MORGANTOS HERALD. Si.-tissvr io "The Morganton Star" ONLY PAPER PUBLISHED IN BURKE COUNTY. V. C. ERVIN, Eim It & Pcmjsher. JOl-; 1'KINTIXG. With four presses, an abundance of printing material and skillful j.riuters. The Herald Job lVpartinent cannot be exc elled. We iositictly trill not be un ucrlikl oh prices. VILLE. A plan .laniHl stud developing as A CHEAT KKSOUT. Situated in the MOUNTAINS OP WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA, A region notc.l for healthfulness jSia4Ubrary Elm llfiiiiilsi 4T 1 a r- x X VOL. VII. MORGAXTOX. X. C, TIIUUSDAV. JIM.Y in. is.,.. NORTH CAKOUNA. and beauty of scenery. AN ELEVATION OF 3,800 FEET, WITH ill, INVIGORATING CUM. It is being laid out with ta-ste and skill, with well graded roads and extensive i GUEST PARKS. desirable place for line residen ces and HEALTHFUL HOMES. A good opportunity for pro lit able 'investments. For illustrated pamphlet, address, LINVILLE IMPROVEMENT CO., LIHV1LLE, MITCHELL CO., H. C. Nov2-6m. S. C. W. TATE, -ATTORNEY - AT - H.AW, MORGAXTOX, X. C. The Week's New In th 'Old North Stat.1 ..A child atSanford look Rough on Rats one day last week ami died shortly. ..A. A. Shuford, Ksq . of Hick ory, sent his check for $50 to the Soldiers Home recently. ..John Woods. 21 years old. was run over by the train near States ville and killed, lie was drunk and went to sleep on the track. ..A printer named Scott, on the Charlotte CArotee. attempted to commit suicide by cutting his throat. Iomcstic trouble was the cause. ..A Baptist minister of Wilkes pastor of Meet Camp church. Wa tauga county, eloped with another man's wife recently, leaving 14 children Iehind them, says the Watauga Democrat. ..The Teachers Assembly at Morehead City passed a resolution adopting "the War for Southern Independence" as a permanent name for the struggle of 1S61-5 between the States. ..John Miller, a farmer of Ilcth ania township, ran across the tur tle in his meadow a few days ago upon the back of which he tut his name in 1S61. The letters are as SIO.CQO FOUND IH STOCK ISCS AHD CRACKS. I, ,4a plain as the day they were made. erack in hi mbaraluV ti.Mt Winston Sentinel, . .Sometime ago, a local option election was held in Wadesboro. and the town went wet. They have a dry board of commissioners there, and when the board met last week, it over-rode the voice of the people as expressed at the popular election, ignored the elec tion and refused to grant license. So, though Wadesboro voted wet, it is still a dry town. Charlotte A ews. . .On Friday, July 3. the cere mony of driving the first spike in the Lenoir and I.inville Valley railroad, between Lenoir and Hamburg, was celebrated and the work of track-lavin- was com menced and will be pushed rapid ly under the superviivn of Mr. John M. Houck. Superintendent of the new road. The railroad will open up a fine section to the trade of Ienoir. Ienoir Te.-ie. .There stands three miles west of Durham, in sight of the North Carolina Railroad, an humble, un pretentious cabin. In this cabin Johnson met Sherman more than a quarter of a century ago and arranged with him the details of his surrender to him. The his toric cabin is now owned by Mr. I. L. Duke of Durham, who con templates having it taken to the Chicago World's Fair for exhibi tion. Winston Settinel. A telegram of the Sth from Pigeon River, N. C, says: As fanner J. A. Jones was driving home from CIvde. a neighboring village, his horse became frighten ed and backed his buggy off the Tate cut. falling about thirty feet to the Richmond and Danville railroad track, instantly killing both horse and driver, and break ing the buggy to pieces. Mr. Jones leaves a large family of children and numbers of friends. ..Last Saturday, William Cul berson Palmer, a half-witted young fellow under twentv-one years old, living on Zach's Fork, was detected stealing a hat and other articles from the store of Clyd & Johnson, and was ar- (Office No. i, Brick Row.) rested and placed in jail. Suhse- Special attention given business of 1! k uc . 1 I u robbery of this store, his booty in cluding pots, kettles, trunks, house hold and kitchen utensils embrac ing a great variety of useful ar tides and aggregating in value a A tmhmnm fmnmtf M wa ctay I -Ilk ttf 4M Wm CiIaKLoTTK. X. C July ,1 Old mirte inily F-t, of No. to tnltis Caturtn coiintt. 4il 1 lit other lay and li UmIjt bnrte.1 at Itribel. He wa aUkwt eighty eur old. a a lulrlWIor, ami im knn lo l nurrl In hi habit t a wonderful drirr. Hi only companion wei tin ds "'I n old neto umm who had been living will him during hi enltnr life. Curion la ay, in hi will h left her nothing but her old g nnl a worn oat ront tint ion not a enny or run a ha nly to rover her head. Hi real estate eonlaiaetl Ii acre of la ml. Hi bom pJar containing acre te left Joint ly to hi two nephew, Allen an l'etcr IW. Tup former i hi executor. The balanrt wa left to other nephew In tm acr lot each. To hi nicer he gavr nolo ing. In hi dilapidate! tn4 ! badaafe which wa thought u hohl thouandof dollar. When thi ww opcnctl the only money found wa a punched nickle. Km thcr search wa intitntn and in old buret ti drawer. old mp boards iu pitchers jrs In old clothr- HH-kels in old Morkinc and in ia NO. A M;SCtM CUTS TS CtU(t m A4 U found ;o,uoi in gold. Iide a l.irse ipianlily of g! dut and bullion. He had on band only a few hundred dollar in pJprr too, cy and no note or tnorf a,r of any coiicqttenrv. In thr earrb a package from a Chariot tr laok wa found containing iMrveral hna dretl dollar thai had nrrr Wen ojHnrd at all. Thi wa rmitrtl by htm in i v. Itt spring hr made tai return and gatr tn a money on hand $Hi. Per bap h did not know how much he had tnrk attul in dilVt cut wlaee. He bad rm and bicoti on hand four ar I. ; and .tomi hay that ha Urn ar I ed twenty fue Jea. Ilr rl hi encteiier by leafing of Iu r.irnm iwi to l'l U I I'Unrvh. Hi mado hi Will ot lloer- Wrvk I ao. and there i mneh talk ahil I conieMing it. for of lo km I have lire 11 leH without nntthinX-i M30CST KCRTM"CACtA. I M awV, Anvitit, N. C. Iwtf . A b?oo!f ecoiAirr ocwtrl at I? cowftly )i m iNr rlf tV a, atwMii o"t oii u White. etrf l Mr chain ail Wt. oe ol tnr elg (Miwlv Jin tfe ha Kf m !W c 4efaMr tikMtd ff !W fr dasb" eat ! leti durifttC wi Im f. t iv t o liflolwf. j UL!f l4l him h wmM .K4 lh a, fa. UUit la IV owl lo Ihetr wot. MttSnne oftmght frtBi Mp 4tV cell wpkl ly te mml lata tht cor4o awl M4tr4 ty I be (icMff I rf no-vie Ri.k Mi and el. a4 stail l. cWr mcnL Murthev t4 and at the aenr ! tttfat-l Iron Mf0 Waited ?. I fnf drew an open tkc I kinf V hi person. a4 rf p Mr, While ma!e set talp . at . Culling hint ow -m it lol Jut aKuc the car ! ktii a siuneip; lkwt m t iPo l. Whtle. seciof that IW a lendrvl . kill hifni. f ft w a p:o an4 bred lir. th 6rt UZl f- Ihfoch fi aem1" , the eenl vntcrtA at tJj the left side, midway lew huldr al hpv Ito fa fully w ih a tinned la defy ik oet l-y strtktftiS at htm wiin aV At thi pvm JaJer Jas fa ! Mr. While itjnit a-l I negm dropped tlx a al . Ihiiir-s; the ff. )r .. rrc(el a Iweavy t- ,W l ' M ma n . . I . . a - M m.5 !; 4 IHv ,.HHt.1 r 1 -mo Mvf iiewii 4 - a t-a- at4 a M' 4. It -i.O H 7 A.M' -l8 gM 1mA 3o1t a , t.. ' I at mh lino a W I'! A.'WI J pttffff W imm yt..a ,. ltl. lawV LaMala wltftfu ;awJ A..J IU.ii4 a lii f".w im 1 1- m4- I . r'M.H. 4lt 4'HH.I - 4Mmm mh4 -4t i4n r tnw-wiitti'ii' ttvHiH o f W AiVtMtA l il.f 400tH 0 IV. vt 1 j;." a. I.- I m f t-oH 1 IWi toru tHtii sj ii irf, MNK ' ,f , 00f'w4 M'HMJrl S t)4 tin' . S )iOll ll 4iMIA 4 4H,i-H, 4.Mo .mm , !, .ria r.m hiwIHim (n 4r MllftOlittt MHfMtt. ."'lll. a f i"'H(.HiN iir.HH HK.I H.llf Mf 4- 4Mli H.Ht- Mt III- V-MItt 41 1, (HOI HUT lt, Mt t i,l " " X 1'1I wt Vf", 4MM4. V.rt. ltd kj .h. w eu,f ii.. ,. wltM 11. .. 4 ai tf..,-p f fi. -; -,Ki 4.14. .a 1 1 CiHir.. IW f!,r -) ) (; K!4rts, lUtwl U a i . l Vur ' I . .u"i i4i 4r .4' .iiifH'tS ".nr 444" Mid tluWM l.MM ...MM44U..I. ll..(u,.)(,.M- 4444... K. .0... ........ " 4444 4 4-4.H. 4.4..M. . . 4.. W " 4. 4 4K.... 4k,HMt4 4...... 4).4,., .4,. " 4'4-.,4. 4V44 4 4,M. K w 4'n. 44 4)44, 444. 4 44'M.t.44 44,. 4H A 4)1 4, . .-4N ' V 4 4t 4). 4M-.MM , r-.ista at m'XJ.Hw. Wu miit) U il.. J-W 1 i i4 WtV.1 m jUJ 4 fa'M'f H4 yl4-i 47 4le. reaojf a Ttr 4rta J ei"'42 a -tu -,. s4 wa baaUC ofvM Zoi a-! . Vf mr-vs at It .H&a. ) fnt.'",4t .j ;.4 -44v, e-..r .i4 Hic.44'; r!4 ill 4'H-".,.4, t,ti ml 4 t4f4'44 .. j . 4 - .-. a.444 I b HVi K1 it . 4r4i:444" rLkcel Irm a oLS aa.,1 tv& wi.l 1IU & .i c,. u, ..4,. ... . J l -4if 47 w y J p . - - w 4 w 4,-... .iv. j 4. caUed.. The tditkUn . 1 IL ' TW .iiol t J II . uv, iw mu ltit 'Hf.V!.. a ayn4x, I w 1.4. f. w n.sf .n. l ri 1 4.1. 44 44i 4 1 ( U. at tm IW w a t4.n4 4 iu opinion that tc pff w,;i : SOuactS c'r lessor xt. W 4M a4V, 4 144 M.4 4444 t .'- a 1 4v4i -a. r 4a. Thr bc"t t'Wvifj.,at ' li-taj in llv 5. , t.u at t-!. wKt-f i r jf rf-4 t-"-? ! !W I I I , a4l a ,.. jv.ii&f4 iu .;4't-t..4i v 4 fJ.a. '" MfH.M'J n !',. cf,i,ta 4.I V-A V,M11 4rt 4:4, -"" ,J.-l Vl 1l! 4f't4 ""rtl . 4. V4 (? I"l - tv- I 4 (I 'r' li .( t; M'u ,4 ll-.f h T" 4'!n ;'.444 ti 4 li h u 1 ttiuwa it A! Ul Wa.niuio, 1 1. C July The investigatiin intitute4 by First Comptroller Matthews has resulted in the discovery that the Stale f North Carolina is en titled t $.'6.aiS more than was originally allowed it on accouol 4f the ilireet tax act. The mis take was the reutt tf an error in the calculation made nearly twenty years ag. when the 1 IWH SI4.4 . V ojnUlMti vwa-f If !" Iay.: t aiwt .ki4i.4 JhmvJ laifll 4. M.r;"Kie pvt, U $4o nUtmt . 44 t4 tS-e irat dli"r ! a.i.s W m .I4-4!,, ng.ii lW:w. s l. iaphj. 4. Wfc.;4,8 Ml44. a t r.M44 iw rnJh. I ir X im fckr : h-U $ va4 4 i 44 g4il. : I sent f-l t .ii. U4i- i I.111J tn.!!4 m u.. .j .... . stanttal !, witl -uJ!hV.4. ctenJ la m.t laa 1 1 aa... Mr. Mrrk vryt4f i!efabfy pfr l fiis." aaene4, la ltef. it IV. ivle(naa ul arjn. n obt. f ro4?i hr ai4ia.ts t tv-ti4tcr wF av4i of !.::. 1 1 444t ! 444 t 4))044.4 t4 Iav4 JNKI-ai aa4 W wa A44ftf!t AJ 44 ttft.a 4V 4. i II44B I .. 1.4... ----4, 4W-4 4- " TW 4 W Jj I tVn4k w.kx W 4.3K4yM.4 a-4 l&4 IW fLw wVw W f4 M n!.l w Mid, 1 4. wn4 a W la!4, .f4 nj it, a .l LlMlV t4 W j M-4l M. A. XEWLAMK A.ttorne'-at,Lcixv, MAR10X, X. C. I!l;iy2-2-Clll. J. E. ERVIN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, IMoEGAXTOX, N. C. OlVn-0 over Hogan & Hutfinair.s Store. JOHN T. PERKINS, AJ:toriiey-at-!Lav. Executors ami Administrators. Col lections on claims and returns prompt- 1 v made. " Nov. 10. -ly. 1. SILVEE, p(ft.a!;i,(d 4 !b4l J4I4S J MW ..lU44k.44V, tfl vriii.i t!e ThaieV t-a a ,4fl t they ha r tttn j .a &tw, i IW e;.4' 4 fmnttL,, ! lion of rcfund.m thi la wan'4( m"s $s?S4 J-m o-i. ay.M km onsidercd by conjire. TTuc ' ft t!vf if rat i X lUb;i4ut 11 a.Mi ,t . committee report wa prepared I JI 1 r I'--" . 4 f giving the amount eah Slate ! fR J 'tf''" Im wnul.l rrcrivr thr..u h U. IS I,-. I . w... p.t,- oc 'H -4i iw.j wa M9 4iit44. 4l JIV-O M, OolW IOt44l ,f4H.F-fll04.'j 44,44- 4 4I-4)14 fA (-H4. 4 4l4l(fl.lf 44j"M . t44lt4MH4n44M4 44 41 4 4t4 A 11 f 444 1 it) KffV'W .M .,, . M ii f4iii i, 40IH4J 4."44.Hii Mm W 4i4y ., rfUr.A 444J4 44 HKIOI W4U 4rt jTiOO-.' -1,441 44Tfl HW 4(M 04I!, j 0 I '4 a I oh ilU' (iViM'M v !t'tit4H.1 MMU!4 H OH 4M (tit-. Ml' H 44 , S'44 Ji4.444044 tlrt 4l44l4llU 4i (r,tf Mm llti (iot4 444 4ili t4 tf .i44 tM4WtU 4 irt Mm 1i 4ih4m. 4 4l4.4 M.441 I' 4t44 H 1 1 44 44 lH j44.tH.4l44, iwrl. i4Hi4pi. 1h14 4:m j ( V H 4. 40rl4''t.Hlf )4444r j HH 4 -4-4 -4 . 4t44 4 Irttofu t'4M4 j 4H4ti444f4 t.M'4t m 4444-4JM404 j 4X4.9 4v'4i4ii nuiori), ) j a . IVU.. lHMAtl,M4 a . j yn n44tM4i4iti4f4 a.4V-o41onr 1a tHJ4lH1 f M4JH(140tt . 1 44444 411 3(404 Hl lt444MM lHH(4 , 1lt 4IM4ltl 4444444.11 fM 1 luMtn-n 'anttlimodoi Ittta 4f 0 1M( 1i4ltij 444. W)ia V 4t ! I.44V 4t4J4 M4.V 4H.4114I -4 414-H 44.(1 . Ill 4K). j.44 a -Hi 4 ..MHlHlf 4M I la 41,441, li 4. 4V t 11 ifti 4 I I I'm 4WA44 -a.-1 H.444. t.444. l-x f a fV fill MI 1! Illi. 11 M rri M4- ,.H.4.,r,4 4.,oof. 11' 4-4f fltAa TU4Ht1 4Hl44.t4l4. 444.1 l.i1a I'I44? HI.. SIM. J W 4 jU4ft.vA.04 .,4.'H1H.HOH. I'llM'j H4 KHtlr 41 K .tt 4'14ltr 4.K444 41H n4H'lt4l t 41 1444 44041 M U tVlfl'l it 4M44 440'4i'A, .. ' 4' 444 f'otHIH. 44r4 44.444.V4 -oU 4t4.lH 04 &. it 44 44 VitiHlf 444 M44UH 4M444Xi'4L 1 r.VDTn. ii;iii,.!i;,!.:j,r; i.i :n nt. N.f. tW 44W 4k. 41.14 4.44444f 4m44 W WAM'4J4 W.4t4 4V4.i04i V4.Hon4 4H4- i ,WH4."44"41 144.'H.4, a-V4- 44,) 1 4 .4444 , M4t.l , ', 4441 '44.M4.J h.W'4.444, Mtt4W44M l4lO.444-i4'. 144 tlM44 , IS 44, 4 U 0. 444 H4' 4 4lUu4M 4'4-.44jMH44.44- OM ! .H4-'4. 4444.. 9I.M444 Um..I.O-44 (..4.4444. isMu, 4 4 444 a..U,M 1.11 W44i 4. 4 444444'4,44W, jiottasi M-.n.K, M.4N,4 it Mk. - . Utl..n ArrnM.llk.f ? I- I" 4P f Vk4? ! S M B.4 ,". ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, consWeraWi sum of money.-Le ' noir Jottc. M OUC, ANTON, N. C. ... .... ..Mr. Wm. H. I'ailey. of Con which until now ha never been corrected. North Carolina wa given a credit of SljMi 4J. and about a month ag the claim of the ftuvcrnor o the Slate for that amount was allowed by the accounting ofisccr. At that lime, however, the clerk in the fifth Auditor's ofSce, where the ac counts are kept, reported lhat a part of the tax Cotl:eJ from in dividuals had apparently been omitted on the settlement of the cavr. investigation showed ttt to be the case, and that the State's nroper quota wa$4.05t Jude Matthew sat step will be ta en to pay the balance a vion a the necessary formalities shall have been complied with. i4iii rv.Mw rw.itt.Hj. Sim;. N. 1 July ? The The examination of titles to Real Estate ami litigation affecting the same, a specialty. feb 20-90 tf I. T. AVERT. V.t EKVIN. AVERY & EUVIN, JVttorneys-at-Law, 3IOUGANTON, N." C. Practice in the courts of Burke, Cald well, McDowell, Mitchell ;uid Catawba, aul in the bupreme Court. Collections a specialty. Ottice iu Herald Builduij;. , DR. I. T3. JETER, DENTIST, MOUGANTON, - - N. C. (Graduate of the University of Maryland) off'-rs his pn.resslonal fiervks to the citizens or Morjantou ana siirrouuuins-u,i'rJ : r-So charge for examinations. SallsI;tctiou ii'Uarauteed. OFFICE AT MOUNTAIN HOUSE. .nine 19-tf. FOR RENT. The Mountain Hotel, MORGANTON, N. C. cord township, was wounded at Kinstnn on the 14th of December. iSGi. The b.nll entered his left thigh and though the surgeons probed for it they could not find it. It has given him much pain at intervals ever since, causing sup puration at two spots in the thtgh. On the first day of June while he was working in the held he fell what he knew to be the ball catch in his underclothing, and he stop ped work and picked it out. It was a mrnfe-ball, mash.-.I out of shape. It had worked down and around the bone and came out on the other side of the thigh from that it had entered. Thus after 28 years, 5 months and 17 days. Mr. Railey was relieved of this almost constant reminder of liurnsule, and as a consequence he feels a good deal better. Slatesvillc Letnamark. ..A few days since Mr. Calvin J. Cowles showed us a specimen of the plant called bkuli-Cap. which he had gathered near here. It is a herbaceous plant of the genus Scutellaria, with square shaped stem, and bears a bluish flower. capped by helmet shaped leaves. I lilt I. tltfaMf? wh Ivae lure kft !.! i iatf Willi thr , tfcs it i ... ".',) ; a 4f 1 i4 f'm laHit. vor44 ILat Knl of I jhw a ' W l V4tt . thocr: of vh5 lnt Mr. J t.M..h. .4 ...a4 . . . t 444 4 l'Vt'tt.4v, 1 44 1 ll .kk1444- tfcal. im ftol sp"'- I a.44.4 .m 1 1,4111. efly. i: . t4vlV4t al t 4tv4 1 1 4'k, , o it. In Lt ctrvt! in. I . - - ifu fL "0 3t'$rHv WM44i444VV. J4 . 4-ni'li.'. fill' j 4 t-r.'l! 4 v.4 if ,v .4H.. Mia 1.4.'l4 w li vi. '.f: I on.4'4tni'ii-!,J .4'M4'4 M,l4 1l 4rV4H.i" '4M.i4 mt M.iva 'ori4'-4tt, 04"R 4:tifl"'i, s .; :4. H :i.-f"f , Hull 44 4T M li? t4l4'"V'jr 4,V M.4 " j,.4,4,.J M. f '.H- M "OI44 lVlll'l. th la. 4 W f J 4i4 I mmmi, ,t. .4. j-...fn.45 Ma .d:e a rr i, L. L! i --ft 1" ia lvIMa A ki r.i t 44444v 4,a B44441 w.4 w 44 a. ' :f4'1.a "! I-hT 41au 4ff.4 Ut Kllf (4 3M4Mt M4V44 4.N44444.4 4 4 iin .f..44. 1 L !44 4.ft. 4l I"! Itff ft,., I444 I V 44 M4 in I! street are rrr ? M ,m.. i 4. .4 r r r, ly ! laEI iM t. t a e I ( rvMlit JMv r.W t-4. 4-4.1 .n.4 nation of th.? vit 1.4 a .a ?v -44M4l Mi44i mm in 4 tliiffvtly eowffaty ti.44ip.4t4i.r4ii fv. I " iV44 f hkh-u , m mHw riF as-a 1 , ,, 1 .r.... . . a. 44. vt ... I - 4 ... .L - ., . t .444tJ 4V. 4Jt44f. J M4.!lM.' 44 )UU. irite by far IW la-41 L...ft., 44,4 h. m- . kVa .4P t.tDl kit li L;'iL.IUI. I .,44.4l t.44. U:4. .kl44 (44444. , 4-K. 4'4 ka Mt ..- ak 4 . . .at 4'-v 4M4M 444 '44 I 4144V 4U4444I . m4 m aw 4o 4iN 44444t40( 44,. 44 4, 4j,H 4i, ( 41.44fj 4A(4 4k, 4r4' 14.H44 !? 4 fm 44HH U, fOM44t1 HO M' 4.444 ol 4 MH fMMMt. 444. H 4 aioMt'!!, 4.414. IU 4H, Ki lioxaa' l. 441. la hiW1' a4 M4a' 444iir.'444mia 1hi4I( ii'loM Hirtj 154 ila-y 400H4, I0H14 V, lMH.M.rt4v1 J3 44 4414 -44.4044ft, I t1l4 44.H4.44l1 J I.J. M 4J tfl j 1m Ml.440'-4lt'i4 4tl-, tilt. "IU HO U.H , 4 4I 1lMM I i.H'lfW4-rj ;MI l40Mlf 4l044K'f1 1 'M ',,H 1 'H 4 1 ' ' 4 oi. .. f .na f.iirt a !)4.44iit ..H 4M04. i j1h;i ,.lLV,l;ii, 444 44 !.. . fi'i.4 344'i.M . 1 V"' 1.4.1. -h 4. a CH, V1444m: i!l 414-4,, . aM t.o4. 4441 14444. A 4Kl4a 4MM44M 444I tl4IM 4...Mr4 14 4. 3mm t.M xrt4J4Ull i 8 i 1 4 1 1, 4 IS , 4' - " ... a 54ll'OMif iHltlllH. 44tt( 44 M4' 4 4, f4i44MSitriaJ 4i a-a Hiti 4. H 4 44tt4 lOf H 4i4HM4t 1a 4lMHfl.r4i' J 1aa 41(111414 . 4mim at4 ta loflo -it a 4.w4t.iTt. 44.f4tari4 4n4- WAin. f on K o4t n.a 4t T.1hU 4it f'n 41.l4 M..4.. f o.K I 444iHttd Mia ; '4MoU.v 4l444 MO.!.... HH la Ha-flx 4.4 H )4.Ml'OH44444 1l4 4O04 ' VW! H).4ViH M4.M V. lUonintM 4-.1h 4 f 4'-4.1.MrtX1 4 .:i4tp H.Ht aa V iK1ii:',i'o a.4. oia 1. 4u H44 ...4. I.olt. tlMOM aArt. .4. ' - 1 " . . fU4 a"4l 14. lift. M44'MM 441 f 4 444 1 I IK, 1 t 44 444.ll v Ha- 4,m4 f'.4j ia- 4f : 4.H , f, 4i 4i it.; t I iVvl oi,fi)- l ai:y Urea ecitl a IM tng-.. I wi 9 mfm Itk 4 M 4 4 W. a IMT SI, .4 ----- " "w wr-- w wr- - ! m . . 4- a., r, f Vl 1ff4aa ikMtiM . Sim killing of the four murderer. Slocum. Smiler, Wood and Jujgtgva was done this morning . At 4 0.C10CM, Nwiiffl walk eu Into I ti a ve"r4rf(, aca; the death room accompanied by a nevdSr wnar ijt; a tn.i" raincr .reeoen. lie nai re 1," 4 imrinr a iu.i . 1 iil. - .. ceivetl Father Creeden lat j ) al ary a let s. t-Hk, laa. i i4n44 . of&ces and had declared himetf stler" f imM44HI. 4.44444 tr44Mt hh:h4 h ready to (lie. lie wa then firmly strapped into the chair arnl ihe 4l4--lH nirrrnl ar.ftliftl IW kth . - a 1.411. . n... .4 . ir. . . . v Cri-Mr 4T Vf t W 4T4"l4k loa i-iay 4w44 ltii4i of the Calawln Kitef Will ffett Willi tn I ,. fulfill a I tiday IW jit day 4 Jtt. The ill 4wry ? ?o4ti wl 04T (j- o I o II 4 H4 "'Sla fl. f-tH.lHJ 4.',.4i!-'4 .4. 1 a kin Hit a'U''JH4"l 4. f I44H 4-.1l''J4 .44 Tl u.. .'I, 1. K$ t( 4M-4'Hn '4. Sli 4n.4 a V''U J 4 444 liH- M1 a4? 1a 1(H'4 M44 '44'V Ml jf'M'IO'G Vl 4.V4' 4 :ii-! i ,.y4'f,.v ;. . 1 1, a.Hf'.4i I f. tf. .H ) JfH'i 4l4 VV-H-4 i 3tttl4-rtll 4.1 444 .44 4t-4l 4M'M4J4oH 4 41lH oa 44. a 4t1l4M44 4M 4f i.HH'.Hft, tlaf 444 all 4,. 40444:14 j Htt 4t4Ul4 44 1 K HMM'ia. 4 44 Myl' liM,, 1 4 lltuHin 4 SL4V.4u4iid " T' V'"":''9 :i. M4 44ll4a4.H.HM-- a MMMH4 4 n4 ! Roma 44.. ii..u -M.iin. a !5 f ai hT. j iJlm 1 4I1 I ' ' I" . ' a1.HM'4 4ta 44-4I.HH 4I4- 444. 4m.44,,4 i";-"-" .i4ataM 444. M .I. -4.4k a. a M 14k M ..-t,al . , A 4.4. U m.A..A4..fl' 41 .1 . . 1H41V44.1, 4. HIHH 14444 4X144' -V! ..4M.HH Mit.nflV4 at.ll anir, ImM j 4IVM4H4.- 44. 44,n4,a 4 4;'l44). aiMH-, . 0H 44441 4 4.4444 4 1 r4, A 4llli 4llj 'I44U bMOMl Kb H 4..44M f 4k. 4, 4?)IMM,4. C UHHW. M 4.1: 1 0)HI4H404H4 4 A . . 4. ..4... a -44-44(n.4,. 4V.tr4...i.,44 44-4.4444 4Ma 44-H444). 44. 4 44404.4'4t. O.HM 44. 4 444. I , 4444f) 41. 444 1 .. 444. 4044 44 4(444. 1 ,11. 4I4444. 4J441, K.44.M! 444444 V.4l4t4 MM(M 4HiJ 4m !..- was intantane4u. Smiler bdlowol next. Key. Mr. Kdgerton cheere.l him Ufv lie fore Smiler had lifwe t thin, he was strapped intu the char and in a a instant later the current of electricity wa flatbed throili M4444 tM44H4)444 4f Htw at iiii4iiiu f 4H44i t I t&M 4W4M 44 4.4H4 f44l ti44, 41 444 f . 4J . f'444. H ... ...4V p4 .4 HI". 4 t4H44l yi4M 144, JLv.4 4 I'IH44 m4B i44M4 4.44a him that sent him lnl eternity, f t t 4 o rif 4k. - a - " f ir a a . u exi to Imiiow wa vo:. it.e ! m ar- to? nrgrn. jugtgo was stubborn ! the lal. There was the nual frr- look on his face. He wa ctely guarded and short work wa made of him. There was no apparent hitch in the four execution ami l hey were pronounced a success. The dealh of the four men appeared ! the observer to be pamies. Drain came like a flash. It was an aw ful shock and then oblivion The doctors took charge of the four bodies immediately after Partiiillv furnished, and house in jrod condition. Has an excellent rep utation. Kor narticulars apply to IV. E. WALTON, or J. -W. IIAPI'OLDT. June 1. 191. tf. PATENTS, .'.tVI'nTv u t,,l T rail4..XI;rL-4: 4.1. nlv.4.4. 4n44ttll1n in ii'isLness conduct..! for MODEliATE t'KES. l... f .u; mi. I nn .-knnr.w '" It OKKH-E IS Oi'I'OSITE V. S. PATENT - I m secure patent m less time nation and had pnnicii a treatise on this plant setting forth its properties for curing mad dog i vMi'iii.iri', -iiovrtoo?.taini'atenu." with bites and the manner ol using it. tteViunr'nV'v' copies of which were placed in the f A n tint if o nr hands of the county omciais. mag H. dniUV? X Ull., istrates. etc. Hut such was the . i . . ... . . oi t. fjlxkkt omcs. washikutok. d. c case. ilkesijoro LArothe, '! I H E and we can ' 'in i lio.-c r iihiIk from Wasliliiirton. . v, ii l iind''l . ilrawiiiir or Dhoto.. with desorlD- i'ii. wn niivise If patental.le or not. fr. of '-".ii z'-. mi- T... nf.T iin. mi is seruiv.1. This plant contains medical pro- I death and legan an aulpy a perties good as a nervine tonic, discover as far a pnhle hw and used to be considered a sure rapid had been the killm and cure for mad dog bites. No one the precise effect produced. by gazing upon this little unpre- - tentious hero would imagine mai i it once had high official recogni- I.ixiv. io. a, Jwly fc II tion in the State of North Can- I has been learned thai the io4y ! Iin.. Ntt many neonle now liv- I Mrs, Julia Jack4n.Chri4tian tv ing know the fact that back in the daughter ol Stonewall Jakrt. teens, near .So years ago. the Assem- wa on Friday n:ght. at ioo'cI;. secretly rcmoveu irom 11 rvi ing place tn the city cemetery. a l'l 44jm,4k 4 i. Ttmp-'taiv.e i aM s r, frm S,ak W . IU I al 1. .V U'hkjf r . Slay 4ki4- tf4r i-J (lUf i 4 IS. A 'v. 14 IK ltv.A 14. ( 1 nvrnmnmir at U' gM.f i 4,Mf' 4 fl.4 4 JH 44 OI''4 5(!l.H4 4. lr,tli M i "4 i 41' ( 44 44 t . h .H.''a . i4 . j--i ( kV.h I."'. (I -' V f tf I..? r'1HJ.VJ Kilt t1.ij4.ll 4(M iM 4. .,n-4"'r, $a i. !. .. Mi'...'? 4w 4 KHf;i4 f.i.m 4 4h.-44i 4 j.r44 Km 4l.-m' 4T4 . 4.4 . . ". ..... 4) . 4. . M . .. t4,M.M4M. 444441 if ...lit 44-4.IU4 mt " """" H ' .-.. ..-, W4444k.Mft t'i, 4 IV-.IM ' .'4 4,4 4 .,,4Mj4.3 4l.0.4.-l3 5ft.k44i-444Mv,sJro t:l1.',tt144lM.r.rJ4l.'l4 4VIU4- 4.. a . : . 44.C!' f.444Mi4 Ht :u 11- I"' H. ' i". 44 t IH.- t-'.H. 4(tl.Hl4 a.wi.. r; 3h.4m 4...g 4iM 444 1 l44(A 4 4 444..44-4 "- i.a a .,,4. .4V .1.4. .t.a H' 3"-" :"" i aa 44h.-j-. s ...' ni.,H', .4T..'4 4t 4444142 t !. ':.... , M 41- (H.H-4 4, . ; .'. . ( 9... t- Hi." 4- 4.4.44 lit 411404. al44kVM 4f 44 WIHW III -444HM..niiH4l4 4K4 4"' 14 a4lt 44 4. tl la-x'ia llir 4HilT 4k i4 a'44l4)m.a 4 44 Rj , f-4M.i!f ta''l44l44 HmHAj, WllUi Hfl 4s4H4..4l4 44 44OM44n44 MMM a-.Hiit 4 44H4M4 a liH 444(1). . . rt ........... 4. . . 4 . . a T .l.'-K .44 -i'14 f't4 '.. 4 mm 3 - ... 14 44 .... A .J 4 .....,..41 4 ..4 -.1 i T 44H , W.I44 -4-4.4.T ..If 1 14X1 ' . a. a 4ja aata iimwia1 a..a V4.n t.M 4.4s-,t,44 M4ot. t 4.l1trlt'4,, ft 44M w Ta 44t .r. 444'M.4aa I 4!.44. ktWH4 I I4.44. 4 ykj 4 l '"W1 -"I 4 44 I t'44H(MI tW i.4kAl44. 444)4 43 l M 44 444( 44 . 44.44.HM.4V 44ia M 4) i 1 4.4) l4kJL 44 W4.H4.4A 4H44I j 4J at4 f44t444 444 ft44K:i 4444 ft44r 1 JM44t ).4MM4 44.4 t4.l, WlM 4Mt4A4 . 444 )444 44. fit 4a4 4VM 4.f 14" tA44 14. Ik 444 4 ?444 't44H.4l4 ..rA4 4M 4 1 I44JV4I4 4,44444jf44.r4H I 44l 44l!t44. 4 441 B.M-4M.44 4 ' M .fli, 4)4444' 4m'4 M4). i M 4Mlf 1.4V -44,, f H.H'-' O. Wk . 4tMV 444.41 4HI 444 04.0 4M4 Mia' 444ll.l44l4 iM' .44 Mm HI II 44."' .4 4441M 4. 1. 4 44la ,.U.4l KI1..H 4 ,4 K 44444 11. .H" 10 -4'f 444 U44J4 4.A . a 44 4 oH4 4rHHM.H4MHn 44. 4 IS P. COATS' '..04i- 1.4''4 ia ...... . 1 . j a -,-.-4-.H4 4,444 CXlnjLCOT:.' Mfi 4, 1,4 H.,.44r. j IHM- 4t4e .M 14 447 "444 ihii Ua or ckartU 4la a 4 4 t a4i a4 la lrari.v 44. J- .V ti?t .mm.h4hm4.4 a-Vn I .ht ad Ju l llt&febtaakC ' 4i4 4 is.441 a 4t4H44.a 1 4. tv o4 tvf y avl jt.Mi. I a 4i4 Mil. fi4ttM4-Mi4i.M4 a a deatiaistft lki..t4 . U "t Akrff V It Ilii.r.V,. 44J ' MHMiMl. ". 4'4a'rtH4 444 Si ll 4 V.,.V4 4 rWM44ft.M tt.4a.H..MinM. W,.H4.4, J l lat t , iri44.4444 a.fita m$ nn.. ..h.i t.k. 3. I it 't?? wir. t-r . .mx ; 44i-4444.i, liaa fxkrtr f... a tk! afc 1 1.!.. jR-fkMM.a,., . 'i !4T 4 1, IlmuL,! 4k,A4f .irfW kik4 H44At4tf 1 ." ...4T44 . . - ' - - - -r- -4,--4 t 4 4.4..,.-.. 'H li is K!44.4iMi44 r . -- 7 . .4.A . wr1 w ion 4' -r I. I I )44t,W4.l4M 14 f4 f44 444,4 4441 Hi" I 41 I- Tv. ro 444) Ik44l4.ll., and placed in the crypt In th vault beside her distinguished father, wltase remain will be f laced under the Jackv.Q statute,, ler husband on Friday gave hi permission for the removal of the lo!j. liai wtiTi IIW iBal4(?iiF ml pril4 I.h y.jpaaan, '0 I. Clara al U. Ca til a, M4-efEa4jk Iw;. IU .V I- Jlt a. i ia . j. . la4f I- m.-M, M 4444l444Mkt !444i 44.44 Rt 4 i 444M 44-44444M44H W-4444444-4 fttM 4V 44 ri44 4l 44'kt4 Irt'.HJV BHM ) kl44- tc.4ft4.kri 4A. tiv Mt(4 4w4-a M,w'"";j t'wa-i.: ik44i4404A, i i4v.T r. r. 4i- ! p. m a .whM-a :Ut4at44 M I- M4A.tL W .4M 4 b-44 -.,4Af4., t44f 4 M444 kta4VW a.l a4 mil thm MM,- Hi4 t4a.H, 4444 a- . ahu. a.4 U4 4t4ki ta . aly I ? 4VM444.iAt. aa a 4 " 44 t-f wt 1ii fll-4' .i..4. .H,."! ,'uifi I II .-i" II4H ." Km44 . nri y. i.i.i.i . d n . . . 4. 4 . .. . . . ...... m .. k 4-1.5 0 . It. 4 1,1 Ki1l a,M"' "" "I''' W'l'i'" iir. i,..Hif 4.4.; to,.,. 1. illa f.4.44,41.' la ..oa a a 4. fHi- ... I. kAKH.4. 44. - i.M. . 4.H.I4l 4.4.1 444. V H44H WW 4.H S. .1U J,i.4M4,.44-4 """ MH4.MH t H 4k444 A.44.4.1, A 4.444 VJ -4. H4 .H.4 a 4H.'mV 44 M.4.. .M.M f i4V ,a v4.,-iK-.4.f -.'.H .H 4,14 li"? - 44.H.IKI.- 4ra!a 4-.mi, 144 4Hi4M4.M 44,. ; , I 4.HHHIH44 Av4.0ilM)f ,4nf4H'4. 'Vm .I. BTf Vl .41 ata. a .A..... . ..... Bak..4.4a. I 1 '7" 't--w - fm,, t'iitiMrt.iiiiioa. ,rr.44 , 4.iiMOu -4 V j alia. 444 i H4 a H444I4. 4M-444 lt.44a.Of.Mu .k4 f 4U 3af 4 44 l4.4.4.f 4.1,4 t4a4.,4V 4lt 44i aU'Hyl4H 4.44.4.., IH'.HX 4411 W HmM HMttH444',1 4144' 4pHI iH4l444 4M.4MM.l, 4 444) 40' kah.'R 4444 4 .14 a 44 4tx4'M44 4m 444 4iiSl,i !4 44 i4. o4 4hi4aou ' 4i'a 4t',H' i 4flHl4 I44 1(.4.4,ji aoH.ifl 14- J H".4-'IR, J O 4 44 a.44 M 4.44 44H 4--H4 ( 4. MH.M I -".H4.1. .JtHI' (H4l4.a -A ' H444 SlMHH'f H..H4 44 4.a 4V 4 4.I4IIO Kfj 4H. 144' M444H'OI4lf 4aif trs c, jh.t t? r 141. ll.WISk, 4'A.M -4; 44444 H44 44 IH 4 44 , H4Hf 4l lt!lM k 44fl I4."!. 41. 1444444' It. B.A Ik? ..,..4.4.444 lU444AM,.'4k gM4.)l.4 A..-.), 4m oH 41.l1 HlH.M' 114 J..44.-" a4.'4(4l.,44 Mil f4.444'H...D 1, 1 14M.4 V. MM444I.4 .4 4. 444441,4 4 .444. H44.R a a,-.., 44 44. .4...l 44 44k,M 44.-,4K .'44.4 I rt'l4.i4. 4H4...4R 1 ,1 44 .44 4.4 4441.1.4 4V4HK.4M4 ' AM t,..M"4 v4li i'4. 4.44A.HM4 ..H -4H,f4.a 4li,WI 4' ,... 444H M A4.44 4 . a Mit'H44. 4 ttl.1'4.44. tat. i ft TAa ..VAAW 4i,h4. iam4 WW- A at.. Av..1 I J -AK, , a. At4.U0 TP 44 41I' 44, . raaMa 4-4h. 4iam4j ,M MO! .t"A'4 4, IV A-'4I14 44, 'lkV I H i' 44u 4,lt44i l 1,4.-4, ,a4H t,lHH-4w I tv ''4, H 44lt a.l-44 )" IImI54 1i.f,HI4,i HHHH 44.4 4444 1.4' 4044 Mlt 4 44)I.44M 4A4 4v"3 ) I 4t Jfi.oHa 444 4.M.h,-m 'a.ia -4,444 a 'l4.H 4.H.44 " a4'4.MI' (M) "rA,, alf ,M 1 .44 4-.yU ; 444A I'1h4 H4,4M'H. 44t la 4.IUU- 1 h ., 4,4. 41.4 p. a a aMvtMi s . 4m.m 1 1. 441a. m. 4iii' Ml-K.M. 4HW MM 444 HM A A44 ) 1 144 (44. V, 4kT r Ct!ttv CUpp. ai4lH. I Kl.u.a I a- IM .I44W 4.4 4. tttimirAin, 8"4- -Jk 4mo.'A) 44 H0 4a 4m a ! i Ct4,mj.tvt., no. C ' W:lttk'l6 W lMU It.

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