Successor to "The Morganton Star" SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. $1.00 THURSDAY. MARCH 10. 1S92 The call for an early Demo cratic convention in North Caro lina brings political questions prominently to the front. When we reflect that, according to the call of the State Executive Com mittee. within ten weeks from to day the North Carolina delega tion to Chicago will have been selected and our State ticket nominated, it will be seen that it is high time for the Democrats to put their heads toeether and con suit for the best interests of the State and the party. Never was there a time which called for a more careful study of conditions, a more thorough ex amination of wyuld-be candidates, and a greater display of states manship and patriotism than now It is a time when true friends of the Democracy must sink person al ambition and preference, es chew prejudice, forget enmities, and look onlv to the success of the party and the principles which it holds dear. It is a coadition and not a theo ry which confronts the Democracy of North Carolina. A spirit of of unrest is abroad in the land and thousands of those who have been the bone and sinew of Dem ocracy are infected with it. Old leaders are looked upon with dis trust and appeals that once seemed omnipotent are now unheeded. These are facts, none the less im portant because they are unpleas ant ; none the less portentous from being pooh-poohed and ig nored. To disregard them in selecting delegates and nominat ing a State ticket means that be tween the Scylla of Republicanism and the Charybdis of third party ism the ship of Democracy will be wrecked. There are, we believe, men in the party who have the confidence of all factions, and who deserve it. They are men who have been as true as steel to Democracy, and who have been true to the Alli ance as well. They are not, it may be, our personal preference?, but they are in every way worthy of our respect and support. To nominate them, if a sacrifice at all, will be a sacrifice of personal in clination only, for party weal. The Democrat who is not willing to go this far is not worthy of the name With due deference to the opin ions of others, and always open to conviction if mistaken, we be lieve that, with the name of S. B Alexander at the head of the State ticket and the other officers equit ably divided between the Alliance and the non-Alliance Democrats, our success will be assured. While our personal preferences might lead us elsewhere for a can didate for Governor, our iudre meqt inclines us towards the flaxen haired son of Mecklenburg, who is a true Democrat, a true Alliance man and a true North Carolinian. an-ce, in a published interview, has expressed the opin ion mat Arthur P. Gorman, of Mom-u-j t . , "a'J""lu. wouia mate a winning candidate for president and that he would be acceptable to the Democracy of North Carolina fC Tl" vvC5lCrn men he says that Gray and Stephenson are about the only available candidate aH y u 1a that Stephenson would Le the bet ter of the two. Of the two New IorK candidates Senator Vance said : "flr 1 about the factional fight in New t prevents the nomina iZ, tI "didate from that State. The quarrel between the .Cpcniauves of Senator Hill tht -t 1fTcland has gone so far that it would probably be fatal to I IIP Yi vmy iu auempt to force eith er one of them unnn thm tion. The Democrats of the South -u,ous to win, and they want to see a man nominate . 1, x . .v.vj nuu ian bring out the full strength of the nartv W.-.u .. S. . uc 1 Jr iu wen as oouth. It is a fact that the fiVht tween the Cleveland and Hill f na tions in New York has gone so far mat u is doubtful whether either 01 them could now carry the State T n tUm, 1 t i - ...... ivwi election in that state last week the partisans of the two candidates made bitter war on each other, with the result that the Kepubhcans got nearly all th -".ca. rtS to the accuracy of senator ance's assert:on that in orth Carolina "we regard Sena tor Gorman as the most desirabl. man from every standpoint" we are a nttle doubtful. Not that Sen ator Gorman would not make ; strong candidate, but if there is i strong sentiment for the Marv 1 1 XT . . iduuer in .ortn Carolina it has found very little expression so fai as our observation has extended We have talked with a great many VT-fl, I- ? r .. fuuu viuiiiuans irom all over the State, and the only names we have heard mentioned have been Cleveland, Hill and "some good Western man," with a big majori of the voters in favor of the "west ern man." The recent elections in New York have thrown a considerable damper over the Hill boom. The vote was for 'Supervisors of elec tions," and the returns show a WASHINCTOM CQSS. Another War Scare IWI rUo4 hy Crp CLukjoo Ctuuwv The tVv an iOTviirlioa. Waihxuox, II. C, March,) ttrciniy eTaa MjMunn Baaua.. NATIONAL rOMTICSv CGT f artraf MVM 0 Tt Tva tiq"! rxai WaMiTSnik. democratic loss throughout the State estimated by the Charleston I Mr. lUrnaoa t enraged l XncsaHJCnrirrMtrom to Co !!?01' ul ? percent. In Llrairra, Hills own .lews bat a Smtiiif llllit. 1. aa Waaa fW a Haa mmmm ftt'WimN A . city, Hill's candidate was defeated ed by more than 1200. Two years ago the city gave 1000 democrat ic majority. The cause is not hard to rind. It is war to the knife between the Cleveland and Hill factions, and there is now not a shadow of a doubt but that this war would be carried into the na tional campaign, should either of the New Yorkers be nominated. It is a humiliating spectacle for Democrats to contemplate, the Kilkenny cat fight between the leaders in the Empire State. Hut it shows that the New York Ilir aU and Watterson's Cunr n il and level headed John I lender Thorp tio tmoniint of nmrmtit or oandinor therbargt in that son, irom .North Carolina, and a host of other watchmen on the Pliny lor IUod. wall of Democracy are right when they say that, with condi tions as they now exist, the hope of the party is the selection of a strong western man to head the ticket. hear, bat It wi rnoarb t hfin Mr. lUrrittta tearing home from nts nontto; trip mod to ro niM to rail Ll r-hitiI KorvWltr u rcther fur a bifht mrrtin. kw-lk Ol r Raleigh correspondent, ! w, of hlf caoah to Mart Ih 1 1 , commenting on the fact that the I cnatlooAl tonr joj Supreme Court has decided that all .!be WPPr "prnal wlrr. branches of the Wilmington and by tho cW to Mr. Hwi, Weldon railroad are liable to Mate impending daoffrr to the ArufM- -. ... . .? " . I . t m a fcfc emu iuuihj taxation, predicts 1 rn ikic tiii ine rri in that sooner or later a way will oe I nf r '." a rrolaM hi&h agree with him. A corporation to r n it. ft -4n omit tiaa E'"U U I UC tlO Willi III many privileges and which has so I Trraary oftlrit nVe Ion from later th shown th lay a Iim aj ljt 11 im fern! km ikat rrwW U mtZ lO lalwAl tkl Ik ttMtMWtklM Man t 1 r. ------- Mr. ItarTiaon. IWJU rrfrr , ra4Srl ewvatiM 4 aftl brarat. Tfc a.!! wJ t. ft. . . im riir IU aaiada ctf a&.aaj ar Itf4l kt I W im lk! i)aAftrra9 evkrtw (r to rrWHlr avf llr tatt NotraaUrr a 11. IWi Lm i'Li nllatlt t4 lk ftwl im L alulrtff l U will a avr.fc rotr Rxt rMa4aHti. ! torn wiMtiai m J4f. www ak- w m w j m a ja harioi a rlf hi with th ertn. IK . . ....... . 1 1 1 1 lv m 1 n in 1 lm w hiia iint la Irtini to run t Imt tniwrhin laLtua. ami lurrc is njazrr mat 11 mj not wprk a it did In lb CbiUiaa bnine.s It eertalplr will not If aimilar nltimaton taoctxab t are M-rarv a to w by lb eonatry ii In lh crr&l ilinrtr of wilt taiit tireai jiruain that tb admiai tnttioii iorte iur It i All that li.ti notifirtl th llrnjftmnl oi K.trtt r.n 1 . i ...t 1 1 ct:a In br Mr. Illator and Sir rT be ilerlioetl to renew the tootiaa Vivendi for the roro.ujr iarlias eMtii In Ilebnn ISra, aal an; gtlel in lien thereof a tU art aoii within thirty mite of the Mf..Mj;, f.jv I.. "I aaeo a rIft! Wl. i m m iw4i iary av? in ifta rrtkFf tf I Lav rwMa.I aiiraX denera lial tl n iita? If eilbff th f aa Mwf aAaMal lac aHMRfttfrAtr! ff IVUatks laa thiar r )ajhiJv the frtftU f MaViiJ II :l rark- tint a aw f h. W t t rtfal a rr la ht mwai si:'. aJ the y are naat4!IIy ran. rUito In ctrrt wmi i t&a railed hc5r-. t rti . I." Manf f lU a raf aJ If not U"i-rr :!. ia i Ual lve IUf et;t aaik ffw M4 Wlte I) l-lie lal III. t aU4 ad tal. Ij hw a-a..t4U I s . aiia)i m tal Im4 l lit rVtfc f la atlf &4ti W eH4 4 wii4al 4 tV t a4 4 h tmJ M vflr II aaak ( i'ftiM tr iMat VaHf tomm-m a ( M MaMtf ." I arfr. II la ' w,4 jtt, la f.jlK II W WWvMatam 1 f't MtHa'4aa'a4 lav , ie .W tia aWM , Ka 4 k"i 4 lft a! ii-M tif 4 , l ak M l 4v ivatatHf mi r af I- f1 l IW 4 (1h i?" l foxatanftarWl U ltf lvi j'ka. It i aV4 kail ") IVJf 4 y& hMf 1 kift ad.i . 1 1 Kia) l4 4 ) Mf 4 i tsvftfcta-'t rtiitt ! ,pm Va4 ti ts IW akl' t ;-.- U tMaiti JtraSa t. I a.tM )tf a 4 aftVx3 l av4 wJ r fa laiawl - IWM l ft IW h MtA.,, ew atf i ft )n nal aW il ayaJ tlMMtMt aHa 3 W ! K4 ffHvw.iMil . 4 Av.. ta ia SJ4 a-ti. .$ VI 1 , f-jt 4 aaa ft lli, liiHM K. . I : II It . al - ' .a . M 1 . . "o l'J ! '.' 2 til ..,.,H.I i 1W ,W A. ft ills'i I ifb.MH .i.ii if t..- i .:". lH M4 r ej4 aH lf a . tu..H '" a.i a.Mwgt M wA a at a.tMt .i4 rV riw tar. It aaH-! k. aai.A-l-l.J.HA j hi1 t"t) f-lfa INH 9tfA t Ml &ttM 14 IM $w Of f Hat1jia .flmrtifill k yH'W!wt4 iH 0ttt MH1 .1.a W t"Ntlk aiWaWll ! 4-ti4i4 a-VacatH. WJ II tV4 4w4 !utfi H)MMt,ai Jhl4.V.a arv4 a.M 1 ) fMU ) aHMa4 h.1 It dfttl r14 tt Wmh1 Ma fHM ifa( 0a a tajiAl4 yt4i IM 111 tib!44H, $- j tMaa iH c,e.nta fHia. -H Ui4r4 ty i 4"ai lVa , O0f t f' Tiati ttt,r.; I .. a. af, , ooA H ' ffi'4.t 4-'t ' !" alia $1 , 1 1 Iii i.a iii '.. II. M .Hf 11. I , J , V c,t4 .9 . IHHlf SI oo I t I" 'x . f1,n , va 4 J!.. Mr, W m I wij a. 4 H1 Ilf l..4a M . Ct-.l.t : I rH,M4, r..l ..., a.A 'le''4 iff f.,ff SH-ymf, i -v ;4 x v i S K .3 . m mm h CloUtitJif: CloUiia-' t5CI tt; rnA- Ml! Itl S Will, fi.H ,h1 , i.-.c.!tfa dovt, lM 1I.I. v () Sht 3crl t(id jMtlU ,M ri int. HE O0BT IVAW e am. g enjoyed absolute immunitr Wl nniMwins ni)nriti fMannaiarwiii thai lalM4 at". a a.l w ii, ' , . . " ' . r". taxation must sooner B. iv-hi au msrr nM rt- a raiM iwatiif, it, l ax Hr . ' . 1 ; T I oe made to bear its tvait nf I ...i i r.i . . I ... i . .. " I. . ... s .ni4Sw-t , a,. a a a am . . e public burdens. The spirit mala a Utter abnwln than thf trtaa i. . a.ftii.J !.. 1. . t- . i rT'l ! 'a...5 -V U i atl V atii X ILRrij i5 towards this comiunr hv I taally esit. In the toon t Lit II call a It-1 k.traMLrJ n iJtMrks lai--. JI. i V! " " 1 e last legislature is sure to trrow n,Dt Ir4 l the tlW of Uoi I N WtJ. JhtiUvl, awl lt r,H. I. . I'l'" A"5 its charter is repealed or nullified, of IW4, bebate there U a-an J..4a I " r"4 -.1 t ta t a Tiir Industrial Conference at thing in thf chaW that they 4-. Mr. M.t;. c rtm4 4 a!i HUaliVl Tit t lt"i''i' ft ; Vlf4lf; K"Icl OIk. OllVifl St. Louis assuch h.J n,Mn! . Tor be baa offered reaolotion caJ Wry 4-U4 lka4 ta fJ!.: g J4" -w K Em".4" . .g J'H, it. Louis, as such had nothing to ,,,. opon W j, Aovl rW- ka, .!W,e,4 !! 1 1 f1 -t ia -.n,,,- lU a . do with the third party. After Treanry fur a detailed uteeot JU 'ts IMl la- c a a4 I Jt . "."''HVv,ll,.(,1,,aJ JWSlMJl ( UH'1 I ..1 1 T the adjounment of the Conference of th ren-Wllon for tooJi tft 4 itWil Tfin t m 7" .ta 1 W? Wlt,K I fM'3('CfJ iSiiiit a mass-meeting was held. Many the poUic aatttoff Meentr4 to the Ue Wu t h tiua fc,-. elf, ii.l '?H' '. of the delegates to the Industrial 1 L S !!r4 -alJV' J- a aVa .:S'' W.t HI CftU C3,W! AJrjSHV-mi Conference took part in this mass tKMclT, rt .T meeting, and some did not. It TU -of bia Tunfrd 1 traly U,4 IW UJr ;,n ,1 . ' JiZXi VVV U f 1 was this mass meeting which rat!- qorn- by the S0.rre tWt '-rd aa h.aa. . a f!ta4 U -a V": lC ,i AAA r.Ja C jf;4( l,f - ed the convention to meet in 0 IU ei t iar iln lw r-lT l k4 f r. I , w -n, c7"V?l JLTi,!- I a ;3 atm.r ai aj a m SSSSSfsS &mm.jss. n M m l,WJUC,,r c,u va.ouna ueiegates to bt. Iauis comiletelr eihaatrd. and th laaajfe i41 in iw e kt j a. - hMai am. aL. ama 11 s . . - , . . v ti hi - . w ' n aim n aaaaaiaaaBa ar have issused an address explain ing the action of the conference. which will appear in Tir. IIchald next week The announcement made by the Charlotte Cknnnde that Colonel Cowles is out of the race for con man from Maine found timf l-mz arti'tiraUr dated be ik - ' aj n-akcr, to nhom be al Wen trtin to dictJt. And llua fii. eral rrdiet, joined In by aaay rrpunicana, ta ul tl nH hiw tizht. The anti llarrlann retoUtcu(ta- are MoieLal al ara a to who to ltiU-S-:V.ii wi-w. ta.ti t -a nir Bn nam w mm - auak im iHaacr lr faattate W.J ; l. ........ . . ' . rtfi., .... 4 ! l&a aarv'tutk i . ... .... ip ii.. . . - J llhatnaatatiiS.4i-. iW . t'V ' ,5M"" -w . " . " r;.4T7rr' IUwkli..i..i.V - . m)imw I ' '- ' , a a a. 1 nMf. aXr ,( tW 11--. 4 iL a,.- Kiai. , Vrl . - l a T !i- ' ari MaiL aatt. ..v -1 Uia. Mr.tu-mW.itJa. .... Vf -r wm- 1 1 fuos flt:a hms. '1 ' 1 1 gress is in accordance with recent Uac on for a raadKlate. and U le leae m Mia.i .'TV M W 1 " declarations of our respresentative MBW,fc a' -ot!y ff1 kVr"-fUiat xa.t air, l!! . T.t" -h Ja.e 1 to several of his constituent Th. ennneii-n -tr J.l f.i rT.ilLVf.T-.r 7 .Vr."! 'T eighth wdl hae a lively conven- The latent Ireler ta in Uxt t J. J aa I. K .a4, i WllJ V4 ' ft lion ana a iivriv nmni;. .i.:. i ri ..1 . 1 .1 . 1 r.. . . t 3 iin 1 1 m.-"u. TU4irmn ni. iim wa - t- a ... I a year, a livelv unless Republicans basis of the vote between Cowles and Faucett two years ago, are quietly figuring on carrying the aisirict. 1 t l4a.IULb aA!J atja H.f .f a aaaia aa.l I W , 4 n .1 .lii-H... ... .-. . . tl.. a.a "v'i -uipaign mis 1 1 rn, ettairman or, th le-1 ii ra . Ia- . . . . l 'r . - T -a:.-a ' all signs fail. The Pelican national cvmto.itre. tb ' -r t.tr4 lot M.jUJ Ai! 111 j k n ti ,t .n, Mr, .. h, . calculating on the .'V L7 1 ' 3b,. VimJL '1: ote between Cowles . .j.-. iM m, n.4 . " 7 laai a iJ ,..? . ! H 11 i - ....! T77Z1? " ;oaltttKit.w .7. Jr:f,Sf Wia V-lla nil. eai-HuT. 1 f 1 4 1 II I I a. . ' " " niM!ltiH, alao' utii. i,a.M 4fl . - w t 1,h1 a. Ikh. A .a a 1'lace in Mr. HarTiW raUcet, Cataal I nl mm. m. a - - a turned down. There la l,ttldoaU H".t-r k'tl 1.11-. .aa., that Mr. ClalLaon a.Ll i,l lbt tf .h,S atMu. . ' M - t-. ..I i . . . ' I -ilJ. t'f.-..r. ..... - " I.. , f ftZ il W . A.1 Iff. It.. Marion has a new Democratic Uation awar frw Mr. lUtiiat. if ma x lieaet al lW.. i. M ''l ! IV 14 paper called the VW it s. be conld; bat Mr. Clarkm.tJt. 'ornn i l IT-.t..L .ZTi'T' 1 77 edited by Mr. George G. Eaves Ul ,a,,brr i hr,!,Jr enonb htal.t ! aa,7 h. I- I JII Tw. 1 't an experienced newarr 7T"' ? IWIewUl norn, U1 l---UiI 1 Jl ?ri . t . 1 urr, rtrn OI lur frttnliitr tn ktiir i m-. - " -. - ana promises to be a live and in. The llonw ranmi im il , w .a i- teresting paper. We note that it nrooriation mar dre ! T t 1" . " --".rV- T k ' r- starts out with a rood ad.MUt-. o entire d.tU ona .1- T. ,M,'IW7 ' 4 ..." 7 T. 1- I " -" a. F iM 4 ta.a-i.i- aj J4 a4 Pi;ronaee. which i - 1 ..I '--. urimiimrui. ioa oaU.ti. .1 . .. .. . . " - " "Uiiui 11.1.1 . . : - t." ni.i,-fusM n'i. iikU fcritMi. ...... c rrn MH lOliri lalMl ...1 I .f t I . .. ... . . . , - - ij paper can nmn.r i . . - - r wi am-m4x wttmi ivbiaiii. mM t. aiw s a-a.. i.-. aft . - t -'-. uuirrDrT. MnB Iha ama .1 . . . - r witnout its advertising eo!.,m. I l.r tk,.L i . I '.71. 7 T'",w.r - aC3 are well patronized. what ia done by Wo l vLV 'i Tl the Tlta.nrvt'. ... . " . ' .-w. aair.M ,ia a .rwtri. av iue i rranrer a ouice. All thl I . -.i t. ... . i.m .. . ,T-.W rw. w nm , , - - - w tt mp .w i aVM lbt tf a;n tVlMfcf, 4 tf wt una, ikal 4 t lit I V.'--1 Morrtw btatrtl Vai, irnAn t at i.r wttal. 4 la llvat artwif mI a.t V- ome. tltK XtXfctttttlr. The Silver men hare won th.!r ut .A" U'HMMm ! Mlt 1 11 II- aaaal, a first fight in the House of RepreJ IV VV 7 1-1 .4. t.ea. sentatives. The Silver hill fropiuttoo bill .VI I . . .J'.' sentatives. certain to The Silver bill m. I I'roprutioo bill ntn kit. ii - I vK. aw. Ill a . a, pass the Demoerati. now i wPrh. House. Its fate in the Rermhi;ra i AlltonsU the lVoaion 4l&re c . ine KcPub'can itiTeMiation baa hot t.i i ocuiiic is uncertain. hn..i ... " " ie iniereauag alar. a u ainraiiv n t. rotirlattelr that thit.-. ... J. conducted aa thee kl.l i t. ia ueen acknoaird4 by t(SrUI -iimw!iib man teeomaen.l.j fr dinUaL fr t . . . onij oven hepl In oOire. bnt c irotuoirlt It haa been -rai.ou,l,;r, ,4t the MHate teervtarY of AttUum tJ.... ... Cbandkr ha tej-ntarly tinted IW niu vuce io Htn the tUia rvMeentrd be a rtt t nn... NEWS OF THE STATE. la.- - a . . """" - -" rroo. jrtk rar,uM ..The celebrated Roessler man damus case at Charlotte, in which the question of the right of the county commissioners t lenburg to refuse Roessler license ,"7,1 .u - ' rasued in a mis- me jury standing six to six. Tbeyarea M 1en4. a. aaieni ita fe .y tu.tota ratiuitr; ..a te of th naMai rf ajMira 4 th i.l aai ai.. iv i a . .tf tt V.-;ri- ...... I ..... w, 14. .iiati'aqi to Itialt a-! amJI a. . fwftata oV.iV4 ha ttt a wale, w itki ami a4lasa in h 6.M lj h), h ara.M4 a v kaa aas 4 th ntafrin an. 4 h rai eanaoi b.t wt ta kt&i.a- IMI lar H(l aJ IU Wit. . ta roajaU. lalhtut tanivtUoik Wh Mr.llitl . 34 . I ttlaa4 4 - . ... . u,rli- ,7.L., ""morc on bjt- anu mat an ent4 who frlonl t tb U M h 9mUi- JiH? O 'vTh" lhC Ahc Tljfb,ok,lbflk of th 4ctl latk-anUaaT.,; sists of VaL k Prty Con rouor "lrioe 0Ckera In 4 IW la- ikal S.I51S OI Mr. anderblll1 mMK.. Olllrr In u. . 1 " tttia u ...... . . ruiHT lawreia waa afternanU i.nm.ii I1.'6''!.1 WaJ tO (O40j. nr. t.uiue baa Inlrwlored n ball or no roieetion of wilt ta the employ 0r tt CUtaerntoent, ih. ii ii uerome a Ua. aa it noni.if win add touch Implant i rti n a ajBn.kun- a . ... .mih o ic I w ajl I -7 ' -,F aj of 3! h. not beobuinrd in Ib.a latealiAt. I efal Alaar tfw WiCUm! linn. I f T . .... " Three troriaion btlla t.r4 I t1 m t Vaatr, t. wk... in one airek. Whrr La ilJ. a. I i!4 f alaa im il. 1- -bourviurd the toajotily of h I bSe k a . Hon of being f -.tly k k.4 m Um.w ZJ?il t ....... . . 77 ... . llalkeaH tMtiMttL "V:7Hfctt If " V X all Ike ..i... " her nieces. Miu7 c." .",.oinf r: rr:"?7 lb rein Sloan. Richard m., i-Ili ... !ne ParV ar Mr. -..ucruui s residence near Hilt-more. ..At the clor Medical Collrgr, Ixuisville. Ky on March td, says the klloJh i CWW. C has. C Gidney, ol Shcl ' ; 5rJV.n,0 4-S) 0" the ...tvia.un surgery. In the Junior class Le Roy Ing. ol -.w,n county, was awarded first honor also the Rice medal for being the best junior student in Callt.ltiaiXljr. tf, a - w v r aw aj aj faMn) Illinoia anrn ar Uia - i.tla.i ! Uli I m h.. ti.a 1 L. 1 . . ik ta ff a.BaKauava af Ui -f .i Motfi'HMii aal Im.I 1.1. ... avtfaiafy ataa at hat E. awf uHry rt t-h mtm. ilaa-frd. TVaS 1'JUm 1 ii,. la aaore iwcnlr ajith ta iw iny m mui 3M ikaia caused from ihe rain. fi,t .i" could not be mad at .k- v.: Berne fair races. Inthet I ravlev's prav l.r- t 7. , - - j Hum oaus. -j n...,tcr. nm- ... isenheimer. of Csr. a. .. . I t-.. r.. 'v"?r"'1" dream which carna T i- I.TT.Tr'' 7 She dreamed that her h bln4 i n adtia'e IZTIT 9 ,V "'Uelland.VTere; ctaiaaa mfV 1 br the saw. She told her dream fo th tt k rltt.Ji ,t The second ;;:v:v: .,71C ;;r;.;.r":7.:rj "7M.fcMw- irMa,ut b ;.a n .rh Jo:n. a bay horse from h "Sf. amusc4 at ber UetiU VeM V t i Tfa.M Durham. Tun. ., 1. . I drrm XK . v . . . r I IT: TM "J raaI hiaa ..... u,.u i:uuca mile in i l . - l , . ... " - " . vv.hen yon are in need f T.Zl?:? . IJ riT-WritinAhtt. Bill Head. Kall " ! 77 rTV.3 -f. wa-Mtx 4 miimU .ai a,iwai!i' ja.tla-!!- i 11 4 Im It tWl a .IJ ft. a tl toJ Wt. fNMM. Ik !. v4 aaj jj lHWlaM k 4 t a .rWj Wifcfct4- iKtiia s..Me ?H.i.M :. kv- at.wkv l awCwa ix.s Jl.a a. ka f'aa1 kla4 . afwM4 U Ai.x'-aia 'I W a w4 aj- a h4Ii . m-m rH la aaMaiMy. - aeva. act Wa aM-a8 llaji.CHMM, k. .f- . tiV, lli t,-ii n aM at . . M . . u H. .4ai 14. Ml I W a M k h4 ail .f U 4-.taf.i4, It 4& Va4 14. t t.t.'aa a.-a aw.. o. I i ! Ikaf 1.4 laaHiai,' I l ke 4 VtMa 4 a aJiMj f n jy. Tk 1 Wi ik W4 , ..... .. .-r k-kfa i Ik a4.iM h.4 4Mre iaa4U4lia t ia Af, Ja,ti . iw k 4 4 v i iu. altfH,M.(iSlUt Uaa R-al t"i.A4 tv.r. .4 CADwrn m a.- 4 ka, , ,i-t ,H 1 IVU rfwt, MM u f.aaat4iwM a-HaUama, laSal if aa akii illi t c. 1 f.cR !c.f.tna I- ! a . ai artt-UHif . .,4 a . l j a a . 1 9 a .. .. . . 1 .w T. air. a tT. n ana "'aj Hl 1 JUHW.ini ,-Vou f a."M......, aH 41 t:o t S ta. 4l a.i a iwiinilt tVfef 111 CM f iTtf (Mtit a, COFFINS AND CASKETS, CIWIVUX nuns. MO. H. PEARSON'5 GASH WAQEOOUSE, For the imrcbaoo of Grain and all kinds of Country Produce i IiA nAtiW 1,.. iNittic.t.a. : . . . f ivr !f v-cHi p MiJ a,,;nn. Vt a M t.-.1t . a. a IN IMiUM-N an am n a MMa mm aaaa)u iHaaa, m WlHaa) a a 'T haHiMWi, taHiHa mm Mtm,' am a avtMmife Mq, amMtt aj j, MI ""'"' a Mja tajtimaa. JJ,lJ' "ma)li ia aa a 'H.tlran m ataaM n i mm, aifiiam . n 4M In - 111- 1,11 MH iaw,nm t lu . -. Mn. a. ta. aaaiwa - f-a a a - wp. -mm.m. g a, - Aycrfo Cherry Pcctczol 1 rv 1 c 3nnnn u n 1 1 u 0 awaanti jaM(.lf aw e N-i N a'it4ia: . i. ..... . . . . T- T .. l aVa'l,, eT rrn.u 1M K.a. . . ' " lJMa I V I a a" 1 '. . . an n. . r?aW CTTI! ' vi avlt-a 4t, , tSL1M9xm-9mmm,r' tle n .,' hhh . v, llm--ajTTtf 1 - 'ni w '"av a1v. ((. tr fjfm, 2j4)u;iK iV tiaaw l. liaiMtM . t,T n 11 r -TV;: V .4 A. .... . . . A. ..... .A.. . . a . tf' la tafr M atiaAsaa a-- .a J1 Io oa trial tbJThlT!: a". j MA UtiMa. 4 f l.ll t I a r nr-w ana-aa r nVL na tfarfi J Ik4fa4a V'-. Ht4, t,aMi . ffajwa. wan Tat V

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