Successor to "The Morganton Star SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. 51.00 THURSDAY, APRIL 21, iS9j. A PLEA FOR SUCCESS. Thoughtful, earnest men say that the condition of affairs in North Carolina is critical in the extreme. Brave men, who are not frightened at shadows or old wives tales, are alarmed at the gravity of the situation. Patriotic men ate looking over the field, trying in all good faith and earn estness to reconcile differences, to allay enmities, to bring men to the front whom all can follow, and to formulate a policy which all can approve. It would be sheerest folly to ig nore the fact that there are views to be met, and elements to be con ciliated, and dangers to be avoid ed in the approaching campaign that never confronted the party before. It would be unwise, in the selection of candidates for the various offices within the gift of the people, to forget that some thins: more than our pcrsonat prcf erences is to be considered and something more than partisan success to be striven for. It must be taken into consideration in every contest for the prize of a nomination, that afterwards the winner must be tried in the hot crucible of a'campaign and weighed in the balances of popular approv al on election day. To secure the commendation of the press, to win in the township primaries, to get the endorsement of county conventions, to overcome oppo nents and obtain a majority of the votes m the State convention these are all important steps, but they are but the preliminaries to the real struggle and are but empty victories if not followed u by a triumph in the battle of the ' ballots. If in the present condition of affairs men'of extreme views are to dictate the policy of the party no matter which extreme they take, a party split and a party de feat will be the inevitable result. The Democratic majority in North Carolina is not large at the best and our successes in the past hav only been attained by united ac tion and earnest, organized effort. A split in the party now not only means defeat in the approach mg campaign, but it means a repetition of the sad story that comes from South Caro lina, of a family divided and warring with itself, and pulling down instead of building up the State. With a divided Democracy our plight woul 1 bo even worse than in South Carolina, for here we are confronted with a party the domi nent element in which put the negro to the front at Rakish last week, not because the white men of that party desired it, lt:t be cause they were forced to do so by the superior members and the aggressive spirit manifested by the colored element. A divided democracy means the sure sue cess of that party which passed by such white men as J. J. Mott and Charles Price and V. P. By num. and T George Walton, and placed the negro Cheatham at the head of its delegation to the Minneapo lis convention, and made John Dancey, another negro, a delegate, while men like E. S. Walton, of Burke, were forced to content themselves with an alternate's place. We do not believe that the differences between our people are great enough to warrant us in turning over the State government to such a party, or to cause any faction, as has been suggested, to co-operate with the party of Cheatham and Dancy in defeating the nominees of the Democracy. In order to avert such a disaster as that which we believe to threaten ihe State we have advo cated the nomination of Mr. Alex ander for Governor, who is, we conceive, under existing condi tions, one of the strongest men with the rank and file of the North Carolina Democracy that could be nominated. We have advocated his nomination because we knew him to be a man of honor, integri ty and ability; possessing to a marked degree the confidence of the agricultural classes and well -worthy of the esteem and support of the business interests of the State. This course we have taken well knowing that Mr. Alexander was not a candidate for the posi tion and that his personal prefer ences would lead him to seek a re nomination to congress instead of a seat in the governor's mansion ; but knowing also that he was too patriotic and self sacrificing to decline to accep. the nomination from the hands of the Democracy if called upon at the May conven tion. We still believe that his nomination would be the best so lut .on of existing difficulties, but we are convinced that Mr. Alexan der is sincere in the desire he has expressed to remain where he is and that the people of his district, especially his Alliance friends, have no notion of dispensing with his services. He has notified his people that he will stand for a re- nomination for congress, and while this docs not remove him from the list of gubernatorial pos sibilities, the opposition of the counties composing his district to his nomination by the State con vention, may prevent his friends from presenting his name at Ral eigh. Should the people of his district present his name to the convention we believe that Mr. Alexander would secure the nomi nation, and we are confident that he would be elected. But if the sixth district Democrats have de termined to return him to con press, it is time for those who have regarded his nomination as the strongest that could be made. to look over the field, and nnd a man who will be acceptable to both Atliance and non Alliance Democrats for no man who is not acceptable to both elements should be nominated This should be the test of fitness, and personal preferences and prejudices should be set aside, and ambitions and desires of preferment subordinated to the best interests of the party and the State. It has been suggested by Alii ancemen, who do not wish one of their order to head the State ticket. but who do want a good repre sentation in Congress, that with Alexander out of the race. Julian S. Carr would proba bly be the strongest man tha; could be nominated; because of his refusal to enter the great tobacco trust when he could have made many thousands of dollars by joining the combination, be cause of his well known independ ence of corporate influences and because of the fact that he has cenerouslv used the wealth amassed in the prosecution of le gitimate business in endowing col leges and building churches and aiding the Soldiers Home, and es tablishing industries; and more over, on account of his well known sympathy with the cause of reform. While Mr. Carr is not a candidate in any sense of the term, and while he has declined many solicitations to have his name put before the convention, he has recently signi fied his willingness to accept nomination if tendered by a united Democracy, and has expressed the opinion that no man can at such a time as this afford to press his claims on the party too strongly or to accept a nomination from any class or faction. There seems to be no reason why he should not be acceptable to both Atliance and non-Alliance Democracts. But it is not now a question of men but of suaea. Let delega tions be sent o Raleigh fresh from the people, well acquainted with popular desires, and in touch and accord with popular sentiment. Let the delegates go to the con vention determined to do what is best for the party and not to push the interests of some favorite can didate. Let the strtst kj be nominated, whether it be Alexan der, or Carr, or Holt, or some oth er man whose name has not yet been mentioned. Above all, let moderation, temperate action and speech, a spirit of concession and the patriotism that will surrender preference for party good, prevail everywhere; and Democratic suc cess, which is so essential to the prosperity of the State, will le as sured. WHY DEMOCRATS SHOULD UNITE. In the last issue of Tut Herald we gave a few reasons why we thought the prosperty of North Carolina depended upon the per petuation of the power of the Democratic party. That article was written before the Republican convention met in Kaleigh. It was written before the Re publicans of the State placed a negro at the head of their delega tion to the National convention, and took half of those delegates. who are to pass upon the selection of a presidential candidate, from the negro race. It was written before the colored element of the Republican party showed its teeth in convention, demanded an equal representa tion with the whites, and got it. Got it by "acclamation too, in the convention of a party some of whose leaders are telling the peo ple of Western North Carolina that they are "tired of the negro. Tired of the negro! God save the mark! It looks like the ne groes were getting tired of baviog the few white men in Republican party gobble most of the offices, and that they are coming in far their full share. It looks like there was some thing prophetic in black Join Williamson's remark in the Louis burg convention that "the u-A-tr are sftitti' a.7 t fines amJ when the gap is uiJe emgh the me groes earn vvr ii." Are the white people indeed splitting all to pieces in the face of such an opposition? Are there men in the Democrat ic party, who have been honored by the people with office, who are determined, tp.rash themselves to front again, "split or no spl itr Are there men in the parly wtw intend to force their pel into the party ptatfixm, "sgdii or no splii Are there newspaper thai have been urging the people la stand by the party and its r'alformt year after year, and who have written line upvn hoc and pre cept upon precept teach.,? that the bolter is a traitor, who are now advising the pcwpJe la Unit If certain contingencies i? Are these thiocs being d when every sane man knows thai a split in the Democracy the sure success of the cr 4 who elected the ncgru Cheatham to head the North Carolina !tcga tion lo Minneapolis lat wccX an i be love ol voce be strong in the breast of any Ntfc Carolina Iemxral thai he is wtl ingtoiUk the destruction of the party for a longer lease of pt Are the difference ?rtvn r people sj wide that It U r - w ble to bring the rank lvther tat one more onslaught oa the L We will not believe these thiols until they are confirmed al the c vention on ihe i5h of Mar. IV til that time we will hope l see the triumph of patrkt.a xt ambition, and reason over rrri s dice and of a spirit of comprt and concession over thai of pro scription and pcrsecntMO, A 0S SrT. When the name of thai sterling Democrat and true and Wn-orrl son of North Caro.'.oo, S It Air, ander, was mentioned in coftr tion with the gubernatorial rKxpi nation, it was forth it rUfcv over the wire by certain eip. per correspondents thai he was In favor of the government r ship of railroads, and ihebattrrk of certain newspaper were lamed on that particular ptaok t the $i. Ixuis platform as if it cntaA4 all the political hercstc and ei bodied all the daecrrows tendrw ciesof the day. Ilatieg started on its mission the siptt that Ale ander was in favor of the meaur. these papers and correp Smis proceeded to picture the r a desolation thai would he brvwrht upon the country by its 4pt. well know ng all the w&Ue that Mr. .eaajer was loo cpj a Democrat and loo loyal a4 Itve headed a citien to favr any no constitution! legislate what ever. I.asi week meat" wa made of the fact thai Mr. Julian. S. Carr would probably make a good gubernatorial can Jtda! forthwith from the same n-taner comes the startling new thai Cot Polk savs Carr would male a rr! governor, as ihouj-h ih etpre sioa of such an opinio by Col It put Mr. Carr beyond t&c pa!? of possibilities. It is har lly fair w to condemn a man fr t which he has never Risen expres sion, as was done in the cae Captain Alexander, or I try to tlamn a man because one wlW dif fers with him. thinks he Is hef. capable and be the rlan with Mr. Carr. Hal e:gr contemporary ha eoup'ed the name of Mr. Aleiaader wit a scheme lo parcel out te if of the State by what it has pleated to term a "directory, when the editor mutt have known thai Mr .siexanuer was t true a man either lo serve or be served by any such an undemocratic cmaa tion. We must believe thai the injustice done in this instance wa unintentional, but it was an in fusttce nevertheless, and suh serious charge should oi le made against men of character and standing unless supported by incontrovertible proof. Th is no lime for flippant tlig al member of ihe party, or ff sharp practice for partisan ad vantage, but it is a lime toe the exercise of a broad patriotism a4 a careful study of csistiflg condi tions, and a thonghlfnl inking forward lo the future uni&atiow of the party and the continued prosperity of our beloved State. which can be attained only by the cooperation of clement frow seemingly estranged. To cto the breach instead of widening ti. to heal wounds instead of again applying the scalpel, la Induce men to join the Democracy In stead of reading them cut, la oe ganiie and equip our forces In stead of disbanding and cr ipptteg them this seems la us the p4y nicn patriotic Democrats slWwId uncrvieg!y pursue. in claims oi grese oc aroused the sleeping sentrte and saved a great city from an invad' ingarmy. There are gvese enough cockling around and iaidc of the Democratic camp jst now awake all sensible men to a ko. edge of the fact that we are ia the presence of a dangerous enemy, and thai we must choote a leader whom all can and will follow a victory. Let u ni make ihe mis take of thinking thai the CktLl.c - of the geese i the voice f the people, or, worse stilL rive bttt to the geese Instead of marching in solid columns against the t aI foe. the It Netf Ca w eHmo4 of I've 4 lt wot& Ihe 4iiMrga! 4 t t-o ravy, Hi iw l al !Ui Caro lina., T )vt Sm headed piplf iktiw slate 9pl up Uto fct a I . rgt4 i a ivitr pwf.Sval warfare, such a kv taovtj- b e-alStd f tk if' of I contrtt -t le iy whkfc it i.ftlJ tootle turned b!W. MWl made war inpgt f ,,. sMp weTcac ! ii lUf f a. I tk c jusl s-wk; as (Wrl latr hm f 4lvL t I. tt stagna!. t lpf ).$&"! markris te ti pv?ws Km brew cut off. ikr Ik l-oor Saff, la?, t;f mje w tf t st - frftj,, g-i.. Iig. r-e tru tl vl splafe lo tKMwytJir. t end is not t ptWfe 16 to srvafiiow 4"e w ;-.V Iff l&f t sy 1 1.. k,i Ss 4 ta M .jiRrf4. cu 4 lm fti" 5,n Sal !Wy mk .- r Cart.i.s k ir s r. 4 paig l tto". 1 n.4 m e thtr !.. iutm " !( . r W fit?, - .f ' im S ( Ca'o- t r A? UV ft-! S. C - tn, pot! Kr V . f wvt-rr p-T f . iw o rWS a I ! .., I H i.:!VCa' lta r-fff-s. i: r v Xm fiK(i !, .m S. t-.,: nat(.i f t 11,' 4 mr Ki .,. . , fuWiH, f 44. t.rj , 4 ry is tlt t t s h a4ii'K;4,a "S &. aterf"! tf e;- 4. f.T ry. -ttfc:t? 4.; fni . (Sf &.!!. -4 a':-'! ftn4,3 nrvtiw) wit. v ri.: ,s ."v, was navtf a:.t -r- ry r s-U m; in p- a I iVt myj-iH, ..;, t ! la-i-i (t'irt-r ;, !.:. 3 . l- be h rix.fl rfo4.4 vft. ftv4 mffV-l t - 4) candttta1' t IV Whe'er lit f VI i i I I ! ; ?li4. aar,of ae. w tj If a i 1 r'u.4 l-e p ;.' id! .w m tv raf, rf wfMtW t y i4 .; ciomSnM.wn (4 D$ r i-i- fai lVt it a l . rWITv Dna I i 1 I 1, r ., . lruts ae TtV Sf 8 . f.4 4-3.. ts te ij; iv,i ivt j. I "",'r in. nftaf r"ifi w.a sn'M at anl y Ha udrr a;f jfaHi l sts,- i.-,4 "(' ft , t,MI). 4.4 4 r4i'f4 ammfs "044 W t-rU .olfc-..,f .4. h-rtfl uM..?aH r 1 c - al iVs it i. 4 n I. t , , 4. 1 inesf f.4 E- 1 Ih.. i ta: iit w.i v ,n.4 VfS J- l 4Nl,i4u aK a! M 4. 4 iiamS,4,fSrt.n, tkt a i&.a.f. 4 f,., era! n rt r-of-ot.fl oiff.? WM4I t I .--'.1a . j If i!V?h4 jf4kf t K4e f) te lV Wl"l45 riff 4 M4I tftait. Iws al M.. t44 it.t.t ki-ni.'i art7d i ? p.'fifsni 15 -z; ,vv..'4i4l'4 a Pn-HtJf. .A,. r V JSti-tt ?,.. . Iwkit nt a ft . IV f wi. ry r "I l-w-o wf4 tSii. pf Sse PnS i- 4i k M ti il irWV'HIrl! I r i IiV.i.t in the rF rl iv4 rt.L- lK,re4e tA-"4i t a4 ttfiMi .k4 v fMt A-t.l vk: "l it-iily tffVt Vff ivv - T-U , 4' ' ' SIHI l.nf4 ft.4-4 ,4 . man f-r ft rS-ri'iXtSiiifl a,om.a nat slV'i-a-1 bf trxi . P4 V -..l 4Vi.4j. ! cU'i J0 W It a.4 foe Htf I t4rsi 4, eic a. m 1 ,.; Vft ic 444 wCl I.. i ti "4 04 ay ii m K4 v t4 V rv44i T8ftr' 4. fto ful c ap. 4i attiut in le at If lrf!w t- is 8mt UwUmm f4.J JLfS s4 14 f "HI SMiriJ 4inUfci I, 5L IUfr I 4 a... TH.. Of Iwr44t- t4 .fr a, trusted l rt-14 ee i ay 4-! "T 4r ".af iheM sptr404i f liVoir. Ilii iv ff44d !4v4 :f 4 !Ua 4W r-ll ae lie tury m mhx fi.l IUt 4. t . 4UI-s t-4 . 44K ajfeaj M ) a4vta4 wtfir 4, rsp4 trv4i i, fxot.! , Wt 0s.f V4l II MfV IW4 ou.taaw.-.. Km H w.. rs'l. a ! la 41 u. rv4ta we w-Mivi lopi l"e S4CV4 Of a f,44t4- T P" 4 f W-oS IVo ctMar la . -4 T,. tr lfo fSivaaj 4 C ..S.-". I Il4!!i. II n W IL t t;-,- a puiiate s.-&lf i4i iv 4ai a. bVW ffffKltftJ Ins IVaI i,..! ti. swUier tV 4:44iy s,0-f, Wit"! tt rff t l-r Coisffdtraie Vft. A.oo,a a4 M tfalrM ! 4ee ,e Private C - II r oft in lh Mtr CK4ttj 4.4. J warr. but 4) it u wa f was a ita;ua rrat. U r t ir.o mi is ioi "!..! Hi S. ftiti !U B- a-f l.M r l t $ -Sl mM !W i' i4 WS Mtt jW t tf ,VkS tW j",j!t-f (. .. !." 1 .."1 r,.. i T h ' e W r!,.! nH If s f-f i-.l f a tl k SlfW ffSttf. llm is ii.Mn 1 4 I- ftoMn.las 4 li miw Xm 4 l IknuHKlMM1 SyM W)Ml I s 'h'S a1tM lMt o- m W fh1, ii4 4-4 4 f M win W ftM S4 Mto 4 ISv ftito I t nsiv, tteiwv 4 1 I h-! raa I -m IWv ti-4 S iM in Mt 4 ia iKiwiHi wh, -S'4 rHi.j 1 r gtj:, mm4viij ! M4l1 Ml .4 M- 114 1 . . - wmr r r- ii.iriv "'I a . c;. Ii i 4'we? iftii'l. '. ;.mh 4f-i fiMi ai. 4 4HI)41 fm , lf4(4-.4 4l-';.l,4il Si Ht '. 44 4 Hl i.4-,l4t. .44 AM . taM l .-h-w 4 IW Mivit4. I V3 k 4. id 4.," w. I. I; Jrf l if Htl1 hi.4,1 4.4 l"U I1NIM4M .-S lfl I .. 4t4 ioKMiruiu 4.'."i4 4.l! W ,iiw ..4 feifHi4v tt -."! Ii 4ufl Si 3 4ti4 SrnX f1f4 I.4 I .! luHflH. I ihj m-m f4 hi. 4 tfiifi.4V 'l IVk.1 AioH-MiHtlfiill ttlHF Hjf.feS lMi 4) H1 iHttf- 4XUtHlA H 4 f. ii tj H..,i"4'i At rt -3 Sir M 4M A i 4iM4 ' a 4-'S-. I Ii- 4.a j: ffi.fci- IStfM J4i 44e4l'4t at .... il iM4ii Sw i yt .a u . . ....... d . . . l! --iuva 4 iu.i imi ss i ic ., t..,Wt 41. 4-i4 VW 4la4fwi 1 41 3.44 r4rf. a l - fc.a. 444.1.4i 4is1i f"f. rSl4 V-M4l4 iP r!.tywi4 44H4i4r44r,i4.' t j 144V f r4 af wta !'.-' 114. "S f H4 Mil I a H E4 IVfl f Vi 4A94H4t a IS. l4- 6T 444tlHff I0 ,4 IS. aS)-,, W i. fn i4a a) tf4.i4 44. ! 4ar1 fv44f'4fH4 444k, i 4 Nfta . h 4 Ak-ViV n, M,44 444'R1 V.4l l 4l.1.t44fnr4 mk Va4? ttft4 M 1m ufl.tft 4W1 S' 4lffii4ilIM4 444'H.., ! 44 .3 SP Hmi "if-V( H4, ail 5- "l H4S U4tl U IS4.MIW . ,fc4)l!Ji4"l4-,l. 444 !4S -fS ff Hto f'ti mAi-4 a4 10.C 'W.r iX ai t 4i(.,4iu ait M f4441,' MlV 4f44f!4l4 a4ars t. iw Aiixn4 4 a4 vM1, t1 Ri 4fl '4VC xa ft? 44 lf aiftiMfU K 14 4ffl.fV. I "4.H t ..H. ",4,1 1 a . at . 41 ru t i. "4 IS S4ftttv ff t"i4.44 4, wtfcf I fenMi 4I4 , f 4i4 w,fa 1 y4u iW ,4) I .fVif (3 lf 44 4r Hl'l 41 44 4 - 4 4f frf 1 if a4 aMilvf. 4.4 4"4a4(a mmtm ia S.n 4441a ,- a," 4i4 4f 4-iV .Vl &-V4MH4 4l4.4tjf.1t 4f, tel. 4 l a 4 444 4)i in4tkla mt'Mwt lltv ft liar ft.u.JI 44X 4 ' Ml W 44i4lfH4f 4jf, WVlS'4- 4.4 f 14 aait 4)1KI IH " kH 4"SI al4 Kf, '44ir, ST f.S fc.,, 4ta n4tt44 444 ,4S MV1, I44mA444 144.4144,. 4,!, 4 f 44t,Ha .4U44ir4 44, 44H4l 44 IW gMS I i4V, Ifj Stv 4 Sl4i 11 ..-- a jf tJ4HiPj . tl im ii4i'i-' f.a V, lV S X 444,44 44I1 144 44l, WiX itM4Sr. 444t4aS41t4 4.'-t,f4i a4, a4M "4V frffVfl4 1441 M It). 44Mk 4 4J444.4:JI4. I. 44AAA. M O- JI llf 4.ri444 44 I W wit.ll 4V4 f auftfiy l4 Ik. 444 -4S 4'S 4;4.1a4f4j )v 44-A.C4 tHh4 SiS4 l.4 4lU44 44l 44444I4V,4. fi4l IJM4P aM44 aa044 MO )xf1 lU I 4H4iM4Hl, V V4k, 4a l 44.4 4. g kuH. 4"o 4J4 HWi tol'Vll fl4yOiR4 I4J 4a f f'Mf. f 4I4 if'' 4 lVMtfirs Mi I'W.H-nC, ia 4a4 41 ai Vlir"ilffit r-4 l44H4tE autb. SanfiK, 44144 y IH fWlJ N4 4V'X, IS4 Il. .i4.J IW4ih! h. t4 tv44i cy a-wa ?44 4 .4ftvtl, JL4f,fjltW4 i7 t"j-fH. 4,(.-4 S44 1)4 4 4i 44 f. .4, s in,. f-V4 4 44IS fU C",V.fl, "Xt 4 Si Ci- .0 ... fl44444 f3iH4 BMU . f.4, si. h iw 11 . .4 i4 4T4 ;.iV44.ia. IH.. mm. -.- 44 lV.i4a fcHf4, tl av.-?l C ':4-t'l IW SiiiA. -..a ut4M. 4)ifc4,. -.JP . lit I I thK $,fittjw. Wm S n4 K'1lwti W AcMiltJ iOkii 44 tVIit? "iw isomi a icio in "Ihmm. a xa 4 f Umnmi fU'., np h' s iow smo t riiia a ii mv Himnhnw Hf V" al MMM4A U ilMlHUII'll W -tukil4j ainiii ill Iflia iiiimmhiUiHi SMn- IMHU 4MI WlW 4W tilts 4tH,tM4i H tfl H-1j , M StHll, W Pa ijliailiHlit. '444 fctt a'atiM a t .iuhm. !II4,KHMMH4I IHMNIlMl 4 4Mt tOI S. .H,l- U iHHI-, - - .auuia .a H4 4HIHII till " Mint I Ml. S miiummmmi H'tHO Urlo ttl- (tint, N M 4MtHMf Sh ynmMM I I Ma 4 SHC S ift a4 VH4 I .t 4il4tMmt140t4 .4H'H H' 114P fiH Mitt 4 Mi4 M A alili!! f l4l S0.M tHa4 HlMl I i4 4 41 4"H1t OMM IM4t4HM 41 114 Ol M1V Sih !! 4l.ll f ft 44il if SUtlMltlSAu I'VoHUl'i. 444 wtai 144 4lHlMlM'4iHl. I Si 44 , "041' HillltHl R '44l.4 H 1 4' llfM'li flM 4t 4 fttl M44 IHIH1 . if Wi t -i iiiMSa' aiMf If i. f'4 S4Mini,frtiiin ,1 t'i(iii, lilJU 4lj fH tS(4l 41 iHI444t4 !f.lH"!niuillHJ, a 4jf lt 4 14V tfotf-ftiMHO I MH44v H 1mia mkt S Htt.UMi m a SuftiUxu. (inUlHlltylllllil Wl. . - - t w w mj I4H4HI4 41 a4M Htt)MV. Hf. A' 111 11, 4.1 .tl.u... ..n. 11.. ....... i ' i ---t f - -r- ?r- i i.di , .n f.- 0ltM HM SI V Hinillf) Kit S.tM -' 4- al.Hfl 4M4V. 4H4 SIhvi H tv tHins ait 41 4im1 ihi,.ihI 4 a1 Hf fl IiiH "lH4t,- A.lAlLaj&kft .la. ... H M'OI'-t-''lM'.ir(I.H,4.-.44'4.i'H M''4 - 4.fl44.'l M 4JIl,flO4 K H4 (M4VlrM4l MS) 44.l4M all 4? 114 ili 44 K4,.H (H'i'4ln' i aiioi'tuia Wiitii i ml(4i 1 i .ti !' tUI.hii.i'Ihi.h . ill Jli.in4 '4f 44lt' j at444 4l M-tltt4 '4'4M I 4llM4Pt4 i I J4Mtt 14 44 MIAN t4 fMllfita 0444 IV 44 n l4 all HO 4MH4l1 -4 I l-ii'K, 44.4 a-.n' N.44 4VE44--r444 H44 4 4t4V 4'.444r'S '. V444A 44I4X, f Ml! 4ttJrU' H.f 144 l 14 win H4H H 44 4, f 4 If) 111 If. Wanr 444ltlli ia )uy4.f1 4 a H, M'444SI Ht!.4 44jHf444! 444MIHI1 a4.,.4.fl f 44l4.in4 4IH41 .1'lHil44 MidiAft alt It' (Si44iM - ft, Wt 4 f m4'44iM 4tJ J-4 M IKMH.M4 H4 .a44H4 4J. mHtiU .l'H444 .4.4 4H.I44M4) 4.I4I 1i gHMHll t4 4l 4444 4f-44Jll.M. S HI a'll.iw 4f H 4.HJI 4l44 M'M'i.irlJ N I f.ll'44 41 14 41 441a- HmV 44I P444V C4ft!)4'.f 44444) i'4)lS 44'4J 414 4H4444 444' K444i f4 M ' 4f.,1 4 l..444 444, 4 4.. ffifl. 44 444 4lttlttM 4 1t4 f 4? 4t4H M44 44 4 M4a44t4 '.MHr!..HJ I 4.4vt yf4l an I W 4i4i4.ti' 414, aff a 4u 4 441 4.f-"t' 4.a 44,Ai4f1 41.4 HiH -i4 H4. art 4 ft Mil fi1 l4 44 M4I.I4 .rt 4A1 ffl ll I M 4.4.MI l.H 4444 If HM44, ll I 8KHlMM S-M H44V 4U,4.4n.4lt If, ann! m 1444 flan, lf '4.Ma. 4 tflH ft 41 r 4t'l, t t.d 44 41 A, 4lfM t". tt1 Kt I 4'4 Itina VIM44.4t a4 41 4 U4, j I a!) 411 ft' J M -v,a4 fn 4"tWJ at 4.4414411 M I am 4444 4.4.n Tw' H'40f !? fl.kd 4fM-HH 4H4 44 f l'44l44V if 4.W.II.M 4 4't1 4. 4 '. .4a U444 44.4lr 4 f.'H lll.'iJli. 4n M4il4 44 4i yi.i1r!i f 4ffi , t 44 444H l4, 44' 4 ..IImT rfl44444H 4.14 4 4 4 4 4 4rt M 4i f M 4 a-4f. If4 4l4Mia4 44' it' 411 4.lll.l fl4 W 444t ) "If 41 A. 4. 1. A 4 l44h4 (J -4 444444 li44 Iff 4l.4t' aft KMI4 44 ,t'l4tf44.41 MHt4VM. II M tZ 4a V4 aM4i.M4ri.ii. H 4H"it aafntKiuifu 444 a Hf i'' I i ... S,4'4ai iii.ii.iH 4444 f.MM V.t4" M4 i4 41 ftl a if a4frtfM44, 1 4 4i 44.441 ..4.M V4 KlU'f4R.iM'4 . 1w 4iIIM4..l i II 4 ftliftlfllf 4.M 4al.1Mf.l4 H 144 V 4iH"-V4 4. ru.J 4-,i 44 l44lHl1 14' HH' ff4 Nf 11 W, a' 4 t4f4 4H4Mlt "Mrtl 11 H'lll44fl,, .HIHlX 4444 440HI f1444l Wf( 444144.414 4M 4.4.Cin4l4, 4414 144 4M.4 4,.,, 44ff MUHl ftS 4M 44 al,H ? 44H 1 41 fl 444.1141 ll M.H. 44ffAn4u I awaa I....!! aifitfi &a4l 4X Hk'a 4Mtl4 at! 44 4441. If 4"l4lH4 Hj I t.M, Ml H 4..M 4s 1 m ain.i..r mv4f4iU-MiP k 444.411 mUivii '4aM S. i.n.a nn-4 4M t1tw 4Utoi4M4 ait 4, 44144, fi IW HMDI Sl44tfi 444 4i.H 4 4 '44 44 I f, fd 114 I 4M4fH44, 4,, 4f I 4 4, 4.44.1 444,4, 44nt4f4i.a I44 41 f.4. 14I44V, l 4Hti if ,a-4t V 444H4l1l4tv 41.44 a444 -ltV4.4M4 tllttl 4 4444. 4 4V a -HP. 4J 4'0 -.rt Hfl 4 H1.I4! 44111, f 4HI4 44 M4III...M4 I1 HMI 4 44l... tH 4lll4.l.M f44l 4 4 t4fVl 4.4 Mi.Mltl -mtlm "Woflf 4 44144 4-n H.V-M, 4.444 t f lfa 4 44'4lf4 4) 4444 4IM444 rt. 14 4444 B.. 1a X41 lria a4.44A4 I 41444, 444 I f! 4441 44 AM4S H4,f4H0 :i(f 14 4 Ml44f4HW. I 44- 4v 4441 4 1 14 aa44.M 4Hti4 ax . 4'M a it 4. .t444 M4 la. 14.4.4. f, t 4.j 44.4I44I 4" H 11 a) a.h44l IA4I4M, f Mil .444 4. m VM4 4 W4i 4iit4 4Hi ai klit. 441 f mf 44Mfl 144 4.M4 N4i a H444, 14 -I444 Mrt4X4-1 4414 4K 4. Hf4f -4 Ml ) ICS. f4lU. , N41 4II4.MM 1.. 404H44444l 4f4-a 41 f ;h.4 Mj4 1 44 nii.t044t4t ta 44 4.Mni.4f.H4M4l ai. .. . o ... a -v 4 .. 4 . I a 44 M44m444444 ait I IS, a4.4HH...K. muu 4ill a,., aa .-4? , aMOi 4'iwa if K44 Mia 11 41I 444 f4-W.tH4'4j, 1o4 1m44 if 4w fa,M,.4 44 If aaia ' 44I41144I4 4 .44 44,414 114 4V44'rt 4.44, 4444H44(4' 44444441 4i"44 I14 44 4.4. alt 114 '4''Hlt ,.f. 4 I1 iH-.f A. ti4 4144IH mtt 41.M afjii, 4C4n4 f S444i4li4 (WljMf 44..I4 ') 440 41 lH I4144 I.Kf.aiq 4 14414. V 1 444WI4 a4 4 l4fy4mi 41(4 . 4f444jrv tfloi tiMm 444,4 4- -4 44. 4M44I41 t(4(ll (Hf 4a'4tU44 I II 4jlOy4(Mt 4H41f4 1141 4,f4 4. 11. .4f4- ait II -44441, a,4.4Hfa S.IJ44P 44144 MID 4ltK1.l04'4 U-,444 444.mfl,a ! flit t4ll44.0 Ht44 ' "'-"'"fill H444(lV4t44 ,-444..iy4HM, IV44H4H.J4 I., ll,, 4A.4f44i,44v ti as , 4i. . . .tfH4l,44 t444J 44V 4nfl H 4 , 1.414.4 1 rff.4hrt4i4? Hf 44,(1 ,,14, m,f 1 H miS4H4i 4,44 4. a,,!...-,, ,M 444 4.S4ll.t.4j 4I44 aiff.f 4 t4 , 444S4444Ma4:4l (VMn44 44404. 44 H. 44.444 4 nJfl1.444 .Vvf, 1,1,.. .(M4d 4444 4.4 I..44 V44. k M4. 4. mmH .iU 444 4 lt.4.a,.4) 44,4,. i4.0.4 4 AihiII4 4 144 ."atll a. W. 4n4jC.S.441, M4 .44 .41 14 tKMH IUI.4i4lY ..Jf 4,44 1444 4(1,4 1.4.4 '4 444. tl-i- wWW4 4.441 4,4i 11 R 4JT40U 44 44 4..41 4(,44 a. I , . a . Hr-'4..4.4,?4 44.H4,rt.4,W 'Ta414fK'i.a'4l4. w..i.. 04a4 r4,44, 4. 1 4.. 44, 44ll 4-4,b I.,, a.' ii I4tii44 a.- .a..... L. . M. 4 a -4441 Am. 04444. 444. t4 .a TaVk44t4 at H 4'nl0 4 !' tl fH' rtU4M4 m H aa aj4 .a a aaaa. wnTr'"'""' HI .a.4 nt sft laa nt in navJL4M J fe4a tiM I f .tlMi aMHHa-iil MM ltttlllriM 1 fl C MHH 4H, l Mil 4 III MMIPl1 tOUImUMHt K t aSLtiMi iflu 4'i. vinnnHrtHl )s(MMVit ait AwttiHin 4l1 StL II ( H'!I 4NtnH I III ! ffHlfltllli aH4rti4t HI ' A S'iMiHf l KlifUn lllf dnH Ml UMrt lOSt SUllI H'lMiUlP I tf -j..l 0H , ll K toll 'S. . , m ., ..... n. I T " w - 41 -4if sni 44 wtMHn I lMt1 S44i1 aMi-lllM 'j 4fcll4ll ! 4llAMO4l44l HIIO'M fiH , Im1 i.H44H.'.i4 t4 jMlhH 1 41' ll1 Ml Hf H4 il 41 411 14 4Mli 44ll ,, 1- '44i4iHl IlK'tl M, 111 JMMI tV ' tit f f l-iHlU aa.u m ii i a i iu a a mii Hi M.A.a . rr jf 17 t 9 v 1 - -r v es wt 4 KMK Mi4 llH'IOH H Kill' -fHI UI 14' I4 f I.M'4)H4.l j Ivj -A 'l4S4Mi4i H K l4l 4'4 t44H j gll" ll t S '" j S. I 44' 1MII4llll.i.l.) lt H 1tU ltAl J4, l'4 1M-411ft 4t 4'l4. f ,IHO 41 . ....... " - .. . ... ... iifi a-OlHOHl, 4l4 4 . Mil l4Mo III .U - I 4lH M l .1 k. ...t . I .., .... i "' ',"T'i'fv.ri'm llf4 v f4 i,'Il .I'lMllif wit l i4VM J,,, . 4lllli' 444l1 44 HIi4 m i4 Ii4'm1 art l4 444. mmi rf n f 'lM't4HliH., -li,4 .M. 44l4.M S. i l.boiMii W'iM, ...1.. ....... .. P4' .n.Hll1IH4l T III i4Ml44 4l4HH JJHIM a44 M i44,i4H 4i4 4.M flHtl 44 II ) M t I e4l. 9 4444i Sl'f 4lM 44 t4 fli4 lil 44. , All 4'4) 4r 4H rt.44t..fl 44f ! 14 4lti Iri 4. 4 4.H 444.1414 4MU 444 1444 44 j ' 111 WHI 1 .11. Hi . 1 1 .44 44 4)44 "4l Sf4f4 4.H., S4 H -( (...voi,, J lill4444'l1 fili4 44 tliMH1 m 1l!44U'.1 a-i'l. in 4 4 4. ui "4'l41 A t 4 at4IM 3 444114 j , 4 I" -JMM14 H SH 4 nl - Al'lll4U 441. fl 3 ?'44 4llM .ia if KImii Siill 1 lvllM4liHM 4IT !. J t f'44 )fM4Ai44H4il4i 444441 44IIH14 all f 444t. f'tna 44 H l 44.4 I tll.4tlil J 44 41 ! 4 4 4l.l4 14.H4 I4M ll-IJIU-, 44a 4H fill 4.141414 4 HNUH 1441 4tl.' n 4. 4.,04.4, 441. 1 ' 44444' . 404fl 44.4.4 I44 4 lHll 44lri a4.HJ44 , 4.i444,4 14. aa I! h ".h !. , .' 1 iflv, M ( Mt4ia 44414 411.41 4t4it 4f4il aii4r 44 44. 43 1HUI.,' M l a'.MlH 14 4.444 4ft 14 4M... , C4. fA tiv44 H,,,H (( 4 4HI4I J .44.4 ,J 44, 4, 4fn 44t, l4 S444(4444.H 4l4 III" H44l.4l4M"4n.4 4 4. 4444 44 n.!!,. I 4,4 4 t til JIlMf, 44 t,4 144MU4. It!, 54 4 441 44H Mf. 'J 41 4f, 444444H 4)41 'fJI4J44).444 444 .M4lflf4 .44 l t, 1 1, 4M4-4IH 444 44 44 m, "S'il 4lMlt ., ail 4.4'4.44.,41 1.441.4 441 Kll 44 U HI 1!H 4.44. 44. i4. H 4lU'4M 41? 41 4Mu44 4 l.Hl 1 14' 4M 4t'4HM1 4lll4V It, 444-04.444 I4HH1 41144) fin 4.44 4..I.M1 Sh4. -If, .4'4 C4Vlll,a 444' 44.f44.14r.-rt 1S4, 444M1 4441 444(1 44.11. 111 4I Ml 4VM.441 4. ,141141 4 4 4,,M 4HltUi (.H4' 44.NA4 4)1i'44..l.Mf4l 4 l.ll l .1 tl I '.4. J 11. ...... . . 4.4II4I4I'U Jl ai4M4. 344.44 44 444 alllM'Wl! 4.44 4404 414 4.4MH H I44) M f4 I Hit 4414. 4 144l4 M 4MI4.I44M4, 11 44 4wa.4K,4l It. 4MI4 1MII4444 f444( 4.4I4 1h a.l'ltl 144 S 4rlf 4Hl4l.M4l1 44 11 4,444 at 144-444N 41.t4l 44,4 4,4. -.41 44. 4. 44 44'rt 4S4 ),. 4M.rt4 -f iUsj Mia'IH 4W 4MOH41 44'i4'.4. M4 4V4.M 4 aili 444'l 4 1 1 .41 If 4h t 44'IIM 4I H iIhA., 4H)M 1.4.44 44', tl1 44 i'4fi V4H4 4 4.44 U4 -MM Smilli H 4H l.f . Il4 M4I1444B f 44 o 4l4i4MlH 14 V 4 44tl 14 I. ' l'..4fl -,,,4 im art 414. 4m44ti4H 4414114 -t 444.il4ll44, a Si 44t4.ll '4.4 -f mH 44iH41 H.-4 4441 Ml4 4441 tM4 tit 44 - It 4J 14H lH 4 UH4i 4 4441 41 44 MI4 1.41.4x41 4,4, K4h4 I.M4.M 4 H., 4l .44114 M 444IH 1UXMM4 44I4 4 I 41414,4 4- 4f 44tM.' 44ltl!"tll1 . 1)4,44,4 -ff .44f4MI1 Hi, 114 14 I4lall404 44 4 141 4V.44I4M4 4 , 4Ht4 S,4 M it 1,.,44.-. : '.M.4tl.H 4 IU. 44l.H4 .4 --..11, . . Tf ll Ml 4 .11 .41.1. .. 1.1. . . mi ' " 4.4,4 4 4ll4 4 44M 4 (V4a 44 4HN4M It44 I 4444. av.,,4 4f444.l44 -.4 111 ia 4. 4'44-.4 a , .j,,,.,.,, 4.H 444H44.4ll.-t44 4.44 444.4 44s 14 ? 4.4 441 44 44141 Mtml 411 1.44l 4.....I. r,r-mR, Il444 441 1 ait, I"-! .4? 4 t4 4,l4 S44IH'4, M 4. II 4 41a4l.H ..I4444, H - .- . 44.h at. 4M.,...u I,. 4.I 4 4444. a, llHlu i 1l M..4V. i,,-.. art. 4..M4. 441 ..4f,44t,,4M 4.H,,4 H 41.4 M4 40.-H4.4. 4. Ml. 444,H.4 444,. 4H .,4.M,44.44 $1 , 44IH4.44 4 14141 44 14. 4,i,H I.H44tj 4,4,4ll 44 4.'J ..4 4..(?,.4f1, If H . -44H.i.a n.u, -... ..... ., ia ."v-4 p W ."4i)4 iN'if. 4.I.44II 4. 4.i k. . 10 4444 444.4 it 4.' 4.rt .r. , fMl H 44.4 4H.I44l 4 -t..- -.... a V4H a..t S...I4 Mo ..i.H4.h,, V 4.4 44o.f.U4 JS.asH f 44.11 ? it ii a .. .. . ilCfl.7-! I "U,n4l"H4,fM.HW a. 44 4,4,4, tt. 4? aMllmn., t 44. 44.M atl Vl. L".. Tl" a'T..'1 av i....-. a., r.-T.rv j - - 4, t',w ..4.4., .4,,,H,44 4.44a. 4lW VII,H.4MI4 4JkM at A ,mA 44. m. ..... I 444,44 .fl.4.,4,. .M a4,,4.UU . t1 M a..i,d 1 44 444M-4 4H.,i nt 14444l t-4Mtl 4NI(4f 444 itf. 4J1M. w - s w wwm 1 kasa iaao .aa.- ladSVUH - N N, a-A' 4H4 444 ,44, 4, 1..-. 1.1. ,H-.(4 4.H .i,,H,;t.T.o4fT a - ..., . '4.44, 4 44.llf.V44J U1..4 " r ftttna. ti.i..,.4 1, 4 !r H4.ll. 441.4 I l4V 4H.H0lI.Vuu 14 4jlwt4. 4.44444, H44 -ft;,, BJ, i..ll44f114l4Qll)f 4t4 aM44,l 4, 44,4- njl.'4- 4f44 444. 14lf4.l4l1 .1.4? 4lHt4iu ari aal44f44.Mu 44 4U1-4 444 J444lj4'44 It 44.14 44I.0 4. 444444, -i IU I "w,"w 4l 44")44l 4V4M4I4MIX. ?. 1 11 .a p a 44 a40i44i.. as.... ... J".. . " 7 " 14.4.4 4H1.H S uJ IlT 1 T f i ii- aavM m m a 1 1 o aa 4 ,i . n . " ' lll-H .4i -aitM.f,iW4ri4i.,t..4 .I,,,, 1 nd ' .it ' s ill l fcl.Hl 4 4 .M , I .... . ' ! i .t -) 1moHMltU M (, ; - ' ' " t ' w?i Mil WL, ilii4 aiuinii i .. MHJ 4HHt' l 4iMt.M..M4i ,,, M j IM4 SvO J,4HMrt, -,,, rt,)"'0' lU , ltl(f 1IM 4l.t, )."',, 4o . oiuhmh-i, h 4,.' " " u H 4llH 1m t' 4H4'( i,, u' M In MMiKt, t'4 i ,IH),.( ' Si ! 4otllt.4'4MM .( f , j liH "Im' tA,i l Mi.Mm 111 t 4tliHvil ,( 1 ar 1 ' ! M 4lMHi H Ihhuhi.h.. ult' H ,4tM(,, () V'l4i44 'it4i M'Mi ' llU'4lfH Im 4( .,,, 4 Im 4IMUI fUlil VlM(ll) lM ,,,,, i4 4l44ll Jli I'SI'NJ If. 444.i.M, ' Mfl tMMllll I'.HIH -IJu . , , 4oijt4U !. Hitl t'.HtMMM. 4 U 14I1144- 4iH 4'li(, , M' 4 N .. iHj .H )MtMtl4i lNIMI' Ul 1W 14" 411 141 J144 u w inrn f t"'H T VI iwjm i 4i a, H 44l1 44I'M' ,! r 4m - j f 14 440441 111441 . ji . . a . a ii.ii .4 I.f. ClX.HlH , 4 4ll44 .i , 4lHlll4lH tll 4114 l ., l44-4 , 9 it in 4 4 , l4 M. 4. ill 44" tSHHiMiftt ,,Mi-t. ., 14 4l.(M.l'4l Jl44 44i 4. 4. (, t4l V44 Um4.II.h. ( 111 44iM 4M ilil4 t. I. iM. m I14 44M4I 4lf1 'Iit4 ,A, '4HiAlMIiM M4 1i. 4). ItmiMl 44l. Willi flVi .,. ;,4 'I Hi (... 'HI 4. . .t 1 1 VI 4 w , -fill. 4 l.f 44.44 ( 4 MI 4). .. . . . , Si tld I.! ( , ,, 1' M t i w- . .1 11 1 . If. 4 ( '4l4lt4l1l4 l II ll.-.l. i 44 4I4H ll,4 -4 41 44. u.. M ( 4 4VHlt4. j, t44 4444 1Ml4l ) 4l'ftl I. I ,. Ill04iti1 ,.HIM'4ll4'Ml at. 11I.HI4 4l', ,44V Hl ()"' . lll 4,M 4,,(1 f,,.H l lliulii, i ... 4 . 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