THE MORGANTON HERALD. Suiifsscr to "ike MorgaHton Star. ONLY PAPER PUBLISHED IN BURKE CE3TY. ESULL9 FTOSSSI CO., hUsh V. C. ERVIN, - - Editor. ' JO Li PRINTING. With four presses, an abundance of printing material and skillful printers. Xhk Herald Job Department cannot be excelled. M'e positively will not be un derbid on prices. WHERETHE SNOWBIRDS REST. State Library mm r. A- ft VOL. VII. MORGAN TO X . N. C. THURSDAY. SKm.M Ill-It a..iJb.. NORTH CAJ10UHA. Tha Week's News la the "Old Stat. Varan -O- For a cool place in summer; foi health aud recreation, visit Lin vine, Grandfather Mountain, aud the beautiful region surrounding tbeui. OYER THE YQ9UHLCSSEE E2A0. A beautitul route tor a summer excursion, by way of Doe liiver Gorge, lioau Mountain. Crauberry, Liuville, Grandfather Mouutain, Wowing Kock and Leuolr. The Eses-ola Inn. This excellent hotel was opened tin 1st of June, under the man agement of Mr. James T. Skiles. Western Carolina Staar Coach Company. Daily stage between Craulierry ami Lenoir. bOISO BAST. Lf.ioopm ir.Jtopm Lv. i3otu ir. 1 oo p m Lv. luupm Ar. oo p ni Eastern time. Schedule. Cranberry, Llnvllle, Limine. Blowing Ruck, Blowing Ko'k, Leuolr, goisj wasrr. Ar. 11 So a m Lv. Suuau Ar. 7 oop in L. f ooptu Ar. I oo n m L. I uoa at tReal upward. -O- Au Opportunity. A cash prize of one thousand dollars has been , offered for the Wt short story or novel having tie Grandfather Mount aiu and the beautiful scenery of that locality woven into the I Jot. This mountain, situated as it is in the most picturesque part of Western North Carolina, furnishes au attractive setting for an inter esting story. The selection will bj made by a committee of competent review ers, aud the story must not be less than 10 nor exceed 50 pages. Detailed in form at ion may be obtained of the Liuvilltt Improve ment Company, of Liuville, North Carolina. Novw-in. . .The Com it isaioners of Foray, t It county have appropriated foO.tNK) for a uew court house. . .The Western North Carolina sa . lcacuers Association meets at Bryson City, Swain county, CM. 29th. ..A l.rownstone and Improve ment Company with a capital of J? 7 7,000 has been organized at Kateigh. ..The Hoard of Commissiourrs of Iredell county have refused In grant license to retail liquor deal ers in Statesville. Ti it: ..ike, a iitN. inioii, ir. or .rv York, will lecture in l.a!eigh on Wed neslay uight, Sept. .10th, on the "Almighty Hollar." ..There will le established at VYaynesville at once a lO.0tm, plant to mamifactnre the various hard-woods that are so plentiful in Haywood couuty. ..Ohio Democrats are to have a grand rally at Cincinnati, Oct. Cth aud all Democratic Governor of States have been invited to It- present and speak. Gov. Holt. of this State, has received an invitation, ..Farmers continue to talk about their fine corn crops. We have never seen them so well pleased with the crops a they are this year. The yield of corn aud pea crop is so much larger than ever that it will make up for the loss in cotton. Newton Enter prise. . .The GnMsboro lltadlinU tell ofa big loss by holding cotton. After holding XU; bales of cotton for a higher market, for which he was offered last November 9 cents per pound but refused. George V . Best sold the entire lot for If cents, sustaining a loss of beam 5,000. S. C. W. TATE, ATTORNEY -AT -LAW, MORGAN TON, N. C. ..The Be v. Thomas Dixon, of New York, has accepted the invi tation to otter the prayer at th opening of the Southern Kxposi Hon at Kaleigli, October I. On the same day Octavins Cohen, of the Charleston World will deliver aii address, his subject being. -me Keal New South. ..Mr. L. P. Henkel ha. a kmdr farm near Lenoir, niton foriv acres or wuicb lie has raised, tin vear 1,000 bushels of oats, raising, on some or the land a, uiiich a Mvrti ty-hve bushels to the acre. Mr, Henkel is now mowing from tl.e same land a crop of crab grass hay th-it he considers worth a much to him a the oat crop. i Lenoir Topic. NO. TW i Col Sta M. A. NEWLAND. Attorney-at.Law, MARION, X. C. J. E. ERYIM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, MOEGANTON, N. C. Office over Hogan & Huffman's Store. JOHN T. PERKINS, Attoriiey-at-Iliaw. (Office No. i, Brick Row.) Special attention given business of Executors and Administrators. Col lections on claims and returns prompt ly made. Nov. lO.-ly. M. SILVER, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, MORGANTON, N. C. The examination of titles to Real Estate and litigation affecting the same, a specialty. feb 20-90-tf 1. T. Atikt. W. C. Ektik. AVERY & ERVIN, A-ttorneys-at-Law, MORGANTON, N. C. ..A couple of old maiden ladies, the Misses liowtuan. residents on Mulberry, having died within the last year, left among their effect some pieces of dress good bought at the old r airfield store that were carried all during the war without being made up and a set of cups and saucers; bought at the same place, that had never been used nor even washed. Lenoir Topic. .."Truth is stranger than fic tion.n So we find that North Carolina furnished a female sol dier in the late war and that she served in Co. F. Itfih regiment N.C. troops. Mrs. CM. Blalork served with her husband from Caldwell county N. C. as a private soldier and did her duty. She euusieu .iiarcn t. out was subsequently discharged became of her sex. Shelby Aurora. ..Mrs. II. I;. Ward of Swaus- boro, has in her garden what is called a Tree Tomato. The seed - a came irom jiuinesota ami are said to grow ll feet high, and the fruit grows to weigh two and a ball tounls each. This tree now. is about seven feet high and still growing. Severn! fine look ing stecimens of fruit are on the tree now. Newbcrn Journal. Practice in the courts of Burke, Cald well, McDowell, Mitchell and Catawba. ud in the Supreme Court. Collections a specialty. Office in Herald Building. DB. L P. JETER, DENTIST, MORGANTON, - - N. C, (Graduate or toe University ot Maryland) 'ti bis professional serrlcea to the citizens of Marftkiium and surrounding country aa a Orat Wiui Dentist. taNo charge far examinations. aailafactien ffuarantsed. FFICE AT MOUNTAIN HOUSE. J una la-tr. FOR RENT. " ..Frank C. White, who died in Asheville last week, had the repu tation of being the strongest man physically in the South. Among the feats he is said to have per formed were carrying with a cot ton hook in each hand two la!e of cotton across the street, and breaking a new horse shoe bold ing one end in each hand. He was fully six feet high and of spleud id projwrt ions. C ha riot ie Democrat. The ucreful nus i 04 tb rule, but the ecepto. It stated that out of rttfy hwadrrvl merchants over aiactr faiL AH editors, of course, tvecred Inaxcw mula:mg immense fof1ur aa set up a millivoairrs but beia very mmlcst they do o quietly to escape public ob-xrvatHJO. The school teacher do aest t the ministry the greatest work t which man is capable, but tww many of them are rich The writer recalls the familMr faces ot those who iotrvducj hint to the mystery ot learaiay ble. earned, pious men od ble ing rest upon them I but they were never rkh. oar. they were always poor always in debt Al ways brave and hopeful. buifrdi up immortal minds rather than rearing fortunes for themselves) and their children. In these latter days oj edaca tional progress few teachers com mand good salaries, but the ler is insignibcant when com- pared to the faithful todrr,whve daily bread is about all the record of their daily toiL And of those who receive one salaries, bo many are able to save any money lor the old age which will one day cut short their usefulness I low many physicians have o cumulated wealth? Now and then the exception appears : but ot the whole number it may be said that they manage to live, with not quite so many failures in their number as mar be found mon( the merchants, the element t speculation and pmnt and !" entering less largely into their pursuits. Hut lawyers surely arc gettio; rich, some one says. Karrly. Sometimes when abilities of a high order are aided by fortunate circumstances a lawyer mjVo money and becomes wealthy, but where one does that twenty male a bare living and some ot the twenty hardly that. But most of them never complaia ; they o os doing the best they caa, hoping for better days which never come. The mechanic frequently is more happy than any pmfesoal man. If he has steady mptv mcnt a skilled mechanic males more money in the course, of tHe year than the average lawyer. d tor. or preacher, and he can save more because he is o-l compelled to spend v much of it in railroad fares and hotel bills. A urst!as printer receives more compena tion than many a first-class preach er. editor, lawyer or d.sctt. But usually neither the mucranic ftw printer is able to acumutat t the extent of being regarded as a capitalist. Not many farmers succeed in making and saving much money, but there are probably as many successful farmers in proportion to numbers as there arc successful men in other legitimate callings. We have known vme tt farmers who began with nothing. bought land and supplies ow credit, and by hard work and close economy are now prosperous own ers of large and well stocked farms. Almost every community furnishers examples of this, and the instances are not as an re as many people suppose, though un fortunately not as numerous as we would like to see them. But with the farmer, as with all the other clashes enumerated, eminent success is the esception. and for the most part with the great majority of mankind in every occupation, life is a constant struggle to supply the need ot the body. It is very mournful to look back through the ages at the long, neverending procession ot toilers, whos lives were never brightened by the higher pleas ures of culture and learning, and who, in the darkness of ignorance, spent their strength in the battle with nature for a bare subsistence. But the light has davned up them, and in this day the doors, ot knowledge are everywhere being thrown open, and honest lahr. dignified and elevate!, faces th- future with hope of better things. Perhaps we do not always mean the same thing by success. If to succeed means to become great or rich, how few can sue ceed? If it mean, as we prefer to le- licve, to live upright, honorable, useful lives, serving Cod and our fellow men in our day and gener ation, according io the best that is in us. doing our full duty in every relation in which we may be placed, we are happy indeed in deed in that we may atl succeed. 1 .... aa eiuas f 4 " i i t w Vai ' ) i 4 aw 4(1 a sin - mi 4 aat v Ml 1 aw ant mtl i r i n m aS A New Yoe -. oJUW? patch) date4 at Vat?aaitK JWyC th, says j tUtatasett Wstsif4 troca lbs? cUtchsts sl aV tjf TfcJth asvl ar sate cms tW w. dec the ptefiMMa ( ta? tii4 Stairs rUt All tsr dtcrsof t sta w gH. thr oji rsse ! tW Am4s t perveat his gwt iM tsf A'nf' te KepwfcW. al tW a the new -'-vii"Xl g-!Hitr t were searvhi, tW avra.iis i and aros Stiv''9 fo I !' live es flt. be ws si this city-. ebwa 5-1 to rcap dttiaai Sv wtwrest. ! hir f ss dreaMcv bt b swsll at M tarn Vatpaa. taef b; a svd be b4 tt tm l alitaarvda b.l now b- rf4e wly, t-e hs ws eax&JU . throw ha tt spiM tW avHty of .4iaI Uvs, t Ship ?SaJ 'rSrir-k, .-! IWtf t ! Med tm I rss kf ri AdasUal IWw dl wlat ther frtfn afss U swi"4 have d-' 4r int staev. II sterr! t , . p.M4.bI a ba bfe 1st, svRe KMiastf b fosvt)tl ,n his hp -l t pevii"s S4 ay M S. IS 1 I , w aJa fffts- wxtli w4 sawsa ts i4 f sns rf rs v attra tVM f.iyti. Iff wjA.; t'Ss i ' Wa sai4Siiu ,t" nilf at H H'HM wMf.a taa, t .. a assss 4 su tnia xhwIM. i.S a d Swaa - mg '.mmri't 4sufl ssa iia avauH af xo9 f f"tv SnfA ( canll, a tT. HMtt4 wtt.a S'M t. y V IH'S. Df j'lK K-I.h. . lr.M'i4 .44 As aUtwtlfr oa t)HH.i Ra Mr1H j i un to (kHi tu attionrias-r) ! S'I4' 4MIV Si IWH $WU ! Sti Ii'WUiHr wtaaaB Sa SMt a an l MiM w jaHiMal Z'i-t f SoM:t a aHiMiNa 4ti'WI a SSllhHint.WMI 4lifoHH liH.WMnMUal 4.OO0ti, stafs al S It - aa aA iuttaiuu. .... m -Mn fHHv as-wMi-1 An titH'.a. Kw-a, omh an 1 o-a il arun.,.Ma, o loo Mna afloNK sOooast 8 liana Wtf i n 'tniMHlL atHUMtf . sM'a g oo 'in1ni)J 1itt. fK t,H.t a H,nawH,a,o.M sm.Uwsv, t ie ani .tti o . . J ftn e o'llisW giio a 4t fMll4at 'v i-tn; i.ii.-i s I "1 or s f'.Ki vh, -Miu-a aoat. iMf a-,.- .1 a. a... 1 'Vi: Va n - V b..s a.,. a, u.Sa.l S- ! V ' " T ' 4 ,n J - ' att a f i 4 MjDMMMMS(i A aSiS ? WfStf I VaSr. Sia t "S4 $ -m. ar aaiHaa SaVw anata. the es'lres-lewt"s rscafs w Se nest pftM. tt was sew tt it wmI4 la a ! dWari takiwg. lUl.aea t wrj ks .a k. 4r4a'ts 1 bt a teaay tvlats V'f'"'' in rt s l . j After rauaay ptass b I gestel. dsiss4 aia-t Mr!"! I.mi rky. is wa at lt a- y that it was th. n;M w" t w t swcuirj. This was d-lWi less l baa to base Ussada 4a HV-. j -. a ."" Ktt Hh' a tSS :H'Sa u'Na.Mwrxt, Sv a. al & n(j A t,,t f$ mm fium fioa fcVi'V s--f tVaS .. f " s w l t 1 tSa S'X " -ir I oS-f f.a tn fii.3H mt t r al si.wasMM.rtv, 44 S K44N40M S X. tKsmti HHs vi isa, "I S a". 4 ssa ra.4tfoii4 tt I if " tit Hf t ,. JL ivSim "1S V .- 1 . U Msf kaj lV't 1 ass is; IV -vaf aai-rta hs 1e faa V4, ssttaa a at-tf (',w',a ft 9 WQto't (fc fta'sw ,S - ami t a lUsi'1!! Ni f wi s, s ar sM4l inHt I at'iMlr aH. Wm iViMt-a Si Ha waa t"H. S ! . ! raailavl siwa "s S a .h a.' -- is ivinmi I iftj ft. v ifV'-Hta h- s-iV Saia rs iv-ii " L "fv . a ti .Hie f si ! 4. 'h"i a .wir imiiwii HXm ft rj iil ua(U 4,i lia-HM-i ij f tonal anlntaorn art KU S4- toping Min iia tsiV. a rtoMHOHi art f14W V'J'S ' s aHH.,S.4M'a v snoa'l U,nntt 4.'h1 mi W o;s f a Hot4'im. H i'aa .t t art ve bot oeso0 ai Ha n ain hKM f. irin-i Sav j mio o Hla, Sl inDs-iiwii tSii- j -a hi a so.!.! S , of ' .SMO-O'i ttrtMs vs'aA j, ri"i A mk tM-i 4 slr ; J0na 4i Mtuat W A .1u;h iii1 iit 'i K vull 4tn f t 40WOMH aaKatSav 4aD ' Sa 4noiM,rt tHii4(i 40iA SHlaa !!!!! "' mi ftBMai " '' a ' .. m mm, J" ..W M , .-. " '- -. ..HW J lll liailt "V""- - w. wuaai-, f,"w"1 IWiinl - MM 4. 4 m, T llllllftlilia J. ft 4 4MM Sr . rfiHi SV aiiiil a sv s isnaiansl aoHtStr'S H4NwaiS fwl Rtia k-rt'it f, S1I.M t4D m St4 3Hr iHi M4l(t m lufli 1 so-a wM!n hs e iM an f &a A.S oaf M,.,h4 it a " t-- S-n.-au SSO ! HI VKiiir.mii 4n 4i,a - j omi4' h la ftoal, 'M' S ih a '.w.4 1)H l'Hl,M'i-, anmoU Stwias. aa rrw ia4.ut ra at - a in. t ;(. n J wu j t., . afi 4 if t4-of ntS-t'4Ka a aS.y t-o iv-ig imH.'i e--n.M H'Hi'Vi Stta Srtid H an h Miv He as W S' ' .ot II Srti I'tw aOMMM alt C i-rtio - t ta -HttrvoM- at Ha 4kmu( lav ti W") K a : Satos Vlav N an - y ai-aa 16 -sa f.s, -S'.m,. 'V--nMawiJlist aiMtlf t4S - n K . . ..uj . A , h 1... .A .... u ... . . . . . . a SW 4fiHM avaiaPS a Sl -a-iHoa aitiMH all blta. Stiik Ji. kmiul l.. r .a. IS - - ant,ua xi t" aial --)iwK aaat aaam- 4Ha a ao-4 aaH, aaaaHt. sV.Han 4 K.i.w. t ... . Nans. artiwiwart a liaaSv, SVat -a-sSU-aii a W.S4-tSal.i4W Ssrf n a f jaMaM-a. wttt-it'ltv, t..4Mtnw. " t Hl r- S.Mt. Iba '.HP K4B MhiHi ";JU-u I M,H.Ml a f"-IS tai a-t waaaaa S SMso g bifiCf 4 dr- t ? l J i Mates T sT. .tV-'i wji . ..1 ...11.. a.... a...... aiht by df ! A4-Wiral l"ssi h. - m4if ft.f It wa is t. by I- I in- n t Sia so ss atfc vaceda's fthf al I'lWtHfs; J j "lif fota-l . h4 al av--rAa. the h-rtr whte I- es j-- r-t was in h It f...rt4 it. f a4. aftet a ek- a . new a! trace atte I V M t"t aj a4 aHi shI rw iiHnMMl " Sit SJi-rtl r la-Mxn 401? sa o-nf e -o,n a u . ta ' I .n..i:i n. fiiH'' Kl"H L a 4 Kna a-y-1 i a . .tl S'VHil S Sa4 llU ai. ll- g,tto la ft-f Sm rt,.t: . H,ta n -Mi-t attt m aa tHi mu a Ih4- avtioHrt Smnurf S.f 4 ., iSMHiliia, Sto-S .(WHwn:it S'.fl.aVH-f " ft H-sa t.4 h an.riri ur a4 a. m t1n a S.k'Vih IW aSX--ia A UKtlr 5h,. SmU r., a Iiii'uH ss(U' no-ota. aaw-S4t04t4a SaafUMfl1, H4. itKlH tlHav' all MM ait14ia.a SnHoa Mfi Chh-iumi aA ,UMr!4i.4i1 -4tlt440ttM4 0r HS tfa.u-isa -444 tMno4 Hum 44ni atHll alt k'H a-atui hi Kb' a4HU4oa gilnma flllilllint KM HWmHW, .ib 4ii.4 4t t iHtd-aa sitot smH i oaoa Itt w ibr. siM aaH.miM Hih) satoa at ytav 4401 m'4u t,'l44Mi' -4a loymiib M4tirtl, ll its a. .-4r-pr .a s 4. it) a si 1aa MtHvf 9ki i S.i as ftu.K4 fa.s a aa.r3a there was 4Kftt aat tsa tc-'l- p whasb wt -aj.w -,. he stJe Mt by a rear a-?ise iata iba? streets N;.tft fasi! bra dw.B and b b I sta-'W sr 41 v well that be toi?---! a ,- tar t' prfest-4a bs w.s ward the w:r fi't fce Is many men wb b-a-a debfttbted t base I- -ia-w see bins aa lara I-' the p4ae atb-rilv Isi It reachel Iba pt ia l& b.t that ha-1 bw a ! ap lb be f-jal a lai aat l ll was ma-'l by sl-a'v? j lld States man -4-war's rfsv. Il!:-m ceila, still maafa,t h-s d--gurse. wale b l-swil d'wase-a Mamt4e aal felt ia. W bal. tt pwsbed o4 at asre a4 ia sbrt time I b t poiNsta :j signs of enebeielv asl aa fa'IL lumbered sadllr p !W r-f and wassailed lie weal al l one d the ca?as all ml Chf ?sa I'ranciscu l dl a. aj---a himself a trove deV. Thai p't 4 the vessel was reserved sWeSt t' Its promineni rul un si allow el to Sisl bis caliv The Mountain Hotel. MORGANTON, N. C. Partially furnished, and house in good condition. Has an excellent rep utation. For particulars apply to W. E. WALTON, or t 1 ,o. J-w- HAPPOLDT. June 1. 1891. tf. PATENTS, Cheats and Trade-Sark8obtaln.a and allP. C. A. SNOW & CO., PaTiifT Orrjci. WAssiaaroa. p. c. . .The old system of jury draw ing lias oeeu mscanied and a new plan adopted. Heretofore the names of all the jurors of the whole couuty were put into the Imx, and a xiifhcieiit number for the different juries drawn there from. This gave some township sevem! - representatives on the juries, and others rruaps none. ow this is changed. The con missioners have arranged so that each township has a box of its own, making seventeen boxes in all. The tax lists for each town ship are inspected and the tune of every reliable man found there ou is dropied into the box for his township; from these seventeen boxes a sufficient iinmber of names for the juries are drawn, and each township has its quota of the whole number. Large townships, of course, will have more reprecn tativea than smaller ones. The plan is a good one. Lexington JHspatck. Iluckle Arwbrw Hala. The best salve in the world for Cuts, llrnises. Sores I Icrra, Salt Hhenm. lever Sore. Teller.! haia Pd Hands Chilblains, Corns, and allkin Kruption, and poititrlv cures Piles, or no pay required. It is gnaranleesl to gtva perrevl aatisfartifHi. or money rrlaadesl. Priev 'Si rrnta l-r box. I or sale by John Tall, lrnegi. H.a I SVaaCaaoalorsa Lt tTS. ti. DC 4 k Sta Tbia U to Caff tiff tbal t aa asulTerer w ilh a nlaca oa say a4arb for fourten year, aaa aasr trvaa meat of different fraaa. bat iWy done ana no good. I had fc4 h"f 4 brinic cures! by aj4w-l Uataat. I then want to a doruw b'tatf Us I Vata. who treated thaw he art. ARl ra to him it r4 wall arrwraatry. ie a while, but rasarnad a Uad aa ee. I tha eoocladad to try P. P. P. tttarbte A ah. lVka Rout and PtaUaaiaaal. aad afUr lakinaT Ova twtllea Ipiat ) was eared. I also find It to Wait! aal- ciue to rife a rood sppHite aad o $is proper lijfeta Yours truly. U J.bVlCKLAM. -i?"TiiK His Alb DtTice for Job Work. Wttt Wsllt0 The o5ets tt b Sa Pta wereqestxev abwt br a?e. but re4utely rtusel ! dKS' I. The t'lansiacM left VaJ,sra thscvea4 e Cattos. Wno it will sail lT Catd.MfaM lJaa ceda may elect l Ian! at Cat Las. where many of bis tcadi,? rafte sans bate alrva4y beta tasew It foreign ship, oea bsr4 wbicw they sanvghi rvfage after Ibe? fall ot Valrrais. Admiral lUowa's as la a mlt a. do.blrdly. t- a liwe al bsf. crease Ihe bailee teelia beta? .. ward Ibe I ailed ?ates g-oea menl. altbrb tbe a.!aa.Krl l Ibe thr tes) ses. base laic pet!"! tbaatf via abuard. The (erwaa adAaMal, l will be leaae sabered. fs ret to CJla'li kaaa. ab t elected sacveed lUtsaoweds a pesd'it. al refa ivsa'aey !? iltt man riirler oedees l -readier bins as ret". s I alia ii IW wane the Sew V-ea -ea.j has been iap $s. A des patch to that paper d is slant states I Hal the rep-! 4 ltJ mac eda's escape was a ta aal that the overthrow a bi dessi'.t d aaakat br eap Committed 1a Na. Ibe caplalo4 i'h(. saw ltly . There i r d-"ubl. it ee l4l Ibe last report cret. t V Writiag Tablets s.V at Tns lUastotliSse. KaWvIt rulol paperv Cbeap Siaa, al, 'As.1 a-! CVa aAf as 4 w. a' f-fii.' av.4 trua Sirii f 8 a Wta t 4 So SS HSa SM'tnc ,1 sr ! st '4' I snaia a4 . ast ..... Rma A't, "tS .r-4' t?' ryK, ta4aS ttaa aniiwi Sm-ta I smau- so. a' fr4 S4vt afaHf.V.iH, Sa SK.B Ass J. tti" t hi Htf aMttr oi)tlDa s S IW Sa n SsK Ho h. I bill B4a SmSH4r H IV v' tSLa n.i. $oh44iis SaK, a J fta m a "i'H. Mm WSrtt ma b'Sy a Iiut ba4 tl r aiw-Hiil rss aua4 aa as 'taM4 "f ' 4 Sa ata attttaf m foaK a f 4 t a VS SiH. a Wnts) al rw Si.'a.fUl CU ilal. st44 wSaw 13 iat "Ha i)t ati'Mftf sy aa SA anas ami wt- "t f aa rtab aM, . Sa aesa t,n faesfeaAi f tM.cwte. t f .m t So a m.v ita V'.hi aixf a as. 4 "f 4 ts f' US a",a nttwa aa eta. tMad in Ml aa.4 4"! S9 as4 wabaa4 aatt ta t44 aa seaMsa t ia eawMaaA IS. saaal as JUs Tf t:aoiif sxsst. JM RiS -a 4 ytlo4i t ay 4 11. S,ai Sia ti..e Is h fjn.lM.f 44 4i's'4 4a a1 S S.rt 4h: Ilaf -a an4.Hfl afsv, 1as a44'4.omi ifsl - .a si i..a i.ia atM4v 1 4ai auSuas S.MnTS Sim a fSaa 4vr,nft a-44 Ma aoi4tfl Si4tH e) r ai" -n't ma shkH a tHS kt, ."!! mm " .4444 K ca 4na frtt '.m o 4),iUH4 A S.iAj 45a'f S titii. main1 H4M'i4ito1, 81 aa atoll an 4auMl-1ilttX-4at 41 taHatA. fta gistla 4ill 4a Ntitsa SSiafla Nona sta SI 114 all 4.411 444i a'lis-ast' 0 '( 4 4oa4i4i; tiMb efa a sum -Ufl, asuian.'ll 44 nil. iHHtofb aimtH) ST S.HioofaSaHMUMb aaaas - ' af at t44s ia aaa pla CbKM 4l4 lint. a tU.aiotilt a ierbnhArt ll.m S iib 4ai1 SHI a atl i o hStl4 4 A tMitlH ),. StatAa sta a-imllau 1ib 44v asuf Sa Sea atoiit4mi . flios 4da sb eisa-a stoa ae artsto.fl aotll a44 S4 M aavaa Hls a-osioa ooll attiaa) aeltlb-j toa at a aaMftufl 4toai. Git.iflmnf;ji.Mii(i(.i. baartsaauaa'aallji aWlMH-a a FiA t,a tl4.MlMI'4. 4Wl444t( ) aviitb r ai4(t (44S i444al4aaa IMH-aolla A t a 4 11 4bwou a.M.'.4l at( to4 is'nel4H 'mm at m a'bi.4j avi., V4aaaai4irt 4iosn tZ " 4 i1 44'HHIi, 4 Mao It a(4 ta- 4 t 4.4 fSOMH b, a4.' oS40ijO'SHita so SkmH f ta.aitWa, f to aatta.rl sslll 'Sau-Hi am Hla Dim aM s.4umoKj. INti, 4 iH NiKibof 4n(l-lta awibWuai 44S M )440lal1, JIH44. tsa W eSab4l W 4Jsaf 'aTa'al eA.a fHwAol ftsaVa la a awiv svm av RaM"n ! as KMattVe 4V, 4 aM atona) to aia -tfa 4 ls tm( KlaaTa auaaiasyj 4asMia4 ina lutt4 aa.rstbwasi.HiMit a.a atti4jnaH a v.sa1 riH.itjA.a "STa etaai a esst to fsil .h a4 ifaafa fc,l " . mi eaas . abaste4 W SA.S4 a.n. , s ta-aj",. f.m ai4u So eavb aaa44iy .at..a fta ayotaSaif- "f awa-l t7t a 'mi' aian4 IS s"t 4.rofve "4 M ut4" a'fia4io4 a ai.SS .6n SS atHaK. ar tf.rt" otoySascvl iaMMatt ayadt)! Sva- "TW aaf aH.Uaa t4l4 to Sa aa.aa f sa J a4 ta Saaa of Ko ara-M4i "rso-a ss amaiata SHih. vf ooY?'ea.4 lAas.tasaaaa.a "'W' ttasia i,aia,i ata lu a vwa h Hoa nxt As.4 ina trt a-Sr.H- a a?.aa to af lr-C a-H-t Sav a Sit., il i.-Hu'W II fJ ' aH.Ni a ssmk navl S aawSSi4i tStaS af, a-rt S aaf a4M4ttSt fh " aasu tli.ftrly, -w!tS4 Saayaasta "I tMo St. ta Sttr.H.u,aM4 Sa r-o.ruiVr ayi-fl-H" ".) . as4 !- Sua a ws.4 siiaf w-at saa Ts sn.'i a6.a . aai a Sa a r so. I Stt la timi' ISa s-a.fWRaa bt Sh'hI oaS So-sa taa4M4 Sa liant imo aof.wMif aaaa aa4 aawia 4w w4! iSMa IVTwa aflWa .a o& Wioeb St'iStf.'! f.tmM a a.ajH e'o4a S-4Jrt4 4"V.S la tT.iieas 4HnHi4 4 4 e.yna a4 .rte1s 44t a 4hi sSr ssmIh s.4.4 'ts (uSHtaa Mar -! 4iai fiaa sH-J V4,,iaS Ma Smi44i.S 0a aMOiwa latrtS' Staaa f W mP 4mS o4 fttt"U 1Ht tHM SjVlH. ai H V j 4oH; ttwl SH4 S.4H -44f M, aKIWilSil asi Msaas to 4 IW m 4 4 syitt'.Q ai 1v .fW ..!, in .4 o 4V4a.ri4A4.i4v, no44.'4 S gaaa atb 11 1 fiia. 14 av.HS.H4V, A' a ' 4 "Mil1 H i44 .SSS'4 f Sitr .. 84.4.4 4.4.1."lf il.i. I Si -v.ko iifi 9m4I BaS4 s?'444i-A7iM aa Sv.M'S I'W Kt4j -in 444(1 aa wa t-..H, S.h a"! 4?4H; dHa a art valotya-- IL, S4.4 sJWaa44 0s II. b4 44441.f osaa Ha lM4a , B1iM4v,' Hi 3i1o aotasr 4 aa 0 s wS.aSj, dl.aa aog la Va4f a.aoSae arS ftaaaae, baof4i KI144I a aMHut. a4 Sa aSaaS I aa a 4S Kta amina off aoMaitsoaaH.Mi iiia 4a a smm4v., s Soaaa 4-inanmio 4a Wn Sii'toa. CasHtSi liiHwu , 444.1 a4S anSt44a 40a aM.aoa Sa 8 SfS.o Staij aa ai 4aoS 44. 9 a. aa SS .ma aina aaaa oaaot. f m4I Sa J'Aia loR. 4st('4oau ".,;, Sawa a ai'so Ss 0 aa Sssas a toS .4Aa4t fa V'mhn a f aasa fn. 449 s aHa -a a 4. Jf'fJ'laS I'.ia aaa aa ia. ant jasv, fi.4-X II4.444 . Fomis a a4 S a T. n.rti( 4-a' 14 IfsaasM ft.n 4S11a a S'tail 4anl s.a Hiimrtlta 4X4H 41ta basa ll aa aioa ibinnlit r.4d t'lEw 4iii, 4mn sy H In a.tiiidj Km SitM Ibi 401444 aiHtr 1av snasart faa, sa a4uitaaau a ) 44tan sS4t4'o4 Miaur 4ofl Mtaa a440H .a gaMtiiif m gtM ,444441, 444a a Ian i.a iaa-4i4 4)H4 at, lav aroa- 044404i( aiaia4 i Ctf anost fa It aa I lav gan)(t I ' atoteaa aT at aiioas a-u S fi"t a a4iaHr tt wa H 1is 9ttM oia ttavattamHif uan a. 1. 4444a aa Sriodt4i4 niHt4f aSo-sa-44, f'eiaHa, 4Vanis4 fcbol Slav aaHlsaa an t ta ' Mohim4 ai feitboa, SJoia-sisaa oUill ShN St 4K,ltH4ol SaMo' Sta a4.HM4i-4oVoa all SaPa!, St His! 44.44--ftii. 404 avoinil Sav aa-4 Q .ITm kto 44aar art si a'Uav 41 ano4a tlaf aa jitt sa 4.4 ui. ea.Sii4v 4444o44Ha ail amotav aa stba W 0 n4 !.. a lltas aia iioKasfHa 44.4-f. ivnH4 la 444HaaH.4 4t a 4444041 a a 44Ha- ail tiblUHi avaa Massi44ia',) aiiiia. an a a!Ut4ost (t 4Mt4asO 4444 aaniittv a a44rt444itc ata ai Itt sar , Sll4 (lunni (iiiuu: 4ata,tf aiS44 4 S4 4, faaw ssnvaMiaaKa 44. 4tayi4a 4s4JUat, wtaaas, evai aaa Sararaa J, 4Jt4t4 Itilti fiats C1.44a 4U, 4o a4a all 4V, , flsw.i4a1 4 liattaa I. ti y a44o. SMa atHaa 44 a 4ai4v . avufwu.a 44. Svs.44o as. a4)444a 44- a 1440.10.11. 4MSoi aa aMotv. , aa . )aaUis 44 a 44. 4la 444 444M4' eaia) 4k.avoai h 44a 44 4 ti, -7Tbi.a Soa l ailisalaa A 44A. at, .4t iKIlitv, o tbilL -Ta. vt cuysf tirr fTtir 1. 1. ll.WIS. al4oa-44t 4a a aa-onisa ail Saa .- sjraa a a a ait'of lba a, 11a OtiHia 44 ii4 "aaHa Sa favani. T,,!.. aM4440a ail 4441444 44V S 44iuH 4iis ,,niih4na4 aaoion,. 4444a , a"V an. Sa-ioas ;.,4aHi444. t4Ht4ra Iti4 44KWa a SH4J all 44M ant a tia a. asMHa a I jfa 44H444r, ShM Ilia I aitswel .4?V(4sa antfaiaia 4H14V444 Sa ll a 44I44 ast SHlfHi ,aaah44M 444.4 4. 1'? tt IW sar o4ta t Hio Sao a a-4a 4i4dv 44 11 S1a aait 44s llOUMtj 0 i.444Ho4i a 1ai40Hi s Mb 4i S4' a4.i4i M stMa anna, yisna 'Nil 4. S1 44M4.H aM K4V 4 ,4 aS.44t SMillflo Aa Hrtaasib) a4 44 44t4 "b hia44i ftHf) 40a. la Sa la .So, .H,a44o .i aW... v.Ha I sC.ai4.1 la. airtsi. aU-u 444i aa aa1ti 4tr stov h Aa ait ata S144 ai4.-a, 1st a44 Snasa 444a f ta.a a 44iSa I1k Si4iiin4if 444 1 fiaoaa ) 41411 a ai44a 4 a a. 444144 4i4 jnHM all 444. 44404. 4. 444t, K So 4.a4 S ait S1a4a S4Mv oi( a4.H1 ffalt 4a 4444t 4H, ItavM IS 14 It4sa,4rl4.a44,a4i4aiia i SS.44.4 aM4a la as 4 f oa saaHi 1 4a4.4.aHM4 Haii a trtav 4n SaSHMau S a44ta44.a, saafn. , t4 fa oaoa aa ia , aSa a (ataS Rvoul 4 Si aa laSav Sooa f mifo. S44aia att ta4aj fa-.taaw, .KS .ai a aaiav a-wiav a f ioi dm. AatJ I .a aita S4 J1.S4. f tl 4 a-4t-4-as. ate ayuaavNv. V lo rs-a "i.ia saiU Iff ts, ll1 eS-4 H1,M gaa tLati sa 4aaa 1a a-44444r ft, 44 4a Sav a m'fstuf ara 4T saaaasoajsajr afyy 0X03 r- r sW-X .OlO C3OT a an an mi smt aa aa OO 40oM 4k4yai- TUX n r