i J? J? J? Jun i iy. For sale ty JOHN TULL, Dkugoist, WA1ILICK& LAIL, kuggists, MOEGANTOX, X. C. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. flfAfT? Pianos Orirans f::.t Want MUikitt iistt-sifs. 'ut : Warning-ton, X. J. Free- LUn'l r Evany. DEAF NESS & HUB HOIS!! KUT 1NVW4.LK TllSUUi III fanmblr. rowtafii) ohrra!l llnxUnlUI. Sf . I. BOILING WATER OR M1LX EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. GOOOA LABELLED 1-2 La TINS ONLY. jSSSiH PARKERS MiS- -Tt n f lit UHtOMKI jig Clt-mos-, sad t-mi.tw. the hid. rj'"" N "ver Fail, to B.-store Onj XSSsMfV Curt K-aip d.un tuU4. 1 e Parker's Grinder Tome, it turt ...i .rt i. : i Wek Lnnjrs. IVbtlirv, InlivaCtoB, Psio.Tkc in tmr. j ctav HINPERCORN3. Tb orv ,r enr fr Cra tkups w puu. Ivc 4i Ltruts, or UlsCuX A CO N. V. Morning Noon Night: Good all tie time. It removes 1 the languor of morning, sus- . tains the energies of noon, lulls ! the weariness of night. iHiresM delicious, sparkling, appetizing Don't be deceived if a dealer, far the Kike of lirc-r Yirnfii- ., . .,. 1. I "just as good " 'tis false. No ( How Lost! Kow Regained! Um THYSELF. vr SfcLF-PRESEKVATTOS. A new and only Gold Medal PltXZE KSSAY oaSEKVOlj and PHYSICAL ItEBILlTY. JKKKOKS cf OUTII.EXWAlSTKU VITALITY. PRF MATCKE DECLINE, and aU msEASfc and WEAKNESSES of MAX. SOOpagea, cloth. filt; 125 invaluable prescriptions. Only tl .tjtj y mail, double scaled. liescripUa Prospect. M with An A a m A..4. ' of the Press and TOluniarr kD L 1 1 SEND testimonials of the cared. IllL.h.1 NOW. Consultation in person or by njsil. Eipert treat, ruent. INVIOLABLE Sr.CKKCY and CKK TAIV ftKK. Adilr lr. W. n. Prker The i cabody Medical Institute, No. 4 CulUtwl. iT. Boston, Man.- The Peabody Medical Institute baa many 1ml. tatora, but no equal. IffraM. The Science of Life, or &lf Preservation, la a treasure more valuable than sold. Kead it now very WEAK and NERVOI S man, and learn to be STRONG Medical tvie. (Copyrighted.) F. W. TYLER, Photographic Artist, Union St., opposite Col. S.McD. TateV. MORGANTON, M. C " All classes of photographic work at lowest prices consistent with fir.st-cla.-a work. Enlargements a specialty. junlS-tf. " ROE A. CLARK, SOLE AGENT. fiie BEST and SOST roPlLAH Hew Ins Thread or IHod-na Tines. BEWARE 5" IHITATIOr;S. For sale by DiCKSON, TATE & WiLSOH. 8us28-lr. Sjyi ar ry THE PALM UKAXCHES. SU3JECT OF DR. TALMACCS REGU LAR SUNDAY SERMON. A menMr Uwil mm Teat, 1Wf Took ltraatette t Pain Tr mm Wtl rrtk to Meet Ulna- Teal, all. IX Brooklyn. April 1X Thi tUy U tec onizej - Ialm Sanlaj thrmcbitt the world, and that feet gXTm tirvctko t Dr. Talnna trmwo, Atoccs tbw hymns nng wa$) the hjrnm CUil In raiment par aot nit, Vkur paCma la .vry ba4. Test. John xii. 13, "They took branch of palm trw anl wvat forth to meet How w;m that pvnl,? How chL1 palm tranche! W cast io th way of CUrfet a-i b 5praLevl Jemxatrnt? Titer are warcely any palm trw la central Iil?ttin. Erm tb oo that was can fully jruarJeJ for many ytur at Jericho has pne. 1 went rtr th very roatl ly whkb Chrbt apprvachej Jenidalera, ami there ar plenty f otitr trees ami fi tn. bat no palm trw that I ciull set. Yoa mwt renwibr that the climate haachan&e4. TW palm tree likes water, bnt by the cutting lm of the forjt.-. which ar leafy pcayers 'or rain, the html hat become nnf rienUty to the pitlra tree. Jericho once tol to seven nul! of palm mT. Olirvt waa crowntnl witbtntA. The IV4 tea baa oniuU;nk the tntnka f palm trwt that nnit-l down from aoute oU tint p;tlm grove, atul are prrenrl f rvra de cay by the salt which they received trvtu the Dead sea. Let wvudmen spare the tree of America, if they woqM nt ruin ously ckiuice the climate and brin? to the sil barreling ttttead cf fcrttiity. Thanka to ttil and the b-latnrv tvt ArUr lXy. which plants tree, trying to atone for the rnthlesnest wlub baa le strvyed them. Ye, tuy text t in har mony with the condition of that cvnntry on the morning of Talm Sanday. AUxtt three million peiple hare cvtne to Jrra salem to attend the religion festitrltk'a. tireat news! Jesna will ,ter JerUMtb ta today. The sky is red with the morn ing, and the peiple are Cocking eat to the foot of Olivet, and up and on vr the southern shonldcr of the mountain, and the pnxskn coming; nt from the city xncets the proces:tin escortinj; Cbnt as he conies toward the city. Tbre U a tarn in the road, where Jenualem tod denly boxnts npon the vtin. We had ridden that day all the way from Jericho and had visited the mint of the honse of Mary and Martha aiut Lazarn. and were somewhat weary t f sirht seeing, when there anddenly arw before onr vision Jerusalem, the reli gious capital of all Christian arfe. That was the point of obsvrvatki where my text comes in. Alexander rude tlocvph alns, Dnke Elie rode bis faun Marvhe. gay, Sir Henry Lawrence rode the huh mettlel Conra-1. Wellington rode his proud Copenhagen, but the ronittervr of earth and heaven rides a colt, one that had been tied at the ro4id. It was unbroken, and 1 have no donU fractious at the vociferation i f the p po laee. An extemporued saddle made out of the garments of the people was pot on the beast. While Kme jwpJe gripped the bridle of the colt, others reverently waited upon Christ at the mounting. The two processions of po pie now lecome one th.-e who came out of the city and tho ho came vr the hilL The orientals are more de monstrative than we of the wrtrra world, their voices louder, their gesticu lations more violent, and the symbols by which they expresa their emotion more si-ntficant. The people who left Phocea in the far east, wvhmg to tnake impressive that they would never re turn. t.k a rel hot ball of iro atvl threw it into the sea and said ther would never return to Ihicea nntd that ball rose and Coated on the surface. Ue not nrrrised. theref.re. at the demon stration in the text. As the colt with its ril.-r d--Htnd- the sbpof Olivet, the ptUni treis lining the rl are caHed np..n to render their contnluti-o to the scene of wt!cute and rejoicing. The br.mchrs of these tree are hih up. and some inu.-t n.ds climb the trees anl tear otT the K-aves and throw them down, and others make of these leaves an em erald pavetu-nt for the colt to tread o, the palm ty next, or Tiucxru. Long l f.re that morning the palm trtnj had Wd typical of triumph. IU rol otus and btrabo had thus described It. Layar-1 fin.ls the palm leaf cut in the walls of Nineveh with the same stgnta cance. In the Greek athletic game the victors carried palms. I am very glad that our Lord, who five days after had thorns upon his brow, for ahttle while, at b-ait, had p tints strewn under his feet. Oh. the glorins palm! Amarasinga. the Hindoo schular, calls it "the kingamn the gras!e5." Linnaus calls it the prince or vegetatea." Among all the trees that ever cast a shadow r yk bled fruit or lif ted their anus toward heaven, it has no ej-ul fur multttadtnous ue Do yoti w..nt tlovrer? One palm tree will pnt forth a hanging garden f them one cluster counted by a scientist con taining 2o:.uio blooms. Do yuu WM foKl? It is the chief diet f whole na--tiotis. One palm in Chili will yield ninety gallons of honey. la Polynesia it ts the chief Wl f the inhabitants. In India there are multitudes of people dependent upnit for sustenance. Do yoa want cable to hold ships or cords to hold wild beasts? It is wound into rope unbreak able. Do you want artkle f hoose furniture? It is twisted into mat and woven into baskeU and shaped, it to drinking cups and swung Into ham mocks? Do you want medicine? Its not ia the chief preventive of disease and the chief cure for vast populations. Do yon want houses? Its wood furnish th wall for the homes and its bwve thatch them. Do you need a supply for th pantry? It yields sutrar and starch and oil and sago and milk and salt and wax sad vinegar and candle. Oh, the palm! It has a variety f en dowments such as no other growth that rver rooted the earth or kiwed the bear ens. To the wtUowUod say. "Stand by the water courses and wwp." To the cedar he says, tlather th hurricane into your bosom." To the C trh says. -IVar fruit and put it within reach of alt the people.- Dat to th palm tre he kits. "Be garden and storehouse and wardrobe and ropewalk and chandlery and bread and banquet and manufac tory, and then be typ of what I meant whi n I inspired David, my servant, to y, 'The righteous shall nourish like a palm tn-e." Oh, Lord Uod. give us mre palm trees; men and women mad for nothing but to be useful; disposition all abloom; branches f inSocnc laden with fruit; people gool for vtrything. as the palm tree. If kind words ar wanted, they are ready to utter them. If helpful deeds are needed, they ar ready to perform them. If plans of use fulness are to be laid out, they are readr ( to project them. If enterprise ar to i be forwarded, they are ready to lift ! them. People who say, "Yeat Yer when they are asked for aasistanc by word or deed, instead f Jiol NoT I Mt of the mysterie that bother other f do not bother m becaus I adjourn L them, but the mystery that really both ; rs me is why Uod made so many mo . N who amount to nothing so far as th wWld a betterment is concerned. They I staid in the way. They object. Ther attHtraiMrem. isv mmiftmmt siUlttw f taUarsv Over lb roalef Lf btstead of btts las ta trte lay ure lytftjC back ia lb ! hi Tby ar th ever lastta Na They ar lean. 14 ft; they are w al tnoumiae. or wtbl r berry tree tKbii only th Utter, or ctah af ft trw o dartag tvly th sxar. wail tbi vJI ha u all tSourlfh ka lb ptim trw. I tabled ba th labt that trM at mean Usefabaessv tftstf, bow tittim aaf of user all f aevoaaptvti la that V rectiota. W tab liy r thirty year to gt fatly ready tt larvefctai work, and In th after part f hi w take lea or tweale tetae t. lm evkl..l chiegof active wo. aa4 tiat lat a a uiy so iti(j l via pel wvew ejeUW aM stepping work that all anuf Waj ft so bttt an aag f U4 ae4 toef1 bistsvll to se it at alL atx TittviA ate r. Keatty evevttht&f I se ar4. ! neath and abv. la th aatartl tU suggest useful sertsm, If thr aek Ug la th IhtW that atpire jv tvaame fulnems, go out aa4 study lb arvund you thi spftagtita. a4 kaf th great Um f UsefaXaea, tlat art thou d4ag p there. btt st.w Why not shut thin aad sWfw ft ho care fr thy sJUajagf" ?, saish th star. l wUl tm sWpi. I gJ l& sailor o th sea. I cheer the trr among the taouaUtasw I kt tip W dew with IihtL Throh lk tstadxe of th pwr tuaa caUtt I cast baa of hope, and the child her taotUff asks ia glee hither I cxa a1 what do a&4 tibenc I pt To gVaas ai glitter, tiod set an here. A I I hw bO UtU to stfepv" Tb ft f 6ie stragghrg down. "ra. Chl wa. derer. why cat thwa htf" "t aa ivbl wanderef." rpt ae Cake. "IlUh up ta the air I w-.a bra. the child of th rala aal the roL a4 at the ditin bhet coat. aa1 1 aim m straggler, for tKl tvll a where ! pat my crystal heL To help cr tv roots of th graia aad ft; i c StaM the air. to make porfsna tto lapt" and th tngl Cr taor I right. I coo, Though so light I am thai tVn f rvta your taufier aad cruMh tu ! your fut. 1 ata d4ag lay b-t ta fui what I was made fr. llvthed la hi; I rota a betu!y aaii, aul bea my wotk Is du a4 tel sk, ca3 ia moruiftg tapot t shalT r Wh. draua by lb Eery courw mi tw "What thirst thwa. laeigfciikaal gfttn. bUlentebrmy fetr -I am A-i&jt m wefk."aj th gtasa ltab. a bt I can. I help to make up the s fl tV;r f field an.1 Ua. I aa wt'etSed II. with tail;. of other tm Hfst tv I. wecaa give pasture to lb 6kad herds. I am wvttrfny taaK II ho fred lb ra etw. gtv ta ssh. nance the sal and ltath fra IS air. aal he whw cbh th Lm el law tUU reward tn h thi: coal ef gtee..' rr what. htvty clwud. gi ta cros it heawus?" Thfoaga bright air a tote dfp froaa afar. tag: Vp aad Vwa thi sarthir t pace to tsaxh toea thai, ba a,IVj ar rassiag a ay. I ga;hr p tA water frvta lake aad sea aad fiwm ahea th thunder toU. I rfre4 t& earth, making lb dry graa. t la-ij with harvest ef wheal a4 UtU ef Cora. I catch th fro a of th and the hue f th rainbow. At tsb a th wtra J-f-e CJ pitch my teat, aa.1 r to sh.a 4.a the safrva aa.1 th turtb aa.1 t!W tjf ef th sunset. A tUUr vt cbad LI M the chowea aerves the 4er1. 1 at tvunde4 by ivh a I lb -ig of heatra and earth wtfl at Wt 4wL ftLVhel h CoCfieth i!a L..t. Oh. my frvtvl. If everythiaa! la th t atvitnate wwcbt b aw fat. Wt a lat.sar tat mea aat wtae b atX aal ta that respect b Lk th palta I fee. tS I ftft't M b Utttt'ted I LiJ ftk.&J ay ef that gra shaft of aet. that ttvisg aal grvu f3.r ta ta tastera eardeue, a sea ta &a Io th ,! trn I tat , l ttu;ed by what th t Kl Tvetataeat say ef tt t ra my emf f M Jh IS Lvangltst saj f tl ta my lest, a tarrt v. Xwtie that tt w a htvf! aad Ltfal rvbberr f ta elea tit helped mtk up Chrvt irtatapa a tw l t Jt rusaleta that ralaa tal 0 Th I, broad. gra leaf that ttreww unb-r th t-et f th roll. aal ta th way f Chrsft wr ba ef frea tw tfeea. What a tit. a aiiifM say, that the sUtely aat graeef-U tf shtl t b 4eetakd. Th ao i.l at thtlce wherethobraaeae la.L trV . M a i o govy at in pal, cr wa ar. prUtrle atwrtiked f th iUtkiu . in Umphal WVWesuL M lf Wn. sottalay win b la U. wwbl-a worthy trtamph 1 any rf wtthwi t ""c wwa waaecfttaig tiw poo . IrU briLf. tb rVrr ml mi ..i. must have two arvht&Mtt ptwtfv.e:' th on slain by hi & aa.1 th Vt fT a hf.ttan tatalabnl. fmm etl.rf picture f th wettl hl. ta ihetr ?wt est cotrt. in f 16 at tart a W m.bs Iheta. Th talglt ratori that ever rotVl thro th . hail. i their tath. th Li h mm, 1 ii.!k f thCORper. Wh We t&etr bw ui ia wnit ta n,fta'ay. Asr a Ut4"tnlrnr Wa IMitiUtl lii u atovvd a r th bfb t, ,f t. inmt.kni if me: m mt ar Ihll and Yotkfowa aal lat!t b tweea. whkh wvr th hal,g f th batioa. Th Iig4.a f ll . Vance la all th earia. bat U mx.t Km over th lite f taaav U f maiari ta th jwb Chrc.a worker who preach ami pray aa val and dt la lb aertw. Tb Jtiunr If amph in all dirertaxs but hwy a strength mast b tra Awa fra ta palm trf Chrvtua hra aaleoa secratioa ami thrwa fas hi fhf. To what better a maid th falsi tre a th- AtMttttera shAbr f Xat Olivet aad ckar dwa thsmaa pnt their hracb tiw b surreteWr then fr th hi el Christ uay bar4 J.raniC tiw taore pktarew)y, th ta taeaie andthmewtrtaph,aO Aalbsahal Utter a coal I w p nr ti t, tato th awri&r ff Chrtel aa.1 hjc aad th happiae I ar r ture? Shall w not b aCta t b tora down that rtghteoat aa3 hat triatnphaat waj? ChrW a lta . fr a. Caa a affl i tvta dowafurttinrf If Christ c.t .r tnueh fwr tta. caa w not aSf m f Chrvt? If b caa m,4 a ft !nlay totrat t JertMaSea V cam m cr., caa w not atf ed fw ,, rrotaurbatwhelotual staet l hi y? rw btt rtn trm !. Th prneesM every saa. to all direetsa. What Mai- tfca father hat wh hard h b ha. ia. hvmatoJa? It pal a hw ii atvl h.4,1 th cl ap. aad ta bsl it far f. aad I not rvv aWtherth number! tl hrava r m ugr tHtt ahieh I tarn th ! ar very clay. IU etop g,l deal, although mm h w straht a aa arrow, aa.1 hAyje - . t& ha4 I offered to ha 11 a th tuarrug 4a wa f gotly shap atsl a that mad it I will ta yoa a hat I th taafier. rt year ! rot4 hi f aauly stUotCI hat ao aeed aad hchddra le&l well edarate.1 and mtSmt boa lv. dlvaatafe f Wh el h.4ia fro, abichhehad affered a lifeia.a. that lb wvlf f huftrfer shoaJd tf fat I fa- 14 oeua. ?m ,iflf t hfty ji h la ea f I r th lH lit fttT'fe' taglM ea?y lf as llrow la Iftw py hi kiowwHnlit It ka foot 1 b ! It'tHfe hoalaa aa.1 ttnM, a lee R. ba ! I t be ae foi 1 64. thtta aay i;t mm I.m f aaaiait lTa attr wAu f be !" ta .-- n fioMit fro 4aei at,taiia. v ntaAe i3t at,,. i atnea ua. I ' 'm " "i IlUa w seapy W Vf--..1;! ia ! ti sol . r t .. ... vn Ma. abli J iH III iS.' : i 13 j t fley l la m4J ta Ciii t ta ku1 4f 4 Yf. eh 1 eof-St let luM.J' at tSw aiU Q !& vsy wv tw al let a .! aioiofiMif aa4 sefabiwtg ! esAiM.. h. katx Ift Im aa sim IS .. searkft ! slfftafaal atotils aatwblag aea sam ltl tel ! ku se(f la thai loWM a . al trw. IW baWI ! !W laefcaee antwtV, atweh a a wo .tl.iMfcnf Im frt rti4 ws4a1g 1, eavt .. a iw b fal b e4 .'i e e j't a (i h4 smIDw tree. tt3 l!W EUel be si11n:v aa beaaisy itg f, ami Ihrwwa ta- ta.y el lf h(l. At? Ital ao .Crv'iai 3taww sti'ViiM afalg'!'! ami d:v st l-'l ttil lf aiarf led. r t f wtie I lWta Kl'M ) el i irt l- j i. is ba!4 tvi Sef !- rw e a as n vl a ua at 1 1 traiopet C!Wl e t4o tJlnn laV f oi f let .S tft,i. j6. fl .i ! ! !W tl lofcf Wba-h) 3 iwf tl tUVfos "tnif iev rwmiinwif lf. yv.itg fHiw.. f.nnii . clay . iji Wiw sl B a aa. fRd $.jm uv a" '9 Ii fr.rif ft.el t . F wiaee. a,'-f lie avaiaief , f. ,m! tuf. l fc.-xe t i lit. ,4.1 ,. I l-g aad ie,V 6t t.f ifiH,n.i.J5M liW 15?' l -; 4-. Ukts.Xauat fwaaiiaavamjo t oiij. to slt1, ii 7 lbwM Ma.)oi Im.i abaf fr"l!ie tre . t'.nr t,M.. ?lfi I.M leUL, . hot abea 1 u.m .t. . ca lw boa tb'i.,l tf. jel try la muiiti kfM ii 1 - g? Mas t, bal a y-nt .. a4 lab li 1. I 1 . t- . I ! y I tt n t''" vid f. J himself IW atg at a ) g JUt.vCIW u:; a...! 4 ah(a ra m, tv. .rvel.MWweto, . a.fl .s-n,, t.l - a,, a.rt ,, a, j.cl, li; ,MW, tlf faiU-f a fc,af,r 'i,f-JS4'!M,!i t4lKH tl I . t m .t & axhaa4M e ir .jr 'j riwin . J-.a;j .r bos, ei . T t,.,. I .a:.,!e. f a,,n, ,s rMra,'w,,i,,,?',,,,,,,J'!" .. .as. eV. e:mVs. n WVSI l.k, tUe . , .,f I'W i,as .p..! n ,141; tswrt im is.., tiy HtHM. avylo. ts gi ,iiu in lW. " 'ol ati-re. 1. meii .f-e ,tn n,.,r' w,x hkrl w rV Tv I beti ). M llMf , tkei !, C'Htfattfr(t :... baaa.el tw li.st- lM a. lMfeM1W(ta. I lb lhwfch .. I i.a.a 1 11 4.. "1 b t - ta S4..UM t'!M at jj-vi. f- f.krk te.M. a,. fte a t .- a. I .-,B,f wtMf be aad W avl t . e.4,. btb c .W n arvtatJ! S" asvfulif? um nucmf .'. r I t".tt atoi!! a,,,. p . f 'f 4 1 iilrr.f - ir.r v.nr, k 1.1 sl 1 , llal.-a-.ew'.,,,., ietS4"i a,.4... bas.il eta ly -. a.l. lo...Hi t'tm 4m w.a V 'm. ai..4 4Hi.,lg ,v a t4-ml t ll cbi';i tt aMf as ti.: I . .- -h-t w.r- si , V, 41 ! r - a ay aiiw "-F la. "5 totf m lit ii4'e l.sKrtB, boll e a,l -i; fa libti4Vl ami 4it.:M4Ht l " . eb.f4r bo.4jLi w Stptd tal-t t!Ue . r..,w,l feaARKb. w e. fifoHMr l.bl if r.ai 4mr ..a- eH f w mm mm Ptt it a S4.1(i a W lb, 1441 s,ia. tiltfttHewnifft,, .a(''Kn .(a 4...;, 1 iataaKtt4alrk AtAtisg ta rE,i WoriaS. b ir. lb I.,. a..; a a, a, a 441 4,f imt,m .t y.ar. b i .aa twit a. i... ta sev ami a t. eet. f afftaa t m Hiltal, et hUMbaml a4fi4 wmh IS 4 4Vtfl,44( e,.l4J .,; 'm otjost f Sei.BtU ai Srg,!lbel!t-t!tftn ami bwMia,. T -. - I . s-artted el I. (us I. " tB .a 4.ilHei,Waiataa.v.Mawas1 laatallaaet S h. ea tSo .Jr3 are 4 brt--.fs,.v ami .,.ai.4,Jli' . f T "4f, ' at iv,-wrtto trr, I ar ? i,fwC-...Ht,o iirr J- r-U-un..tieT imTv j n-ii,)tei 44l rv,"t .-tii t-, tftal tarat fJ A . . . . w-m - " J b.,,,d.ar.r.eee re. . I W 1 1. ei f aa.1 l.M. M tU I- a.e.. f JC .PsTinT: L.eWa T tbia lake tw . .- g,M, a.4i - J .11 " :.TT? ! wwv tt. tllll-.fv .1 al . ...Jf , ... ... - . " .. .. . in.nsiMii. 1 a.. r-i-xi a U . ' " 1 w - e ,,).if eowai 11.au ii yiawi tna iji ifliHiu.ii4 ... n. . tt it - . w i a m. rm ttJv tai. f;,-S4r t .... ? II IkH I toitl a. 4-tie4a 4 ,4,n, I 2 f i ! -4 a4a ifM.5l I in -H,,' ea lt g4era4 4..iH4. e-ati ewaHfl. It 5 4 1 4aacrl x . . . f Nat'!' i.1j-M, BM4. 4.1.. 1 um a.., .4. a ......... . 1 U - T - - - r f fl. ami I lm. m w.rif 4ic ta .ftt T Ri b. brt b t,.'-! tR,.iVf Am. a a ft taa ta ln. aafiij ia 1hi at4Hi4, li.e !. 4mif M 6Cal. lef "Mae. lef h w..SUt? fa-oa .. lb ballosJr c gSo. ttCta t 4..iH lw at anirta t IlMW.i4a4liM be ami trite f4 ei tbrfci . ar ,, 4 fr Vr.s Mtg b J &. a.,i lb connea e taw. H.li, vl . Iy lab i4.lalalkCI l-tmlb W f h.'V l'aaele f... ip, faa baat wf a,t . IW w...4V THee I . 'T l b aWray , i.it alkj a. tb. Tb at .e laiife f b faia ta r ta, wiiiie s agetl. Tb a a t,4. litefala h lt tea .mi 44.. las b &.? ta tiK. . a tLwaf aa b tmt4 r1..B, WhebMe.4 twt rte 4w mmM?. Wbe. b- -f a 6444- egieev am e. tt l fywM, lw jtMX.bw 444. f aai' -ta 1m.,i -tWH.-ri lMtl iiiw4i mm turn b a a,,,,,,.,.' thai eM b r IV'mwi'k at, bos mt I coa5 ift,. aawi(,a, ba at awitif r'tasc av.t44 M Ibreagb be lbrnd n aeeUNol . 4..sm ta t a. I mt bv. I,, u se4 ba ta li4F 1, e 1 9im IWoW-Vt t;y lb. M ee4m ... (h( wva b ami !. TV a " r4. m - ,H ". $CkK I ,. 'I !W3 13,., eseMi. f I o.L 'Wm I toi le av eitL 4ii e.le IL " IK.,, f'l ot.fj a ! antjfWL " " ! m1mm tn4 4 I CiMtaol ftf !,., IA Wm wt3 omh wto toea tn ot f 4 I aVMtOl tMai 4. k Ar. iJluUi U lOilulil 1.1 "irr T w e etw " aefiti . . oaiteAKHOM . ..h! ' S'tAoat, lteo- liOi leuUt ta . . . - . . M - - Ulft tV aUatilUa afl Baa aSaaa. a'ba i at ii.tos. I la kMOtaAtia 1. n loH. W Me lfc r. t -wivi lir .l mm !. I e ai f liHM. fxvt.r.Mi ta ttj am wttowif 4 toiloif lotaAtiee CI lo ir 9t,m, Oe w-asvs jat osw e.e tM at"M twMaj,1 tmif iwi mo ( tiebj Hf ii ,l.OH 4oM SuwHe a iMvt . A SM. 4 I l .MK4M f KUm Ht-e wwa. I a.X fe . em ke luHil.. llHt lltrVtO! !" 1, 1 eit 1 hot HfiiM W Aa len.WM a - m ottt'lU ft A.A 4t..oe ou.s'ttui a w fill ami !. e rs btemO )a Cti.tei(tu tsuu q!s att., tjti.ie .,sTiet.o; ' ' -t Hr, tf t.ft M .MliO ne viw f-ii . eWMmiw ten wWiim. .f a i, - !' l;tst-iitktVipi-tt. Kill ta, .'. Um.Z,':l I 1' lirr)4.i it ! fiM ee g t ." lai.t.An inlir(4 I IS .- ! ItuMIHtlM k. - I Mj. a ts-. ... . a .7 .T.T. Y f b .. 1 4 e g es- a "worn h,.J H I4 f imKt I ;-o &. ! J Itsfe ,W. 4 a 4. . Mm 4 .-t.s f . 4 ab- reeresew la.aweeia,, ,1 fco b.s4 w b.mfe . ..... .. aoeerX rl b, .Mlf o .,-., cf 'H-.l"e- m -44 a, lv - a. ai f.A i -S3 s., -. 2., IW VI1 l,,Vf 'Ue f )' J I, flM,. .HH 1 I.. . !..;. . s ,4 .-V,k4 v-t .wtls - ia. a -.-fa,, la l fc IV., 1 ,, ih 4 , t.:,3 tiw Wga,-d , .. Im mK3 mW 4 4 , $ mvir I lw mr-3 R a,0. em n-' f.M ! I f,m . a ,. eg w j,,, fr"'-1 n 1111 ' l"-ett l I .. !. 4 la.ati " -s shml 1 --tt.a, i aal lew.., .V vw. .. teeia-t mi,;--.- ,3 (n,,.' .! a..lHa bf A't 1 i H-l M V.M ; f ' Pagv S1 II ef a.n'' .id! ft, ..ii Ibi,. -;' 4 H,a,t a.tk i f"C .A fc-s, . .., wa .m e p M.t i e. Nt 4H prt I. .m aeiMW-MM., M , rtStb,4,l4 h - i. j T t'M.fm .4 fe.1. let leU ..,s a4 I I&Mtfeat.a.sM !t) . ni .- b'el li4 4at-4la lri f mm i Hi ii f 1 14 M4V4 aj J b! M44it't4 , i I .44 ! 11.lfi'ltM4..H a.l4,Mr1 "' - S.K 1 t'ttsl IX4. H.u24 l4.A. T ea40l ms 11 a ..... ... ... t - m 7 f a.j.i ir hmSiiI . " " ir-'w ..nun WW t't4" ' 1 r- - X - t i is.,! af . bA.iw lb oiJ eomaa um. .!... 1 .4t. 1 . ,'VuCa b m jr 4,44 -if b . aa4q. 14 4i!WtaMi .-'l b' 4. tW "i4 a,!- .- ..M4 4M.114. I m.4l i?f. !b tii'4t,!vJ 1 X. I.Hm a j4 a.a o h, J I ..14 ! real ma lai .a.t . 4 l4me.r Al . ' t I4.4..4-. ...... a a j.. . . ,.. " " " ei..w . fta 4 .(. aiil ' wt 4. t.uM 4(4.. y aea.l isoaaf aVbM a wri , I 4'fcaea Wlt Na44ibrMl fj.aia 4 ataae. 4fci W40HI Vif J a9f.Ma aa a 4 1 r4ta( b 4Kgi4 4 .-, 4 1 OWtV-g- i.l a.aaN 1 m-SI 4afl i v N 414 A. at.tl 4 fs4aea e. bMM4 MM lW- ll44f Bt4JWl 4 a 41 a 41 1 tt 1 tivf ia 't 4i4Vtt j 4fcWt4f M ia. - c4a.-lrfa abrtvl mmW f .al ie)aatVf4 fiitJ-i4ta, la at abet 1 11 44.4 m e-; ' I a t, m.4V', fa ' t 1 14444a, ' SIS 4H4...ttfiI4a a,4B '" -V t4-ae a I b-l.X R ev4-e4 444a44 j I4. .4 J bl41 44 4..M I.. . I 4 4 l.4 a ,r a 14 mm. Mintf 444MAi 4aia-t, 4,Ki i, f f l. ,v m. "1411 t t'4fJ$r- rto.btt,, 'ft4 I. !- 04f S ratva.! , 'fbw f by lit I- 4,4 3. 1 142 4 ita'Mrie Um4 ;i4 4,emw4 El..ai . ..m - . slaataaaal I affaata.. ..d , ... ia a. a4.ru..a F a.... .an a ..41444 a- n f aa .ff.aialaK, Itjsa4v, W.y ' " 1 . - m-m 4MaHk JS, ' 4 4. 4t.-t.4l 4'4Sj . ataxia, vtmr -mmse- '2 r . . ' t" . I -, ra4os avt.4 oagv4J44,44 j tealaa .8,S M as 4.;!,f 44ta J . f, 44 fi.-av. .ffS ff W, 444 'M1.t(li1 1 11 leaf ; -AfiV,esal 5 J fteliN H.w4.m ettMsr ; tfUfttipirtt TI i wIWs tiV9 at'ttt f Dm oMHt eL d lb. at e ( 4alt -Hi I hH MM t tt 4tHetb 1 .11 at Si f srav i na? a a r 1 rn , lttiil(. a lt imie',KU .. w fUmm 1 - ! e -ja w -m -r-iH'rttstt. .Tttf-'lTi aiw WK aVffiat'. m mm. aiu t-fc."i - aa 4 aifl k e a 4h, rts rttH I1 ' -. 11' "a "-rt.a'.a e lis e.fii ! ia ttr lo h e ts4i I H IV ttA fl fitH tH4, 1 ".KW eitiKtl v Uoii fMM 1 aone 4HI aitJtfHr'UM tf .vtMlb taa ai4l A i tHelHtr t ! aoAM . a .4 leeesw atnUi iHitHfl hi H4 Ms, HI St-1 iMitfVttir'M a.U fei8 jrtH.Wrfe, ,Hi hV h e.tAat t4eM atttl ur ht 4 Milbwntt If H-flia m ntl Is Be aitfl . ti .m aat sHiniflK,,; 2, f 1 ft.et.tK.ii M So .) saw a.1 g lis, eMitttrfl r'lMVaiieaitf a. -a.il, i 4i4 ft- Ileal "VtH ta jMMt St MiiflHi.iti i M" hii pyP4(gi Ml wf 3 4ti IW tbkitfiiHi 4 aw fnausiil K wH4.r tea 4iH Mt'Uti'l4!4 llsittjg Ump rfl.n. itntt.if e itr'tf aoNiiaii ua i Hi! yav4tel4teiai 11 H.-4a 4,xe SOiHitfl tl .., U l.il,a.wa H- WHM r N s4.. I ty,B"B fv.y" tt MHSt.rit-rtk 1 I 4i mmk -,, M erfD .14,4,14 lJt'1 ..rfl. I etaia, j I, 1 H ,i H'H 0104,0, 1 H.m 4 iabcHU VQoM.tiii '' iJ -:H- Hit, I.twe.iw ibe41 Ho eHr4 1.g n.M r It."" W..w r.-m- 1I ! ilrfM . ' 1.4 KH UHlll-t1 4rtl ' fl j.Hrt ' , 4,g aHli. gt.a. H.e itw t.Ni Mai f , ! at it m4 I ! I at II t4 imvoAh 4-. v,m lfl) f.Mg ad aHo Mf rfoi'i l e Nih.h- aa '. fl,HlS 1 , ewm..f a. 0fl M i M -0 Lena.; r-A.. f'i-a1 If 4.M ,1 3tow4 mm' trt eil Ht.iKii M.tii,iitA, I ' Hifai W 1 .M . hu a . iwbtit(t o i. sl it' la.veMM.il 0 eHi la.. m4 fe ,U.44 i. w.k4 tt I4' M .,Mti, tM ... b)) .Hi a., Mm t( Ht-fl I ' .-. UN 3-o4ft1 I li fi t4 m f a .r-. 44 Me atirtaU 1, 4m .,1.1,,., wfi- M 4 M, ,,ad ttH 4 M r4.4 4.H"W Ht40tMMi4l II' rHti4, wg ilotHttHH tiMt, X ,11 aif4Mjlw K 44. mtmHtii iM .f!! io'i1 li' llev eMe " I'll ,. HH lt l. aitiea .,A pa. I" 1M4tiKa rf 11 4Ufu!4 M.t ..(. 4iaU h 'v V bi4 slsVllij: ft 1 1irf f 1i'S-w4 Hl mj.MM , i-4,M I- dl 14 4 i vtiu. a'alaatsat It' ai Mu sons h mt h4l Hii M n a 4 M- eff M'-' Hrbt4 1 1 MjttsasV'J 1' ) Li- . ti j fi, sa.144, .a.jft i l4aa HOO. teieiiwatH. 14 N lMe44 lrl 4H Hh a t44!4 MOtatl TiUiImuim !. 4.flt R.a n.M .'4jat4b4 ( tit 4i4j4t t a p sf ma rv .. e- . jii. 414 fU, If tif 1H. 4 .., la4 Ht aswil.a f..i..j4 tia44J jsi 4-4 Jtt, 'U "w w,44tt4 l. Tm 4lit. Utit) 4nw.. 4H a tHHt ta t i .H.i4i- if ' SM',, . m t' H tMmt. H4t . .- - . ... . . mm '.w 4tMMfl, t. DtaHt IllP f 4Ct4 toelts 1 iali..a I fi a tV yeMA . 4 1 b rtt . ,ti,4 1 ! b jttiMtV 4n4a)a,1 4 ifl. ' M,'MA. IsHNtwH, ttf.v.i4 ' s A$n.n. I ataiii, , Mg ' '44, tUra 4,44,1a . j a tt lH 4t4tt tU slta abvva tM ,4. . - 14., fatal 4fM. b,tii n1iMl 3 ,al f b ' ; A C .-4l tgti.44t, . 4il.ni lvtil.4 4. irt lll44tll 44,4 . . . ' . 4 , a .1 n etae 4Sm4 mm " 14 M.tt4. i4l4V4 al M4 t41 MU.. - w 4. Mia alt4. ,41 feulaa. I f " w feMt ;T t. , N -oi4444 me t.llN.l4 m.l.m "W M '"" 4,'4Mai.. ?b, c;, fiitttitrt.bt.t.ti t.i.Tt; til. pa a 1 twee 44 a 44 .a.,, n., . . . m a. . ... m Irft. t.ua.i,.. 4k..i ... ll a lv.. ... . . .. fl. 44lpl4M4al4 -4 IW. a' .7.! r, ., 4.4 al Tt JTsao ' " a j, C5 t Ifsfonfti asgs t a apa ? a.. a ta,. aj li . oiiui riii MAUI! !4SV! attwiM' a .,Mii, 'iS41,l-l"'0Tl '. 4tjW ,4ti .f .jm,,..!! .j;. tn MttM . -tH-.ii.Tlt f"m ai.fc4.m $ Ja i. .I"....'4 .wt;. -4 4,iii'. titV'M' :.:wt "mothi:r PRI END' .'"t; ""? r-e ;: 4- ;; a, m i 4 1 44. ' a'.-.lii e- i.i.d ,.. '''at-tiomf on.r '. ?'' aelMJlH .M.H04Url 4 aoHmo! tt-tNimm,, i 1 iwaww w ' x m e' i.aM a)eav4( eiMa4M a. ON, l1MtSa Rwl,tlS S.Jt4''l IEiOL ttut;. $ Jt ii . 4l 4 ' 4 . 4MB 4 4 . a-i- a "! "--r . . I ,a. 4 a 1 . -4; ' -a r 4Hf 4liv - .bn,f t 4 M a m- tm- -hn ! t'ftrg)4 tt'4 4t 'lt 4j4t I , . 4 4Ja4 i s t ae4H .4 , 4.ft. 4Ya .4. )--a.,4 'a 4n MtH"K .a )4.s 4vta. -4-, 44a MI aw .a l -v, sw .a,et.a. .,,r tfsaaaM. 4 -a I a, aa iMiM,it 4j. , tsW tl 4rt a). , -w-i- , 4. 4br , ,MN ' 4 -e.a' 4. t.,.4 4 . . , V -! 1 '4a aeae44' 4 a..,. a- .mmM4' . ,., ,. 'rV 4 .,., m:,-m 4, 4 .44. - -a, at -la a mr4 ).. ..,14, aas.af . - 1 .,,, a.,,, Ma'-4 Nree'.M . . -a. a4.. a..., 4t4,H -4, 4 t 4j 4o4a, , 4 . 4 .... ,. -A ia.s1.H) te4 4MM J-e . s-f 4 . 4. i4,. t.si4W e.1 4)r ia4, . a 4it ( , ,4 "4"' .4.-4,, M4 4W -iW44 ,,..4. ,4.,,. )(. 4. Mw, .4.. 4 f'l,aa4a.llm fi.Hu.H- l4.. IM.M t 4hl44,l 4.. 4( 4H4..4. 4-4t tea 4-4a 44tt M b4f . . ' 44., 44 J - 4 ., 1, 4jea4M 4 -A.'. ,y a'.. a w, h M.aVfk 4ji,. .. - '4 4. . - - 4l- 4r4. a 4 4.4i4ab .,4 f 44,4e- 44e.4. a m 4 4 . . f .4 4i4l M 4 44 4t' -4 alf .et 4 41 e44Vj .44 4 14.,' (( 111 A-4. ,,, Mie( fi4i.i4t, I,, JOHN TULLp t5xti;.rxtx t rzizxur. fclVM-0 4..,4HA if , Ar -,M' .ft4) H4 4a4WHlt.K4lMHie fl JM'.! 4 ' "WH4.H. atinai Notice. Cle i.r tlM.ltili.4 4 4llHiat4H.M ,g 4A i J) 4'i44OS . 4Mli 44H..UU, .!... ii tueiH '4 tevMMHM i4 .40 4.t.wi4m 44lHiOiaa444.M m S l "4M.MMI a.M li n.au . adte 4,4 a4M'ih4i fUmi a 4 4t4 o a " . . . tJ h 44irt..H.4 4,1 mM . e. ii S iSiliS 4H1' . ( 4M a" "m.i -. 44fl a.44a I4WHH. v1 tH . Mil, t.lM. 4 t 4- M 't:t'l M 1 il4 V S 4 4441 1 , lit 4.444. wi.Me a44.v 4 4t4. 4t e4 2 a 7 4 J J t f a 1 ' g 4 X P -5 i X 4SS- If ft V 4b mm i x 1 5. 1 r I a .-" . I f r i. r ? r aa 4C '4 v z n a 1 4 1 J 4 t J a "T TI T C -slJI 44V4b a X X O 4, 4 .t 4f 44 l4 .444 Mtwtai, 4 444M.44i M4444444, JV4.-J- y 4a T. a I(t re ' " a " eT ! 1 w 4 J C tJTte'Ia r 1 t a. I 4 $ , 1 4A W4 4.fcf:t',.t4A, Unit 4 IW . A 4..f. ' 1 -w - - n ,., Hint, e .a fit t He. . rj; 1,4', 4' 4-:i fl t a.,. a4 $ t- t-,io 4 4riM44t1 4M444i44.4 aWa. -4tt.- 1 aVaaiaM.atab .a.a a 44 a--, - - 4bllMHMb .41 .a. a. .U a. wtsiiii-iinwe' - atau j awLah aat mimmmi b i i i ii - mim. ma m av.aJB. tpW"i pe -- ippnpvts' e" ajjp r e m i .i ,i.n . ene i Km. !!,. e e.eei ' fcPdftav- 'biraaBsa! !' 4 T-a 4 MaV 'lHaV iai 4aSMal jkhaaaaaWBaB aW sat ii 1 1 i a i - piea T'te" wjeTBaw ipiwirwpsv' iinsievwfl 53 1 11 1 r - 1 ai x a 1 r m 4 a T tT IP1I"'! m' a .1 " mZ 4jfejggaa M- au 4jaaawa .,'- aav2J S e- 4Be mm S ' 11 4a i avaf Chllfcsu shw"i)iiw ij iiiiati asiia. gjajjaaaa aNMba aJaMW asaisa)ajai iaft '" ei.wwMMUlHt. tauT' 0mm' """"" ". at . an i ei , m, w )saia , f tt a , tSe 4. lI'T'ViiilOTI:.!., (' t f 4.. I. !.. i . I l b b I A, i.ii,.iw e,..... ,4. vM 4 ,4 j (l 4 H a 1 ' V..4aaaa . ' 4st ' .a 4)Xi ai4M.ai ' --... . 44ta e t 4 a 1 1 . 4 4 4 , . 4)- t- 4.. , , 4 Mi-i,.a, 4). mv4, ...,, -4 . v I a,., v . v , 4 . , 4, 144, " V4 444 .444 ) , M -..it ..,,4, 4 4,t , V4 evt.e .a 4t:eiai'i,iD t A . " a -4 O ....4., ' 1 O 4 v t i . t-........ ' 4 4 4. 04 I .VW4 4 ,.t4 4 a -4 .. .t. .4. 4 M. .. . e mi',mmi. - - a 4- ... . 1 . a .a 1 " a .... . ' " ' a . i - . a 4 a ..... .. . ' ' 4 ! I 4 a - . 4. ... 4 a. , 4 m 4 " t a 4144 .... , .4 . . ' - " , 4 " a " a a J ' 4 a 4 . , -4 ... 4 . m 4 m : ' " a 4 4 41 ' 4 . .4. , ' . . m - .4. ... , , 4v- 1. -. " r a a "' 4 .... - ,4, -I 4 .4 4 44- 1 4.44. .4 -.' a 444 . a a . ' a1 '4. a 4 e 4. M 4 44 a a 4 . 4. " " 3 t .4.w4 . . . 4K. li.lmi 4 .4 -.4 .,4, 4 44,. 4 m, , 4 .4 ' i 1 m . 'I 1 Ot , 4'- 44'i4i 4..4,.., 4 4. , a - 44 1.. . 4. a . tt a b 4. 4j., t 4, 4 aa 4. ' 444, V4 - 44 4 4 4j yj, "4 t 4. "4 - 4 'v".4 "- ' 4 mUttH 4t.f.e4L 444. , 4 Mil 444 444. 4 1v . .4 4.444. I 444 l ... .4 T 4. t y .. ., ,.. 4 4.4 .H, 4 A1WI,'. " ......4 44 ... 4' M V "I 4 o e4 44.,. ' W 44.l 4 .44 - 4 44. 4 44J44 4. 4(4t 4 .444- a.M4 4 .44, . ,14. 4H 4 4 1 4 a Vf V4 .4 -"4 44rl 44 4 '..414. - 4, A . "" O- .4,4444.W 4. 114. 44 l- 44.4 414.4, a TV44. ,4 t, 1 444. OM. 4.4.4- 4s 4 ...... .. w 444' '4- I . Vs -i ii ,a 4 4 o. 4 tee 4t mmm,. a. V 4 . . -4ie-4 orr:- lefts v.. W a44.. ja $'.mHkmmt,m . a4,. mwi"H. Wiaeae, , av, ' f aia' V.444e4 W4 4e . "' '' . 44.4M 4M 14. 4V.. ... w 4 4I a444.4W. a a 4w444.44-4ta.im 4.a. 4. i,.44h el, 4444 Mfttti :4 t4jf ai 4 4...V4M wk 4. 44..M4....4. .4M4W 4.. ... 44. 4 ' 4b4 4444W4I4.4W. 44 JS4i4 4le.4T4 444. V4 4,4a aa., 4f ( . a 4a. 4 a4tt 4f 4 . 4)- 44444 4jl'4W4..4)4Ht14 44t,,, 4jl,,4U4a- 44 44 f 0444,, 4 mm414 44-a, 4 I 4444.444 4 444.-444I. ,,.,. ,4. ,,. 4 ... " " .44 4.. 4. ,..44,. '-won. 0. . t....... 4444 '.. 44 t 4e al ',-'.,.'-l44 ,44.,.,44. 4444.,..,,..4j, .M.JW,,!,., 4.. . ... ... "4 4. .-4)-. 44,,44,4.. W 4" ... . " 4.. 4i ,...44, M4.4. 444444- 4444 ' 4MH 44 ,44 44, 4 44 I4.44. 44,..,,... V 4-. a44.4- 4 -j,. 4,.4,444 W. 4. , .44- 4W 44.444, 4444M4.-,.-. ... 044- 4444a. 44..,4MH. . ,., . 4, V44 '4,4 4.144 I4f44l44.. 44, MW 44 W 4" 4--44.. 44..44t ,.,. 4 44..H ..4,44 44.44 444 44 4,4Ma af4 at 44444l ' 44i4.. 4444444 4 444444444444! 1 44 ' vol. 4a 4.im l 4t.t4 t44l T"ll. 44 44. 4444. 44. 4.4441 44,.,: 4 , 4444. 44t.ni,. I 4. ,M4V4. 444.a. 4UM. ' 44 444444444444 .,444. a.4444. 44. .444, 444444 .4.M 44. 4. 4 44444.44-M .44 . ' 44444 41 ew.) 44 444 - 44. 4444444. a.44,,4,, 4, 4,44. 44, W .4, 4444.44.. M4. 4Mf444ta4a44 e wnt t4..li4.4a,.4 1W a.4t44 4H,,444 4 44..,.,, j 4444444a 44444H44X4 i.M4r fmrtn IT", r " ." " ' , 4 44bgbj 4b4taiaa a aaaaaa aba ii .ii. v "wmmmwm m im"i4j 4 -4 4M yta, at)..e

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