10 I no worm uuivmiu) Proceedings of The legislature Continued from Page Nine. ii 5 To amend chapter 301, law of 1891. nv ,Jnend section 2.194, of the Code, Mi a tincr trt t ertilizera' analysis. Passed. Ta ,mpnd chaoter 98, lawa of 1891. PqacumI over. ' nv inKnxrate the order of Unity. Pa bop1- To create new township in Alleghany county. Passed. tv mpnd rhiLoter 4o0. laws of 1891, relating to price paid for weighing cot To 'repeal chapter 533, laws of 1891, ioti.Tnr m Martin county.- Passed. To protect fish and game in Cherokee Passed. - For relief of Clerk of Superior court of Passed. To amend the charter of the town of Columbus and Polk counties, rassea. Rr amend charter of Burlington, Ala mance county. Passed. The vote was reconsidered by which the bill to place Cleveland and Gaston counties in the Seventh district and Yad kin and Davie counties in the Eight Con gressional district was. tabled, end the bill was placed on its reading and passed second reading. .Objection was made to third reading. To authorize State Treasurer to re fnmi iom-noration tax when charter ds not granted. Passed. To amend the charter of the town of Salisbury. Passed. To allow the town of Gastonia to vote on question as to levying special tax for removal of court house from Dallas to Gastonia. Passed. - To provide for barbed wire fences In Polk county. Passed. To. extend the time of settling taxes m Clay county. Passed. Trt indnlee tax-Davers in Hyde county. Passed. To allow people of Monroe to elect tax collector and for other purpses. Passed. To create a . school district at lines of Guilford, Forsyth and DarWson coun ties. . Passed. ,: ' , Relation to stock law in Edgecombe county. Passed second reading. To prohibit the working of females on streets or roads in the state. Passed. An act relating to public roads of Mecklenburg county. Passed. To provide for the drainage of Big Sugar Creek, Mecklenburg' county. Passed. . . To provide for the election of tax- col lectors for Mecklenburg county. Passed. To provide for election in Polk county on local option. Passed. Tn rhansre the votinsr place in John township, Hertford county. Passed. ' To prohibit live stockfrom running at large in the town of Sparta. Passed. To extend time of organizing the North State Company in Stanly county. To ccor? To incorporate the Bank of Person County. ' Passed. , To provide for public roads in Craven county running through the State lands to Carteret county. Passed. To amend section 1, chapter 362, laws of 1889, relating to incorporating church in Edgecombe county. Passed. To amend section 32, chapter 25 of pri rate laws of 1887. Passed. To incorporate the town of Maysville, in Jones county. Passed. " . In relation to special school tax in Person county. Passed. . - To pty the railroad debt of Poilocks ville, Jones county. Passed. To establish an electric light plant at Fayetteville. Passed. To' incorporate Snow Hill Railroad Company. Passed. To incorporate the Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company, to allow the company to do business without tax. Mr. Maultsby offered an amendment. "Pro vided that the Secretary of State, the Treasurer and Attorney-General shall say that it is a benevolent association." Mr. Ray spoke at length against the bill. He showed up the company. It was a regular gold mine for one man. The farmers of the State would not be benefitted one cent? it will benefit only one man. This" was no company; it was only one man and his name is Carpenter. He is the one that gets the money, and I understand he makes $1,500 a month out of the farmers of the State. Mr. Maultsby opposed the bill because it was not right and just to exempt this man from taxation. ,A man who by bleeding the farmers 'of the State can keep a fine horse and put up at the best hofel in Raleigh. If this bill passed he (Maultsby) would offer a resolution ask ing this General Assembly to appoint , a commission to investieate thw insurance company .because he thought it a fraud. The amendment was lost. - Mm Ray movea to adjourn. Liost. McCaskey moved previous question on original bill. The bill passed, ayes, 22; noes, 20.' - SENATE NIGHT SESSION. The Senate reasembled at 8 o'clock, and the following bills were disposed of: To . build a public rjai in Jackson county, Passed. To amend chapter 125, private laws of 1CnO ..J 1 i f . rrn aoou, iwiu cuapitrr laws or ivjij, re lating to Cullowhee Normal . School. Passed. " Fop benefit of public schools in Tyrrell county. Passed secondreading. To repeal chapter 238, laws 1889. Passed. To amend chapter 449, laws of 18S5, relating- to - cotton and peanut weighers, Edgecombe county.. Passed. To incorporate the trustees of colored Industrial School in Elizabeth jDftv . Passed. . For relief of Solomon Filler, of Hert ford county. Passed. To amend an act to incorporate the Moore County and Western Railroad. Passed. To change the boundary' line of the To incoroorate the Hanover-Land and out of order. Aiken J18,1". rllSnanr. Passed. 5 ; ducer of the minority report of the en San and Pender i Blackburn moved that the lobbies b To require all ano rwn. k- rwraa-tiaA Z SlKaK To amend chanter 287, private laws of The latter prevailed. j , in Catawba county. Passed second Pickery ws ready to make h.i report rAJjn? McKenzie said there was nothing on the To regulate the pay of mechanics, la- record to show that Dockery had ben borers and other hired help. ; C Centime to thdraw ad confer w.th Mr.' Atwater said he stood here to anybody. Dockery said he bad no re champion the bill because is in favor port to ' of the working man, Mr. Smathers op- for er?'?lf, '1L$ posed the bill as he thought it was un- "n?, S!&2 constitutional, and he did not think it &, of the bill: "Provided that h Southern would be any'use In pacing it. Mr. SJJSLSSL Xf -ESS water said he had seen scenes like this xen yer wui p-r " before, and whenever a measure in the interest of the working man came up. why then they say it is unconstitutional The bill failed to pass. To create a board of Equalization. Tabled. . " To protect fish in Trent river. Passed. Relating to sale of improved stock, Craven county. Passed. j To put school district of Alamance in Gibsonville district, Guilford county. stock." Murohy asked if this was allow able: lhati the matter before the House was his' amendment offered Saturday. Blackburn wanted to know if Cook's amendment was to be permitted when Murphy's was ruled out. Cook insisted that the order of business) had not been taken up. The Speaker, said the matter before, the House was the unfinished business of Saturday. H$ said he only recognized Murphy . to" rise order. Blackburn wanted to a point of to '. know why 1 In Mnv-tsl -1 To incorporate 'Drednanght Hook aad & Ladder - Company. Passed TH E EYE IS : OVERTAXEC n IT SCIENCE. I 'S BEST FRIEND. COMES Tr RELIEF. The Methods Adopted For epairirf the Injury to Man's Most . ; . Valuable Gift, There ore several ways by" which th. -yesSgM way be destroy i-d or tmpairt- Jy accidt-nt is one way, by di eise is another, aaid anodier V; naurural weakness xiiid decay. These az three of the most deSiructive, a-nd of ti t'ircc, the latter is beyond all question th uost prevalent. Ia "this particular, the eye is differer from r.-ny other faculty cf man. The ej. is kept busier than all the odierfucultit oenbined. It is, therefore, taxed mo: than all the others eociibined. If the ev hears tidings of jo-y, the eye must giiste-. with gladness." If the ear must listen t. a tale of woe. the eye must do the. wee? ins. If the 'heart overflows with grief, i . can only escape through the avenues o; the eye, however weary tine eye may be. The eye must follow the needle over th dizzy fabric while the ear and the dfche faculties are resting. The eye must wato and note every 'little disorder or disai rangement in the household. It nru delve into the most minute intricacies o handiwork. It must watch the keys o the musical instrument and at the sani time watch the different variations oa tli sheet of music. It must trace the pe: over the ledger, correct all errors, strik all the balances in the counting room unravel all the intricate problems in th studies of the student,' and then when t1i other faculties are a leisure, the ey must'f eed the mind by scanning the page of magazines, newspapers, story -book. and periodicals. And yet people wondei that the eye gets weary and its sight im paired, either during the morning or the evening of Ufe. r - It is the ; overtaxing of the eyecha t brings an earfy weakness and imipairment of - sight, and yet in . this day and time it cannot well be avoided, but thef tire remedies at Teast a remedy that, when properly applied, will aid the eye and 'pre vent disease, or even partial blindness. . Science 'had bid In its recesses, methods for overcoming premature or unnatural tweaKness. xnese menn- ods, however, would be dor mant and unobtainable except for the delving into science of great minds; many hundreds of -them have delved 3mddelved until they have dis covered and mastered ways and means for arresting the impairment of the eye and this scientific method is by fche prop er use -of properly adtrrsed glasses. . It as wonderful how many persons in ure their eyes by .the use of cheap glasses, I 1, T . . . . , nays. i tea toTinem. it is use Donng a inoiean,a to the Senate from Mrs.! Dockery last nieht was visited bv Day ; sound tooth. Your hat. boots or - shoes Pattie D. B. Arrington asking: for one j and Avery ;with this proposition: That amd clothes must be bought at intervals hour to explain her grievances. The re; , they be allowed to i ntrod uce these amend-1 of not less tiban one year, with the most quest was declined. ' ments, 8, 9 and 10 per cent., -and that j economical. ' You cannot injure the petr- To change the time of holding courts j these be voted on, and that) no discussion son in such decision as wearing apparel, in Rowan and Yadkin counties. Passed, be allowed save in explanation of yotes; but can totally ruin your eyes and sight . To amend chapter 81, laws of .1887, by that Murphy's amendment be also voted by knowing notihmg of the science of op adding Montgomery1 county. . Passed. on without debate; and that then a: vote tics, of the laws of refraction dn getting To amend section 3228 of the Code re- had on the substitute without debate; glasses therefore, do not depend upon iaung xo vagrants and tramps, giving m- i'ru,xwiLiuii wjls uiio 'iiiiriiixig duluui- your own judgment or trust to that of any To protect prfrtridges and squirrels in Pasquotank county. Passed. To increase the pay of chief clerk of Auditor to $1,500, and to allow the At torney-General $900 for clerical help. Passed. To regulate public printing. This bill is to give authority to the Governor's Council to appoint the public -printer. : """ U .r. "I rl ma to rO finHcrfiTnTA Ktll Htt fha HAnioa t lr " "v " " i Passed second and third readings. To provide cotton weighers for Fre mont and Mt Olive. Passed. the chairman's rulinff. MeKenzie made the point that Lusk had some weeks ago ruled, when s protest was offered and the Speaker refused to allow it to be spread upon the journal, that the only resource was an appeal from the chair, and that yet to-day Lusk ruled fro ap peal could be made. At 11:05 Cook sent forward . three amendments, and gave notice he would House. The ments were as follows:, j To add the words "or stockholders" to line 7 ; "to make the rate of rental 9 : per cent ajid To amend the charter of the city of ; mt th mte J0 per Mur ?Tkt !Py listed that his amendment, offered 11 V , a . , v UT .Sathurday, was before th ' certain land in Randolph county, JL;a voia To amend chapter 270, laws of 1895. .onfia fvr -i hill- hut to apply to Craven county.. Passed. i that the Senate sent back a substitute. l or relief of -waiters, laborers-employed mnA k. ?- rw;?rtt t,w by the State, give them 15 days' leave of imatter camnot lbe 6ettled ,by this Legte absence a year. Passed. ' ! if a js.a . ,vj,a .rnan. lo provide for working the roads m ' mont wptW with th snhstine. Th Rowan county. Passed. ! nnesttmi w nnt nnd declared carried. To employ two or more physicians for "-mM wont tmn nd lAnphter hv the Deaf, Dumb and Blind Asylums.' the ,miTirtritv- The lefli- -men ttooueht To fix charges of ferry at Gaston. 5 Alexander movefl to reconssider the motion Tabled. ' ' ! t ohToi amd loir hot tr tflhlo fin To prevent the dismemberment of the " other words to out on the clincher.'. Me- c ape lear ana laakin valley Kailroad. , Kenzie on this demanded the yeas and A , request jurisdiction to justices , of . Passed. To amend an act incorporatinff town of Inauda, in Passed. the peace. the Buncombe county. ted to Col. Andrews and Blackburn, who ; declined it. ! i Grumpier moved , to lay, . motion to table on the talble. McKenzie's 53d Day--Monday, March 8. There were cries of roll-call. It was clear that Dun- , can's sudden change of front was not un J derstt)od, for Murphy seconded his motion ! to table: There was much 'stir. It'was one else unless qualified by years of prac tice in their profession. Glasses unsuit ed to you anustT be changed very often, so that at the end of short period the patients find they 'have ruined their eyes or sigfht and 'have paid more in a short period than they would (have 'done, and , j o.i j v . i - . . At 10 nVWlr hi TTn&Q 1- T1, : 11 Sft hfnrp. rll-rTl rrn n,mWn eyes UU.U. SKg-flT, 03Q Uiey COU- the chair. .Dookerv akA r. M motion. Allen and Blackburn wero ma ultd the proper authority in the begai- Get the glasses to suit you in Dockery asked for n ton motion. Allen and Blackburn were made TY11TI nta wnfanmn fI"V. : ?' ilfkrs . Tho xrkt-a txtokx irAi-Tr cnnmilo'n mng letterto Lusk from Speaker Hilemaii was Scarcely any majority men! voted. The me w .place, and they mil last you and read: '1 am too unwell this morning to ; vote was yeas 49, nays 24. The cnair f1 your frm thT,- five, eight or preside over the body and I wUl ask you declared the motion to reconsider as car- ea years, and will not cost you more to perform this duty for me." The fol- : ried- sides applauded. McKenzie yo11, Ty for your hats or lowing, signed by Hileman was also '"; said "We whipped you iit your own shies ill tlie same Now, the ques- read: "I hereby aonoint V. S T.nsir game." tion remaans witn you, whether your eyes xne lease men said tnev were satis- wvruu.ai. xnese remarKs are caned the lease as forth by the presence of Dr. Louis H. validated; while the majority said the 99 Matthez tin Raleigh, whose name and rep- i utation as a scientist m his profession in the adjustment of glasses to the eyes is from morning till night the woman xri, uses soap lor cleaning. ine "trold Dust is through by noon as fresh and bright z owder one strode serve for two in house i n rr o -n H flip cnHT1 cr nt mnTIPV K Pnnol A IMC wi. . f-j v y .uudl O n saving of labor. .--Sold everywhere. Made onhul THE N. K. FAIHBANK COMPAN? 'f Ki4 i tc i W i makes addi The Best Should ' Be Good Enough for Yq We are speaking of U np' ntr r O and other proper ac- S 111 CS S r W couiremenis or me norse we cave Deen' mannf :.t, ; : goods for 22 yea re, and we claim to make the very best money ,-n our lino. If you are not contemplating a visit to the citvi ol harness of any description, then make a visit ospeei;r)l v r w-1! guarajitee to save you m'.ney. It may Lot bo tliMt 'u lower, r ven as 1 w as some thers, but the quality n i! f is ii m;ts fust in estimating a gor-d bargain. e v'iil . , tbr ugh u? e.-sTsiUisbmtnt whether y u buy f us r n E. F. WYATT & SON, S MANUFACTURERS AND DBA LERS IN HARNESS Raleigh, N. O. ''.'is! ! ,. the- r ,CES0M Farmor Covered Wagon GEO.E. NISSEN, Salem, N.C resentatives to preside as Speaker, this fie?. f hy not regard ie ota oay or Marcn, iy7, and to per form the duties of the chair." Alexander rose to a question of per- i - ' ft ... year lease stands. I Cook and Blackburn sOiook hands sonal privilege, as tx his remark ab6ut .iT - Anirews ana Juagej Avery were Known aaa reoogruzed in this country and lhnnin. that h omKr tt,, lu iuuy, uorn ! in the lobby, both smiling and sur- an Europe. He comes to Raleigh to efh It was a love- tablish the character of Ms ervi nnd reast an round. 1'a.ch side named itself work. He ia endorsed by the most distki wwaner. j guished persons throughout tJhe ooun- Dockery said, "It is a dog fall." ! try, and is not to be classed with the or Fot five manutes the stir continued, but dimary travelUng spectacle fakir. Dr. finally Lusk got order. i Matthez employs no agents and has.no Cook insisted that the next matter in . assistants, except his secretary, and cam order was the unfinished (business of be consulted only at his office, room 41, 5aturciay the Oroldsboro police commis.- sion bill. The Speaker beesred the House -c. A, , r Havituj'liat hirf 1") vi. 1R - ...... . . tne majority had no pnnciDles. He a 5l that if Chapin had waited a moment he would have , explained this. r" Blackburn rose and moved concurrence in the Senate amendment and in this called the previnous question. Allen sec onded the motion. Hancock said that the matter was in confernce. Cook said Dockery was to report first. The Speaker sam a recess Had been taken for a 10 to be auiet; avine wio is rut -re "sumceuuy; minutes confernce. The chair expressed of the session remained I r, me reim or visitors, an a fam ine opinion that Blackburn's motion was I tw 'i a ilar manner to Ms method of conducting out of order. Blackburn said eighteen ' atttS X We tooik. e Q and professional work at ihes home office-, minutes had elapsed; that he had asked f?- the it conifsion ball, say- Dr. Matthez brings with him to thiscity if there was anything before Tthe H7 Srslne e best governed, towns letters of highest introductioai relative to and that the chair said no. That Dock! ffiw f! ohaxacter and worth dn his' great ery and the others had come out of the Vi ui most oraeny places in tne work. Dr. Matthez will be in Raleigh but ro7D r V4tT . , .Df?ween ,5ne a hort time, and those who f aol to consult K he greatest frindlmss; that Ihim about their eyes and glasses will there is no friction; that prominent ne- cimnW u, dt.,;t, " : cnrwxa tn aov ,,, 1, 4- i v vivuuu, v unia uvea. politically; that hence a very bomilar man had to be put up as mayor; he denied the statement of Person of Wayne that there was no redress of grievances; that there were excellent schools fox j both races ; that the present charter was given in 1895; that there was no gerrymander: that the mayor and board of aldermen were voted for ; directly by the people, and that the people should be trusted to govern themselves. ; ' Mr. Waiters thanked the liberal men in the House who killed the Charlotte police ) bill, and hoped they would . do .the same to this bill. V. Person of Wayne said that save at gen eral elections Goldsboro was quiet; thatt Speaker's room. Lusk asked Rlanm if he thought he was treating the chair with courtesy. Blackburn said yes, with perfect courtesy. Schulken contended that the chair had first to announce that business was in order. . Murphy said that certain business had been done; this being the question of personal privilege alone referred to. Mur-j phy insisted that Blackburn's motion was entirely dn order. Again Blackburn asked the chair if anything was before the House. The reply was no. Black burn then moved to concur in the Senate substitute and on this called the previous question. Sutton, of Cumberland, said no one save the chairman of committee (Cook) could call the previous question. Blackburn wanted to know if a member had. no privileges whnfATw mi, Sutton said Were true, that the majority ! was disorder there, and; at all these "When Baby was sick, ire gare Her Castorlk. ' When she -wua a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. ""tan she had Children, she gave them Castoria. lad no.nghts and might as welt go home and let the minority rnn tvnr a clause in the galleries and Lusk threaten d to clear them.) Sutton said the mi--.ority in Congress had checked the ma jority m the force hill Kenzie asked Sutton if he did not, when J in we cnair Saturday, rare that anyment coerced into voiting the Democratic tick-i et: that the Democrats threaten to dis charge employes and starve and children ; that this bill around devilment: that the one-legged jiegroes mnst be stomped: that 7 ; the men named-on the police board own' as much property as any twof men ia the thejr wives was to get beating of , CIA 4 ber . COUld Call the WPTtnna nnocH St . the ; Mlto create a police commission at j .Johnff aaA' ic romsboro. v Hancock said Pprwm. f -Z' ' " riryyr".,.-. iff nrevions k-d- AJAtfLj'r t aIUvI L Xj v'r v. Passed. i Question on this Goldsboro biU Saturday -frirritl'' s,1- ,r.l he was m ehargefee. 6&on Mid hiFanhdmt walfrSt t tie said- the mlmorlry could -"hot I and fairfr ... vnf .r5. J r . V He contended thatanV member 35 s Prnii C J .a: 4 To amend sect5on 2, chapter 353, laws of-,1895, relating to road in Jackson county. Passed. To permit .certain persons in' Jackson Passed. because he McKenzie satisned. He contended that an? member nau. a right to -ealt the previous questiofi, (PERRY D AVISO A Sure and Safa Remedy la ; every case and every kind of Bowel Complaint la 1Q yls ia, true statement an4 It can' t be made too atroas nt too emphatic. 5' rSSVAi-i"' -iff" Stf I f-f-""'f ' ! V THE Snow Basket The Most Serviceab e Fas CverZOffercJ to tne Public. Grocer's iW-1 : ; f' r Fruits and VeH..l V- Farmer's Ba.s'.; ' The Chan pion Warn et; over fifty tliii a in four States Field Baskets ?.': green tobacco Cotton and Tru k H;t to orders. All made from tb-1 Oak t'trips. . M a n uf actu r e d By W. H. SNOW HIGH POINT. C- . JAl Ml WW J 'AV r.ita 4 ' n C J . tk-w r m F a. ... 'county to attend public schcis T i pi;. -Mancoc'sai tins dTH t; r public .scncpi&.in.om . had, been referred to a comnmitt:wMKi J tfteitaoldsboro bill -had not been referred county. WilkeW UTl'9Ct fcaid the-qnestion was ,vho intrb -tA t v. r - h-" : "ced the bill ; and:rho was from'iVrtitft 'lrr2. i ,Tor.v.orIy c-ouvjeis s 'Swafn,day and Mac ed. tPerson'1ai( 'j6h.iisbnL if he! 'foVth';3t4U "iftMi aendinen't wrea&J cented. ' ;f v- - ',; ' - - Johnson iaid that the Jeot ,GoTd H; themselves; boro-werSable'ahd siiKM it - j-. floating vessels m Currituck Passed. 1 --"V , -fnd. fwmrth.deeifiiotfol.the cnairf TheJohair. ttot-tbcraiwiKfied' vMeTre1eV-rthe twBw L. LUU refused to put his appeal, and rjifed it , Continued on Page .Elevcn. in- char sre 'Prsn' 'VyT-Tr?TB?r-ii v"-it,A'". j.-j.ti if-Jt. .-Bhickburn said he-wioved to con- of Goldsboro in Tth,? wu i;:iKatJd,that he alone could calf theprev- for police protection f tbt they tranted vns question -as'tthei maker of the-'mo toMkstneif.baHtftxesaf 'Goldsboro Um.ri Xuski-ruied-.-that ; Blackburn was clear of policemen And'-1 nefs:'4iurt ;v vnif r; iiKiuiiKiKwas no suostitute -xnertt waa .pontieal ontragre'and Tiolonce .it an, original biUa?; Blactbdrn appeale 'Ari&hn1fcr)frct'f!aineodm4ii t a .sjnijle' Sfx aadHuicv: . cu're-fbr -jV.-Vr: Oranr ; CdugIi" Ehetanatfsiaj. Colic, -f v it r Colds, ' Neuralgia, r ' ' Diarrtray . Cbmp, :Toothachb r f . Two sizes, 23c. aad 50c : Keep It by you. 4 Beware cl h Imitations. Bay only tae 1 ; Genuine- Perry DsyLs. - Established 1865. ; , StandarJ Guarantee! (Branch Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co.) MANDPACTU3KES 07 if i '. r. rr t ,-. rf s ' l,!"? tfgi 15: : :.-c:7:.r-.:---Av! -f--.W 'u;rrc r7 i rf the fcllowlnc erora- T Pure f? avy j j ; -ji ) i- Vu ! ? , , , , qra 3 3 j p;, 3 3., .-r-A torn t fmf- m0- hqi

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