She gcrnltl. THURSDAY, MAY 26, ""1892. LOCAL XEWS. Local Passenger Schedule W. N. C. R.B GOING WEST. No. 9 passes Merx.ii, ton 4.54 a. m. No. 11 passes Morgairton 3.19 r. ft. GOING EAST. No. 10 passes Morsanton liJO r. ji. No. 12 passes Yor-raMoi. 5.09 P. M Meetings of Secret Societies. Kegular ( nuiniuiileattor.slst ana 3rd .Munilajs Morganton lodge K. ol II. No. 3M9. Keirular meetliigsou first Friday in each mouth at Church Directorv. Presbyterian Church. Divine service everr . I V, . , ., 11.. ..1 ., . 1 . n . . - uMwuiit ... . uj. uu o iu. rruer nieenmr every Thursday at S p. m. Sunclav school everv Sabbath at nut p. m., J. A. titlmer, supt.. anil at Anderson t'hapel Mission -School at 4 p. m. W. A. Koss, supt. Rev. J. p. Marion, pastor. M. E. Church. South. Preaching every Sab bath at 11 a. m. aid S p. in. Prayer uieetiui; every Wednesday at 8 p. ru. Sun.luT School j oiiui'aiii ki in a. m.. . a. (. lay wen. supt. I 1 . , . ,- :.v-.4 XI ,.,.-,... ..- , . . . . . . . 1 ., . ... ii.jii . -, ' -. , , jiiooiun oiiiiiin, cm.ii..,.-i eerjr ii nam at a p. Hi., it. a. lOOD, supi. ItCV. T. P ISonner, pastor. Baptist CurRCH. Preaohlnjr everv second ltd fourth Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Praver meetinir every Thursday at S p. m. Sunday School every S:bbath at 4-.3oa. m.. M. P. UUder- jUf-i. iic. 11. i. t.ctueuA, pastor. tiRtCK EnsropAi. rnritCH.-Divine servlc-s eer nuuay ar 11 a. am. ana S3tp. in., except evenings of the tirst and third Sundavs. llolv communion every first Sunday at 11 a. in. !.- viiie service every y eunesnav at !:3o p. m. Sun day school at 9:30 a. m. 1). "c Pearson. Supt Kev. E. P. Green, rector. Y. M. C. A. Prayer meeting every Sunday eventnsr at s o'clock. Business meeting second Frld:iy tn every month. Mr. P. F. Simmons is painting his residence, on Lenoir street. There was a slight frost last Tuesday morninjr, but as for as we can learn little or no damage was done. Attention is directed to the advertisement of the Mountain Hotel, which has been re-opened by A. R. Buffaloe. Mrs. England, ninety years of age, the mother of Joseph England, Esq., who lived near Mt. Pleasant church on the Lenoir road, died last Tuesday morning. The first pier for the Catawba river bridge has been completed, and it is a solid and substantial looking piece of masonary. The piers are 9x22 feet at the base and have an elevation of tweenty five feet above low water mark. From a small garden staw berry bed Mr. V. G. Ilogan has sold on the Mortranton market this season ?5 worth of berries. besides abundantlv suoplyine his own family. Mr. Ilogan has less than one sixteenth of an acre in berries. Rutherford College Commen cement was held yesterday. There were inmense crowds in atten dance. The Programe of exercises appears in another column. Our readers will have an account of the proceedings in the next issue of The Herald. Mr. Wm. Powell says he be lieves he was the youngest soldier from this county in the Confeder ate army, being a little over 15 when he enlisted. He says he will give the man who enlisted younger than he did a nice present on proving the same. Mr. David Hood, an aged and respected citizen of Burke county, who lived near Hartland on the Lenoir road, died last Friday morning. Mr. Hood was more than eighty years of age, and left a large family of sons and daugh ters to mourn their loss The re mains were interred at Mt.Pleasant church. Mr. Miles Edmonson, who lives three miles north of Morgan ton, and is one of Burke's best farmers, while driving his team the la ter part of last week, and riding on the running gear of the wagon, with his feet hanging down under the wagon, had his leg caught on a stump and very painfully hurt, and is not yet able to walk without crutches. Last week's Herald contained a column of special telegrams giv ing the proceeding's of "the State convention, and was ihe first paper in Western North Carolina to announce the names of the nomi nees for Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State and Auditor. The bulletin board infroatof The Herald office gave the people of Morganton the first tidings of the nomination of Elias Carr for gov ernor. The Burke Tanning Company is erecting five additional bark sheds, and building an additional side track in order to handle the bark which is coming in every day by wagon and by rail. The bark cutting season is over in this section, but along the slopes of the Blue Ridge the bark peelers are still hard at work, the season at that elevation being several weeks later th an in the South Mountain section. The closing exercisies of the Patton School will be held in the Court House in Morganton to day. From 10 to 11 o'clock there will be declamations by members of the school. At 1 1 o'clock the literary address will be delivered by Rev. J. L. White, of Asheville. At 2 p. m. there will be a debate on the question : "Does the condi tion of Our Country Require a Third Party." We published the programme in full last week. Contractor Deal, with a big force of brick layers, is pushing the work of erecting the State School for the Deaf and Dumb in South Morganton. One and a half millions of hard brick have been delivered on the site for the walls, and a long line of wagons are delivering the lumber from the saw mills. A short siding has been put in on the school grounds by the R. & D. R. R. to facilitate the delivery of lime and other building material. The drive to High Peak is be coming quite popular. The roads are in good condition, and the views from the mountain cannot be surpassed. A gentleman, who drove up on the mountiain last week and returned in three hours from the time he left town, re marked that he had traveled sixty miles over a rough road to climb the Roan , and that he got no bet ter view there than Peak, which is within a little more man an hours drive frum Mor ganton. Tl luramcDCcmrm sr:s.s n "I pon us, and every mail t.ii.s o eauors desk hamlmciv . n. Kt raved corn menc rim r.t rir.t nearing testimony to the crcat - . ..... , elucational awakening in the Mate. Iv 11.15 mornmci mad h: ave nceiviu invitations to at t en the thirtv-fifth annml ..v. m encement of that excellent ;r - --- -t. . 1 I stitution. Greens.. ..rn, r.. - . . v. ,rSc wnicn is nw in protjre. iu iiu wie commencement e crtises OI Van Kldee Infii..f w! men emnrace May 20th to nt tn tiusive. ouu. 1 jh. our i.tnvt . respondent, writes, under date of . ..... . . . . -. e 20m: -ue are all done work g our corn the hrxt time got a good stand considering the cold spring. We are havintr fine rams and evervthine U l.lln,. w eu. uneat is fine so far. All .11 .... .-' " ". emocrats of Linville are ready . t . . . . n 10 null at Hie Wtierl I nm glad to see Linville takiner so mi utn interest in the trMt r.m of ucuiocracv. wur heart ar 1 evel this year. Mr. T. 1 Ifcrrv wi in auiiic 1; or 20 nnmi nn is bie shinele-bh-tt-k tl.vat t!nn the Linville river this week, lie til brine some i nr :... thousand blocks from the IIedch tiottom tn h5 w;tl Tk. - tauio ana geniiemen ol our valley ? . . : . . - . uau a picnic anu a tishine partv i'ii mc river last i-nri.iv ih- - w-mmmmw m m 1 1 . uau a nice dinner hut li.l catch many fish." l or commencement of t'ni ersitv of North Carotin 1 Richmond and Danville railroad will sell reduced rate mnn.1 1. ucKeis 10 Lhapell 1 1 ill. N. C.. and return at following trm punts named, intermediate point sale May sSth to June 1st. inclusive. imiiea lune ?rtl. iSnv i,-;r!- Ss 75. Durham 9511 . c-.yo, -incoir.iun S' Kaleiirh 2.2Z. Charlotte Si eo,.. 54 35. "enderson 3.1;. Marion Winston Sl5 For r..m mencement of Peace Institute the ame railroad will sell rate roud trip tickets to Raleigh. N. C, and return at follow ing raies iron, points named, inter mediate points in same proportion. i.Kci5 on saie .Mav 27th to isth. ntiuive. limited June ist !.. .... z .Micvilie .i.OS. fi. (-1. -y , . " . ' uumsuoro 5- 5. Alarion 5.I05. Charlotte $0.55. Greensboro $395. .-iiicomion 5.7.35. Uinton S.ilem ATTWOOD HUNT KILLED. 1 " Voonc I ttlimr Mnl. a th lMrklo IUmmI. A telegram from fol Itrl.f superintendent of the u. N C. R. K . broucht sad tid ton last Tuesday afte. noon. This was the announcement th.t An wooa num. me vounir rnr n-rr . t ... 1 a 1 . .... . . uau uccn instaniiv tn ni n - wreck near Hrvson Citv on the )ucktown branch of the'W. N. C K. K. A later der.ti h f rnm f. os ter. at Asheville nSmoi - - . ........ ...vv. this report and cave a few mecr details of the disaster. Mr. Hunt. who has been for some in the employ of the R. & II. R. R . . .. as an enirineer. was m itln k; first trip over the Ducktown line. ..n: : puiwuK d mucu ireteni ami pas senger train. When near Bryson City, about 2 O'clock Tuesdav a. ternoon. the engine and two box cars leu me iracK, an.: after run ning for fifty yards over the cross ties. pians;cii u.-. n me embank ment, and Hunt was killed and his fireman daneerouslv intnre.i The passenger cars, it is reported aid not leave the track. The news of this distretnv -in cident caused the greatest grief in .Morganton. where Attwood Hum had so many warm nernnil friends, and where his young wife received the first news of her ter rible bereavement. The deceased entrinrer w -1 twenty-four years of age. and was a son 01 me uie . .. Hunt, the well known hotellist. who for so many years entertained the travel- 1 : 1 ing puonc in .Morganton. His parents came to Mortranton from Iingham, Mass.. about thirty years ago, and their two sons. Attwood and William were lfrn and reared in Moriranton. parents died within a few month of each other three years ago, and both brothers have been since that time in the employ of the R. I). T . Ix. UO. Less than one vcarairo AttwiMwl married Miss Bessie Pearson, one of Morganton's most popular young ladies, a daughter of Dr. C. Pearson, and a sister of Mr. i. G. Pearson of Salisbury and t.f Mr. S T. I 'earson. Cashier f ih iedmor.t Bank, of Morganton. lis devoted vount wife i nmr ;n Morganton. and the sympathies of the entire community go out to be in this sad hour of bereave ment. Messrs. S. T. and Gaithrr Pearson left yesterday for Ashe ville, from which point they will bring the remains to Morganton for interrment. The funeral ex ercises will be held this afternoon, and the remains will be interred in the town cemetry. ;irn A 1 pin Spring. This popular resort will be opened to visitors on June 1st. un der the management of Mr. A. A. Banks, the well known liotelist. The hotel building is one of the most comfortable and attractive in piedmont North Carolina, and the popular host will spare no pains or expense to make the place attractive to visitors. Sec advertisement in another column of The Hkralu. RWhen you want anything in the Grocery line give P. K. For ney & Co. a call. They can save you money. fTry some of P. R. Forney & Co.'s 10 cts. Lard. Best in town for the money. Guaranteed strictly pure. A fear T?-lltl- . nnM - -'"'. 1 li. 2.50 and $5 pieces, are wanted for a customer at the Piedmont I Bank, Morganton, N. C. 1 rrrv j&f 51 Mr. ihn W, J.fc n e atrrirter in the I . H Vn , a Burr (lit at Wahtnj t. k ;.,,. . 1 . ... ..... mc lamuyoi i.rtni 1 rimtra Mr. J. C. Cverter jit.l cK'.l.l of New York t"i! v. .tsttiil u. .ir. (.haile A. IIcLtier. ... ... . . w . . . irttmale friend of Mr. Chrrr's arrived in the tur Tun.ti evening to pay a shit bl tu ilc Ijmilv r.i I'm. I Airs 1. mil I' riirl I Mephen arc home aia tir ten Ia trip to New Yolk and ltston. Mrs. Arrint?tn .( fKl..n . relatives in Morganton Ned. Ward, of LlscItiaL t in .Morganton. Miss M tmic CUcttr. of t. ganton. i iiting her unt. Mix waiter iirem, in Clvail.(te L .mis' wiic Averv hit ir. turned fr;r a isil tit friend in Kaleigh Mr. tl I. Mcirrvn trtnt in lluiharti lat Monday rvtriog ........ KeV. 1 l. titmen- fr.t.. t (trace I.rl:txl rhurr K aiia I - - - w w w the diocesan convention in (reeof ioro last week Iktldr lvden. i is at mc Hunt llur ..... ft Dr. I. II. Gitlrv. td M is in town to-day. A rlwwrt l tnllMwl The Kir Dauhtf' eitrr tai.1t.1t bt. I.r the bent ftt of thr Prebvtrrtan Orrhance ai turn Springs which given i:e lown nati last .M-nul4T fwn i rig. was a teci4el success in everv war. The rbtrrtAtnenent netted which was sent t !f Iri1 mifrf ill tKe vvriK n 1i. ..... w. .... "I r-rw w. large aud.cncc thr,;MT ertov rJ i ue evening, ami iiuxe w ro at ten fed gave expression u t hope that the Vounsr ttttr ml favor M-rg4nton with another rn m ,rm - - - - - Irrljinmrnt 1 n. !! mi Th? Kind's Daurlt;rt im M n.l eveninir prolued ChrRthj. totetron in which thr i I. s: inseniress ,(k i . . . t .... . son. Genius of the Nineteen! tm. tury Ms Mary I .!. .n uieojMtra ,si Atric I Infer I.rwin Sarah, wife tt AUraKaaa Is4 Mar Iixton ueen Kttlabeth Mr tn,. A tiimer. llvoatiji !i llulVt .( ' - Agnesi Miss Withel'mna Tate bJ. ' ft 1 A b .-5. v eciita jus v.iau ;c late, Mother Bickerdick Mrs. C A Ross. Phara h 1 laughter Mu !udi 1 resncki. Cornelia. Mother of the Grathii Mrs. John I u!l 1 . ... ' t . . . . son Joan of Arc Mi Annie Pre. net!. Martha Wahirftn X!. An me xate. Priscitla Miss Kate M.Cii. naughey. t.l Slr, Iiv At mr. N. C, Mjty ij.' Mrs. iK-nnetl srent Stur.f ani unaay wtn r?er (Mfrnt near Brindletown. N. C. Miss Kila B,dn. of tt;n tr son. Vance count v. N C. U it. ing at her brother's, Mr. t T. Bowdon. Mr. lU-ttie MKes-n, of I kinsvtllr. Ky , is now at her fath er's. Mr. Kobt. Mch. Tate. he i ronlined to her rrn with in llamatory rheumatism. Messrs W. II. IW I and J. ll Pitt went to Char! t if, N. C. Vime tl.IVS 2tn on l.ntin.. . . . . . Mrs. f e,. Anrtis. of Net V f and Mis Talent, of Yancev cn- ty. N. C, are at Mr. M.S. IVxcU. visuittg. Missc Mat tie. I.itlie in4 lf ita M.rris-n. of Brin Betown. N. C sp'nt a part of last week in the citr. Ther were cursts of vt, IC P. Bennett. Mr. W. W. Pitt and wife! tt..t for Atlanta, Ga.. last lrida, tak ng their only chdi there for treat. ment. Mr. Abel Pitts Jf- ha opened meat house at the Brink lev stand on south side of AsheviUe street. Mr. T annie Hurler ha a c-wr! clas in music. S i a n teacher and well deserve the pat ronage given. Mr. M. ?o.:non 1 workin a force of hand on the street. They are doing g work and adding greatly to the town. Mr. M. C Srtrmon hs lr -im the VVilsn projrty on .shcile street. Mr. Wilvm ha buhi a farm just west of here. (In last Saturday morning t ebrr day Mis Addic Pitt passevl from the shore of time. hc hat been sick but ontv three d. Her bKly wa buried Sunday. Mr. Motion (tile conduction the bari. al service. Mar the trd rorn. fort the loveil one left t notrn for her. Ker. J. U Shinn nlted thell-pr. well pulpit last S'indar al tl a. m. He preached from the ftubjett, "How to believe and when." Ker. VV. II. Havi filled hi pal pit in the Baptist church Sunday at 3 p. m. and preached kmJ sermon on "Mission Work." Respectfully. Gt t n I-fTA representative of the firm of Clark & Hemphill, proprietor of the Catawba Valley Marble Works, Marion. N. C, arrived in Morganton on the 10th Inst, with 5S jobs of grave stones, and ha been with u for to day and t day returned to Marion with S tl-75 worth of order. They re- turn ineir sincere than to their lujiumcij tor ineir itocrai patron age and hope to ttll receive the -m customer for their Uberal patron same. May it, I tM mt f ibH est Abs !, p ei.. ,w a' I 1 1 m ! axN'I I "? l. f thiEdrenof h Mtf the .. Ve sfconi4 w op" with eni .., Jfaf !er were- p ,ftf . $mh f. tticted th.lhtrrn im I St" ?4.. B,4t iv .s dlltllOg (hi " ptim tftf and dachuv We- Ik W name ant tfjfi i v hundred feaf aI f! &,r ami see ti.ttH IL -t t. pf Ui ai mil Uc !. hundred deaf cM? im t Staii',, or th shw v3 lablshed in Isafeifc, a iiw., chtr ? h.- istrii.w ihwt if onset e Cf fc tip in loial itft..MfHr. hvr mt wfwl es? ,,-, el. fray ipeotvI f.,,, wpin i-'faKir ko.. a even the if esp,wk!!t;i. 1.. Creator of the if fe; Tiw uevcalev mite im t.i 01 actmtr arM h-mm ei s.. ha1est of kttcnapkijtr, " 1 fA may W rdweated M ttAie! . follow alos any t t m.. Many hate tiaifi' t. . est degfe? of ss im ts Ialf undo ti itrsetiwV lhi4g h.i 0 ff ti..i it fr.nn lmm HHf ., rh is t- t0 f .- and e sen attain , Ve ., gree of (HtofiotWwy its,,-! fffo-A .Vrs.' :.tsa. tt oba ws !:. stj.wt im WvQ , flI.Er,. ,t,f .,HJ ! been tf ,. ;tv hr l-s (: Pfeii,.r,;, v. ,,ttSkz$, har iidttiAl i,nS. ; , ar it.! yt 8f.s, i e. h . it e.,!m!et mjtXimf,, mi V We i iht tf . Stat w"HTtr 5-t ..."- F f, lp.S a-J refits- w t ly at-e i5i;t(i. .i. s v t-et w Ve i'Hrj." ,.,1 lgM. U" h- t,. ,,. i pfn at M.. .. ,. t , lf li!ft 11 I f',-.nS In fenewtw- trtm.t9n,m. W.r lea I m -5.m m r .f tS-.;,.;. drew. eahi h .f ttf fosr def h.:Jfei m K.n.,fl wht!e Chatham al Jjw ,s. iei wit a4t f (.,, I wear rt pi.i..Ji r (w Vt. ed S!atr estii. f f t-r sh-'. f. pHf f.. t j,. Krr !.".. Jia.j.v..?, -.K seven r''f-s j estr r-!faf o thew, Jl' i f e --e.w rs. Nh,.-4 ( . 1. lf.4 WfWf.ftmt t . sr. f t. ?( t ' fx 1 t ( tft.t ftM K I. li. X. iKiixm. .f ;o.i .. Iififli ., w f W llhrwj. - 3k K 34. r;xsv el tvw.-, ... L J. t. , i.nte,JM.s,-tnM).!w. rw!w iirt iha Vt. i tr. a t . tn. 4i nstt xrKrc.tril4, I 1. J. It-MftiW -$ I'Mitiftll W. ;., (H4t- tkt I, tv. ... .,.... 4 (. I lMt ft.4. 4,t4. Ti I X A Jt. triuMMA. cjikHftit. ... W4V4 Jrf4tH4jl 4. I- vr. I t. mi lrM.ut;i r4-)j-.f-.4 on I."jt.t4f'pwiH." X J. A. IV4.l4f.4l4 H-t "Jff if. m Sik, . J. I'm. AtWtfttrtkt. ,!Hfl I 44fHl,4fc 4f 4m4,, simftlfcttf li..4tv,",i ,U.44 if fftuir. r.. Alta.. Wttvtef .rf t ift't'..,4im limit. tWt t"' t.t-r.4 f-n I . Aftfti !!. t4 fttku "Ii44 I it fc, ft." S. lift Jvtf. 44 iMft, KUV4 1 in4 V44Mtt .S.ftt," X Xrf t.4V , -'t' 4.4- t. Skill UtUattA. t4 I mw,,. - Jf C Ji!!. 5t.. 4 jtfci-ft, t fi tlftaftitimtft." H (W '. 54. I ,, 44 IHti-u -rw l'i-'4ft.i-it4 AK-'t,t irnut ttll At. i.4tu 44 f'.f4. -1 h in m iifc.,-- iftM.-ttV t4 fiMl-.-Jtit-- ti4f ! J..HH4-0" II. tl4 4 4.Jt.: 13. I Wih -.. 44 l'4nft ll4f W 4E4 ftH ..tH lti.4n.ft- ttt ft . 'Vi ?f wS.miA v f !- !.IUt-x X J. II. H4Hktft. 44lLk4Vlftct4. - J H 4-fu ,MI,4ft , tn,. - X 51. I. Kft44f. l4VIW14lft KHk... W ' I"!-!, t 4tH(4i " . U l ama v AftMHttH - . A. ttMlV ''i44SI t.. - Vo Jm". t irtVloi 44H I. I. !. A18-n. liNrfftHtf 4 1 4. -Mffs-stnt. r. I f. I. (WfifliU It.H.ft't.f'ft KuMij. 1. A lr.i sw fttMt All ktM4tiHtMI (0itltHl4 Wit fttftM ht lf 44l4 (Vftt.4 . .It. I A tft. f 44b AntVutni 44 ttli44 TiWt W itt hftt M mmimm, ftttrvftft with f idtwa l!caw tbte rm'mji lliantrv M silbrftft fthntfthw tn s.kl nrda. Jniw tltk. IW I!-. tr mi HftSI. l Of 11,4 Mt4 mV4i 4 fHor VW i l l4firt iltctM H4 f -nf fflt ,44t:t, HWft f4 mJ W IntitrslftMt. WtHtMr ,41 Chittrfn. .k4n t 44r-,t,irf t tltrd at C.. ! I. IWI, if. Ht ham. I:. 1 A. Iv. I U. l4i Ion. l:ft.tM.Mrh.M. Clwr -r, 4ri m ii4i4i. ,4... .. flirt..! . IU ,r , t0 r - fN!f4 W tntftrt tn. I t mm. 4-. m m m vXtta far ritdttt C4 t sieu I-'.Ihh, H4a jn,, I'.nM.a, l: v i ;ct ! fif t.-4M ftrg lw8-f a. v(sf) aiJ le l. ,Xlfi 1 hi". s Sf ft4 fts.ii wlttJ, ll.ft t. wm ni, le. M a. I n IJH ftlmmt, guff inflfi I li-f W Wi-r wmHtiti f Hit! ! af r I hio 11 f . w h. fi f 1 3, 1 a -" , yiS.liMitt M wlk ftt. it s.Mt)s 1U 4 pMnp iii 3 w "J .1 6 W)tlMl'r .f9 V MSlf IH.1II,MW Jni t. . if iit I'M S- f..Sf irnt w i4 e : .hx f M r iif . .:, iw j i lv IWw C3 eWf AILi r.4 ff IW m(x w nrriiiiin, I ft H. lft-B tl k-- H.kS w;3 h tM.iiti. in 1 4 ftftii , ' - r a wCf ! W mi ft.i VJ4 ilw 2 It it. ' . at e t-.lB- IU i -vi.A !"""s. Ht A,i aT'.s py f 4s. l.x f.a st..n .'. 11 I !.. 11. Vk.s Lb h 'r"ia I i- l .t- n' i-.i www, ti., ' h.i. w."3 IW B n-(i i4 t, t .".t. 4.i-S 4 H fti km 41. I 14 f lt 4 Sri,'.' 4'mm . M ...... . - !. 4i 41.1. nf tin t.a WrM.:,lM. tl4tt -tH4. 4 II -f ffS tf ) it, i Kw In,, Um 4 ivt,ii e s,nf j.-'it -f! ii n tit. iih. y ih t t tftW'-Mj 4ttt ii4 Ht i 4. m t-; tW (..' ft!.. tHM "4.U-I41 4 4H4tM -4j 4fi 4 t fn.i;rw .r it-ii.4 tet 11 t5 413.441 ftHttJf 4 I M. Rh- Ii-r ftt4 it f ih4 4k3 R S M Mi f 'II ti l1 l.l'! if .in. f let !-v' fc-.." tsttv iVIW444 1.1 '. 1 t't 34 4 44yCt "-14 4j4i4 ft;S4444iitS)tt,tt, .J-t-vi - ftltV M4 S.o I..4 IV.1.H4 4 44MO IS .4M44 KtlMO f..4 -Vm,h 4H. I It ttV C4f .ft 4M4rtM Ht4 4MWI M ii-,!'.tja.-i .;3 I.-; . M 4ft -Jrtfvt ' . I-"' ft X l-ft 1 4 1 K I' m lt4' I 4.ft1 44l(if ,ltlt, 4f 1 ft 4 4-4l.4 4g.HI4 !t 4.-t4 I "I y."' .i ti ft'.ji'' ,j a-h 1 1 4 a 4 w 13 I i 4t.' t ilMl Hi4?s H 11 ;t1'. -,,.4 ttw4vM44 4'S Iv-4 ! 1 tity ; it .1 in 44 . . . . . M m I l'l - " M 4 ft, I 4 '. 1- 4 . I mtmtihi tl ms tt T. It I tH Ml l.i" 4k3 htf- t y44 mT3 f .".' "4- ("ifftC t.ft stHH 1 4M- S.4 J.- ft1: s -t, " td t ttt !o I TIM tf4 ft I S t!4i got., tit , 1. H. fw i-, B-4M.U 1141 4ft t.4 .,a.iiSM4 .4i..,i-, Vt-4 - ..... ... . II.. f-ai II ft M Kft ".Hti ... .' 4" tr'.-l!., 4 HI.3 .i ft k it k ai"f ,W. 11414 ft- n.4 t'T 4 I l 4ft 4 t-1 lti ft(lt44 ft! .1 I,. 1 i , 'ii I HK tlWH,. i tw- 4MI mt I!U 3Hft'-r & , ft l-tHif ft" .ft ftS4t H 4rt 41441 4-ti ftt.t.4. f - t 4 1 1. I 3 4''4"l 1 4 .:. u .t." I,ft1 ; IW Ja i.r-' 4.i 4Si i-t4.t,'ii , fc.Nts, V.i.i ft-ft-ft 4ffftHi"t i la" tft-!U4 .' ' ai4Mi ili4kiMM4i- ;a HLkiat.- 14444-a?!fft.ftHft tM f.H to 4 (U -.ft-4- ft.4 .ft4tt J w -t4 44 r- I.: 4 t4 Rit 14 tt t.'t- WftO ftlW.Htt.l ,-14.4 .( f4 4 .-,.ft If HH-4ft ... It. 4. ft 44 M 4 4W t'SiV' h.4 444 h4 .4I Jltf t- ,t. ft4Mttfto I ft iK-'v lH l.h I ' tft.4J.4.. 4"4 km j ft. Srf lal l-".lt. I- d I. is frft X nn M 4! 4,, I fW tt t.rf frft a.. . l l' ft. .SH,kl 4' H4 4 t 4. fttv.ft'i i ftIJ ftJ-t: ft.i4Hi4 41 4 r" 'VW a- ftf ISw 4t ii'4ii .v4ri i IrftV, 4 - M4tt4 44 Ift HH.4' 4ft 44l4Jf .4 ti M 11-41 41. HU. '"i 4. ffl.-, 4. m9 . . . . W 44 , y . . 4, 4". W 41 4 W - jj ft - M4 444 ttt fttitfttl ftHiHI.4 t--, S 4 lift E..4 Hft 4tt.M4 Vm;,l g ftiHiH 44nt.i4ft H,i.4 trlV ft 'i' .-I' -h h--i l iV ft'n 4r J.f4 i-ii 1 A 4 ft 44 W 4 4,4ft Smj; p .. ... j.. . .. . .. 4. . M Z "44. 'V M-m . .-4.4 M-444-4. . M44 4-M444,1 l44 44..4 . 141 ti II f44 rC ! aft4' tt4.4t4 t liftftr I m 4 ft I 4i5t.44 11.1,1 il I,!. 4 !" I ftft;tjM I ftl 1.ft,f ftH4tf4t 1Uf H tt iivtl! 4 aJUft ti-1 44l l(f. It fttW.''44lt4 II lf t it tCft. t44 4t4 ft'Mf J II ftWtiiitif id 19,440 J"Vli . ti4 44 nTftft ifti1! Mft IV'iftt tf4. ft fct-fttftll t4- M4. ift1 ti ti 4L sift A t4M a I- 44 4ft .J It J It ii-4' It f ( t nt.ft4aW tM4ft1. I IW It i.4,'4X 1 44- 5f! .'-. i ImvJ lti I4ti &4 )t.4 ft I" ! WM t-ttd ft. ft IW 41. 4ft ftft irTV: "" ,4 VM. -.. 1 HIV, 1 . 1 ' e-f44 1 at I f ll ' Ht4' i.4t I fti4 ft HlJ 44wlft 1W t tH44 ft E .... Wt lOIMSI .. I " -r "-"-4 W, tvt.H. . 1 . - , ... ' :! .4 y. id n.i 4.iiM.ini m tit' ' " .m, I it .f,f4t, 14 ii!i.a n. 14 i.tR hi. ' ... HJ)1..i,,.wi,;li i IwMM'.ltm . I J I -'. 4-- .. M 4 I . - - ' t4. ft V ,H iiii! I l, ;i r laamJl,,,,, . . ' - " 4. ..4 i:it law- ri!4 t.;S4f0 ,: . -o- .. -vh. -t. ...h, 4. IS Ultir,. 4.lll..4.1' 4 -Hit !-, It..ltt It.lVtlllMltft!, H4)IM' - -- 4-J., ItlVfPHM k '. trl"' W . tl ..t. 4 4i " " " ,,'t" tJO-UI-ltl A -..'H 4T.M4. 4 4 ..44- M. . . -mi, . . . .. 4 IM4 rt'tlt'l lll-K. UM 1 1 4t4. lM'fMi.K..-lH, 4.4. T , . I m IW jv4444r: Hi Hit, t ' l,MH; I .4MHM-W, pMl. m ,f't- 44H.(, - I "CI 1 j-a... i -f.4tS.4,x is rt(.ui. j" I ir irjiic 1 w. .19 W-lHH. . 1 , 9uk f I'Of -ilHl-.l4n tiHU .... 4 Until ft lt-W' ltM'i t)MI)tl liiV.t fit finWt ,4 ..4 Ukuo aif .R wttt i, rtw. wtiiM .-t; vlH l DkM Uh (ij-Hif A tooDa l fflf 4x.Oni in , 1 wi g i,i tn aw -Hk s-lrt,. tftHKlltl RfiltH ! 'Htl4 , 4w win.-' Hf Hf.0n U.J 1 4" I t iW4..4 MyM HI .4 ' S mnuM'tl m ' O i lt 4 M. l.4Uiif . V.lHntliat4 s HHf 4t.j tw rt.t' 8tM tb .u k av-i ti in. rt 8ifl ni.w 44t! S.tii,tf. !!.. - .. .-, . - IW t.4f4 1'H S.Hti l,Kt I .UK a . ...... J"" (tin. HtoNniMHifl m i ....... - -'''' tlHl fitt"(f ,H,-;:ttu s-4 Mir ii k-iH .4i wl Sw! 4 -ft f lti 4 4,h4 3i a,,t, M 4 4.KI - ia' il4 ttitt H llA Mill., t - r wi.i tit nii-iiM r .if pi 9 i i ... Bl114 I If. tt ItM tU H. l"- 4. ' If'i'H 'Mmu'liM 1m M s.-twtiH'lr hi.hAi MIH fiir -1 t it ifi'it t u4 M 4t 4i1 . H f .n t ,u iH..H4 tttifl 4io aic . .-4 - tl tH4 4, . H,i! an In. 4MIHL.U. ' . . . . - ! u w r .www . i . ' ' ""'"J n itii n'i. iJ J.4.4, 1 . M'tt 'H 4' III f4fJi,l? i ' I 5 r"' vJ -.t.ii t 44 ' ',"''t ' -U i V - lit "-4 ll.1i Itx Hh )( . f" i-r",t -,it, 1 1 r; f, Vl.t-'4 '" ? SlUMt SH-t4tt ! f 1 -if '' 44418 . .14 i. t- 4.i fn.-i. g 1.4 -.titvm "T'H '.. ft H 4 .HWI.X ftltf tAtl.".! 'V ) ) 14.441 INHfyAtf fUH.1444 -ta 44tH.Mt4 4i.. 4 44 i'H I ,.. 4 t 4 Jl win Sti4 H,M- P 4 4. 441 tOt.- l.4 4.- 44 ttti hU Mh4,t.H -ih S ii.-i . trtHnn " M.i'V . . 44 4 4lHi il t.llS 4-4.'.444 4tfJ .H1 4f,l") f ..,, f 44141 -.rt .t--U 44,., K 1.44J iji.4t4t.tif til- lift H, 4 ;4.4. tH444-i 44- .4 hIi 4 Jl'lltt. 8 44 L I "tii' t '444 TO .4 J.-H4 4 .H, V,, ' fool l,t,1 ,8 'M,?-mit iBhc.fl ttlt,, HMii'a!.!,,, in iiMij'ii j 4 to a- f..,o tM,4ti4 !. oti"'' i t ,1 t , 4t . GLEN ALPINE SPRINGS, IH,., ..4tn.l, ft" ."I k--iJ olt H':!i,,3i. ,S t ' j l.'tfa ...-tlia .... ii . . . . . 4 a r "tr':-' 1 tV' !tH.i t HM. HIlflSlH- 4 M4 44.111 44 144 M luilS l! 4H44M4 n,,1' .lkU1ftH..MVMlfft1 IW ftftHtta-ttll M 4ft. hU lAM 4ttJ M44 ktft HMIftltja Htit.1, H. i.t.44 4....... - " m " " .' .'ftli 4t4-4 4-l",ltS, T 7 4 fM 1W,M' -it 4itit .1 " 4"rK'. . m 1' .9 4' fa4(!ftnMft i-0-- ,5r.' J i'"4 MOUNTAIN HOTEL, 55 !-. ai'M"4 t r4 444vi pltttft1.trt4t1 trf it ! aynn la 4M44l4v 4:t M ml tsi f ,uti -rMf' 4 st.ti.4 at n' i.m.- tV' it.n4. 4 44'titi ,4,Jii..l4., l..,-,. .ii..M4.....l . .s.,.4. ii H ... ... It .4. . a ... ... -M 4H . (4 4 . "'""""I J 4 HI 4..(Mt t44HI4, f "' 14'I4 i ItlKft: w-itifl ll lit.' I.. it4 11a hIHinhiiIhi' 4iMif iimwn, 9Uhh fctlV H.ttt4 Ml1 4MM MH, 1Ml4 t4 ft-Mllllt1l1t Hi44 f ItM f .. ttt ii 41...1 n. rt 141 u. 44 '.. t. SAVE MONEY ! Do yon Wiuit to I ftffft lvnntu '1 t4 i':.f j-ttJHtf 'i,-l ' K' ---t 3 t ' ' !- rrs) .jttl( H - it 1: S Mu (cnl!cincn Ntlts S!,ifai 04? Manmllt xs - - m t-ttr -! .tt'-M't, .t-i-3 .A (ol VtiJsisi 0ccrils liccllciii J . . JJit tU 4 S-W rta.f sV-iS CHi--i4oH tiUniti4' ' I M-m. I Kl.IIJ V LQLI.KI I. nB a - ' S'w tMM ?JI 'S i 4v, 9. At 4 -v rr ; t m 'MM j it .i fciM - r 4- S.-T. I 4si4- ' ' - tffHM , 4-4-41. . 414. af 4. -t fW, ft iwa MitlM(' ft i 1 MvvM4t a.d 4kav . )-, .-4. .mmH l t ... r. (1 I'M i',((,MH .iM I t V ' , -. ,IK 44. tMH-!. . 4...h. , . . HwM at , "" ' MvtfinrtMW, , i.-. .H-a, T" ...1M.4 . -it.... ,f , -1 ' K 4 4- "k m . j 'f-tmotMo i.ii.. 4. ..rt- 4 th,.. j IWMm 4..Mti H. 4-r j 8 1 44ti ttt OMilt S 4 14 J tiot;, $ M1. t- .l4 M WiW.4N,H, H Ml ' M)l . M.M M.t (k.... , ..MMM. .44, . Ml ...4 ' r -Mw .. .4. it' , mt-,. "4 4 M.H.H. ... - 4. AM ' . U 44. tUwM.,. 4-. -.... 4 . ,. ,4-. 1-f .t4. i s-4 ?ii4u .itib ,,., 4... j 41. 44.Hltjtl.tU .. f.HHM.... 44-M "-'" f f HHHHM, milltV t4t,tH W-HllIIH ftt tlH.4 .ftV4. M-.. l-,.-4,.l4l VHH 4H tU 4t.Mf .M -;, -mivj -4fta 4iiai NilTtCM -4b K -44-4..-1.. 44.44K. rftt. 44"t. 444. 4H.44. i" "4. 4- 444HmMW.t H 4. 4 M .444t- ,.4.4. . 4444 .,.. .. W 44(v ., .44 4.4 44. 4444 4, ,4,1- H- 1444. .f 4..... t 4ft 4444,4 NttTICIvft ' 44-4 44. 4tH4 4'M4.lt44) HtiHA 1 4"'4' 1 4f 4.v 4. 44.444.n ,n K .l i -;' ""4 4 4.V. 4.4i. 4H-t )4 .VM...M. .,. 4H-44.44NH M t4W-4. .M4H4 4M44.H,W, ' " . - -n4W 4 4w. .Viov. VH 4t4 4 444 4 4. 4141 4 4 ... in. a. 4 h. j ft "w ttvrt7 d im'oim i4 u IH mt4't Ha '-ill ftM rfU t4l ItHHrt , ! Ml 4. if tV1.l44-Mlrt.tli, Ittii! lt4- imiIimh tut attn.!? ftb- . . tw4.i. 4". tl fttftHf 4..4U4l aavo Mouoy ? We mm my 44. I rnii tin ti'iml-v N K.lit,, V H.l'' rii:H w'4 1 1 Ml t, tlion- !. 1 1 H.t4- hm 4i-tw Sliin fr 5; tit, C lt.iHsv ffff fo ct ctiJAJ!!;!!!; i;ko 1 u ami M 1 i 11 tn in. ',C, 4.jfc I'Muvlliii j -1i lO rt I s 1 i 1 -4 . fitif) ,Hii ''ItulU HM t.. if4:..;, JJ , 1 1 l'i(l, mtrt itoci I.2LXH m ux ;J I"8 o. i ..tot ,.ti.1 . t tn f '! 40.Mf ,. t. v; HH. I 4.HS ltil tlllMl i! Itlltl t. , 1MUt1Ht. 4t St. tli!J,.J1- ntlO'lt Ol 4iMtH)U,Htn ,1, ttttll .MO I 4t 4 im tH M 4 put, titiil 4it 4 1OlH. .llittt, "liH I 'HU, 4tl.4, 4 44)1 .tl14H,VHn.U il4.4M,4UMHt ;.Vtt I.H4 t.iH. tH4S JlMt.lH, i4tt.4, (til . Mtl Jto!4.t tttiM l.'Hti',, (.ili(fy f 'iMllM4 4J.M 3I.M4W., 4tl4ttlH4 Stt0.4 llM..t.i,, Aoii II iui:m i i;nu T 4t.i ,W 4..H rt 1 ,H.? (llltii? lit U aiti-44. t.ttl it 4 ill 14 4,Mt tH jni "1""0IS H 001 4,it. 44,, 4,M UtlMtti, "rV t,.., (Mt l( . HMIMOt I'M .'iiiij'Mi'f i .villi . wi.fl tit. 1.t ,,4 f(Hli,. Hl 4Ur B1M.4 M sWft ii 1 1 tt ' mm tit, HI Ann . It 4l'S J.'iilU, I 4i... .. 4kW14! Mill ( T Im .4lf, 4 Hfl4- 4. 44 Family GnDDcsics M444.t,,M 41.-4, U,,, ,:ll'' litl mi imd I ttU tn ft 4im ltntt.1. 4't"4,4t tii A. ' "' ' 44.4. 44. ... MUII ,,, lit). 4'4.4.4., 4 . (i WiMo1,s iltitti 41; f JMr4 ' "i4 4..l..v'4,4- .a.., 4''"444 iM.4.4. M 4). 4.,.., ... -"". -44.. i. 44. 4M..H... 4U...4. 4-4. ..i 4.1-4. 44 44 44.. 4 M,4 44..4 M ..4 4.. 4 .4 .4 4. .4. f. 4 i 4 4-W.444..., t.4.4...4M .4. 4..w, . . .... .M44" 4I.WI, ... 4 ..- 4. 4. Mt I,,., ..4. .Mi' 444.4M.i4,... , 4.4 1 ' ' 4-. -. t . . ., 4 4 ' 4-.. . ... 4.,, 4 4, . 4 4 - .. 4' 44- I MH4I .M.! -..-- w.-. 444. -4.. 4 M M ... m. 44 4.. V S " - .4. 444.44. 41. m . ,,,. .,4 Mil 4t , - 4V1-4-4..., 44W. 4.44 .41. 14,, t4Ht,ri4.M -44..H. ftv 4M 44..4V. 44 -f ... S- ' 4f.-444,I 4-t4 . . 4444.4 .44, M - '- 44 44.4.4.H t..-.. H4 4-,. t ( "4 4 4.44 .44444. 4... 4 4.4 4 .4.. 44i 4V 4..4. H M . ...t. m.Mm 4 , 4., -....., ... 4 7 44. ,1 V 4 .41.... 4. ,.,r 4i,n i,(4 ,4, (-4 l.M 44. 44 ...., .4 . 4 ,4441 . ....... t' 4... V .4 . 4, M.-. 4 ...... .4. ,,, . , t'44..i. Vt 4H.-4 4.. 44. . S4Mt- 4WMt- 4M4.4H 4 44 44. 4 44 , M1M f M, .44 44. ttvp . 4 ' . 1 ... 44 r44 . , .IM 4 1 4 444-. 4.M ..1,.M4 44- 4,4. 4 'it... 4 4.M 4- . . -, .4 ? 4. S " 4.4.M..M, t- .. 4...ld,,. , , .l..44..t.-4 4 S 4 . .4.44. 44.- 4-V 4, . 4 S4..4, t44. 4.44 t.. 44..,4 4., 4H 44 . It . . (.4- 4.44.-44 4,4 4-4- 4k. 4.1.4 -j4., 4V4 4 . 444. .4. 4. 4, 0 T, B .444- T 4. ! 1-44 ,...4 . 44, 4.4 444 l V 4' 4.14.4.. 444. 4.,.. 4.4. 4, , 4 4,4 w..-. 4.-.. .4, 44,. 44 -' 4t. -1 444.t .. 4,44 4H 4- '.- ,.i -H -4, ,,.!., .... 4 44. 4... I o. , J, 4 nj 4. t I . 1 . tA ,444 4,", 4 4.v till tail 'It' 1 .....1. .rf-,--- - - m , 4 ..,,. 9 .... 4 . I .4 , 4. ill.... .4- 4,. 4 .4. ,444,1,. (4,,i, 4,, , 4,. , 4 4.4.4. 4'"-.4.-"M,- 44, 4'..., .,... 4M.-I .. 4. 4. 4, . . . 1444.., 44 -,...,. 4 4'. .4H.4 --l 4. 4J44.4.. ..- . ..44, 4 .... 444. t,4444 M 4. 4 4 -ftt H 44444 4, 4,, , 44. M.H'Of 41 l l Itl.i 4t1 ,1tt,hti"i 4 '! M. 4ftt"44 4. 4 44... 44.411. - 4.. ,4 4 ,.,i.,,4 . 4- 4..-. 4,'.... 4. 1 44, 4t44. .-4 ).. 444 4,14-41 j-)'' S I 4 4 4tft44 .,..44,, 4M 4 4 444 ,.-.4 4 . 44, , , . ,, ,..4 . 4.. 4.4 4,, ,,44 ,-., ,4 ,,.,,4,,, 4., .44,4, ' '.4...... .., 4.4,4 4..., ,,,,., 4M 444444 444 .. 4. 4,, 4f, , ' .4- .... J, ,. ... ,4 I,. 4,444.,,,, ,,.M Ml .-444 .41. M.-4. . , 4,44, 4, . 4t. 4,a 4,. . ,,,,,4 44i 4 ,44,444 4, .44 M I,.-. 4.w. . t,,,,,. , M . .,4 4.M- .44 4 M.J 4 . , ,,,,.,,,4, 44.4' i.4- 4,.4, 44 M.4 44 ,- 44 , . M 4 ft.-- , .,,4,,,. . 4,.4. t44.. .4.444M,. 4444.' 44 ' . M . - 4.... ,4,. .. , 444 44-44, 44,- 4 44 444,, 4-,,. 44 44,, 4441,444,4. . 4m-- M4, 41. ,4. 4 4. , ..,' 4.4,14 M'l. .444 .-M.. -4. 4 ...,,41 --44 -V. .... 444 4)H44. 4. ., M444-,..M, 4 4H. -44. 44 M4 ,,44-4H V , . ,4 4M,4l 4 4. -V4 . 4- M I i- 4", S 4. 4-- H .,- ,,. ,44M 4. 44 4-., , i I 4,. S ' -4 4 M - , 4 . - ..,,,.,4 4, .,.w,..,4,, 4 .... 444.4, 4-,,... '4MM-, 4. t 4,44, 44 4ti.,4i. t, 4. - 444,- 4- M.. 44., 4 . , ,v , b, , -4 44 4.'.'4, , ,M - . 4,4,, . ,,4 ,,,.., .44, 4. ,44. 444.. 4. 44.,, ,. .,,,.44,, 44.H 44 I... . 4 tH,- ......, . 4 4-M-. ... .4,, ,.4l,.i 44,44,..44.4 44 44. -4,., 4 . '44 . 4J. 4-444. - ""l"- - '4,.. 44HW ,14 .44..44H4.'. 4 ft, Jftf 4 ,t,M4l 4,..,,' , 44,, 'I "4 4' 4 44-4 ,!! 4fcM 4.14' t-4': I . Httft '4i ' 14 -, 4 4 t4IW 44. 4'4M4M 4,44 4Hi . 44.4444 4W44 4S4444 2N 1rt 9 , . 4 4'n0r iff fi.. , .,iu j 4.M M)t,. 4V a.,.,. 4,41 t 4ti a 4)titl4 H 4iM.44t. ft 44 . .,., t,H4H4ti 4M 44H444. HI 4 444 14 "4 It 414 , 4H 4tH4 44jM4tH 4ii44 44,4,44 4 .(( Stl4 ,) til 4W4- 4)f 4i...4 S 4,44414 4 -H . ..! .-I4H- 44,44 M mtt 44 .H4it,4 tt' t1 "t I. 'MM .441. 44 44) 4 ft44 4 -A 44tl 4 .44.4 4 l; 4,.4l 44, 4,44 ftli it 44. 44 H -l 'Kl!. .,44,tt HI- 44t4H'H.t4'4''. 4 ,4 .M ,44 444.-4V S It UM tl... i 1,4 4 M.-v H t;M?tii ; v 5,1. i; ,.:, 'nit t. tJt-:vnn U4l6C4M.i4