Successor to "The Morganon Star.' W. C. ERVIN, - - Editor. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. - - $1.00 THURSDAY, SEPT. 17, 1S91. The legislature of Georgia hav ing refused to accept the home for disabled confederate soldiers which the citizens of Atlanta had provided at a cost of $100,000, the directors of that institution have determined to close its doors, and the poor old maimed veterans will have to stay out in the cold until another legislature meets. It is charged, with what truth we can not say, that the members of the Georgia legislature refused to make the appropriation that would have been necessary to meet the running expenses of the home for disabled Confederates because they thought that their action would be criticised by some of the Alli ance leaders in the North west. If this is true, the spectacle is one which we never expected to see in the South, a Southern legislature afraid to provide for a few maim ed soldiers who fought for the South because they did not want to wound the feelings of the Northern soldiers in Kansas and other Northern and Western States on whom the government is spend ing more than $100,000,000 a year in pensions. Whether this was the cause of the action of the Georgia legislature or whether they turned the old veterans out in the cold on account of a sudden spasm of economy, it is very likely that the people of Georgia will send to the next legislature men of different views. The people of the North will despise the cowardice or the niggardliness of the Georgia leg islature in this matter just as thoroughly as will the people of the South. If we believe the reports from Kansas, and we admit they are a little hard to believe, all the Democrats can do in 1S92 will be to sit on the fence and see the third party procession go by. President Butler says there seems to be no need of a third party in North Carolina, but if the tele grams from Kansas are correct President Polk says the third party is inevitable. We cant say who is right, but time will tell. We agree with Mr. Butler that we don't need any third party here, but unfortunately, in politics, we have a great many things that we don't need and need a good many things that we don't have, and so it goes. Political parties are ex pensive luxuries and this country has had all it could do to wag along with two so far, but if a third can be comfortably sup ported, let her come. This is a free country, and while we would prefer that the third party would keep out of the way until we give the Republicans one more good sound thrashing, we would rather it would come on and get down to business than to be scared to death all the time for fear it may come on us unbeknownst. Everything points to a big European war in the near future. Russia and France have formed an alliance, offensive and defen sive, and this step is followed by Russias forcing her men of war through the Dardanelles and thence to the Mediterranean sea. This movement on the part of Russia has been followed up by England, whose gun-boats last Monday seized the island of Mity lene, which commands the en trance to the Dardanelles, and has commenced to fortify the island with a view to checking Russia's march to the Mediterraean. This action has created the greatest ex citement in both France and Rus sia, and the feeling in those two countries against both England and Germany is becoming intense. An outbreak may occur at any moment, and the long looked for European war between four of the great military powers, shake the earth from centre to circumfer ence. On the other hand, the big scare may all amount to nothing. A big sensation was created in the cotton states last week by the announcement that the colored Farmers' Alliance had decided to strike on September 1 2th for one dollar on the hundred pounds for cotton picking, and that they woum pick no more cotton until V 1 . iNoemDer umess meir demands were granted. Circulars advising such a movement were circulated by one Humphreys, the leader of the colored Alliance, but fortu nately for th Southern cotton planters the negroes paid no at tention to the circulars, and went on picking at the old rates. If the advice of Humphreys had been lann udii 01 me cotton crop would have rotted in the fields, as the farmers could not have af forded to pay the advance with cotton bringing oniy seven cents With the fimst crop of wheat and corn we have had for years . a ana wun American pork re-admit ted to the markets of Germany and with the supply of wheat in Europe phcnominally small, it looks like things would soon brighten up for the American farmer, and that means better times for the whole country. If the profits that are sure to come can be secured for the prWucer instead of being absorbed by the speculators and gamblers in futures it would be better, but it seems hard to keep the speculators from getting the cream of the profits. "Old Hutch." the Chicago grain gambler, made a cool $cc, coo a week or two ago when the price of wheat took a jump up by reason of a circular issued to Alli ance men to hold their wheat. From the tone of the leading Republican papers at the North, the nomination of Secretary Blaine for the presidency in $) seems to be a foregone conclu sion. Harrison will make a hard fight for the nomination and his pull on the office holders will give him a considerable following, but. unless all signs fail, when the stampede sets in.the magnetic man from Maine will be decidedly in it. When the third party youngster is brought into court the jury will have a right to look at its features and see who it looks like before they decide the issue of paternitv The "Democratic bosses' have been accused, but they say they can prove their innocence at the proper time. Oxe of the novelties of the campaign in Ohio is the canvass of Congressman Watson, a so-called Democrat, who was elected by Democrats in Georgia, and who has taken the stump in Ohio in favor of the third party. PRESIDENT POLK. What lie to Kprt4 M ayl Owl Im Toteka, KAX Sent. IS. ltri dent Polk, of the National Alli ance, ha made three aMrc.vHs in Kansas. Preside ut I'olk's oieu- ins uaj Wen devoted princip Ulv to himself. After civiuir hi boe. hood history he reaches the war period, lie states that lie did Dot go luto the rebel wing from choice. lie upheld the Lnion notil the wave of secession sweit over the Sonth. when he did as ruaur others did who were foreed to shoulder their muskets. He had been of fered command of a com 0.1 n v. but refused it, as acceptance would have been construed into an en- Uorscment of the cane whole arms he eariied. He afterwards accepted the office he held Weanse by iloinx so he could indirvrtlr aid those who were C-htin- for the salvation of the Union and in a degree mitigate the sntTVnng of 1 nose w no. like htniMir, bad been forced to bear arms against their country. While not Makinr di. rectlyabout theeoutenii'latil nke of the cotton pickers in the Smth. he said the oppres.ed agricultural laborers should nud shall demand the right ol naruinz rvnnerisarioii for their services, and until the? demands areaceeeded to let evere ueiu 111 iue ianii contain onl? the rotted products North or South: yon here are furtun.ite in beiii;: yonrown laborer, but the pluto crats of other States run! he com pelled to acknowledge the God given rights of laborers whether they be white or black. Sm. ot our brethren have nhir maue tueir demand and they will be granted, or our entire regions a a. win contain only families mined oy tueir own greed. in an interview today Col. rolli stated that the Alliance movement was gaining thousands of converts throughout the South dialy, and the great mas of farm. ers, planters and lahorin; men hsid deserted the Democratic i.irt and were stading uarelr on the Ocala platform. 1 believe the Third party will sweep every State iu the Sonth in lirj. Tlo ot.i bosses down there have tri.-.l to bulldoze ami force the people to take their Democratic medicine. um wiiuoui result. v ititin the iat I a.. a. I. - t . a, ;ma mounts 1 cotim nave bad uny oflice in the gift of the Demormr. ic party, but I wonld not sell nir Polk uttered these words will feeling and declared eternal war are on ootu old parties. The bloody shirt, he said, will Im- wrai- iw.-u .iroiinu iue oi'i sectional a"it titnr ami ilui- 1 1 . " ..v. j .in iur uurietl loo deep for resurrection. Will the Alliance conference in Washing f ft It It, LYIitiintM .1 1 - f net tare ior a Third party! I cannot sar, but there will be a Third nartr. It might have been prevented' fonr months ago but now it is too late. Ocr people in the South have ueen abused and sneered at by the Democratic bosses and 1 emt cratic preses and we will tml 11 no longer. The negro donona tion cry won't prevent a break or the solid Deiiiocmrx. V iii take care of the negroes and ee lh..t they are alliei to vote. They an- largely iu this move- ment and an imiortant factor in me cuipaisn next yrar. Ilow iiitont the teiision quest ion Th III.. nA I- ... - uiia noilillis In jLit against the ensioi.iiig ..r .ldier who fought. We accepted the result as nnal and actiuiered. c suaii never iaM our voire against !hf legitimate IfiiM.-, ol I iiion soldier-. 1 1 i n,e rt.,,t wariare and we ran bake hand "iuour -..!! hern brother who wore the bine, and feel that thev are receiving only jii-tire In,,.. government whom ihrv I.. I.h,1 ., preserve. The peniou .-,ii.. is party 1d.1l Ut m. Col. 1 oik said tliei ople parlv w.mld, 111 bis oi.ii,ion, carrv rvev" Sulb next year. The Alb an.e ;.., il.e n. ala demand, an , w..i'd Lave li'H.ig ,. tU'r:i:-T.Li... . i .. '" -oicis ior sale at Ht iirRAtnOtlice. Ruled or un- uicu papers. Cheap. r ROW WASHINGTON. WwilW mt ff S SOmmI Wasuimj n5, li. C. Sept. 1 1, V1. T Ik FJtr f TU IrJs Mr. Harrison will retnrw la Vahinstoa to morrow, a4 tf W ran get bis allrntia nwjy frM the horde of wonUI be txtblitf Mp sucker now waiting u rmmv Un llm. for a few tniantr-. Imp may be able t help clear aw 4 J I he suspicion nodvr whicli W I nitesl Stairs Treasnrr tertt ment now tests of hat iosattrmtf el to hamper the iarS mi wbtchitba rvlrmiel ta Uf m ansious tn bivw made, of W af fair of the w reeled Kevtonv National !lani, of Ihillrfphi. It is regardrti nar orally as a piritHis rirrnnil.rrt that jw( a the etpril rrHtrtart at oi the Uioksof thai Uaol were gv tin into the ort of tWir woffl. which promiel lmiitart ir- snlts. that it shonM I dicottvl at the Trranry that lb fond ttm which they wrie pa wa t hauMel and that Let ! dimUrl ami the ln st 'ration stopiU There money voX" to pay a thoasaad and oe nm neces.ary etenr for thi a4 that, but not enonli to ay for the invest igaiton of a wrrvlol bank with which a prominent memWr of the admititratKn hal been much mirl Hp. l bl sndcioO of itself f Treasury oftirials re lend l I" racking their hiain to dovrt a way to ay these men. meanwhile the men have Moppet! Work. iVt haiswhen they resume. If tcj ever do. Mime of the bk nai be misin;. The hitatel4ki xiple have taken the matter np. and If their mmmittre stii letter to the Treamry department dtHsnot raae Mr. llartioa to take sme action he is either thicker kinnc! than he la Wvn su pissed to l or 1 afraid br hi friend. Mr. Wan imakrr. At rate the letter, a portion of wtib follows, will make Mr. Itartin d. Mn ething: "It is of vital tm ortance alike to the credit of the national hacking ytrm aal to theeause of jatice. that Ike In. Ventilation shall be pntsiml In the end and dtrrellv nnder the auspirr ol the Unitnl Ma!c government. If it be ue, stateil. that tberxrtt ea footed by the government have brew ! missed for the reason that there are now no funds available the payment of thrir expenses, then this eommittre will wdare any teasonalde amonnt rrn;rrl to meet such evprnsrs.- KrrthiD may le perfeetly straight aboi the action of the Treasury otteiats in this matter, bot It certAisIt does not look so. Kveribl WC coneele that the financial vtrM 01 a na.ion sbMiii tw, hVe i,ir wife, alove suspicion. There Is now a large ami rrseaM- llj of our eituens bittetlr oppn the entire Nattmal txansio si tern, tieeause of its prlnetph, bnt even they have n-vrr harijl that there was rrookednrs In the administration of the vtrr. a woe be onto lh aditisCta!ifi j "n which crookedness s rve. A genttemam wh Is very tte to Keprrsensatite Mdtssadf the rejtrt that Mr. Milts was hrdm -on the stiver rjfesrion: "How who believe sncli a stoiy . t know the man. He nrser la.l dle a uesti,.n in bis life. I coV- talk lnt for an hmr atHtt bis position, hut instead I will tUt yon to the 6;st srerh he mars in Ohio, which will ! on the l"b iost. I happene! In know b. he w ill on that oreason fallv Utt Li position on every jv-ti.n nw before the public. od, ,n m wink, "that is more than r of his eoui(etitors for the Speaker ship dare to do. The democratic missionary pr ty, or rather a portion of u un here Vestrrday f.r Chicago, where they will Iht joined by lbs reMan der. Their 6rst op tl be at M. lanlon the ltb insi. Tbey vr. due at Sokane Tails. Washing ton.on thel'ltb inst. fall, will r gtveu evervnWre Your correspondent was hn today what purported to Is- a let. ter from an tlbio repabbeaa o a memWr of the same party in Washington, w hie h, if the writer knew what he wastrkloj ahtt. contained a most important pteer of ditieal news, following m ropy of a paragraph in tt k-ftrr referml to: -Don't get wtfiet alsiit the newsMirr rmt)M ol the Sherman Uoaker fmd: Ibere is no fend lrlern them, tt on the contrary the most per fret Mn cordial understanding. U ha It has been thoti'bl lw o have them appear to I- Kgblins raeb other in order to brins out fri vote through the efforts of iWeir respective f.dlov rrs man ol who, are not in the secret, it mr oe. eeel in electing a majority of rW legislature, which, between as. is far from a rertaiaty, John Sber man will lw re-elected lo be Stm ate as a v tn.liration so lo prak. He will, as may seem Imts W U time, either Urelme or before mp adjournment of the legi.laitr 1 sin. giving as a reason his to retire from the rare ami tr bles or pnldie Me. ami I'oaker will then le eteetr! lo iurrrr Iom. Oearefwl la whom ym spe-!. almul this. Ms i mibt rf.slt interfere with the p.rlt leader' Hans. hou!l if gr 00 1 ; maj desndon its lmrm irne. wnsn4Mhn5 0ssfca. Thei;hathtte C'iroawe tnblsk ina V. at Charlotte. X.C.u ingtothe person who will w4 thrni the largest niwsvr of h snhsrrthrt o Ike Senkl Utvklj Charlotte VltmmUtt be te IVe. 1st. Isai. a .jc,,4 dol4 l.irl breech hadt shot gwa noflb .WI ami the person U UeM largest nuntbrr a evtrbaev Cortland raft worth fail. This is I.Uial off 1 a, , made by the rowp4nv u rvlr. Ihe rirrnlalion of itsswNkl W(ell. anexeetleM lazily a the ltesl mrws from all met U eHitry. - SantpV copirs iibfMl pwlwnUr sent fire on ap4ration u ay addrrsn. TC I NO TtHf wicaift. fcnnaa n Ihftaa Mass9tw tfr ti'flnwnl ns ? (mm, IPI V4MU, 14, Sp. IX Great late res! b. rWv e4 by an mmm by Dt.JoHepnS, Jls, M. Tar CVnrvb, V U e of Ike wokl Is iUi- a! Iit' N. Jews-kr gave npi a lsvf i. U praetire in lK l MRi:V. tntcrvvl the CVrisTiikn mmCft nmler a vert otw in thai Ike n4 4 lk aw aw tw laXs)ralM f W fwxsi E im tb4oi year 4 b Hiti wonkl evnr wtkn akMsl X )el. Vf sse vm tK was lie rvalf f m f bnt f ilf n. ewWi4 yeisaw f e . 4 roajtwf mm, a W fJ bs self 4i.tlis rwar4 a ! View vsetttX lkt. pf .a.a snbfevf. lie b-ks eevly ,i tborOOXkl akeS.4 " tkM4.t, Ik iait.'trswe m4 m tt) l a sUv. 1W l rosvtt i an vt t iw aef4 isles cfMkxs kss Urn lately 1, male tie ias el lte Ja4 A ffVrmollrel is.eel 4 iii veals. Tbseoeteeiooi. tkr wlk Urwi t'0Uil be vlpsr4 k4re si,"" s,Ms M. Jvke. "tti lb tw.t 'awe l ; crisis wrtb.wj Vs IVn Vrafsef U esvt Itm.' Ilk ptJMralis is? tM'.tJ,' motesy rat! 1 1 . bt A.Tolten, v lb, CLe4 J.aV 4eb-4 nrw f v laly i V I t ConaevlKnl. I W ex ses a ill vf, kv 4 wbxli tkiea' 4 ajptsov4 4 Ibe f.xrtb Is in IU f ftit .,4. In bes ibe el p m psiMui aie siAi!e4 M ki wn ttif Mrfiom bf m f-ta. live ese'.k" lni4 I w hustoty. esU a tK 4 f4. rbfonoAtsy, ,ikMw. ai4 el atH. I owsiiv4 ls IW- e"i-R a rttefnstve . Totten an4 of a as.isrf . il-.;iv an s Asortv an &j lbes Ibias are Its. Jsl arrats bssetf "mi ( a4 CMr.iwr tli witb fc advoeal Iberew-f. - xmc; am Ctktt It warn. al stt wksHTWI I bey m. W o h tbrmsinW lo4UUt er ol Ike a4 Jewi bfkf, Irstbey wxkl, bn k lb, lea year, lr siu Jf lb so f b U m4 lie MV!e on. Ts.f rs it t will d'tiirt oo4 wfw J nf moos on bi Ivpar. Valivr. tbnnbitsl tis. wiib nbta ol W er k , noef in kis .knp. st3tt rN Tteaf e l I l.. tm .,. I aa4 ina Tkr are fwssMw Ie4 in lb" 4f bki- : rMMiy. Tb.l aioi .h-! ! h.V bw y trs: buakia r vvMM.otirK.4 lite, ll i es. M.k;. n.uS if tv' iVmsimh, - i .rvr Ibe 4ema-1 ! mCa as ! -l"l in I1W l'i 4 testo 'f Ve4 tkesw vks ai r4. My ol U"4 are sf H.r:; TleafMrn!:r44 4iM sir Ine imVMni "Tbe m t p!Uv 1 hf are 01 r i.iMo.n fft-xw air e-V "vMiiWi U rj f 1 . . t 1 (mi. a v-i s"? ,i nna'ty rsx. Jirt.t Mt of bV a taty rs tjm vs" tmJi fso rHSM il, "nl lb amnit o t .fss I-mIv tf !, rjs" b,wE of bean ad v !& 4 corn. l ay mbo iu b ery . .jvfiMti,.!? tonkin fvV. f tiHi kiI II at are ne x t It cfs tV.nrwMMi bsw Cons aal b-fse ali. f KV p,frj n b- le. f IV is IW bn Ms;n .?..J- !4v -r ao.-?. .. sM.vM4 f W wt ae y tmUl a'i krM ol m Ik a ,vri. sUr imti lotti oi t;jvM vent a if Cban s m - r?iVe b- a m.l tf a twf. J fetntw l ke 4 ry tKW if Ikes SI W '- Ji pt 4 Heir sra i NiMa tv aM l s".r. ll taken r: 1 4 I slk lo iM,.! lnt:er. anl en 4 Im m 3 - OO- of S. Tff. i h- ,e a m m--umi inetMa oh- b.r p.u. mdi a Ikeir i in r- s4 'ef. . f sw i sreeo raBs , ti wonkl levjnir- ZIMia s wribi u t prminep re mm an-i Mn-x n as k- bsr. SV KNM,, JVr-. I 11. Ik- iteMdj ol C4 Ike tafmf .n l:v-- ill nwel wikWCiit rS ae al Ml. lW sM Ik- fs I Off. All SeM.W 4 iu t4 at- lesuct, w4 fm 1 presenl as bee mi W nast ol iMiifMre 1 mi t,w,o :y Mtb't l b- peni4xN.. I H. I it; I at.js,r. f4L rT' 1 ' 1 1- 1 ' M Sh, K. .11 m ne--. .. . f .,Z Mt. a so i,, 1 J mft r b, .,,!. 4 rr, w m, OHt lWM.H . , l'bnis . tofin 1 4 m a lsi. b in UK s.i&u, m tZ IT V. 1 IIm Mt nHH- ,al I Uie v-eii, uri? h'lT i?ft-. .-a. M a. r 't tesiWa f oH rW eM MB wVi - rHSl 0f SM fhttf . rtsl i I'm'! M ! tf SftH irtftt'HV -t tit ftnli t IUhIV 1f j. ITttMi'Vk ? stRh. t W fciwi T.vsv4 Km l ttHtt "'mHi ttmoy flt hoS t At. -o4S f wM iNa tt I "& R 'W Hni. i".Wv- SVW ir fU S-Wl! . !,-, issee ("Hmti ! Vhm.mH, K,t ! W,tr. s,i.yekH IUtH- l K',te SH'HH mS a H.S. t-MH I .. ttuw - Kt1 fi-s kilw 40" VSm . vHtU r,H. 4n.,i. s v.i s "k immh MK"4tl!w jO t.t- H'tHS t'-o JIM'S JW t'e Mm 4UmmHS Ai t, s,. jn, t". sm.i WirtS. -n o,m ftm . v 't"""i'f Wa tmif tt y4i uu.. I4 ... .flnrtt itiut fcka tnM(tU KVi ai-m a)u. snm mM VKikx As ! x-tVimtHH, ami 4M k m4 taL iaf vve'H AsHt a'Mis Stxitk 4V sS U-ma I'M MtuMvtflV-tiif t4 S- 4ttt SttlO'JMlf vh" Sho Sm .H S-i t .f '4-.H . t'f htlH SOV. H-'U' mttNi SKH b'H- wti-mi eo 1 a f 1 ! . ISt 'v noyS' attf y U'tfHtttN.t Aw sHow 4tavi.S 'UAtMilU ses fifit. " SMl I H'SS ih oj1 el st.i ISa- lw.M t Mia . sot! aj A v.,tW, U SfN-t HM tt 4r -HtM-HMS t f lHIM ! - . tIKI Milt JtM iwiM, '(oe if t"! tna 4.hmIs :katS,HtS A .H, ,-.ft.M. .. HXTM . ( KtU't ;Htl,.HiH ll ! k ionsnMtt-l H-o'tt t t-vA4riHt If bAs-t rMt t v K .f "-"V I . Hill Hltl r . 4HoSti4 SMAIV Mmh. f tr, ,h-h- aitta yv ityf SM itwtt bs Sulk aiu.,. jn) V..iWfH:, iOMt sHt ea yH4t,, W VclU HSt mh h4 t mi eu iotiuts i!t .iHwt , V K, "m i4N mhwI 9gl tH tt tH IHI H I r. Stt M4Hull, .vy.d I 'HU..HM(ili U- f.Ot-Ut WttM- tMfc sM.rvi f.ttD wH:t4a rt f tAM'SMi -I W Hi"M -ft IflVMMSt, f i It , f ft a lV4. h..K mt f-mH,' sfttai e'l H tUMll lM'itHM tStHrnl imv tW'tMt I M Si StlMI t4-Mttl.ll jllM ,4 . lMMllM-4'lti . fHtS.H. " - h ' wiO( Sh'. Sa WM fh HfcT Mill) t'n n,iu. m M 1 .t JLV ff f ,MlfW M M4 HH. Ht ".HtM .H4- . tti i4 1i4uHtif f.m4 it m 4ft 1M. ta,m icu - m f wM- in '.r., StH 41, H- 1 1. HV llWiN,j.F'lt( VritMv -v,!t ,! ,t WSlH lHtt S H,t.J tm -ay, m. .H.d ax iM tkme - S bw fMHHH,IH , tnH tvHH Mrt.ft.M,. Ht,. HS frtH.Mv f ! it HmyM n A .n as.Mu Mi US K,IWm m f Dmm S avv o".-hVs SM.'. IV 4 Ut tV Ht'V.I p:,t4l l.t.itt fi. W S SMtl V.V-H I RiHfif A SMrn M- tfHJI f r.m 4Hf ht v s.hts Itwiiaottn 4s,ii.t.. . ftMiMiwHa 4l s SfH j s svH,MiM).avy S SH ty! ?) 4II Mm S. ., VH, s sisi'sate SVmu A Hita b.mxHk, g a ta. m- s.4 Hor-9 .A.HH 44 tta . n vauos -"0- IV. k-MW 14. tt-4 a oMa. A' ihims .ntis HA A- fn-va' Af I WWwwstflfc. Imu t'H Ajm A AtilL Ah Km9 44 t 1 kv9HnHW4 t.MHi AtM VMMb S1"" n'ft4l lbOMMaS Ss MA a tUlMt WtlHW joSa AJV AHMtln 4 ir f mA' ef , ti sh4o,aj sn m ahha m$ MS.H(t lutoxMMi As ro"tt BlM HM4 mt m lAl.iMiHL AftH Alotf Srat4UJ tsiw m eio sail m4.i Atotn, m t-r -a kw s.He MtNV'i en Sa taat4t i"H..iot-1 . wh I Ht a mmi MiA AaM WA "K ssatsamas--M.a WtraJ t tal lisf rtft sn; ,mK4t As in Akm& f 4Ha, -jUvanHT vaA, tS Asiwuw iwti, JtAV I flS. Sr U bwa Anu, -rtntM.4 vhe.sivu WaMBfc4aaiaaLaavaaaBMfc. ew4Fwi AATAeVnv eiairj ;0 T at u 4 "a" J aat . f 1"t4:1rHi rvvai, As- a arHM 44 l.w ;4n S4.4VH.-s.H.4a. 4t famnaf 4344) tnt tasSV. 77 asm "' H.asHii. 4V1e s-'H"!" I null e o tjMaxK.. S Si.ilMiA Itls Emm AUJtl m ssaa Citvttf mol sen Aes mMifS) f C5 1 1 (f ikyf feltCl I s " A eUttX. f"Hj su' Sr-m 1 -1 -. i i .it j . . ef' "SJ'r jbsi Amaw s'f swMMb ah aafA aoiitH4aif " la.. a aMsfMtOt s4 tWMw 4-m I sM- s a ' " ' ' ' -r, Tt I .i 4a the t.D a""s. kuc .fliif. I .wuii aMMHis -a av,, K.Htin. wiom J I x.Htv.A awt. A-a I 4t! I mautl Ai4i n b4a. Aa a v -.A A anf vitftHt, Amm 1 1 Aa na I Aat ngr J u ''', f.Ht awt,, Al- A. AlVoH a SnH t nHOMA) rr.HM.rt j S4to. AHH'a Wla iia4 tiA H,.a an. I ! Atm4. Attn sUl A. I tH. W4.tMn at.twf f.a. aia 444t ...a SM.t At-Hf .H uwl (" 40 StMt WXl'Stl1'' 1. w'-w -ww -"'""''It, I ae 4 t.MWHt it .H.imimiA, A . 4MH I 4MH- U atM.M, " ' " " ' " , .A H'St1 414, mssM HM IW-H4 '-Vi- a.HM, aA-HlA ftl A eia A4A ei H4l 44A Mtt aS. ELu. u Jl . r. --- . . WIII4M. H4 A'Ht4 iaM4uHta "' t t4i 44,4 44 tfm f 44.MI4H4 a 'I 4a 4 I.M. .M, W 44. 4tw4 ana a)4i 44 4i .. v44 AtUTA taa a-4a " 44 R Ha.aL'A.., 4.l 4 fn 41 H.MH4 I At44 At A.H Ha ia v.f.Mir.4 44.aa.1ita HI 4fas 4M4H441 .Vs t eAj ONHM4 44' I 11 frt A3US444 4 WSoa 4M AaH laaatSA AOa 4044.444.A it A .4 4144444404 A4aaaS4 44 14- WO f .- 44-SJ.4-;, 4.4 f MH, f ft4 4H4 1 441. 444tt ta-l7W.4a4l H4M 4m4' WAltl. f.f aH44MM4 AW4 a.-MH I'M lot va4. ts-itt. t 4,- .M 44 Aaa a lUnsii. 4MD44MIA SU. -ri Stt a sk irtlfc4lBA( Wjbjaa4)Aja4)nA4l44aj4 . a4i aaM Sa ataitK 4-, N W 4 4mI aaa.t4.-a - a44a 4a444 44-HVI. 44441 mt 4te44.Wy4 A . 4M4 4m' 4 Sawn tMi 4a SajtM 4ti.n.ati n ; a a . - - AS 0NA W4 4m4 -a 4444a at 444,4 4 tvatta wm V TV HIT ai 4 SP ,441114 flog Aa 4" a at. 14144 a 4M4-4. tataiM 4V4t a 444a. 4. mmu Sa ami f mil m 4M4f -4 e S MV 4.i mi) 4.4a. Ma 4aa aii flaA Sa 04,1m Ml a44 44 H, t,mu t A HM4IIH4 St44 a4". 4a 4w,ail4la CAnWR' A sat- 4 44ttaa . n aMtiMin fiimn 1 ,1 it t'4W faTtV f-44aa4 Urilll I.. I. ikiMh la la. j.. . .x. . t.. . . m . An- tV4-4 A-... -Mtf tflH! na f aaai 4Ha4a m ta f 4vaM. awnA So- o4i so. a, 444n4n444jt t' Al' mHHt4 4444 a 4o. 4l4444l4) S444 I ,44ai 444 taan tJlttlV 4444 4 4K'a4 444A AMtt4 4 l.aa aM .... 4Vi44 'A 444A (yavat; 4 ! WI41 aa w a.4.,444 a44 4444444 l.otajyi f - f 44l4444 kmtloa , 44'.aH4Sl4a A4SA 444. A VO44. Ml- 4MH 4Utl44 aj.44 44- leVw AM.t4S a, A4M a. 9 te4iufl iniit. 4. as aM. liaaaatktnlVk S'lN! J4 44t4t aav4, Hi 4 I 4H.44. r W4. 1,4V, AJlax Ao.A4 - 4M.OS n K 4lMiM M',4 44-f. 44.M UMtltH4.M. 4M tt H41 fH44l A4 Kt A ,Wt4 4v 44, V- . AH-aj S,m.440,M. 41,, 444.. 44444-4- A-, 4V.44. 44atA 4 4a. eo Ao.a 4444 a .Ma 'tv t04.u,4r ,44.Af4 a f Aa44(, 4vw 4. 4. .4.. 44,-mUV 4.4. 4 vaHl 4j. M Amvt 4VMMr4-4.4 l,44.4. H1H tt4llv h4it4 4t4tl V .Mt4 44. H 4ta-.Mt 444. Sa- 4-A04V AM-a4 fi4a-l Soo, At-tia 44t 4Ka 41 44(a4S ,1414. a4, .H ( f 4.1- H,-!. aa a4 S4.4Sx, Mf JU ssiootjiu I ..ribi., m m . ! ' ' .j it 4 aoM.H-ma I ! -a fc I " I a. " '1 Ktt I sul oh'V SM4 S4m f aa mM nVl Aat4 A M vaL 4 aAVLUi h ' I Aa-siisrw-at.N.tsH4ua I mm ikHe,,'j)y i I t ,H A mnn i ms- '. : , I V e . 'f " j ;! 11 I . f S "J f-HH'tma.MMIKMttnw- ,... -T 111' J- 1 1 I SMT -i Hi . S 3 i. IJ 4 : r-54 ".' ' ,r iw x I -'I AV a. amCM4.0 rav . I " - iff m ZZZj a w.Hfl(H4jo. a. 4 , na Am tV.a.--t4en. J a sHH.4n.4.Wit4.-,44a1MWl j44.a.-Ma)Alf,WSrttS444aai0 S3-A-a t-JTt-li L H44 44. 44 4.tS4, .4 Seed Whenin W t A - S4t 4to .Ui ihhm.Ii f oe w n-e s.-4 - rtoi i S Mim a4 aiHHlU a.MMwfl - - ft . . M 1 " JI lt l i. It 4rf. H 4 StN4 4.. N tt."M' SS ' JOHN TULL, was M. 4 tf MH OH I i4'fO l4ai i-,Hi.Ha( j ij0l4CC. t . 4 A. a iw e-'M ' 44- 4tw Mt4iii 4. a uikliuu.M. imnaj. 1 I " 4l: M4M.a mid K .uuU 711.... - s ea.'si . Mtt 4tt 14.4. 1. A...H.U ,H 4. ..II, S 4n H -. . tlM. r 4. .. 4t...w I -r l. " ' Mnf mi.ma4a.4a ar aW ... . a.u SIWMWs I '4t1 ih. ut.t ;wt. it. .a i.u.iL.d INH S...H.J, m,t 44 4. ,4 mM StoMt.i, ! Aw 4., 4tM fttt'ltwai 4M4I 'HHK.iMM M44 a.r 4HHt. 'M . A'ttt.H 4H,tr '. . t whMh- f.M . 4-M MiM .tS'. H W,.ej44M.4 '.MMttOtM A-MM H - 'M A44 SM.era tit 4i 4-M.t.-4 h 4la S4.WSjH ...HMtA ,,. M.UH S t.M. ''" Si.J'M.. -It.. 4.M iff atMMtM.M "nCttrnf 44t MA mii. 4iia ' A - SM.M M S .H s. a,H4 SO a4M.HM.4 44- 4 SM44..W M 4.A A .... SMfAtt. HtM't .4 44- a A A , tt U t4t MMuttta iH t oNt4 Ht Put B4 f'M44.i4. .. a X ' lam I'.MI IWv . Sitj- m4 .Vtl j S'u;a at, M4oir1 11 : 1. A r J U .y.e . . om Awr 4tM w,w44'.. a. a -tit . as. tttua aUu a.uitala..u 4K -W 44 la'l4 ... t,M 4.1 S 4.-.. A- H,lo v..,fl , -4. w - S A PI4 IV 1M' v II! ll.lllArta A.I ,f( ltu4- W St44t.JU W 4.4tB ,M 4tH4.Sa 4M.I..Mrt .t. 4 44U t4 14 ii 4. .M wM.a a.uuti. w.. . .... ,tt w tt' if ift wt4uv-ft Ht 1 'HS A m , . . . gmmtmtmm mmmmww f f If f I 1 a ania ca. 44H-4'1 ti14M..a H. W H '4HH l4t .AT I tV..0i-l..4H 4M..4 4v4 1 aataataot. a.a i . f T w.0..,, i 1 "M' 4HlllMMH Ml, HIH0M4 I li k lu. a ;4 . - t- j-."t.ttj itMnPi, Ht, ..... I . ., .. . a.,4 al.. a . H n , Kiaas ttHiiioit 4Hiai4, , T --....f- ,t-.. alri 4 It 41 44 IB 1 1 x rtfrrtif iiafft I -r rT 1 P'-rsW' 4ie'lN4.4M4MI 4.. A ar B. aaaVar -a? .aaa. S. w r I 43 a. "SAk ll lit A l 4mJ 444"tl 4 , . t44l44 .M,a . INSURE AGAINST FIRE. WMmi f on tV Htri 444ao4fH'4 a-44M4iUa 4ii a, a j i... 4HH4lt 44M4r4a44i44Vj f .V3 f i, JM a. 4..-. 4a?; tit UlU tM4 flAtt 4 4 4A?J4. ftX4)X 9iMai,ts4v.k4 ( 4.aM; fttl'4 4.a 4H 4l11 1 I44il44lf 14 ll'4tt1. yn.aaawi a..au4.. j 4 j - 4441 4t.4 4M.4 1t4i41 S4W44.4 A.H 4 - caw oc uiso ar'Cr'v - raaaa hmnmm AW naa 4e-a. . l.44 X T'tTT.' .: - a - aaataT.. .7,"! TT.V! . ay jy -- -."t- 4 IT -'-. . a. 4 T 4jta at. aw'tawma 4aaaa -4. .., Saaaa taj"aM4T4aarataatM " s-a aa 4j AWA4aa 4 4 4 a a k 4oa a.4M.. ""-s 4M44 a-'so a.a e, a ,, 4aaat4a a, ..H-..l wni i,. 4 Iff , 1 tiitauaa 4AvA44 a 1 44. ti I a r 4k f 4MU;a ( -4 si I 1 e -I ' i'K-..-HOOAt rf .MH4Mw OI4 W riMH tM 4. ,4, , ' i M H 1aH Soooll. H a 1,4, OM'V 4HHllMMI I,H1, . i aiMOMttio' al.40 4... vlM, 4l. i.... , i4"'' 'lo 4tHitM Ao Ioms- .m 4.H 4.,oU.H4a .m 4,, A.mAhH M4ia a.Mj. M V,.I a . 4lHV;0',Mllay ..... ... , ,itiin 4 " ft" S I,IH . j ii' .HUHt) tltHtM toiii.4 I ,r .4 4 , S-,4 I ,,,1! 4,H 4H M ro.sif. 1m,.Ih,h. H 4. 4.w 4,,..., . ,h,o.. ,wH .h, , u'i.v'it ii' 4 1 . . . 4--. - ...ft. ,tt MNcIl.lItal-, i i 4 Brcihreii iteM 4HMM Iilo.4o AHll, 4t ,,, m oh. S.. s'0 AO .M ml Ml,' l. "'t. it.-. unit H ;ii4t;4i fai Utile,, al.MKe, 440f 44 h M f ttiailei ta:M.4;f:k9a M Mi.tH Isxooa 40l ,M. ..4.4.ak -mo 4a, ai,M,.K 4, Kl.iia, w-4 si 1 'i. .mm Mt aitaAsHiii 4i 4)1 . Alios aiioiti . j 'Sv. .11 j .. . 1.....H . all. - WW ' IM an ,T V :M 04,41 t ........ .. I I ' , i f t , 14 j 4(. k.fa4j;t 4M14H 4i404- k,.44, 'afS tlaa Mt. mg a-' a & a a iiu a l m . i r- - - w at' - - - w - - vaft4 1y tMI M4. .Mtlt .14 JL- w4 a Itttt Ht4tV4 4, 4 HkmI tt.. '-SM M 4t4 4SHS 44nt44 : vft-. S4...4 4 4lM44t4 .. 44a 4.H.4. 4a A4a4 ., a,4,ai .). 44a m 44.4 M., 444 A.44 aH44. f a- St 44 4.a H.av4 A gt.n 4aa4-44. it 4t AwtHMOftlt, fl4S.4 SS444M4S4 44 . VM 4 ,M4 4. 4Ma.4 ta4tW4. 44 av-Haa .W 4 M O,. f a, fctHll .li-m.Ov 4a StfO. tWa 44W44. i . atal aioHoajM M.e .H44M, 4a44, 44a 4M44IXM.I AhS4.m, -a 44 '-'.H- San ta4a..4. 44.4 4a4 aw044a04ilV 4PAH m.m 't4M i M,'OH- Ai 44 444.M 444M41 4I44 ju44. aM 3 a,.4a 4aa .a a Wsu i 44 " 444i-i 44 V. 44-v AoM iaf V1444.M4 a aail . ' a ""! n fM T4MII4 a A! 4M444. U4t s"Si . I 44 Ww4 444a4H4 4M ea.w mm A4i. -ai.a-ai - . . AAt tA, , 41 lat t lis m gt. ,.V4l4lV44. Hlf M 4.to4 4a 44.l4.M.a, -WICltV A ICItVIN. 4i4. . 4t44talH i Anr oaqw. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 j i a - aaa 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . !.,,. a ts, 1 - ' 1 1 1 1 1 111411 ; . , , i . . , 4 - a . aAa,fJf4ttl 4Ma. ssaiiWa) ta,. V ka44nBakak4as. 44VaaaAaa. AaaB-aSaltaV nV 41 ,"FWwn , wfaynnn "aAAWW , wjli .a 1