! A -V. r. jun 4-iy. For sale ly JOI1XTULL. Dkvggist, WAIiLICK& LAI L, Itiu guist MORGAXTOX, X. C. KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NESS NCA8 HO'SFS natal i l.-.l.Mi.L.lu TusUlAI lAt CUSHiMS. Whisr lw4u.l. Ckr. fortO... i;.elti hr all ...J.. fl. !-M ) F. HIM o. air. t41 i.r'dJ, Sat. lark. r.. tVr kaO O I-. A Family Affair Health for the Bay, Pleasure for the Parents, New Life for the Oli Folks. Hires oot Reer THE GREAT TEMPERANCE DRINK is a family affair a requisite of the home. A S3 cent package makes 5 gallons of a delicious, strengthening, effervescent beverage. Tvn t he deceive,! If a rfeaW. for the sake of lancer pnjflt, teils yoa some other kind is "Just as inwl 'tis false. No Imitation iaa t-oCj as the geuuine iliaus'. PARKER S HAiR BALSAM StevT Tails to Bestbre Gray Hair to its Youth; wi Co jr. Cure? p d. ha.r 5""',ar i 1 at tVir- - l Parker's Gm?er 1 cau. i; ..-.ire. :a ...t-.i t.. .... Wetvk Iur.e". Dehi.irt. Ini;cv::oTl, Pa.3,Taat iatuu.ct&. HINPERCORN3. The m',ra.nri. Sup. .w ptuu. iJc a; jj.-Uijti, or lU3t.ua. a LO-, J. . How Lost ! How Retrained ! KMOW THYSELF a Or SELF-PRESEKVATTOX. A new and only ooia Medal KlilZE ESSAY oa XEKVOIjJ and FHYSICAC DEBILITY. ERRORS YOUTH. EXHAI STEU VITALITY, PRE. DMTlKli Wtl'LlM", Md &.1 IIEAES and WEAKNESSES of 31 AX. 300 pacts, doth. put; 125 invaluable prescriptions. Only Sl.ou by mail, doable sealed, descriptive Prospect. E3 with endorsements rnppi crtm of the Press and voluntary bKH ! I r,XV,r testimonials of the cored. I 111.1.! NOW. Congo ilati on in person or by msil. Expert treat menu INVIOLABLE SECKKCT aud CEK TAIY CntF. Afii" lr. W. n. rVrkfr. or The Peabody Medical Institute, No, 4 Buiauch St.. Boston, Mas. The Peabody ITedical Institute bos many lml- V1 1. b munjuiil. ir TU 'J . The Science of Life, or bolf Preeervation, !s treasure more valuable than eold. Ki-a.i It no' every WEAK, acil XEEVOl'S man. and l?arn to oe MKU.(i. JltdicalJievtew. (Copyrighted.! F. AV. TYLET?, Photographic Artist, Union St., opposite Col. S.McD. Tate "p. MORGAXTON, M. C. w All classes of photographic work at lowest prices consistent with first-class wort, enlargements a specialty. junlS-tf. JOHN T.PERKINS, -A.ttorney-at-Il.aw. (Office No. i, Brick Row.) Special attention given business of .executors and Administrators. Col lections on claims and returns prompt ly made. Nov. lO.-ly. DLATTY S I'lAXOS i ,,sf. cvrrr , , , . where. For rata loartie address Daniel F. Itcatt j-, Wn-hmcton T . -r a IE8R0E A. CLARK. SOLE AGENT. rba CIST and 3IOST POrrL.111 Bewinj Thread of Modern Times. For sale by W71 USB ,1V! AR K EISKSGN, TATE & fc'lLSCfcRS AT THK TAHKKXACLK. DR. TALMAGE DISCOURSES ON THE DUMB DEVIL. II lllu-lralr tt Italy larwmfcwat Vsmm ChrMlam of Ewbriwlas; Ery pf r tanily That O0r IH li.ml nanl ture the Can of ChrUU Bkklys, M.jr 13. Id bb rrmon tolay ReT. Dr. Talmage illtutrutl. in pxtetit anJ convincing Linuar, tho Inty incnuiWnt npn Christians cf m- nicinsc every opporttmity that offer in this life to do km! and to advance th cause of the kintlont tf Christ tv a U14 ncknowleili.i;i nt tf their principh'si tw fore men. The test "elected wa. Mirk x. 25, "Tlton dnmb and deaf spirit, I charge thtv, come ont of him." Here w:is a c;se of jrivat duniesttc ma- guLslu The eoa of the hottwtxdd u hjh'sh1 of au evil ptnt which, atuof other things. aralyiel hb t.-nne and made him ppeechle. ben the lnt!a- ence was oti the patient he could not say word -nrticulatton waai intpoeiUek The spi : that captnred th ineutUr w :te hn.- iio! I was a dumb spirit o ailed by Citrist a tpirii atntd bUy anil as lively and potent a in New Test ament times, let in all the realms of wnrionology I cannot find a dtenrw concerning this dnmbdevil which Chftt hargeti ujnm my test, ayit. H.oii out of him." There has U-n much Utrurtiv t- IerstitHn abroail in the world oce ru ing mesesun ly evil spirits. I iwler the fonn of l-etief iu witchcraft thU de- usion swept the continents. lVron were snprnised ta Ve p!sssh with sotnw evil spirit which made them able t de- troy others. In the Sixteenth century vi tK-neva l.-V persons were bunted to death as witches. L'uder oi iul tn Lorraiue iM tvrsuns were burned ta cath as witches. In one beighborhoi! f France 1.0iK persous were burn4. Iu two cnturies 2UO.tt p'rsiwi were slain as witches. So mighty was the de nion that it inclndel among its vic tims snue of the RTeatest iatetWts of all time, such as Chief Justic Matthew Hale and Sir Edward Coke, and neb renowned ministers of religion as Cotton Mather, one of who bjoks. Ilenj tuiia Franklin said, shaped his life and Kwb rd Rister and Arvhbthop Cranu. r nd Martin Lnther. and auung writer nd piiilos. phers. Lirl Bacon. That b- f, which has become the laushiax ?tx-k of all sensible people, contttel it lisciples among the wi-t ami U-!t p-- le or swcden. t.enuany. f jtgUnd, France. Sjxiin aud New Kngland. lint while we reject witchcraft any man wh Ulseves the Bible mnt t-!icv that there are diabolical agencies abnol tn the worl.L While there are mmutmn spirits to bless there are inlemal spirits to kinder, to poison anl t!estny. Christ was speaking to a spiritual existence when, standing before the tl!tctel on of the text, he said. "Thoti dumb and ileaf spirit, come out of him." sot a UTrK.t. rii.ittr. Against this dumb devil i.f the teit. I put yon on your guar L r tn t think titat this agent of evil ha put his Uukt on the who. by omisioa of th vs al organs, have had the golden gates f speech bolted and barred. Auv-ng th.e whhave never spoken a won! are tb most graciooa and lovely and talrn;.-d souls that were ever incarnated. The chaplains of the a-ylurus for the daial can tell yoa enchanting stories of th, who never called the name of father or mother or child, and many of the nt devout and prayerful souls will never in this world speak the name of God or Christ. .Many a deaf mute have 1 ea with the angel of intelligence seated at the window of the eye. who nevir came forth from the door of the month. What a miracle of lovelinrs and knowknlge was Laura Bri.l maa. of New Hampshire! Not only without fac ulty of speech, but without hearing and without sight, all these facnltf re moved by sickness when two jean cf age. yet becoming a wonder at rieedl wurk.at the piano, at the sewing ma chine, and an intelligent student of the Scriptures, and confounding phil-m.. phers. who came from all part of the world to study the phenomenon. Thanks to Christianity for what it has don f . r the amelioration of the condition of the deaf and the dumb. Back in the a e they were put to death as having nglit. with such paucity of e.ptpm. nt. i iie. ami ror centuries tiwy were clawed among the idiotic and nnafe. utu in the Sixteenth century came Pedro Ponce, the Spanish monk, and ia the Seventeenth century came Juan Pal lo bonet. another S:ani-h nxk. with dactyl.logy or the hnger alphabet, and in our own centnrv we hav Ka,l J.J,.. Braid wood and Drs. Mitch. II and Ark- erly and Pvvt and liallandet. who hav given uncounted thousands of th.j w nose tongues were forever silent th power to spell out on the air br nal alphabet their thoughts about this wurld and their hopes for the next. We rejoice in the brilliant inventions in be half of those who were born daa.K One of the most impressive audience I ever addressed waa in the far west two or three years ago an audience of aU-mt 600 persons who had never beard a sound or spoken a word, an interpreter stand ins beside me while 1 addresd them. congratulate! mat audience on two advantages they hail over the xnt tl os the one that they escaped bearing a great many disagreeable things, and on the other fact that they escape I savin - tnings iney were sorry for afterward. Yet after all the alleviations a shackled tongue is an appalling limitation. Bui we are not this morning speaking of congenital mutes. We mean those who are born with all the faculties id vocal ization and yet have Wn struck by the evil one mentioned in the test the dumb devil to whom Christ called wbn he said, "Thou dumb and deaf spirit, 1 cnarge mee. come out ol him. Artmir.oisiat.TtoJc or silexcc There hits been apotbeoniiatioo of si lence. Some one has said that sil.Dc is golden, and sometime the greatest triumph is to keep your mouth that. But sometimes silence is a crime and the direct result of the baleful inRoence of tne on mo devil or our test There t hardly a man or woman in this bouse today who has not been present on some occasion when the Christian religion be came a target for raillery. iVrhar U was over in the store some due krn there was not much poing on and the clerks wire in a group, or it was in the factory at tiie noon spell, or it was out on the rami nuder the trees while yoa were resting, or it was in the clubrootn. or it was in a social cmi or it was In the street mi the way home frorw busi ness, or it was on some occasion which you rememUr without my .lejsnUn it. S.me one got the laugh on the Bible and caricatured the profession of re ligion as hypocrisy, or made a pan out of something that Christ said. The laugh started and yon joined in. and r4 one word of protest did yoa otter. What kept yon silent? Modesty Na In capacity to answer? No. U k of vw pri unity? N It was a blow ou both your lips t.y the wnug f tlM- dumb devil u so:nioneshiiM illation ynr father or mother or wife ur hn.icm.1 i y. n would Ru.-h u: qnick. and ettL.e wuli an indignant word or d.Mibled no 45..V 1 - I. a, . . ' make response. An vet here i. bine tstiiin religion, which ha done so for too and so lunch for th world imi is nu taee aft Wf wiy et-rs it, and yvt wheo it mm altak4 jv dal not so tancb ae mtt "I &i3r. 1 jet, I am s rry to fee ywa mf tial There fc another sVle to ths. YoaChristua pwele ewht t tmh time aa theae to go ana!, im1 lf k earthly weep. It milk the wr4 of the Spirit. Yett onhl to ke feav ce fite aucstkittit with whtcb yl vmtA r'tVsf'fcB Vssl Jfcstt tDsvA s flti 4Jisi ttsC SBsV'MP" ttanity. A man ninety yer et4 telling toe a few day aver W at la Sight a scoffer. Sty fc4 frt4 staikl ut the skeptic, D4 yoa ever rv4 Vbm his tory of Jowrpb. ta the tUMer "Y said the tnaa; tt t fine sterr, aal a Infvrwtln a stey aa I esr fsvL" "Well, now." said Vf JI friw4, n-p pw that acroaat of Jerf hj slof-p"! kof wajT "Uh," ski4 the haa, "t&aj tt wonM not be ctktrruUitatf. "W now, sal. i my rrteno. we Mtt ta ta world only half of every thiax. aa4 yoi rw think thai ho we fcr the last half thing may U roaarat, a4 that then we tuar tavl tlial U4 w rightr VOt tr WTT l'ftwtw! rvvT. tin, frWa.1. rwtter ltl p witb a fr lntmc.tioiir4etA. l out caao to be siletit when tfan4 th I'iVU anl th thirty of te tally are assa4m4. l our siletM ttv cosit to tao tw bardntetit of yoor father's boenwL. vt allow a star to be cast m mr tat" dflrue pl(oW. la behalf of the ttft. w ho for yoa went ihrowga the i of asa.oinatioa eo the tow ky btatl m h of Jemsah. yoa tar4 fc fa ly J 4te. Better Lxsd np wills fw upw. tHts so that nest ttmwyoa wv3 W tHtf Say to the scoffers "My Ir r. mZl yoa tell me what the differ ae between th roatiti'a of ta Chbfc and the Lail4 Mat W lut 4 yon think of the set m thm i lbw d. yoa hie th i.n f& Ut dawn tn the .Ttptf? Afe yt N favor of the ten ct-ftd6un!. Im yoor lfge en! eitenaite rial$s le yott tome actos a Iwr tkr-tvt thta Jeso i"hrvt? Will yw tUsw M name tho triumphant tthW4 ft i tU l and ett? I t w do oa aevonat f r the fart that aax4 IW o ont kelsewr ta Chttiaity wvrw wa peto. a IWaJ.aia I raku. Jtm Uoskin. Tt. iav CartiW. lUNafM Ma auly. WUltan IVaa, Wl!t wts. Chark Kingly. Itrvo IthaJS, Jarne A. tiareM. ICIo-rl II Ijw. Jeae wall J ki. Admiral le., A4ait U Farrnt. Clyw !. tif:nt. J-ka, Jts5- ton. V iltiaro ij.ktir. 0-Sf Jisf ww Mart'-aa. J hn ..1pv. luewl vtfi.t. tiecg WaslsflgSoV ll-W 4 J4 Clnt for trtt f.ft.la fet t i"htts.a rvhjtn? Analog the ivtet'Mis le-ge nt ttattrtoitr ef t!etfth Wwl Joo tame mm tl.Pt "arte. I t aS.JJ, and r,w sprir by t&t ! fc yont tie at t ate ea fSy .tp tm the pvCoa y a e vfy aftS;iia.tt5 1 th lT.rtsti.in vltgtvf Wka d o hate th el rtfo lWt ! lao n t world? te at btrt with a few a-ivseiK. and he wt:i prt red tn tk fa- at t n-t ; pty. anl kewul lJ at his watch an-1 say h t-.t a ffmwikt and mnt gvv Yoa will rut hta tn sweat that w!l tat a I Yea will pul htra en a tvr; wsutrl with Ubmi tr tat Hmm .ai n in at alL Aria n.fet. wr argnww-.ts bt t&trr-twn a4 I )rvtuie yoa Vt.ry. a tnan a yoa. shall sorb a w.ava a yt surrender to one of it mat jtn5 that rrmok4 ay from u (it the dumb dttl sp krn ,t ta t& U tit But then tfeere are oec sms wlen this purifcrolar stint that i'hrvt tr Cielwhen be Mst, "I fhrtfe tl t c tv ont of kin." tak tsW le tS wholeaX ta t; trvet rposte r p audience tae joa seW'l k-w ttxAnf p(4 aetvr tt at all Ty have a Uk. anl they tat a I they know how to rl. TV kawer aianyof the tut, aa! yt are it while the rrat rsfttre f t&asjs by. Ai't;g thee who sin t ofee ni of a hnndre.1 lnl no& to tr tt own voke. They fcta tu They tte a rt of rluton cTuat. Tk ta. ta hp bnt tt t tfcaoditio. WtZU a str ng tniifti t. ; a strt tar or. I l.t aw;v. atl tht can aj..-1 tm thet'rtof 1.1 abont kalfawli l-r. With tn-.nh s jf t. tn ngi ba.s to taake a tl keatrn beteis-n the f r wai:, they lt the j p rtttnt;y r by niirujtL The volara. f vw lhal afW.t tpm the largest au-ttetw that r asslWI ought to be ta:!ij'lw4 abtt two tV sanl felL Bat the tainptr rw a4 ptte out the hytnbi the orsfft besfH... the chtr or preventur WUi the avtt tnce are staatirr so that Uw lftj ty kav faU ipnsi.it. al a tltftkty a.r tuooy t aUnt to ascen.1. hn tt tI sptni sj4-n of ta lay tti-tho darab Uvil t re.! la two wing, oa tr the I pa of ons-batf the arvlaee aal t& other wing over th lipaf t&vtftt of t! ao-lienee. a&4 ttwetwie ta a intthe throat frota whiet !&y e.kv., antn;ly here ft.l thr a j ? hig . i. and nie-tctth of tke hty jr I !':r y!; ao.1 the 4-xr.b 0-tvl a k p away. , - tonH a. I kp U, Watu frota wrttta tKt kj . I I Could H. I kep Lnwett M M. f f ! the tnae to wafer it t t. smote Into siU-ne or k.'4 sii-mta th lp from whnrb tt el ki-lai'r.t to llet fcig&bffe(B.t aa.1 axui the mount th wW of keet tiite the k ng nwt.r ki.tfc.wry ta t4 npprt of Christen. -. a, ifc ft knea wol'l la the wfc4lgif tt-i tuc rwa or . Bnrieg tn cotl fami 1. shire. i;ila. when tim sif-tia w omtting l.tnt. a the trt w.. loo of tott.. rvlc4 ta, the E.ma. lpl nnh. kel the kosee aa4 ttw the kxd thrnvttve-. -xtx. aatj al Laarashite 4av ta wtt tt'ta'ataf vote, their bk spiarf : tetsr, -Tisett.i front wnt all kfo-..- Cw. When Cfct try. wi". kb warship, the dPt.ip.. le er ta Coast of Japan, ke bwnbd4 lao he. With li4r,t.- tly,. r ttm, marine tiL tikfemi "titl llaatrel." eop.-iwa by Wita rrasw. of ttr many, la a war pr-, at ten ik at night, the .r flw far fn Is-eoe anlwvnn4W aa4 swk ea w.ta prisuner starte.4 the -U54 ItnttMi t. lotfy, and then aseoreof tvwm 4am, then all the ft. on afl IW tojotl at tho acclaim aafil tl. t..L... front fMut4atfca to t t f.tf fake. wteb thm awlatioaaswrtpiiiMsa, A liti.h manf -w r. Iito.,4 tt m f eign roost, heard a toiee sfatatf tii k"hvy. an I UmrUlty r"wkaa. l.. at!. .. ,t - . .... Ushiaan tn ca(iiUy to t&o UK dans; and In thetaal t! to o.e rvws to shure aa4 br.t to a -r., bottse an.1 s tho captite f , 4,1 f know what tarat the tptaof tr. I rtcttoa aboil play, bnt It U- tha 4. oiry wntca I nw -mmUm ae Chrotrntbao. we wvuH be How nan a katwty ta ear so. aaJ k j sily we conU tlm keek the ta. ttenl front all oar wotshiytir aoa., btag, tf we ronU rXi.to ibat all I our hymn hot a ttt?iu k.oy. That ftorVtna ktn, Ma. f ,f J the latf , of Ihtdlcy Tyng. who w djiaj frtM barinic bio rtghl art tra of thrasbla tnachtae. Thai kfnva. "Vikti a rrwnd We 1U ta Jwt, k.t4 , throngh a tH hotve. cnvtri4 an ot. dor-te aotO. lia Wa tiatiet at ti. I4tf r w-e a ay m ettai a IAtfn Ife ft. i ta ratju tfn V mn .eM y.n I tAwffafi totaeifvtw lUo w61, f WaadefUi I. T-aitfW." ft mn tt4 ke Otel keatt f &miW yatesif T-oe, ( y tiw eeiHf u ws f-aa.l fj-Nsir. aat ae; elfWof axtitMf kia Wkol tRo" .? !, lw o&f.'! ke4 a it et sniti lit tUt timj n ot thtn, aa.1 ay ae.rv t ar wse ksi(f aifw- -Mtil Oi Ta So aftaf. ImAmI Mflt'l I 4a4 I we k-l tn kttlW-l taa tailf ti u4Rr fswmo Ae he AfVf &e aett IHSD w ef. m aito craaui'4 I ho tW kefe! a tilt! eeotf-l a laa fwm f T tao tttiiai-r !. aiaiata Jms. f My vit.- aa to f u g re ae Kwr kejH'ie f Uk(Ut, aa.1 al la ef law tirl. al tky w ty aatf f..nw. Te. the disewawf taay, feoaum avt:eta4 a slaf aa4 -a-. TWal ktnv. -. t Taoeaa. T-- a J1. W ntf-ai ft. i&f W Wa!ey If- f IWkf. w after kio tons r'av oat. "l lal tr kef) si-aa aoef ia yC tt-l WwnJwy, "tf m ten t!Wt-Htrtt fiosKw yvn kiei ketter mm taea - ia." AM lkie ta4 a ky oAHy aa tl W'S-f.- ta, a tlmwionit ttOH'M ftx 4tH4 V iVM KwluaiweM' nmi4mu 1W Miir s saw e4 S.Met fW HMt-f itise. JWsta Mi fi1. H nix TWt Sh .. HMMMtl ft, tHme 4M.Ml' atte, f H'A SM4 (taM'!, ta., a ..... ta . tS .4P' BSOMi f is a ttnft( Rkf"'feu a svvwl' ... easw. a ' t'-f .fttf f , I W'45 oeove C'ftt'ttt fttnKivHta. ef an t;i kfl It ftk. eatl .MK4A.tj titMt" I JIXM't lt tHaMotMV Ismatflu., 1 AfWi. oor.a& jtai0 l"t.fu.w t lifts-, ICawsUL A-"olV 3oa 1 C:t ami I'i-t'.a.i.rii.as. a fa-sf i mt ef iu'V l w e a I : ! .. AtM Af" aatl A ate- g tva I tW !-oHfka Ifck. iHi IJU I 8s taints' t tf.o atOI tt 'H. .' ttat-il ef Ilia let 4I en ae ta!tk trttk I Its a.-t. awwesst. ao .aa anssefs I I (fi.E-f,'. 5 ? tf at o Itto I k.at ef fctea )-. - t.jt-HI(le. .)M. 1 5 it ef'J dt-iyw a4. ek.el 1 eat- trfNT ef oti aikrfi, W..S-4I1. t,.'mi M,l tA. I ftrtHPi, kef...sw aa,. SW we af fcte-.ft.-s ' Ufs. r w ft. n.. fK ! ia aionr. at f!4o- H . .. - ..... . . , l.-.a k-r 1. .. Hl"'te " Srrte 4 ft.t"ik !t.t ft i-IiJm t;tf tetf ftfl-'fi" . m.j t.-. . . r A m . w . , . . tf .-i-Me- .R.rot'iMr f a.ef-M. oin.. - tr. "" f "t'1 - - a" no ftoff.. ef n- rt..- so noo.i i. rt.,., , H, , MlK, .4l, ,,.:i.,v ; ?l ! w toil.:-- f,..., - a - . " . I' ' ' K -- titS lt ..M.ritel.S f ' ft ;et.tf-io f f -y.a, .i, .s h . . , . ...... ....... r. a ..... 1 . I. t.M.Li,.!!,, f,, A.t"l-'l pia lt. It ttj laivfc.aiti .,t1atfa iJ er-ta we w tp .i t .'.' f aet,. -f - i -w tm wmwm-'f aav an tw.taf a, If tt Wteafrtrtt ataaSiajf ,-t, n rt,-e W it t?if .-e ettt f.f !- st ft,t.r at tt t ao $ ftttCS . 9yi it a a tot ttp IH -iw. 1 W a t-"4t I tl wJ:"tt A tat'i'ljSttsxt'St, v4w S.a. taf tft, at Wl i;kaal e "5 4a suaaCat M' kkl (. ft . tk-taa ef ra w-tttj; sijH.ftw,, a.,a tivwir fa a tliftiti ay wt t'ttt If utaae.. 11 fcw. wr t I -rwit a all. 1 ke Wafa ftttaf li'n, t.at4tAtr1t 5" Wn.l " ft st fUm w-nu-f. t vtta j taVf t" ' tj f-Mw a .ft lftir f o toH s.jf..f: t -- 4.tt.a kroi:! wf 4t ..n,iM.t aT m. 'Vl ttyvaf ft, ,J S3 m inu 4.t, 1 1 toy. f w :.. : e C fc-' tla dafttVvv Tkas ft l W tf' I vet-as ft lit. H't tal ta f jM40t Ce i""V. f ttt saaa'Mtia a taan tj at ' I 4ttla . ..... r n-tf t .. l-t it. ,r. 4 4JO . a.Mt f iV,; t.stt nv ,n, ta f.-l tiftfte 4. wis a "-"'I t","' '"'" :'? lat ejf.f aa. teeto'l. "' f. a ef Wo ftt it ft ft it totvt.nl . t ,, . 4i t. (Neonsiittt Ma ....... . Tt'iiwf waa S ., $n w-;-s l fttie 1, t"j,s,'ii?-ti ktwttty g- , t ihw Mint t rfFa SI .( w -it& gwt.'w in., tfctvt ftae: ef J'S IUv f f nt ,.4ttJV kt4 - wHtp(t.ttg !Vw .!. lw"i t-"f-s''S tw' wa w aa iVtti.j i.. t .... .. . . sfi'mt .,-f e.fttottywi.i I- 1 JVS-f-R.. t im ajoatat4 .w- a-""- e. - i-iat; ttt. eeata. St. a rsfaf r8.'.tlt.iaW at. -k fal Vll, I'y .K-i.-v I rw-w , w?- tt atria p f girf tn t us ai .. .ft r-wtw t. 1o , a fttt-t kl t . fa.. . . u a. . .We,twir mnosttt t ;. aV tW i,,a t,i.n. t.a .n... ... t.aa,toB ef .ae lo-rfa Ut ftiefltinl'ta.k m - . . . Stf -aiantuM- OM t Aim . iv i-ania. tfta. fcf...tMt,. tW t5-it. uij f I law t tt Hj 11 on ; af I5t kt I f -n ftte! est 1 t.t.. eta-a wiMrf f llfaaorttCat r,f,ea lWsa-io tatta4 ft la attl (. f I t-Ca-e 1 Wo s4l ttM.w.ao wvl J fto efea.t.1 ,!!, ft tJWt't tao ( " tf t" e.H 1 6f!i.ft. .i4 rwgi 11.! . . r M wn,. s.ea.yt atVMtot- lt al t atst4 ye.tVa44Heta- aoaotaae fer Iftttl w aee kats. m k4 w W wl lt ICg la tttN aatl .tv tor. iK-aee. at aXuatirsa aa c t-tr i4t-saaft4w litMi aattl .asa,fe 1 at lftan..., -If Itl ie 1,, " hw ka, if k.JL. I -Van ft,.lC4.aa S.-w. I l. l-etfw4,t f a,-, - o, iMafto ft,,, H,t a aftatea-. 4 jg gj, a aif wwr I (m v t a, E I'-o I t ft my. , ,w ,f : flltl.toflMtewa,. It ttiw, a, jf.. " 1 : revlWiae.et leaf ttaWty. ft I onl b.t tt.iv.i ftt. attattJla,! jt. -I ot ft!.! if y.,ta l,v. ttj.a.,1 jj rataXtta I '..Of . fcafJH, a- a.aaat,. t k rnaan, n ef ! ac; TV a,... I t4tleai Iko fto-t.. .t fta I: lrSea, 4 .'(a, 11 ia. io r.et tvtr ? aatl c- a aowta,, faalUee ' i fto lata kar aa . mf Uo atraaa.it ftaak ko.to ,,. f aatj ask kia . o ym aa m. ..i i . o. a. ati .& ft a., t Wkaakal-of-, t.tl yatttratCf. ft rt t34 tt(.; B tafo ttt ftU.l..aa.I a. P a t..-ti 41 . . w k-ir M IW I. fr.J:; The, ertalt I t ! nfti.a. a-. r..n..r.ri,':!-V!::r-'' ' tz r.'.-r.vrxrjr. :f.::r;rrrr;J ''- ft...... , SJ tlVl tt tLl....a f . . I - aa. . Aa. ' ; t'1"" " " .f tee .att.. laoatlt-k.JJa. f T! "V al ta wta. i;- 1. ; ! 0.00 -ftkM tt l lie. twa. Inaftaaf weiK. ft leaio I t4.rf, H4t.es t K a I ttt f. I arit a. . . W aia.MO a aMnssei. -a Hi e ' atkM4o ev.s j fu nu Itvie 1i ! tint vhAiHI ik), S"&MioH smR 4,Mh n s aHo4u las e-Hf o IL Q la ra0n -e-ot.os tfi ,0 fM W Ht.V-o.R t HltR-Mtt-.(aM. W'-M au.i My K4t, w;il ( h ... m e-4Si ia. sm'iws t4 Im hv4s.Mi ef K-.taa loto aM 4 a 4tti.it smI Mi Aelt s.Hr. o tMHwtMt d kta. tamwus h esilVS etiHeiS ttiw 41. fit$, t woi m tstl4 k 9ii an Httf f tao a-a e le .sSCy Jfcjstj L'Avviis-iH BM.t aii yw-n,. la jaoi wf iio Ift a! w3 ke tae a'oe a a. a'sv lf iS "Jt5iitfa 'o f tk o o'tV so IV faRvaj -ts;tit el4a jiw ut,,'M1 Ho -nt aa au mw iisi'.4iirk'H'v 1 altf'i. tlo sHeia) el IV l'in se e ia u wnfiai wf foSuafl afiisi !,, a oa awr ! aaaK.-ftMil'li! fitSU eetcf j w aus M -4 M et i' ees 1 eav. srtila e .i.Hliea- -OH 1 ! Hee w J- mm ewse I'lae e h s-t" Sstrtaa ""," e tdtlinawii it eawaaaMHtti If ' ae 4aa4 a ttftt ttll fmt n? tesetl H t Mik . iaokw I a -aOM-aM j.UiUH Wtt e4MH. w . aJe kes a t-ni'.; oa sitvs Ital eHM 4I 14a vi- i at aosw,, f4-a I Va t.Mfu. faitif .ia M. i Mfcl A MMMM. .Ulr a..U A...L . . It te-a ,t aa h." imle8 "8W seii I ft fteo aeiR-. . ft tiab tii-ttM I .nwi i - rMtuH-i f" - t t- MhsI ii f a-.M a ott.. a ftHMtMMttl et iu toMs it4 sua. ef le-anr ,ms .H .,! IIU abars.s f k.a teVW St tae ft.al smi a ut.-ak. dioe a T. f H J'-i ft M truAaa . at im '! w"sa'i4,'t w(fj fc Hans' tJF "W-tJajftftii fttM tMt-HMa. f HJt. 'I'tewa (t -a.M'tMHt-Ci ."taa t a -Kit t aCal .H4tlttHll itut at ' t'0-jjt' tsoitJOOWtf; a. taat mtAtHt,1' Ilia es at a4tt'KHoHo -tt ' ttoawi(f rt t'.tte" t.,tn "t 1 a 'l1 ttAM?-ts H, KH.-tfaWI a so . Ilu, w lii .ti.u.a fiu. .t.. .ia , a,.. .l.e-u' Ha as-fe f ft.tto . a. .i. ,.. a,M sM!). 4) ( ts,Mll S w , 5 , f .Mlt5H. to t-t -V 4 t, t l-n,,i'. -oi -k4 "lt '. - i I '. t'Hea."'i ' i OlS t t 4.'t. tttl.Ml f . w . ,...." ' . . -.. r -lt. ?, ; r'tt. I tt a'vMfttt eif .fitr S e 4n. " t Ht. t. " t vii,; a to itt -.M4-Mtta "'!V t t e ..-t t g-t t,. -"I -e-.'W ft- f vriiH. i 4-. a, nt-,' )'"" Ht 4f I e .t-.' 4rM'l h It. if nh.iH'. a, .Mt a-M-kj'atrttt' 1 tv.t. -. a 'tttMrtt 4iet s' ftttHittev ft. t.M'1 tttti. at m? fte 3' tits I HHtoe tvittti-le k Itt. Wit-.tn, et.N. V Kit at,. t-ti. ,r lit It a' Mi V Ht- .. HftMt1l. St tw. ! t ho. I 4 Rat. m st . I ttt at.a.lt mi totiti . tit f.a. n ait, tif I a.t a -t o A...i O' t-3 -a. ta , ms I ri,, Me-. a t K .i tS' 4t s.tift Stitt.1 ait li, kf ! I 4-.IS k ,H.C f t s ? Mntia " I .' Set fte tai Sat fM-ttif a. t.t noMtett'i'S , V , Ma at. t:" ff ' fa.e Km ", r... f i 't lis Ht f 1o Mth ' m f o -, Mlw t4taa s tatt .! I.' E ' i "i a .m.. .. t. . I eit.jtt a a.-.,. l w i a.. a i j... to.M.. ll.llltt.J - I.f Sti (t t.)Mftt f'Oti ttf tiMI( a,-iH. t-.ttiU: auti.t. ov a.ett-a, Htttt.t - t!t'M f feii'lfSOttf, 1 "I". tat f.t f.Ht-t, t-. st.e ..a a t . gw.,T. r ,'vpitr - 44t a tean h - f I ltt. fH i ... i m ! .. ,..- . t ,. ..ii . bi ;ia j.a..;., . M. s-h, . ,4lH.t . IT 2J'::r7.z Tir.::; - V !-.- voin nw"f T'-at i ae i" at ai !- sfint,,. ,.s , ., l 4V ta x lo 4-h. i... lo Ht.stia.i'te. s.im i , irj,. ,4..H.tiMH.e -e-.. a,..,,.. ftl.a. ,(H. a. t,..Htt.v,ri:. aaa fco-a s . .i.v 4UM.U... ...t... ........... ... . v. t- -"It t4t , S It' f a.st.t uataati t.tami a K.a t.ifct4.4y t f . lit Urtsft rtt.t .. i 111 a.MM.ai 0 Sltt ; w-.tul t..t. h.m f,n.a a., .MtM..fl ae , I " r -.-,.. r tat sh, n, ',7 " " n"'Z 0 a.tI.H.it ef llttta t..a4a.a . 4ft f JT I, 44MH. ttMaite44l tilO ySHtllVMt.t ( lilt 4"f tttta "fa Hf to axtCti.tw l I. I1 aatH.il 4 l lo tA' He ttes a . JtiMM tl as-ft'Hu'-'l, k'la lU.K44e e tw. f.lta et.J l.tif. 444tf tilt lt4Hl V-V IHHIH.t t " titaHt-t1 t ta ,(. iiii t lit. atoit.a tf 1 ,IO ttetll. tin tV.r" elf t ) ttat t 4vtu mc'H4 ft.SHHtf'e ttw. BS t,HH.8 to tt'.S a axttt t4t.a S4tt J-Mt44a.R tHo,, a. at44ulu, aira- ottafc et.ta44. . I'tsat t ottjfitV'Stt attaehtts-te so tal .r Ottft aitHMUMtiil .HS. mt yMfn fttVttHtt iiaMt4-4't t- atsttf tiMtoa.aa.04!., fttletti, fio av.vat.f aso tttatv, welt 44j.a i.44.a, 44 a, isot a... ft. r.arttMMt Mo katet . fntotc ft ttot "4f --n.a 4 a la a-'ttia-a 'latt aSf-awta itaa tta tvM, raia, feawf atttttMt fto S4tt Hi rv..lwa 4lw.it Wt wv:S-, Mow-ti'Io ft Hoe Itotf ttMotat, ftsst t.Mtttt"M.tet St. ai,. aft.- e.ni,BsTj ettt- a , ,". m f .f -wtiH 'f i ri. 1. l,oe 4Ht ama s-tl aratt 141 attjiiv et.u ,:vM(itii ft.at Ha ltSOl4wt5:i 0t4. Vasttft sttl sa.ett f ' a ''f a.a iv.tUa i 4k. 4... t. . t-...- 1 t""f bm f -va-'nta .tti tuta att I u M ftt ft.tHAi 4H.er , ta m( at.at ti as(ij in if ai-.atw ettotitv-f v.a ..sv ta. . la. t-.ti.,lw,.aHo.e saltt. ft, tk... . .. . 7 " ..,e.in.iti. " ''3. yoa a iti m f ttf .ohtr tti.Vaii...i . n. - Wo .a ft-, ft.Ktun., ftt taa aatta , 'to wo.a.4 ftesa arnn.HUt ,.Htaaa.o WtO WO.h a4tit44J 4.a.n..4v aa..u......ii. l 2J fats a . . T " . - ... v- la H s . --. t V e- V r .: e,y 1 -r-v4;?t 11 . 4, .Ml. a ,tt a A e.O HhKiW. 4,.M, M ... ...MM. 4 -! -41 W. ts- ., .aea fa stt wteHaa 44 e . i'.it..t eMft -.ajaj 4S) .a-t -. ks hh' --. -4 - a), J- ay hoi um nHm "r a atl..U w ' e fesee. --. it .etj ,;t" 'eJ FOR WICNT ! 'tlo tMoH Wonts! f ie.iu 4M atMM.l t. aea,iOU liasti a-n)nt4. . mlKiu ie") M .a te"ote H hh 4.s, tse, ?' oM a tHt.au , Hf Mtt -.ltJ-tlft 4V SMtniotHl -SKtl4Mrs a litiiMittii-iitk f'i ote tA'Simui .a a .s (t(wuai C - t '-- r'o Kl' l' Bl.ej'-HtH.ts, 3ft. a,. tBaaaBaBBBaaajMaa-wsaBaaaaaaaBBB -Caa L--aS?-l limit Vtr jj JJa itfiij PIANOS AND ORGAtJS, r V J ti 4 f J t?:v 4 tf J ta's- I. Mi' H f Hmmh 1tt,at i.e t"V-s .iii.tis-itneH.i -, a e K.t. , Itait tti.A t ita It 't-l-t .;t "t Mt et'-tfe- at4 tt tV'ta'fy, i risNrrrui: ivrnt:tAi: tt.t, COFFINS AND CASKETS. i:LAU'f,ti, iKit,, JNO. H. PEARSON'S iCASH WAREHOUSE, pttrcltase of Grain and all Iujuts or Country Produce it .4, i I 1-1 v. ;nci uL'ts M.a f -Kat tit 1if l'rt.rfrf'l I h4 " 8 :' j 1 a A a ia i.siwil B at ? 4- lS " " " "44T111 e.et,f r.v,., " H . fal m at . 1 -"'' iki-rr' ii ais.a tv-t4 nintf m. ; 'fct.i le .1, KM RV .it3 fCm.!l1, f S' ftVutJiHl'.l I ',.r.,w it,t ii,! . ' 1 'o' ' . a ' f: J " tn' " ILri'ai-LfTr ' i ..... V f ft til e. a ifarr--rzri in Mfru tli.illf Main rip.iJ aa at 4 aw mm anaa a ... t a. ai wr?- 1 H 11 1 tT f I l I .. . 1 La-.. . f t o-t 4. ., i . t4vaMa.lBtt4 . . I ' S m '.?. .naw "'' 1 a II el 11 I. vi ...it l Pv fir -1 TTA? .... . - t.-o. w a r ftr.oaW LertWwU U lo I 1. - f I H ... . , ... ., , if -Jj TzzztirZTzz trr-tr "- ; '''' ' ";.;M,;u.t;.u. 4t;;:,,"" aT a se4f.. 4ia. .Ma aa tt. awn, 4w ,. S .. 4... .t. ,,. ... Vt -a!:!lt?ltr ;:.r":.:rr:,;.-.r; r: ; V af-- !... a.....,,,...,..e . -4. r.,cTrtrr ,r "' i X"' --. - S,.t4.a. mm. wtajauauatMt -t ... t. . 1 " - e - -- "'"--- iit .-4., - , 4. .,.,. .... - - j. lala-o- "" -"-'" tn..,, ,. ... , X ,4-twaae, 'r tn. o...t ... ......,' .-.-. ....... 4.,,.-. . , a-.... 4,. 1Z..ZT, " ',H -'"I s-a -- e at- et a4Wa tT tteitt ! eMl.Mui,t 4 . . . .... " tytS' .(,-,.,. . . , . , . S.-...M,.,..Tr n -T---- 4 4.,.... 4M. ,. 4. 1, .f ... ' atetaoj Sinai 4aae m. teMt. i iin , ts , im, ; - '"to a,.) 4J 404, Mitf.Tttj lav w-a aitUA l, to. fat. ttitll He w d,t- W restHif t4-Hod taa 9i,nm V.i iHtoilHtfti.i,,,. a- - j. . . a... 4, . j . 111 1 a aa a a. m If 11 t ea'- BM at.attiii. tn tft 1 item an 1 a aula- nnH at aowinf tttoH. a I .. n, a.f wta -to-tni) a I tT-a'tf1 n T 4llmftt4 wlett-t.e,, I thtri ease- Aoiovyaft .. I ftttvotk aMBtaittka o a. t. aua a.uiil 4. . tt ta jM a a.- a. MaaM-aoa a a aw 1 f I MM UIJ tls' U eay.tIj.M,'.a V,.;.. " " ' . ny.t- a4.. teas a io v.i.,tto . 1 a.,Mtavi ea.taa iM , aNCTlXM rVJ ft- a f- V. T a a a. A feJ ftatn, fa, t. at seltU H ttel Mclik l4Ct4 Ikj Sltaw .. tulftintw t. tat tafartta m . t,we . 09 HK"W.MM.. ' 4- .I". Hit IIH. - tf '"'0 J.I.W. t.W tWl.'rlM 4 aeaiewew t. "rTBEiTTY'S 4 IS' 4 -.v y -4.. . ; ie ,o.i4.. ntMv 2ii ? I T..VeM ef. fe U'tt e tatlt' a litfHti aK S-litllM.ttt) i IWS., fi uc nrzz til. , li)f f1 t t-fta ,j w'Ho to,, '-.. ; tlntt.ltti, i,m"n1i A Si.rti .Mt.i4-t) 1VtMi .! its tH-ti h t m 'IS 4tM s J,, tt s tttt Ha. i.tttl ttl-f V ieos., fi.e-t H Mil ' Mt ! Ml I I H -t 1 ismMi HIIN 6 111 Jitidittv, " H e tf tt ; S4?.t H ; " 'n-' t, i e . .f ... . , . v. M r .''tltrfotj, T4l a W1 '- tt Mr.ll , I Vf i it il f. 1 . i l't-!t- ll'tlii m f a , feKitf - Si'K , f I fl 4 A 4 f 4 ' e I' I' t.,i M a 144 t Jf tj,t,v-.4j . ty ' IH a : 4 ,. r Ml -it!- 4iH.--t-'t r t e";,, Until it if It.tti 1, t ai 4n 4 a-, - .wrwittt t. tte fl.ae 01 anat .vastMto to. ...... , , . ... .. .rmnqr vw imlltlt iHBOtl..,-. tta.MeaKM.4X4 -..4. - ,ml m 4m ittaai. alf l fWaWt H aoo a--, a. l J Til TAT w-ift, ' II " . too , ,,t.HH.t. .a . .,. a,. H t AIt. - ' 7' fmTZm - 4-a T V 1 rtn Clsti5rn. awium .wt'f-i'iin tttwWh.., o w t im "" ''W H.,.. , ...... . , n:-. '''aso lWw eairo. 4 t. t. m 4 "! .fcf w tease "ei '. -f. fo 4 , lT f t jt f V. at i-talt .- T 41 fx f 4 te 4 I i ' aW- t 4i; - a T?- rv-ft "? A a t,3 ia e, 4 tun,. t. uti, ' itn4etft0 Mtia.O.K. "I ". 4; SMH, 4... t'lile ' ti. vt f'V( t. - ' 4ft( . t.l t;., "tn i 4.ntj m, 'tji i'llJ 4"tttw te 'A f 'i 1 .. 1 ( t ti ! ltSD tt- oM , , a. i, t a. i t I" a . i t i " i 4 .4 . w. ' 4. . ,thf4 't s . V t M itt. , t. HXUISUI ttlt. 1 ' a. 'fc-4v t. . 1 ,,. 4.. , VJZ at ,i... rJr-: ;-;-7 , ftf a fa tt i f tl , .-eA 4 Ml, M a,,,,.,, f't IN(-4.t-,t tf t I 4,.- ... , a a . a tt t 1. ot , 411 f ' 1t1 At t . -t filtt'i-tiiiutt,, -K t t. at 4 i , T I a .' At t -as 4t 1 4 4,tl ttUU'-iKT it n;:.xtia, et eeo- .. ta.. e ta , tat' y KWfti f it 11 , e m ""i." -' e 4tl. 4. t 4" 4fia4 VPf4l.ftf.a, 4S4tJ,4,M t-twW.It .if t. ft7tt f y, at c, , Vt. V.. Jl.i. ,.),, ,...4..4t'tJOa, ft.t'.i ttnttM'i VlittV an44 A 44 tao .4.t44.4 ., ........ ... 4- t at. .t tO,... t . .44. . .4 4 - -4 . v. ' .'-'..'''i.r.V aftHaftWUt --- ft4 4ftt i4 waet- " if- t. t , i a4 aH -1 s ' - atMla a ei 44ak4ja trs.rat tuais, 4i, ft ! , 4'..t.-..t. (,..,. 4 iV lit. t tt , t.t. 4 4,.4 ia,., Sttittta. nattt I4tt- 4141.4. vftrara-j .1 viflJ) 1 4"V 1 1j 'aw aaaae eaaaaaae easaaaaaaaaa e4 4t 4 .4. ,

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