Successor to "The Morganton Star" sBi7RicE7- $i.oo THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1892. THE STATE CONVENTION. The Democratic convention did its work well. The ticket nomi nated last week represents no fac tion, and belongs to no wing of the party, but when such a ticket was named factions disappeared and the contending party forces got together all along the line. We have in North Carolina to-day no Holt men or Julian S. Carr men or Sanderlin men, but from Cherokee to Currituck there are one hundred and fifty thousand voters who march under one ban ner on which the only legend is "Democracy." We have a strong ticket, nomi nated by the largest and fairest convention ever held in the State, and our success at the potls in No vember is already assured. Those who went to Raleigh ex pecting to see a fierce factional fight over the gubernatorial nomi nation and a split on the platform were disappointed. Those who expected divisions are met with unity and determination to win ; those who expected to see dissat isfaction and disagreement are confronted with a solid party phalanx enthusiastic in the sup port of the ticket and determined that the Democratic majority in vrth Tarnlina this vear shall pass the high water mark. The deliberations of the conven characterized bv that spirit of concession and com prom ise for which North Carolinians are famous. Patriotic Democrats freely sacrificed personal prefer ences for the good of the party. Differences were reconciled, breaches were closed, harmony was maintained, and the people of North Carolina, from the moun tains to the sea, having come to gether with the determination to maintain the integrity of the par ty did not adjourn until that end was attained. The Democratic convention o: 1892 will long be memorable in the political history of North Car olina, and the beneficial effect o its wise action will long be felt throughout the borders of the .T com monwealth. THE REPUBLICAN PLAN. The Raleigh Signal the leading Republican paper of the State says in its last issue that there shall be no Republican State tick et in the field this year." In the same issue ot the paper it says that "wise leadership will secure North Carolina's electoral vote for The ticket nominated and the platform adopted by the Demo cratic party in convention last week leaves nothing to be desired. The man who cannot give the ticket named his most enthusiast ic support has already made up his mind to leave the party, and his opinions are not worth the consideration of Democrats. Al- iancemen and non-AHiancemen are loud in its praise, and every true Democrat and every true Al- ianceman will work for its elec tion. 1 he man wno works against its success is an enemy to the par ty and a foe to the best interests of the State. It was ?:ta o'clock when the an nouncement was made that the placing of nominee tefre the convention was en.lcu. The ex citement was in toe. I here was The Man from Maine May IV the Nom- at times a roar of voices, and inee Harrison to HeU'tlMwn r-a-y I again a Inll which Urownea t a. ? t: mv.. . a . every voice. Chairman larvis LOOKS LIKE BLAINE. THE STATE COMVtNWO. mm iw niniii sta-ttt IT JlA mt tmm MmM Hiwwwll I In the last Issue of Tit lit nut we gave telegraphic ret-oft ot the proceeding of the ilemralMr State Convention tip to the nomi nation of K. M. t'urman a Audit or. We give below the lull pro ceeding from the time the eandi dates for governor were place! in nomination until the cloe of the convention, which arc ttvm the reports given in our daily exchanges. WorUI Fair Salaries too Vig let ting that Harrison Cannot I nl Dutctl or Elected. CVm"spnt'iwe of Tw Monut ? UtiK Washington, N. C, May The Harrison crowd are already beginning the task of letting then man down easy, mey now ac knowledge that he cannot be now- nated on the first ballot, and they alk mysteriously about the tos- sibility of his not allowing hi name to c" beforethe conven tion at all, or of his with drawing in favor of Maine alter the first ballot. That Mr. llarrisou will willingly withdraw in favor of Mr. Blaine is not be lieved bv anyone in Washington ; c leering he would preter seeing any other man in the world nominated. It has just been learned from a most trustworthy source that Mr. Harrison proposes to make another effort to make a bargain with 1hha Clarkson, who will lie here this week, by which he hopes to secure his support he probably can if he will make Ins otters tempting enough, and will give sufficient guarantees. Agents of ll.trkoti have already, according to advices received here, obtained control of a considerable iiuinWr of the negro delegates in the Southern States. If Mr. Blaine has hot made up his mind to take the nomination, if he can get it, he is acting verv strangely, lie knows that his name is being used to weaken Harrison and he says not a word to stop it. Comptroller of the Currency. Lacey, who should long aso hae been dismissed from rtiee for the manner in which he tbalt with the wrecked Philadelphia national bank, has goue to Chicago to or ganize the national bank of which he is to be president ; but he did uot resign before leaving Wash ington. 2fot he. lie will devote as much time as may be necessary to his private business, but he i- too good a republican to forego drawing a salary from the govern nient up to the lat mmnte. lie will not resign until the first of July. Senator Woleott, of Colorado, who has reported favorably fiom the Senate committee on Ci'il Service and Retrenchment a joint resolution proposing an amend ment to the constitution making asked for silence as the roll cull began and said that he earnestly desired that no vote be cast for himself for governor. tt was S:ta when the first hatM ended. The chairman announced that the vote was as follows: Holt. 43 Sanderlin, j$j I. S. Carr, 15; Klias Carr, 1 1 Alexander. 14 larvis, Mr. Mcrritt. of Person, withdrew the name of Alexander in favor t f J. S. Carr. At this there was great tin the second ballot there were no marked chances. Sanderlin got more of the alliance strength. The result was announcevl at 9 J as follows: Holt. 431 Sanderlin. j;6 J. S. Carr. 151 Klias Carr. t3 The third tallot showed little change: Holt. JJ J. S. Carr, i; Sanderlin. Jl I. teas Carr. tt; The fourth hallt resulted tollows: Holt. Sanderlin, Ktias Carr. J. S. Carr. Klias Carr made gain. On the filth ballot A rrr -a. .JL ' .I " V v - " " - r -1 riK T ' . ROLLER YD AV wt' fv; r Smu4 aPfrwiH!., - 4 A m u m .V C;AMK ! ItLINl) MAN'S ItfKF. rmiitalHn u- ! ." a iicrg i s l 'fit motion pre ?! mie pep ar-wic i' p.pi- V. ' B- I I ...-II J I. I I Vt M.sHl i..Mkt flCMlMif.-3 k. fw ." w'"!! f'M( mm iCKH'BH1 Mi StnalI Iti i I S I'M InlW 'l n.mated f-f Sealr f t Us I atamati"n thanVieg tlHe iim - .... ....... M Vf Stt Nyo!i. f-fS J !. iS H . fr"! I C Start i9k. J. 11--. ." m" MlHhf 11. -I i . Ij- i, I- t v.rarn. were p'xtr l " 1 1 I'v n..t 5 t T S 1, w'H of.l A 5 , n fr a i;a the largtst there wa greater excitement and mare ap plause than at any one ate t tirst. Klias Carr continued to make gains. The result of the tilth l4J.t showed gains fr Julian S Carr also. Before it was nn.ncd there were demonstrations in favor of various candidates The vote was Klias Carr jit. II dt . S. Carr ;a;, San terlm 1 1 There were great cheers be Kba Carr's friends he having double ! his vote. iitm itk ri viif. The sisth ba!l-l brgan amid much stir. It shwed from the start many changes in Klia Carr's favor. Franklin gave him her if votes, iiautat it. Harnett t. in !. Uii K w l-1 hi t,eie. The rrt ' t ?.-',-'t 1 K.I. AIttIF-V I . ,'?.-... j, 4?J. Hli;. W. St ,t-- 19, Sanx-le flu fra w ? I f'- it witMra a w a' tt Ia-i a-! H'-'S. !.( . & , iv j .. a . n . . u .... .. . . . . f' lir1 fait) i ?f Cbtliins:: C!ot.bis: M 4 1 11 1 ; t ' J a lit; 3 w SilMjv II i S- .111 iT, jl I. 1.1 41. ' I Ming a :; a- were ra a1 ! a mfe grvat g ' the Presidential term six years and I Hyde 6: Mecklenburg gate J. making a rresidetit ineligible for I v-arr 2 votes. . iian sff re-election, would doubtless like I Kave l.oas Carr and J. S Caft to have this amendment go into I 7- It was seen by the tone the the Republicans this vear. It is etiect 31 arch 4, ly.H. instead of I vote was lwo-t:rus Compete: verv evident that the wise leader- -"" provme.1 in me yr ie oi ielruxe as I t'v"' . - &ft.ifr i"-. 5.t"' I.".. e , If wa OCl tH . . He revetsT'l j I ri-s-fiinsg u"v T!e est r,"4 up. w le wiAt, 'f Ati-' ' era! U , ,i .?e-t. s rrp. K C S-"-,, I U. A Xi K:mC, l I.r-V R ; I''- N-fthaif? t t. t.vffr. rt Mf 4 i" ". tnatett.. Tfcr U;t w tr.'S ev-nal- ls V It I-.- Ca!lfil. s.'-.- f'-i I t IVji Wrt!S.njtf.'". t N . wpfc a?- rt--?-n9 I? t i then t aT t 1- J 4 . K 4 f I t t I t - t. tt 4 ; - H i"l 4.H 4oA yMit! n m . . m H.H I4i Hi tl Mm .Ilii 1 : rMM-.fl Mil ',(l f t jNiWI l! MitMMf Hit 'Ol l.-ilf xliottill 3 Sr w4 IK gWMtjlM,, j . k x .. ( rr, 4.1. k1; ' r5iH(t :n lit MrnV line t4 II .ill W c 1 't -? I j tic i i t 5R ? H I t. 'tl snip 10 wnicn our ivepuuuu .ou- uimseir Wlth the know led- that temporary reters is that wntcn a higher authority than the Con would encourage the People's I stitution the iH'oplew ill prevent nartv tn nnt an electoral ticket in Mr. Harrison getting a second term. The members of the joint Im migration committees which have the field, so that the Democrats will divide and the Republicans can carry the day. This is the only "leadership" which could give the Republicans a ghost of a chance in North Carolina. We see it stated by Mr. Polk that the reopie s party was auiy orgamzea uwen lias proven such a the convention. Chairman Jars announced that he had received 6y vctes. j3i being nrce ary t a choice. There wa a ruh of delegates and no end of chersg A motion was made ta mase K nomination unanimous, and it prevailed The cncrntin wbi Th re1!: f t as. KV. i(i W-fthoA?,.is f v J -m been engaged in investigating the! wi!d a chairman Jarviann ne4 subject ot immigration have hot I huas Carr as the nominee. the Ut " e I t.- t ' I a?f . r ii5Ss.s, tli the I"m p trtted J s s?- I J..'S t!-e fk-kfini "f w a pEvat ll 1 wr' ajf,S m fae th f'''--rf "ti'if-.i ) Ik-. 'uv r -; r t, t rii:,- ixi C I; f.o.:. tl !"... It .S, k V'-h II A I .''. ; w I, .' r j - ft tX -M. tl.- s i- tl n X.0..u S' I;' r S I S' I """" P I fully decided whether they will report iu favor of abolishing the oftiee of Commissioner of Iiumira tion, in which ex Congressman in Raleigh last week, that dele gates are to be sent to Omaha and that there are to be three electoral tickets in the field in North Caro lina this j-ear. Every sensible North Carolinian knows that if any considerable number of the white men of North Carolina vote for the Omaha ticket it will enable the Republicans to carry the State. The one hundred and twenty thousand Republicans will vote solidly for the Republican elec- There was a chrus of calS t t Carr and unbounded alaM" when he appeared. Hats were waved and thrown in the air a Gov. Jarvis introduced him as o IP. . a-fa at vj it,..i, ca 1 i a I f ft V-i I .- '1 s y t X ht h-p fc(M t- t in tmtrr wa In tr f s ' as?." H k. A. A t. t - ft I MM . uui iuey nave practically agreed I aureuv the next g sern r upon some amendments to th I North Carolina. present laws, intended to put an I A Mr. Carr said: No one ka end to the evasions by which ini-1 better than yourselves that th migranis oi the proliUntea r lasses compliment was unacd lf get into the I'nited States. Thesr have seen tit to place the drm amendments will be innrporatt d cratic banner in my hart Is I accept in a bill that will shortly U Intro the trust, and will d my dwtr, I . 1 t1All 1 1. 1 . r... I . I . I . . t . . . .. I. . . ""i" iu' aii'i r iuir. uo noi pose s a larmer. i nere are 1 1 is r ;. ignorance, lurrner inn the new--1 is t supenntcn'I a farm the othr m . pajnr accounts, eoneerning the Heading combine as an answer to the House resolution akinz for information. That is precisely the same answer he gave the com- is to vote the democratic tukt t. I-i . : Tl, z- l I ri., tt ...... . t , .. I umi m.ritt. intit is iiu iiuucji ujhivv vi iic noun inc oincriiay. map. who will sav that the Peo- l concerning violations oi the civil : i a. st-r ice iaw oy r ederai oitieiais in r.altimore. The uncstion natural pie's party can possibly poll fifty- thousand votes in the State. If . i 11.1- .i . I . . tney poii mirty tnousana tne Ke- has under his orders a Jarc fore. publican electoral ticket will win, I of special agents and other ofti for everv vote that is cast for tb cia,S covering every section ol At this there was a rar ol ap ptause. rnrtvvs i It was 10:10 when the conven tion rc-acmbtcd There is great interest in t!ay wk Is. A !iightvn. of Allehnaf, Itarrs ly atises, why is he ignorant ? lie I ir and Ik Ik Wirtrre. were People's party will be taken from nominated for Lieutenant I loser nor. The convention is in sj.rd I humor and full of merriment. Kopc Klius, of Maon IK A f ludger, of Ituncombe, a4 Ire S Overman, of Kwan. wer a! tat t S d-1 ft- T l0 ,'. , m I u I Hat ?J K It tv t I". stv r it ' t t C. II AfHf rt U" t. I -e ".. ! a- ! ? ll - U'f e bv a-ta"W.Bn - . ... eMsrw"Hi tf a d!"tf!s a..I !. I !". XV I N ,Xf ... 5 XV I I . J If XV u-V I i f s s -n-"!- I ij'wtj I ntJ"J I . lu ll x. . i.t-o -. si iv. r v, i r v i! y .. . " r . i , a t :- 8 t i - V. iiii ii - i i i) "4,i ; hi i li i. S-tll t HO"! 1 I jr. .( fi ', ( hi o" m'V " v (li .. .ft. m 3u;i i t ' - m 41. " H(04 . f-0v MM M i ".,' ; S ...... j . . . .... ....... .. . . . . n " " " M.r,iw 4 'HKIIII i' Idt " I K ..'.ltH."' f '.l ! )1 :IHrUr!4 -41 1 Xifl ! H 4tO hh i ,to kVi-1 it m T. t' ii in 1 ti l.t. ! 1l HAi1 1 Hi'iXO 4 H il 1 i !, 4.a - i' O'ltiMW I It 4 4 ' "iia ximk 4otoHtteH " tin wr t -ittili Miotic I o f -4 -ol I Jof.HIIJM' RtOM'l M t f 1 . . . & 1 IPC K?C,., 1)C 31 CW Tl it t ill :lw . GOOD Call til Smhmh lull , It, ! JiAVW WEDS F03 ALL! ThoCuroFor " -m kvmmmh wnnr ! soim !' s mi r nym Htw, tHwlt m ll.w SMfcf (! If- 4t ,e".rV.V: !GiI,al: Conncllyhnvc m!tscod t3e price 01 hues to 25 cut. 3 Day Dixie Plow Potato for 20 ctt.. V i4 r io .4-ti, Jirt at:! Il:14c 51in-1 5laflr Jtkir bums i rAai;2rr$ laurKsa i-un i.i; 4 ' u t t.'.l 1 mi fl rf Ol ran, rt'iis; t1iti1 sticrio;, I ti Stiff -S"! ItMi'' UK OCROPULA riixt-Cms Stock of nnnlwnre, .P 4. HituNtM M ikHMtmtwi KMMMHet, i.Mli.wt ,F M HHnthiMW. l fcHiiio YHtt4 4 1HIIllilll4 ..P 44 4,N1Mi " V lM-t W 4w -.MH.f 4MI4 4M4I MW.H.I n:lll.4. -M.H. .MM Sdl fM t,trt!,ntfi tti? ! Villi., liii 5 i't'4 SiiI.j tlil -ftiilllt .tfln4 ..1 . 1m :MJ'iio:i'i (Of '(1v the country, and it is fair to as sume that if he is rratlv i 'lmunt the Democratic vote. Unless the of snch thin?. it i lirr-in K People's party can poll something I wishes to be. The House ha. not I phced in nominations Harn like one hundred and thirty thou- I UeCHUMl wl,at action, tr any, it mil I nner. name as roily sand votes the Republican elec ,w k V . 7 " t' : , x. , y. , , OI course the report of the sub-1 the first lali.t was; kuM.o. toral ticket must win. and th I :.. r.i I . -"-"v.j.ow.. poiijut uir.iii;.iiui i up exieniii ar. iomc iw rsinrir I lk.M u v. j . t .-. . I ..-.. . r .... i. i. . I ti t . ' I "ww rs,. ww aoes noi ciaim anyming nue sucn -! oi mw nuim rair, in lavor I .mw, oi saner, a vote as that A vote for the of a I"e,,ucl,on f I'1 larjre salaries I He fore the second I :M Omaha ticket is'half a vote for the .TV Minneapolis ticket. This is the way hive and useless department ol I ht he received over l tr . the Republican organ at Raleigh I foreign atfatrs. has raiMil it howl I his nminatia as ma le itai looks at the matter when it sas rnm t,,e holders of these u!dt I moui. 1 S"t t Al AT ' m m. m. 1 ... A .-"u.ip, nun uifir irieiius. li. I t,taiooi voe, i u ar. a ever knew of the holders of nine. I by aclamatin nminatr .r Sfv cures willingly turning them Im I retary of State, the rwl-s fcatnoi Lesnles, these men fet I that they I tntn by a unanimous ic sutpen must kick up a big row or hat-1 led for that purise Capt.Cok ing their .salaries reduced m a soil I madr a crand strr. the frtl o' of puliation for the wa.lel mnr I th? mtirr cuvent), aI omqi alrcailv paid to them. The rcH?l I ed the audfence. The nest ! is in no M'lise an attack on il.o I'r I nr ib rUriL.n iJ ik ticket while the Republicans stand Ksition, as it distinctly a that I didatc for Auditor. The name oi soiiu ana win. i ne Kepublicans I coinuuuee "expresse?) without I J. I . Iuhall. ol Camden, ti W care nothing about the State tick- I ir nuiimi-nin in mt I mKinn.i uir, unsit K. il et, but the Republican campaign r"' ' ' . K,l"iliny Vm ln I l cooim.ute would pay b.g money to unrivaled in all time." ham d H. M urma. of Il,n. It is said that one of the wealth I comlie. were tdaced Uforv th iet reiMiluVan Senator has placed I convention. in me namttoi agents ?.ai.iMNi to I The result of the first taO ff ix wagereit m sums ot ?Hm and upward that Ilarrinon will not br nominated, and that he hasntTeretl to wager, in cae 1 larrikin Is noni Ht"tl t I,, ' 1.1 tr'Ul MM404M l i h" rii r- ni. mt ."t tt p4W mt l f 44' , 4l W Ky-tJ fc"W M4.'. f' sd v s e4iJ io4 tAo- t tMsif' m ism,M-f iM'i it.a 4 l".Vi ( r-t'l s'-,.S.. ( fc'4vt? I il4H av it w est-T't ts .( v jt.. ; f ti ! tH. -t4 ioi lfc 1 .tthw l, iEZtSf, MrH C'OOvf rfM Aycr c Hi! I i M ti ' l! Hn'tl 3i1" 1 JlU t liln,.. VI I'lllttUl, (l I 4' 'I'f., .is I 'f'Mi.Nhi-S44i4m .4W t'" ' "01 . 4vm MnMi tw fHM .MI . .m 4 wt itt4 umMI . m 4NMA -MHWi I mM 4Mn Sarsaparilla ot4it4i ii,m witomwn,, TWW Tt'wtW WFt V .tfmr IK 3fv.r t.: :, "f r V t"M i. tir. IM!" Sl t tO.,'4 M A ' M !.' 4.w 4"A 4 in hh HiN).,-'i"' fi 4)-... 4 "lt Mtf ' ! 4-.. iHtifKH .. i 4" !! t Mt-A -4M Ml. 1 . ."l. ff 4- . 1 . , . ... mat wise icaaersnip win give North Carolina's electoral vote to the Republicans this year. The leadership to which it refers is that leadership which would in duce the white people of North Carolina to divide on the national 4 44 4 tf4MiM f 4-St fttt 'Mii '. 4t t mt imJttn ttw) -! ii , mm iiC ! A,.f)4,A, 4m Vs". II fc;iiUtifr'M,ru u tl ln.t ll4t t"f fvi'i t!W i.'At tt1 i IUs s-' .. C w ir ( ., t4P I ' w-w-w rw hw - 't..M. 4l- 4h,lll. ., V .H n St hriti f.8if L wl(l w 14k -i-.m- ...m. .KiMa. ii. Sonithw el Va' U t tiir l If1' Wf 4fti hih n 4 4 4- . J ftt e tl .tJM 44IMtH4 .v m.n ,. 4. 4'-. . . iiho. eM "t' i,..h ... ..., i... MM ilnUrt Jt A, 4tV ) 4.-i m. 1..h .mMt . ... S"Mt!!4tMl f.t 444 ft4-T,iMl 414-... m.m --t, tOSt I WV - 4iHl4444l A44 4WM- I J"" tH , 1 44. 4I. 4 4. - 4) l4.t.I AA.444( iisiA I ..,. It. tl 11 tK4 n-"M. 4. H 4s.., MtOMk. 4j4t) !W H.Ml44-1 mt l44 " ""4 "4"- H 4 ., wll. ,H.U., encourage the Democrats of North Carolina to split up and give the electoral vote of the State to their cindidate. Sensible, patriotic men, who know what evils Republican ism has wrought to the people, should things be ponder well over these ,ua,teu an unlimited amount, with ( -. oilds or two to one. thai he will efore they commit them- uot le selves to a movement that can Representative Illand, of Mis- have but one result the election I soun, created a little Hurry by ot a Republican November. president in I ressiug in wiuiiixnt to re 1 jMaI the uept iMicnt i-vustou a t. Au htr was : Sanderlin fur man jij. Williams jm. Mertitt tt .knhou j . l.t.hatl 4. The tatter's name was withdraw before the ballot was taken. t n the sreond latlt fr Audiiot R. M. I'urman received 5? wte Sanderlin jji, Williams Met ritl 4 S pain h xir j, tarmac aras declart-d the tttttiAfr afeJ and Sanderlin moved to make his .llftcMetkK? l. IV ft , of New 1 1 .4tr. I fU At, ai .IK Mt4A"4, :. h To W. Mia 4v ll ei"v Trvtr KvdiVnw- ti4r !( Irfy in 14 PttW KM44.kil'.l 4)1 h t w bt lite C'Ct,','Ha- .. !.!' I"rl ltlwt V8 t v tt d W. UMH?, Sfi Ivssiti 10 W0 I-4j" ! v It H- ! Mat Mtrt lfts ii. :t-0 K H'4 an l I W,, V, I'ttlh l'tW.- 'lnkJim Wc t,. V l Jhn t. Ki"t Ststti iitwi To fd "! It, ! I .K ta S-vvfttti Mltit!Vt-l II li al W. IK KXt Ks W. Xa Swt a4 C It.. Wat NttN ltwt l-.ff Kr as The Il-4tit4j it?Xititft(. ....,.11 M .ll.M ' - 4 HHI 4nlt .,..X. - H 4. M..I.H.II 41. V I -..- I..H.W -! H, ytt. , -f "t i cv1 1 is 4 ! 1 - 4 . 4 . "..4 4 tW ilt.iit 4tt vtA- X ! - wt.i:sii'M t f tt tMttoH -t 4if mm t44 ld riilit ti W RMtt i.a, S4 mt tw it4.s X 'f l.tet lif-St.flii l4tl MiIia. PH., A44 Mt 1 4t.Stt? 4." . Nt4Ut l4-4 I " . . ... r. . ta ... ,- ...,f4. ff ft! tt.?4H. K44 it 4Mifi4 owitf tItutt4j tt mm ftm Rtstt44i 4 IW f tM.Afy M t4. 4lrfH 'iv.Sl1r,l 4to rf 404IS41 tltVl f eii-s. ioii4 w Mt lkomSM4 4.f4 i4 at i4t tiv syMt "Ol I It I tOl4tl fihOtttMtl 4" lit Mt"f ? iw i' ti iH44V 4J t4tt 4 .E3 rftiftf 4) IU1CI1 it.-U '-it' 44 'f tin. 1 "Itll ttVUMMtl I'V.t-l t-"tt ft 4 4IV aH ik n il It 4t 4Vo.t ti,'it,3jl tts4 i tfi'Mi.ft.4 ft. M 4M4 4l-t"-- V v.44.1. 4MI" I ixtr, tin JOHN TULL. f "-' Ht f.'K,4' 44.4t.ltf H. HM ".IHHtllt t IU 4 t 4' 1111: ks:: M iwu a vm'M v,m vi to t l4-' (it- T, BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE LOT YAUIA0IX CUSUiESS U0T5 .... A ii i,iniun.i .hi uuti siir 4H,hM3 rt t'f 1m m 4 HmitiUl Hil tH iti e-.-i ultll.'.littU'tll , FiNiisT iiuri-i. sm; 41 3 A . . .. ft Wtj'jpmn tH14ff .MtliliH, t"1'l mt' f ",HtH 1im n una umitmtirtm -tmtrtnli'id inHHMttt o Him Mil ,11, IVlo' I ilH tito.'H 4iH fin-fti. .rt H,1H tut" ESST iO MS i"t: i:mi;i r.tniAis. r 1ttit4 A tIIl,4)tM- '1tt4otH H.? ol IhSIOIO t'4 H4 i f NtHft iM bt4)' Oitltl U, 4A Hty 1), liiDi.ytji.H'HM! tttstt 4i .. ,Mn1,t. 1 , ,., 4. '.., it flu 4lit itoi iih 4 trt: , H ,t 4imMtMi. 4.ri.Ht m r .) , ,. 441 '.'tt'irtt if svihh miK sotoHitreittHtH'titi-w .t -h, i.-ttt4t-4.(, t- 4.' ..M.H4 ,m Jt,,,Wk,4A I It.MN ,'!lHl1W 1M . ,H, . .jtl ,.lU i'l . Mw;i Hamlin Clrc .iuI 4 .:.- 1., 4ttyf. 'tiOf f 4l 1 44' f'ftCtVO. tV-t.

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