$fcc raltl. Successor lo "The Morgan fox Star! W. C. ERVIN, Editor & Pcb'r. . $1.00 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. thai at the Episcopal Contention at Ashcville last week, brother Scott, of the 7V, who palmed himself otT on George Vanderbilt as the Governor of the new State of Clinj-man or something of the kind, voted against allow inj; la dies to vote for vestrymen. Should ruawwAjMtxCTC. ri mm W tw riwi Wa tiiatox.tl. C May tt. 7 ! Kit t TU it: it Mr. llma) few! hi mm THURSDAY, MAY 21. 1S91. Tut story told on the first page prove it. oh- W4ili for ka I lb WM he deny this, as we believe he will 1 0r rrwkfdarw, lb lVoai b privately, we are prepared to I Iran. whew be rrlatwd 1tm k of this paper of how an innocent man was hung in South Carolina for murder, although he hail a fair and impartial trial, is one of a number of similar instances given in the books. There are a number of cases cited in works on circumstantial evidence where parties have been convicted, con demned and executed, and after wards some party who had not been suspected was found out by confession or otherwise to have been the perpetrator of the crime. It makes one's blood run cold to think of ?nch a possibility where v J every precaution has been taken accused a fair trial by his peers, but the fact re Tiir. editorial in last Saturday New York JftralJ, reproduced elsewhere, is significant. The llcrjIJ doesn't write editorial for buncomb, but it write aboul things the people arc thinking about and when it devote a half column of its editorial space to 'the growth of the South" it means that thousands of people have their eyes on this section, and that several hundred thou sands more will have their atten tion riveted on the South by the pithy sentences of the great New York daily. Not only the tfertfJ. Mtr. &J hit rew4 4 WV.xi- I ." kM- tt w mm . awoywit- H Mi- lI S1 9 9a?M 4lW . 9vf4 ! Um foltW mt g4w tif M', 00rle k. a mmm rum 14 . IW r?e jfvtrj Mi MlMrM, Vmt. I W mm " W.Wf k4 k. ymm mm WV i.? ?i4y. kiOWa iMlintMHI W hl Iff Comatiwioorr llaaw iw r t the fact? of the crookedae la k I ta tl Ikf e4 WM ai method. etfeetnallt sWwa ntll et t-a. TW fttA4 by Ilerfrsealalite tirf, 4 I w.U ! 4wf w klJ vw Indiana, and he ka-t a ltkl lv I14 V a reel that m (ailkcr rfoclnr I cMvfUl t4 APt vf woatd be ladatard in. lVMr I a 44 aMi. wll be ant hue U lrfiWy I iwif t.-4 H Uolrl wtMrn UMMrd llkkl I w tf. l -4 Chief rlrtk.of W Ym lirj, I t-t- t ... I and of (W ! Il-w. I IMI i t&MtWX It i w Ibr brl of aa Ukrf I U )ffc.fl l2 ttol (M If kfiil PT I v NlWk turbl below tU-rU64 wnwr. I fr v Ut bat rHoit nWr IW vf Iki tilf tt w 1 - 11 nim x i'" I tr tli'inw 11. . v tWklM m-f if -i" fUMrt WWII' ftntl i m niny ox- tnw fH " -wwfi Srrtwr raiiiikaliww. A fcW" di2racrfttl UklMt k rm frontr! n tvr9lr mv livw. lirabl kkkrd r-rtkfcp tml 4 IW but nearly every other northern paper now devotes a good deal o(U ar iViHen m tmi wt snace to the development ol tne I hi w ite rtciiiti im mllrZ lm mains that such things have hap- . , . . . in woliacrfui. duo t lrjdrrkrv pened and been found out. How , . the infreJ5eJ irnr,u given! 'KV'f1 J""1 10 immigration ami it -rrr itb w kb !- ment ot northern capital in me 1 urn Uraled. Tblr i4Wt booming, growing South. Irrnmrnt npbtr irplMrlvl ! - 'm. I Ike wti werr at r ITCOiliOin. I noJ 11 IL, ,.tr,w lrwl 4 I ' VlH. HM H HM - m vi'tv j'j;f; ti i inn.i: !M X LLI M ERY! HJ'.l l:.' many cases there are where the Innncent have SU ffered for the crimes of others who made no sin we can but conjecture. Hut if unprejudiced juries are after a patient investigation and with the assistance of learned judges tn pxnound to them the laws of - 1 evidence, what of the frenzied mob that goes forth at night to avpnorp a suooosed wroncr to the "" public? Their work is fearful enough when they kill the guilty. but when we reflect how hard it is often to determine who is guilty and who is innocent the horror attending these lawless executions becomes apparent that e have made arrangement I allowed la reia w4 Ikal with that popnlar, illustrated magazine, the America Firmer, published at Cleveland, Ohio, and read by farmers in all parts of I hi country and Canada, by mhicU that publication will W mailed direct, free, to the addrcM of anj of our Mtbseribvr who will pay op all arrearage 00 subscription and one vearin advance from date, and toanrnew subscriber who will all, the tr'lMtiMW tr44 to lake rftrvl Ibifty dl ttm dateainl be Ciirtt l aUenre antd Ikat liae, wkwli wa a ttrat way of irr-wiix bM with a moBtkVtaUry. ti iird brie thai Secretary oW l ir intble for Ibe karftry rAtrW4 tulbUeriminaUallbuMli Ir i out f town wbrn lb teinat wa ccvptrl. MI pi bonel I'rvjile t wby ll (4 lb Sartir eocrftel la Ibi tl ia e ttl l-rn rtelrl trHibl Urfore a etaal 9mtt to anrr f-r Ibeir atib-d Mr. Ham", wbra lbik a Unit tbk )oot aaa prwli.ff transaction. rll Hmom v hi fatbrr, MobaMy ibr bad fcctrr inrrn Ike !:. that be bad bl Utr t"rrj pay oue year tn auvance. iui In these days of political storms, I js a grand opportunity to obtain when the whole political sea is a til st el.K- lann journal free. The full of swirling waves, when Amrriat Farmer i A large 16 breakers hiss on every side and page illustrated journal, of nation- wrecked political hulks drift J aj circulation, w bicb rank amon hither and thither on the seething j the leading agricultnral paper. brine, it is hard to predict what I Jts highest purpose is the eleva-1 tale in kicking -iVrpw-tal" fat nilot will be able to steer his tion and ennobling of Aericoltnre I oul bo t erf rrl T-iMrr vessel safely through the rocks throngU the higher and broaIcr f Mu .T't 1U Zm into the presidential port in nine- education of meu and women en-1 . ffi . 1 ii ty-two. In both Democratic and I g;iged in its pur sit. The regular 1 0t, grnllrmn a U br- Republican camps everything is I subscription price of the .ltrrrta eame l'nBiH)Ui trtf In Vne chaos and confusion, and the po- I Farmtr L 1.01 ier year. It cot 0,1,1 ar ,r1 ,M li litical workmen who are rearing yon uothing. From any nnniber their tower of Babel toward the ulea on be obtained that will W heaven of national power and worth thrice the Mibsctiptioo patronage have been stricken with price to you or member of yonr a confusion of tongues. The household, yet jou get it free, cause of this state of affairs just Call and see sample copy. Any now is probably that the presi- . subscriber to Till: llEKAL!,eilbrr dential aspirants are doing the J new or old, can get thi excellent most of the talking, and each one farm monthly magazine fref by 'fW IWMk HMb f tii- r 4 1 t f'3 4 plo lf if rJ t I ! la1 mm lta. 4 tiM fifiif tlto ik WMV I kw lwm I aHrr I iv Ike- l?im.t Um M fZ4 i kakrHtf? fik ptJ lraW. i -Him k iMrvkftri l i t tvtywhwf. kl II ttn MH kCe tkvt l f V4 Mi l"W M t-it M kM X r MtpWl llt J" Uitl l It 1 a-.tly t i;M 'li ! I ' .(i if tfck il kw l baki r4 ; raii k4 tvl .'; i rrtM 4 alwf m4 knlie t4 vly t W,kl ' ltV ( I "W t B4lm i I.. I hw4L b i tt)iMkl law 9 l il a iltr4 $r k4'4 - tw . l.W NW 1lNHMltHt W tMl W KH H W W phiiii mH M- n MMUMt Mt MMI hH mHH, 'y m Htt Wt- 4KI H 4oMMi OWl t W I LhLmJm 4 8-'-k' r: 1 4 1 ' . : i j u A A ft VY A? AWATS Ur CK SUllS. I (iilli, n wimww AV.t f tv 111"!1 4MH-1 -Win f .' " . n mi Mi4tMwlf wVet )w9waH , WIN lltl 1" yilllfB .m II n;, frMi Mi33ivnin a -jmij:i.i, 4 f. (i if, -C-t 1 I , ,4 , k l(a(J aaawtrfl wh4 W HI( rHH 4mAm wi mdln lh.Hi Mr KITIii'l'ii'iIiiKiiil H 1 r 4'4. " t il, NEWS NOTES. ..During the year l.yu "rw York received -tiM,JOO immigrant. ..Fire in the buine iMrtion I will nti be trao of the city of Maskegou, Michel to thrm orrlatd. is try -ing to catch the popular ear J naying up one year it aJ:a.e. without definitely committing himself to anything. The people are generally too busy just now to talk politics. They are plowing their fields, or delving in their mines, or building towns and factories and railroads. Some time twelve months or more from now they will take a day off and attend to the politicians and save the country again. We predict with confidence that the country will be saved though many of the I him. I.rren Ik, Jr., at ! chief clrrk, to dzk(rf wrte giro elerkbt. and Joka, a4k rr iMao, wbo dr r- prnia attorney, girw vbanre to rvpy Ibe ar- 4 tl nMn p4want kal rbplo3rd attoitkr, wkkk cbwr ba prwla!lj Un wortk U mnr to bin, a be prrrr4'4 ! grl oi a CirrnUf wrttia Mk bi facilitrr fut piUi tia tbronb la a bm a4 Arix in ttH-idrntatly bi !vltMMkt ukf t'imniMr. m C44M will b a bravy I! fr Mr. liar rin lo carry ar jra, aa4 il il ke Umkl destroyed property estimated at ?.oo.0oa, witu insurance for aSnt :joo,(xu. .Ameer V?n AH, who ha been arrested by Incctr Ityrne a the New York "Jack the Kipper, has been indictetl and the grand jnry ha found a true bill against politicians are going to be lost next year in the wierd and win- tery waste of the mystic river of Salt. ..The Kentucky State Demo cratic Convention ba declared for the free coinage of silver. The Cleveland men fought it, but tbe silver men tarried tbe day with a whoop. ..The wheat prospect at this time is very promising. If noth ing happens to injure it betweeu now and harvest we will have an unusually large yield. Mount The telegraphic despatches from Chilian and Mexican ports indi cate that the United States navy may soon have a chance to show its metal in a battle with the in surgent Chilian fleet. The steamer I Airy aYcu'S, Itata, that was loaded with arms! ..Ine Lniteil State govern- and munitions of war in a Califor- nieni recently bal nome .u : enormou gun forged that will Ci mc r t- r.rrx? n f hill in I'lAiltlArt I . I - iv,. ... v....... ... 1 nounus ten miles, it lake li l I'.lain t tiA--nl in tjti of the neutrality laws, is plowing pounds of powder to charge the I twunm" on Mr. Ilra al the waters of the Pacific with the gnus each round. I thl time for rroi of kt owa. ..The negrM-s tf Wilmington I Mr. Klaine avy bate lea bwl tried to rescue a coloret prisoner I tbee epl rrfa lo Urlrr it, named Kit Hiiggins l-vt Saturdav I al4 tbey slairtl bra Mr. IUtfcr night and there wa a rriou I left here that lw aonkl n tetara A tlrfrtaunr! allraH a male to cr t n: an '4 crpt Un to wrkome Mr. llamw bark lo WaLii2la froa bi b fire lris but II wa a diaal f ! nre. obuly okl be Ibing to do witb it rtrvpl a blf duen of bi rroal trwad; tH etrn tbe tnrmbrr of Ike frrw!4i can tate aorUlnnsa'l 4 wkk are ofilre b4drr wokl lae b4l of it, o it bad to be at4aw4, nd Ibrn Ibe tatrnral aw blosbiosly aat I bat Ml. Hani on dtd not wb lo Um a by a crowd. 1 do bo( wib lo taplt by tbe al-atr Ibal Mr. IUlti I disliknl brtr, Wrao.e k ll. Tbe ople are ai!t lltBtval low aid htm. and I forltete lk foolms I more aaiked ajw mrmbrr of bi own rfy Ik. a with democrat. Tbe iaprrion aanoo ' km familiar wilb Ibe laide wotkir? : mt m uk WIMjHtt u W 4v.illi'ir.. mmm 1 a , Vt4MM, a. Whm 4Htt 44M4 m1 He W W s -b -i - - . 4m h ' mmwOHi . .) nT'iiiiH mu mtmi e-MHW l Wwil"IIWi 41 j am4 t. .H- KH.'HI- a Mr f)t., liiii.iH Hwl ,nn 4m f i V M4MWi, 4' ! , KW WfM 1 . - i. t w-it Hm4 H ll"t !. 4Mii j fcuHHiO Hi tkt W w.nntm mu. I 1 .H4t W fH.iwi44 Hm U.tV W M fi IMlMW ', i 4 H. 44HI tH l . M ,MM Mw4 W " 3 am 1HM ItyH. 4H H. M-- ikHN TjtHMb I 134 HHH.' W IWI wH, - - . . ju .. . .aij h klIH wt, nw' m wma a o wh 'HMtlt HIW'H'H "illM vs ' t Wmfc- MA ") V4.lOH fcMWW il W W"- lf -tlfcH ?'H- M MM -itttf .T ,W g-. - ... t- .. . ... ... tat tm Ik w em lj 4 " ,utm ai.wii m itiei Bi . W kHr .f'W W A rthla .H- fW mNM wa mi,, 4Wlt r't"MM H.M.c ,Silae kmt ikw twftU . o. w mm4 j t, aiial M 4ty V U- wt -M r 1- !t h.w,w, tret Smm I W mm "... .. ; ii..m. mm wofir.l. W llif kn kWi ia wnntn, mm w mn 1 HW'lim W Mwtal w4 ij Mini W i HN'- m mm- w ftwtio - j m m tw t .4" W IM"!, ' H H- W W mm mlt W j OH4- . Bll J! W w, t H lMi M. 4M, waafcaad wMwtk9 trM4l '-" tW1! f miw.v rw 4 k s. ei w wm wmmk 1 9 mtiiiMiaJ rSim- W v I MmC f rt. ill . Hi m Hl -H i t"''. M I f HV, 4l W INlt, I j WW MM M 'W l if tm MHMnin nM MI f WHi 3 tW (4tt& , MM WH HHh fif yf4Mi - hm eHi ww iMi4( -.. m W 'I . tMt W a m 1 Vii.Mi , 0il WM- "W. '4 f' MlM'O IH4 1 aaa. &uus.,mai,. a . ..s .hwmi J i iiiiWik 9tttmnnm-m 1,, e ! vlf I ll) f(bMt M'HHlil .M$ .IV- W WHW I .fW ,. fk t. H .H ! . 4Mw eH kyt y 9 h w. i"i 1 1 I UMwat H iSt mm.tn m-mmm. s . .. . tw" A m f tm' w iittii .i. n, (mi -mm 41, 9 m wm j M mu- M.f ! woe 4f I, f L - L " d . Ill . 4 1 . 111 I 1. 4 X . , .1 4. . . 1 . . r T'.iti, . f ''IT ' 1 ST ' ? leu u!i r m o k rwtvtrd, dfk w-tk ! rrHM aw tml feHkS IW IMIU t kl rtrfkr. 4 IV w.w.y I iina i lrrw.U fw kf !. W f " t kef iiot-4 JLi t L ' Ik Mtb k tr4 8 frirart tHmM I k iwli aw lwkt lk,w etvt. Il ft.1' C1 IW ..(l IfWIftfl Wk S ' Hurt 4 j-tn Y; fro tk W mimI t1 m 9m1 mW W X K iw vl mmt t ir. kljx k" : itbW 17, l s, wj fvvwMt? a w &' 1 W likr t4o.tliMs,l mm. miv a.il:i l 8nw aa4 iV iw iiu ' fkw iWre xl W a iw M aoy )tk IwvAtf friHMi wi, j a4 ia tkr ! 4 we Jt-!3 -e itr4, vMrt4 a4 rM)Mi . iw rrtMv. k-l IW . 'waw DON'T 3.USS THE CHAICCH tis.vi:mini:v: PRICES STILL LOYYCR1 tat! Dry Goods Al A tUfe A IJII l I I GROCERIES 1 a xf ioi if ".j Hi, 9 '4'l' Vc Defy Ctoupetf tf 92 : jvi;4 c 0 p1 ll.VllfiN ,v t ft tmlH a4vM- .-!- Wif JmM TTwjfa ''W-m iit 1 f-t4iHk 4ifcVMatM-H Mfk tfm. AKjaailt. ia'J Ka awTa . '''lath k4. atiia 1T4 H.ift H H M4 -W J MMM -, 1, M M II WWW M n W W Uwi 911 "w , wu fi Wxt fuMi mm U. b. man-ot-war, Charleston, in hot pursuit All the vessels be longing to the L. b. navy now cruising in the Pacific have been ordered to Iquique, the port on the northern coast of Chili where the insurgents are making their headquarters. Here it is thought that the Itata must turn up sooner or later if she escapes from the Charleston, and the American war ships have orders to take her at any cost. If, as is likely, the insurgent fleet now anchored in that barber, should resist the capture of the Itata, there will be tw WW. In. - M tm i 1 in 11 in W m, I DwIIMhl Mi ! M iMMftf iMh Wu ' " wat1jj Ikf wlJ, (Ml 4 wMaaa) a y ! iWte WMI m IW m m W : u W rW4f UM yvVMwW IM4 Wlf. W.H MNlt oo.- m4 tw hh4 iw w I "'tw fc w W. a . IvMnHk t tV M ifMtwW t f" W r,j?SmK mmi W L" ' iWttl tww mm I 't n oi ei n J f WA. Mt)M M lOf W Wi UW1 I ". W -MmHI Wii fH f r-W OktoA.MlW I rte I 1 i'iO-l1f" n.iili.H a wa tV 1 fwmMhn tW IW IM tf M W.Ti lhhiwiC, Wl W ? HMnv W WMH ktr Wx w.a wt4 w tit W ; tH.wn -oi wm ia ivcw mo. wo-t&'' 1 -l " -t i-m. wa I whi ww wa tl m tmm . miUI. 1. tui. m. " "' ' W. ftiti HI h 1 wmm mm . u." i )4 Uh tWy liMM I Mm . H itt'i", HK "m 4Mt. - h- mm '- mm t t iW4li CM Ma -HtH-l tkttHtii ae I W e 9 iuf ni -H A .MtM. t mKH . (rl tW " Hwt HI 7. s i ( AtK 9 M4it 9 mtmMt V mmtmm . Cl6 M4 efi a i w - -mm w IW hM liM" Witu W I W m9 Utt. i-t w WIhp rmlmmml rMfci .,9 m nivw i riot, which wa only quelled by I nnt4 after Mr. Itarrvwn Uxr k I 4 ak (uc m. i. w the iiromiit apiiearance of th Wilmington Light Infantry on the scene of the disturbance. ..A telegraphic despatch from Orangeburg, S.O., dated May l(h .says: "National rarmersAlhane Ietnrer IWn Turrell i here to day, and in hi speech adtied that tiovernor Tillman be turned out of the Alliance on account of his opposition to the sub treasury plan. ..An associated presn despatch from JCaleigh dated the f.th s-ivs: ami mat ne bai coe ay la a "ho IT. CirvQatarr srraa to la Tor Ibi iew of Ibe c..r. lU-pabtn-an wku be talked with Mr. IIarrloq sinrr kirvtara say tbl be ba att a wH U. rlpe a ra.e of IW "bfj: kea! a tkry evtr saw. l.rprccbtatite (rain,of Try. I here seems that Ibe boowi of KepreseblatiTe Mill f.y IW Seakrrbtp of W IIowe br w gel beslertrtl. I.xi:enrreatatie Yodrr. 4 Ohio, m of rlitie la lkl IM twIW W wmHM'.mii W W rMM m m-mMfm4 $. wmum iWnIMII) iw.0i tW W SiWI IW mvo W. Sumii! W ! IwiWI w4l f W WW mm m Itmmbfl MNwiwi mm- i w !' xmmS.vvmia 4 m-y pn wl m W.I i'l mmmmm WwU $ iw.w "rvH e,Mm-' tmi tuna W it. 9 f.m ), Ml iw Im4 Wau ftt w m"A WIW aikf v W W W W 94 mm W I W Wit. W num. W IW W aw mm W wai Imal TH4V'" T M a hard sea fight. This chasing of Near Jiuisburg, Franklin county,! Slate: "Il UU la ae m If IW jriri-oaj, h johhr woman, aSe demorral mM aaile a. re was of HH,r, but gl family, and thing I am eoaSdrat of. we ll 'V"v,, "rr1 " . ."ns man ol dert I W man r boaiaate. No i.r.-nm.riUMHl. lie wtrael man -. 1 k. iii. .1 v; . jv . "-"""k:- i te. m e k i a i e . ". T . ; "V" """i-iT-nTci. make tW Ke, and ke witl W -u . ru1i,.mar. llrriMr drfratrd. TWdit. ... i .-.l raaaof aal9 brrr.ki; 4 Watrtr4 by beiafi mi on Ibe frrebt . swar b lrrn. the fugitive Itata looks like very fine sport, but it is costing this government awav up in the hun dreds of thousands, and it may be that the fun has only begun. The insurgent fleet must now figiit or run or back down and the country is waiting the result with interest. If an editor could do just like cvery-day folks, and allow his friendships and his kindly feelings to control him in all that he wrote, he would have an easy time and wouia maKe very iew enemies, but he would be unworthy of the trust and confidence of the people and ought to be kicked out of his . i r . sanctum uy a iony norse power man with a number twelve shoe. In dealing with prominent citizens and informing the people of their acts the conscentious editor cften has to lay a ruthless hand on his nearest and best friends. Having said so much by way of introduc tion, we deem it our duty to state tSiHFl IMvw mmm ! itaf f iwti . .o w .iiio w iw cuts had the young man taken lo or high tale, and Louisbiirgand wasbeldtoaptar Mand why olkrr at court, lluring the abei.ee of ,f cannot be t Wa nrr iairuin, nue look oistn ami was round dead when they returned. V 1 w iw4 lli4wi - H "wrr I W iwmmi l w. tmt Wit . m9 IW ly ! WH.IH, OiMit tmmm mmm4 M n, Ww-.4hi l9v """r mtik .M4, H. ..The reiMtrt of Ibe Dirrelor or the Mint shows that North far. olina produced lat trar cold to the amount rlls.at and silver to the auiouut of ?4mhi. Tiia , more gold thin wa produced b any State distort he Milipi. The gld prtMlnct wa distributed among the count irs a follow: H i,fim a Kjwinim iMsyutstiLLr. May 1 t. T Ik FJ, f Tie AaVj ly. Mr. Case pvrackr! a wi eyrrllml setmon at IW lUt-CWf rhnrrb )etrtUy U. - alrllwaine will rotoar merlins at IW trb)rf w rnnrrb brt I'ridav Tw W W mpf ihm, I Who.ii., 9. I". IW mmmiU Iw. U H WM W nmmm muM . --' mwm wwum mmm- ---w WW,,! m.m." -.i.iiH. mm,m w w W"t If ImmnttM fmmm, mm IW . .MWMMH9 kA . Wwn Juimmi w . . i - i V v-v-. .-n.ioipu, inTtetly (-onfrrrarvoriWM. I. I ;C; .'a""S; In ion, fhnrrh Sooib, w.t W hM at TiV -; .."f''S. kIIU; Ufore IW oth Saaday la lk iirkc ,O0; llavidM,.,. u,; month. TW l IUa Miwe?J u Uiitlioirord, W17; Mcllowrll, W present Ir. I, 7. Im . mi ; Hankl.n, Toti; i:wan. mo! and I. M. t.ettyX lib-a M.H,rc, i.:s,, a?d other Alpine were oter at IW -rc.- Kt ill irat lof Mrwr. I!m a ad a w,.ii., tw At m mmtrnmrntt hm ft IW rV IW mm-tmPmmmm. M W .h m ... M WH HM, 4), f wowb rww i -w.w tMwi NAiw tw itmmii w WW W mm MikwWi rfr W ft.rw WWa.ia.ka t? . W am. WWW m iw HW iw mm- 9mm riv Itfc wk 9wy mi wna w ii iw tw owv, iD x aMw w nunai9 ow Wo i-j Umn, M4 MHMt kMMMWMHl MmM I WOtf a mk W-- 9iwi9 ti fWii mnm t w 9 n- wi . W Im 9.991b V H.. XmtH Ai k Ww W WHMI mt K W HM Ui tW mm mt 1 MM.H F4k .H Hut W ''HUIiWl IW 111 II W WiM't W mmm W 1 s) lufcm wa9'CHt. !. w iwi Wttimm W n t w iiwi'S i" UiiMMiww rww IW 9Wv-w mnitw. BiMHtntti-Ni mm . $ WW W W KHMillW W i W't WI.HI W W itM-ua . J ) ta ))." w niiHMo4i 9 n i ki ' wx - mm w-Hm 4 9 mhp w w w LAatSS - " t WWWTy WjWBWVvvnf I CLOTHING ! ! BIG STOCK I FULL LINE JUST IN ! Wo have arranged a Cloihh:;; Department over our store. a I5 Mi tini.' t1oiio ; M 91i.-r M'H l1t'0 J, 1 Vo JOHN TULU C3UCATT t ttZXZMUftm mm n 9hi 4 w W .my'miMit 9H'4'mo 9nL S'tltbi.H tlMI c LOTH I NC. PRICES ARE JUST RIGHT. 01CKSCH. TAI & IYU5GB. Notice. tMwl tW Wl m H . fc'l f H WW t H tl Kwf mmm , m h --h w wm -WW kJ I M Am timmt - tk I Wll 1 I 1 w"www"wa" m f w wwn yeewjaaawv "fy yw.tiiiiiuaHa)a 9a n)9 mm mi ww wa " leoMur- fW m a 1 iw. yniin.S 1 wwn mtm a a i'w . 9t " 11 tiiis kMlM 9 wmiwiank9 9W laotkt tifiniiw a mm ?Wm f .inii-aiHiwif WW mmumm w9 W w tW m MMMtaWl TS HH W 9 rtoti 99 tmmmm hiWiikii WO) a w aann wm9 w 9h in.n rHr w4 rum rni W wmmui mm. WK a 9 9 a t 9a afta4aaaat aaa. aawaaa ' .wawfwwwjf mmmt Vffww.W ."ii.9 9HaHW 1 B W wtw. 4 Ml at, w - a.a iHaioi "H Mtltwo !. M lH'- W 4U1IWuvm9 if- m Hl4M mm w 9'k) tlii Ha ni 9 on . a WI V'ltfllllM 9ta0. WMiHilM-tia tmm tH4nw hmni tfv w Urn 9 S A. w miU 9hh.i tHmui Wi' mmmtm aa m C'M oiwhh)) tsw inM a , it4 9mA Ct 4MiOH Mi M IMOl fto 9awiHi '(cum' 9t)"o Wo0 W t iwilia.9 W9a J 9-w 9 s PVK. ttuui utni &Aakt AMafi wwTir ''wwaFpwaj, j. a a?cj & to, IiMVHihiM'ii 4 91kh ri lMiMf 1 Hitfilt 'l'tlUk.Cc WHi'4oi9 Hll t Atlanta, t tiia w a o... IW H9 ).tO'Ho' 0 H f 9J OltM a 9o wtoti'K, Jotrta wa. ai I1 9omoo lewiia. F0RWET0RE ai ., dl too M -1t , H 'iHwlHiS U.U- flHilHri fl ,ylH v O-M 4MMif in e W -IIOll H h II t otH -4t- l 4u do- l,t;nTI,1 tit l ae.4 f4 'tiin -..,(HmH iM m' 1oti'9 il y n'e io4,, IM 4.0U lo-ji' hm.ma rt ,Ar '4taiffe,, 'l.'N 14 1 4 3!.. atX-tMtCt 3g It 4:t.4t.c4,e,4 , -9 ltW 9?"i, 4MiM Atoo Klo4 HMcWj iiM M Mt .' la toH 4oKi In the Gcucnil ncrcl:nutlk.c Stoic, tUtottliH.f,, ,alV'.t,arir V mi l, tiKr: 92c '-: an 4 rt 4i,, 8iw r,t, ,.oii 3tttt!t 9'v , i3 tiMt,,1 44.l3rOJ14at M l 1iQ mt h) J'tfr i), tt 40K bof t nl, .h1 rt Utm o 4 it 4 M, CK(i kli 4i . 94'9'a oH H 4iH4i on 1 ioHmiooiH it , M Mtl! H t(Mt At 19, M , liS4. 4 MM M'Mifli' W'J .41Uilt l IH iMf'lt'' lMxM1, CLAYWELL BROS.