1 ; I f t ) t H VOL. 2. MORGANTON, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24,1898. NO. 18. LOCAL NEWS, r.. K. Coulter, Esj., of Cop v SirinT! was in town jMbn , Ju-ire Avery left for llaleigh hnlay, to be gono all 'the I'V( . Mr. Satterlee is expected i,,:!;f with Ms bride on Friday of Master John' Pearson, now at ,1 Hopkins Hospital tor treat3 , has undergone his operation .i i- daily improving. Mr. Walter Brem, Jr., ha? ,j, 'ne to the University to study ... ti i .1 .iM iiic. lie nas given up tne c;i f being a preacher II arshaw appears to be electdd .,,;icit"r bv HO votes. This is baed tlie reported vote of Mitchell, v.!i! ii is sHiu io nave nven uose 1.14 1 majority; - The new house being erected . X. t T :! . l a- lx-cn rented bv 31 rs. Thomas M( lit who will occupy the same' iin-iH ihutch' upon its completion; - The present county cdniniis i!iers were in session on Monday ' f.ir the last time, windiiig up old matters and getting ready to turn 'ver on the first Monday in De ember. -(cniinoiloro Kerley rtt last ,u!!(m1 through for the Senate. The mutter was iil dbiibt tt great 'vhile. BoutliCr, Itdpublican, is uKo elected. Eaves and .Lambert made a great he-nt. Jverlev s ma jority was '25 and Souther's 38. ('ant. Louia Perry: Of the1 HKiterial traiii df ' tlie Southern j ami his foreman, Mr. Dallas 1X111 j uv god. managers of men. Their fuee of 45 colored liidii was paid ... t . . , oft here JUdndav ana acted as nnleriy as hands on an old-time boutlicril ptahfjttidri: l. V. lichaiix and iL L. haxton, of P'crkinsvilld, We're in town Monday. Tlie latter has heen appointed postmaster and the ofhVo :it Perkinsville re vited It will be served fr'oirt AVorry On the Altatnont route and extra Cdhipen sit ion therefore allowed the con tractor. . . I. H. Peai'son Jeft for lia h iuli on .MondaV to attend a nieet ing of the Railroad Cdimiiission: He is pr'essiiig a resoiutidfr lb' prp vile for separate accommodation i'!i all the railroads" of the State tor tlie two races. Nurses and f'tHcers irit.it plisdnors are to be ('xecpted: u 'BUd.'.'' Said ah tipper Creek Democrat to a Republican striker ul.. W.l (TMiiP from town to 'elec- tl.niecM'.-- am ' sro'iiifif to give , - . .-7, v, oU th e iiiiniites to leave in and I a., mil nno-Imlt oi them are n'ready gone' : 4i Well,"' said 'Ibid," can't I feed my horse Xo," said the Democrat; 'feed him on the road.' The horse was led on witid en route to town. Tuesday night liad a surprise u store fbr the Republican attend ants" at tiio State ilospital. There vere bilt four of them Messrs. i'ean, of Caldwell, Shives, of Gas Jon, WinsenhUnt, of .McDowell, hidVcharles erry, of Burke All 'o,k the plank walk, eithci4 by reign:atiOlt or disniissaL TJie tu-tjon dppfo'vediby th geater art of the twn Deuicrat. j In h certain part of jtliis county in which Republieanisiil is not popular a friend if Oiif ? Sho Iprofeses tiid linpbpulfir taitliwent '"'n election day to ItttdrView the overein;?. lie uottded se'vefal voters eSaiHirij the limbs of. Ids hirvr x,-ir,i'.rtof,llTT liitl tlif nr made the afternoon of Noveinber 8th. The cold wave has started in the "West and we look for hog killing time to be here the last of this week. ttichard Boger, one of our most popular young men, has gone into the service of one of the cot ton mills in Alamance. Air. Thomas I. Moore has ! purchased a corn shredder,. which is attracting .much . attention from a iiumberi of our farmers. The machine shucks the corn and whreds the stock, fodder and shucks into a tine merchantable j hay ; The COst of the machine was SlsO. j f y Our friend j D. P. (joode, of Connelly Springs, will ask the Democratic House caucus to name him as doorkeeper. No man in ! Burke stands hijrher than Mr. Goode, and the State lifts no truer son nor the party a more loyal supporter. Mr. Goode was prom inently nientioiied for the Legisla ture this' year, but did not obtrude his claims, and this is, we believe, his first request for a party honor. We are going to turn him over to Joe Daniels and will hold him responsible if our friend don't get there; Some Xewsy Local Items. JdgTToR Sale Hve room cot- BAEGAIjnS . BARGAINS I If you iiced a heater, donH buy until you have seen our The Lenoir wof Tuesdavltage on East Union St., now contains the following items that occupied by R. J. Hallyburton. will interest 'many of our readers: lhe house is new, and there is a aT. N. Hallyburton, Esq., of good well of water and a barn on Burke, was in town yesterday, the lot. Apply at The Fkiend ....Mr. D. J. Hicks, a popular J office for terms, etc. novl0-4m. shoe drummer, of Morcrantoti, is in town to-dav. . . . -Mr. C. D. DISAPPOINTMENT OF HAWKINS Coffey was out limiting last Satur- BROTHER, day and lost Ids pocketbook, con- Owing to the combined efforts taining s225 in currency and some of the merchants in' the city to notes amounting to $275 or $300. we had intended moving. . . Messrs. J. 1 . Tftylor and I L we are midble tQ re a hoWQ PRQYED oouncill, oi tlie blowing Kock , . Hotel, are going to Honduras, r love Or money. Of course we Central America, to engage in a can not blame them. They do general trading . business. Some not want competition that tlfey New York parties are interested can not toucli a store that sells with them, and they expect to buy Lvervthins as cfieaii as they can 111 1 1 J ... u il I J C T caitie, imiiDer anu yarious oinor , , , j . . . , . . t. , ' , , r u -Kf ouv it: ana tne worst oi it is, firt-.irtlos unfl 1 ItI tn I una Mr ' 7 TaVlor is well acquainted in Hon- tlly k,low CAn do tllfi and luras, havine lived there a nuin- make a living profit. liieyknow ber of yearsi . . i.iAii infant of I that we do not have to mark a few Mr. and Mrs. Win. Mdliary, of leaders less' than cost iVith the Little River township, died of ,lT nf iilnhntrrhio' f.1, diist.fniir I aiii feceivinar new gddds every "F 11P f"lWBS b1on some article that lid is not J?J Furniture, China Sewing A Great S tnccess Dwing to the great success of out Shoe Sale we will continue it for one week longer. A- petition" (ji G. A. Lovin and 50 dthers for a stock-law elec tidii in Upper Creek township, running from the Caldwell county line gate with the AVilkesboro road, thence Various courses to reach the stock-law fence whicl goes to-John s fiver, tiience up tlie river td the; Caldwell county fence, tljence with it to the begin ninsr. The election is to be at j HalPd -store December 29th. J P. Hall and Brady Wakefield are appointed registrars, and James London; W; A. Kjhe'aid and John Isaac's iire appointed judges by the clerk df the court; iW the law directs; IS J AIR- TIGHT km -i. HEAT- Fifty cents refunded to each Infant shoos, sites 2 to odur- ptirchaser an our entire line ot ilig $ side . i ... ...... iadies' 1 haver re Magruire bhoesi $3.50 shoes for 3,00; Machines aiid Stoves, which are going at .KNOCKDOWN PRICES! Cdr Vallfiv Shndav. Afr. and Mrs. O. E. Edwards, of Blow- familiar with before he leaves the ing-Rock, had nice strawberries a store. e long ago learned that few days ago,' being some of a sec- if w3 1'ednfinCd our bargains to a ond crop raised on Mr. iones f &cl(ots. and sold them less land, near vreeii rars. ; . : . ur. h.rnAfl Satnrlnr frr.ni fl.olr vt SUSpiClOUS Ulld OllIV bOUgllt f. UoU;,r,,irri. Tim ctov Miiflfrs. priiJno- fiistitvhftre for the iu Furniture uv Jr c l tl ill VI V iivi ,ct r tui v j CD O I . . ii:i u- : " . z-i. money, come aim see ine ana get sickness, and Mrs. Spainhour re- gQ VVfJ siiaii reniaiii iil Morsran- turns feeliii better than she has L aM cdntinue fd the ior years. .. ..mier ttconuiiuvus , ,. . 1 . . . . ,. j . j. . , pastorate of nine years, Rev. 1. , W. Thomas will tender his resig- sold under tlie hammer, at prices nation to the Lenoir Baptist which defy competion ; and we church on the-first Sunday in De- will say right here, that if the cember, to take effect the third good people of Burke county 0r i j f. TrwAin uuimrtjr. want to Keep sucu a store nere, i thev must patroniZe it. 1 aXeS T T W Tlrkii-Triaii T.ani A rk!ti trwl T nil rrn I V .11 . . r . i I . " " h-. v e will nave a manmeent line i llie appointment or u. of lidliday gddds, winch will go as rpiiE uhders!rir:tt x?u HfT't fV sale, for Rmnnfiti! fesri:'- n.M indcrn nf this Ll.ann do Hflia irnnAa. . I cash: under the. usual .conditions " J 17 J f) " I Vlil tio uuivi tuuug J ... ... . i . . . r 1 i- - JM.. v i . 4 . .. , , - w . rpfriilsitinL' salS nf land for taxes, the iol uistrict was to nave oeen expecteu y e have a large lot ot seaside lowing : property oh ment the Governor could have 25c books at 5c. Monday, December 5th, 1898, made from the ranks of his own Ve hae received a hew iot of the feourt houe dvjr ill Morrinton, to party. Judge Bowman is a man feather pillows, comforts and !53.00 shoes for $'2.50 i2.50 shoes for 2.00 $2,25 shoes for 1.15 shoes for 1.50 1 f i cfK lioot'ir ctwirka rivnforl - front and back, -siees 13 to 2; during this Side. . . . . . . G5e Misses doiigola shoes sif.es . 13 to 2-, real value $1.25;. during this sale, i .... . 95c, Children's heavy shoes, riv eted front and back, sizes ' 9 to 12; during this sale . . 50c Children's heavy grain shoes, in heel and spring heel, ' lade aiid button siRes 0 to 121 during this sale. : j : . . 7.5d Ask td m?e our line of Men's Regent Shoes (gunfanteetl as good as Ally $5. 00 shoe lliado ) al . ; . . V. ......... Ladies heavy -polid leather shoos, riveted front ahd bftck sold elsewhere at 1 ; durpig this sale, per pair . Ladies grain and glove-grain button and lace, 1. 25 quality .during1 this siile . . Ladies doiigola shoes, button aiid lace, Avith' patent leath er; or self tip; 1.50 qual ity; during this sale, i . . Ladies' dongtda shoes, button tthd lace, patent leather or . self tis and spring heel ; 2 quality; during thissnle 1.23 90 I have anything vbii caii mention If vou want to save ild see prices before you buy. Yours for business, E. BEEESE. TaXs f6r 197. LAZARUS BROTHERS satisfy lh6 tdwii taxtfS for the year- 185)7: II Tlfanksffivhiff. - Td-day the 1'ttdeTli rind Gov- ernor ask us to ineci m puonc wolslifp and return thanks for the blessings df the past year. Every one shdiiid go to churclt who can. The cbilritry is blessed iti the main with good crops arid good health, the war with Spaili is Over ahd has terminated in our f it v or, the elec tion is dver and tile Vhito folks? have recovered cdutrol of the i Statej the county lias good officials in charge' of affairs at home, the jail is empty and the cribs are full. Why not eat the turkey with a happy heart and divide with those who have no tur'kev ? And Christ mas, too, is aluidst in -sight. - 1,,., ;,lno mnr;fn1 rllonnci: kl....1t 1. ,U ivi AverY, Jam08 Al,, 1 H1 lJ. lJ(ti JX IllVlVllUt W IVUI- I M KH1N. I il I Ml I I HS. IlliW. KLC. I . IT' :.' 1 1... . i . I r - j 1 o 7 . . i rtvcrv, nam, i an tion ahd has retained the respect There are a sticd mariy iub lots Avery. Lessie; 1 kit:::. of his neighbors and the public Gf stuff fre would like to advertise, Avery, .Joseph H, tielt.. ,. through a long and active; although but they will probably be gone iierJy"5L:, ' ' ".!'. !.'.! narrow:ranged; lire, lie is con- before the paper is out and be Avery. Geo: nected with Senator Pritchard and succeeded by dtller goods, so it is Jraiich Samuel it is said owes ins appointment in best tUr custdmers to call tor what hiirkmm Jessie C: part to the Senator's influence ; thev want befdr'e i going elsewhere. Iea; ;Ios:tM: but Mitchell countr4s unwavering We auofeciate tlie. Datrdnasre i!iL31,ali.ar,.Ve stand tor republicanism, evidenced heretofore extended us, and we Fiemminff, Isaac even in this last tidal ravej had expect it to continue i; at iiiiy- rate, (iardfcn,. ijery ; itj j A Li .. . m - u iid A Hester, . Hi uuuuLit;s iiiwu lu kikj wxtn il -rv tne prices win oe ngnt aim ireat Iloward, George thousand maionty by a wmte conn- merit df customers mdSt courteous. Hall, Robert. ty called for. even niore cdnstder- i.rs n. d discover their' dbtdcti He was sked if ihii ilofsd was Stiff. " 0,' He replied. Wcllf said tiiey, 'et u see iivd tried Kcteii ere and tdYtti.". The hint 1vas 'cn and nd better time. 'lias ever tfit-u-'fMiUfi tmV e4 lmn w The Cou ference. : After dn inioortant session, the Western ; Conference adjourned Tuesday to nieet next year in Con cord. It recommended the return of the 2S8.O0d to Congress, the suspension of the ' book agents, Barbed" & Smith, and condemned Attorney StahUnan for his false hoods. - z Kev, ll. II. Parker is the new presiding elder for Morsjanton di trict. Kevs. J. W. Jones to this statidnj W. Y. Scales to this cin cuit; J: C: Postelle td Table Kock circuit and L. L. Smith to Con nelly Springs circuit ate the" as signments lu which our people are the most inter'ejfted.- I)r. Leitli ,gtes td Kaudlemah and Mr; Brcifdle to Kutiierfordton circuit. ,s ... : ' : r ' J 2TliAM9 AV.Asffiri. Four month?' w)rk fOr ten .gdod mule tea li '.s dn railroad work in South Carolina. e.OO per day given ftr team and "driver. Only gooi" teams, wanted. Applv td W. CEati, . Morgantdit C: P rfeDr. Gaillafd S. Teniirtt; ti Aslievillc, will be lit town; at the lidsd Villa: f dr. four dftts; Tuesdav, JLJec. U j to 1' riday, J-ec: 0 Ho'urs: 8:30 it. m. to 1 p. ril. Practice limited to deseases of the eo. novi0-4w; 1 1 ation from a Ilepublicari Governor than a judgeship for two years. The appointment was deserved and what is more is creditable: A CARD. 1 I1C VV VLl Id UVCI I Am Home Again, HaprHjldt, (iejre. Kiilt-kid, WllliaW. Lyiicli: Alf...:::.: Ly'tle, Albert . Thoroughly Renovated ind Keeleylztd: ffice News Fl'om the State Hospital. ' Correxpohdenre oj fhe F fientl. TTAVING Set lip an offi 1 TAf Bt-ihi'tNO! was here for a dity. laSt week. Tull's .06 3.12 1 40 4.50 .30 3.D.1 :50 2.r8 2.07 4.50 5:14 2.:u 0:19 2.58 1:50 2,03 8.8 7:13 -.80 J10 2.00 2:8.1 13; GO i73 0:0(1 11.03 02,14 50 3:4ri 81 3; 15 Lee. William. Moriranton Land & Irftp, Co McDowell, S. M 1 1 1 1 m. . 1 r 1 t ..uctjoiiiiauirm'y, ivi uiiii,,, McKesson, C. F IViif-rin- .T. II : , !e in the Piimbnt batik. ; . : $ s : !TM diibbsite .1: "M: : : t :,.,:::::: : HC- tsi- .iu. . Caldwell; .lames; : .. . .. ... 4 -. 1 nr..- -.i' j:. - Mrs. J. JI: Tatenl, df Olin: is proressionai service, as. a pnysi- h ;khii; iex: visiting .Mr. and Mrs. Serbggg. cian, to the citizens 01 auorganton v;llias T,Vc r Mnrnhv rptirrnd from a surrounding counirv. cans- Winter. I). K.. i.;sVrt.a faction cuafiinteed. Prices as low Walton, Hiram M;i as the practice can reasonably be Wilson,' FranU, (lonet m ii?rn. iienrv: I . 0 T .j .i.; . . 1 ,. I 7. rrimhrmnn .1 : S nicd cottage near their store ahhv " . ' ?ulu wprv m u h esi ireainient ior lypnoia rcver anu c.,an Howard; hade; .las. H Teetli extracted without pain xll did accounts must be closed he urday a nice coitasre nst. of the Hosnital. -Missionary services will be held Diptheria Sunday night "next at Oak Forest by the Sunday school. Dr. and Mrs. Murphy are visit ing Superintendent Baber, of the State Insane Asylum at Columbia, S. Ci The Ilospital fire companV we'nt out on a big hunt last Tuesday. Thirty rabbits, a dozen squirrels ror the day. Wr. C. Singleton was painfully shot by AVill Walker during tlie E firemen's sporting expedition last week at a distance of -hfty. yards. A half-dozen shot entered the side 5 of his head and heck. Walker says lie mistook Singleton for a rabbit. The shot "Wc;re extracted and tlibN wounded man is. getting on very nicely Ko ve ruber 21. , C. before hew ones will be dpeiied: Thaiikful for past favors, I am, Yours trulvj e:s. WARLidk, m. Dj Shade, Albert; Caldwcil. Xei.1, ?cott. Hennie, Caldwell, Ja.; t. aldweli, Ann, This 3d day of November; 18DS. t J: C: HALLYBURTON, Town Tax Collector: - -r r - --f - 2.70 1.50 ,75 4.09 .75 4.04 .75 :0S 3.00 .75 2.23 1.50 3.40 1:13 B H e Fair to Your Eyes They are thd. most delicate df ail the organs of thebtjdy. . They are tdquirod to work trdnl iO td IS hours every dar, while your liands work 10. Katufaiiy tlidy give way under the strain, and ydu need glasses. They assist the oyes if properly grdund. and properly fitted; If not they injure them: We sell AWKE'5 Crystal LertseS Hti.i fit ti.e.ii l'itoi'KitLV; V ihe'rii a Week and if ydii fiiid they don t suit ydii; return them and get ydtir i!ldney . EveFy pair we sell gd with tliis jlbsltivU guarantee. , Be fair to' ydur eyes for glasses; ' bring them hcre W. A. LES LIE DRUGGIST. 9 - i'i tMM - rr?it aammmm mmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm! and fifty birds was the grand total r WAN TED EUV" diie wiio wishes to iilake their home bright t and attractive t . rail. 'and' examine the fdllUwing -j articles in our stdck : 5 r4otice of Land Sale, g TJJsDER arid bj virtue of an order ol ZZZ Li the Superior Court of Bftrke bbnuly to me directed, 1 will; at the court house door ifl Ultfrgauton; Monday, December 5, 169S, g pffef for &ale at public outcryj to the p: highest :bdder, for cash, the folio wiug real estate: Siteate in Biirkc, county, adioiilih'r ihe laridsof M. E. Tabrntoh; J. JH. Bailey and W. 2s. lTidlnpson, and containing 20 acres, more pi- less ; ihe safiie tfetng tlie land srcIHcally de scn(Tedin a deed of conveyance from J. M Bailey to UJ?. aicivey This 3d day of November, 1 18981 5; W. AVERY, (."bhirhlslofael. TAPESTRY VURTAIXS, LAOS vriiTAIX$ I) EN Ik DRAPERIES CR7cfi)XXE JJRAPERlkSy PLESlt . . STLKALrXE' " .. VH1XELL E t'nul TA PEsTR Y ; TA flE (O VER$K ff. i $ socks, r ras ART SQEARES KEfl :JREA& I O EXTERPJ :YfY.S Q VI t TSi KEDY-&l)E SHEETS PILl0 ll I 'ASESi RLAXKETS, 6ii! tltirigs thstf 11 interest ydu. t3 IT, IT, iiiiuiiiiu uuuiuuuuuuuiu uiuuuiuuuu iuiutuiuiuiuR It Is the Price That to Vou B. It is a candid, honest, earnest statement .of facts -facts based dn fifteen years of the most successful culling of the tailoring wothi; I khdw clothing when I see it, and know'just how much money the nianufactlirer ought to tjpend in the get-up of a eight-lolla:r suit? rjr any other suit, and if the maker has not spent that amount in tlie ger-up of the suit differed td mey ids suits never find their, way to my table. , I will ask you to see niy line of Hats, Caps hd Uhderwedi4 when ydii are in the- city. Sly object U td SAVE YOU MONV. Vours, P. i DAW I M TL'LIB PHARMACY, We would ilkd tB edit your attention a v6fy -pretty and cu, 'plcte Hrib Bf bfnggi SuiidHes which we Iaye juHneri, c.ins,,. iiig in patt df Half Tddtb, Baby and Xail Brushy, which wc bought vd?y cWse and cart glte you Plendhi value fbTydur li.dneV. 1 We-liaVe the best assortment ot soap in ".r?' . lihriltiiiaS will 366 Be hereto come in and Select mine jhed for your menus. pim" niw. t ,; nrcscrlts cr Gdodwddd'S Cdldgrid. , : . ti.; fa thtm rinlv tiI&co where vdu can Clipper, u-tially tfcid fdr 50 cents: our price 23 cell1:: baV tiie hcin fo)?er kill1 At Tull's DrUg Stoiafe. A.