - ... . .' : ? j.i ....... . - ., . , 1 u ' r a tt wreuij ueiure.exouenn.-. - senator Urant made his statement wouio nave xnen dio, dux on mat very auumiuuw: u cauuvu. Spruill considered that inasmuch as When the three amendments, notice of all which had been given by , Mr. Butler, were coming up one by one the 8 per cent amendment v waa . reached. Then It was that the chair ruled- it out, eaying that the substitute was before the Senate inx spite of the notice and put the question. The ayes responded so faintly to the manifestly revolution ary ruling, that the chair added by "ayes and noes though no one iad called for the ayes and noes. Then sprang Abell into i the thick and" demanded justice even for bis foes: he demanded a ruline. Mr. Beckwith was not-sure he did not wus yet another effulgence, j The face nd thus, and seemingly thus only did BECKWITH' S SALUTE. V Mr. Beckwith: "The Governor handed pie to let us have ihe road . at least for SO yean. . There is a difference between the mid- 1 night demand and the noonday petition. i ..... . . i.mwwm nr . On that dark night wnen ;-a ne niarca nvt-nMMAH 4-hA wm i Ka1 f A T Fid T1mrTC'mT tTf Vn TTtn IOCCAO d Tfllm Q tors .fl'lla made, the other direc- cided to hear Messrrs. Norris and Beck- 1 Mr. Henderson wanted' to force Mr. North Oarolma Kailroad lease, and . iney were implicated bv indirec- ... tj a 1 -i n.nioio eaV'B,W B. Vni '; f.-ire. he didn't muta tn ctl cm it. "'n, Shrill 111 Via , . . - . WIWJ. O UUge AVXZXJ UUU OUUIC UUUU1C ; w T ii" I ' iJiuji wiuv. ' . 1 si u le exonerated one by one un- : . n t. .nmmAn Tifi nonioio fnui ami ineieW nn an. he thoaaht he had the nower. found S nSi i? doinfjo mifM though he told Grant that the gentlemen 1 swering-repeatedly such time; as- tl k 1 fa', "S would not come as voluntarr witnse, Jeslatoe thought best : " ; v- .ch wrnewhat awwed. Jud A Grant med to -take this Jl'ly looked at the 5Lr. fmS nneasy grace, and was st new turn with -i. xa. . . : uneasy srrace. and was steaming mad. Veflicti l?'Vr?Int'.!!itl1 no.de?lre. 01 EDITOR JOSEPHUS DANIELS ON r- vrii i r .xnwm 1 1 ajv. a i t . fi 'would btiqt-. j . M.u-i5V - ".THK SSTANU. ' Virei rn ' a"SMpr no demands and de- .. . . . . . . Cfe' but if Ir- SIrai wanted to ? ,rEdlt0Sr - aniels . arved; - and M emS v S at-tail and seek a difficulty Mr. - Henderson . was . . asked to said 1 li, a ccmmodated. The Judge conduct the ; . . examination by ed his ulurary. that he had conduct- rant anu. ue yrucwjue ue uau $3,000,000 or $4,000,000." He had later Then your idea is that the bad judg ment consisted in not submitting to the legislature the proposition - before clos ing the trade. ' Yes, sir; for so long a term and before "ben told by Mt. Norris on behalf of the its expiration. - . , Governor not to say a nythmg about it. Here Mr. Busbee popped up with a t News : and Observer editorial of Wed- nesday. - which i Henderson started to brush aside, but which Mr. Busbee read I at the request of Mr. Daniels, who heard lights in distance and darkness, there ' was yet another effulgence. The face have the fKwer. He had never seen the ' Ool. Andsrewe shone "aa a Jamp through , there- wniusn vase. iue wuiiuiuuvu nuiuca tlwnff!h trickled . ' t , ' ' but 'I i trickled along the crafty channel-ways alongx ripple-wrinkled haltcovert brooks. AndHhe Ooloners smile grew:' " And he entered the gates of North Car olina's capital city , with the crown of a Coriolanus upon his forehead, and' of course, also a harp within his hand- suggested that he get the opinion of the Attorney GeneraL' As to the apporntment of -directors of the North Carolma Rail road he moved the first day to do that, but not to act on the lease,! as it involved WDLL KOPE CONSULT? , V. .. . v . I - J (Asheville Citizen.) the 8 per cent amendment get considera tion. Ah, it was the danger Kne, that 8 per cent- The vote of 25 to 25 proved it, and when it came to Governor Rey nolds tjo vote he said f roxa the chair jest ingly and laughingly to Abell, wbo win at the! clerk's desk, ; "How mncb U it worth?" putting his hand in his pocket, and cast his vote in the negative. Now the guns of the people had beea - silenced, and the vote was taken on thef all whose'strings has master-hand had , gnktitnt. the neonle retiring in eooJ ?P . - . . . u i I ":iks order. Was it a defeat? Was Lee's , JSf va?rel3 P3 bard-, 8urrender a defeat? numbers tri Iy wilted beforeat the very f atcs f umpbed, but the principle of the people Rome, he was beckoned to by the Tn- I ' JZ iU. bunes of the people, who had said: "Come - f- " "l, 1 : 3 ' " - . " . 1 ruler T7!wnT tuimni.tia W St n'TtiAn . v: r i L... T,nfnv.- A tm HVe CpHl. holf.tnn xnmroofinn Af f t- Tint ; PnKinonn mnn Attlu taAonf- - I- vt rA-, r-il V nere. BOW. WTC llie Tesietl ngU bee. The'objtrct was to hold Mr. Dan- judgeship made vacant by the death of let ns hie us to the Senate yonder. There! of tte airectors, which were held up as i - tl J V IMWIWi 4-1.1. 1 -m; S , A I V -u. M U.4aJ' P06sin Clors'' Yct all this was but a "My paper has taken an active part jlels to the letter to the Governor's ori- Judge Seymour of Newbern. Dow the Coriolanus, and reckon with the people of .sacred, when Wxyears or those vestea o ;a I - Jt a 1 rmrm i j - 1 jA. 1. ff i aim a 1 Ki 1 1 wxhiAh thAAMT RI I la m Ala wc 9 I rfVTA 14 ,lr a nnwwAT the victories yon have won for Romer 1 (Continued on fifth page.)